path: root/lib/rexml/parsers
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rexml/parsers')
5 files changed, 597 insertions, 573 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb b/lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb
index e95cba8904..bce4ba4c20 100644
--- a/lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb
+++ b/lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb
@@ -2,103 +2,103 @@ require 'rexml/parseexception'
require 'rexml/source'
module REXML
- module Parsers
- # = Using the Pull Parser
- # <em>This API is experimental, and subject to change.</em>
- # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>text<b att='val'/>txet</a>" )
- # while parser.has_next?
- # res = parser.next
- # puts res[1]['att'] if res.start_tag? and res[0] == 'b'
- # end
- # See the PullEvent class for information on the content of the results.
- # The data is identical to the arguments passed for the various events to
- # the StreamListener API.
- #
- # Notice that:
- # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>BAD DOCUMENT" )
- # while parser.has_next?
- # res = parser.next
- # raise res[1] if res.error?
- # end
- #
- # Nat Price gave me some good ideas for the API.
- class BaseParser
- NCNAME_STR= '[\w:][\-\w\d.]*'
+ module Parsers
+ # = Using the Pull Parser
+ # <em>This API is experimental, and subject to change.</em>
+ # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>text<b att='val'/>txet</a>" )
+ # while parser.has_next?
+ # res = parser.next
+ # puts res[1]['att'] if res.start_tag? and res[0] == 'b'
+ # end
+ # See the PullEvent class for information on the content of the results.
+ # The data is identical to the arguments passed for the various events to
+ # the StreamListener API.
+ #
+ # Notice that:
+ # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>BAD DOCUMENT" )
+ # while parser.has_next?
+ # res = parser.next
+ # raise res[1] if res.error?
+ # end
+ #
+ # Nat Price gave me some good ideas for the API.
+ class BaseParser
+ NCNAME_STR= '[\w:][\-\w\d.]*'
- NAMECHAR = '[\-\w\d\.:]'
- NAME = "([\\w:]#{NAMECHAR}*)"
- NMTOKEN = "(?:#{NAMECHAR})+"
- REFERENCE = "(?:&#{NAME};|&#\\d+;|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;)"
+ NAMECHAR = '[\-\w\d\.:]'
+ NAME = "([\\w:]#{NAMECHAR}*)"
+ NMTOKEN = "(?:#{NAMECHAR})+"
+ REFERENCE = "(?:&#{NAME};|&#\\d+;|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;)"
- DOCTYPE_PATTERN = /\s*<!DOCTYPE\s+(.*?)(\[|>)/um
- ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = /\s*(#{NAME_STR})\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)\2/um
- COMMENT_START = /\A<!--/u
- COMMENT_PATTERN = /<!--(.*?)-->/um
- CDATA_START = /\A<!\[CDATA\[/u
- CDATA_END = /^\s*\]\s*>/um
- CDATA_PATTERN = /<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]>/um
- XMLDECL_START = /\A<\?xml\s/u;
- XMLDECL_PATTERN = /<\?xml\s+(.*?)\?>*/um
- INSTRUCTION_PATTERN = /<\?(.*?)(\s+.*?)?\?>/um
- TAG_MATCH = /^<((?>#{NAME_STR}))\s*((?>\s+#{NAME_STR}\s*=\s*(["']).*?\3)*)\s*(\/)?>/um
- CLOSE_MATCH = /^\s*<\/(#{NAME_STR})\s*>/um
+ DOCTYPE_PATTERN = /\s*<!DOCTYPE\s+(.*?)(\[|>)/um
+ ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = /\s*(#{NAME_STR})\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)\2/um
+ COMMENT_START = /\A<!--/u
+ COMMENT_PATTERN = /<!--(.*?)-->/um
+ CDATA_START = /\A<!\[CDATA\[/u
+ CDATA_END = /^\s*\]\s*>/um
+ CDATA_PATTERN = /<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]>/um
+ XMLDECL_START = /\A<\?xml\s/u;
+ XMLDECL_PATTERN = /<\?xml\s+(.*?)\?>/um
+ INSTRUCTION_PATTERN = /<\?(.*?)(\s+.*?)?\?>/um
+ TAG_MATCH = /^<((?>#{NAME_STR}))\s*((?>\s+#{NAME_STR}\s*=\s*(["']).*?\3)*)\s*(\/)?>/um
+ CLOSE_MATCH = /^\s*<\/(#{NAME_STR})\s*>/um
- VERSION = /\bversion\s*=\s*["'](.*?)['"]/um
- ENCODING = /\bencoding=["'](.*?)['"]/um
