path: root/spec/bundler/bundler
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/bundler/bundler')
52 files changed, 7533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/bundler_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/bundler_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..268c0d99ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/bundler_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler"
+RSpec.describe Bundler do
+ describe "#load_gemspec_uncached" do
+ let(:app_gemspec_path) { tmp("test.gemspec") }
+ subject { Bundler.load_gemspec_uncached(app_gemspec_path) }
+ context "with incorrect YAML file" do
+ before do
+ File.open(app_gemspec_path, "wb") do |f|
+ f.write strip_whitespace(<<-GEMSPEC)
+ ---
+ {:!00 ao=gu\g1= 7~f
+ end
+ end
+ it "catches YAML syntax errors" do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(Bundler::GemspecError, /error while loading `test.gemspec`/)
+ end
+ context "on Rubies with a settable YAML engine", :if => defined?(YAML::ENGINE) do
+ context "with Syck as YAML::Engine" do
+ it "raises a GemspecError after YAML load throws ArgumentError" do
+ orig_yamler = YAML::ENGINE.yamler
+ YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "syck"
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(Bundler::GemspecError)
+ YAML::ENGINE.yamler = orig_yamler
+ end
+ end
+ context "with Psych as YAML::Engine" do
+ it "raises a GemspecError after YAML load throws Psych::SyntaxError" do
+ orig_yamler = YAML::ENGINE.yamler
+ YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "psych"
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(Bundler::GemspecError)
+ YAML::ENGINE.yamler = orig_yamler
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with correct YAML file", :if => defined?(Encoding) do
+ it "can load a gemspec with unicode characters with default ruby encoding" do
+ # spec_helper forces the external encoding to UTF-8 but that's not the
+ # default until Ruby 2.0
+ verbose = $VERBOSE
+ $VERBOSE = false
+ encoding = Encoding.default_external
+ Encoding.default_external = "ASCII"
+ $VERBOSE = verbose
+ File.open(app_gemspec_path, "wb") do |file|
+ file.puts <<-GEMSPEC.gsub(/^\s+/, "")
+ # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+ Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
+ gem.author = "André the Giant"
+ end
+ end
+ expect(subject.author).to eq("André the Giant")
+ verbose = $VERBOSE
+ $VERBOSE = false
+ Encoding.default_external = encoding
+ $VERBOSE = verbose
+ end
+ end
+ it "sets loaded_from" do
+ app_gemspec_path.open("w") do |f|
+ f.puts <<-GEMSPEC
+ Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
+ gem.name = "validated"
+ end
+ end
+ expect(subject.loaded_from).to eq(app_gemspec_path.expand_path.to_s)
+ end
+ context "validate is true" do
+ subject { Bundler.load_gemspec_uncached(app_gemspec_path, true) }
+ it "validates the specification" do
+ app_gemspec_path.open("w") do |f|
+ f.puts <<-GEMSPEC
+ Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
+ gem.name = "validated"
+ end
+ end
+ expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:validate).with have_attributes(:name => "validated")
+ subject
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#which" do
+ let(:executable) { "executable" }
+ let(:path) { %w(/a /b c ../d /e) }
+ let(:expected) { "executable" }
+ before do
+ ENV["PATH"] = path.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ allow(File).to receive(:file?).and_return(false)
+ allow(File).to receive(:executable?).and_return(false)
+ if expected
+ expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(expected).and_return(true)
+ expect(File).to receive(:executable?).with(expected).and_return(true)
+ end
+ end
+ subject { described_class.which(executable) }
+ shared_examples_for "it returns the correct executable" do
+ it "returns the expected file" do
+ expect(subject).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "it returns the correct executable"
+ context "when the executable in inside a quoted path" do
+ let(:expected) { "/e/executable" }
+ it_behaves_like "it returns the correct executable"
+ end
+ context "when the executable is not found" do
+ let(:expected) { nil }
+ it_behaves_like "it returns the correct executable"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "configuration" do
+ context "disable_shared_gems" do
+ it "should unset GEM_PATH with empty string" do
+ env = {}
+ settings = { :disable_shared_gems => true }
+ Bundler.send(:configure_gem_path, env, settings)
+ expect(env.keys).to include("GEM_PATH")
+ expect(env["GEM_PATH"]).to eq ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#rm_rf" do
+ context "the directory is world writable" do
+ let(:bundler_ui) { Bundler.ui }
+ it "should raise a friendly error" do
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_return(true)
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:remove_entry_secure).and_raise(ArgumentError)
+ allow(File).to receive(:world_writable?).and_return(true)
+ message = <<EOF
+It is a security vulnerability to allow your home directory to be world-writable, and bundler can not continue.
+You should probably consider fixing this issue by running `chmod o-w ~` on *nix.
+Please refer to http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.2/libdoc/fileutils/rdoc/FileUtils.html#method-c-remove_entry_secure for details.
+ expect(bundler_ui).to receive(:warn).with(message)
+ expect { Bundler.send(:rm_rf, bundled_app) }.to raise_error(Bundler::PathError)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#user_home" do
+ context "home directory is set" do
+ it "should return the user home" do
+ path = "/home/oggy"
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).and_return(path)
+ allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with(path).and_return true
+ allow(File).to receive(:writable?).with(path).and_return true
+ expect(Bundler.user_home).to eq(Pathname(path))
+ end
+ end
+ context "home directory is not set" do
+ it "should issue warning and return a temporary user home" do
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).and_return(nil)
+ allow(Etc).to receive(:getlogin).and_return("USER")
+ allow(Dir).to receive(:tmpdir).and_return("/TMP")
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with("/TMP/bundler/home").and_return(true)
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkpath).with("/TMP/bundler/home/USER")
+ message = <<EOF
+Your home directory is not set.
+Bundler will use `/TMP/bundler/home/USER' as your home directory temporarily.
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn).with(message)
+ expect(Bundler.user_home).to eq(Pathname("/TMP/bundler/home/USER"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#tmp_home_path" do
+ it "should create temporary user home" do
+ allow(Dir).to receive(:tmpdir).and_return("/TMP")
+ allow(FileTest).to receive(:exist?).with("/TMP/bundler/home").and_return(false)
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkpath).once.ordered.with("/TMP/bundler/home")
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkpath).once.ordered.with("/TMP/bundler/home/USER")
+ expect(File).to receive(:chmod).with(0o777, "/TMP/bundler/home")
+ expect(Bundler.tmp_home_path("USER", "")).to eq(Pathname("/TMP/bundler/home/USER"))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/cli_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/cli_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07ae92719c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/cli_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/cli"
+RSpec.describe "bundle executable" do
+ it "returns non-zero exit status when passed unrecognized options" do
+ bundle "--invalid_argument"
+ expect(exitstatus).to_not be_zero if exitstatus
+ end
+ it "returns non-zero exit status when passed unrecognized task" do
+ bundle "unrecognized-task"
+ expect(exitstatus).to_not be_zero if exitstatus
+ end
+ it "looks for a binary and executes it if it's named bundler-<task>" do
+ File.open(tmp("bundler-testtasks"), "w", 0o755) do |f|
+ f.puts "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\nputs 'Hello, world'\n"
+ end
+ with_path_added(tmp) do
+ bundle "testtasks"
+ end
+ expect(exitstatus).to be_zero if exitstatus
+ expect(out).to eq("Hello, world")
+ end
+ context "when ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] is set to an empty string" do
+ it "ignores it" do
+ gemfile bundled_app("Gemfile"), <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem 'rack'
+ G
+ bundle :install, :env => { "BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => "" }
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'] is set" do
+ it "displays a warning" do
+ gemfile bundled_app("Gemfile"), <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem 'rack'
+ G
+ bundle :install, :env => { "RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS" => "foo" }
+ expect(out).to include("RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS")
+ expect(out).to include("conflict with Bundler")
+ bundle :install, :env => { "RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS" => "" }
+ expect(out).not_to include("RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS")
+ end
+ end
+ context "with --verbose" do
+ it "prints the running command" do
+ gemfile ""
+ bundle! "info bundler", :verbose => true
+ expect(out).to start_with("Running `bundle info bundler --no-color --verbose` with bundler #{Bundler::VERSION}")
+ end
+ it "doesn't print defaults" do
+ install_gemfile! "", :verbose => true
+ expect(out).to start_with("Running `bundle install --no-color --retry 0 --verbose` with bundler #{Bundler::VERSION}")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "printing the outdated warning" do
+ shared_examples_for "no warning" do
+ it "prints no warning" do
+ bundle "fail"
+ expect(err + out).to eq("Could not find command \"fail\".")
+ end
+ end
+ let(:bundler_version) { "1.1" }
+ let(:latest_version) { nil }
+ before do
+ simulate_bundler_version(bundler_version)
+ if latest_version
+ info_path = home(".bundle/cache/compact_index/rubygems.org.443.29b0360b937aa4d161703e6160654e47/info/bundler")
+ info_path.parent.mkpath
+ info_path.open("w") {|f| f.write "#{latest_version}\n" }
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is no latest version" do
+ include_examples "no warning"
+ end
+ context "when the latest version is equal to the current version" do
+ let(:latest_version) { bundler_version }
+ include_examples "no warning"
+ end
+ context "when the latest version is less than the current version" do
+ let(:latest_version) { "0.9" }
+ include_examples "no warning"
+ end
+ context "when the latest version is greater than the current version" do
+ let(:latest_version) { "2.0" }
+ it "prints the version warning" do
+ bundle "fail"
+ expect(err + out).to eq(<<-EOS.strip)
+The latest bundler is #{latest_version}, but you are currently running #{bundler_version}.
+To update, run `gem install bundler`
+Could not find command "fail".
+ end
+ context "and disable_version_check is set" do
+ before { bundle! "config disable_version_check true" }
+ include_examples "no warning"
+ end
+ context "running a parseable command" do
+ it "prints no warning" do
+ bundle! "config --parseable foo"
+ expect(out).to eq ""
+ bundle "platform --ruby"
+ expect(out).to eq "Could not locate Gemfile"
+ end
+ end
+ context "and is a pre-release" do
+ let(:latest_version) { "2.0.0.pre.4" }
+ it "prints the version warning" do
+ bundle "fail"
+ expect(err + out).to eq(<<-EOS.strip)
+The latest bundler is #{latest_version}, but you are currently running #{bundler_version}.
+To update, run `gem install bundler --pre`
+Could not find command "fail".
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+RSpec.describe "bundler executable" do
+ it "shows the bundler version just as the `bundle` executable does" do
+ bundler "--version"
+ expect(out).to eq("Bundler version #{Bundler::VERSION}")
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/compact_index_client/updater_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/compact_index_client/updater_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1cae31956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/compact_index_client/updater_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "net/http"
+require "bundler/compact_index_client"
+require "bundler/compact_index_client/updater"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::CompactIndexClient::Updater do
+ subject(:updater) { described_class.new(fetcher) }
+ let(:fetcher) { double(:fetcher) }
+ context "when the ETag header is missing" do
+ # Regression test for https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/5463
+ let(:response) { double(:response, :body => "") }
+ let(:local_path) { Pathname("/tmp/localpath") }
+ let(:remote_path) { double(:remote_path) }
+ it "MisMatchedChecksumError is raised" do
+ # Twice: #update retries on failure
+ expect(response).to receive(:[]).with("Content-Encoding").twice { "" }
+ expect(response).to receive(:[]).with("ETag").twice { nil }
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:call).twice { response }
+ expect do
+ updater.update(local_path, remote_path)
+ end.to raise_error(Bundler::CompactIndexClient::Updater::MisMatchedChecksumError)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/definition_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/definition_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73d44a93ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/definition_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/definition"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Definition do
+ describe "#lock" do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:settings) { Bundler::Settings.new(".") }
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:default_gemfile) { Pathname.new("Gemfile") }
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:ui) { double("UI", :info => "", :debug => "") }
+ end
+ context "when it's not possible to write to the file" do
+ subject { Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], Bundler::SourceList.new, []) }
+ it "raises an PermissionError with explanation" do
+ expect(File).to receive(:open).with("Gemfile.lock", "wb").
+ and_raise(Errno::EACCES)
+ expect { subject.lock("Gemfile.lock") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::PermissionError, /Gemfile\.lock/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a temporary resource access issue occurs" do
+ subject { Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], Bundler::SourceList.new, []) }
+ it "raises a TemporaryResourceError with explanation" do
+ expect(File).to receive(:open).with("Gemfile.lock", "wb").
+ and_raise(Errno::EAGAIN)
+ expect { subject.lock("Gemfile.lock") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::TemporaryResourceError, /temporarily unavailable/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "detects changes" do
+ it "for a path gem with changes" do
+ build_lib "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo")
+ install_gemfile <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem "foo", :path => "#{lib_path("foo")}"
+ G
+ build_lib "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo") do |s|
+ s.add_dependency "rack", "1.0"
+ end
+ bundle :install, :env => { "DEBUG" => 1 }
+ expect(out).to match(/re-resolving dependencies/)
+ lockfile_should_be <<-G
+ remote: #{lib_path("foo")}
+ specs:
+ foo (1.0)
+ rack (= 1.0)
+ remote: file:#{gem_repo1}/
+ specs:
+ rack (1.0.0)
+ ruby
+ foo!
+ #{Bundler::VERSION}
+ G
+ end
+ it "for a path gem with deps and no changes" do
+ build_lib "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo") do |s|
+ s.add_dependency "rack", "1.0"
+ s.add_development_dependency "net-ssh", "1.0"
+ end
+ install_gemfile <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem "foo", :path => "#{lib_path("foo")}"
+ G
+ bundle :check, :env => { "DEBUG" => 1 }
+ expect(out).to match(/using resolution from the lockfile/)
+ lockfile_should_be <<-G
+ remote: #{lib_path("foo")}
+ specs:
+ foo (1.0)
+ rack (= 1.0)
+ remote: file:#{gem_repo1}/
+ specs:
+ rack (1.0.0)
+ ruby
+ foo!
