path: root/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/downloader_spec.rb
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--- a/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/downloader_spec.rb
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-# frozen_string_literal: true
-RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher::Downloader do
- let(:connection) { double(:connection) }
- let(:redirect_limit) { 5 }
- let(:uri) { URI("http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
- let(:options) { double(:options) }
- subject { described_class.new(connection, redirect_limit) }
- describe "fetch" do
- let(:counter) { 0 }
- let(:httpv) { "1.1" }
- let(:http_response) { double(:response) }
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:request).with(uri, options).and_return(http_response)
- allow(http_response).to receive(:body).and_return("Body with info")
- end
- context "when the # requests counter is greater than the redirect limit" do
- let(:counter) { redirect_limit + 1 }
- it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError specifying too many redirects" do
- expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError, "Too many redirects")
- end
- end
- context "logging" do
- let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPSuccess.new("1.1", 200, "Success") }
- it "should log the HTTP response code and message to debug" do
- expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("HTTP 200 Success #{uri}")
- subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)
- end
- end
- context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPRedirection" do
- let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPRedirection.new(httpv, 308, "Moved") }
- before { http_response["location"] = "http://www.redirect-uri.com/api/v2/endpoint" }
- it "should try to fetch the redirect uri and iterate the # requests counter" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint"), options, 0).and_call_original
- expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("http://www.redirect-uri.com/api/v2/endpoint"), options, 1)
- subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)
- end
- context "when the redirect uri and original uri are the same" do
- let(:uri) { URI("ssh://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
- before { http_response["location"] = "ssh://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v1/endpoint" }
- it "should set the same user and password for the redirect uri" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("ssh://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint"), options, 0).and_call_original
- expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("ssh://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v1/endpoint"), options, 1)
- subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)
- end
- end
- end
- context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPSuccess" do
- let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPSuccess.new("1.1", 200, "Success") }
- it "should return the response body" do
- expect(subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)).to eq(http_response)
- end
- end
- context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge" do
- let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge.new("1.1", 413, "Too Big") }
- it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError with the response body" do
- expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError, "Body with info")
- end
- end
- context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPUnauthorized" do
- let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPUnauthorized.new("1.1", 401, "Unauthorized") }
- it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError with the uri host" do
- expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError,
- /Authentication is required for www.uri-to-fetch.com/)
- end
- end
- context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPNotFound" do
- let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPNotFound.new("1.1", 404, "Not Found") }
- it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError with Net::HTTPNotFound" do
- expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError, "Net::HTTPNotFound")
- end
- end
- context "when the request response is some other type" do
- let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPBadGateway.new("1.1", 500, "Fatal Error") }
- it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError with the response class and body" do
- expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError, "Net::HTTPBadGateway: Body with info")
- end
- end
- end
- describe "request" do
- let(:net_http_get) { double(:net_http_get) }
- let(:response) { double(:response) }
- before do
- allow(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:new).with("/api/v2/endpoint", options).and_return(net_http_get)
- allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get).and_return(response)
- end
- it "should log the HTTP GET request to debug" do
- expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("HTTP GET http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint")
- subject.request(uri, options)
- end
- context "when there is a user provided in the request" do
- context "and there is also a password provided" do
- context "that contains cgi escaped characters" do
- let(:uri) { URI("http://username:password%24@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
- it "should request basic authentication with the username and password" do
- expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", "password$")
- subject.request(uri, options)
- end
- end
- context "that is all unescaped characters" do
- let(:uri) { URI("http://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
- it "should request basic authentication with the username and proper cgi compliant password" do
- expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", "password")
- subject.request(uri, options)
- end
- end
- end
- context "and there is no password provided" do
- let(:uri) { URI("http://username@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
- it "should request basic authentication with just the user" do
- expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", nil)
- subject.request(uri, options)
- end
- end
- context "that contains cgi escaped characters" do
- let(:uri) { URI("http://username%24@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
- it "should request basic authentication with the proper cgi compliant password user" do
- expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username$", nil)
- subject.request(uri, options)
- end
- end
- end
- context "when the request response causes a NoMethodError" do
- before { allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get) { raise NoMethodError.new(message) } }
- context "and the error message is about use_ssl=" do
- let(:message) { "undefined method 'use_ssl='" }
- it "should raise a LoadError about openssl" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(LoadError, "cannot load such file -- openssl")
- end
- end
- context "and the error message is not about use_ssl=" do
- let(:message) { "undefined method 'undefined_method_call'" }
- it "should raise the original NoMethodError" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, "undefined method 'undefined_method_call'")
- end
- end
- end
- context "when the request response causes a OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError" do
- before { allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get) { raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new } }
- it "should raise a LoadError about openssl" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError,
- %r{Could not verify the SSL certificate for http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint})
- end
- end
- context "when the request response causes an error included in HTTP_ERRORS" do
- let(:message) { nil }
- let(:error) { RuntimeError.new(message) }
- before do
- stub_const("Bundler::Fetcher::HTTP_ERRORS", [RuntimeError])
- allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get) { raise error }
- end
- it "should trace log the error" do
- allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug)
- expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :trace).with(error)
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError)
- end
- context "when error message is about the host being down" do
- let(:message) { "host down: http://www.uri-to-fetch.com" }
- it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError,
- /Could not reach host www.uri-to-fetch.com/)
- end
- end
- context "when error message is about getaddrinfo issues" do
- let(:message) { "getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided for http://www.uri-to-fetch.com" }
- it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError,
- /Could not reach host www.uri-to-fetch.com/)
- end
- end
- context "when error message is about neither host down or getaddrinfo" do
- let(:message) { "other error about network" }
- it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError,
- "Network error while fetching http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint (other error about network)")
- end
- context "when the there are credentials provided in the request" do
- let(:uri) { URI("http://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
- before do
- allow(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", "password")
- end
- it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError that doesn't contain the password" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError,
- "Network error while fetching http://username@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint (other error about network)")
- end
- end
- end
- context "when error message is about no route to host" do
- let(:message) { "Failed to open TCP connection to www.uri-to-fetch.com:443 " }
- it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::HTTPError" do
- expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError,
- "Network error while fetching http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint (#{message})")
- end
- end
- end
- end