path: root/lib/rake/doc/rational.rdoc
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-= Why rake?
-Ok, let me state from the beginning that I never intended to write this
-code. I'm not convinced it is useful, and I'm not convinced anyone
-would even be interested in it. All I can say is that Why's onion truck
-must by been passing through the Ohio valley.
-What am I talking about? ... A Ruby version of Make.
-See, I can sense you cringing already, and I agree. The world certainly
-doesn't need yet another reworking of the "make" program. I mean, we
-already have "ant". Isn't that enough?
-It started yesterday. I was helping a coworker fix a problem in one of
-the Makefiles we use in our project. Not a particularly tough problem,
-but during the course of the conversation I began lamenting some of the
-shortcomings of make. In particular, in one of my makefiles I wanted to
-determine the name of a file dynamically and had to resort to some
-simple scripting (in Ruby) to make it work. "Wouldn't it be nice if you
-could just use Ruby inside a Makefile" I said.
-My coworker (a recent convert to Ruby) agreed, but wondered what it
-would look like. So I sketched the following on the whiteboard...
- "What if you could specify the make tasks in Ruby, like this ..."
- task "build" do
- java_compile(...args, etc ...)
- end
- "The task function would register "build" as a target to be made,
- and the block would be the action executed whenever the build
- system determined that it was time to do the build target."
-We agreed that would be cool, but writing make from scratch would be WAY
-too much work. And that was the end of that!
-... Except I couldn't get the thought out of my head. What exactly
-would be needed to make the about syntax work as a make file? Hmmm, you
-would need to register the tasks, you need some way of specifying
-dependencies between tasks, and some way of kicking off the process.
-Hey! What if we did ... and fifteen minutes later I had a working
-prototype of Ruby make, complete with dependencies and actions.
-I showed the code to my coworker and we had a good laugh. It was just
-about a page worth of code that reproduced an amazing amount of the
-functionality of make. We were both truly stunned with the power of
-But it didn't do everything make did. In particular, it didn't have
-timestamp based file dependencies (where a file is rebuilt if any of its
-prerequisite files have a later timestamp). Obviously THAT would be a
-pain to add and so Ruby Make would remain an interesting experiment.
-... Except as I walked back to my desk, I started thinking about what
-file based dependencies would really need. Rats! I was hooked again,
-and by adding a new class and two new methods, file/timestamp
-dependencies were implemented.
-Ok, now I was really hooked. Last night (during CSI!) I massaged the
-code and cleaned it up a bit. The result is a bare-bones replacement
-for make in exactly 100 lines of code.
-For the curious, you can see it at ...
-* doc/proto_rake.rdoc
-Oh, about the name. When I wrote the example Ruby Make task on my
-whiteboard, my coworker exclaimed "Oh! I have the perfect name: Rake ...
-Get it? Ruby-Make. Rake!" He said he envisioned the tasks as leaves
-and Rake would clean them up ... or something like that. Anyways, the
-name stuck.
-Some quick examples ...
-A simple task to delete backup files ...
- task :clean do
- Dir['*~'].each {|fn| rm fn rescue nil}
- end
-Note that task names are symbols (they are slightly easier to type
-than quoted strings ... but you may use quoted string if you would
-rather). Rake makes the methods of the FileUtils module directly
-available, so we take advantage of the <tt>rm</tt> command. Also note
-the use of "rescue nil" to trap and ignore errors in the <tt>rm</tt>
-To run it, just type "rake clean". Rake will automatically find a
-Rakefile in the current directory (or above!) and will invoke the
-targets named on the command line. If there are no targets explicitly
-named, rake will invoke the task "default".
-Here's another task with dependencies ...
- task :clobber => [:clean] do
- rm_r "tempdir"
- end
-Task :clobber depends upon task :clean, so :clean will be run before
-:clobber is executed.
-Files are specified by using the "file" command. It is similar to the
-task command, except that the task name represents a file, and the task
-will be run only if the file doesn't exist, or if its modification time
-is earlier than any of its prerequisites.
-Here is a file based dependency that will compile "hello.cc" to
- file "hello.cc"
- file "hello.o" => ["hello.cc"] do |t|
- srcfile = t.name.sub(/\.o$/, ".cc")
- sh %{g++ #{srcfile} -c -o #{t.name}}
- end
-I normally specify file tasks with string (rather than symbols). Some
-file names can't be represented by symbols. Plus it makes the
-distinction between them more clear to the casual reader.
-Currently writing a task for each and every file in the project would be
-tedious at best. I envision a set of libraries to make this job
-easier. For instance, perhaps something like this ...
- require 'rake/ctools'
- Dir['*.c'].each do |fn|
- c_source_file(fn)
- end
-where "c_source_file" will create all the tasks need to compile all the
-C source files in a directory. Any number of useful libraries could be
-created for rake.
-That's it. There's no documentation (other than whats in this
-message). Does this sound interesting to anyone? If so, I'll continue
-to clean it up and write it up and publish it on RAA. Otherwise, I'll
-leave it as an interesting exercise and a tribute to the power of Ruby.
-Why /might/ rake be interesting to Ruby programmers. I don't know,
-perhaps ...
-* No weird make syntax (only weird Ruby syntax :-)
-* No need to edit or read XML (a la ant)
-* Platform independent build scripts.
-* Will run anywhere Ruby exists, so no need to have "make" installed.
- If you stay away from the "sys" command and use things like
- 'ftools', you can have a perfectly platform independent
- build script. Also rake is only 100 lines of code, so it can
- easily be packaged along with the rest of your code.
-So ... Sorry for the long rambling message. Like I said, I never
-intended to write this code at all.