path: root/lib/irb/ext
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/irb/ext')
8 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/change-ws.rb b/lib/irb/ext/change-ws.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f15391e202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/change-ws.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# irb/ext/cb.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.9$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+module IRB
+ class Context
+ def home_workspace
+ if defined? @home_workspace
+ @home_workspace
+ else
+ @home_workspace = @workspace
+ end
+ end
+ def change_workspace(*_main)
+ if _main.empty?
+ @workspace = home_workspace
+ return main
+ end
+ @workspace = WorkSpace.new(_main[0])
+ if !(class<<main;ancestors;end).include?(ExtendCommandBundle)
+ main.extend ExtendCommandBundle
+ end
+ end
+# def change_binding(*_main)
+# back = @workspace
+# @workspace = WorkSpace.new(*_main)
+# unless _main.empty?
+# begin
+# main.extend ExtendCommandBundle
+# rescue
+# print "can't change binding to: ", main.inspect, "\n"
+# @workspace = back
+# return nil
+# end
+# end
+# @irb_level += 1
+# begin
+# catch(:SU_EXIT) do
+# @irb.eval_input
+# end
+# ensure
+# @irb_level -= 1
+# @workspace = back
+# end
+# end
+# alias change_workspace change_binding
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/history.rb b/lib/irb/ext/history.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d40a62e959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/history.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# history.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.9$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+module IRB
+ class Context
+ NOPRINTING_IVARS.push "@eval_history_values"
+ alias _set_last_value set_last_value
+ def set_last_value(value)
+ _set_last_value(value)
+ @workspace.evaluate self, "_ = IRB.CurrentContext.last_value"
+ if @eval_history #and !@eval_history_values.equal?(llv)
+ @eval_history_values.push @line_no, @last_value
+ @workspace.evaluate self, "__ = IRB.CurrentContext.instance_eval{@eval_history_values}"
+ end
+ @last_value
+ end
+ attr_reader :eval_history
+ def eval_history=(no)
+ if no
+ if @eval_history
+ @eval_history_values.size(no)
+ else
+ @eval_history_values = History.new(no)
+ IRB.conf[:__TMP__EHV__] = @eval_history_values
+ @workspace.evaluate(self, "__ = IRB.conf[:__TMP__EHV__]")
+ IRB.conf.delete(:__TMP_EHV__)
+ end
+ else
+ @eval_history_values = nil
+ end
+ @eval_history = no
+ end
+ end
+ class History
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id$-'
+ def initialize(size = 16)
+ @size = size
+ @contents = []
+ end
+ def size(size)
+ if size != 0 && size < @size
+ @contents = @contents[@size - size .. @size]
+ end
+ @size = size
+ end
+ def [](idx)
+ begin
+ if idx >= 0
+ @contents.find{|no, val| no == idx}[1]
+ else
+ @contents[idx][1]
+ end
+ rescue NameError
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def push(no, val)
+ @contents.push [no, val]
+ @contents.shift if @size != 0 && @contents.size > @size
+ end
+ alias real_inspect inspect
+ def inspect
+ if @contents.empty?
+ return real_inspect
+ end
+ unless (last = @contents.pop)[1].equal?(self)
+ @contents.push last
+ last = nil
+ end
+ str = @contents.collect{|no, val|
+ if val.equal?(self)
+ "#{no} ...self-history..."
+ else
+ "#{no} #{val.inspect}"
+ end
+ }.join("\n")
+ if str == ""
+ str = "Empty."
