path: root/lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb b/lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c05d7a5afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "shellwords"
+require "tempfile"
+module Bundler
+ class Source
+ class Git
+ class GitNotInstalledError < GitError
+ def initialize
+ msg = String.new
+ msg << "You need to install git to be able to use gems from git repositories. "
+ msg << "For help installing git, please refer to GitHub's tutorial at https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git"
+ super msg
+ end
+ end
+ class GitNotAllowedError < GitError
+ def initialize(command)
+ msg = String.new
+ msg << "Bundler is trying to run a `git #{command}` at runtime. You probably need to run `bundle install`. However, "
+ msg << "this error message could probably be more useful. Please submit a ticket at http://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues "
+ msg << "with steps to reproduce as well as the following\n\nCALLER: #{caller.join("\n")}"
+ super msg
+ end
+ end
+ class GitCommandError < GitError
+ def initialize(command, path = nil, extra_info = nil)
+ msg = String.new
+ msg << "Git error: command `git #{command}` in directory #{SharedHelpers.pwd} has failed."
+ msg << "\n#{extra_info}" if extra_info
+ msg << "\nIf this error persists you could try removing the cache directory '#{path}'" if path && path.exist?
+ super msg
+ end
+ end
+ class MissingGitRevisionError < GitError
+ def initialize(ref, repo)
+ msg = "Revision #{ref} does not exist in the repository #{repo}. Maybe you misspelled it?"
+ super msg
+ end
+ end
+ # The GitProxy is responsible to interact with git repositories.
+ # All actions required by the Git source is encapsulated in this
+ # object.
+ class GitProxy
+ attr_accessor :path, :uri, :ref
+ attr_writer :revision
+ def initialize(path, uri, ref, revision = nil, git = nil)
+ @path = path
+ @uri = uri
+ @ref = ref
+ @revision = revision
+ @git = git
+ raise GitNotInstalledError.new if allow? && !Bundler.git_present?
+ end
+ def revision
+ return @revision if @revision
+ begin
+ @revision ||= find_local_revision
+ rescue GitCommandError
+ raise MissingGitRevisionError.new(ref, uri)
+ end
+ @revision
+ end
+ def branch
+ @branch ||= allowed_in_path do
+ git("rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").strip
+ end
+ end
+ def contains?(commit)
+ allowed_in_path do
+ result = git_null("branch --contains #{commit}")
+ $? == 0 && result =~ /^\* (.*)$/
+ end
+ end
+ def version
+ git("--version").match(/(git version\s*)?((\.?\d+)+).*/)[2]
+ end
+ def full_version
+ git("--version").sub("git version", "").strip
+ end
+ def checkout
+ if path.exist?
+ return if has_revision_cached?
+ Bundler.ui.info "Fetching #{URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_uri(uri)}"
+ in_path do
+ git_retry %(fetch --force --quiet --tags #{uri_escaped_with_configured_credentials} "refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*")
+ end
+ else
+ Bundler.ui.info "Fetching #{URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_uri(uri)}"
+ SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(path.dirname) do |p|
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(p)
+ end
+ git_retry %(clone #{uri_escaped_with_configured_credentials} "#{path}" --bare --no-hardlinks --quiet)
+ end
+ end
+ def copy_to(destination, submodules = false)
+ # method 1
+ unless File.exist?(destination.join(".git"))
+ begin
+ SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(destination.dirname) do |p|
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(p)
+ end
+ SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(destination) do |p|
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(p)
+ end
+ git_retry %(clone --no-checkout --quiet "#{path}" "#{destination}")
+ File.chmod(((File.stat(destination).mode | 0o777) & ~File.umask), destination)
+ rescue Errno::EEXIST => e
+ file_path = e.message[%r{.*?(/.*)}, 1]
+ raise GitError, "Bundler could not install a gem because it needs to " \
+ "create a directory, but a file exists - #{file_path}. Please delete " \
+ "this file and try again."