- STANDALONE = /\bstandalone=["'](.*?)['"]/um
+ VERSION = /\bversion\s*=\s*["'](.*?)['"]/um
+ ENCODING = /\bencoding=["'](.*?)['"]/um
+ STANDALONE = /\bstandalone=["'](.*?)['"]/um
- IDENTITY = /^([!\*\w\-]+)(\s+#{NCNAME_STR})?(\s+["'].*?['"])?(\s+['"].*?["'])?/u
- SYSTEMENTITY = /^\s*(%.*?;)\s*$/um
- ENUMERATION = "\\(\\s*#{NMTOKEN}(?:\\s*\\|\\s*#{NMTOKEN})*\\s*\\)"
- NOTATIONTYPE = "NOTATION\\s+\\(\\s*#{NAME}(?:\\s*\\|\\s*#{NAME})*\\s*\\)"
- ATTVALUE = "(?:\"((?:[^<&\"]|#{REFERENCE})*)\")|(?:'((?:[^<&']|#{REFERENCE})*)')"
- ATTDEF = "\\s+#{NAME}\\s+#{ATTTYPE}\\s+#{DEFAULTDECL}"
- PUBLIC = /^\s*<!NOTATION\s+(\w[\-\w]*)\s+(PUBLIC)\s+((["']).*?\4)\s*>/um
- SYSTEM = /^\s*<!NOTATION\s+(\w[\-\w]*)\s+(SYSTEM)\s+((["']).*?\4)\s*>/um
+ IDENTITY = /^([!\*\w\-]+)(\s+#{NCNAME_STR})?(\s+["'].*?['"])?(\s+['"].*?["'])?/u
+ SYSTEMENTITY = /^\s*(%.*?;)\s*$/um
+ ENUMERATION = "\\(\\s*#{NMTOKEN}(?:\\s*\\|\\s*#{NMTOKEN})*\\s*\\)"
+ NOTATIONTYPE = "NOTATION\\s+\\(\\s*#{NAME}(?:\\s*\\|\\s*#{NAME})*\\s*\\)"
+ ATTVALUE = "(?:\"((?:[^<&\"]|#{REFERENCE})*)\")|(?:'((?:[^<&']|#{REFERENCE})*)')"
+ ATTDEF = "\\s+#{NAME}\\s+#{ATTTYPE}\\s+#{DEFAULTDECL}"
+ PUBLIC = /^\s*<!NOTATION\s+(\w[\-\w]*)\s+(PUBLIC)\s+(["'])(.*?)\3(?:\s+(["'])(.*?)\5)?\s*>/um
+ SYSTEM = /^\s*<!NOTATION\s+(\w[\-\w]*)\s+(SYSTEM)\s+(["'])(.*?)\3\s*>/um
- TEXT_PATTERN = /\A([^<]*)/um
+ TEXT_PATTERN = /\A([^<]*)/um
- # Entity constants
- PUBIDCHAR = "\x20\x0D\x0Aa-zA-Z0-9\\-()+,./:=?;!*@$_%#"
- SYSTEMLITERAL = %Q{((?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*'))}
- NDATADECL = "\\s+NDATA\\s+#{NAME}"
- ENTITYVALUE = %Q{((?:"(?:[^%&"]|#{PEREFERENCE}|#{REFERENCE})*")|(?:'([^%&']|#{PEREFERENCE}|#{REFERENCE})*'))}
- PEDECL = "<!ENTITY\\s+(%)\\s+#{NAME}\\s+#{PEDEF}\\s*>"
- GEDECL = "<!ENTITY\\s+#{NAME}\\s+#{ENTITYDEF}\\s*>"
- ENTITYDECL = /\s*(?:#{GEDECL})|(?:#{PEDECL})/um
+ # Entity constants
+ PUBIDCHAR = "\x20\x0D\x0Aa-zA-Z0-9\\-()+,./:=?;!*@$_%#"
+ SYSTEMLITERAL = %Q{((?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*'))}
+ NDATADECL = "\\s+NDATA\\s+#{NAME}"
+ ENTITYVALUE = %Q{((?:"(?:[^%&"]|#{PEREFERENCE}|#{REFERENCE})*")|(?:'([^%&']|#{PEREFERENCE}|#{REFERENCE})*'))}
+ PEDECL = "<!ENTITY\\s+(%)\\s+#{NAME}\\s+#{PEDEF}\\s*>"
+ GEDECL = "<!ENTITY\\s+#{NAME}\\s+#{ENTITYDEF}\\s*>"
+ ENTITYDECL = /\s*(?:#{GEDECL})|(?:#{PEDECL})/um
- EREFERENCE = /&(?!#{NAME};)/
+ EREFERENCE = /&(?!#{NAME};)/
- 'gt' => [/&gt;/, '&gt;', '>', />/],
- 'lt' => [/&lt;/, '&lt;', '<', /</],
- 'quot' => [/&quot;/, '&quot;', '"', /"/],
- "apos" => [/&apos;/, "&apos;", "'", /'/]
- }
+ 'gt' => [/&gt;/, '&gt;', '>', />/],
+ 'lt' => [/&lt;/, '&lt;', '<', /</],
+ 'quot' => [/&quot;/, '&quot;', '"', /"/],
+ "apos" => [/&apos;/, "&apos;", "'", /'/]
+ }
- def initialize( source )
- self.stream = source
- end
+ def initialize( source )
+ self.stream = source
+ end
def add_listener( listener )
if !defined?(@listeners) or !@listeners
@@ -119,315 +119,320 @@ module REXML
attr_reader :source
- def stream=( source )
- if source.kind_of? String
- @source = Source.new(source)
- elsif source.kind_of? IO
- @source = IOSource.new(source)
- elsif source.kind_of? Source
- @source = source
- elsif defined? StringIO and source.kind_of? StringIO
- @source = IOSource.new(source)
- else
- raise "#{source.class} is not a valid input stream. It must be \n"+
- "either a String, IO, StringIO or Source."
- end
- @closed = nil
- @document_status = nil
- @tags = []
- @stack = []
- @entities = []
- end
+ def stream=( source )
+ @source = SourceFactory.create_from( source )
+ @closed = nil
+ @document_status = nil
+ @tags = []
+ @stack = []
+ @entities = []
+ end
+ def position
+ if @source.respond_to? :position
+ @source.position
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ end
- # Returns true if there are no more events
- def empty?