+ #{Bundler::VERSION}
+ G
+ end
+ it "for a rubygems gem" do
+ install_gemfile <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem "foo"
+ G
+ bundle :check, :env => { "DEBUG" => 1 }
+ expect(out).to match(/using resolution from the lockfile/)
+ lockfile_should_be <<-G
+ remote: file:#{gem_repo1}/
+ specs:
+ foo (1.0)
+ ruby
+ foo
+ #{Bundler::VERSION}
+ G
+ end
+ end
+ describe "initialize" do
+ context "gem version promoter" do
+ context "with lockfile" do
+ before do
+ install_gemfile <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem "foo"
+ G
+ end
+ it "should get a locked specs list when updating all" do
+ definition = Bundler::Definition.new(bundled_app("Gemfile.lock"), [], Bundler::SourceList.new, true)
+ locked_specs = definition.gem_version_promoter.locked_specs
+ expect(locked_specs.to_a.map(&:name)).to eq ["foo"]
+ expect(definition.instance_variable_get("@locked_specs").empty?).to eq true
+ end
+ end
+ context "without gemfile or lockfile" do
+ it "should not attempt to parse empty lockfile contents" do
+ definition = Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], mock_source_list, true)
+ expect(definition.gem_version_promoter.locked_specs.to_a).to eq []
+ end
+ end
+ context "eager unlock" do
+ before do
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo4}"
+ gem 'isolated_owner'
+ gem 'shared_owner_a'
+ gem 'shared_owner_b'
+ G
+ lockfile <<-L
+ remote: file://#{gem_repo4}
+ specs:
+ isolated_dep (2.0.1)
+ isolated_owner (1.0.1)
+ isolated_dep (~> 2.0)
+ shared_dep (5.0.1)
+ shared_owner_a (3.0.1)
+ shared_dep (~> 5.0)
+ shared_owner_b (4.0.1)
+ shared_dep (~> 5.0)
+ ruby
+ shared_owner_a
+ shared_owner_b
+ isolated_owner
+ 1.13.0
+ L
+ end
+ it "should not eagerly unlock shared dependency with bundle install conservative updating behavior" do
+ updated_deps_in_gemfile = [Bundler::Dependency.new("isolated_owner", ">= 0"),
+ Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_a", "3.0.2"),
+ Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_b", ">= 0")]
+ unlock_hash_for_bundle_install = {}
+ definition = Bundler::Definition.new(
+ bundled_app("Gemfile.lock"),
+ updated_deps_in_gemfile,
+ Bundler::SourceList.new,
+ unlock_hash_for_bundle_install
+ )
+ locked = definition.send(:converge_locked_specs).map(&:name)
+ expect(locked.include?("shared_dep")).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should not eagerly unlock shared dependency with bundle update conservative updating behavior" do
+ updated_deps_in_gemfile = [Bundler::Dependency.new("isolated_owner", ">= 0"),
+ Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_a", ">= 0"),
+ Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_b", ">= 0")]
+ definition = Bundler::Definition.new(
+ bundled_app("Gemfile.lock"),
+ updated_deps_in_gemfile,
+ Bundler::SourceList.new,
+ :gems => ["shared_owner_a"], :lock_shared_dependencies => true
+ )
+ locked = definition.send(:converge_locked_specs).map(&:name)
+ expect(locked).to eq %w(isolated_dep isolated_owner shared_dep shared_owner_b)
+ expect(locked.include?("shared_dep")).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "find_resolved_spec" do
+ it "with no platform set in SpecSet" do
+ ss = Bundler::SpecSet.new([build_stub_spec("a", "1.0"), build_stub_spec("b", "1.0")])
+ dfn = Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], mock_source_list, true)
+ dfn.instance_variable_set("@specs", ss)
+ found = dfn.find_resolved_spec(build_spec("a", "0.9", "ruby").first)
+ expect(found.name).to eq "a"
+ expect(found.version.to_s).to eq "1.0"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "find_indexed_specs" do
+ it "with no platform set in indexed specs" do
+ index = Bundler::Index.new
+ %w(1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1.0).each {|v| index << build_stub_spec("foo", v) }
+ dfn = Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], mock_source_list, true)
+ dfn.instance_variable_set("@index", index)
+ found = dfn.find_indexed_specs(build_spec("foo", "0.9", "ruby").first)
+ expect(found.length).to eq 3
+ end
+ end
+ def build_stub_spec(name, version)
+ Bundler::StubSpecification.new(name, version, nil, nil)
+ end
+ def mock_source_list
+ Class.new do
+ def all_sources
+ []
+ end
+ def path_sources
+ []
+ end
+ def rubygems_remotes
+ []
+ end
+ def replace_sources!(arg)
+ nil
+ end
+ end.new
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/dsl_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/dsl_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f5eb6dc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/dsl_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Dsl do
+ before do
+ @rubygems = double("rubygems")
+ allow(Bundler::Source::Rubygems).to receive(:new) { @rubygems }
+ end
+ describe "#git_source" do
+ it "registers custom hosts" do
+ subject.git_source(:example) {|repo_name| "git@git.example.com:#{repo_name}.git" }
+ subject.git_source(:foobar) {|repo_name| "git@foobar.com:#{repo_name}.git" }
+ subject.gem("dobry-pies", :example => "strzalek/dobry-pies")
+ example_uri = "git@git.example.com:strzalek/dobry-pies.git"
+ expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(example_uri)
+ end
+ it "raises exception on invalid hostname" do
+ expect do
+ subject.git_source(:group) {|repo_name| "git@git.example.com:#{repo_name}.git" }
+ end.to raise_error(Bundler::InvalidOption)
+ end
+ it "expects block passed" do
+ expect { subject.git_source(:example) }.to raise_error(Bundler::InvalidOption)
+ end
+ context "default hosts (git, gist)" do
+ it "converts :github to :git" do
+ subject.gem("sparks", :github => "indirect/sparks")
+ github_uri = "git://github.com/indirect/sparks.git"
+ expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri)
+ end
+ it "converts numeric :gist to :git" do
+ subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :gist => 2_859_988)
+ github_uri = "https://gist.github.com/2859988.git"
+ expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri)
+ end
+ it "converts :gist to :git" do
+ subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :gist => "2859988")
+ github_uri = "https://gist.github.com/2859988.git"
+ expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri)
+ end
+ it "converts 'rails' to 'rails/rails'" do
+ subject.gem("rails", :github => "rails")
+ github_uri = "git://github.com/rails/rails.git"
+ expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(github_uri)
+ end
+ it "converts :bitbucket to :git" do
+ subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :bitbucket => "mcorp/flatlab-rails")
+ bitbucket_uri = "https://mcorp@bitbucket.org/mcorp/flatlab-rails.git"
+ expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(bitbucket_uri)
+ end
+ it "converts 'mcorp' to 'mcorp/mcorp'" do
+ subject.gem("not-really-a-gem", :bitbucket => "mcorp")
+ bitbucket_uri = "https://mcorp@bitbucket.org/mcorp/mcorp.git"
+ expect(subject.dependencies.first.source.uri).to eq(bitbucket_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#method_missing" do
+ it "raises an error for unknown DSL methods" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive(:read_file).with("Gemfile").
+ and_return("unknown")
+ error_msg = "There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: Undefined local variable or method `unknown' for Gemfile. Bundler cannot continue."
+ expect { subject.eval_gemfile("Gemfile") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, Regexp.new(error_msg))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#eval_gemfile" do
+ it "handles syntax errors with a useful message" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive(:read_file).with("Gemfile").and_return("}")
+ expect { subject.eval_gemfile("Gemfile") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: (syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_DEND|(compile error - )?syntax error, unexpected '\}'). Bundler cannot continue./)
+ end
+ it "distinguishes syntax errors from evaluation errors" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive(:read_file).with("Gemfile").and_return(
+ "ruby '2.1.5', :engine => 'ruby', :engine_version => '1.2.4'"
+ )
+ expect { subject.eval_gemfile("Gemfile") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /There was an error evaluating `Gemfile`: ruby_version must match the :engine_version for MRI/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#gem" do
+ [:ruby, :ruby_18, :ruby_19, :ruby_20, :ruby_21, :ruby_22, :ruby_23, :ruby_24, :ruby_25, :mri, :mri_18, :mri_19,
+ :mri_20, :mri_21, :mri_22, :mri_23, :mri_24, :mri_25, :jruby, :rbx].each do |platform|
+ it "allows #{platform} as a valid platform" do
+ subject.gem("foo", :platform => platform)
+ end
+ end
+ it "rejects invalid platforms" do
+ expect { subject.gem("foo", :platform => :bogus) }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /is not a valid platform/)
+ end
+ it "rejects with a leading space in the name" do
+ expect { subject.gem(" foo") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /' foo' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/)
+ end
+ it "rejects with a trailing space in the name" do
+ expect { subject.gem("foo ") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'foo ' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/)
+ end
+ it "rejects with a space in the gem name" do
+ expect { subject.gem("fo o") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo o' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/)
+ end
+ it "rejects with a tab in the gem name" do
+ expect { subject.gem("fo\to") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\to' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/)
+ end
+ it "rejects with a newline in the gem name" do
+ expect { subject.gem("fo\no") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\no' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/)
+ end
+ it "rejects with a carriage return in the gem name" do
+ expect { subject.gem("fo\ro") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\ro' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/)
+ end
+ it "rejects with a form feed in the gem name" do
+ expect { subject.gem("fo\fo") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /'fo\fo' is not a valid gem name because it contains whitespace/)
+ end
+ it "rejects symbols as gem name" do
+ expect { subject.gem(:foo) }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /You need to specify gem names as Strings. Use 'gem "foo"' instead/)
+ end
+ it "rejects branch option on non-git gems" do
+ expect { subject.gem("foo", :branch => "test") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /The `branch` option for `gem 'foo'` is not allowed. Only gems with a git source can specify a branch/)
+ end
+ it "allows specifiying a branch on git gems" do
+ subject.gem("foo", :branch => "test", :git => "http://mytestrepo")
+ dep = subject.dependencies.last
+ expect(dep.name).to eq "foo"
+ end
+ it "allows specifiying a branch on git gems with a git_source" do
+ subject.git_source(:test_source) {|n| "https://github.com/#{n}" }
+ subject.gem("foo", :branch => "test", :test_source => "bundler/bundler")
+ dep = subject.dependencies.last
+ expect(dep.name).to eq "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#gemspec" do
+ let(:spec) do
+ Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
+ gem.name = "example"
+ gem.platform = platform
+ end
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).and_return(["spec_path"])
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:load_gemspec).with("spec_path").and_return(spec)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:default_gemfile).and_return(Pathname.new("./Gemfile"))
+ end
+ context "with a ruby platform" do
+ let(:platform) { "ruby" }
+ it "keeps track of the ruby platforms in the dependency" do
+ subject.gemspec
+ expect(subject.dependencies.last.platforms).to eq(Bundler::Dependency::REVERSE_PLATFORM_MAP[Gem::Platform::RUBY])
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a jruby platform" do
+ let(:platform) { "java" }
+ it "keeps track of the jruby platforms in the dependency" do
+ allow(Gem::Platform).to receive(:local).and_return(java)
+ subject.gemspec
+ expect(subject.dependencies.last.platforms).to eq(Bundler::Dependency::REVERSE_PLATFORM_MAP[Gem::Platform::JAVA])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "can bundle groups of gems with" do
+ # git "https://github.com/rails/rails.git" do
+ # gem "railties"
+ # gem "action_pack"
+ # gem "active_model"
+ # end
+ describe "#git" do
+ it "from a single repo" do
+ rails_gems = %w(railties action_pack active_model)
+ subject.git "https://github.com/rails/rails.git" do
+ rails_gems.each {|rails_gem| subject.send :gem, rails_gem }
+ end
+ expect(subject.dependencies.map(&:name)).to match_array rails_gems
+ end
+ end
+ # github 'spree' do
+ # gem 'spree_core'
+ # gem 'spree_api'
+ # gem 'spree_backend'
+ # end
+ describe "#github" do
+ it "from github" do
+ spree_gems = %w(spree_core spree_api spree_backend)
+ subject.github "spree" do
+ spree_gems.each {|spree_gem| subject.send :gem, spree_gem }
+ end
+ subject.dependencies.each do |d|
+ expect(d.source.uri).to eq("git://github.com/spree/spree.git")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "syntax errors" do
+ it "will raise a Bundler::GemfileError" do
+ gemfile "gem 'foo', :path => /unquoted/string/syntax/error"
+ expect { Bundler::Dsl.evaluate(bundled_app("Gemfile"), nil, true) }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /There was an error parsing `Gemfile`:( compile error -)? unknown regexp options - trg. Bundler cannot continue./)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Runtime errors", :unless => Bundler.current_ruby.on_18? do
+ it "will raise a Bundler::GemfileError" do
+ gemfile "s = 'foo'.freeze; s.strip!"
+ expect { Bundler::Dsl.evaluate(bundled_app("Gemfile"), nil, true) }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileError, /There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: can't modify frozen String. Bundler cannot continue./i)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#with_source" do
+ context "if there was a rubygem source already defined" do
+ it "restores it after it's done" do
+ other_source = double("other-source")
+ allow(Bundler::Source::Rubygems).to receive(:new).and_return(other_source)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:default_gemfile).and_return(Pathname.new("./Gemfile"))
+ subject.source("https://other-source.org") do
+ subject.gem("dobry-pies", :path => "foo")
+ subject.gem("foo")
+ end
+ expect(subject.dependencies.last.source).to eq(other_source)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/endpoint_specification_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/endpoint_specification_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b8da840d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/endpoint_specification_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::EndpointSpecification do
+ let(:name) { "foo" }
+ let(:version) { "1.0.0" }
+ let(:platform) { Gem::Platform::RUBY }
+ let(:dependencies) { [] }
+ let(:metadata) { nil }
+ subject { described_class.new(name, version, platform, dependencies, metadata) }
+ describe "#build_dependency" do
+ let(:name) { "foo" }
+ let(:requirement1) { "~> 1.1" }
+ let(:requirement2) { ">= 1.1.7" }
+ it "should return a Gem::Dependency" do
+ expect(subject.send(:build_dependency, name, [requirement1, requirement2])).
+ to eq(Gem::Dependency.new(name, requirement1, requirement2))
+ end
+ context "when an ArgumentError occurs" do
+ before do
+ allow(Gem::Dependency).to receive(:new).with(name, [requirement1, requirement2]) {
+ raise ArgumentError.new("Some error occurred")
+ }
+ end
+ it "should raise the original error" do
+ expect { subject.send(:build_dependency, name, [requirement1, requirement2]) }.to raise_error(
+ ArgumentError, "Some error occurred"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is an ill formed requirement" do
+ before do
+ allow(Gem::Dependency).to receive(:new).with(name, [requirement1, requirement2]) {
+ raise ArgumentError.new("Ill-formed requirement [\"#<YAML::Syck::DefaultKey")
+ }
+ # Eliminate extra line break in rspec output due to `puts` in `#build_dependency`
+ allow(subject).to receive(:puts) {}
+ end
+ it "should raise a Bundler::GemspecError with invalid gemspec message" do
+ expect { subject.send(:build_dependency, name, [requirement1, requirement2]) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::GemspecError, /Unfortunately, the gem foo \(1\.0\.0\) has an invalid gemspec/
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#parse_metadata" do
+ context "when the metadata has malformed requirements" do
+ let(:metadata) { { "rubygems" => ">\n" } }
+ it "raises a helpful error message" do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::GemspecError,
+ a_string_including("There was an error parsing the metadata for the gem foo (1.0.0)").
