path: root/lib/bundler/source/git.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/source/git.rb')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/git.rb b/lib/bundler/source/git.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b00608bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/source/git.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "bundler/vendored_fileutils"
+require "uri"
+module Bundler
+ class Source
+ class Git < Path
+ autoload :GitProxy, "bundler/source/git/git_proxy"
+ attr_reader :uri, :ref, :branch, :options, :submodules
+ def initialize(options)
+ @options = options
+ @glob = options["glob"] || DEFAULT_GLOB
+ @allow_cached = false
+ @allow_remote = false
+ # Stringify options that could be set as symbols
+ %w[ref branch tag revision].each {|k| options[k] = options[k].to_s if options[k] }
+ @uri = options["uri"] || ""
+ @safe_uri = URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_uri(@uri)
+ @branch = options["branch"]
+ @ref = options["ref"] || options["branch"] || options["tag"] || "master"
+ @submodules = options["submodules"]
+ @name = options["name"]
+ @version = options["version"].to_s.strip.gsub("-", ".pre.")
+ @copied = false
+ @local = false
+ end
+ def self.from_lock(options)
+ new(options.merge("uri" => options.delete("remote")))
+ end
+ def to_lock
+ out = String.new("GIT\n")
+ out << " remote: #{@uri}\n"
+ out << " revision: #{revision}\n"
+ %w[ref branch tag submodules].each do |opt|
+ out << " #{opt}: #{options[opt]}\n" if options[opt]
+ end
+ out << " glob: #{@glob}\n" unless @glob == DEFAULT_GLOB
+ out << " specs:\n"
+ end
+ def hash
+ [self.class, uri, ref, branch, name, version, submodules].hash
+ end
+ def eql?(other)
+ other.is_a?(Git) && uri == other.uri && ref == other.ref &&
+ branch == other.branch && name == other.name &&
+ version == other.version && submodules == other.submodules
+ end
+ alias_method :==, :eql?
+ def to_s
+ at = if local?
+ path
+ elsif user_ref = options["ref"]
+ if ref =~ /\A[a-z0-9]{4,}\z/i
+ shortref_for_display(user_ref)
+ else
+ user_ref
+ end
+ else
+ ref
+ end
+ rev = begin
+ "@#{shortref_for_display(revision)}"
+ rescue GitError
+ nil
+ end
+ "#{@safe_uri} (at #{at}#{rev})"
+ end
+ def name
+ File.basename(@uri, ".git")
+ end
+ # This is the path which is going to contain a specific
+ # checkout of the git repository. When using local git
+ # repos, this is set to the local repo.
+ def install_path
+ @install_path ||= begin
+ git_scope = "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(revision)}"
+ path = Bundler.install_path.join(git_scope)
+ if !path.exist? && Bundler.requires_sudo?
+ Bundler.user_bundle_path.join(Bundler.ruby_scope).join(git_scope)
+ else
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method :path, :install_path
+ def extension_dir_name
+ "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(revision)}"
+ end
+ def unlock!
+ git_proxy.revision = nil
+ options["revision"] = nil
+ @unlocked = true
+ end
+ def local_override!(path)
+ return false if local?
+ path = Pathname.new(path)
+ path = path.expand_path(Bundler.root) unless path.relative?
+ unless options["branch"] || Bundler.settings[:disable_local_branch_check]
+ raise GitError, "Cannot use local override for #{name} at #{path} because " \
+ ":branch is not specified in Gemfile. Specify a branch or use " \
+ "`bundle config --delete` to remove the local override"
+ end
+ unless path.exist?
+ raise GitError, "Cannot use local override for #{name} because #{path} " \
+ "does not exist. Check `bundle config --delete` to remove the local override"
+ end
+ set_local!(path)
+ # Create a new git proxy without the cached revision
+ # so the Gemfile.lock always picks up the new revision.
+ @git_proxy = GitProxy.new(path, uri, ref)
+ if git_proxy.branch != options["branch"] && !Bundler.settings[:disable_local_branch_check]
+ raise GitError, "Local override for #{name} at #{path} is using branch " \
+ "#{git_proxy.branch} but Gemfile specifies #{options["branch"]}"
+ end
+ changed = cached_revision && cached_revision != git_proxy.revision
+ if changed && !@unlocked && !git_proxy.contains?(cached_revision)
+ raise GitError, "The Gemfile lock is pointing to revision #{shortref_for_display(cached_revision)} " \
+ "but the current branch in your local override for #{name} does not contain such commit. " \
+ "Please make sure your branch is up to date."
+ end
+ changed
+ end
+ def specs(*)
+ set_local!(app_cache_path) if has_app_cache? && !local?
