path: root/object.c
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1 files changed, 61 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index 47ccedc4f7..3ccce45297 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -3183,35 +3183,66 @@ rb_opts_exception_p(VALUE opts, int default_value)
* call-seq:
- * Integer(arg, base=0, exception: true) -> integer or nil
- *
- * Converts <i>arg</i> to an Integer.
- * Numeric types are converted directly (with floating point numbers
- * being truncated). <i>base</i> (0, or between 2 and 36) is a base for
- * integer string representation. If <i>arg</i> is a String,
- * when <i>base</i> is omitted or equals zero, radix indicators
- * (<code>0</code>, <code>0b</code>, and <code>0x</code>) are honored.
- * In any case, strings should consist only of one or more digits, except
- * for that a sign, one underscore between two digits, and leading/trailing
- * spaces are optional. This behavior is different from that of
- * String#to_i. Non string values will be converted by first
- * trying <code>to_int</code>, then <code>to_i</code>.
- *
- * Passing <code>nil</code> raises a TypeError, while passing a String that
- * does not conform with numeric representation raises an ArgumentError.
- * This behavior can be altered by passing <code>exception: false</code>,
- * in this case a not convertible value will return <code>nil</code>.
- *
- * Integer(123.999) #=> 123
- * Integer("0x1a") #=> 26
- * Integer(Time.new) #=> 1204973019
- * Integer("0930", 10) #=> 930
- * Integer("111", 2) #=> 7
- * Integer(" +1_0 ") #=> 10
- * Integer(nil) #=> TypeError: can't convert nil into Integer
- * Integer("x") #=> ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer(): "x"
- *
- * Integer("x", exception: false) #=> nil
+ * Integer(object, base = 0, exception: true) -> integer or nil
+ *
+ * Returns an integer converted from +object+.
+ *
+ * Tries to convert +object+ to an integer
+ * using +to_int+ first and +to_i+ second;
+ * see below for exceptions.
+ *
+ * With integer argument +object+ given, returns +object+:
+ *
+ * Integer(1) # => 1
+ * Integer(-1) # => -1
+ *
+ * With floating-point argument +object+ given,
+ * returns +object+ truncated to an intger:
+ *
+ * Integer(1.9) # => 1 # Rounds toward zero.
+ * Integer(-1.9) # => -1 # Rounds toward zero.
+ *
+ * With string argument +object+ and zero +base+ given,
+ * returns +object+ converted to an integer in base 10:
+ *
+ * Integer('100') # => 100
+ * Integer('-100') # => -100
+ *
+ * With +base+ zero, string +object+ may contain leading characters
+ * to specify the actual base:
+ *
+ * Integer('0100') # => 64 # Leading '0' specifies base 8.
+ * Integer('0b100') # => 4 # Leading '0b', specifies base 2.
+ * Integer('0x100') # => 256 # Leading '0x' specifies base 16.
+ *
+ * With a non-zero +base+ (in range 2..36) given
+ * (in which case +object+ must be a string),
+ * returns +object+ converted to an integer in the given base:
+ *
+ * Integer('100', 2) # => 4
+ * Integer('100', 8) # => 64
+ * Integer('-100', 16) # => -256
+ *
+ * When converting strings, surrounding whitespace and embedded underscores
+ * are allowed and ignored:
+ *
+ * Integer(' 100 ') # => 100
+ * Integer('-1_0_0', 16) # => -256
+ *
+ * Examples with +object+ of various other classes:
+ *
+ * Integer(Rational(9, 10)) # => 0 # Rounds toward zero.
+ * Integer(Complex(2, 0)) # => 2 # Imaginary part must be zero.
+ * Integer(Time.now) # => 1650974042
+ *
+ * With optional keyword argument +exception+ given as +true+ (the default):
+ *
+ * - Raises TypeError if +object+ does not respond to +to_int+ or +to_i+.
+ * - Raises TypeError if +object+ is +nil+.
+ * - Raise ArgumentError if +object+ is an invalid string.
+ *
+ * With +exception+ given as +false+, an exception of any kind is suppressed
+ * and +nil+ is returned.
@@ -3652,7 +3683,7 @@ rb_String(VALUE val)
* call-seq:
* String(object) -> object or new_string
- * Returns an array converted from +object+.
+ * Returns a string converted from +object+.
* Tries to convert +object+ to a string
* using +to_str+ first and +to_s+ second: