path: root/lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 1056 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb b/lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb
index 3fdd86314d..c60dad92df 100644
--- a/lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb
+++ b/lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb
@@ -1,1061 +1,23 @@
-# We represent the various high-level code constructs that appear
-# in Ruby programs: classes, modules, methods, and so on.
+# We represent the various high-level code constructs that appear in Ruby
+# programs: classes, modules, methods, and so on.
-require 'rdoc/tokenstream'
+require 'rdoc/code_object'
+require 'rdoc/context'
+require 'rdoc/top_level'
-module RDoc
+require 'rdoc/class_module'
+require 'rdoc/normal_class'
+require 'rdoc/normal_module'
+require 'rdoc/anon_class'
+require 'rdoc/single_class'
- ##
- # We contain the common stuff for contexts (which are containers) and other
- # elements (methods, attributes and so on)
+require 'rdoc/any_method'
+require 'rdoc/alias'
+require 'rdoc/ghost_method'
+require 'rdoc/meta_method'
- class CodeObject
+require 'rdoc/attr'
+require 'rdoc/constant'
+require 'rdoc/require'
+require 'rdoc/include'
- attr_accessor :parent
- # We are the model of the code, but we know that at some point
- # we will be worked on by viewers. By implementing the Viewable
- # protocol, viewers can associated themselves with these objects.
- attr_accessor :viewer
- # are we done documenting (ie, did we come across a :enddoc:)?
- attr_accessor :done_documenting
- # Which section are we in
- attr_accessor :section
- # do we document ourselves?
- attr_reader :document_self
- def initialize
- @document_self = true
- @document_children = true
- @force_documentation = false
- @done_documenting = false
- end
- def document_self=(val)
- @document_self = val
- if !val
- remove_methods_etc
- end
- end
- # set and cleared by :startdoc: and :enddoc:, this is used to toggle
- # the capturing of documentation
- def start_doc
- @document_self = true
- @document_children = true
- end
- def stop_doc
- @document_self = false
- @document_children = false
- end
- # do we document ourselves and our children
- attr_reader :document_children
- def document_children=(val)
- @document_children = val
- if !val
- remove_classes_and_modules
- end
- end
- # Do we _force_ documentation, even is we wouldn't normally show the entity
- attr_accessor :force_documentation
- def parent_file_name
- @parent ? @parent.file_base_name : '(unknown)'
- end
- def parent_name
- @parent ? @parent.name : '(unknown)'
- end
- # Default callbacks to nothing, but this is overridden for classes
- # and modules
- def remove_classes_and_modules
- end
- def remove_methods_etc
- end
- # Access the code object's comment
- attr_reader :comment
- # Update the comment, but don't overwrite a real comment with an empty one
- def comment=(comment)
- @comment = comment unless comment.empty?
- end
- # There's a wee trick we pull. Comment blocks can have directives that
- # override the stuff we extract during the parse. So, we have a special
- # class method, attr_overridable, that lets code objects list
- # those directives. Wehn a comment is assigned, we then extract
- # out any matching directives and update our object
- def self.attr_overridable(name, *aliases)
- @overridables ||= {}
- attr_accessor name
- aliases.unshift name
- aliases.each do |directive_name|
- @overridables[directive_name.to_s] = name
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # A Context is something that can hold modules, classes, methods,
- # attributes, aliases, requires, and includes. Classes, modules, and files
- # are all Contexts.
- class Context < CodeObject
- attr_reader :aliases
- attr_reader :attributes
- attr_reader :constants
- attr_reader :current_section
- attr_reader :in_files
- attr_reader :includes
- attr_reader :method_list
- attr_reader :name
- attr_reader :requires
- attr_reader :sections
- attr_reader :visibility
- class Section
- attr_reader :title, :comment, :sequence
- @@sequence = "SEC00000"
- def initialize(title, comment)
- @title = title
- @@sequence.succ!
- @sequence = @@sequence.dup
- @comment = nil
- set_comment(comment)
- end
- def ==(other)
- self.class === other and @sequence == other.sequence
- end
- def inspect
- "#<%s:0x%x %s %p>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- @sequence, title
- ]
- end
- ##
- # Set the comment for this section from the original comment block If
- # the first line contains :section:, strip it and use the rest.
- # Otherwise remove lines up to the line containing :section:, and look
- # for those lines again at the end and remove them. This lets us write
- #
- # # ---------------------
- # # :SECTION: The title
- # # The body
- # # ---------------------
- def set_comment(comment)
- return unless comment
- if comment =~ /^#[ \t]*:section:.*\n/
- start = $`
- rest = $'
- if start.empty?
