path: root/spec/bundler/bundler/remote_specification_spec.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/remote_specification_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/remote_specification_spec.rb
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--- a/spec/bundler/bundler/remote_specification_spec.rb
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-# frozen_string_literal: true
-RSpec.describe Bundler::RemoteSpecification do
- let(:name) { "foo" }
- let(:version) { Gem::Version.new("1.0.0") }
- let(:platform) { Gem::Platform::RUBY }
- let(:spec_fetcher) { double(:spec_fetcher) }
- subject { described_class.new(name, version, platform, spec_fetcher) }
- it "is Comparable" do
- expect(described_class.ancestors).to include(Comparable)
- end
- it "can match platforms" do
- expect(described_class.ancestors).to include(Bundler::MatchPlatform)
- end
- describe "#fetch_platform" do
- let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :platform => "jruby") }
- before { allow(spec_fetcher).to receive(:fetch_spec).and_return(remote_spec) }
- it "should return the spec platform" do
- expect(subject.fetch_platform).to eq("jruby")
- end
- end
- describe "#full_name" do
- context "when platform is ruby" do
- it "should return the spec name and version" do
- expect(subject.full_name).to eq("foo-1.0.0")
- end
- end
- context "when platform is nil" do
- let(:platform) { nil }
- it "should return the spec name and version" do
- expect(subject.full_name).to eq("foo-1.0.0")
- end
- end
- context "when platform is a non-ruby platform" do
- let(:platform) { "jruby" }
- it "should return the spec name, version, and platform" do
- expect(subject.full_name).to eq("foo-1.0.0-jruby")
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#<=>" do
- let(:other_name) { name }
- let(:other_version) { version }
- let(:other_platform) { platform }
- let(:other_spec_fetcher) { spec_fetcher }
- shared_examples_for "a comparison" do
- context "which exactly matches" do
- it "returns 0" do
- expect(subject <=> other).to eq(0)
- end
- end
- context "which is different by name" do
- let(:other_name) { "a" }
- it "returns 1" do
- expect(subject <=> other).to eq(1)
- end
- end
- context "which has a lower version" do
- let(:other_version) { Gem::Version.new("0.9.0") }
- it "returns 1" do
- expect(subject <=> other).to eq(1)
- end
- end
- context "which has a higher version" do
- let(:other_version) { Gem::Version.new("1.1.0") }
- it "returns -1" do
- expect(subject <=> other).to eq(-1)
- end
- end
- context "which has a different platform" do
- let(:other_platform) { Gem::Platform.new("x86-mswin32") }
- it "returns -1" do
- expect(subject <=> other).to eq(-1)
- end
- end
- end
- context "comparing another Bundler::RemoteSpecification" do
- let(:other) do
- Bundler::RemoteSpecification.new(other_name, other_version,
- other_platform, nil)
- end
- it_should_behave_like "a comparison"
- end
- context "comparing a Gem::Specification" do
- let(:other) do
- Gem::Specification.new(other_name, other_version).tap do |s|
- s.platform = other_platform
- end
- end
- it_should_behave_like "a comparison"
- end
- context "comparing a non sortable object" do
- let(:other) { Object.new }
- let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :platform => "jruby") }
- before do
- allow(spec_fetcher).to receive(:fetch_spec).and_return(remote_spec)
- allow(remote_spec).to receive(:<=>).and_return(nil)
- end
- it "should use default object comparison" do
- expect(subject <=> other).to eq(nil)
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#__swap__" do
- let(:spec) { double(:spec, :dependencies => []) }
- let(:new_spec) { double(:new_spec, :dependencies => [], :runtime_dependencies => []) }
- before { subject.instance_variable_set(:@_remote_specification, spec) }
- it "should replace remote specification with the passed spec" do
- expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@_remote_specification)).to be(spec)
- subject.__swap__(new_spec)
- expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@_remote_specification)).to be(new_spec)
- end
- end
- describe "#sort_obj" do
- context "when platform is ruby" do
- it "should return a sorting delegate array with name, version, and -1" do
- expect(subject.sort_obj).to match_array(["foo", version, -1])
- end
- end
- context "when platform is not ruby" do
- let(:platform) { "jruby" }
- it "should return a sorting delegate array with name, version, and 1" do
- expect(subject.sort_obj).to match_array(["foo", version, 1])
- end
- end
- end
- describe "method missing" do
- context "and is present in Gem::Specification" do
- let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :authors => "abcd") }
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:_remote_specification).and_return(remote_spec)
- expect(subject.methods.map(&:to_sym)).not_to include(:authors)
- end
- it "should send through to Gem::Specification" do
- expect(subject.authors).to eq("abcd")
- end
- end
- end
- describe "respond to missing?" do
- context "and is present in Gem::Specification" do
- let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :authors => "abcd") }
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:_remote_specification).and_return(remote_spec)
- expect(subject.methods.map(&:to_sym)).not_to include(:authors)
- end
- it "should send through to Gem::Specification" do
- expect(subject.respond_to?(:authors)).to be_truthy
- end
- end
- end