path: root/lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb b/lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f6b647fbc1..0000000000
--- a/lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-require 'rdoc/ri'
-# readline support might not be present, so be careful
-# when requiring it.
- require('readline')
- require('abbrev')
- CAN_USE_READLINE = true # HACK use an RDoc namespace constant
-rescue LoadError
-# This is a kind of 'flag' module. If you want to write your own 'ri' display
-# module (perhaps because you're writing an IDE), you write a class which
-# implements the various 'display' methods in RDoc::RI::DefaultDisplay, and
-# include the RDoc::RI::Display module in that class.
-# To access your class from the command line, you can do
-# ruby -r <your source file> ../ri ....
-module RDoc::RI::Display
- @@display_class = nil
- def self.append_features(display_class)
- @@display_class = display_class
- end
- def self.new(*args)
- @@display_class.new(*args)
- end
-# A paging display module. Uses the RDoc::RI::Formatter class to do the actual
-# presentation.
-class RDoc::RI::DefaultDisplay
- include RDoc::RI::Display
- def initialize(formatter, width, use_stdout, output = $stdout)
- @use_stdout = use_stdout
- @formatter = formatter.new output, width, " "
- end
- ##
- # Display information about +klass+. Fetches additional information from
- # +ri_reader+ as necessary.
- def display_class_info(klass)
- page do
- superclass = klass.superclass
- if superclass
- superclass = " < " + superclass
- else
- superclass = ""
- end
- @formatter.draw_line(klass.display_name + ": " +
- klass.full_name + superclass)
- display_flow(klass.comment)
- @formatter.draw_line
- unless klass.includes.empty?
- @formatter.blankline
- @formatter.display_heading("Includes:", 2, "")
- incs = []
- klass.includes.each do |inc|
- incs << inc.name
- end
- @formatter.wrap(incs.sort.join(', '))
- end
- unless klass.constants.empty?
- @formatter.blankline
- @formatter.display_heading("Constants:", 2, "")
- constants = klass.constants.sort_by { |constant| constant.name }
- constants.each do |constant|
- @formatter.wrap "#{constant.name} = #{constant.value}"
- if constant.comment then
- @formatter.indent do
- @formatter.display_flow constant.comment
- end
- else
- @formatter.break_to_newline
- end
- end
- end
- unless klass.attributes.empty? then
- @formatter.blankline
- @formatter.display_heading 'Attributes:', 2, ''
- attributes = klass.attributes.sort_by { |attribute| attribute.name }
- attributes.each do |attribute|
- if attribute.comment then
- @formatter.wrap "#{attribute.name} (#{attribute.rw}):"
- @formatter.indent do
- @formatter.display_flow attribute.comment
- end
- else
- @formatter.wrap "#{attribute.name} (#{attribute.rw})"
- @formatter.break_to_newline
- end
- end
- end
- return display_class_method_list(klass)
- end
- end
- ##
- # Given a Hash mapping a class' methods to method types (returned by
- # display_class_method_list), this method allows the user to
- # choose one of the methods.
- def get_class_method_choice(method_map)
- # prepare abbreviations for tab completion
- abbreviations = method_map.keys.abbrev
- Readline.completion_proc = proc do |string|
- abbreviations.values.uniq.grep(/^#{string}/)
- end
- end
- @formatter.raw_print_line "\nEnter the method name you want.\n"
- @formatter.raw_print_line "Class methods can be preceeded by '::' and instance methods by '#'.\n"
- @formatter.raw_print_line "You can use tab to autocomplete.\n"
- @formatter.raw_print_line "Enter a blank line to exit.\n"
- choice_string = Readline.readline(">> ").strip
- else
- @formatter.raw_print_line "Enter a blank line to exit.\n"
- @formatter.raw_print_line ">> "
- choice_string = $stdin.gets.strip
- end
- if choice_string == ''
- return nil
- else
- class_or_instance = method_map[choice_string]
- if class_or_instance
- # If the user's choice is not preceeded by a '::' or a '#', figure
- # out whether they want a class or an instance method and decorate
- # the choice appropriately.
- if(choice_string =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/)
- if(class_or_instance == :class)
- choice_string = "::#{choice_string}"
- else
- choice_string = "##{choice_string}"
- end
- end
- return choice_string
- else
- @formatter.raw_print_line "No method matched '#{choice_string}'.\n"
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Display methods on +klass+
- # Returns a hash mapping method name to method contents (HACK?)