+ if requires_checkout? && !@copied
+ fetch
+ git_proxy.copy_to(install_path, submodules)
+ serialize_gemspecs_in(install_path)
+ @copied = true
+ end
+ local_specs
+ end
+ def install(spec, options = {})
+ force = options[:force]
+ print_using_message "Using #{version_message(spec)} from #{self}"
+ if (requires_checkout? && !@copied) || force
+ Bundler.ui.debug " * Checking out revision: #{ref}"
+ git_proxy.copy_to(install_path, submodules)
+ serialize_gemspecs_in(install_path)
+ @copied = true
+ end
+ generate_bin_options = { :disable_extensions => !Bundler.rubygems.spec_missing_extensions?(spec), :build_args => options[:build_args] }
+ generate_bin(spec, generate_bin_options)
+ requires_checkout? ? spec.post_install_message : nil
+ end
+ def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
+ app_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)
+ return unless Bundler.feature_flag.cache_all?
+ return if path == app_cache_path
+ cached!
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(app_cache_path)
+ git_proxy.checkout if requires_checkout?
+ git_proxy.copy_to(app_cache_path, @submodules)
+ serialize_gemspecs_in(app_cache_path)
+ end
+ def load_spec_files
+ super
+ rescue PathError => e
+ Bundler.ui.trace e
+ raise GitError, "#{self} is not yet checked out. Run `bundle install` first."
+ end
+ # This is the path which is going to contain a cache
+ # of the git repository. When using the same git repository
+ # across different projects, this cache will be shared.
+ # When using local git repos, this is set to the local repo.
+ def cache_path
+ @cache_path ||= begin
+ if Bundler.requires_sudo? || Bundler.feature_flag.global_gem_cache?
+ Bundler.user_cache
+ else
+ Bundler.bundle_path.join("cache", "bundler")
+ end.join("git", git_scope)
+ end
+ end
+ def app_cache_dirname
+ "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(cached_revision || revision)}"
+ end
+ def revision
+ git_proxy.revision
+ end
+ def allow_git_ops?
+ @allow_remote || @allow_cached
+ end
+ private
+ def serialize_gemspecs_in(destination)
+ destination = destination.expand_path(Bundler.root) if destination.relative?
+ Dir["#{destination}/#{@glob}"].each do |spec_path|
+ # Evaluate gemspecs and cache the result. Gemspecs
+ # in git might require git or other dependencies.
+ # The gemspecs we cache should already be evaluated.
+ spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(spec_path)
+ next unless spec
+ Bundler.rubygems.set_installed_by_version(spec)
+ Bundler.rubygems.validate(spec)
+ File.open(spec_path, "wb") {|file| file.write(spec.to_ruby) }
+ end
+ end
+ def set_local!(path)
+ @local = true
+ @local_specs = @git_proxy = nil
+ @cache_path = @install_path = path
+ end
+ def has_app_cache?
+ cached_revision && super
+ end
+ def local?
+ @local
+ end
+ def requires_checkout?
+ allow_git_ops? && !local?
+ end
+ def base_name
+ File.basename(uri.sub(%r{^(\w+://)?([^/:]+:)?(//\w*/)?(\w*/)*}, ""), ".git")
+ end
+ def shortref_for_display(ref)
+ ref[0..6]
+ end
+ def shortref_for_path(ref)
+ ref[0..11]
+ end
+ def uri_hash
+ if uri =~ %r{^\w+://(\w+@)?}
+ # Downcase the domain component of the URI
+ # and strip off a trailing slash, if one is present
+ input = URI.parse(uri).normalize.to_s.sub(%r{/$}, "")
+ else
+ # If there is no URI scheme, assume it is an ssh/git URI
+ input = uri
+ end
+ SharedHelpers.digest(:SHA1).hexdigest(input)
+ end
+ def cached_revision
+ options["revision"]
+ end
+ def cached?
+ cache_path.exist?
+ end
+ def git_proxy
+ @git_proxy ||= GitProxy.new(cache_path, uri, ref, cached_revision, self)
+ end
+ def fetch
+ git_proxy.checkout
+ rescue GitError => e
+ raise unless Bundler.feature_flag.allow_offline_install?
+ Bundler.ui.warn "Using cached git data because of network errors:\n#{e}"
+ end
+ # no-op, since we validate when re-serializing the gemspec
+ def validate_spec(_spec); end
+ if Bundler.rubygems.stubs_provide_full_functionality?
+ def load_gemspec(file)
+ stub = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub(file, install_path.parent, install_path.parent)
+ stub.full_gem_path = Pathname.new(file).dirname.expand_path(root).to_s.untaint
+ StubSpecification.from_stub(stub)
+ end
+ end
+ def git_scope
+ "#{base_name}-#{uri_hash}"
+ end
+ def extension_cache_slug(_)
+ extension_dir_name
+ end
+ end
+ end