- #puts "@source.empty? = #{@source.empty?}"
- #puts "@stack.empty? = #{@stack.empty?}"
+ # Returns true if there are no more events
+ def empty?
+ #STDERR.puts "@source.empty? = #{@source.empty?}"
+ #STDERR.puts "@stack.empty? = #{@stack.empty?}"
return (@source.empty? and @stack.empty?)
- end
+ end
- # Returns true if there are more events. Synonymous with !empty?
- def has_next?
+ # Returns true if there are more events. Synonymous with !empty?
+ def has_next?
return !(@source.empty? and @stack.empty?)
- end
+ end
- # Push an event back on the head of the stream. This method
- # has (theoretically) infinite depth.
- def unshift token
- @stack.unshift(token)
- end
+ # Push an event back on the head of the stream. This method
+ # has (theoretically) infinite depth.
+ def unshift token
+ @stack.unshift(token)
+ end
- # Peek at the +depth+ event in the stack. The first element on the stack
- # is at depth 0. If +depth+ is -1, will parse to the end of the input
- # stream and return the last event, which is always :end_document.
- # Be aware that this causes the stream to be parsed up to the +depth+
- # event, so you can effectively pre-parse the entire document (pull the
- # entire thing into memory) using this method.
- def peek depth=0
- raise %Q[Illegal argument "#{depth}"] if depth < -1
- temp = []
- if depth == -1
- temp.push(pull()) until empty?
- else
- while @stack.size+temp.size < depth+1
- temp.push(pull())
- end
- end
- @stack += temp if temp.size > 0
- @stack[depth]
- end
+ # Peek at the +depth+ event in the stack. The first element on the stack
+ # is at depth 0. If +depth+ is -1, will parse to the end of the input
+ # stream and return the last event, which is always :end_document.
+ # Be aware that this causes the stream to be parsed up to the +depth+
+ # event, so you can effectively pre-parse the entire document (pull the
+ # entire thing into memory) using this method.
+ def peek depth=0
+ raise %Q[Illegal argument "#{depth}"] if depth < -1
+ temp = []
+ if depth == -1
+ temp.push(pull()) until empty?
+ else
+ while @stack.size+temp.size < depth+1
+ temp.push(pull())
+ end
+ end
+ @stack += temp if temp.size > 0
+ @stack[depth]
+ end
- # Returns the next event. This is a +PullEvent+ object.
- def pull
- if @closed
- x, @closed = @closed, nil
- return [ :end_element, x ]
- end
- return [ :end_document ] if empty?
- return @stack.shift if @stack.size > 0
- @source.read if @source.buffer.size<2
- if @document_status == nil
- @source.consume( /^\s*/um )
- word = @source.match( /(<[^>]*)>/um )
- word = word[1] unless word.nil?
- case word
- return [ :comment, @source.match( COMMENT_PATTERN, true )[1] ]
- results = @source.match( XMLDECL_PATTERN, true )[1]
- version = VERSION.match( results )
- version = version[1] unless version.nil?
- encoding = ENCODING.match(results)
- encoding = encoding[1] unless encoding.nil?
- @source.encoding = encoding
- standalone = STANDALONE.match(results)
- standalone = standalone[1] unless standalone.nil?
- return [ :xmldecl, version, encoding, standalone]
- return [ :processing_instruction, *@source.match(INSTRUCTION_PATTERN, true)[1,2] ]
- md = @source.match( DOCTYPE_PATTERN, true )
- identity = md[1]
- close = md[2]
- identity =~ IDENTITY
- name = $1
- raise REXML::ParseException("DOCTYPE is missing a name") if name.nil?
- pub_sys = $2.nil? ? nil : $2.strip
- long_name = $3.nil? ? nil : $3.strip
- uri = $4.nil? ? nil : $4.strip
- args = [ :start_doctype, name, pub_sys, long_name, uri ]
- if close == ">"
- @document_status = :after_doctype
- @source.read if @source.buffer.size<2
- md = @source.match(/^\s*/um, true)
- @stack << [ :end_doctype ]
- else
- @document_status = :in_doctype
- end
- return args
- else
- @document_status = :after_doctype
- @source.read if @source.buffer.size<2
- md = @source.match(/\s*/um, true)
- end
- end
- if @document_status == :in_doctype
- md = @source.match(/\s*(.*?>)/um)
- case md[1]
- match = @source.match( SYSTEMENTITY, true )[1]
- return [ :externalentity, match ]
+ # Returns the next event. This is a +PullEvent+ object.
+ def pull
+ if @closed
+ x, @closed = @closed, nil
+ return [ :end_element, x ]
+ end
+ return [ :end_document ] if empty?
+ return @stack.shift if @stack.size > 0
+ @source.read if @source.buffer.size<2
+ #STDERR.puts "BUFFER = #{@source.buffer.inspect}"
+ if @document_status == nil
+ #@source.consume( /^\s*/um )
+ word = @source.match( /^((?:\s+)|(?:<[^>]*>))/um )
+ word = word[1] unless word.nil?
+ #STDERR.puts "WORD = #{word.inspect}"
+ case word
+ return [ :comment, @source.match( COMMENT_PATTERN, true )[1] ]
+ results = @source.match( XMLDECL_PATTERN, true )[1]
+ version = VERSION.match( results )
+ version = version[1] unless version.nil?