+ end
+ @contents.push last if last
+ str
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/loader.rb b/lib/irb/ext/loader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26e36e1209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+module IRB
+ class LoadAbort < Exception;end
+ module IrbLoader
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id$-'
+ alias ruby_load load
+ alias ruby_require require
+ def irb_load(fn, priv = nil)
+ path = search_file_from_ruby_path(fn)
+ raise LoadError, "No such file to load -- #{fn}" unless path
+ load_file(path, priv)
+ end
+ def search_file_from_ruby_path(fn)
+ if /^#{Regexp.quote(File::Separator)}/ =~ fn
+ return fn if File.exist?(fn)
+ return nil
+ end
+ for path in $:
+ if File.exist?(f = File.join(path, fn))
+ return f
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def source_file(path)
+ irb.suspend_name(path, File.basename(path)) do
+ irb.suspend_input_method(FileInputMethod.new(path)) do
+ |back_io|
+ irb.signal_status(:IN_LOAD) do
+ if back_io.kind_of?(FileInputMethod)
+ irb.eval_input
+ else
+ begin
+ irb.eval_input
+ rescue LoadAbort
+ print "load abort!!\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def load_file(path, priv = nil)
+ irb.suspend_name(path, File.basename(path)) do
+ if priv
+ ws = WorkSpace.new(Module.new)
+ else
+ ws = WorkSpace.new
+ end
+ irb.suspend_workspace(ws) do
+ irb.suspend_input_method(FileInputMethod.new(path)) do
+ |back_io|
+ irb.signal_status(:IN_LOAD) do
+# p irb.conf
+ if back_io.kind_of?(FileInputMethod)
+ irb.eval_input
+ else
+ begin
+ irb.eval_input
+ rescue LoadAbort
+ print "load abort!!\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def old
+ back_io = @io
+ back_path = @irb_path
+ back_name = @irb_name
+ back_scanner = @irb.scanner
+ begin
+ @io = FileInputMethod.new(path)
+ @irb_name = File.basename(path)
+ @irb_path = path
+ @irb.signal_status(:IN_LOAD) do
+ if back_io.kind_of?(FileInputMethod)
+ @irb.eval_input
+ else
+ begin
+ @irb.eval_input
+ rescue LoadAbort
+ print "load abort!!\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ @io = back_io
+ @irb_name = back_name
+ @irb_path = back_path
+ @irb.scanner = back_scanner
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/math-mode.rb b/lib/irb/ext/math-mode.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a98664448e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/math-mode.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# math-mode.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.9$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+require "mathn"
+module IRB
+ class Context
+ attr_reader :math_mode
+ alias math? math_mode
+ def math_mode=(opt)
+ if @math_mode == true && opt == false
+ IRB.fail CantRetuenNormalMode
+ return
+ end
+ @math_mode = opt
+ if math_mode
+ main.extend Math
+ print "start math mode\n" if verbose?
+ end
+ end
+ def inspect?
+ @inspect_mode.nil? && !@math_mode or @inspect_mode
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb b/lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86569ae333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# irb/multi-irb.rb - multiple irb module
+# $Release Version: 0.9$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ishitsuka.com)
+# --
+IRB.fail CanNotGoMultiIrbMode unless defined?(Thread)
+require "thread"
+module IRB
+ # job management class
+ class JobManager
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id$-'
+ def initialize
+ # @jobs = [[thread, irb],...]
+ @jobs = []
+ @current_job = nil
+ end
+ attr_accessor :current_job
+ def n_jobs
+ @jobs.size
+ end
+ def thread(key)
+ th, irb = search(key)
+ th
+ end
+ def irb(key)
+ th, irb = search(key)
+ irb
+ end
+ def main_thread
+ @jobs[0][0]
+ end
+ def main_irb
+ @jobs[0][1]
+ end
+ def insert(irb)
+ @jobs.push [Thread.current, irb]
+ end
+ def switch(key)
+ th, irb = search(key)
+ IRB.fail IrbAlreadyDead unless th.alive?
+ IRB.fail IrbSwitchToCurrentThread if th == Thread.current
+ @current_job = irb
+ th.run
+ Thread.stop
+ @current_job = irb(Thread.current)
+ end
+ def kill(*keys)
+ for key in keys
+ th, irb = search(key)
+ IRB.fail IrbAlreadyDead unless th.alive?