- @comment = rest
- else
- @comment = rest.sub(/#{start.chomp}\Z/, '')
- end
- else
- @comment = comment
- end
- @comment = nil if @comment.empty?
- end
- end
- def initialize
- super
- @in_files = []
- @name ||= "unknown"
- @comment ||= ""
- @parent = nil
- @visibility = :public
- @current_section = Section.new(nil, nil)
- @sections = [ @current_section ]
- initialize_methods_etc
- initialize_classes_and_modules
- end
- ##
- # map the class hash to an array externally
- def classes
- @classes.values
- end
- ##
- # map the module hash to an array externally
- def modules
- @modules.values
- end
- ##
- # return the classes Hash (only to be used internally)
- def classes_hash
- @classes
- end
- protected :classes_hash
- ##
- # return the modules Hash (only to be used internally)
- def modules_hash
- @modules
- end
- protected :modules_hash
- ##
- # Change the default visibility for new methods
- def ongoing_visibility=(vis)
- @visibility = vis
- end
- ##
- # Yields Method and Attr entries matching the list of names in +methods+.
- # Attributes are only returned when +singleton+ is false.
- def methods_matching(methods, singleton = false)
- count = 0
- @method_list.each do |m|
- if methods.include? m.name and m.singleton == singleton then
- yield m
- count += 1
- end
- end
- return if count == methods.size || singleton
- # perhaps we need to look at attributes
- @attributes.each do |a|
- yield a if methods.include? a.name
- end
- end
- ##
- # Given an array +methods+ of method names, set the visibility of the
- # corresponding AnyMethod object
- def set_visibility_for(methods, vis, singleton = false)
- methods_matching methods, singleton do |m|
- m.visibility = vis
- end
- end
- ##
- # Record the file that we happen to find it in
- def record_location(toplevel)
- @in_files << toplevel unless @in_files.include?(toplevel)
- end
- # Return true if at least part of this thing was defined in +file+
- def defined_in?(file)
- @in_files.include?(file)
- end
- def add_class(class_type, name, superclass)
- klass = add_class_or_module @classes, class_type, name, superclass
- #
- # If the parser encounters Container::Item before encountering
- # Container, then it assumes that Container is a module. This
- # may not be the case, so remove Container from the module list
- # if present and transfer any contained classes and modules to
- # the new class.
- #
- mod = @modules.delete(name)
- if mod then
- klass.classes_hash.update(mod.classes_hash)
- klass.modules_hash.update(mod.modules_hash)
- klass.method_list.concat(mod.method_list)
- end
- return klass
- end
- def add_module(class_type, name)
- add_class_or_module(@modules, class_type, name, nil)
- end
- def add_method(a_method)
- a_method.visibility = @visibility
- add_to(@method_list, a_method)
- unmatched_alias_list = @unmatched_alias_lists[a_method.name]
- if unmatched_alias_list then
- unmatched_alias_list.each do |unmatched_alias|
- add_alias_impl unmatched_alias, a_method
- @aliases.delete unmatched_alias
- end
- @unmatched_alias_lists.delete a_method.name
- end
- end
- def add_attribute(an_attribute)
- add_to(@attributes, an_attribute)
- end
- def add_alias_impl(an_alias, meth)
- new_meth = AnyMethod.new(an_alias.text, an_alias.new_name)
- new_meth.is_alias_for = meth
- new_meth.singleton = meth.singleton
- new_meth.params = meth.params
- new_meth.comment = "Alias for \##{meth.name}"
- meth.add_alias(new_meth)
- add_method(new_meth)
- end
- def add_alias(an_alias)
- meth = find_instance_method_named(an_alias.old_name)
- if meth then
- add_alias_impl(an_alias, meth)
- else
- add_to(@aliases, an_alias)
- unmatched_alias_list = @unmatched_alias_lists[an_alias.old_name] ||= []
- unmatched_alias_list.push(an_alias)
- end
- an_alias
- end
- def add_include(an_include)
- add_to(@includes, an_include)
- end
- def add_constant(const)
- add_to(@constants, const)
- end
- # Requires always get added to the top-level (file) context
- def add_require(a_require)
- if TopLevel === self then
- add_to @requires, a_require
- else
- parent.add_require a_require
- end
- end
- def add_class_or_module(collection, class_type, name, superclass=nil)
- cls = collection[name]
- if cls then
- cls.superclass = superclass unless cls.module?