+ encoding = ENCODING.match(results)
+ encoding = encoding[1] unless encoding.nil?
+ @source.encoding = encoding
+ standalone = STANDALONE.match(results)
+ standalone = standalone[1] unless standalone.nil?
+ return [ :xmldecl, version, encoding, standalone ]
+ return [ :processing_instruction, *@source.match(INSTRUCTION_PATTERN, true)[1,2] ]
+ md = @source.match( DOCTYPE_PATTERN, true )
+ identity = md[1]
+ close = md[2]
+ identity =~ IDENTITY
+ name = $1
+ raise REXML::ParseException("DOCTYPE is missing a name") if name.nil?
+ pub_sys = $2.nil? ? nil : $2.strip
+ long_name = $3.nil? ? nil : $3.strip
+ uri = $4.nil? ? nil : $4.strip
+ args = [ :start_doctype, name, pub_sys, long_name, uri ]
+ if close == ">"
+ @document_status = :after_doctype
+ @source.read if @source.buffer.size<2
+ md = @source.match(/^\s*/um, true)
+ @stack << [ :end_doctype ]
+ else
+ @document_status = :in_doctype
+ end
+ return args
+ when /^\s+/
+ else
+ @document_status = :after_doctype
+ @source.read if @source.buffer.size<2
+ md = @source.match(/\s*/um, true)
+ end
+ end
+ if @document_status == :in_doctype
+ md = @source.match(/\s*(.*?>)/um)
+ case md[1]
+ match = @source.match( SYSTEMENTITY, true )[1]
+ return [ :externalentity, match ]
- return [ :elementdecl, @source.match( ELEMENTDECL_PATTERN, true )[1] ]
+ return [ :elementdecl, @source.match( ELEMENTDECL_PATTERN, true )[1] ]
- match = @source.match( ENTITYDECL, true ).to_a.compact
- match[0] = :entitydecl
- ref = false
- if match[1] == '%'
- ref = true
- match.delete_at 1
- end
- # Now we have to sort out what kind of entity reference this is
- if match[2] == 'SYSTEM'
- # External reference
- match[3] = match[3][1..-2] # PUBID
- match.delete_at(4) if match.size > 4 # Chop out NDATA decl
- # match is [ :entity, name, SYSTEM, pubid(, ndata)? ]
- elsif match[2] == 'PUBLIC'
- # External reference
- match[3] = match[3][1..-2] # PUBID
- match[4] = match[4][1..-2] # HREF
- # match is [ :entity, name, PUBLIC, pubid, href ]
- else
- match[2] = match[2][1..-2]
- match.pop if match.size == 4
- # match is [ :entity, name, value ]
- end
- match << '%' if ref
- return match
- md = @source.match( ATTLISTDECL_PATTERN, true )
- raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Bad ATTLIST declaration!", @source ) if md.nil?
- element = md[1]
- contents = md[0]
+ match = @source.match( ENTITYDECL, true ).to_a.compact
+ match[0] = :entitydecl
+ ref = false
+ if match[1] == '%'
+ ref = true
+ match.delete_at 1
+ end
+ # Now we have to sort out what kind of entity reference this is
+ if match[2] == 'SYSTEM'
+ # External reference
+ match[3] = match[3][1..-2] # PUBID
+ match.delete_at(4) if match.size > 4 # Chop out NDATA decl
+ # match is [ :entity, name, SYSTEM, pubid(, ndata)? ]
+ elsif match[2] == 'PUBLIC'
+ # External reference
+ match[3] = match[3][1..-2] # PUBID
+ match[4] = match[4][1..-2] # HREF
+ # match is [ :entity, name, PUBLIC, pubid, href ]
+ else
+ match[2] = match[2][1..-2]
+ match.pop if match.size == 4
+ # match is [ :entity, name, value ]
+ end
+ match << '%' if ref
+ return match
+ md = @source.match( ATTLISTDECL_PATTERN, true )
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Bad ATTLIST declaration!", @source ) if md.nil?
+ element = md[1]
+ contents = md[0]
- pairs = {}
- values = md[0].scan( ATTDEF_RE )
- values.each do |attdef|
- unless attdef[3] == "#IMPLIED"
- attdef.compact!
- val = attdef[3]
- val = attdef[4] if val == "#FIXED "
- pairs[attdef[0]] = val
- end
- end
- return [ :attlistdecl, element, pairs, contents ]
- md = nil
- if @source.match( PUBLIC )
- md = @source.match( PUBLIC, true )
- elsif @source.match( SYSTEM )
- md = @source.match( SYSTEM, true )
- else
- raise REXML::ParseException.new( "error parsing notation: no matching pattern", @source )
- end
- return [ :notationdecl, md[1], md[2], md[3] ]
- when CDATA_END
- @document_status = :after_doctype
- @source.match( CDATA_END, true )
- return [ :end_doctype ]
- end
- end
- begin
- if @source.buffer[0] == ?<
- if @source.buffer[1] == ?/
- last_tag = @tags.pop
- #md = @source.match_to_consume( '>', CLOSE_MATCH)
- md = @source.match( CLOSE_MATCH, true )
- raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Missing end tag for "+
+ pairs = {}
+ values = md[0].scan( ATTDEF_RE )
+ values.each do |attdef|
+ unless attdef[3] == "#IMPLIED"
+ attdef.compact!
