path: root/lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb b/lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ffadbe69..0000000000
--- a/lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# WSDL4R - Creating driver code from WSDL.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <nahi@ruby-lang.org>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'wsdl/info'
-require 'wsdl/soap/classDefCreatorSupport'
-require 'soap/rpc/element'
-module WSDL
-module SOAP
-class MethodDefCreator
- include ClassDefCreatorSupport
- attr_reader :definitions
- def initialize(definitions)
- @definitions = definitions
- @simpletypes = @definitions.collect_simpletypes
- @complextypes = @definitions.collect_complextypes
- @elements = @definitions.collect_elements
- @types = []
- end
- def dump(porttype)
- @types.clear
- result = ""
- operations = @definitions.porttype(porttype).operations
- binding = @definitions.porttype_binding(porttype)
- operations.each do |operation|
- op_bind = binding.operations[operation.name]
- next unless op_bind # no binding is defined
- next unless op_bind.soapoperation # not a SOAP operation binding
- result << ",\n" unless result.empty?
- result << dump_method(operation, op_bind).chomp
- end
- return result, @types
- end
- def collect_rpcparameter(operation)
- result = operation.inputparts.collect { |part|
- collect_type(part.type)
- param_set(::SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod::IN, part.name, rpcdefinedtype(part))
- }
- outparts = operation.outputparts
- if outparts.size > 0
- retval = outparts[0]
- collect_type(retval.type)
- result << param_set(::SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod::RETVAL, retval.name,
- rpcdefinedtype(retval))
- cdr(outparts).each { |part|
- collect_type(part.type)
- result << param_set(::SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod::OUT, part.name,
- rpcdefinedtype(part))
- }
- end
- result
- end
- def collect_documentparameter(operation)
- param = []
- operation.inputparts.each do |input|
- param << param_set(::SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod::IN, input.name,
- documentdefinedtype(input), elementqualified(input))
- end
- operation.outputparts.each do |output|
- param << param_set(::SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethod::OUT, output.name,
- documentdefinedtype(output), elementqualified(output))
- end
- param
- end
- def dump_method(operation, binding)
- name = safemethodname(operation.name.name)
- name_as = operation.name.name
- style = binding.soapoperation_style
- inputuse = binding.input.soapbody_use
- outputuse = binding.output.soapbody_use
- namespace = binding.input.soapbody.namespace
- if style == :rpc
- qname = XSD::QName.new(namespace, name_as)
- paramstr = param2str(collect_rpcparameter(operation))
- else
- qname = nil
- paramstr = param2str(collect_documentparameter(operation))
- end
- if paramstr.empty?
- paramstr = '[]'
- else
- paramstr = "[ " << paramstr.split(/\r?\n/).join("\n ") << " ]"
- end
- definitions = <<__EOD__
- #{dq(name)},
- #{paramstr},
- { :request_style => #{sym(style.id2name)}, :request_use => #{sym(inputuse.id2name)},
- :response_style => #{sym(style.id2name)}, :response_use => #{sym(outputuse.id2name)} }
- if style == :rpc
- return <<__EOD__
-[ #{qname.dump},
- #{definitions}]
- else
- return <<__EOD__
-[ #{definitions}]
- end
- end
- def rpcdefinedtype(part)
- if mapped = basetype_mapped_class(part.type)
- ['::' + mapped.name]
- elsif definedtype = @simpletypes[part.type]
- ['::' + basetype_mapped_class(definedtype.base).name]
- elsif definedtype = @elements[part.element]
- #['::SOAP::SOAPStruct', part.element.namespace, part.element.name]
- ['nil', part.element.namespace, part.element.name]
- elsif definedtype = @complextypes[part.type]
- case definedtype.compoundtype
- when :TYPE_STRUCT, :TYPE_EMPTY # ToDo: empty should be treated as void.
- type = create_class_name(part.type)
- [type, part.type.namespace, part.type.name]
- when :TYPE_MAP
- [Hash.name, part.type.namespace, part.type.name]
- when :TYPE_ARRAY
- arytype = definedtype.find_arytype || XSD::AnyTypeName
- ns = arytype.namespace
- name = arytype.name.sub(/\[(?:,)*\]$/, '')
- type = create_class_name(XSD::QName.new(ns, name))
- [type + '[]', ns, name]
- else
- raise NotImplementedError.new("must not reach here")
- end
- else
- raise RuntimeError.new("part: #{part.name} cannot be resolved")
- end
- end
- def documentdefinedtype(part)
- if mapped = basetype_mapped_class(part.type)
- ['::' + mapped.name, nil, part.name]
- elsif definedtype = @simpletypes[part.type]
- ['::' + basetype_mapped_class(definedtype.base).name, nil, part.name]
- elsif definedtype = @elements[part.element]
- ['::SOAP::SOAPElement', part.element.namespace, part.element.name]
- elsif definedtype = @complextypes[part.type]
- ['::SOAP::SOAPElement', part.type.namespace, part.type.name]
- else
- raise RuntimeError.new("part: #{part.name} cannot be resolved")
- end
- end
- def elementqualified(part)
- if mapped = basetype_mapped_class(part.type)
- false
- elsif definedtype = @simpletypes[part.type]
- false
- elsif definedtype = @elements[part.element]
- definedtype.elementform == 'qualified'
- elsif definedtype = @complextypes[part.type]
- false
- else
- raise RuntimeError.new("part: #{part.name} cannot be resolved")
- end
- end
- def param_set(io_type, name, type, ele = nil)
- [io_type, name, type, ele]
- end
- def collect_type(type)
- # ignore inline type definition.
- return if type.nil?
- return if @types.include?(type)
- @types << type
- return unless @complextypes[type]
- @complextypes[type].each_element do |element|
- collect_type(element.type)
- end
- end
- def param2str(params)
- params.collect { |param|
- io, name, type, ele = param
- unless ele.nil?
- "[#{dq(io)}, #{dq(name)}, #{type2str(type)}, #{ele2str(ele)}]"
- else
- "[#{dq(io)}, #{dq(name)}, #{type2str(type)}]"
- end
- }.join(",\n")
- end
- def type2str(type)
- if type.size == 1
- "[#{dq(type[0])}]"
- else
- "[#{dq(type[0])}, #{ndq(type[1])}, #{dq(type[2])}]"
- end
- end
- def ele2str(ele)
- qualified = ele
- if qualified
- "true"
- else
- "false"
- end
- end
- def cdr(ary)
- result = ary.dup
- result.shift
- result
- end