- puts "Reusing class/module #{name}" if $DEBUG_RDOC
- else
- cls = class_type.new(name, superclass)
-# collection[name] = cls if @document_self && !@done_documenting
- collection[name] = cls if !@done_documenting
- cls.parent = self
- cls.section = @current_section
- end
- cls
- end
- def add_to(array, thing)
- array << thing if @document_self and not @done_documenting
- thing.parent = self
- thing.section = @current_section
- end
- # If a class's documentation is turned off after we've started
- # collecting methods etc., we need to remove the ones
- # we have
- def remove_methods_etc
- initialize_methods_etc
- end
- def initialize_methods_etc
- @method_list = []
- @attributes = []
- @aliases = []
- @requires = []
- @includes = []
- @constants = []
- # This Hash maps a method name to a list of unmatched
- # aliases (aliases of a method not yet encountered).
- @unmatched_alias_lists = {}
- end
- # and remove classes and modules when we see a :nodoc: all
- def remove_classes_and_modules
- initialize_classes_and_modules
- end
- def initialize_classes_and_modules
- @classes = {}
- @modules = {}
- end
- # Find a named module
- def find_module_named(name)
- # First check the enclosed modules, then check the module itself,
- # then check the enclosing modules (this mirrors the check done by
- # the Ruby parser)
- res = @modules[name] || @classes[name]
- return res if res
- return self if self.name == name
- find_enclosing_module_named(name)
- end
- # find a module at a higher scope
- def find_enclosing_module_named(name)
- parent && parent.find_module_named(name)
- end
- # Iterate over all the classes and modules in
- # this object
- def each_classmodule
- @modules.each_value {|m| yield m}
- @classes.each_value {|c| yield c}
- end
- def each_method
- @method_list.each {|m| yield m}
- end
- def each_attribute
- @attributes.each {|a| yield a}
- end
- def each_constant
- @constants.each {|c| yield c}
- end
- # Return the toplevel that owns us
- def toplevel
- return @toplevel if defined? @toplevel
- @toplevel = self
- @toplevel = @toplevel.parent until TopLevel === @toplevel
- @toplevel
- end
- # allow us to sort modules by name
- def <=>(other)
- name <=> other.name
- end
- ##
- # Look up +symbol+. If +method+ is non-nil, then we assume the symbol
- # references a module that contains that method.
- def find_symbol(symbol, method = nil)
- result = nil
- case symbol
- when /^::(.*)/ then
- result = toplevel.find_symbol($1)
- when /::/ then
- modules = symbol.split(/::/)
- unless modules.empty? then
- module_name = modules.shift
- result = find_module_named(module_name)
- if result then
- modules.each do |name|
- result = result.find_module_named(name)
- break unless result
- end
- end
- end
- else
- # if a method is specified, then we're definitely looking for
- # a module, otherwise it could be any symbol
- if method
- result = find_module_named(symbol)
- else
- result = find_local_symbol(symbol)
- if result.nil?
- if symbol =~ /^[A-Z]/
- result = parent
- while result && result.name != symbol
- result = result.parent
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if result and method then
- fail unless result.respond_to? :find_local_symbol
- result = result.find_local_symbol(method)
- end
- result
- end
- def find_local_symbol(symbol)
- res = find_method_named(symbol) ||
- find_constant_named(symbol) ||
- find_attribute_named(symbol) ||
- find_module_named(symbol) ||
- find_file_named(symbol)
- end
- # Handle sections
- def set_current_section(title, comment)
- @current_section = Section.new(title, comment)
- @sections << @current_section
- end
- private
- # Find a named method, or return nil
- def find_method_named(name)
- @method_list.find {|meth| meth.name == name}
- end
- # Find a named instance method, or return nil
- def find_instance_method_named(name)
- @method_list.find {|meth| meth.name == name && !meth.singleton}
- end
- # Find a named constant, or return nil
- def find_constant_named(name)
- @constants.find {|m| m.name == name}
- end
- # Find a named attribute, or return nil
- def find_attribute_named(name)
- @attributes.find {|m| m.name == name}
- end
- ##
- # Find a named file, or return nil
- def find_file_named(name)
- toplevel.class.find_file_named(name)
- end
- end
- ##
- # A TopLevel context is a source file
- class TopLevel < Context
- attr_accessor :file_stat
- attr_accessor :file_relative_name
- attr_accessor :file_absolute_name
- attr_accessor :diagram
- @@all_classes = {}
- @@all_modules = {}
- @@all_files = {}
- def self.reset
- @@all_classes = {}
- @@all_modules = {}
- @@all_files = {}
- end
- def initialize(file_name)
- super()
- @name = "TopLevel"
- @file_relative_name = file_name
- @file_absolute_name = file_name
- @file_stat = File.stat(file_name)
- @diagram = nil
- @@all_files[file_name] = self
- end
- def file_base_name
- File.basename @file_absolute_name
- end
- def full_name
- nil
- end
- ##
- # Adding a class or module to a TopLevel is special, as we only want one
- # copy of a particular top-level class. For example, if both file A and
- # file B implement class C, we only want one ClassModule object for C.
