path: root/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb b/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..215078b766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+require 'rexml/namespace'
+require 'rexml/xmltokens'
+require 'rexml/parsers/xpathparser'
+# Ignore this class. It adds a __ne__ method, because Ruby doesn't seem to
+# understand object.send( "!=", foo ), whereas it *does* understand "<", "==",
+# and all of the other comparison methods. Stupid, and annoying, and not at
+# all POLS.
+class Object
+ def __ne__(b)
+ self != b
+ end
+module REXML
+ # You don't want to use this class. Really. Use XPath, which is a wrapper
+ # for this class. Believe me. You don't want to poke around in here.
+ # There is strange, dark magic at work in this code. Beware. Go back! Go
+ # back while you still can!
+ class XPathParser
+ include XMLTokens
+ LITERAL = /^'([^']*)'|^"([^"]*)"/u
+ def initialize( )
+ @parser = REXML::Parsers::XPathParser.new
+ @namespaces = {}
+ @variables = {}
+ end
+ def namespaces=( namespaces={} )
+ Functions::namespace_context = namespaces
+ @namespaces = namespaces
+ end
+ def variables=( vars={} )
+ Functions::variables = vars
+ @variables = vars
+ end
+ def parse path, nodeset
+ path_stack = @parser.parse( path )
+ #puts "PARSE: #{path} => #{path_stack.inspect}"
+ match( path_stack, nodeset )
+ end
+ def predicate path, nodeset
+ path_stack = @parser.predicate( path )
+ return Predicate( path_stack, nodeset )
+ end
+ def []=( variable_name, value )
+ @variables[ variable_name ] = value
+ end
+ private
+ def match( path_stack, nodeset )
+ while ( path_stack.size > 0 and nodeset.size > 0 )
+ #puts "PARSE: #{path_stack.inspect} '#{nodeset.collect{|n|n.type}.inspect}'"
+ nodeset = internal_parse( path_stack, nodeset )
+ #puts "NODESET: #{nodeset.size}"
+ #puts "PATH_STACK: #{path_stack.inspect}"
+ end
+ nodeset
+ end
+ def internal_parse path_stack, nodeset
+ return nodeset if nodeset.size == 0 or path_stack.size == 0
+ #puts "INTERNAL_PARSE: #{path_stack.inspect}, #{nodeset.collect{|n| n.type}.inspect}"
+ case path_stack.shift
+ when :document
+ return [ nodeset[0].root.parent ]
+ when :qname
+ prefix = path_stack.shift
+ name = path_stack.shift
+ #puts "QNAME #{prefix}#{prefix.size>0?':':''}#{name}"
+ n = nodeset.clone
+ ns = @namespaces[prefix]
+ ns = ns ? ns : ''
+ n.delete_if do |node|
+ # FIXME: This DOUBLES the time XPath searches take
+ ns = node.namespace( prefix ) if node.node_type == :element and ns == ''
+ #puts "NODE: '#{node.to_s}'; node.has_name?( #{name.inspect}, #{ns.inspect} ): #{ node.has_name?( name, ns )}; node.namespace() = #{node.namespace().inspect}; node.prefix = #{node.prefix().inspect}" if node.node_type == :element
+ !(node.node_type == :element and node.name == name and node.namespace == ns )
+ end
+ return n
+ when :any
+ n = nodeset.clone
+ n.delete_if { |node| node.node_type != :element }
+ return n
+ when :self
+ when :processing_instruction
+ target = path_stack.shift
+ n = nodeset.clone
+ n.delete_if do |node|
+ (node.node_type != :processing_instruction) or
+ ( !target.nil? and ( node.target != target ) )
+ end
+ return n
+ when :text
+ #puts ":TEXT"
+ n = nodeset.clone
+ n.delete_if do |node|
+ #puts "#{node} :: #{node.node_type}"
+ node.node_type != :text
+ end
+ return n
+ when :comment
+ n = nodeset.clone
+ n.delete_if do |node|
+ node.node_type != :comment
+ end
+ return n
+ when :node
+ return nodeset
+ #n = nodeset.clone
+ #n.delete_if do |node|
+ # !node.node?