+ and(a_string_including('The metadata was {"rubygems"=>">\n"}'))
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/env_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/env_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..269c323ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/env_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/settings"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Env do
+ let(:env) { described_class.new }
+ let(:git_proxy_stub) { Bundler::Source::Git::GitProxy.new(nil, nil, nil) }
+ describe "#report" do
+ it "prints the environment" do
+ out = env.report
+ expect(out).to include("Environment")
+ expect(out).to include(Bundler::VERSION)
+ expect(out).to include(Gem::VERSION)
+ expect(out).to include(env.send(:ruby_version))
+ expect(out).to include(env.send(:git_version))
+ expect(out).to include(OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION)
+ end
+ context "when there is a Gemfile and a lockfile and print_gemfile is true" do
+ before do
+ gemfile "gem 'rack', '1.0.0'"
+ lockfile <<-L
+ remote: file:#{gem_repo1}/
+ specs:
+ rack (1.0.0)
+ rack
+ 1.10.0
+ L
+ end
+ let(:output) { env.report(:print_gemfile => true) }
+ it "prints the Gemfile" do
+ expect(output).to include("Gemfile")
+ expect(output).to include("'rack', '1.0.0'")
+ end
+ it "prints the lockfile" do
+ expect(output).to include("Gemfile.lock")
+ expect(output).to include("rack (1.0.0)")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there no Gemfile and print_gemfile is true" do
+ let(:output) { env.report(:print_gemfile => true) }
+ it "prints the environment" do
+ expect(output).to start_with("## Environment")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when Gemfile contains a gemspec and print_gemspecs is true" do
+ let(:gemspec) do
+ strip_whitespace(<<-GEMSPEC)
+ Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
+ gem.name = "foo"
+ gem.author = "Fumofu"
+ end
+ end
+ before do
+ gemfile("gemspec")
+ File.open(bundled_app.join("foo.gemspec"), "wb") do |f|
+ f.write(gemspec)
+ end
+ end
+ it "prints the gemspec" do
+ output = env.report(:print_gemspecs => true)
+ expect(output).to include("foo.gemspec")
+ expect(output).to include(gemspec)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the git version is OS specific" do
+ it "includes OS specific information with the version number" do
+ expect(git_proxy_stub).to receive(:git).with("--version").
+ and_return("git version 1.2.3 (Apple Git-BS)")
+ expect(Bundler::Source::Git::GitProxy).to receive(:new).and_return(git_proxy_stub)
+ expect(env.report).to include("Git 1.2.3 (Apple Git-BS)")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/environment_preserver_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/environment_preserver_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41d2650055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/environment_preserver_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::EnvironmentPreserver do
+ let(:preserver) { described_class.new(env, ["foo"]) }
+ describe "#backup" do
+ let(:env) { { "foo" => "my-foo", "bar" => "my-bar" } }
+ subject { preserver.backup }
+ it "should create backup entries" do
+ expect(subject["BUNDLER_ORIG_foo"]).to eq("my-foo")
+ end
+ it "should keep the original entry" do
+ expect(subject["foo"]).to eq("my-foo")
+ end
+ it "should not create backup entries for unspecified keys" do
+ expect(subject.key?("BUNDLER_ORIG_bar")).to eq(false)
+ end
+ it "should not affect the original env" do
+ subject
+ expect(env.keys.sort).to eq(%w(bar foo))
+ end
+ context "when a key is empty" do
+ let(:env) { { "foo" => "" } }
+ it "should not create backup entries" do
+ expect(subject.key?("BUNDLER_ORIG_foo")).to eq(false)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when an original key is set" do
+ let(:env) { { "foo" => "my-foo", "BUNDLER_ORIG_foo" => "orig-foo" } }
+ it "should keep the original value in the BUNDLER_ORIG_ variable" do
+ expect(subject["BUNDLER_ORIG_foo"]).to eq("orig-foo")
+ end
+ it "should keep the variable" do
+ expect(subject["foo"]).to eq("my-foo")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#restore" do
+ subject { preserver.restore }
+ context "when an original key is set" do
+ let(:env) { { "foo" => "my-foo", "BUNDLER_ORIG_foo" => "orig-foo" } }
+ it "should restore the original value" do
+ expect(subject["foo"]).to eq("orig-foo")
+ end
+ it "should delete the backup value" do
+ expect(subject.key?("BUNDLER_ORIG_foo")).to eq(false)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when no original key is set" do
+ let(:env) { { "foo" => "my-foo" } }
+ it "should keep the current value" do
+ expect(subject["foo"]).to eq("my-foo")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the original key is empty" do
+ let(:env) { { "foo" => "my-foo", "BUNDLER_ORIG_foo" => "" } }
+ it "should keep the current value" do
+ expect(subject["foo"]).to eq("my-foo")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/base_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/base_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38b69429bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/base_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher::Base do
+ let(:downloader) { double(:downloader) }
+ let(:remote) { double(:remote) }
+ let(:display_uri) { "http://sample_uri.com" }
+ class TestClass < described_class; end
+ subject { TestClass.new(downloader, remote, display_uri) }
+ describe "#initialize" do
+ context "with the abstract Base class" do
+ it "should raise an error" do
+ expect { described_class.new(downloader, remote, display_uri) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Abstract class")
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a class that inherits the Base class" do
+ it "should set the passed attributes" do
+ expect(subject.downloader).to eq(downloader)
+ expect(subject.remote).to eq(remote)
+ expect(subject.display_uri).to eq("http://sample_uri.com")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#remote_uri" do
+ let(:remote_uri_obj) { double(:remote_uri_obj) }
+ before { allow(remote).to receive(:uri).and_return(remote_uri_obj) }
+ it "should return the remote's uri" do
+ expect(subject.remote_uri).to eq(remote_uri_obj)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#fetch_uri" do
+ let(:remote_uri_obj) { URI("http://rubygems.org") }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:remote_uri).and_return(remote_uri_obj) }
+ context "when the remote uri's host is rubygems.org" do
+ it "should create a copy of the remote uri with index.rubygems.org as the host" do
+ fetched_uri = subject.fetch_uri
+ expect(fetched_uri.host).to eq("index.rubygems.org")
+ expect(fetched_uri).to_not be(remote_uri_obj)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the remote uri's host is not rubygems.org" do
+ let(:remote_uri_obj) { URI("http://otherhost.org") }
+ it "should return the remote uri" do
+ expect(subject.fetch_uri).to eq(URI("http://otherhost.org"))
+ end
+ end
+ it "memoizes the fetched uri" do
+ expect(remote_uri_obj).to receive(:host).once
+ 2.times { subject.fetch_uri }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#available?" do
+ it "should return whether the api is available" do
+ expect(subject.available?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#api_fetcher?" do
+ it "should return false" do
+ expect(subject.api_fetcher?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/compact_index_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/compact_index_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e653c1ea43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/compact_index_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex do
+ let(:downloader) { double(:downloader) }
+ let(:display_uri) { URI("http://sampleuri.com") }
+ let(:remote) { double(:remote, :cache_slug => "lsjdf", :uri => display_uri) }
+ let(:compact_index) { described_class.new(downloader, remote, display_uri) }
+ before do
+ allow(compact_index).to receive(:log_specs) {}
+ end
+ describe "#specs_for_names" do
+ it "has only one thread open at the end of the run" do
+ compact_index.specs_for_names(["lskdjf"])
+ thread_count = Thread.list.count {|thread| thread.status == "run" }
+ expect(thread_count).to eq 1
+ end
+ it "calls worker#stop during the run" do
+ expect_any_instance_of(Bundler::Worker).to receive(:stop).at_least(:once)
+ compact_index.specs_for_names(["lskdjf"])
+ end
+ describe "#available?" do
+ before do
+ allow(compact_index).to receive(:compact_index_client).
+ and_return(double(:compact_index_client, :update_and_parse_checksums! => true))
+ end
+ it "returns true" do
+ expect(compact_index).to be_available
+ end
+ context "when OpenSSL is not available" do
+ before do
+ allow(compact_index).to receive(:require).with("openssl").and_raise(LoadError)
+ end
+ it "returns true" do
+ expect(compact_index).to be_available
+ end
+ end
+ context "when OpenSSL is FIPS-enabled", :ruby => ">= 2.0.0" do
+ before { stub_const("OpenSSL::OPENSSL_FIPS", true) }
+ context "when FIPS-mode is active" do
+ before do
+ allow(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5).to receive(:digest).
+ and_raise(OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError)
+ end
+ it "returns false" do
+ expect(compact_index).to_not be_available
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns true" do
+ expect(compact_index).to be_available
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "logging" do
+ before { allow(compact_index).to receive(:log_specs).and_call_original }
+ context "with debug on" do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug?).and_return(true)
+ end
+ it "should log at info level" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with('Looking up gems ["lskdjf"]')
+ compact_index.specs_for_names(["lskdjf"])
+ end
+ end
+ context "with debug off" do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug?).and_return(false)
+ end
+ it "should log at info level" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :info).with(".", false)
+ compact_index.specs_for_names(["lskdjf"])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/dependency_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/dependency_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..134ca1bc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/dependency_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher::Dependency do
+ let(:downloader) { double(:downloader) }
+ let(:remote) { double(:remote, :uri => URI("http://localhost:5000")) }
+ let(:display_uri) { "http://sample_uri.com" }
+ subject { described_class.new(downloader, remote, display_uri) }
+ describe "#available?" do
+ let(:dependency_api_uri) { double(:dependency_api_uri) }
+ let(:fetched_spec) { double(:fetched_spec) }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_api_uri).and_return(dependency_api_uri)
+ allow(downloader).to receive(:fetch).with(dependency_api_uri).and_return(fetched_spec)
+ end
+ it "should be truthy" do
+ expect(subject.available?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context "when there is no network access" do
+ before do
+ allow(downloader).to receive(:fetch).with(dependency_api_uri) {
+ raise Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError.new("Network Down Message")
+ }
+ end
+ it "should raise an HTTPError with the original message" do
+ expect { subject.available? }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError, "Network Down Message")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when authentication is required" do
+ let(:remote_uri) { "http://remote_uri.org" }
+ before do
+ allow(downloader).to receive(:fetch).with(dependency_api_uri) {
+ raise Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError.new(remote_uri)
+ }
+ end
+ it "should raise the original error" do
+ expect { subject.available? }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError,
+ %r{Authentication is required for http://remote_uri.org})
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is an http error" do
+ before { allow(downloader).to receive(:fetch).with(dependency_api_uri) { raise Bundler::HTTPError.new } }
+ it "should be falsey" do
+ expect(subject.available?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#api_fetcher?" do
+ it "should return true" do
+ expect(subject.api_fetcher?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#specs" do
+ let(:gem_names) { %w(foo bar) }
+ let(:full_dependency_list) { ["bar"] }
+ let(:last_spec_list) { [["boulder", gem_version1, "ruby", resque]] }
+ let(:fail_errors) { double(:fail_errors) }
+ let(:bundler_retry) { double(:bundler_retry) }
+ let(:gem_version1) { double(:gem_version1) }
+ let(:resque) { double(:resque) }
+ let(:remote_uri) { "http://remote-uri.org" }
+ before do
+ stub_const("Bundler::Fetcher::FAIL_ERRORS", fail_errors)
+ allow(Bundler::Retry).to receive(:new).with("dependency api", fail_errors).and_return(bundler_retry)
+ allow(bundler_retry).to receive(:attempts) {|&block| block.call }
+ allow(subject).to receive(:log_specs) {}
+ allow(subject).to receive(:remote_uri).and_return(remote_uri)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug?)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :info)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug)
+ end
+ context "when there are given gem names that are not in the full dependency list" do
+ let(:spec_list) { [["top", gem_version2, "ruby", faraday]] }
+ let(:deps_list) { [] }
+ let(:dependency_specs) { [spec_list, deps_list] }
+ let(:gem_version2) { double(:gem_version2) }
+ let(:faraday) { double(:faraday) }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_specs).with(["foo"]).and_return(dependency_specs) }
+ it "should return a hash with the remote_uri and the list of specs" do
+ expect(subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)).to eq([
+ ["top", gem_version2, "ruby", faraday],
+ ["boulder", gem_version1, "ruby", resque],
+ ])
+ end
+ end
+ context "when all given gem names are in the full dependency list" do
+ let(:gem_names) { ["foo"] }
+ let(:full_dependency_list) { %w(foo bar) }
+ let(:last_spec_list) { ["boulder"] }
+ it "should return a hash with the remote_uri and the last spec list" do
+ expect(subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)).to eq(["boulder"])
+ end
+ end
+ context "logging" do
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:log_specs).and_call_original }
+ context "with debug on" do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug?).and_return(true)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_specs).with(["foo"]).and_return([[], []])
+ end
+ it "should log the query list at debug level" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("Query List: [\"foo\"]")
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("Query List: []")
+ subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with debug off" do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug?).and_return(false)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_specs).with(["foo"]).and_return([[], []])
+ end
+ it "should log at info level" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :info).with(".", false)
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :info).with(".", false)
+ subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "the error is properly handled" do
+ it "should return nil" do
+ expect(subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)).to be_nil
+ end
+ context "debug logging is not on" do
+ before { allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug?).and_return(false) }
+ it "should log a new line to info" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :info).with("")
+ subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "the error suggests retrying with the full index" do
+ it "should log the inability to fetch from API at debug level" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("could not fetch from the dependency API\nit's suggested to retry using the full index via `bundle install --full-index`")
+ subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when an HTTPError occurs" do
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_specs) { raise Bundler::HTTPError.new } }
+ it_behaves_like "the error is properly handled"
+ it_behaves_like "the error suggests retrying with the full index"
+ end
+ context "when a GemspecError occurs" do
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_specs) { raise Bundler::GemspecError.new } }
+ it_behaves_like "the error is properly handled"
+ it_behaves_like "the error suggests retrying with the full index"
+ end
+ context "when a MarshalError occurs" do
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_specs) { raise Bundler::MarshalError.new } }
+ it_behaves_like "the error is properly handled"
+ it "should log the inability to fetch from API and mention retrying" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("could not fetch from the dependency API, trying the full index")
+ subject.specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list, last_spec_list)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#dependency_specs" do
+ let(:gem_names) { [%w(foo bar), %w(bundler rubocop)] }
+ let(:gem_list) { double(:gem_list) }
+ let(:formatted_specs_and_deps) { double(:formatted_specs_and_deps) }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:unmarshalled_dep_gems).with(gem_names).and_return(gem_list)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:get_formatted_specs_and_deps).with(gem_list).and_return(formatted_specs_and_deps)
+ end
+ it "should log the query list at debug level" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with(
+ "Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: foo,bar,bundler,rubocop"
+ )
+ subject.dependency_specs(gem_names)
+ end
+ it "should return formatted specs and a unique list of dependencies" do
+ expect(subject.dependency_specs(gem_names)).to eq(formatted_specs_and_deps)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#unmarshalled_dep_gems" do
+ let(:gem_names) { [%w(foo bar), %w(bundler rubocop)] }
+ let(:dep_api_uri) { double(:dep_api_uri) }
+ let(:unmarshalled_gems) { double(:unmarshalled_gems) }
+ let(:fetch_response) { double(:fetch_response, :body => double(:body)) }
+ let(:rubygems_limit) { 50 }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:dependency_api_uri).with(gem_names).and_return(dep_api_uri) }
+ it "should fetch dependencies from Rubygems and unmarshal them" do
+ expect(gem_names).to receive(:each_slice).with(rubygems_limit).and_call_original
+ expect(downloader).to receive(:fetch).with(dep_api_uri).and_return(fetch_response)
+ expect(Bundler).to receive(:load_marshal).with(fetch_response.body).and_return([unmarshalled_gems])
+ expect(subject.unmarshalled_dep_gems(gem_names)).to eq([unmarshalled_gems])
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#get_formatted_specs_and_deps" do
+ let(:gem_list) do
+ [
+ {
+ :dependencies => {
+ "resque" => "req3,req4",
+ },
+ :name => "typhoeus",
+ :number => "1.0.1",
+ :platform => "ruby",
+ },
+ {
+ :dependencies => {
+ "faraday" => "req1,req2",
+ },
+ :name => "grape",
+ :number => "2.0.2",
+ :platform => "jruby",
+ },
+ ]
+ end
+ it "should return formatted specs and a unique list of dependencies" do
+ spec_list, deps_list = subject.get_formatted_specs_and_deps(gem_list)
+ expect(spec_list).to eq([["typhoeus", "1.0.1", "ruby", [["resque", ["req3,req4"]]]],
+ ["grape", "2.0.2", "jruby", [["faraday", ["req1,req2"]]]]])
+ expect(deps_list).to eq(%w(resque faraday))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#dependency_api_uri" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("http://gem-api.com") }
+ context "with gem names" do
+ let(:gem_names) { %w(foo bar bundler rubocop) }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:fetch_uri).and_return(uri) }
+ it "should return an api calling uri with the gems in the query" do
+ expect(subject.dependency_api_uri(gem_names).to_s).to eq(
+ "http://gem-api.com/api/v1/dependencies?gems=bar%2Cbundler%2Cfoo%2Crubocop"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "with no gem names" do
+ let(:gem_names) { [] }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:fetch_uri).and_return(uri) }
+ it "should return an api calling uri with no query" do
+ expect(subject.dependency_api_uri(gem_names).to_s).to eq(
+ "http://gem-api.com/api/v1/dependencies"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/downloader_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/downloader_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dcd94b1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/downloader_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher::Downloader do
+ let(:connection) { double(:connection) }
+ let(:redirect_limit) { 5 }
+ let(:uri) { URI("http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
+ let(:options) { double(:options) }
+ subject { described_class.new(connection, redirect_limit) }
+ describe "fetch" do
+ let(:counter) { 0 }
+ let(:httpv) { "1.1" }
+ let(:http_response) { double(:response) }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:request).with(uri, options).and_return(http_response)
+ allow(http_response).to receive(:body).and_return("Body with info")
+ end
