path: root/lib/rake/task_manager.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rake/task_manager.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rake/task_manager.rb b/lib/rake/task_manager.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b4d85e75..0000000000
--- a/lib/rake/task_manager.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-module Rake
- # The TaskManager module is a mixin for managing tasks.
- module TaskManager
- # Track the last comment made in the Rakefile.
- attr_accessor :last_description
- # TODO: Remove in Rake 11
- alias :last_comment :last_description # :nodoc: Backwards compatibility
- def initialize # :nodoc:
- super
- @tasks = Hash.new
- @rules = Array.new
- @scope = Scope.make
- @last_description = nil
- end
- def create_rule(*args, &block) # :nodoc:
- pattern, args, deps = resolve_args(args)
- pattern = Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(pattern) + '$') if String === pattern
- @rules << [pattern, args, deps, block]
- end
- def define_task(task_class, *args, &block) # :nodoc:
- task_name, arg_names, deps = resolve_args(args)
- original_scope = @scope
- if String === task_name and
- not task_class.ancestors.include? Rake::FileTask then
- task_name, *definition_scope = *(task_name.split(":").reverse)
- @scope = Scope.make(*(definition_scope + @scope.to_a))
- end
- task_name = task_class.scope_name(@scope, task_name)
- deps = [deps] unless deps.respond_to?(:to_ary)
- deps = deps.map { |d| Rake.from_pathname(d).to_s }
- task = intern(task_class, task_name)
- task.set_arg_names(arg_names) unless arg_names.empty?
- if Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata
- add_location(task)
- task.add_description(get_description(task))
- end
- task.enhance(deps, &block)
- ensure
- @scope = original_scope
- end
- # Lookup a task. Return an existing task if found, otherwise
- # create a task of the current type.
- def intern(task_class, task_name)
- @tasks[task_name.to_s] ||= task_class.new(task_name, self)
- end
- # Find a matching task for +task_name+.
- def [](task_name, scopes=nil)
- task_name = task_name.to_s
- self.lookup(task_name, scopes) or
- enhance_with_matching_rule(task_name) or
- synthesize_file_task(task_name) or
- fail "Don't know how to build task '#{task_name}'"
- end
- def synthesize_file_task(task_name) # :nodoc:
- return nil unless File.exist?(task_name)
- define_task(Rake::FileTask, task_name)
- end
- # Resolve the arguments for a task/rule. Returns a triplet of
- # [task_name, arg_name_list, prerequisites].
- def resolve_args(args)
- if args.last.is_a?(Hash)
- deps = args.pop
- resolve_args_with_dependencies(args, deps)
- else
- resolve_args_without_dependencies(args)
- end
- end
- # Resolve task arguments for a task or rule when there are no
- # dependencies declared.
- #
- # The patterns recognized by this argument resolving function are:
- #
- # task :t
- # task :t, [:a]
- #
- def resolve_args_without_dependencies(args)
- task_name = args.shift
- if args.size == 1 && args.first.respond_to?(:to_ary)
- arg_names = args.first.to_ary
- else
- arg_names = args
- end
- [task_name, arg_names, []]
- end
- private :resolve_args_without_dependencies
- # Resolve task arguments for a task or rule when there are
- # dependencies declared.
- #
- # The patterns recognized by this argument resolving function are:
- #
- # task :t => [:d]
- # task :t, [a] => [:d]
- #
- def resolve_args_with_dependencies(args, hash) # :nodoc:
- fail "Task Argument Error" if hash.size != 1
- key, value = hash.map { |k, v| [k, v] }.first
- if args.empty?
- task_name = key
- arg_names = []
- deps = value || []
- else
- task_name = args.shift
- arg_names = key
- deps = value
- end
- deps = [deps] unless deps.respond_to?(:to_ary)
- [task_name, arg_names, deps]
- end
- private :resolve_args_with_dependencies
- # If a rule can be found that matches the task name, enhance the
- # task with the prerequisites and actions from the rule. Set the
- # source attribute of the task appropriately for the rule. Return
- # the enhanced task or nil of no rule was found.
- def enhance_with_matching_rule(task_name, level=0)
- fail Rake::RuleRecursionOverflowError,
- "Rule Recursion Too Deep" if level >= 16
- @rules.each do |pattern, args, extensions, block|
- if pattern.match(task_name)
- task = attempt_rule(task_name, args, extensions, block, level)
- return task if task
- end
- end
- nil
- rescue Rake::RuleRecursionOverflowError => ex
- ex.add_target(task_name)
- fail ex
- end
- # List of all defined tasks in this application.