+ val = attdef[3]
+ val = attdef[4] if val == "#FIXED "
+ pairs[attdef[0]] = val
+ end
+ end
+ return [ :attlistdecl, element, pairs, contents ]
+ md = nil
+ if @source.match( PUBLIC )
+ md = @source.match( PUBLIC, true )
+ vals = [md[1],md[2],md[4],md[6]]
+ elsif @source.match( SYSTEM )
+ md = @source.match( SYSTEM, true )
+ vals = [md[1],md[2],nil,md[4]]
+ else
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new( "error parsing notation: no matching pattern", @source )
+ end
+ return [ :notationdecl, *vals ]
+ when CDATA_END
+ @document_status = :after_doctype
+ @source.match( CDATA_END, true )
+ return [ :end_doctype ]
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ if @source.buffer[0] == ?<
+ if @source.buffer[1] == ?/
+ last_tag = @tags.pop
+ #md = @source.match_to_consume( '>', CLOSE_MATCH)
+ md = @source.match( CLOSE_MATCH, true )
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Missing end tag for "+
"'#{last_tag}' (got \"#{md[1]}\")",
@source) unless last_tag == md[1]
- return [ :end_element, last_tag ]
- elsif @source.buffer[1] == ?!
- md = @source.match(/\A(\s*[^>]*>)/um)
- #puts "SOURCE BUFFER = #{source.buffer}, #{source.buffer.size}"
- raise REXML::ParseException.new("Malformed node", @source) unless md
- if md[0][2] == ?-
- md = @source.match( COMMENT_PATTERN, true )
- return [ :comment, md[1] ] if md
- else
- md = @source.match( CDATA_PATTERN, true )
- return [ :cdata, md[1] ] if md
- end
- raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Declarations can only occur "+
- "in the doctype declaration.", @source)
- elsif @source.buffer[1] == ??
- md = @source.match( INSTRUCTION_PATTERN, true )
- return [ :processing_instruction, md[1], md[2] ] if md
- raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Bad instruction declaration",
- @source)
- else
- # Get the next tag
- md = @source.match(TAG_MATCH, true)
- raise REXML::ParseException.new("malformed XML: missing tag start", @source) unless md
- attrs = []
- if md[2].size > 0
- attrs = md[2].scan( ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN )
- raise REXML::ParseException.new( "error parsing attributes: [#{attrs.join ', '}], excess = \"#$'\"", @source) if $' and $'.strip.size > 0
- end
- if md[4]
- @closed = md[1]
- else
- @tags.push( md[1] )
- end
- attributes = {}
- attrs.each { |a,b,c| attributes[a] = c }
- return [ :start_element, md[1], attributes ]
- end
- else
- md = @source.match( TEXT_PATTERN, true )
+ return [ :end_element, last_tag ]
+ elsif @source.buffer[1] == ?!
+ md = @source.match(/\A(\s*[^>]*>)/um)
+ #STDERR.puts "SOURCE BUFFER = #{source.buffer}, #{source.buffer.size}"
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new("Malformed node", @source) unless md
+ if md[0][2] == ?-
+ md = @source.match( COMMENT_PATTERN, true )
+ return [ :comment, md[1] ] if md
+ else
+ md = @source.match( CDATA_PATTERN, true )
+ return [ :cdata, md[1] ] if md
+ end
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Declarations can only occur "+
+ "in the doctype declaration.", @source)
+ elsif @source.buffer[1] == ??
+ md = @source.match( INSTRUCTION_PATTERN, true )
+ return [ :processing_instruction, md[1], md[2] ] if md
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Bad instruction declaration",
+ @source)
+ else
+ # Get the next tag
+ md = @source.match(TAG_MATCH, true)
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new("malformed XML: missing tag start", @source) unless md
+ attrs = []
+ if md[2].size > 0
+ attrs = md[2].scan( ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN )
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new( "error parsing attributes: [#{attrs.join ', '}], excess = \"#$'\"", @source) if $' and $'.strip.size > 0
+ end
+ if md[4]
+ @closed = md[1]
+ else
+ @tags.push( md[1] )
+ end
+ attributes = {}
+ attrs.each { |a,b,c| attributes[a] = c }
+ return [ :start_element, md[1], attributes ]
+ end
+ else
+ md = @source.match( TEXT_PATTERN, true )
if md[0].length == 0
- #puts "EMPTY = #{empty?}"
- #puts "BUFFER = \"#{@source.buffer}\""
+ puts "EMPTY = #{empty?}"
+ puts "BUFFER = \"#{@source.buffer}\""
@source.match( /(\s+)/, true )
+ #STDERR.puts "GOT #{md[1].inspect}" unless md[0].length == 0
#return [ :text, "" ] if md[0].length == 0
- # unnormalized = Text::unnormalize( md[1], self )
- # return PullEvent.new( :text, md[1], unnormalized )
- return [ :text, md[1] ]
- end
- rescue REXML::ParseException
- raise
- rescue Exception, NameError => error
- raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Exception parsing",
- @source, self, (error ? error : $!) )
- end
- return [ :dummy ]
- end
+ # unnormalized = Text::unnormalize( md[1], self )
+ # return PullEvent.new( :text, md[1], unnormalized )
+ return [ :text, md[1] ]
+ end
+ rescue REXML::ParseException
+ raise
+ rescue Exception, NameError => error
+ raise REXML::ParseException.new( "Exception parsing",