- # This code arranges to share classes and modules between files.
- def add_class_or_module(collection, class_type, name, superclass)
- cls = collection[name]
- if cls then
- cls.superclass = superclass unless cls.module?
- puts "Reusing class/module #{cls.full_name}" if $DEBUG_RDOC
- else
- if class_type == NormalModule then
- all = @@all_modules
- else
- all = @@all_classes
- end
- cls = all[name]
- if !cls then
- cls = class_type.new name, superclass
- all[name] = cls unless @done_documenting
- else
- # If the class has been encountered already, check that its
- # superclass has been set (it may not have been, depending on
- # the context in which it was encountered).
- if class_type == NormalClass
- if !cls.superclass then
- cls.superclass = superclass
- end
- end
- end
- collection[name] = cls unless @done_documenting
- cls.parent = self
- end
- cls
- end
- def self.all_classes_and_modules
- @@all_classes.values + @@all_modules.values
- end
- def self.find_class_named(name)
- @@all_classes.each_value do |c|
- res = c.find_class_named(name)
- return res if res
- end
- nil
- end
- def self.find_file_named(name)
- @@all_files[name]
- end
- def find_local_symbol(symbol)
- find_class_or_module_named(symbol) || super
- end
- def find_class_or_module_named(symbol)
- @@all_classes.each_value {|c| return c if c.name == symbol}
- @@all_modules.each_value {|m| return m if m.name == symbol}
- nil
- end
- ##
- # Find a named module
- def find_module_named(name)
- find_class_or_module_named(name) || find_enclosing_module_named(name)
- end
- def inspect
- "#<%s:0x%x %p modules: %p classes: %p>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- file_base_name,
- @modules.map { |n,m| m },
- @classes.map { |n,c| c }
- ]
- end
- end
- ##
- # ClassModule is the base class for objects representing either a class or a
- # module.
- class ClassModule < Context
- attr_accessor :diagram
- def initialize(name, superclass = nil)
- @name = name
- @diagram = nil
- @superclass = superclass
- @comment = ""
- super()
- end
- def find_class_named(name)
- return self if full_name == name
- @classes.each_value {|c| return c if c.find_class_named(name) }
- nil
- end
- ##
- # Return the fully qualified name of this class or module
- def full_name
- if @parent && @parent.full_name
- @parent.full_name + "::" + @name
- else
- @name
- end
- end
- def http_url(prefix)
- path = full_name.split("::")
- File.join(prefix, *path) + ".html"
- end
- ##
- # Does this object represent a module?
- def module?
- false
- end
- ##
- # Get the superclass of this class. Attempts to retrieve the superclass'
- # real name by following module nesting.
- def superclass
- raise NoMethodError, "#{full_name} is a module" if module?
- scope = self
- begin
- superclass = scope.classes.find { |c| c.name == @superclass }
- return superclass.full_name if superclass
- scope = scope.parent
- end until scope.nil? or TopLevel === scope
- @superclass
- end
- ##
- # Set the superclass of this class
- def superclass=(superclass)
- raise NoMethodError, "#{full_name} is a module" if module?
- if @superclass.nil? or @superclass == 'Object' then
- @superclass = superclass
- end
- end
- def to_s
- "#{self.class}: #{@name} #{@comment} #{super}"
- end
- end
- ##
- # Anonymous classes
- class AnonClass < ClassModule
- end
- ##
- # Normal classes
- class NormalClass < ClassModule
- def inspect
- superclass = @superclass ? " < #{@superclass}" : nil
- "<%s:0x%x class %s%s includes: %p attributes: %p methods: %p aliases: %p>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- @name, superclass, @includes, @attributes, @method_list, @aliases
- ]
- end
- end
- ##
- # Singleton classes
- class SingleClass < ClassModule
- end
- ##
- # Module
- class NormalModule < ClassModule
- def comment=(comment)
- return if comment.empty?
- comment = @comment << "# ---\n" << comment unless @comment.empty?
