path: root/sample/trick2015/ksk_2/remarks.markdown
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+### Remarks
+The program is run with a data file from the standard input, e.g.,
+ ruby entry.rb < data
+where ``<`` can be omitted. The data file must be in the DIMACS CNF
+format (see Description for detail). It has been confirmed to be run on
+ ruby 1.9.3p385 (2013-02-06 revision 39114) [x86_64-darwin11.4.2]
+ ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]
+ ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-linux]
+For particular inputs, the program works differently on these environments
+(see Limitation).
+### Description
+The program is a very small SAT solver with 194 bytes making use of a
+powerful feature of Regexp matching in Ruby. It receives a data file
+from the standard input in the DIMACS CNF that is a standard format
+for inputs of SAT solvers. For example, the text in the DIMACS CNF
+c This is a sample input file.
+p cnf 3 5
+ 1 -2 3 0
+-1 2 0
+-2 -3 0
+ 1 2 -3 0
+ 1 3 0
+corresponds to a propositional formula in conjunctive normal form,
+ (L1 &or; &not;L2 &or; L3) &and;
+ (&not;L1 &or; L2) &and;
+ (&not;L2 &or; &not;L3) &and;
+ (L1 &or; L2 &or; &not;L3) &and;
+ (L1 &or; L3).
+In the DIMACS CNF format, the lines starting with ``c`` are comments
+that are allowed only before the line ``p cnf ...``. The line ``p cnf
+3 5`` represents that the problem is given in conjunctive normal form
+with 3 variables (L1,L2,and L3) and 5 clauses. A clause is given by a
+sequence of the indices of positive literals and the negative indices
+of negative literals. Each clause is terminated by ``0``. For the
+input above, the program outputs
+v 1 2 -3
+because the formula is satisfiable by L1=true, L2=true, and L3=false.
+If an unsatisfiable formula is given, the program should output
+This specification is common in most exiting SAT solvers and required
+for entries of [SAT competition](http://www.satcompetition.org/).
+The program is very small with no other external libraries thanks to
+the wealth of string manipulations in Ruby. It is much smaller than
+existing small SAT solvers like [minisat](http://minisat.se/) and
+### Internals
+The basic idea of the program is a translation from DIMACS CNF format
+into Ruby. For example, the data file above is translated into a
+``Regexp`` matching expression equivalent to
+ '---=-' =~
+ /(-?)(-?)(-?)-*=(?=\1$|-\2$|\3$|$)(?=-\1$|\2$|$)(?=-\2$|-\3$|$)(?=\1$|\2$|-\3$|$)(?=\1$|\3$|$)(?=)/
+that returns ``MatchData`` if the formula is satisfiable and otherwise
+returns ``nil``. The beginning of regular expression
+``(-?)(-?)(-?)-*=`` matches a string ``"---="`` so that each
+capturing pattern ``(-?)`` matches either ``"-"`` or `""`, which
+corresponds to an assignment of true or false, respectively, for a
+propositional variable. Each clause is translated into positive
+lookahead assertion like ``(?=\1$|-\2$|\3$|$)`` that matches
+``"-"`` only when ``\1`` holds ``"-"``, ``\2`` holds ``""``, or ``\3``
+holds ``"-"``. This exactly corresponds to the condition for
+L1&or;&not;L2&or;L3 to be true. The last case ``|$`` never matches
+``"-"`` but it is required for making the translation simple.
+The last meaningless positive lookahead assertion ``(?=)`` is added
+for a similar reason. This translation is based on
+[Abigail's idea](http://perl.plover.com/NPC/NPC-3SAT.html) where a
+3SAT formula is translated into a similar Perl regular expression.
+The differences are the submitted Ruby program translates directly
+from the DIMACS CNF format and tries to make the code shorter by using
+lookahead assertion which can also make matching more faster.
+Thanks to the ``x`` option for regular expression, the input above is
+simply translated into
+ ?-*3+'=-'=~/#{'(-?)'*3}-*=(?=
+ \1$| -\2$| \3$| $)(?=
+ -\1$| \2$| $)(?=
+ -\2$| -\3$| $)(?=
+ \1$| \2$| -\3$| $)(?=
+ \1$| \3$| $)(?=
+ )/x
+which has a structure similar to the DIMACS CNF format.
+The part of formatting outputs in the program is obfuscated as an
+inevitable result of 'golfing' the original program
+ if ...the matching expression above... then
+ puts 's SATISFIABLE'
+ puts 'v '+$~[1..-1].map.with_index{|x,i|
+ if x == '-' then
+ i+1
+ else
+ ['-',i+1].join
+ end
+ }.join(' ')
+ else
+ end
+In the satisfiable case, the MatchData ``$~`` obtained by the regular expression
+has the form of
+ #<MatchData "---=" 1:"-" 2:"-" 3:"">
+which should be translated into a string ``1 2 -3``. The golfed code simply
+does it by `eval(x+?1)*i-=1` where ``x`` is matched string ``"x"`` or ``""``
+and ``i`` be a negated index.
+### Data files
+The submission includes some input files in the DIMACS CNF format for
+testing the program.
+* [sample.cnf](sample.cnf) : an example shown above.
+* [unsat.cnf](unsat.cnf) : an example of an unsatisfiable formula.
+* [quinn.cnf](quinn.cnf) : an example from Quinn's text, 16 variables and 18 clauses
+ (available from [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/cnf/cnf.html])
+* [abnormal.cnf](abnormal.cnf) : an example from [the unofficial manual of the DIMACS challenge](http://www.domagoj-babic.com/uploads/ResearchProjects/Spear/dimacs-cnf.pdf)
+ where a single clause may be on multiple lines.
+* [uf20-01.cnf](uf20-01.cnf) : an example, with 20 variables and 91 clauses, from [SATLIB benchmark suite](http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hoos/SATLIB/benchm.html). The last two lines are removed from the original because they are illegal in the DIMACS CNF format (all examples in 'Uniform Random-3-SAT' of the linked page need this modification).
+### Limitation
+The program may not work when the number of variables exceeds 99
+because ``\nnn`` in regular expression with number ``nnn`` does not
+always represent backreference but octal notation of characters. For
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\502/=~"x"*999+":x"
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\661/=~"x"*999+":x"
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\775/=~"x"*999+":x"
+fail due to the syntax error (invalid escape), while
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\508/=~"x"*999+":x"
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\691/=~"x"*999+":x"
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\785/=~"x"*999+":x"
+succeed (to return 0) because 508, 691, and 785 are not in octal notation.
+Since Ruby 1.9.3 incorrectly returns ``nil`` instead of terminating
+with the error for
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\201/=~"x"*999+":x"
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\325/=~"x"*999+":x"
+the present SAT solver may unexpectedly return "UNSATISFIABLE" even
+for satisfiable inputs. This happens when the number is in octal
+notation starting with either 2 or 3.
+In the case of the number starting with 1, the code like the above
+does work on all versions of Ruby I tried. For example,
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\101/=~"x"*999+":x"
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\177/=~"x"*999+":x"
+succeed (to return 0). Interestingly,
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\101/=~"x"*999+":\101"
+ /#{"(x)"*999}:\177/=~"x"*999+":\177"
+return ``nil``, while
+ /:\101/=~":\101"
+ /:\177/=~":\177"
+succeed to return 0. The meaning of ``\1nn`` in regular expression
+seems to depend on the existence of capturing expressions.
+In spite of these Ruby's behaviors, we have a good news! The present
+SAT sover does not suffer from the issues because the program cannot
+return solutions in practical time for inputs with variables more than
+40. \ No newline at end of file