+ @source, self, (error ? error : $!) )
+ end
+ return [ :dummy ]
+ end
- def entity( reference, entities )
- value = nil
- value = entities[ reference ] if entities
- if not value
- value = DEFAULT_ENTITIES[ reference ]
- value = value[2] if value
- end
- unnormalize( value, entities ) if value
- end
+ def entity( reference, entities )
+ value = nil
+ value = entities[ reference ] if entities
+ if not value
+ value = DEFAULT_ENTITIES[ reference ]
+ value = value[2] if value
+ end
+ unnormalize( value, entities ) if value
+ end
- # Escapes all possible entities
- def normalize( input, entities=nil, entity_filter=nil )
- copy = input.clone
- # Doing it like this rather than in a loop improves the speed
- copy.gsub!( EREFERENCE, '&amp;' )
- entities.each do |key, value|
- copy.gsub!( value, "&#{key};" ) unless entity_filter and
- entity_filter.include?(entity)
- end if entities
- copy.gsub!( EREFERENCE, '&amp;' )
- DEFAULT_ENTITIES.each do |key, value|
- copy.gsub!( value[3], value[1] )
- end
- copy
- end
+ # Escapes all possible entities
+ def normalize( input, entities=nil, entity_filter=nil )
+ copy = input.clone
+ # Doing it like this rather than in a loop improves the speed
+ copy.gsub!( EREFERENCE, '&amp;' )
+ entities.each do |key, value|
+ copy.gsub!( value, "&#{key};" ) unless entity_filter and
+ entity_filter.include?(entity)
+ end if entities
+ copy.gsub!( EREFERENCE, '&amp;' )
+ DEFAULT_ENTITIES.each do |key, value|
+ copy.gsub!( value[3], value[1] )
+ end
+ copy
+ end
- # Unescapes all possible entities
- def unnormalize( string, entities=nil, filter=nil )
- rv = string.clone
- rv.gsub!( /\r\n?/, "\n" )
- matches = rv.scan( REFERENCE_RE )
- return rv if matches.size == 0
- rv.gsub!( /&#0*((?:\d+)|(?:x[a-fA-F0-9]+));/ ) {|m|
- m=$1
- m = "0#{m}" if m[0] == ?x
- [Integer(m)].pack('U*')
- }
- matches.collect!{|x|x[0]}.compact!
- if matches.size > 0
- matches.each do |entity_reference|
- unless filter and filter.include?(entity_reference)
- entity_value = entity( entity_reference, entities )
- if entity_value
- re = /&#{entity_reference};/
- rv.gsub!( re, entity_value )
- end
- end
- end
- matches.each do |entity_reference|
- unless filter and filter.include?(entity_reference)
- er = DEFAULT_ENTITIES[entity_reference]
- rv.gsub!( er[0], er[2] ) if er
- end
- end
- rv.gsub!( /&amp;/, '&' )
- end
- rv
- end
- end
- end
+ # Unescapes all possible entities
+ def unnormalize( string, entities=nil, filter=nil )
+ rv = string.clone
+ rv.gsub!( /\r\n?/, "\n" )
+ matches = rv.scan( REFERENCE_RE )
+ return rv if matches.size == 0
+ rv.gsub!( /&#0*((?:\d+)|(?:x[a-fA-F0-9]+));/ ) {|m|
+ m=$1
+ m = "0#{m}" if m[0] == ?x
+ [Integer(m)].pack('U*')
+ }
+ matches.collect!{|x|x[0]}.compact!
+ if matches.size > 0
+ matches.each do |entity_reference|
+ unless filter and filter.include?(entity_reference)
+ entity_value = entity( entity_reference, entities )
+ if entity_value
+ re = /&#{entity_reference};/
+ rv.gsub!( re, entity_value )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ matches.each do |entity_reference|
+ unless filter and filter.include?(entity_reference)
+ er = DEFAULT_ENTITIES[entity_reference]
+ rv.gsub!( er[0], er[2] ) if er
+ end
+ end
+ rv.gsub!( /&amp;/, '&' )
+ end
+ rv
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb b/lib/rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb
index 0a328ea8fc..36dc7160c3 100644
--- a/lib/rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb
+++ b/lib/rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb
@@ -1,95 +1,99 @@
+require 'forwardable'
require 'rexml/parseexception'
require 'rexml/parsers/baseparser'
require 'rexml/xmltokens'
module REXML
- module Parsers
- # = Using the Pull Parser
- # <em>This API is experimental, and subject to change.</em>
- # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>text<b att='val'/>txet</a>" )
- # while parser.has_next?
- # res = parser.next
- # puts res[1]['att'] if res.start_tag? and res[0] == 'b'
- # end
- # See the PullEvent class for information on the content of the results.
- # The data is identical to the arguments passed for the various events to
- # the StreamListener API.
- #
- # Notice that:
- # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>BAD DOCUMENT" )
- # while parser.has_next?
- # res = parser.next
- # raise res[1] if res.error?
- # end
- #
- # Nat Price gave me some good ideas for the API.
- class PullParser
- include XMLTokens
- def initialize stream
- @entities = {}
+ module Parsers
+ # = Using the Pull Parser
+ # <em>This API is experimental, and subject to change.</em>
+ # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>text<b att='val'/>txet</a>" )
+ # while parser.has_next?
+ # res = parser.next
+ # puts res[1]['att'] if res.start_tag? and res[0] == 'b'
+ # end
+ # See the PullEvent class for information on the content of the results.
+ # The data is identical to the arguments passed for the various events to
+ # the StreamListener API.
+ #
+ # Notice that:
+ # parser = PullParser.new( "<a>BAD DOCUMENT" )
+ # while parser.has_next?
+ # res = parser.next
+ # raise res[1] if res.error?
+ # end
+ #
+ # Nat Price gave me some good ideas for the API.
+ class PullParser
+ include XMLTokens
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegators( :@parser, :has_next? )
+ def_delegators( :@parser, :entity )
+ def_delegators( :@parser, :empty? )
+ def_delegators( :@parser, :source )
+ def initialize stream
+ @entities = {}
@listeners = nil
@parser = BaseParser.new( stream )
- end
+ @my_stack = []
+ end
def add_listener( listener )
@listeners = [] unless @listeners
@listeners << listener
- def each
- while has_next?
- yield self.pull
- end
- end
- def peek depth=0
- PullEvent.new(@parser.peek(depth))
- end
- def has_next?
- @parser.has_next?
+ def each
+ while has_next?
+ yield self.pull
+ end
- def pull
- event = @parser.pull
- case event[0]
- when :entitydecl
- @entities[ event[1] ] =
- event[2] unless event[2] =~ /PUBLIC|SYSTEM/
- when :text
- unnormalized = @parser.unnormalize( event[1], @entities )
- event << unnormalized
- end
- PullEvent.new( event )
- end
- def unshift token
- @parser.unshift token
+ def peek depth=0
+ if @my_stack.length <= depth
+ (depth - @my_stack.length + 1).times {
+ e = PullEvent.new(@parser.pull)
+ @my_stack.push(e)
+ }
+ end
+ @my_stack[depth]
- def entity reference
- @parser.entity( reference )
+ def pull
+ return @my_stack.shift if @my_stack.length > 0
+ event = @parser.pull
+ case event[0]
+ when :entitydecl
+ @entities[ event[1] ] =
+ event[2] unless event[2] =~ /PUBLIC|SYSTEM/
+ when :text
+ unnormalized = @parser.unnormalize( event[1], @entities )
+ event << unnormalized
+ end
+ PullEvent.new( event )
- def empty?
- @parser.empty?
+ def unshift token
+ @my_stack.unshift token
+ end
+ end
+ # A parsing event. The contents of the event are accessed as an +Array?,
+ # and the type is given either by the ...? methods, or by accessing the
+ # +type+ accessor. The contents of this object vary from event to event,
+ # but are identical to the arguments passed to +StreamListener+s for each
+ # event.
+ class PullEvent
+ # The type of this event. Will be one of :tag_start, :tag_end, :text,
+ # :processing_instruction, :comment, :doctype, :attlistdecl, :entitydecl,
+ # :notationdecl, :entity, :cdata, :xmldecl, or :error.
+ def initialize(arg)
+ @contents = arg
- end
- # A parsing event. The contents of the event are accessed as an +Array?,
- # and the type is given either by the ...? methods, or by accessing the
- # +type+ accessor. The contents of this object vary from event to event,
- # but are identical to the arguments passed to +StreamListener+s for each
- # event.
- class PullEvent
- # The type of this event. Will be one of :tag_start, :tag_end, :text,
- # :processing_instruction, :comment, :doctype, :attlistdecl, :entitydecl,
- # :notationdecl, :entity, :cdata, :xmldecl, or :error.
- def initialize(arg)
- @contents = arg
- end
def []( start, endd=nil)
if start.kind_of? Range
@@ -103,90 +107,90 @@ module REXML
raise "Illegal argument #{start.inspect} (#{start.class})"
- end
- def event_type
- @contents[0]
- end
- # Content: [ String tag_name, Hash attributes ]
- def start_element?
- @contents[0] == :start_element
- end
- # Content: [ String tag_name ]
- def end_element?
- @contents[0] == :end_element
- end
- # Content: [ String raw_text, String unnormalized_text ]
- def text?
- @contents[0] == :text
- end
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def instruction?
- @contents[0] == :processing_instruction
- end
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def comment?
- @contents[0] == :comment
- end
- # Content: [ String name, String pub_sys, String long_name, String uri ]
- def doctype?
- @contents[0] == :start_doctype
- end
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def attlistdecl?
- @contents[0] == :attlistdecl
- end
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def elementdecl?
- @contents[0] == :elementdecl
- end
- # Due to the wonders of DTDs, an entity declaration can be just about
- # anything. There's no way to normalize it; you'll have to interpret the
- # content yourself. However, the following is true:
- #
- # * If the entity declaration is an internal entity:
- # [ String name, String value ]
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def entitydecl?
- @contents[0] == :entitydecl
- end
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def notationdecl?
- @contents[0] == :notationdecl
- end
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def entity?
- @contents[0] == :entity
- end
- # Content: [ String text ]
- def cdata?
- @contents[0] == :cdata
- end
- # Content: [ String version, String encoding, String standalone ]
- def xmldecl?
- @contents[0] == :xmldecl
- end
- def error?
- @contents[0] == :error
- end
- def inspect
+ end
+ def event_type
+ @contents[0]
+ end
+ # Content: [ String tag_name, Hash attributes ]
+ def start_element?
+ @contents[0] == :start_element
+ end
+ # Content: [ String tag_name ]
+ def end_element?
+ @contents[0] == :end_element
+ end
+ # Content: [ String raw_text, String unnormalized_text ]
+ def text?