+ end
+ end
+ # method 2
+ SharedHelpers.chdir(destination) do
+ git_retry %(fetch --force --quiet --tags "#{path}")
+ git "reset --hard #{@revision}"
+ if submodules
+ git_retry "submodule update --init --recursive"
+ elsif Gem::Version.create(version) >= Gem::Version.create("2.9.0")
+ git_retry "submodule deinit --all --force"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # TODO: Do not rely on /dev/null.
+ # Given that open3 is not cross platform until Ruby 1.9.3,
+ # the best solution is to pipe to /dev/null if it exists.
+ # If it doesn't, everything will work fine, but the user
+ # will get the $stderr messages as well.
+ def git_null(command)
+ git("#{command} 2>#{Bundler::NULL}", false)
+ end
+ def git_retry(command)
+ Bundler::Retry.new("`git #{command}`", GitNotAllowedError).attempts do
+ git(command)
+ end
+ end
+ def git(command, check_errors = true, error_msg = nil)
+ command_with_no_credentials = URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_string(command, uri)
+ raise GitNotAllowedError.new(command_with_no_credentials) unless allow?
+ out = SharedHelpers.with_clean_git_env do
+ capture_and_filter_stderr(uri) { `git #{command}` }
+ end
+ stdout_with_no_credentials = URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_string(out, uri)
+ raise GitCommandError.new(command_with_no_credentials, path, error_msg) if check_errors && !$?.success?
+ stdout_with_no_credentials
+ end
+ def has_revision_cached?
+ return unless @revision
+ in_path { git("cat-file -e #{@revision}") }
+ true
+ rescue GitError
+ false
+ end
+ def remove_cache
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(path)
+ end
+ def find_local_revision
+ allowed_in_path do
+ git("rev-parse --verify #{Shellwords.shellescape(ref)}", true).strip
+ end
+ end
+ # Escape the URI for git commands
+ def uri_escaped_with_configured_credentials
+ remote = configured_uri_for(uri)
+ if Bundler::WINDOWS
+ # Windows quoting requires double quotes only, with double quotes
+ # inside the string escaped by being doubled.
+ '"' + remote.gsub('"') { '""' } + '"'
+ else
+ # Bash requires single quoted strings, with the single quotes escaped
+ # by ending the string, escaping the quote, and restarting the string.
+ "'" + remote.gsub("'") { "'\\''" } + "'"
+ end
+ end
+ # Adds credentials to the URI as Fetcher#configured_uri_for does
+ def configured_uri_for(uri)
+ if /https?:/ =~ uri
+ remote = URI(uri)
+ config_auth = Bundler.settings[remote.to_s] || Bundler.settings[remote.host]
+ remote.userinfo ||= config_auth
+ remote.to_s
+ else
+ uri
+ end
+ end
+ def allow?
+ @git ? @git.allow_git_ops? : true
+ end
+ def in_path(&blk)
+ checkout unless path.exist?
+ SharedHelpers.chdir(path, &blk)
+ end
+ def allowed_in_path
+ return in_path { yield } if allow?
+ raise GitError, "The git source #{uri} is not yet checked out. Please run `bundle install` before trying to start your application"
+ end
+ # TODO: Replace this with Open3 when upgrading to bundler 2
+ # Similar to #git_null, as Open3 is not cross-platform,
+ # a temporary way is to use Tempfile to capture the stderr.
+ # When replacing this using Open3, make sure git_null is
+ # also replaced by Open3, so stdout and stderr all got handled properly.
+ def capture_and_filter_stderr(uri)
+ return_value, captured_err = ""
+ backup_stderr = STDERR.dup
+ begin
+ Tempfile.open("captured_stderr") do |f|
+ STDERR.reopen(f)
+ return_value = yield
+ f.rewind
+ captured_err = f.read
+ end
+ ensure
+ STDERR.reopen backup_stderr
+ end
+ $stderr.puts URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_string(captured_err, uri) if uri && !captured_err.empty?
+ return_value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end