path: root/lib/test/unit.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/test/unit.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 880 deletions
diff --git a/lib/test/unit.rb b/lib/test/unit.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dbdba6edc3..0000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
- gem 'minitest', '< 5.0.0' if defined? Gem
-rescue Gem::LoadError
-require 'minitest/unit'
-require 'test/unit/assertions'
-require 'test/unit/testcase'
-require 'optparse'
-# See Test::Unit
-module Test
- ##
- # Test::Unit is an implementation of the xUnit testing framework for Ruby.
- #
- # If you are writing new test code, please use MiniTest instead of Test::Unit.
- #
- # Test::Unit has been left in the standard library to support legacy test
- # suites.
- module Unit
- TEST_UNIT_IMPLEMENTATION = 'test/unit compatibility layer using minitest' # :nodoc:
- module RunCount # :nodoc: all
- @@run_count = 0
- def self.have_run?
- @@run_count.nonzero?
- end
- def run(*)
- @@run_count += 1
- super
- end
- def run_once
- return if have_run?
- return if $! # don't run if there was an exception
- yield
- end
- module_function :run_once
- end
- module Options # :nodoc: all
- def initialize(*, &block)
- @init_hook = block
- @options = nil
- super(&nil)
- end
- def option_parser
- @option_parser ||= OptionParser.new
- end
- def process_args(args = [])
- return @options if @options
- orig_args = args.dup
- options = {}
- opts = option_parser
- setup_options(opts, options)
- opts.parse!(args)
- orig_args -= args
- args = @init_hook.call(args, options) if @init_hook
- non_options(args, options)
- @help = orig_args.map { |s| s =~ /[\s|&<>$()]/ ? s.inspect : s }.join " "
- @options = options
- if @options[:parallel]
- @files = args
- @args = orig_args
- end
- options
- end
- private
- def setup_options(opts, options)
- opts.separator 'minitest options:'
- opts.version = MiniTest::Unit::VERSION
- options[:retry] = true
- options[:job_status] = nil
- opts.on '-h', '--help', 'Display this help.' do
- puts opts
- exit
- end
- opts.on '-s', '--seed SEED', Integer, "Sets random seed" do |m|
- options[:seed] = m
- end
- opts.on '-v', '--verbose', "Verbose. Show progress processing files." do
- options[:verbose] = true
- self.verbose = options[:verbose]
- end
- opts.on '-n', '--name PATTERN', "Filter test names on pattern." do |a|
- options[:filter] = a
- end
- opts.on '--jobs-status [TYPE]', [:normal, :replace],
- "Show status of jobs every file; Disabled when --jobs isn't specified." do |type|
- options[:job_status] = type || :normal
- end
- opts.on '-j N', '--jobs N', "Allow run tests with N jobs at once" do |a|
- if /^t/ =~ a
- options[:testing] = true # For testing
- options[:parallel] = a[1..-1].to_i
- else
- options[:parallel] = a.to_i
- end
- end
- opts.on '--separate', "Restart job process after one testcase has done" do
- options[:parallel] ||= 1
- options[:separate] = true
- end
- opts.on '--retry', "Retry running testcase when --jobs specified" do
- options[:retry] = true
- end
- opts.on '--no-retry', "Disable --retry" do
- options[:retry] = false
- end
- opts.on '--ruby VAL', "Path to ruby; It'll have used at -j option" do |a|
- options[:ruby] = a.split(/ /).reject(&:empty?)
- end
- opts.on '-q', '--hide-skip', 'Hide skipped tests' do
- options[:hide_skip] = true
- end
- opts.on '--show-skip', 'Show skipped tests' do
- options[:hide_skip] = false
- end
- opts.on '--color[=WHEN]',
- [:always, :never, :auto],
- "colorize the output. WHEN defaults to 'always'", "or can be 'never' or 'auto'." do |c|
- options[:color] = c || :always
- end
- opts.on '--tty[=WHEN]',
- [:yes, :no],
- "force to output tty control. WHEN defaults to 'yes'", "or can be 'no'." do |c|
- @tty = c != :no
- end
- end
- def non_options(files, options)
- begin
- require "rbconfig"
- rescue LoadError
- warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: Parallel running disabled because can't get path to ruby; run specify with --ruby argument"
- options[:parallel] = nil
- else
- options[:ruby] ||= [RbConfig.ruby]
- end
- true
- end
- end
- module GlobOption # :nodoc: all
- @@testfile_prefix = "test"
- def setup_options(parser, options)
- super
- parser.on '-b', '--basedir=DIR', 'Base directory of test suites.' do |dir|
- options[:base_directory] = dir
- end
- parser.on '-x', '--exclude PATTERN', 'Exclude test files on pattern.' do |pattern|
- (options[:reject] ||= []) << pattern
- end
- end
- def non_options(files, options)
- paths = [options.delete(:base_directory), nil].uniq
- if reject = options.delete(:reject)
- reject_pat = Regexp.union(reject.map {|r| /#{r}/ })
- end
- files.map! {|f|
- ((paths if /\A\.\.?(?:\z|\/)/ !~ f) || [nil]).any? do |prefix|
- if prefix
- path = f.empty? ? prefix : "#{prefix}/#{f}"
- else
- next if f.empty?