+ #end
+ #return n
+ # FIXME: I suspect the following XPath will fail:
+ # /a/*/*[1]
+ when :child
+ #puts "CHILD"
+ new_nodeset = []
+ ps_clone = nil
+ for node in nodeset
+ #ps_clone = path_stack.clone
+ #new_nodeset += internal_parse( ps_clone, node.children ) if node.parent?
+ new_nodeset += node.children if node.parent?
+ end
+ #path_stack[0,(path_stack.size-ps_clone.size)] = []
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :literal
+ literal = path_stack.shift
+ if literal =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/
+ return ($1 ? literal.to_f : literal.to_i)
+ end
+ #puts "RETURNING '#{literal}'"
+ return literal
+ when :attribute
+ #puts ":ATTRIBUTE"
+ new_nodeset = []
+ case path_stack.shift
+ when :qname
+ prefix = path_stack.shift
+ name = path_stack.shift
+ for element in nodeset
+ if element.node_type == :element
+ #puts element.name
+ #puts "looking for attribute #{name} in '#{@namespaces[prefix]}'"
+ attr = element.attribute( name, @namespaces[prefix] )
+ #puts ":ATTRIBUTE: attr => #{attr}"
+ new_nodeset << attr if attr
+ end
+ end
+ when :any
+ for element in nodeset
+ if element.node_type == :element
+ attr = element.attributes
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #puts "RETURNING #{new_nodeset.collect{|n|n.to_s}.inspect}"
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :parent
+ return internal_parse( path_stack, nodeset.collect{|n| n.parent}.compact )
+ when :ancestor
+ #puts "ANCESTOR"
+ new_nodeset = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ while node.parent
+ node = node.parent
+ new_nodeset << node unless new_nodeset.include? node
+ end
+ end
+ #nodeset = new_nodeset.uniq
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :ancestor_or_self
+ new_nodeset = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ if node.node_type == :element
+ new_nodeset << node
+ while ( node.parent )
+ node = node.parent
+ new_nodeset << node unless new_nodeset.includes? node
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #nodeset = new_nodeset.uniq
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :predicate
+ #puts "@"*80
+ #puts "NODESET = #{nodeset.collect{|n|n.to_s}.inspect}"
+ predicate = path_stack.shift
+ new_nodeset = []
+ Functions::size = nodeset.size
+ nodeset.size.times do |index|
+ node = nodeset[index]
+ Functions::node = node
+ Functions::index = index+1
+ #puts "Node #{node} and index=#{index+1}"
+ result = Predicate( predicate, node )
+ #puts "Predicate returned #{result} (#{result.type}) for #{node.type}"
+ if result.kind_of? Numeric
+ #puts "#{result} == #{index} => #{result == index}"
+ new_nodeset << node if result == (index+1)
+ elsif result.instance_of? Array
+ new_nodeset << node if result.size > 0
+ else
+ new_nodeset << node if result
+ end
+ end
+ #puts "Nodeset after predicate #{predicate.inspect} has #{new_nodeset.size} nodes"
+ #puts "NODESET: #{new_nodeset.collect{|n|n.to_s}.inspect}"
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :descendant_or_self
+ rv = descendant_or_self( path_stack, nodeset )
+ path_stack.clear
+ return rv
+ when :descendant
+ #puts ":DESCENDANT"
+ results = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ results += internal_parse( path_stack.clone.unshift( :descendant_or_self ),
+ node.children ) if node.parent?
