path: root/lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb b/lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29db889af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+require 'zlib'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# SpecFetcher handles metadata updates from remote gem repositories.
+class Gem::SpecFetcher
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # The SpecFetcher cache dir.
+ attr_reader :dir # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Cache of latest specs
+ attr_reader :latest_specs # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Cache of all spces
+ attr_reader :specs # :nodoc:
+ @fetcher = nil
+ def self.fetcher
+ @fetcher ||= new
+ end
+ def self.fetcher=(fetcher) # :nodoc:
+ @fetcher = fetcher
+ end
+ def initialize
+ @dir = File.join Gem.user_home, '.gem', 'specs'
+ @update_cache = File.stat(Gem.user_home).uid == Process.uid
+ @specs = {}
+ @latest_specs = {}
+ @fetcher = Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher
+ end
+ ##
+ # Retuns the local directory to write +uri+ to.
+ def cache_dir(uri)
+ File.join @dir, "#{uri.host}%#{uri.port}", File.dirname(uri.path)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fetch specs matching +dependency+. If +all+ is true, all matching
+ # versions are returned. If +matching_platform+ is false, all platforms are
+ # returned.
+ def fetch(dependency, all = false, matching_platform = true)
+ specs_and_sources = find_matching dependency, all, matching_platform
+ specs_and_sources.map do |spec_tuple, source_uri|
+ [fetch_spec(spec_tuple, URI.parse(source_uri)), source_uri]
+ end
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e
+ raise unless warn_legacy e do
+ require 'rubygems/source_info_cache'
+ return Gem::SourceInfoCache.search_with_source(dependency,
+ matching_platform, all)
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_spec(spec, source_uri)
+ spec = spec - [nil, 'ruby', '']
+ spec_file_name = "#{spec.join '-'}.gemspec"
+ uri = source_uri + "#{Gem::MARSHAL_SPEC_DIR}#{spec_file_name}"
+ cache_dir = cache_dir uri
+ local_spec = File.join cache_dir, spec_file_name
+ if File.exist? local_spec then
+ spec = Gem.read_binary local_spec
+ else
+ uri.path << '.rz'
+ spec = @fetcher.fetch_path uri
+ spec = Gem.inflate spec
+ if @update_cache then
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir
+ open local_spec, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write spec
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO: Investigate setting Gem::Specification#loaded_from to a URI
+ Marshal.load spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Find spec names that match +dependency+. If +all+ is true, all matching
+ # versions are returned. If +matching_platform+ is false, gems for all
+ # platforms are returned.
+ def find_matching(dependency, all = false, matching_platform = true)
+ found = {}
+ list(all).each do |source_uri, specs|
+ found[source_uri] = specs.select do |spec_name, version, spec_platform|
+ dependency =~ Gem::Dependency.new(spec_name, version) and
+ (not matching_platform or Gem::Platform.match(spec_platform))
+ end
+ end
+ specs_and_sources = []
+ found.each do |source_uri, specs|
+ uri_str = source_uri.to_s
+ specs_and_sources.push(*specs.map { |spec| [spec, uri_str] })
+ end
+ specs_and_sources
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns Array of gem repositories that were generated with RubyGems less
+ # than 1.2.
+ def legacy_repos
+ Gem.sources.reject do |source_uri|
+ source_uri = URI.parse source_uri
+ spec_path = source_uri + "specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz"
+ begin
+ @fetcher.fetch_size spec_path
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError
+ begin
+ @fetcher.fetch_size(source_uri + 'yaml') # re-raise if non-repo
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError
+ alert_error "#{source_uri} does not appear to be a repository"
+ raise
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a list of gems available for each source in Gem::sources. If
+ # +all+ is true, all versions are returned instead of only latest versions.
+ def list(all = false)
+ list = {}
+ file = all ? 'specs' : 'latest_specs'
+ Gem.sources.each do |source_uri|
+ source_uri = URI.parse source_uri
+ if all and @specs.include? source_uri then
+ list[source_uri] = @specs[source_uri]
+ elsif @latest_specs.include? source_uri then
+ list[source_uri] = @latest_specs[source_uri]
+ else
+ specs = load_specs source_uri, file
+ cache = all ? @specs : @latest_specs
+ cache[source_uri] = specs
+ list[source_uri] = specs
+ end
+ end
+ list
+ end
+ def load_specs(source_uri, file)
+ file_name = "#{file}.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz"
+ spec_path = source_uri + file_name
+ cache_dir = cache_dir spec_path
+ local_file = File.join(cache_dir, file_name).chomp '.gz'
+ if File.exist? local_file then
+ local_size = File.stat(local_file).size
+ remote_file = spec_path.dup
+ remote_file.path = remote_file.path.chomp '.gz'
+ remote_size = @fetcher.fetch_size remote_file
+ spec_dump = Gem.read_binary local_file if remote_size == local_size
+ end
+ unless spec_dump then
+ loaded = true
+ spec_dump_gz = @fetcher.fetch_path spec_path
+ spec_dump = Gem.gunzip spec_dump_gz
+ end
+ specs = Marshal.load spec_dump
+ if loaded and @update_cache then
+ begin
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir
+ open local_file, 'wb' do |io|
+ Marshal.dump specs, io
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ specs
+ end
+ ##
+ # Warn about legacy repositories if +exception+ indicates only legacy
+ # repositories are available, and yield to the block. Returns false if the
+ # exception indicates some other FetchError.
+ def warn_legacy(exception)
+ uri = exception.uri.to_s
+ if uri =~ /specs\.#{Regexp.escape Gem.marshal_version}\.gz$/ then
+ alert_warning <<-EOF
+RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for:
+\t#{legacy_repos.join "\n\t"}
+RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance.
+ yield
+ return true
+ end
+ false
+ end