+ @contents[0] == :text
+ end
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def instruction?
+ @contents[0] == :processing_instruction
+ end
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def comment?
+ @contents[0] == :comment
+ end
+ # Content: [ String name, String pub_sys, String long_name, String uri ]
+ def doctype?
+ @contents[0] == :start_doctype
+ end
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def attlistdecl?
+ @contents[0] == :attlistdecl
+ end
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def elementdecl?
+ @contents[0] == :elementdecl
+ end
+ # Due to the wonders of DTDs, an entity declaration can be just about
+ # anything. There's no way to normalize it; you'll have to interpret the
+ # content yourself. However, the following is true:
+ #
+ # * If the entity declaration is an internal entity:
+ # [ String name, String value ]
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def entitydecl?
+ @contents[0] == :entitydecl
+ end
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def notationdecl?
+ @contents[0] == :notationdecl
+ end
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def entity?
+ @contents[0] == :entity
+ end
+ # Content: [ String text ]
+ def cdata?
+ @contents[0] == :cdata
+ end
+ # Content: [ String version, String encoding, String standalone ]
+ def xmldecl?
+ @contents[0] == :xmldecl
+ end
+ def error?
+ @contents[0] == :error
+ end
+ def inspect
@contents[0].to_s + ": " + @contents[1..-1].inspect
- end
- end
- end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb b/lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb
index d5ee1bcfcd..61a216cec1 100644
--- a/lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb
+++ b/lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
require 'rexml/parsers/baseparser'
require 'rexml/parseexception'
require 'rexml/namespace'
+require 'rexml/text'
module REXML
module Parsers
+ # SAX2Parser
class SAX2Parser
def initialize source
@parser = BaseParser.new(source)
@@ -36,6 +38,10 @@ module REXML
# :start_prefix_mapping, :end_prefix_mapping, :characters,
# :processing_instruction, :doctype, :attlistdecl, :elementdecl,
# :entitydecl, :notationdecl, :cdata, :xmldecl, :comment
+ #
+ # There is an additional symbol that can be listened for: :progress.
+ # This will be called for every event generated, passing in the current
+ # stream position.
# Array contains regular expressions or strings which will be matched
# against fully qualified element names.
@@ -161,6 +167,7 @@ module REXML
:elementdecl, :cdata, :notationdecl, :xmldecl
handle( *event )
+ handle( :progress, @parser.position )
diff --git a/lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb b/lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb
index 996d613e15..256d0f611c 100644
--- a/lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb
+++ b/lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb
@@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
module REXML
- module Parsers
- class StreamParser
- def initialize source, listener
- @listener = listener
- @parser = BaseParser.new( source )
- end
+ module Parsers
+ class StreamParser
+ def initialize source, listener
+ @listener = listener
+ @parser = BaseParser.new( source )
+ end
def add_listener( listener )
@parser.add_listener( listener )
- def parse
- # entity string
- while true
- event = @parser.pull
- case event[0]
- when :end_document
- return
- when :start_element
- attrs = event[2].each do |n, v|
- event[2][n] = @parser.unnormalize( v )
- end
- @listener.tag_start( event[1], attrs )
- when :end_element
- @listener.tag_end( event[1] )
- when :text
- normalized = @parser.unnormalize( event[1] )
- @listener.text( normalized )
- when :processing_instruction
- @listener.instruction( *event[1,2] )
+ def parse
+ # entity string
+ while true
+ event = @parser.pull
+ case event[0]
+ when :end_document
+ return
+ when :start_element
+ attrs = event[2].each do |n, v|
+ event[2][n] = @parser.unnormalize( v )
+ end
+ @listener.tag_start( event[1], attrs )
+ when :end_element
+ @listener.tag_end( event[1] )
+ when :text
+ normalized = @parser.unnormalize( event[1] )
+ @listener.text( normalized )
+ when :processing_instruction
+ @listener.instruction( *event[1,2] )
when :start_doctype
@listener.doctype( *event[1..-1] )
- when :comment, :attlistdecl, :notationdecl, :elementdecl,
- :entitydecl, :cdata, :xmldecl, :attlistdecl
- @listener.send( event[0].to_s, *event[1..-1] )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ when :end_doctype
+ # FIXME: remove this condition for milestone:3.2
+ @listener.doctype_end if @listener.respond_to? :doctype_end
+ when :comment, :attlistdecl, :cdata, :xmldecl, :elementdecl
+ @listener.send( event[0].to_s, *event[1..-1] )
+ when :entitydecl, :notationdecl
+ @listener.send( event[0].to_s, event[1..-1] )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb b/lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb
index 57d11f7e23..500a53f426 100644
--- a/lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb
+++ b/lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb
@@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ module REXML
while true
event = @parser.pull
+ #STDERR.puts "TREEPARSER GOT #{event.inspect}"
case event[0]
when :end_document
+ unless tag_stack.empty?
+ raise ParseException.new("No close tag for #{tag_stack.inspect}")
+ end
when :start_element
@@ -35,10 +39,10 @@ module REXML
@build_context[-1] << event[1]
- Text.new( event[1], @build_context.whitespace, nil, true )
+ Text.new(event[1], @build_context.whitespace, nil, true)
) unless (
- event[1].strip.size==0 and
- @build_context.ignore_whitespace_nodes
+ @build_context.ignore_whitespace_nodes and
+ event[1].strip.size==0