+ context "when the # requests counter is greater than the redirect limit" do
+ let(:counter) { redirect_limit + 1 }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError specifying too many redirects" do
+ expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError, "Too many redirects")
+ end
+ end
+ context "logging" do
+ let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPSuccess.new("1.1", 200, "Success") }
+ it "should log the HTTP response code and message to debug" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("HTTP 200 Success #{uri}")
+ subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPRedirection" do
+ let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPRedirection.new(httpv, 308, "Moved") }
+ before { http_response["location"] = "http://www.redirect-uri.com/api/v2/endpoint" }
+ it "should try to fetch the redirect uri and iterate the # requests counter" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint"), options, 0).and_call_original
+ expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("http://www.redirect-uri.com/api/v2/endpoint"), options, 1)
+ subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)
+ end
+ context "when the redirect uri and original uri are the same" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("ssh://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
+ before { http_response["location"] = "ssh://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v1/endpoint" }
+ it "should set the same user and password for the redirect uri" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("ssh://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint"), options, 0).and_call_original
+ expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(URI("ssh://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v1/endpoint"), options, 1)
+ subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPSuccess" do
+ let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPSuccess.new("1.1", 200, "Success") }
+ it "should return the response body" do
+ expect(subject.fetch(uri, options, counter)).to eq(http_response)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge" do
+ let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge.new("1.1", 413, "Too Big") }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError with the response body" do
+ expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError, "Body with info")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPUnauthorized" do
+ let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPUnauthorized.new("1.1", 401, "Unauthorized") }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError with the uri host" do
+ expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError,
+ /Authentication is required for www.uri-to-fetch.com/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response is a Net::HTTPNotFound" do
+ let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPNotFound.new("1.1", 404, "Not Found") }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError with Net::HTTPNotFound" do
+ expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError, "Net::HTTPNotFound")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response is some other type" do
+ let(:http_response) { Net::HTTPBadGateway.new("1.1", 500, "Fatal Error") }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError with the response class and body" do
+ expect { subject.fetch(uri, options, counter) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError, "Net::HTTPBadGateway: Body with info")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "request" do
+ let(:net_http_get) { double(:net_http_get) }
+ let(:response) { double(:response) }
+ before do
+ allow(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:new).with("/api/v2/endpoint", options).and_return(net_http_get)
+ allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get).and_return(response)
+ end
+ it "should log the HTTP GET request to debug" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug).with("HTTP GET http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint")
+ subject.request(uri, options)
+ end
+ context "when there is a user provided in the request" do
+ context "and there is also a password provided" do
+ context "that contains cgi escaped characters" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("http://username:password%24@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
+ it "should request basic authentication with the username and password" do
+ expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", "password$")
+ subject.request(uri, options)
+ end
+ end
+ context "that is all unescaped characters" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("http://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
+ it "should request basic authentication with the username and proper cgi compliant password" do
+ expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", "password")
+ subject.request(uri, options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "and there is no password provided" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("http://username@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
+ it "should request basic authentication with just the user" do
+ expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", nil)
+ subject.request(uri, options)
+ end
+ end
+ context "that contains cgi escaped characters" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("http://username%24@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
+ it "should request basic authentication with the proper cgi compliant password user" do
+ expect(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username$", nil)
+ subject.request(uri, options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response causes a NoMethodError" do
+ before { allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get) { raise NoMethodError.new(message) } }
+ context "and the error message is about use_ssl=" do
+ let(:message) { "undefined method 'use_ssl='" }
+ it "should raise a LoadError about openssl" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(LoadError, "cannot load such file -- openssl")
+ end
+ end
+ context "and the error message is not about use_ssl=" do
+ let(:message) { "undefined method 'undefined_method_call'" }
+ it "should raise the original NoMethodError" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, "undefined method 'undefined_method_call'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response causes a OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError" do
+ before { allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get) { raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new } }
+ it "should raise a LoadError about openssl" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError,
+ %r{Could not verify the SSL certificate for http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint})
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the request response causes an error included in HTTP_ERRORS" do
+ let(:message) { nil }
+ let(:error) { RuntimeError.new(message) }
+ before do
+ stub_const("Bundler::Fetcher::HTTP_ERRORS", [RuntimeError])
+ allow(connection).to receive(:request).with(uri, net_http_get) { raise error }
+ end
+ it "should trace log the error" do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :debug)
+ expect(Bundler).to receive_message_chain(:ui, :trace).with(error)
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError)
+ end
+ context "when error message is about the host being down" do
+ let(:message) { "host down: http://www.uri-to-fetch.com" }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError,
+ /Could not reach host www.uri-to-fetch.com/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when error message is about getaddrinfo issues" do
+ let(:message) { "getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided for http://www.uri-to-fetch.com" }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError,
+ /Could not reach host www.uri-to-fetch.com/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when error message is about neither host down or getaddrinfo" do
+ let(:message) { "other error about network" }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError,
+ "Network error while fetching http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint (other error about network)")
+ end
+ context "when the there are credentials provided in the request" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("http://username:password@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint") }
+ before do
+ allow(net_http_get).to receive(:basic_auth).with("username", "password")
+ end
+ it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError that doesn't contain the password" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError,
+ "Network error while fetching http://username@www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint (other error about network)")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when error message is about no route to host" do
+ let(:message) { "Failed to open TCP connection to www.uri-to-fetch.com:443 " }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::HTTPError" do
+ expect { subject.request(uri, options) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError,
+ "Network error while fetching http://www.uri-to-fetch.com/api/v2/endpoint (#{message})")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/index_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/index_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b17e0d1727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher/index_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher::Index do
+ let(:downloader) { nil }
+ let(:remote) { nil }
+ let(:display_uri) { "http://sample_uri.com" }
+ let(:rubygems) { double(:rubygems) }
+ let(:gem_names) { %w(foo bar) }
+ subject { described_class.new(downloader, remote, display_uri) }
+ before { allow(Bundler).to receive(:rubygems).and_return(rubygems) }
+ it "fetches and returns the list of remote specs" do
+ expect(rubygems).to receive(:fetch_all_remote_specs) { nil }
+ subject.specs(gem_names)
+ end
+ context "error handling" do
+ shared_examples_for "the error is properly handled" do
+ let(:remote_uri) { URI("http://remote-uri.org") }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:remote_uri).and_return(remote_uri)
+ end
+ context "when certificate verify failed" do
+ let(:error_message) { "certificate verify failed" }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError" do
+ expect { subject.specs(gem_names) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError,
+ %r{Could not verify the SSL certificate for http://sample_uri.com})
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a 401 response occurs" do
+ let(:error_message) { "401" }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError" do
+ expect { subject.specs(gem_names) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError,
+ %r{Authentication is required for http://remote-uri.org})
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a 403 response occurs" do
+ let(:error_message) { "403" }
+ before do
+ allow(remote_uri).to receive(:userinfo).and_return(userinfo)
+ end
+ context "and there was userinfo" do
+ let(:userinfo) { double(:userinfo) }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::BadAuthenticationError" do
+ expect { subject.specs(gem_names) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::BadAuthenticationError,
+ %r{Bad username or password for http://remote-uri.org})
+ end
+ end
+ context "and there was no userinfo" do
+ let(:userinfo) { nil }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError" do
+ expect { subject.specs(gem_names) }.to raise_error(Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError,
+ %r{Authentication is required for http://remote-uri.org})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "any other message is returned" do
+ let(:error_message) { "You get an error, you get an error!" }
+ before { allow(Bundler).to receive(:ui).and_return(double(:trace => nil)) }
+ it "should raise a Bundler::HTTPError" do
+ expect { subject.specs(gem_names) }.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError, "Could not fetch specs from http://sample_uri.com")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError occurs" do
+ before { allow(rubygems).to receive(:fetch_all_remote_specs) { raise Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError.new(error_message, nil) } }
+ it_behaves_like "the error is properly handled"
+ end
+ context "when a OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError occurs" do
+ before { allow(rubygems).to receive(:fetch_all_remote_specs) { raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new(error_message) } }
+ it_behaves_like "the error is properly handled"
+ end
+ context "when a Net::HTTPFatalError occurs" do
+ before { allow(rubygems).to receive(:fetch_all_remote_specs) { raise Net::HTTPFatalError.new(error_message, 404) } }
+ it_behaves_like "the error is properly handled"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..585768343f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/fetcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/fetcher"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://example.com") }
+ let(:remote) { double("remote", :uri => uri, :original_uri => nil) }
+ subject(:fetcher) { Bundler::Fetcher.new(remote) }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:root) { Pathname.new("root") }
+ end
+ describe "#connection" do
+ context "when Gem.configuration doesn't specify http_proxy" do
+ it "specify no http_proxy" do
+ expect(fetcher.http_proxy).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "consider environment vars when determine proxy" do
+ with_env_vars("HTTP_PROXY" => "http://proxy-example.com") do
+ expect(fetcher.http_proxy).to match("http://proxy-example.com")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when Gem.configuration specifies http_proxy " do
+ let(:proxy) { "http://proxy-example2.com" }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems.configuration).to receive(:[]).with(:http_proxy).and_return(proxy)
+ end
+ it "consider Gem.configuration when determine proxy" do
+ expect(fetcher.http_proxy).to match("http://proxy-example2.com")
+ end
+ it "consider Gem.configuration when determine proxy" do
+ with_env_vars("HTTP_PROXY" => "http://proxy-example.com") do
+ expect(fetcher.http_proxy).to match("http://proxy-example2.com")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the proxy is :no_proxy" do
+ let(:proxy) { :no_proxy }
+ it "does not set a proxy" do
+ expect(fetcher.http_proxy).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a rubygems source mirror is set" do
+ let(:orig_uri) { URI("http://zombo.com") }
+ let(:remote_with_mirror) do
+ double("remote", :uri => uri, :original_uri => orig_uri, :anonymized_uri => uri)
+ end
+ let(:fetcher) { Bundler::Fetcher.new(remote_with_mirror) }
+ it "sets the 'X-Gemfile-Source' header containing the original source" do
+ expect(
+ fetcher.send(:connection).override_headers["X-Gemfile-Source"]
+ ).to eq("http://zombo.com")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is no rubygems source mirror set" do
+ let(:remote_no_mirror) do
+ double("remote", :uri => uri, :original_uri => nil, :anonymized_uri => uri)
+ end
+ let(:fetcher) { Bundler::Fetcher.new(remote_no_mirror) }
+ it "does not set the 'X-Gemfile-Source' header" do
+ expect(fetcher.send(:connection).override_headers["X-Gemfile-Source"]).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are proxy environment variable(s) set" do
+ it "consider http_proxy" do
+ with_env_vars("HTTP_PROXY" => "http://proxy-example3.com") do
+ expect(fetcher.http_proxy).to match("http://proxy-example3.com")
+ end
+ end
+ it "consider no_proxy" do
+ with_env_vars("HTTP_PROXY" => "http://proxy-example4.com", "NO_PROXY" => ".example.com,.example.net") do
+ expect(
+ fetcher.send(:connection).no_proxy
+ ).to eq([".example.com", ".example.net"])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#user_agent" do
+ it "builds user_agent with current ruby version and Bundler settings" do
+ allow(Bundler.settings).to receive(:all).and_return(%w(foo bar))
+ expect(fetcher.user_agent).to match(%r{bundler/(\d.)})
+ expect(fetcher.user_agent).to match(%r{rubygems/(\d.)})
+ expect(fetcher.user_agent).to match(%r{ruby/(\d.)})
+ expect(fetcher.user_agent).to match(%r{options/foo,bar})
+ end
+ describe "include CI information" do
+ it "from one CI" do
+ with_env_vars("JENKINS_URL" => "foo") do
+ ci_part = fetcher.user_agent.split(" ").find {|x| x.match(%r{\Aci/}) }
+ expect(ci_part).to match("jenkins")
+ end
+ end
+ it "from many CI" do
+ with_env_vars("TRAVIS" => "foo", "CI_NAME" => "my_ci") do
+ ci_part = fetcher.user_agent.split(" ").find {|x| x.match(%r{\Aci/}) }
+ expect(ci_part).to match("travis")
+ expect(ci_part).to match("my_ci")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/friendly_errors_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/friendly_errors_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19799d5495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/friendly_errors_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler"
+require "bundler/friendly_errors"
+require "cgi"
+RSpec.describe Bundler, "friendly errors" do
+ context "with invalid YAML in .gemrc" do
+ before do
+ File.open(Gem.configuration.config_file_name, "w") do |f|
+ f.write "invalid: yaml: hah"
+ end
+ end
+ after do
+ FileUtils.rm(Gem.configuration.config_file_name)
+ end
+ it "reports a relevant friendly error message", :ruby => ">= 1.9", :rubygems => "< 2.5.0" do
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem "rack"
+ G
+ bundle :install, :env => { "DEBUG" => true }
+ expect(out).to include("Your RubyGems configuration")
+ expect(out).to include("invalid YAML syntax")
+ expect(out).to include("Psych::SyntaxError")
+ expect(out).not_to include("ERROR REPORT TEMPLATE")
+ expect(exitstatus).to eq(25) if exitstatus
+ end
+ it "reports a relevant friendly error message", :ruby => ">= 1.9", :rubygems => ">= 2.5.0" do
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "file://#{gem_repo1}"
+ gem "rack"
+ G
+ bundle :install, :env => { "DEBUG" => true }
+ expect(err).to include("Failed to load #{home(".gemrc")}")
+ expect(exitstatus).to eq(0) if exitstatus
+ end
+ end
+ it "calls log_error in case of exception" do
+ exception = Exception.new
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors).to receive(:exit_status).with(exception).and_return(1)
+ expect do
+ Bundler.with_friendly_errors do
+ raise exception
+ end
+ end.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ end
+ it "calls exit_status on exception" do
+ exception = Exception.new
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors).to receive(:log_error).with(exception)
+ expect do
+ Bundler.with_friendly_errors do
+ raise exception
+ end
+ end.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ end
+ describe "#log_error" do
+ shared_examples "Bundler.ui receive error" do |error, message|
+ it "" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error).with(message || error.message)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples "Bundler.ui receive trace" do |error|
+ it "" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:trace).with(error)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "YamlSyntaxError" do
+ it_behaves_like "Bundler.ui receive error", Bundler::YamlSyntaxError.new(StandardError.new, "sample_message")
+ it "Bundler.ui receive trace" do
+ std_error = StandardError.new
+ exception = Bundler::YamlSyntaxError.new(std_error, "sample_message")
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:trace).with(std_error)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(exception)
+ end
+ end
+ context "Dsl::DSLError, GemspecError" do
+ it_behaves_like "Bundler.ui receive error", Bundler::Dsl::DSLError.new("description", "dsl_path", "backtrace")
+ it_behaves_like "Bundler.ui receive error", Bundler::GemspecError.new
+ end
+ context "GemRequireError" do
+ let(:orig_error) { StandardError.new }
+ let(:error) { Bundler::GemRequireError.new(orig_error, "sample_message") }
+ before do
+ allow(orig_error).to receive(:backtrace).and_return([])
+ end
+ it "Bundler.ui receive error" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error).with(error.message)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ it "writes to Bundler.ui.trace" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:trace).with(orig_error, nil, true)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "BundlerError" do
+ it "Bundler.ui receive error" do
+ error = Bundler::BundlerError.new
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error).with(error.message, :wrap => true)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "Bundler.ui receive trace", Bundler::BundlerError.new
+ end
+ context "Thor::Error" do
+ it_behaves_like "Bundler.ui receive error", Bundler::Thor::Error.new
+ end
+ context "LoadError" do
+ let(:error) { LoadError.new("cannot load such file -- openssl") }
+ it "Bundler.ui receive error" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error).with("\nCould not load OpenSSL.")