- path = f
- end
- if !(match = Dir["#{path}/**/#{@@testfile_prefix}_*.rb"]).empty?
- if reject
- match.reject! {|n|
- n[(prefix.length+1)..-1] if prefix
- reject_pat =~ n
- }
- end
- break match
- elsif !reject or reject_pat !~ f and File.exist? path
- break path
- end
- end or
- raise ArgumentError, "file not found: #{f}"
- }
- files.flatten!
- super(files, options)
- end
- end
- module LoadPathOption # :nodoc: all
- def setup_options(parser, options)
- super
- parser.on '-Idirectory', 'Add library load path' do |dirs|
- dirs.split(':').each { |d| $LOAD_PATH.unshift d }
- end
- end
- end
- module GCStressOption # :nodoc: all
- def setup_options(parser, options)
- super
- parser.on '--[no-]gc-stress', 'Set GC.stress as true' do |flag|
- options[:gc_stress] = flag
- end
- end
- def non_options(files, options)
- if options.delete(:gc_stress)
- MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.class_eval do
- oldrun = instance_method(:run)
- define_method(:run) do |runner|
- begin
- gc_stress, GC.stress = GC.stress, true
- oldrun.bind(self).call(runner)
- ensure
- GC.stress = gc_stress
- end
- end
- end
- end
- super
- end
- end
- module RequireFiles # :nodoc: all
- def non_options(files, options)
- return false if !super
- result = false
- files.each {|f|
- d = File.dirname(path = File.realpath(f))
- unless $:.include? d
- $: << d
- end
- begin
- require path unless options[:parallel]
- result = true
- rescue LoadError
- puts "#{f}: #{$!}"
- end
- }
- result
- end
- end
- class Runner < MiniTest::Unit # :nodoc: all
- include Test::Unit::Options
- include Test::Unit::GlobOption
- include Test::Unit::LoadPathOption
- include Test::Unit::GCStressOption
- include Test::Unit::RunCount
- class Worker
- def self.launch(ruby,args=[])
- io = IO.popen([*ruby,
- "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/unit/parallel.rb",
- *args], "rb+")
- new(io, io.pid, :waiting)
- end
- attr_reader :quit_called
- def initialize(io, pid, status)
- @io = io
- @pid = pid
- @status = status
- @file = nil
- @real_file = nil
- @loadpath = []
- @hooks = {}
- @quit_called = false
- end
- def puts(*args)
- @io.puts(*args)
- end
- def run(task,type)
- @file = File.basename(task, ".rb")
- @real_file = task
- begin
- puts "loadpath #{[Marshal.dump($:-@loadpath)].pack("m0")}"
- @loadpath = $:.dup
- puts "run #{task} #{type}"
- @status = :prepare
- rescue Errno::EPIPE
- died
- rescue IOError
- raise unless ["stream closed","closed stream"].include? $!.message
- died
- end
- end
- def hook(id,&block)
- @hooks[id] ||= []
- @hooks[id] << block
- self
- end
- def read
- res = (@status == :quit) ? @io.read : @io.gets
- res && res.chomp
- end
- def close
- @io.close unless @io.closed?
- self
- rescue IOError
- end
- def quit
- return if @io.closed?