- def display_class_method_list(klass)
- method_map = {}
- class_data = [
- :class_methods,
- :class_method_extensions,
- :instance_methods,
- :instance_method_extensions,
- ]
- class_data.each do |data_type|
- data = klass.send data_type
- unless data.nil? or data.empty? then
- @formatter.blankline
- heading = data_type.to_s.split('_').join(' ').capitalize << ':'
- @formatter.display_heading heading, 2, ''
- method_names = []
- data.each do |item|
- method_names << item.name
- if(data_type == :class_methods ||
- data_type == :class_method_extensions) then
- method_map["::#{item.name}"] = :class
- method_map[item.name] = :class
- else
- #
- # Since we iterate over instance methods after class methods,
- # an instance method always will overwrite the unqualified
- # class method entry for a class method of the same name.
- #
- method_map["##{item.name}"] = :instance
- method_map[item.name] = :instance
- end
- end
- method_names.sort!
- @formatter.wrap method_names.join(', ')
- end
- end
- method_map
- end
- private :display_class_method_list
- ##
- # Display an Array of RDoc::Markup::Flow objects, +flow+.
- def display_flow(flow)
- if flow and not flow.empty? then
- @formatter.display_flow flow
- else
- @formatter.wrap '[no description]'
- end
- end
- ##
- # Display information about +method+.
- def display_method_info(method)
- page do
- @formatter.draw_line(method.full_name)
- display_params(method)
- @formatter.draw_line
- display_flow(method.comment)
- if method.aliases and not method.aliases.empty? then
- @formatter.blankline
- aka = "(also known as #{method.aliases.map { |a| a.name }.join(', ')})"
- @formatter.wrap aka
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Display the list of +methods+.
- def display_method_list(methods)
- page do
- @formatter.wrap "More than one method matched your request. You can refine your search by asking for information on one of:"
- @formatter.blankline
- methods.each do |method|
- @formatter.raw_print_line "#{method.full_name} [#{method.source_path}]\n"
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Display a list of +methods+ and allow the user to select one of them.
- def display_method_list_choice(methods)
- page do
- @formatter.wrap "More than one method matched your request. Please choose one of the possible matches."
- @formatter.blankline
- methods.each_with_index do |method, index|
- @formatter.raw_print_line "%3d %s [%s]\n" % [index + 1, method.full_name, method.source_path]
- end
- @formatter.raw_print_line ">> "
- choice = $stdin.gets.strip!
- if(choice == '')
- return
- end
- choice = choice.to_i
- if ((choice == 0) || (choice > methods.size)) then
- @formatter.raw_print_line "Invalid choice!\n"
- else
- method = methods[choice - 1]
- display_method_info(method)
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Display the params for +method+.
- def display_params(method)
- params = method.params
- if params[0,1] == "(" then
- if method.is_singleton
- params = method.full_name + params
- else
- params = method.name + params
- end
- end
- params.split(/\n/).each do |param|
- @formatter.wrap param
- @formatter.break_to_newline
- end
- @formatter.blankline
- @formatter.wrap("From #{method.source_path}")
- end
- ##
- # List the classes in +classes+.
- def list_known_classes(classes)
- if classes.empty?
- warn_no_database
- else
- page do
- @formatter.draw_line "Known classes and modules"
- @formatter.blankline
- @formatter.wrap classes.sort.join(', ')
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Paginates output through a pager program.
- def page
- if pager = setup_pager then
- begin
- orig_output = @formatter.output
- @formatter.output = pager
- yield
- ensure
- @formatter.output = orig_output
- pager.close
- end
- else
- yield
- end
- rescue Errno::EPIPE
- end
- ##
- # Sets up a pager program to pass output through.
- def setup_pager
- unless @use_stdout then
- for pager in [ ENV['PAGER'], "less", "more", 'pager' ].compact.uniq
- return IO.popen(pager, "w") rescue nil
- end
- @use_stdout = true
- nil
- end
- end
- ##
- # Displays a message that describes how to build RI data.
- def warn_no_database
- output = @formatter.output
- output.puts "No ri data found"
- output.puts
- output.puts "If you've installed Ruby yourself, you need to generate documentation using:"
- output.puts
- output.puts " make install-doc"
- output.puts
- output.puts "from the same place you ran `make` to build ruby."
- output.puts
- output.puts "If you installed Ruby from a packaging system, then you may need to"
- output.puts "install an additional package, or ask the packager to enable ri generation."
- end