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ it "Bundler.ui receive warn" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn).with(any_args, :wrap => true)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ it "Bundler.ui receive trace" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:trace).with(error)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "Interrupt" do
+ it "Bundler.ui receive error" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error).with("\nQuitting...")
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(Interrupt.new)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "Bundler.ui receive trace", Interrupt.new
+ end
+ context "Gem::InvalidSpecificationException" do
+ it "Bundler.ui receive error" do
+ error = Gem::InvalidSpecificationException.new
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error).with(error.message, :wrap => true)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "SystemExit" do
+ # Does nothing
+ end
+ context "Java::JavaLang::OutOfMemoryError" do
+ module Java
+ module JavaLang
+ class OutOfMemoryError < StandardError; end
+ end
+ end
+ it "Bundler.ui receive error" do
+ error = Java::JavaLang::OutOfMemoryError.new
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error).with(/JVM has run out of memory/)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "unexpected error" do
+ it "calls request_issue_report_for with error" do
+ error = StandardError.new
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors).to receive(:request_issue_report_for).with(error)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.log_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#exit_status" do
+ it "calls status_code for BundlerError" do
+ error = Bundler::BundlerError.new
+ expect(error).to receive(:status_code).and_return("sample_status_code")
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors.exit_status(error)).to eq("sample_status_code")
+ end
+ it "returns 15 for Thor::Error" do
+ error = Bundler::Thor::Error.new
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors.exit_status(error)).to eq(15)
+ end
+ it "calls status for SystemExit" do
+ error = SystemExit.new
+ expect(error).to receive(:status).and_return("sample_status")
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors.exit_status(error)).to eq("sample_status")
+ end
+ it "returns 1 in other cases" do
+ error = StandardError.new
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors.exit_status(error)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#request_issue_report_for" do
+ it "calls relevant methods for Bundler.ui" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:info)
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error)
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.request_issue_report_for(StandardError.new)
+ end
+ it "includes error class, message and backlog" do
+ error = StandardError.new
+ allow(Bundler::FriendlyErrors).to receive(:issues_url).and_return("")
+ expect(error).to receive(:class).at_least(:once)
+ expect(error).to receive(:message).at_least(:once)
+ expect(error).to receive(:backtrace).at_least(:once)
+ Bundler::FriendlyErrors.request_issue_report_for(error)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#issues_url" do
+ it "generates a search URL for the exception message" do
+ exception = Exception.new("Exception message")
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors.issues_url(exception)).to eq("https://github.com/bundler/bundler/search?q=Exception+message&type=Issues")
+ end
+ it "generates a search URL for only the first line of a multi-line exception message" do
+ exception = Exception.new(<<END)
+First line of the exception message
+Second line of the exception message
+ expect(Bundler::FriendlyErrors.issues_url(exception)).to eq("https://github.com/bundler/bundler/search?q=First+line+of+the+exception+message&type=Issues")
+ end
+ it "generates the url without colons" do
+ exception = Exception.new(<<END)
+Exception ::: with ::: colons :::
+ issues_url = Bundler::FriendlyErrors.issues_url(exception)
+ expect(issues_url).not_to include("%3A")
+ expect(issues_url).to eq("https://github.com/bundler/bundler/search?q=#{CGI.escape("Exception with colons ")}&type=Issues")
+ end
+ it "removes information after - for Errono::EACCES" do
+ exception = Exception.new(<<END)
+Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /Users/foo/bar/
+ allow(exception).to receive(:is_a?).with(Errno).and_return(true)
+ issues_url = Bundler::FriendlyErrors.issues_url(exception)
+ expect(issues_url).not_to include("/Users/foo/bar")
+ expect(issues_url).to eq("https://github.com/bundler/bundler/search?q=#{CGI.escape("Errno EACCES Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir ")}&type=Issues")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/gem_helper_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/gem_helper_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..498ed89447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/gem_helper_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "rake"
+require "bundler/gem_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::GemHelper do
+ let(:app_name) { "lorem__ipsum" }
+ let(:app_path) { bundled_app app_name }
+ let(:app_gemspec_path) { app_path.join("#{app_name}.gemspec") }
+ before(:each) do
+ global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__MIT" => "false", "BUNDLE_GEM__TEST" => "false", "BUNDLE_GEM__COC" => "false"
+ bundle "gem #{app_name}"
+ end
+ context "determining gemspec" do
+ subject { Bundler::GemHelper.new(app_path) }
+ context "fails" do
+ it "when there is no gemspec" do
+ FileUtils.rm app_gemspec_path
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(/Unable to determine name/)
+ end
+ it "when there are two gemspecs and the name isn't specified" do
+ FileUtils.touch app_path.join("#{app_name}-2.gemspec")
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(/Unable to determine name/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "interpolates the name" do
+ before do
+ # Remove exception that prevents public pushes on older RubyGems versions
+ if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("2.0")
+ content = File.read(app_gemspec_path)
+ content.sub!(/raise "RubyGems 2\.0 or newer.*/, "")
+ File.open(app_gemspec_path, "w") {|f| f.write(content) }
+ end
+ end
+ it "when there is only one gemspec" do
+ expect(subject.gemspec.name).to eq(app_name)
+ end
+ it "for a hidden gemspec" do
+ FileUtils.mv app_gemspec_path, app_path.join(".gemspec")
+ expect(subject.gemspec.name).to eq(app_name)
+ end
+ end
+ it "handles namespaces and converts them to CamelCase" do
+ bundle "gem #{app_name}-foo_bar"
+ underscore_path = bundled_app "#{app_name}-foo_bar"
+ lib = underscore_path.join("lib/#{app_name}/foo_bar.rb").read
+ expect(lib).to include("module LoremIpsum")
+ expect(lib).to include("module FooBar")
+ end
+ end
+ context "gem management" do
+ def mock_confirm_message(message)
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:confirm).with(message)
+ end
+ def mock_build_message(name, version)
+ message = "#{name} #{version} built to pkg/#{name}-#{version}.gem."
+ mock_confirm_message message
+ end
+ subject! { Bundler::GemHelper.new(app_path) }
+ let(:app_version) { "0.1.0" }
+ let(:app_gem_dir) { app_path.join("pkg") }
+ let(:app_gem_path) { app_gem_dir.join("#{app_name}-#{app_version}.gem") }
+ let(:app_gemspec_content) { remove_push_guard(File.read(app_gemspec_path)) }
+ before(:each) do
+ content = app_gemspec_content.gsub("TODO: ", "")
+ content.sub!(/homepage\s+= ".*"/, 'homepage = ""')
+ File.open(app_gemspec_path, "w") {|file| file << content }
+ end
+ def remove_push_guard(gemspec_content)
+ # Remove exception that prevents public pushes on older RubyGems versions
+ if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("2.0")
+ gemspec_content.sub!(/raise "RubyGems 2\.0 or newer.*/, "")
+ end
+ gemspec_content
+ end
+ it "uses a shell UI for output" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to be_a(Bundler::UI::Shell)
+ end
+ describe "#install" do
+ let!(:rake_application) { Rake.application }
+ before(:each) do
+ Rake.application = Rake::Application.new
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Rake.application = rake_application
+ end
+ context "defines Rake tasks" do
+ let(:task_names) do
+ %w(build install release release:guard_clean
+ release:source_control_push release:rubygem_push)
+ end
+ context "before installation" do
+ it "raises an error with appropriate message" do
+ task_names.each do |name|
+ expect { Rake.application[name] }.
+ to raise_error(/^Don't know how to build task '#{name}'/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "after installation" do
+ before do
+ subject.install
+ end
+ it "adds Rake tasks successfully" do
+ task_names.each do |name|
+ expect { Rake.application[name] }.not_to raise_error
+ expect(Rake.application[name]).to be_instance_of Rake::Task
+ end
+ end
+ it "provides a way to access the gemspec object" do
+ expect(subject.gemspec.name).to eq(app_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#build_gem" do
+ context "when build failed" do
+ it "raises an error with appropriate message" do
+ # break the gemspec by adding back the TODOs
+ File.open(app_gemspec_path, "w") {|file| file << app_gemspec_content }
+ expect { subject.build_gem }.to raise_error(/TODO/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when build was successful" do
+ it "creates .gem file" do
+ mock_build_message app_name, app_version
+ subject.build_gem
+ expect(app_gem_path).to exist
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#install_gem" do
+ context "when installation was successful" do
+ it "gem is installed" do
+ mock_build_message app_name, app_version
+ mock_confirm_message "#{app_name} (#{app_version}) installed."
+ subject.install_gem(nil, :local)
+ expect(app_gem_path).to exist
+ gem_command! :list
+ expect(out).to include("#{app_name} (#{app_version})")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when installation fails" do
+ it "raises an error with appropriate message" do
+ # create empty gem file in order to simulate install failure
+ allow(subject).to receive(:build_gem) do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(app_gem_dir)
+ FileUtils.touch app_gem_path
+ app_gem_path
+ end
+ expect { subject.install_gem }.to raise_error(/Couldn't install gem/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "rake release" do
+ let!(:rake_application) { Rake.application }
+ before(:each) do
+ Rake.application = Rake::Application.new
+ subject.install
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Rake.application = rake_application
+ end
+ before do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `git init`
+ `git config user.email "you@example.com"`
+ `git config user.name "name"`
+ `git config push.default simple`
+ end
+ # silence messages
+ allow(Bundler.ui).to receive(:confirm)
+ allow(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error)
+ end
+ context "fails" do
+ it "when there are unstaged files" do
+ expect { Rake.application["release"].invoke }.
+ to raise_error("There are files that need to be committed first.")
+ end
+ it "when there are uncommitted files" do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `git add .` }
+ expect { Rake.application["release"].invoke }.
+ to raise_error("There are files that need to be committed first.")
+ end
+ it "when there is no git remote" do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `git commit -a -m "initial commit"` }
+ expect { Rake.application["release"].invoke }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
+ end
+ end
+ context "succeeds" do
+ before do
+ Dir.chdir(gem_repo1) { `git init --bare` }
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `git remote add origin file://#{gem_repo1}`
+ `git commit -a -m "initial commit"`
+ end
+ end
+ it "on releasing" do
+ mock_build_message app_name, app_version
+ mock_confirm_message "Tagged v#{app_version}."
+ mock_confirm_message "Pushed git commits and tags."
+ expect(subject).to receive(:rubygem_push).with(app_gem_path.to_s)
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { sys_exec("git push -u origin master") }
+ Rake.application["release"].invoke
+ end
+ it "even if tag already exists" do
+ mock_build_message app_name, app_version
+ mock_confirm_message "Tag v#{app_version} has already been created."
+ expect(subject).to receive(:rubygem_push).with(app_gem_path.to_s)
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `git tag -a -m \"Version #{app_version}\" v#{app_version}`
+ end
+ Rake.application["release"].invoke
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/gem_version_promoter_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/gem_version_promoter_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7620e2620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/gem_version_promoter_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::GemVersionPromoter do
+ context "conservative resolver" do
+ def versions(result)
+ result.flatten.map(&:version).map(&:to_s)
+ end
+ def make_instance(*args)
+ @gvp = Bundler::GemVersionPromoter.new(*args).tap do |gvp|
+ gvp.class.class_eval { public :filter_dep_specs, :sort_dep_specs }
+ end
+ end
+ def unlocking(options)
+ make_instance(Bundler::SpecSet.new([]), ["foo"]).tap do |p|
+ p.level = options[:level] if options[:level]
+ p.strict = options[:strict] if options[:strict]
+ end
+ end
+ def keep_locked(options)
+ make_instance(Bundler::SpecSet.new([]), ["bar"]).tap do |p|
+ p.level = options[:level] if options[:level]
+ p.strict = options[:strict] if options[:strict]
+ end
+ end
+ def build_spec_group(name, version)
+ Bundler::Resolver::SpecGroup.new(build_spec(name, version))
+ end
+ # Rightmost (highest array index) in result is most preferred.
+ # Leftmost (lowest array index) in result is least preferred.
+ # `build_spec_group` has all version of gem in index.
+ # `build_spec` is the version currently in the .lock file.
+ #
+ # In default (not strict) mode, all versions in the index will
+ # be returned, allowing Bundler the best chance to resolve all
+ # dependencies, but sometimes resulting in upgrades that some
+ # would not consider conservative.