+ end
+ return results
+ when :following_sibling
+ results = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ all_siblings = node.parent.children
+ current_index = all_siblings.index( node )
+ following_siblings = all_siblings[ current_index+1 .. -1 ]
+ results += internal_parse( path_stack.clone, following_siblings )
+ end
+ return results
+ when :preceding_sibling
+ results = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ all_siblings = node.parent.children
+ current_index = all_siblings.index( node )
+ preceding_siblings = all_siblings[ 0 .. current_index-1 ]
+ results += internal_parse( path_stack.clone, preceding_siblings )
+ end
+ return results
+ when :preceding
+ new_nodeset = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ new_nodeset += preceding( node )
+ end
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :following
+ new_nodeset = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ new_nodeset += following( node )
+ end
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :namespace
+ new_set = []
+ for node in nodeset
+ new_nodeset << node.namespace if node.node_type == :element or node.node_type == :attribute
+ end
+ return new_nodeset
+ when :variable
+ var_name = path_stack.shift
+ return @variables[ var_name ]
+ end
+ nodeset
+ end
+ ##########################################################
+ # The next two methods are BAD MOJO!
+ # This is my achilles heel. If anybody thinks of a better
+ # way of doing this, be my guest. This really sucks, but
+ # it took me three days to get it to work at all.
+ # ########################################################
+ def descendant_or_self( path_stack, nodeset )
+ rs = []
+ d_o_s( path_stack, nodeset, rs )
+ #puts "RS = #{rs.collect{|n|n.to_s}.inspect}"
+ rs.flatten.compact
+ end
+ def d_o_s( p, ns, r )
+ #puts r.collect{|n|n.to_s}.inspect
+ #puts ns.collect{|n|n.to_s}.inspect
+ ns.each_index do |i|
+ n = ns[i]
+ x = match( p.clone, [ n ] )
+ #puts "Got a match on #{p.inspect} for #{ns.collect{|n|n.to_s+"("+n.type.to_s+")"}.inspect}"
+ d_o_s( p, n.children, x ) if n.parent?
+ r[i,0] = [x] if x.size > 0
+ end
+ end
+ def recurse( nodeset, &block )
+ for node in nodeset
+ yield node
+ recurse( node, &block ) if node.node_type == :element
+ end
+ end
+ # Given a predicate, a node, and a context, evaluates to true or false.
+ def Predicate( predicate, node )
+ predicate = predicate.clone
+ #puts "#"*20
+ #puts "Predicate( #{predicate.inspect}, #{node.type} )"
+ results = []
+ case (predicate[0])
+ when :and, :or, :eq, :neq, :lt, :lteq, :gt, :gteq
+ eq = predicate.shift
+ left = Predicate( predicate.shift, node )
+ right = Predicate( predicate.shift, node )
+ return equality_relational_compare( left, eq, right )
+ when :div, :mod, :mult, :plus, :minus, :union
+ op = predicate.shift
+ left = Predicate( predicate.shift, node )
+ right = Predicate( predicate.shift, node )
+ left = Functions::number( left )
+ right = Functions::number( right )
+ case op
+ when :div
+ return left.to_f / right.to_f
+ when :mod
+ return left % right
+ when :mult
+ return left * right
+ when :plus
+ return left + right
+ when :minus
+ return left - right
+ when :union
+ return (left | right)
+ end
+ when :neg
+ predicate.shift
+ operand = Functions::number(Predicate( predicate, node ))
+ return -operand
+ when :not
+ predicate.shift
+ return !Predicate( predicate.shift, node )
+ when :function
+ predicate.shift
+ func_name = predicate.shift.tr('-', '_')
+ arguments = predicate.shift
+ #puts "\nFUNCTION: #{func_name}"
+ #puts "ARGUMENTS: #{arguments.inspect} #{node.to_s}"
+ args = arguments.collect { |arg| Predicate( arg, node ) }
+ #puts "FUNCTION: #{func_name}( #{args.collect{|n|n.to_s}.inspect} )"
+ result = Functions.send( func_name, *args )
+ #puts "RESULTS: #{result.inspect}"
+ return result
+ else
+ return match( predicate, [ node ] )
+ end
+ end
+ # Builds a nodeset of all of the following nodes of the supplied node,
+ # in document order
+ def following( node )
+ all_siblings = node.parent.children
+ current_index = all_siblings.index( node )
+ following_siblings = all_siblings[ current_index+1 .. -1 ]
+ following = []
+ recurse( following_siblings ) { |node| following << node }
+ following.shift
+ #puts "following is returning #{puta following}"
+ following
+ end
+ # Builds a nodeset of all of the preceding nodes of the supplied node,
+ # in reverse document order
+ def preceding( node )
+ all_siblings = node.parent.children
+ current_index = all_siblings.index( node )
+ preceding_siblings = all_siblings[ 0 .. current_index-1 ]
+ preceding_siblings.reverse!