- def tasks
- @tasks.values.sort_by { |t| t.name }
- end
- # List of all the tasks defined in the given scope (and its
- # sub-scopes).
- def tasks_in_scope(scope)
- prefix = scope.path
- tasks.select { |t|
- /^#{prefix}:/ =~ t.name
- }
- end
- # Clear all tasks in this application.
- def clear
- @tasks.clear
- @rules.clear
- end
- # Lookup a task, using scope and the scope hints in the task name.
- # This method performs straight lookups without trying to
- # synthesize file tasks or rules. Special scope names (e.g. '^')
- # are recognized. If no scope argument is supplied, use the
- # current scope. Return nil if the task cannot be found.
- def lookup(task_name, initial_scope=nil)
- initial_scope ||= @scope
- task_name = task_name.to_s
- if task_name =~ /^rake:/
- scopes = Scope.make
- task_name = task_name.sub(/^rake:/, '')
- elsif task_name =~ /^(\^+)/
- scopes = initial_scope.trim($1.size)
- task_name = task_name.sub(/^(\^+)/, '')
- else
- scopes = initial_scope
- end
- lookup_in_scope(task_name, scopes)
- end
- # Lookup the task name
- def lookup_in_scope(name, scope)
- loop do
- tn = scope.path_with_task_name(name)
- task = @tasks[tn]
- return task if task
- break if scope.empty?
- scope = scope.tail
- end
- nil
- end
- private :lookup_in_scope
- # Return the list of scope names currently active in the task
- # manager.
- def current_scope
- @scope
- end
- # Evaluate the block in a nested namespace named +name+. Create
- # an anonymous namespace if +name+ is nil.
- def in_namespace(name)
- name ||= generate_name
- @scope = Scope.new(name, @scope)
- ns = NameSpace.new(self, @scope)
- yield(ns)
- ns
- ensure
- @scope = @scope.tail
- end
- private
- # Add a location to the locations field of the given task.
- def add_location(task)
- loc = find_location
- task.locations << loc if loc
- task
- end
- # Find the location that called into the dsl layer.
- def find_location
- locations = caller
- i = 0
- while locations[i]
- return locations[i + 1] if locations[i] =~ /rake\/dsl_definition.rb/
- i += 1
- end
- nil
- end
- # Generate an anonymous namespace name.
- def generate_name
- @seed ||= 0
- @seed += 1
- "_anon_#{@seed}"
- end
- def trace_rule(level, message) # :nodoc:
- options.trace_output.puts "#{" " * level}#{message}" if
- Rake.application.options.trace_rules
- end
- # Attempt to create a rule given the list of prerequisites.
- def attempt_rule(task_name, args, extensions, block, level)
- sources = make_sources(task_name, extensions)
- prereqs = sources.map { |source|
- trace_rule level, "Attempting Rule #{task_name} => #{source}"
- if File.exist?(source) || Rake::Task.task_defined?(source)
- trace_rule level, "(#{task_name} => #{source} ... EXIST)"
- source
- elsif parent = enhance_with_matching_rule(source, level + 1)
- trace_rule level, "(#{task_name} => #{source} ... ENHANCE)"
- parent.name
- else
- trace_rule level, "(#{task_name} => #{source} ... FAIL)"
- return nil
- end
- }
- task = FileTask.define_task(task_name, {args => prereqs}, &block)
- task.sources = prereqs
- task
- end
- # Make a list of sources from the list of file name extensions /
- # translation procs.
- def make_sources(task_name, extensions)
- result = extensions.map { |ext|
- case ext
- when /%/
- task_name.pathmap(ext)
- when %r{/}
- ext
- when /^\./
- task_name.ext(ext)
- when String
- ext
- when Proc, Method
- if ext.arity == 1
- ext.call(task_name)
- else
- ext.call
- end
- else
- fail "Don't know how to handle rule dependent: #{ext.inspect}"
- end
- }
- result.flatten
- end
- # Return the current description, clearing it in the process.
- def get_description(task)
- desc = @last_description
- @last_description = nil
- desc
- end
- class << self
- attr_accessor :record_task_metadata # :nodoc:
- TaskManager.record_task_metadata = false
- end
- end