+ context "filter specs (strict) level patch" do
+ it "when keeping build_spec, keep current, next release" do
+ keep_locked(:level => :patch)
+ res = @gvp.filter_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(1.7.8 1.7.9 1.8.0)),
+ build_spec("foo", "1.7.8").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(1.7.9 1.7.8)
+ end
+ it "when unlocking prefer next release first" do
+ unlocking(:level => :patch)
+ res = @gvp.filter_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(1.7.8 1.7.9 1.8.0)),
+ build_spec("foo", "1.7.8").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(1.7.8 1.7.9)
+ end
+ it "when unlocking keep current when already at latest release" do
+ unlocking(:level => :patch)
+ res = @gvp.filter_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(1.7.9 1.8.0 2.0.0)),
+ build_spec("foo", "1.7.9").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(1.7.9)
+ end
+ end
+ context "filter specs (strict) level minor" do
+ it "when unlocking favor next releases, remove minor and major increases" do
+ unlocking(:level => :minor)
+ res = @gvp.filter_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(0.2.0 0.3.0 0.3.1 0.9.0 1.0.0 2.0.0 2.0.1)),
+ build_spec("foo", "0.2.0").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(0.2.0 0.3.0 0.3.1 0.9.0)
+ end
+ it "when keep locked, keep current, then favor next release, remove minor and major increases" do
+ keep_locked(:level => :minor)
+ res = @gvp.filter_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(0.2.0 0.3.0 0.3.1 0.9.0 1.0.0 2.0.0 2.0.1)),
+ build_spec("foo", "0.2.0").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(0.3.0 0.3.1 0.9.0 0.2.0)
+ end
+ end
+ context "sort specs (not strict) level patch" do
+ it "when not unlocking, same order but make sure build_spec version is most preferred to stay put" do
+ keep_locked(:level => :patch)
+ res = @gvp.sort_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(1.5.4 1.6.5 1.7.6 1.7.7 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.8.0 1.8.1 2.0.0 2.0.1)),
+ build_spec("foo", "1.7.7").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(1.5.4 1.6.5 1.7.6 2.0.0 2.0.1 1.8.0 1.8.1 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.7)
+ end
+ it "when unlocking favor next release, then current over minor increase" do
+ unlocking(:level => :patch)
+ res = @gvp.sort_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(1.7.7 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.8.0)),
+ build_spec("foo", "1.7.8").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(1.7.7 1.8.0 1.7.8 1.7.9)
+ end
+ it "when unlocking do proper integer comparison, not string" do
+ unlocking(:level => :patch)
+ res = @gvp.sort_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(1.7.7 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.15 1.8.0)),
+ build_spec("foo", "1.7.8").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(1.7.7 1.8.0 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.15)
+ end
+ it "leave current when unlocking but already at latest release" do
+ unlocking(:level => :patch)
+ res = @gvp.sort_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(1.7.9 1.8.0 2.0.0)),
+ build_spec("foo", "1.7.9").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(2.0.0 1.8.0 1.7.9)
+ end
+ end
+ context "sort specs (not strict) level minor" do
+ it "when unlocking favor next release, then minor increase over current" do
+ unlocking(:level => :minor)
+ res = @gvp.sort_dep_specs(
+ build_spec_group("foo", %w(0.2.0 0.3.0 0.3.1 0.9.0 1.0.0 2.0.0 2.0.1)),
+ build_spec("foo", "0.2.0").first
+ )
+ expect(versions(res)).to eq %w(2.0.0 2.0.1 1.0.0 0.2.0 0.3.0 0.3.1 0.9.0)
+ end
+ end
+ context "level error handling" do
+ subject { Bundler::GemVersionPromoter.new }
+ it "should raise if not major, minor or patch is passed" do
+ expect { subject.level = :minjor }.to raise_error ArgumentError
+ end
+ it "should raise if invalid classes passed" do
+ [123, nil].each do |value|
+ expect { subject.level = value }.to raise_error ArgumentError
+ end
+ end
+ it "should accept major, minor patch symbols" do
+ [:major, :minor, :patch].each do |value|
+ subject.level = value
+ expect(subject.level).to eq value
+ end
+ end
+ it "should accept major, minor patch strings" do
+ %w(major minor patch).each do |value|
+ subject.level = value
+ expect(subject.level).to eq value.to_sym
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "debug output" do
+ it "should not kerblooie on its own debug output" do
+ gvp = unlocking(:level => :patch)
+ dep = Bundler::DepProxy.new(dep("foo", "1.2.0").first, "ruby")
+ result = gvp.send(:debug_format_result, dep, [build_spec_group("foo", "1.2.0"),
+ build_spec_group("foo", "1.3.0")])
+ expect(result.class).to eq Array
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/index_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/index_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09b09e08fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/index_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Index do
+ let(:specs) { [] }
+ subject { described_class.build {|i| i.use(specs) } }
+ context "specs with a nil platform" do
+ let(:spec) do
+ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+ s.name = "json"
+ s.version = "1.8.3"
+ allow(s).to receive(:platform).and_return(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ let(:specs) { [spec] }
+ describe "#search_by_spec" do
+ it "finds the spec when a nil platform is specified" do
+ expect(subject.search(spec)).to eq([spec])
+ end
+ it "finds the spec when a ruby platform is specified" do
+ query = spec.dup.tap {|s| s.platform = "ruby" }
+ expect(subject.search(query)).to eq([spec])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with specs that include development dependencies" do
+ let(:specs) { [*build_spec("a", "1.0.0") {|s| s.development("b", "~> 1.0") }] }
+ it "does not include b in #dependency_names" do
+ expect(subject.dependency_names).not_to include("b")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/gem_installer_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/gem_installer_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2f30cdd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/gem_installer_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/installer/gem_installer"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::GemInstaller do
+ let(:installer) { instance_double("Installer") }
+ let(:spec_source) { instance_double("SpecSource") }
+ let(:spec) { instance_double("Specification", :name => "dummy", :version => "0.0.1", :loaded_from => "dummy", :source => spec_source) }
+ subject { described_class.new(spec, installer) }
+ context "spec_settings is nil" do
+ it "invokes install method with empty build_args", :rubygems => ">= 2" do
+ allow(spec_source).to receive(:install).with(spec, :force => false, :ensure_builtin_gems_cached => false, :build_args => [])
+ subject.install_from_spec
+ end
+ end
+ context "spec_settings is build option" do
+ it "invokes install method with build_args", :rubygems => ">= 2" do
+ allow(Bundler.settings).to receive(:[]).with(:bin)
+ allow(Bundler.settings).to receive(:[]).with(:inline)
+ allow(Bundler.settings).to receive(:[]).with("build.dummy").and_return("--with-dummy-config=dummy")
+ expect(spec_source).to receive(:install).with(spec, :force => false, :ensure_builtin_gems_cached => false, :build_args => ["--with-dummy-config=dummy"])
+ subject.install_from_spec
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/parallel_installer_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/parallel_installer_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d2c441399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/parallel_installer_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/installer/parallel_installer"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::ParallelInstaller do
+ let(:installer) { instance_double("Installer") }
+ let(:all_specs) { [] }
+ let(:size) { 1 }
+ let(:standalone) { false }
+ let(:force) { false }
+ subject { described_class.new(installer, all_specs, size, standalone, force) }
+ context "when dependencies that are not on the overall installation list are the only ones not installed" do
+ let(:all_specs) do
+ [
+ build_spec("alpha", "1.0") {|s| s.runtime "a", "1" },
+ ].flatten
+ end
+ it "prints a warning" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn).with(<<-W.strip)
+Your lockfile was created by an old Bundler that left some things out.
+You can fix this by adding the missing gems to your Gemfile, running bundle install, and then removing the gems from your Gemfile.
+The missing gems are:
+* a depended upon by alpha
+ W
+ subject.check_for_corrupt_lockfile
+ end
+ context "when size > 1" do
+ let(:size) { 500 }
+ it "prints a warning and sets size to 1" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn).with(<<-W.strip)
+Your lockfile was created by an old Bundler that left some things out.
+Because of the missing DEPENDENCIES, we can only install gems one at a time, instead of installing 500 at a time.
+You can fix this by adding the missing gems to your Gemfile, running bundle install, and then removing the gems from your Gemfile.
+The missing gems are:
+* a depended upon by alpha
+ W
+ subject.check_for_corrupt_lockfile
+ expect(subject.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/spec_installation_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/spec_installation_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e368ab7c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/installer/spec_installation_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/installer/parallel_installer"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::ParallelInstaller::SpecInstallation do
+ let!(:dep) do
+ a_spec = Object.new
+ def a_spec.name
+ "I like tests"
+ end
+ a_spec
+ end
+ describe "#ready_to_enqueue?" do
+ context "when in enqueued state" do
+ it "is falsey" do
+ spec = described_class.new(dep)
+ spec.state = :enqueued
+ expect(spec.ready_to_enqueue?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ context "when in installed state" do
+ it "returns falsey" do
+ spec = described_class.new(dep)
+ spec.state = :installed
+ expect(spec.ready_to_enqueue?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns truthy" do
+ spec = described_class.new(dep)
+ expect(spec.ready_to_enqueue?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#dependencies_installed?" do
+ context "when all dependencies are installed" do
+ it "returns true" do
+ dependencies = []
+ dependencies << instance_double("SpecInstallation", :spec => "alpha", :name => "alpha", :installed? => true, :all_dependencies => [], :type => :production)
+ dependencies << instance_double("SpecInstallation", :spec => "beta", :name => "beta", :installed? => true, :all_dependencies => [], :type => :production)
+ all_specs = dependencies + [instance_double("SpecInstallation", :spec => "gamma", :name => "gamma", :installed? => false, :all_dependencies => [], :type => :production)]
+ spec = described_class.new(dep)
+ allow(spec).to receive(:all_dependencies).and_return(dependencies)
+ expect(spec.dependencies_installed?(all_specs)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context "when all dependencies are not installed" do
+ it "returns false" do
+ dependencies = []
+ dependencies << instance_double("SpecInstallation", :spec => "alpha", :name => "alpha", :installed? => false, :all_dependencies => [], :type => :production)
+ dependencies << instance_double("SpecInstallation", :spec => "beta", :name => "beta", :installed? => true, :all_dependencies => [], :type => :production)
+ all_specs = dependencies + [instance_double("SpecInstallation", :spec => "gamma", :name => "gamma", :installed? => false, :all_dependencies => [], :type => :production)]
+ spec = described_class.new(dep)
+ allow(spec).to receive(:all_dependencies).and_return(dependencies)
+ expect(spec.dependencies_installed?(all_specs)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/lockfile_parser_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/lockfile_parser_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17bb447194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/lockfile_parser_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/lockfile_parser"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::LockfileParser do
+ let(:lockfile_contents) { strip_whitespace(<<-L) }
+ remote: https://github.com/alloy/peiji-san.git
+ revision: eca485d8dc95f12aaec1a434b49d295c7e91844b
+ specs:
+ peiji-san (1.2.0)
+ remote: https://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ rake (10.3.2)
+ ruby
+ peiji-san!
+ rake
+ ruby 2.1.3p242
+ 1.12.0.rc.2
+ L
+ describe ".sections_in_lockfile" do
+ it "returns the attributes" do
+ attributes = described_class.sections_in_lockfile(lockfile_contents)
+ expect(attributes).to contain_exactly(
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".unknown_sections_in_lockfile" do
+ let(:lockfile_contents) { strip_whitespace(<<-L) }
+ random contents
+ L
+ it "returns the unknown attributes" do
+ attributes = described_class.unknown_sections_in_lockfile(lockfile_contents)
+ expect(attributes).to contain_exactly("UNKNOWN ATTR", "UNKNOWN ATTR 2")
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".sections_to_ignore" do
+ subject { described_class.sections_to_ignore(base_version) }
+ context "with a nil base version" do
+ let(:base_version) { nil }
+ it "returns the same as > 1.0" do
+ expect(subject).to contain_exactly(
+ described_class::BUNDLED, described_class::RUBY, described_class::PLUGIN
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a prerelease base version" do
+ let(:base_version) { Gem::Version.create("1.11.0.rc.1") }
+ it "returns the same as for the release version" do
+ expect(subject).to contain_exactly(
+ described_class::RUBY, described_class::PLUGIN
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a current version" do
+ let(:base_version) { Gem::Version.create(Bundler::VERSION) }
+ it "returns an empty array" do
+ expect(subject).to eq([])
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a future version" do
+ let(:base_version) { Gem::Version.create("5.5.5") }
+ it "returns an empty array" do
+ expect(subject).to eq([])
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/mirror_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/mirror_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9051a80465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/mirror_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/mirror"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Settings::Mirror do
+ let(:mirror) { Bundler::Settings::Mirror.new }
+ it "returns zero when fallback_timeout is not set" do
+ expect(mirror.fallback_timeout).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it "takes a number as a fallback_timeout" do
+ mirror.fallback_timeout = 1
+ expect(mirror.fallback_timeout).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "takes truthy as a default fallback timeout" do
+ mirror.fallback_timeout = true
+ expect(mirror.fallback_timeout).to eq(0.1)
+ end
+ it "takes falsey as a zero fallback timeout" do
+ mirror.fallback_timeout = false
+ expect(mirror.fallback_timeout).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it "takes a string with 'true' as a default fallback timeout" do
+ mirror.fallback_timeout = "true"
+ expect(mirror.fallback_timeout).to eq(0.1)
+ end
+ it "takes a string with 'false' as a zero fallback timeout" do
+ mirror.fallback_timeout = "false"
+ expect(mirror.fallback_timeout).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it "takes a string for the uri but returns an uri object" do
+ mirror.uri = "http://localhost:9292"
+ expect(mirror.uri).to eq(URI("http://localhost:9292"))
+ end
+ it "takes an uri object for the uri" do
+ mirror.uri = URI("http://localhost:9293")
+ expect(mirror.uri).to eq(URI("http://localhost:9293"))
+ end
+ context "without a uri" do
+ it "invalidates the mirror" do
+ mirror.validate!
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ context "with an uri" do
+ before { mirror.uri = "http://localhost:9292" }
+ context "without a fallback timeout" do
+ it "is not valid by default" do
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ context "when probed" do
+ let(:probe) { double }
+ context "with a replying mirror" do
+ before do
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_return(true)
+ mirror.validate!(probe)
+ end
+ it "is valid" do
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a non replying mirror" do
+ before do
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_return(false)
+ mirror.validate!(probe)
+ end
+ it "is still valid" do
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a fallback timeout" do
+ before { mirror.fallback_timeout = 1 }
+ it "is not valid by default" do
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ context "when probed" do
+ let(:probe) { double }
+ context "with a replying mirror" do
+ before do
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_return(true)
+ mirror.validate!(probe)
+ end
+ it "is valid" do
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "is validated only once" do
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_raise("Only once!")
+ mirror.validate!(probe)
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a non replying mirror" do
+ before do
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_return(false)
+ mirror.validate!(probe)
+ end
+ it "is not valid" do
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "is validated only once" do
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_raise("Only once!")