- @quit_called = true
- @io.puts "quit"
- @io.close
- end
- def kill
- Process.kill(:KILL, @pid)
- rescue Errno::ESRCH
- end
- def died(*additional)
- @status = :quit
- @io.close
- call_hook(:dead,*additional)
- end
- def to_s
- if @file
- "#{@pid}=#{@file}"
- else
- "#{@pid}:#{@status.to_s.ljust(7)}"
- end
- end
- attr_reader :io, :pid
- attr_accessor :status, :file, :real_file, :loadpath
- private
- def call_hook(id,*additional)
- @hooks[id] ||= []
- @hooks[id].each{|hook| hook[self,additional] }
- self
- end
- end
- class << self; undef autorun; end
- @@stop_auto_run = false
- def self.autorun
- at_exit {
- Test::Unit::RunCount.run_once {
- exit(Test::Unit::Runner.new.run(ARGV) || true)
- } unless @@stop_auto_run
- } unless @@installed_at_exit
- @@installed_at_exit = true
- end
- def after_worker_down(worker, e=nil, c=false)
- return unless @options[:parallel]
- return if @interrupt
- warn e if e
- @need_quit = true
- warn ""
- warn "Some worker was crashed. It seems ruby interpreter's bug"
- warn "or, a bug of test/unit/parallel.rb. try again without -j"
- warn "option."
- warn ""
- STDERR.flush
- exit c
- end
- def terminal_width
- unless @terminal_width ||= nil
- begin
- require 'io/console'
- width = $stdout.winsize[1]
- rescue LoadError, NoMethodError, Errno::ENOTTY, Errno::EBADF
- width = ENV["COLUMNS"].to_i.nonzero? || 80
- end
- width -= 1 if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
- @terminal_width = width
- end
- @terminal_width
- end
- def del_status_line
- @status_line_size ||= 0
- unless @options[:job_status] == :replace
- $stdout.puts
- return
- end
- print "\r"+" "*@status_line_size+"\r"
- $stdout.flush
- @status_line_size = 0
- end
- def put_status(line)
- unless @options[:job_status] == :replace
- print(line)
- return
- end
- @status_line_size ||= 0
- del_status_line
- $stdout.flush
- line = line[0...terminal_width]
- print line
- $stdout.flush
- @status_line_size = line.size
- end
- def add_status(line)
- unless @options[:job_status] == :replace
- print(line)
- return
- end
- @status_line_size ||= 0
- line = line[0...(terminal_width-@status_line_size)]
- print line
- $stdout.flush
- @status_line_size += line.size
- end
- def jobs_status
- return unless @options[:job_status]
- puts "" unless @options[:verbose] or @options[:job_status] == :replace
- status_line = @workers.map(&:to_s).join(" ")
- update_status(status_line) or (puts; nil)
- end
- def del_jobs_status
- return unless @options[:job_status] == :replace && @status_line_size.nonzero?
- del_status_line
- end
- def after_worker_quit(worker)
- return unless @options[:parallel]
- return if @interrupt
- @workers.delete(worker)
- @dead_workers << worker
- @ios = @workers.map(&:io)
- end
- def launch_worker
- begin
- worker = Worker.launch(@options[:ruby],@args)
- rescue => e
- abort "ERROR: Failed to launch job process - #{e.class}: #{e.message}"
- end
- worker.hook(:dead) do |w,info|
- after_worker_quit w
- after_worker_down w, *info if !info.empty? && !worker.quit_called
- end
- @workers << worker
- @ios << worker.io
- @workers_hash[worker.io] = worker
- worker
- end
- def delete_worker(worker)
- @workers_hash.delete worker.io
- @workers.delete worker
- @ios.delete worker.io
- end
- def quit_workers
- return if @workers.empty?
- @workers.reject! do |worker|
- begin
- timeout(1) do
- worker.quit
- end
- rescue Errno::EPIPE
- rescue Timeout::Error
- end
- worker.close
- end
- return if @workers.empty?
- begin
- timeout(0.2 * @workers.size) do
- Process.waitall
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error
- @workers.each do |worker|
- worker.kill
- end
- @worker.clear
- end
- end
- def start_watchdog
- Thread.new do
- while stat = Process.wait2
- break if @interrupt # Break when interrupt
- pid, stat = stat
- w = (@workers + @dead_workers).find{|x| pid == x.pid }
- next unless w
- w = w.dup
- if w.status != :quit && !w.quit_called?
- # Worker down
- w.died(nil, !stat.signaled? && stat.exitstatus)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def deal(io, type, result, rep, shutting_down = false)
- worker = @workers_hash[io]
- case worker.read
- when /^okay$/
- worker.status = :running
- jobs_status
- when /^ready(!)?$/
- bang = $1
- worker.status = :ready
- return nil unless task = @tasks.shift
- if @options[:separate] and not bang
- worker.quit
- worker = add_worker
- end
- worker.run(task, type)
- @test_count += 1
- jobs_status
- when /^done (.+?)$/
- r = Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0])
- result << r[0..1] unless r[0..1] == [nil,nil]
- rep << {file: worker.real_file, report: r[2], result: r[3], testcase: r[5]}
- $:.push(*r[4]).uniq!