+ th.exit
+ end
+ end
+ def search(key)
+ case key
+ when Integer
+ @jobs[key]
+ when Irb
+ @jobs.find{|k, v| v.equal?(key)}
+ when Thread
+ @jobs.assoc(key)
+ else
+ assoc = @jobs.find{|k, v| v.context.main.equal?(key)}
+ IRB.fail NoSuchJob, key if assoc.nil?
+ assoc
+ end
+ end
+ def delete(key)
+ case key
+ when Integer
+ IRB.fail NoSuchJob, key unless @jobs[key]
+ @jobs[key] = nil
+ else
+ catch(:EXISTS) do
+ @jobs.each_index do
+ |i|
+ if @jobs[i] and (@jobs[i][0] == key ||
+ @jobs[i][1] == key ||
+ @jobs[i][1].context.main.equal?(key))
+ @jobs[i] = nil
+ throw :EXISTS
+ end
+ end
+ IRB.fail NoSuchJob, key
+ end
+ end
+ until assoc = @jobs.pop; end unless @jobs.empty?
+ @jobs.push assoc
+ end
+ def inspect
+ ary = []
+ @jobs.each_index do
+ |i|
+ th, irb = @jobs[i]
+ next if th.nil?
+ if th.alive?
+ if th.stop?
+ t_status = "stop"
+ else
+ t_status = "running"
+ end
+ else
+ t_status = "exited"
+ end
+ ary.push format("#%d->%s on %s (%s: %s)",
+ i,
+ irb.context.irb_name,
+ irb.context.main,
+ th,
+ t_status)
+ end
+ ary.join("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ @JobManager = JobManager.new
+ def IRB.JobManager
+ @JobManager
+ end
+ def IRB.CurrentContext
+ IRB.JobManager.irb(Thread.current).context
+ end
+ # invoke multi-irb
+ def IRB.irb(file = nil, *main)
+ workspace = WorkSpace.new(*main)
+ parent_thread = Thread.current
+ Thread.start do
+ begin
+ irb = Irb.new(workspace, file)
+ rescue
+ print "Subirb can't start with context(self): ", workspace.main.inspect, "\n"
+ print "return to main irb\n"
+ Thread.pass
+ Thread.main.wakeup
+ Thread.exit
+ end
+ @CONF[:IRB_RC].call(irb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC]
+ @JobManager.insert(irb)
+ @JobManager.current_job = irb
+ begin
+ system_exit = false
+ catch(:IRB_EXIT) do
+ irb.eval_input
+ end
+ rescue SystemExit
+ system_exit = true
+ raise
+ #fail
+ ensure
+ unless system_exit
+ @JobManager.delete(irb)
+ if parent_thread.alive?
+ @JobManager.current_job = @JobManager.irb(parent_thread)
+ parent_thread.run
+ else
+ @JobManager.current_job = @JobManager.main_irb
+ @JobManager.main_thread.run
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Thread.stop
+ @JobManager.current_job = @JobManager.irb(Thread.current)
+ end
+# class Context
+# def set_last_value(value)
+# @last_value = value
+# @workspace.evaluate "_ = IRB.JobManager.irb(Thread.current).context.last_value"
+# if @eval_history #and !@__.equal?(@last_value)
+# @eval_history_values.push @line_no, @last_value
+# @workspace.evaluate "__ = IRB.JobManager.irb(Thread.current).context.instance_eval{@eval_history_values}"
+# end
+# @last_value
+# end
+# end
+# module ExtendCommand
+# def irb_context
+# IRB.JobManager.irb(Thread.current).context
+# end
+# # alias conf irb_context
+# end
+ @JobManager.insert(@CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT].irb)
+ @JobManager.current_job = @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT].irb
+ class Irb
+ def signal_handle
+ unless @context.ignore_sigint?
+ print "\nabort!!\n" if @context.verbose?