- super
- end
- def inspect
- "#<%s:0x%x module %s includes: %p attributes: %p methods: %p aliases: %p>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- @name, @includes, @attributes, @method_list, @aliases
- ]
- end
- def module?
- true
- end
- end
- ##
- # AnyMethod is the base class for objects representing methods
- class AnyMethod < CodeObject
- attr_accessor :name
- attr_accessor :visibility
- attr_accessor :block_params
- attr_accessor :dont_rename_initialize
- attr_accessor :singleton
- attr_reader :text
- # list of other names for this method
- attr_reader :aliases
- # method we're aliasing
- attr_accessor :is_alias_for
- attr_overridable :params, :param, :parameters, :parameter
- attr_accessor :call_seq
- include TokenStream
- def initialize(text, name)
- super()
- @text = text
- @name = name
- @token_stream = nil
- @visibility = :public
- @dont_rename_initialize = false
- @block_params = nil
- @aliases = []
- @is_alias_for = nil
- @comment = ""
- @call_seq = nil
- end
- def <=>(other)
- @name <=> other.name
- end
- def add_alias(method)
- @aliases << method
- end
- def inspect
- alias_for = @is_alias_for ? " (alias for #{@is_alias_for.name})" : nil
- "#<%s:0x%x %s%s%s (%s)%s>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- parent_name,
- singleton ? '::' : '#',
- name,
- visibility,
- alias_for,
- ]
- end
- def param_seq
- params = params.gsub(/\s*\#.*/, '')
- params = params.tr("\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
- params = "(#{params})" unless p[0] == ?(
- if block = block_params then # yes, =
- # If this method has explicit block parameters, remove any explicit
- # &block
- params.sub!(/,?\s*&\w+/)
- block.gsub!(/\s*\#.*/, '')
- block = block.tr("\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
- if block[0] == ?(
- block.sub!(/^\(/, '').sub!(/\)/, '')
- end
- params << " { |#{block}| ... }"
- end
- params
- end
- def to_s
- res = self.class.name + ": " + @name + " (" + @text + ")\n"
- res << @comment.to_s
- res
- end
- end
- ##
- # GhostMethod represents a method referenced only by a comment
- class GhostMethod < AnyMethod
- end
- ##
- # MetaMethod represents a meta-programmed method
- class MetaMethod < AnyMethod
- end
- ##
- # Represent an alias, which is an old_name/ new_name pair associated with a
- # particular context
- class Alias < CodeObject
- attr_accessor :text, :old_name, :new_name, :comment
- def initialize(text, old_name, new_name, comment)
- super()
- @text = text
- @old_name = old_name
- @new_name = new_name
- self.comment = comment
- end
- def inspect
- "#<%s:0x%x %s.alias_method %s, %s>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- parent.name, @old_name, @new_name,
- ]
- end
- def to_s
- "alias: #{self.old_name} -> #{self.new_name}\n#{self.comment}"
- end
- end
- ##
- # Represent a constant
- class Constant < CodeObject
- attr_accessor :name, :value
- def initialize(name, value, comment)
- super()
- @name = name
- @value = value
- self.comment = comment
- end
- end
- ##
- # Represent attributes
- class Attr < CodeObject
- attr_accessor :text, :name, :rw, :visibility
- def initialize(text, name, rw, comment)
- super()
- @text = text
- @name = name
- @rw = rw
- @visibility = :public
- self.comment = comment
- end
- def <=>(other)
- self.name <=> other.name
- end
- def inspect
- attr = case rw
- when 'RW' then :attr_accessor
- when 'R' then :attr_reader
- when 'W' then :attr_writer
- else
- " (#{rw})"
- end
- "#<%s:0x%x %s.%s :%s>" % [
- self.class, object_id,
- parent_name, attr, @name,
- ]
- end
- def to_s
- "attr: #{self.name} #{self.rw}\n#{self.comment}"
- end
- end
- ##
- # A required file
- class Require < CodeObject
- attr_accessor :name
- def initialize(name, comment)
- super()
- @name = name.gsub(/'|"/, "") #'
- self.comment = comment
- end
- def inspect
- "#<%s:0x%x require '%s' in %s>" % [
- self.class,
- object_id,
- @name,
- parent_file_name,
- ]
- end
- end
- ##
- # An included module
- class Include < CodeObject
- attr_accessor :name
- def initialize(name, comment)
- super()
- @name = name
- self.comment = comment
- end
- def inspect
- "#<%s:0x%x %s.include %s>" % [
- self.class,
- object_id,
- parent_name, @name,
- ]
- end
- end