+ mirror.validate!(probe)
+ expect(mirror.valid?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#==" do
+ it "returns true if uri and fallback timeout are the same" do
+ uri = "https://ruby.taobao.org"
+ mirror = Bundler::Settings::Mirror.new(uri, 1)
+ another_mirror = Bundler::Settings::Mirror.new(uri, 1)
+ expect(mirror == another_mirror).to be true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Settings::Mirrors do
+ let(:localhost_uri) { URI("http://localhost:9292") }
+ context "with a just created mirror" do
+ let(:mirrors) do
+ probe = double
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_return(true)
+ Bundler::Settings::Mirrors.new(probe)
+ end
+ it "returns a mirror that contains the source uri for an unknown uri" do
+ mirror = mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/")
+ expect(mirror).to eq(Bundler::Settings::Mirror.new("http://rubygems.org/"))
+ end
+ it "parses a mirror key and returns a mirror for the parsed uri" do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org/", localhost_uri)
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ it "parses a relative mirror key and returns a mirror for the parsed http uri" do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.rubygems.org", localhost_uri)
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ it "parses a relative mirror key and returns a mirror for the parsed https uri" do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.rubygems.org", localhost_uri)
+ expect(mirrors.for("https://rubygems.org/").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ context "with a uri parsed already" do
+ before { mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org/", localhost_uri) }
+ it "takes a mirror fallback_timeout and assigns the timeout" do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org.fallback_timeout", "2")
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/").fallback_timeout).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it "parses a 'true' fallback timeout and sets the default timeout" do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org.fallback_timeout", "true")
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/").fallback_timeout).to eq(0.1)
+ end
+ it "parses a 'false' fallback timeout and sets it to zero" do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org.fallback_timeout", "false")
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/").fallback_timeout).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a mirror prober that replies on time" do
+ let(:mirrors) do
+ probe = double
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_return(true)
+ Bundler::Settings::Mirrors.new(probe)
+ end
+ context "with a default fallback_timeout for rubygems.org" do
+ before do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org/", localhost_uri)
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org.fallback_timeout", "true")
+ end
+ it "returns localhost" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a mirror for all" do
+ before do
+ mirrors.parse("mirror.all", localhost_uri)
+ end
+ context "without a fallback timeout" do
+ it "returns localhost uri for rubygems" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ it "returns localhost for any other url" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://whatever.com/").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a fallback timeout" do
+ before { mirrors.parse("mirror.all.fallback_timeout", "1") }
+ it "returns localhost uri for rubygems" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ it "returns localhost for any other url" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://whatever.com/").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a mirror prober that does not reply on time" do
+ let(:mirrors) do
+ probe = double
+ allow(probe).to receive(:replies?).and_return(false)
+ Bundler::Settings::Mirrors.new(probe)
+ end
+ context "with a localhost mirror for all" do
+ before { mirrors.parse("mirror.all", localhost_uri) }
+ context "without a fallback timeout" do
+ it "returns localhost" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://whatever.com").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a fallback timeout" do
+ before { mirrors.parse("mirror.all.fallback_timeout", "true") }
+ it "returns the source uri, not localhost" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://whatever.com").uri).to eq(URI("http://whatever.com/"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with localhost as a mirror for rubygems.org" do
+ before { mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org/", localhost_uri) }
+ context "without a fallback timeout" do
+ it "returns the uri that is not mirrored" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://whatever.com").uri).to eq(URI("http://whatever.com/"))
+ end
+ it "returns localhost for rubygems.org" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/").uri).to eq(localhost_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a fallback timeout" do
+ before { mirrors.parse("mirror.http://rubygems.org/.fallback_timeout", "true") }
+ it "returns the uri that is not mirrored" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://whatever.com").uri).to eq(URI("http://whatever.com/"))
+ end
+ it "returns rubygems.org for rubygems.org" do
+ expect(mirrors.for("http://rubygems.org/").uri).to eq(URI("http://rubygems.org/"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Settings::TCPSocketProbe do
+ let(:probe) { Bundler::Settings::TCPSocketProbe.new }
+ context "with a listening TCP Server" do
+ def with_server_and_mirror
+ server = TCPServer.new("", 0)
+ mirror = Bundler::Settings::Mirror.new("http://localhost:#{server.addr[1]}", 1)
+ yield server, mirror
+ server.close unless server.closed?
+ end
+ it "probes the server correctly" do
+ with_server_and_mirror do |server, mirror|
+ expect(server.closed?).to be_falsey
+ expect(probe.replies?(mirror)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ it "probes falsey when the server is down" do
+ with_server_and_mirror do |server, mirror|
+ server.close
+ expect(probe.replies?(mirror)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with an invalid mirror" do
+ let(:mirror) { Bundler::Settings::Mirror.new("", true) }
+ it "fails with a timeout when there is nothing to tcp handshake" do
+ expect(probe.replies?(mirror)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/api/source_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/api/source_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dbb993b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/api/source_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Plugin::API::Source do
+ let(:uri) { "uri://to/test" }
+ let(:type) { "spec_type" }
+ subject(:source) do
+ klass = Class.new
+ klass.send :include, Bundler::Plugin::API::Source
+ klass.new("uri" => uri, "type" => type)
+ end
+ describe "attributes" do
+ it "allows access to uri" do
+ expect(source.uri).to eq("uri://to/test")
+ end
+ it "allows access to name" do
+ expect(source.name).to eq("spec_type at uri://to/test")
+ end
+ end
+ context "post_install" do
+ let(:installer) { double(:installer) }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler::Source::Path::Installer).to receive(:new) { installer }
+ end
+ it "calls Path::Installer's post_install" do
+ expect(installer).to receive(:post_install).once
+ source.post_install(double(:spec))
+ end
+ end
+ context "install_path" do
+ let(:uri) { "uri://to/a/repository-name" }
+ let(:hash) { Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(uri) }
+ let(:install_path) { Pathname.new "/bundler/install/path" }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:install_path) { install_path }
+ end
+ it "returns basename with uri_hash" do
+ expected = Pathname.new "#{install_path}/repository-name-#{hash[0..11]}"
+ expect(source.install_path).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ context "to_lock" do
+ it "returns the string with remote and type" do
+ expected = strip_whitespace <<-L
+ remote: #{uri}
+ type: #{type}
+ specs:
+ L
+ expect(source.to_lock).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ context "with additional options to lock" do
+ before do
+ allow(source).to receive(:options_to_lock) { { "first" => "option" } }
+ end
+ it "includes them" do
+ expected = strip_whitespace <<-L
+ remote: #{uri}
+ type: #{type}
+ first: option
+ specs:
+ L
+ expect(source.to_lock).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/api_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/api_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e40b9adb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/api_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Plugin::API do
+ context "plugin declarations" do
+ before do
+ stub_const "UserPluginClass", Class.new(Bundler::Plugin::API)
+ end
+ describe "#command" do
+ it "declares a command plugin with same class as handler" do
+ expect(Bundler::Plugin).
+ to receive(:add_command).with("meh", UserPluginClass).once
+ UserPluginClass.command "meh"
+ end
+ it "accepts another class as argument that handles the command" do
+ stub_const "NewClass", Class.new
+ expect(Bundler::Plugin).to receive(:add_command).with("meh", NewClass).once
+ UserPluginClass.command "meh", NewClass
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#source" do
+ it "declares a source plugin with same class as handler" do
+ expect(Bundler::Plugin).
+ to receive(:add_source).with("a_source", UserPluginClass).once
+ UserPluginClass.source "a_source"
+ end
+ it "accepts another class as argument that handles the command" do
+ stub_const "NewClass", Class.new
+ expect(Bundler::Plugin).to receive(:add_source).with("a_source", NewClass).once
+ UserPluginClass.source "a_source", NewClass
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#hook" do
+ it "accepts a block and passes it to Plugin module" do
+ foo = double("tester")
+ expect(foo).to receive(:called)
+ expect(Bundler::Plugin).to receive(:add_hook).with("post-foo").and_yield
+ Bundler::Plugin::API.hook("post-foo") { foo.called }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "bundler interfaces provided" do
+ before do
+ stub_const "UserPluginClass", Class.new(Bundler::Plugin::API)
+ end
+ subject(:api) { UserPluginClass.new }
+ # A test of delegation
+ it "provides the Bundler's functions" do
+ expect(Bundler).to receive(:an_unkown_function).once
+ api.an_unkown_function
+ end
+ it "includes Bundler::SharedHelpers' functions" do
+ expect(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:an_unkown_helper).once
+ api.an_unkown_helper
+ end
+ context "#tmp" do
+ it "provides a tmp dir" do
+ expect(api.tmp("mytmp")).to be_directory
+ end
+ it "accepts multiple names for suffix" do
+ expect(api.tmp("myplugin", "download")).to be_directory
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/dsl_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/dsl_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd15b6ea9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/dsl_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Plugin::DSL do
+ DSL = Bundler::Plugin::DSL
+ subject(:dsl) { Bundler::Plugin::DSL.new }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:root) { Pathname.new "/" }
+ end
+ describe "it ignores only the methods defined in Bundler::Dsl" do
+ it "doesn't raises error for Dsl methods" do
+ expect { dsl.install_if }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ it "raises error for other methods" do
+ expect { dsl.no_method }.to raise_error(DSL::PluginGemfileError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "source block" do
+ it "adds #source with :type to list and also inferred_plugins list" do
+ expect(dsl).to receive(:plugin).with("bundler-source-news").once
+ dsl.source("some_random_url", :type => "news") {}
+ expect(dsl.inferred_plugins).to eq(["bundler-source-news"])
+ end
+ it "registers a source type plugin only once for multiple declataions" do
+ expect(dsl).to receive(:plugin).with("bundler-source-news").and_call_original.once
+ dsl.source("some_random_url", :type => "news") {}
+ dsl.source("another_random_url", :type => "news") {}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/index_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/index_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24b9a408ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/index_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Plugin::Index do
+ Index = Bundler::Plugin::Index
+ before do
+ gemfile ""
+ path = lib_path(plugin_name)
+ index.register_plugin("new-plugin", path.to_s, [path.join("lib").to_s], commands, sources, hooks)
+ end
+ let(:plugin_name) { "new-plugin" }
+ let(:commands) { [] }
+ let(:sources) { [] }
+ let(:hooks) { [] }
+ subject(:index) { Index.new }
+ describe "#register plugin" do
+ it "is available for retrieval" do
+ expect(index.plugin_path(plugin_name)).to eq(lib_path(plugin_name))
+ end
+ it "load_paths is available for retrival" do
+ expect(index.load_paths(plugin_name)).to eq([lib_path(plugin_name).join("lib").to_s])
+ end
+ it "is persistent" do
+ new_index = Index.new
+ expect(new_index.plugin_path(plugin_name)).to eq(lib_path(plugin_name))
+ end
+ it "load_paths are persistent" do
+ new_index = Index.new
+ expect(new_index.load_paths(plugin_name)).to eq([lib_path(plugin_name).join("lib").to_s])
+ end
+ end
+ describe "commands" do
+ let(:commands) { ["newco"] }
+ it "returns the plugins name on query" do
+ expect(index.command_plugin("newco")).to eq(plugin_name)
+ end
+ it "raises error on conflict" do
+ expect do
+ index.register_plugin("aplugin", lib_path("aplugin").to_s, lib_path("aplugin").join("lib").to_s, ["newco"], [], [])
+ end.to raise_error(Index::CommandConflict)
+ end
+ it "is persistent" do
+ new_index = Index.new
+ expect(new_index.command_plugin("newco")).to eq(plugin_name)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "source" do
+ let(:sources) { ["new_source"] }
+ it "returns the plugins name on query" do
+ expect(index.source_plugin("new_source")).to eq(plugin_name)
+ end
+ it "raises error on conflict" do
+ expect do
+ index.register_plugin("aplugin", lib_path("aplugin").to_s, lib_path("aplugin").join("lib").to_s, [], ["new_source"], [])
+ end.to raise_error(Index::SourceConflict)
+ end
+ it "is persistent" do
+ new_index = Index.new
+ expect(new_index.source_plugin("new_source")).to eq(plugin_name)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "hook" do
+ let(:hooks) { ["after-bar"] }
+ it "returns the plugins name on query" do
+ expect(index.hook_plugins("after-bar")).to include(plugin_name)
+ end
+ it "is persistent" do
+ new_index = Index.new
+ expect(new_index.hook_plugins("after-bar")).to eq([plugin_name])
+ end
+ context "that are not registered", :focused do
+ let(:file) { double("index-file") }
+ before do
+ index.hook_plugins("not-there")
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).and_yield(file)
+ end
+ it "should not save it with next registered hook" do
+ expect(file).to receive(:puts) do |content|
+ expect(content).not_to include("not-there")
+ end
+ index.register_plugin("aplugin", lib_path("aplugin").to_s, lib_path("aplugin").join("lib").to_s, [], [], [])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "global index" do
+ before do
+ Dir.chdir(tmp) do
+ Bundler::Plugin.reset!
+ path = lib_path("gplugin")
+ index.register_plugin("gplugin", path.to_s, [path.join("lib").to_s], [], ["glb_source"], [])
+ end
+ end
+ it "skips sources" do
+ new_index = Index.new
+ expect(new_index.source_plugin("glb_source")).to be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "after conflict" do
+ let(:commands) { ["foo"] }
+ let(:sources) { ["bar"] }
+ let(:hooks) { ["hoook"] }
+ shared_examples "it cleans up" do
+ it "the path" do
+ expect(index.installed?("cplugin")).to be_falsy
+ end
+ it "the command" do
+ expect(index.command_plugin("xfoo")).to be_falsy
+ end
+ it "the source" do
+ expect(index.source_plugin("xbar")).to be_falsy
+ end
+ it "the hook" do
+ expect(index.hook_plugins("xhoook")).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ context "on command conflict it cleans up" do
+ before do
+ expect do
+ path = lib_path("cplugin")
+ index.register_plugin("cplugin", path.to_s, [path.join("lib").to_s], ["foo"], ["xbar"], ["xhoook"])
+ end.to raise_error(Index::CommandConflict)
+ end
+ include_examples "it cleans up"
+ end
+ context "on source conflict it cleans up" do
+ before do
+ expect do
+ path = lib_path("cplugin")
+ index.register_plugin("cplugin", path.to_s, [path.join("lib").to_s], ["xfoo"], ["bar"], ["xhoook"])
+ end.to raise_error(Index::SourceConflict)
+ end
+ include_examples "it cleans up"
+ end
+ context "on command and source conflict it cleans up" do
+ before do
+ expect do
+ path = lib_path("cplugin")
+ index.register_plugin("cplugin", path.to_s, [path.join("lib").to_s], ["foo"], ["bar"], ["xhoook"])
+ end.to raise_error(Index::CommandConflict)
+ end
+ include_examples "it cleans up"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/installer_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/installer_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8d5941e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/installer_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Plugin::Installer do
+ subject(:installer) { Bundler::Plugin::Installer.new }
+ describe "cli install" do
+ it "uses Gem.sources when non of the source is provided" do
+ sources = double(:sources)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive_message_chain("rubygems.sources") { sources }
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install_rubygems).
+ with("new-plugin", [">= 0"], sources).once
+ installer.install("new-plugin", {})
+ end
+ describe "with mocked installers" do
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec) }
+ it "returns the installed spec after installing git plugins" do
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install_git).
+ and_return("new-plugin" => spec)
+ expect(installer.install(["new-plugin"], :git => "https://some.ran/dom")).
+ to eq("new-plugin" => spec)
+ end
+ it "returns the installed spec after installing rubygems plugins" do
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install_rubygems).
+ and_return("new-plugin" => spec)
+ expect(installer.install(["new-plugin"], :source => "https://some.ran/dom")).
+ to eq("new-plugin" => spec)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with actual installers" do
+ before do
+ build_repo2 do
+ build_plugin "re-plugin"
+ build_plugin "ma-plugin"
+ end
+ end
+ context "git plugins" do
+ before do
+ build_git "ga-plugin", :path => lib_path("ga-plugin") do |s|
+ s.write "plugins.rb"
+ end
+ end
+ let(:result) do
+ installer.install(["ga-plugin"], :git => "file://#{lib_path("ga-plugin")}")
+ end
+ it "returns the installed spec after installing" do
+ spec = result["ga-plugin"]
+ expect(spec.full_name).to eq "ga-plugin-1.0"
+ end
+ it "has expected full gem path" do
+ rev = revision_for(lib_path("ga-plugin"))
+ expect(result["ga-plugin"].full_gem_path).