- return true
- when /^p (.+?)$/
- del_jobs_status
- print $1.unpack("m")[0]
- jobs_status if @options[:job_status] == :replace
- when /^after (.+?)$/
- @warnings << Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0])
- when /^bye (.+?)$/
- after_worker_down worker, Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0])
- when /^bye$/, nil
- if shutting_down || worker.quit_called
- after_worker_quit worker
- else
- after_worker_down worker
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def _run_parallel suites, type, result
- if @options[:parallel] < 1
- warn "Error: parameter of -j option should be greater than 0."
- return
- end
- # Require needed things for parallel running
- require 'thread'
- require 'timeout'
- @tasks = @files.dup # Array of filenames.
- @need_quit = false
- @dead_workers = [] # Array of dead workers.
- @warnings = []
- @total_tests = @tasks.size.to_s(10)
- rep = [] # FIXME: more good naming
- @workers = [] # Array of workers.
- @workers_hash = {} # out-IO => worker
- @ios = [] # Array of worker IOs
- begin
- # Thread: watchdog
- watchdog = start_watchdog
- @options[:parallel].times {launch_worker}
- while _io = IO.select(@ios)[0]
- break if _io.any? do |io|
- @need_quit or
- (deal(io, type, result, rep).nil? and
- !@workers.any? {|x| [:running, :prepare].include? x.status})
- end
- end
- rescue Interrupt => ex
- @interrupt = ex
- return result
- ensure
- watchdog.kill if watchdog
- if @interrupt
- @ios.select!{|x| @workers_hash[x].status == :running }
- while !@ios.empty? && (__io = IO.select(@ios,[],[],10))
- __io[0].reject! {|io| deal(io, type, result, rep, true)}
- end
- end
- quit_workers
- unless @interrupt || !@options[:retry] || @need_quit
- @options[:parallel] = false
- suites, rep = rep.partition {|r| r[:testcase] && r[:file] && r[:report].any? {|e| !e[2].is_a?(MiniTest::Skip)}}
- suites.map {|r| r[:file]}.uniq.each {|file| require file}
- suites.map! {|r| eval("::"+r[:testcase])}
- del_status_line or puts
- unless suites.empty?
- puts "Retrying..."
- _run_suites(suites, type)
- end
- end
- unless @options[:retry]
- del_status_line or puts
- end
- unless rep.empty?
- rep.each do |r|
- r[:report].each do |f|
- puke(*f) if f
- end
- end
- if @options[:retry]
- @errors += rep.map{|x| x[:result][0] }.inject(:+)
- @failures += rep.map{|x| x[:result][1] }.inject(:+)
- @skips += rep.map{|x| x[:result][2] }.inject(:+)
- end
- end
- unless @warnings.empty?
- warn ""
- @warnings.uniq! {|w| w[1].message}
- @warnings.each do |w|
- warn "#{w[0]}: #{w[1].message} (#{w[1].class})"
- end
- warn ""
- end
- end
- end
- def _run_suites suites, type
- _prepare_run(suites, type)
- @interrupt = nil
- result = []
- GC.start
- if @options[:parallel]
- _run_parallel suites, type, result
- else
- suites.each {|suite|
- begin
- result << _run_suite(suite, type)
- rescue Interrupt => e
- @interrupt = e
- break
- end
- }
- end
- report.reject!{|r| r.start_with? "Skipped:" } if @options[:hide_skip]
- report.sort_by!{|r| r.start_with?("Skipped:") ? 0 : \
- (r.start_with?("Failure:") ? 1 : 2) }
- result
- end
- alias mini_run_suite _run_suite
- def output
- (@output ||= nil) || super
- end
- def _prepare_run(suites, type)
- options[:job_status] ||= :replace if @tty && !@verbose
- case options[:color]
- when :always
- color = true
- when :auto, nil
- color = @options[:job_status] == :replace && /dumb/ !~ ENV["TERM"]
- else
- color = false
- end
- if color
- # dircolors-like style
- colors = (colors = ENV['TEST_COLORS']) ? Hash[colors.scan(/(\w+)=([^:]*)/)] : {}
- @passed_color = "\e[#{colors["pass"] || "32"}m"
- @failed_color = "\e[#{colors["fail"] || "31"}m"
- @skipped_color = "\e[#{colors["skip"] || "33"}m"
- @reset_color = "\e[m"
- else