+ exit
+ end
+ case @signal_status
+ when :IN_INPUT
+ print "^C\n"
+ IRB.JobManager.thread(self).raise RubyLex::TerminateLineInput
+ when :IN_EVAL
+ IRB.irb_abort(self)
+ when :IN_LOAD
+ IRB.irb_abort(self, LoadAbort)
+ when :IN_IRB
+ # ignore
+ else
+ # ignore other cases as well
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ trap("SIGINT") do
+ @JobManager.current_job.signal_handle
+ Thread.stop
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/tracer.rb b/lib/irb/ext/tracer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2528f74b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/tracer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# irb/lib/tracer.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.9$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+require "tracer"
+module IRB
+ # initialize tracing function
+ def IRB.initialize_tracer
+ Tracer.verbose = false
+ Tracer.add_filter {
+ |event, file, line, id, binding, *rests|
+ /^#{Regexp.quote(@CONF[:IRB_LIB_PATH])}/ !~ file and
+ File::basename(file) != "irb.rb"
+ }
+ end
+ class Context
+ attr_reader :use_tracer
+ alias use_tracer? use_tracer
+ def use_tracer=(opt)
+ if opt
+ Tracer.set_get_line_procs(@irb_path) {
+ |line_no, *rests|
+ @io.line(line_no)
+ }
+ elsif !opt && @use_tracer
+ Tracer.off
+ end
+ @use_tracer=opt
+ end
+ end
+ class WorkSpace
+ alias __evaluate__ evaluate
+ def evaluate(context, statements, file = nil, line = nil)
+ if context.use_tracer? && file != nil && line != nil
+ Tracer.on
+ begin
+ __evaluate__(context, statements, file, line)
+ ensure
+ Tracer.off
+ end
+ else
+ __evaluate__(context, statements, file || __FILE__, line || __LINE__)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ IRB.initialize_tracer
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/use-loader.rb b/lib/irb/ext/use-loader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a81b3aca7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/use-loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# use-loader.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.9$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+require "irb/cmd/load"
+require "irb/ext/loader"
+class Object
+ alias __original__load__IRB_use_loader__ load
+ alias __original__require__IRB_use_loader__ require
+module IRB
+ module ExtendCommandBundle
+ def irb_load(*opts, &b)
+ ExtendCommand::Load.execute(irb_context, *opts, &b)
+ end
+ def irb_require(*opts, &b)
+ ExtendCommand::Require.execute(irb_context, *opts, &b)
+ end
+ end
+ class Context
+ IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = false
+ def use_loader
+ end
+ alias use_loader? use_loader
+ def use_loader=(opt)
+ if IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] != opt
+ IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = opt
+ if opt
+ if !$".include?("irb/cmd/load")
+ end
+ (class<<@workspace.main;self;end).instance_eval {
+ alias_method :load, :irb_load
+ alias_method :require, :irb_require
+ }
+ else
+ (class<<@workspace.main;self;end).instance_eval {
+ alias_method :load, :__original__load__IRB_use_loader__
+ alias_method :require, :__original__require__IRB_use_loader__
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ print "Switch to load/require#{unless use_loader; ' non';end} trace mode.\n" if verbose?
+ opt
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/irb/ext/workspaces.rb b/lib/irb/ext/workspaces.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fe8f8a87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/ext/workspaces.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# push-ws.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.9$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nihon Rational Software Co.,Ltd)
+# --
+module IRB
+ class Context
+ def irb_level
+ workspace_stack.size
+ end
+ def workspaces
+ if defined? @workspaces
+ @workspaces
+ else
+ @workspaces = []
+ end
+ end
+ def push_workspace(*_main)
+ if _main.empty?
+ if workspaces.empty?
+ print "No other workspace\n"
+ return nil
+ end
+ ws = workspaces.pop
+ workspaces.push @workspace
+ @workspace = ws
+ return workspaces
+ end
+ workspaces.push @workspace
+ @workspace = WorkSpace.new(@workspace.binding, _main[0])
+ if !(class<<main;ancestors;end).include?(ExtendCommandBundle)
+ main.extend ExtendCommandBundle
+ end
+ end
+ def pop_workspace
+ if workspaces.empty?
+ print "workspace stack empty\n"
+ return
+ end
+ @workspace = workspaces.pop
+ end
+ end