+ preceding = []
+ recurse( preceding_siblings ) { |node| preceding << node }
+ preceding.reverse
+ end
+ def equality_relational_compare( set1, op, set2 )
+ #puts "EQ_REL_COMP: #{set1.to_s}, #{op}, #{set2.to_s}"
+ if set1.kind_of? Array and set2.kind_of? Array
+ if set1.size == 1 and set2.size == 1
+ set1 = set1[0]
+ set2 = set2[0]
+ else
+ set1.each do |i1|
+ i1 = i1.to_s
+ set2.each do |i2|
+ i2 = i2.to_s
+ return true if compare( i1, op, i2 )
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ # If one is nodeset and other is number, compare number to each item
+ # in nodeset s.t. number op number(string(item))
+ # If one is nodeset and other is string, compare string to each item
+ # in nodeset s.t. string op string(item)
+ # If one is nodeset and other is boolean, compare boolean to each item
+ # in nodeset s.t. boolean op boolean(item)
+ if set1.kind_of? Array or set2.kind_of? Array
+ #puts "ISA ARRAY"
+ if set1.kind_of? Array
+ a = set1
+ b = set2.to_s
+ else
+ a = set2
+ b = set1.to_s
+ end
+ case b
+ when 'true', 'false'
+ b = Functions::boolean( b )
+ for v in a
+ v = Functions::boolean(v)
+ return true if compare( v, op, b )
+ end
+ when /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/
+ b = Functions::number( b )
+ for v in a
+ v = Functions::number(v)
+ return true if compare( v, op, b )
+ end
+ else
+ b = Functions::string( b )
+ for v in a
+ v = Functions::string(v)
+ return true if compare( v, op, b )
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # If neither is nodeset,
+ # If op is = or !=
+ # If either boolean, convert to boolean
+ # If either number, convert to number
+ # Else, convert to string
+ # Else
+ # Convert both to numbers and compare
+ s1 = set1.to_s
+ s2 = set2.to_s
+ #puts "EQ_REL_COMP: #{set1}=>#{s1}, #{set2}=>#{s2}"
+ if s1 == 'true' or s1 == 'false' or s2 == 'true' or s2 == 'false'
+ #puts "Functions::boolean(#{set1})=>#{Functions::boolean(set1)}"
+ #puts "Functions::boolean(#{set2})=>#{Functions::boolean(set2)}"
+ set1 = Functions::boolean( set1 )
+ set2 = Functions::boolean( set2 )
+ else
+ if op == :eq or op == :neq
+ if s1 =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/ or s2 =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/
+ set1 = Functions::number( s1 )
+ set2 = Functions::number( s2 )
+ else
+ set1 = Functions::string( set1 )
+ set2 = Functions::string( set2 )
+ end
+ else
+ set1 = Functions::number( set1 )
+ set2 = Functions::number( set2 )
+ end
+ end
+ #puts "EQ_REL_COMP: #{set1} #{op} #{set2}"
+ return compare( set1, op, set2 )
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def compare a, op, b
+ case op
+ when :eq
+ a == b
+ when :neq
+ a != b
+ when :lt
+ a < b
+ when :lteq
+ a <= b
+ when :gt
+ a > b
+ when :gteq
+ a >= b
+ when :and
+ a and b
+ when :or
+ a or b
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end