- @passed_color = @failed_color = @skipped_color = @reset_color = ""
- end
- if color or @options[:job_status] == :replace
- @verbose = !options[:parallel]
- @output = StatusLineOutput.new(self)
- end
- if /\A\/(.*)\/\z/ =~ (filter = options[:filter])
- filter = Regexp.new($1)
- end
- type = "#{type}_methods"
- total = if filter
- suites.inject(0) {|n, suite| n + suite.send(type).grep(filter).size}
- else
- suites.inject(0) {|n, suite| n + suite.send(type).size}
- end
- @test_count = 0
- @total_tests = total.to_s(10)
- end
- def new_test(s)
- @test_count += 1
- update_status(s)
- end
- def update_status(s)
- count = @test_count.to_s(10).rjust(@total_tests.size)
- put_status("#{@passed_color}[#{count}/#{@total_tests}]#{@reset_color} #{s}")
- end
- def _print(s); $stdout.print(s); end
- def succeed; del_status_line; end
- def failed(s)
- sep = "\n"
- @report_count ||= 0
- report.each do |msg|
- if msg.start_with? "Skipped:"
- if @options[:hide_skip]
- del_status_line
- next
- end
- color = @skipped_color
- else
- color = @failed_color
- end
- msg = msg.split(/$/, 2)
- $stdout.printf("%s%s%3d) %s%s%s\n",
- sep, color, @report_count += 1,
- msg[0], @reset_color, msg[1])
- sep = nil
- end
- report.clear
- end
- # Overriding of MiniTest::Unit#puke
- def puke klass, meth, e
- # TODO:
- # this overriding is for minitest feature that skip messages are
- # hidden when not verbose (-v), note this is temporally.
- n = report.size
- rep = super
- if MiniTest::Skip === e and /no message given\z/ =~ e.message
- report.slice!(n..-1)
- rep = "."
- end
- rep
- end
- def initialize
- super
- @tty = $stdout.tty?
- end
- def status(*args)
- result = super
- raise @interrupt if @interrupt
- result
- end
- def run(*args)
- result = super
- puts "\nruby -v: #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}"
- result
- end
- end
- class StatusLineOutput < Struct.new(:runner) # :nodoc: all
- def puts(*a) $stdout.puts(*a) unless a.empty? end
- def respond_to_missing?(*a) $stdout.respond_to?(*a) end
- def method_missing(*a, &b) $stdout.__send__(*a, &b) end
- def print(s)
- case s
- when /\A(.*\#.*) = \z/
- runner.new_test($1)
- when /\A(.* s) = \z/
- runner.add_status(" = "+$1.chomp)
- when /\A\.+\z/
- runner.succeed
- when /\A[EFS]\z/
- runner.failed(s)
- else
- $stdout.print(s)
- end
- end
- end
- class AutoRunner # :nodoc: all
- class Runner < Test::Unit::Runner
- include Test::Unit::RequireFiles
- end
- attr_accessor :to_run, :options
- def initialize(force_standalone = false, default_dir = nil, argv = ARGV)
- @force_standalone = force_standalone
- @runner = Runner.new do |files, options|
- options[:base_directory] ||= default_dir
- files << default_dir if files.empty? and default_dir
- @to_run = files
- yield self if block_given?
- files
- end
- Runner.runner = @runner
- @options = @runner.option_parser
- if @force_standalone
- @options.banner.sub!(/\[options\]/, '\& tests...')
- end
- @argv = argv
- end
- def process_args(*args)
- @runner.process_args(*args)
- !@to_run.empty?
- end
- def run
- if @force_standalone and not process_args(@argv)
- abort @options.banner
- end
- @runner.run(@argv) || true
- end
- def self.run(*args)
- new(*args).run
- end
- end
- class ProxyError < StandardError # :nodoc: all
- def initialize(ex)
- @message = ex.message
- @backtrace = ex.backtrace
- end
- attr_accessor :message, :backtrace
- end
- end
-module MiniTest # :nodoc: all
- class Unit
- end
-class MiniTest::Unit::TestCase # :nodoc: all
- undef run_test
- RUN_TEST_TRACE = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__+3}:in `run_test'".freeze
- def run_test(name)
- progname, $0 = $0, "#{$0}: #{self.class}##{name}"
- self.__send__(name)
- ensure
- $@.delete(RUN_TEST_TRACE) if $@
- $0 = progname
- end