path: root/lib/csv.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/csv.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/lib/csv.rb b/lib/csv.rb
index 279890e7e0..fe153153be 100644
--- a/lib/csv.rb
+++ b/lib/csv.rb
@@ -1051,133 +1051,6 @@ class CSV
- # This method allows you to serialize an Array of Ruby objects to a String or
- # File of CSV data. This is not as powerful as Marshal or YAML, but perhaps
- # useful for spreadsheet and database interaction.
- #
- # Out of the box, this method is intended to work with simple data objects or
- # Structs. It will serialize a list of instance variables and/or
- # Struct.members().
- #
- # If you need need more complicated serialization, you can control the process
- # by adding methods to the class to be serialized.
- #
- # A class method csv_meta() is responsible for returning the first row of the
- # document (as an Array). This row is considered to be a Hash of the form
- # key_1,value_1,key_2,value_2,... CSV::load() expects to find a class key
- # with a value of the stringified class name and CSV::dump() will create this,
- # if you do not define this method. This method is only called on the first
- # object of the Array.
- #
- # The next method you can provide is an instance method called csv_headers().
- # This method is expected to return the second line of the document (again as
- # an Array), which is to be used to give each column a header. By default,
- # CSV::load() will set an instance variable if the field header starts with an
- # @ character or call send() passing the header as the method name and
- # the field value as an argument. This method is only called on the first
- # object of the Array.
- #
- # Finally, you can provide an instance method called csv_dump(), which will
- # be passed the headers. This should return an Array of fields that can be
- # serialized for this object. This method is called once for every object in
- # the Array.
- #
- # The +io+ parameter can be used to serialize to a File, and +options+ can be
- # anything CSV::new() accepts.
- #
- def self.dump(ary_of_objs, io = "", options = Hash.new)
- obj_template = ary_of_objs.first
- csv = new(io, options)
- # write meta information
- begin
- csv << obj_template.class.csv_meta
- rescue NoMethodError
- csv << [:class, obj_template.class]
- end
- # write headers
- begin
- headers = obj_template.csv_headers
- rescue NoMethodError
- headers = obj_template.instance_variables.sort
- if obj_template.class.ancestors.find { |cls| cls.to_s =~ /\AStruct\b/ }
- headers += obj_template.members.map { |mem| "#{mem}=" }.sort
- end
- end
- csv << headers
- # serialize each object
- ary_of_objs.each do |obj|
- begin
- csv << obj.csv_dump(headers)
- rescue NoMethodError
- csv << headers.map do |var|
- if var[0] == ?@
- obj.instance_variable_get(var)
- else
- obj[var[0..-2]]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if io.is_a? String
- csv.string
- else
- csv.close
- end
- end
- #
- # This method is the reading counterpart to CSV::dump(). See that method for
- # a detailed description of the process.
- #
- # You can customize loading by adding a class method called csv_load() which
- # will be passed a Hash of meta information, an Array of headers, and an Array
- # of fields for the object the method is expected to return.
- #
- # Remember that all fields will be Strings after this load. If you need
- # something else, use +options+ to setup converters or provide a custom
- # csv_load() implementation.
- #
- def self.load(io_or_str, options = Hash.new)
- csv = new(io_or_str, options)
- # load meta information
- meta = Hash[*csv.shift]
- cls = meta["class".encode(csv.encoding)].split("::".encode(csv.encoding)).
- inject(Object) do |c, const|
- c.const_get(const)
- end
- # load headers
- headers = csv.shift
- # unserialize each object stored in the file
- results = csv.inject(Array.new) do |all, row|
- begin
- obj = cls.csv_load(meta, headers, row)
- rescue NoMethodError
- obj = cls.allocate
- headers.zip(row) do |name, value|
- if name[0] == ?@
- obj.instance_variable_set(name, value)
- else
- obj.send(name, value)
- end
- end
- end
- all << obj
- end
- csv.close unless io_or_str.is_a? String
- results
- end
- #
# :call-seq:
# filter( options = Hash.new ) { |row| ... }
# filter( input, options = Hash.new ) { |row| ... }