+ to eq(Bundler::Plugin.root.join("bundler", "gems", "ga-plugin-#{rev[0..11]}").to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ context "rubygems plugins" do
+ let(:result) do
+ installer.install(["re-plugin"], :source => "file://#{gem_repo2}")
+ end
+ it "returns the installed spec after installing " do
+ expect(result["re-plugin"]).to be_kind_of(Bundler::RemoteSpecification)
+ end
+ it "has expected full_gem)path" do
+ expect(result["re-plugin"].full_gem_path).
+ to eq(global_plugin_gem("re-plugin-1.0").to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ context "multiple plugins" do
+ let(:result) do
+ installer.install(["re-plugin", "ma-plugin"], :source => "file://#{gem_repo2}")
+ end
+ it "returns the installed spec after installing " do
+ expect(result["re-plugin"]).to be_kind_of(Bundler::RemoteSpecification)
+ expect(result["ma-plugin"]).to be_kind_of(Bundler::RemoteSpecification)
+ end
+ it "has expected full_gem)path" do
+ expect(result["re-plugin"].full_gem_path).to eq(global_plugin_gem("re-plugin-1.0").to_s)
+ expect(result["ma-plugin"].full_gem_path).to eq(global_plugin_gem("ma-plugin-1.0").to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/source_list_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/source_list_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86cc4ac4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin/source_list_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Plugin::SourceList do
+ SourceList = Bundler::Plugin::SourceList
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:root) { Pathname.new "/" }
+ end
+ subject(:source_list) { SourceList.new }
+ describe "adding sources uses classes for plugin" do
+ it "uses Plugin::Installer::Rubygems for rubygems sources" do
+ source = source_list.
+ add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://existing-rubygems.org"])
+ expect(source).to be_instance_of(Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems)
+ end
+ it "uses Plugin::Installer::Git for git sources" do
+ source = source_list.
+ add_git_source("uri" => "git://existing-git.org/path.git")
+ expect(source).to be_instance_of(Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Git)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bbb7384c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/plugin_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Plugin do
+ Plugin = Bundler::Plugin
+ let(:installer) { double(:installer) }
+ let(:index) { double(:index) }
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec) }
+ let(:spec2) { double(:spec2) }
+ before do
+ build_lib "new-plugin", :path => lib_path("new-plugin") do |s|
+ s.write "plugins.rb"
+ end
+ build_lib "another-plugin", :path => lib_path("another-plugin") do |s|
+ s.write "plugins.rb"
+ end
+ allow(spec).to receive(:full_gem_path).
+ and_return(lib_path("new-plugin").to_s)
+ allow(spec).to receive(:load_paths).
+ and_return([lib_path("new-plugin").join("lib").to_s])
+ allow(spec2).to receive(:full_gem_path).
+ and_return(lib_path("another-plugin").to_s)
+ allow(spec2).to receive(:load_paths).
+ and_return([lib_path("another-plugin").join("lib").to_s])
+ allow(Plugin::Installer).to receive(:new) { installer }
+ allow(Plugin).to receive(:index) { index }
+ allow(index).to receive(:register_plugin)
+ end
+ describe "install command" do
+ let(:opts) { { "version" => "~> 1.0", "source" => "foo" } }
+ before do
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install).with(["new-plugin"], opts) do
+ { "new-plugin" => spec }
+ end
+ end
+ it "passes the name and options to installer" do
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install).with(["new-plugin"], opts) do
+ { "new-plugin" => spec }
+ end.once
+ subject.install ["new-plugin"], opts
+ end
+ it "validates the installed plugin" do
+ allow(subject).
+ to receive(:validate_plugin!).with(lib_path("new-plugin")).once
+ subject.install ["new-plugin"], opts
+ end
+ it "registers the plugin with index" do
+ allow(index).to receive(:register_plugin).
+ with("new-plugin", lib_path("new-plugin").to_s, [lib_path("new-plugin").join("lib").to_s], []).once
+ subject.install ["new-plugin"], opts
+ end
+ context "multiple plugins" do
+ it do
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install).
+ with(["new-plugin", "another-plugin"], opts) do
+ {
+ "new-plugin" => spec,
+ "another-plugin" => spec2,
+ }
+ end.once
+ allow(subject).to receive(:validate_plugin!).twice
+ allow(index).to receive(:register_plugin).twice
+ subject.install ["new-plugin", "another-plugin"], opts
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "evaluate gemfile for plugins" do
+ let(:definition) { double("definition") }
+ let(:builder) { double("builder") }
+ let(:gemfile) { bundled_app("Gemfile") }
+ before do
+ allow(Plugin::DSL).to receive(:new) { builder }
+ allow(builder).to receive(:eval_gemfile).with(gemfile)
+ allow(builder).to receive(:to_definition) { definition }
+ allow(builder).to receive(:inferred_plugins) { [] }
+ end
+ it "doesn't calls installer without any plugins" do
+ allow(definition).to receive(:dependencies) { [] }
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install_definition).never
+ subject.gemfile_install(gemfile)
+ end
+ context "with dependencies" do
+ let(:plugin_specs) do
+ {
+ "new-plugin" => spec,
+ "another-plugin" => spec2,
+ }
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(index).to receive(:installed?) { nil }
+ allow(definition).to receive(:dependencies) { [Bundler::Dependency.new("new-plugin", ">=0"), Bundler::Dependency.new("another-plugin", ">=0")] }
+ allow(installer).to receive(:install_definition) { plugin_specs }
+ end
+ it "should validate and register the plugins" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:validate_plugin!).twice
+ expect(subject).to receive(:register_plugin).twice
+ subject.gemfile_install(gemfile)
+ end
+ it "should pass the optional plugins to #register_plugin" do
+ allow(builder).to receive(:inferred_plugins) { ["another-plugin"] }
+ expect(subject).to receive(:register_plugin).
+ with("new-plugin", spec, false).once
+ expect(subject).to receive(:register_plugin).
+ with("another-plugin", spec2, true).once
+ subject.gemfile_install(gemfile)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#command?" do
+ it "returns true value for commands in index" do
+ allow(index).
+ to receive(:command_plugin).with("newcommand") { "my-plugin" }
+ result = subject.command? "newcommand"
+ expect(result).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false value for commands not in index" do
+ allow(index).to receive(:command_plugin).with("newcommand") { nil }
+ result = subject.command? "newcommand"
+ expect(result).to be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#exec_command" do
+ it "raises UndefinedCommandError when command is not found" do
+ allow(index).to receive(:command_plugin).with("newcommand") { nil }
+ expect { subject.exec_command("newcommand", []) }.
+ to raise_error(Plugin::UndefinedCommandError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#source?" do
+ it "returns true value for sources in index" do
+ allow(index).
+ to receive(:command_plugin).with("foo-source") { "my-plugin" }
+ result = subject.command? "foo-source"
+ expect(result).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false value for source not in index" do
+ allow(index).to receive(:command_plugin).with("foo-source") { nil }
+ result = subject.command? "foo-source"
+ expect(result).to be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#source" do
+ it "raises UnknownSourceError when source is not found" do
+ allow(index).to receive(:source_plugin).with("bar") { nil }
+ expect { subject.source("bar") }.
+ to raise_error(Plugin::UnknownSourceError)
+ end
+ it "loads the plugin, if not loaded" do
+ allow(index).to receive(:source_plugin).with("foo-bar") { "plugin_name" }
+ expect(subject).to receive(:load_plugin).with("plugin_name")
+ subject.source("foo-bar")
+ end
+ it "returns the class registered with #add_source" do
+ allow(index).to receive(:source_plugin).with("foo") { "plugin_name" }
+ stub_const "NewClass", Class.new
+ subject.add_source("foo", NewClass)
+ expect(subject.source("foo")).to be(NewClass)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#source_from_lock" do
+ it "returns instance of registered class initialized with locked opts" do
+ opts = { "type" => "l_source", "remote" => "xyz", "other" => "random" }
+ allow(index).to receive(:source_plugin).with("l_source") { "plugin_name" }
+ stub_const "SClass", Class.new
+ s_instance = double(:s_instance)
+ subject.add_source("l_source", SClass)
+ expect(SClass).to receive(:new).
+ with(hash_including("type" => "l_source", "uri" => "xyz", "other" => "random")) { s_instance }
+ expect(subject.source_from_lock(opts)).to be(s_instance)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#root" do
+ context "in app dir" do
+ before do
+ gemfile ""
+ end
+ it "returns plugin dir in app .bundle path" do
+ expect(subject.root).to eq(bundled_app.join(".bundle/plugin"))
+ end
+ end
+ context "outside app dir" do
+ it "returns plugin dir in global bundle path" do
+ Dir.chdir tmp
+ expect(subject.root).to eq(home.join(".bundle/plugin"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#hook" do
+ before do
+ path = lib_path("foo-plugin")
+ build_lib "foo-plugin", :path => path do |s|
+ s.write "plugins.rb", code
+ end
+ allow(index).to receive(:hook_plugins).with(event).
+ and_return(["foo-plugin"])
+ allow(index).to receive(:plugin_path).with("foo-plugin").and_return(path)
+ allow(index).to receive(:load_paths).with("foo-plugin").and_return([])
+ end
+ let(:code) { <<-RUBY }
+ Bundler::Plugin::API.hook("event-1") { puts "hook for event 1" }
+ let(:event) { "event-1" }
+ it "executes the hook" do
+ out = capture(:stdout) do
+ Plugin.hook("event-1")
+ end.strip
+ expect(out).to eq("hook for event 1")
+ end
+ context "single plugin declaring more than one hook" do
+ let(:code) { <<-RUBY }
+ Bundler::Plugin::API.hook("event-1") {}
+ Bundler::Plugin::API.hook("event-2") {}
+ puts "loaded"
+ let(:event) { /event-1|event-2/ }
+ it "evals plugins.rb once" do
+ out = capture(:stdout) do
+ Plugin.hook("event-1")
+ Plugin.hook("event-2")
+ end.strip
+ expect(out).to eq("loaded")
+ end
+ end
+ context "a block is passed" do
+ let(:code) { <<-RUBY }
+ Bundler::Plugin::API.hook("#{event}") { |&blk| blk.call }
+ it "is passed to the hook" do
+ out = capture(:stdout) do
+ Plugin.hook("event-1") { puts "win" }
+ end.strip
+ expect(out).to eq("win")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/psyched_yaml_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/psyched_yaml_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18e40d6b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/psyched_yaml_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/psyched_yaml"
+RSpec.describe "Bundler::YamlLibrarySyntaxError" do
+ it "is raised on YAML parse errors" do
+ expect { YAML.parse "{foo" }.to raise_error(Bundler::YamlLibrarySyntaxError)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/remote_specification_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/remote_specification_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..644814c563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/remote_specification_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::RemoteSpecification do
+ let(:name) { "foo" }
+ let(:version) { Gem::Version.new("1.0.0") }
+ let(:platform) { Gem::Platform::RUBY }
+ let(:spec_fetcher) { double(:spec_fetcher) }
+ subject { described_class.new(name, version, platform, spec_fetcher) }
+ it "is Comparable" do
+ expect(described_class.ancestors).to include(Comparable)
+ end
+ it "can match platforms" do
+ expect(described_class.ancestors).to include(Bundler::MatchPlatform)
+ end
+ describe "#fetch_platform" do
+ let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :platform => "jruby") }
+ before { allow(spec_fetcher).to receive(:fetch_spec).and_return(remote_spec) }
+ it "should return the spec platform" do
+ expect(subject.fetch_platform).to eq("jruby")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#full_name" do
+ context "when platform is ruby" do
+ it "should return the spec name and version" do
+ expect(subject.full_name).to eq("foo-1.0.0")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when platform is nil" do
+ let(:platform) { nil }
+ it "should return the spec name and version" do
+ expect(subject.full_name).to eq("foo-1.0.0")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when platform is a non-ruby platform" do
+ let(:platform) { "jruby" }
+ it "should return the spec name, version, and platform" do
+ expect(subject.full_name).to eq("foo-1.0.0-jruby")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#<=>" do
+ let(:other_name) { name }
+ let(:other_version) { version }
+ let(:other_platform) { platform }
+ let(:other_spec_fetcher) { spec_fetcher }
+ shared_examples_for "a comparison" do
+ context "which exactly matches" do
+ it "returns 0" do
+ expect(subject <=> other).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+ context "which is different by name" do
+ let(:other_name) { "a" }
+ it "returns 1" do
+ expect(subject <=> other).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "which has a lower version" do
+ let(:other_version) { Gem::Version.new("0.9.0") }
+ it "returns 1" do
+ expect(subject <=> other).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "which has a higher version" do
+ let(:other_version) { Gem::Version.new("1.1.0") }
+ it "returns -1" do
+ expect(subject <=> other).to eq(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "which has a different platform" do
+ let(:other_platform) { Gem::Platform.new("x86-mswin32") }
+ it "returns -1" do
+ expect(subject <=> other).to eq(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "comparing another Bundler::RemoteSpecification" do
+ let(:other) do
+ Bundler::RemoteSpecification.new(other_name, other_version,
+ other_platform, nil)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like "a comparison"
+ end
+ context "comparing a Gem::Specification" do
+ let(:other) do
+ Gem::Specification.new(other_name, other_version).tap do |s|
+ s.platform = other_platform
+ end
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like "a comparison"
+ end
+ context "comparing a non sortable object" do
+ let(:other) { Object.new }
+ let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :platform => "jruby") }
+ before do
+ allow(spec_fetcher).to receive(:fetch_spec).and_return(remote_spec)
+ allow(remote_spec).to receive(:<=>).and_return(nil)
+ end
+ it "should use default object comparison" do
+ expect(subject <=> other).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#__swap__" do
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec, :dependencies => []) }
+ let(:new_spec) { double(:new_spec, :dependencies => [], :runtime_dependencies => []) }
+ before { subject.instance_variable_set(:@_remote_specification, spec) }
+ it "should replace remote specification with the passed spec" do
+ expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@_remote_specification)).to be(spec)
+ subject.__swap__(new_spec)
+ expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@_remote_specification)).to be(new_spec)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#sort_obj" do
+ context "when platform is ruby" do
+ it "should return a sorting delegate array with name, version, and -1" do
+ expect(subject.sort_obj).to match_array(["foo", version, -1])
+ end
+ end
+ context "when platform is not ruby" do
+ let(:platform) { "jruby" }
+ it "should return a sorting delegate array with name, version, and 1" do
+ expect(subject.sort_obj).to match_array(["foo", version, 1])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "method missing" do
+ context "and is present in Gem::Specification" do
+ let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :authors => "abcd") }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:_remote_specification).and_return(remote_spec)
+ expect(subject.methods.map(&:to_sym)).not_to include(:authors)
+ end
+ it "should send through to Gem::Specification" do
+ expect(subject.authors).to eq("abcd")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "respond to missing?" do
+ context "and is present in Gem::Specification" do
+ let(:remote_spec) { double(:remote_spec, :authors => "abcd") }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:_remote_specification).and_return(remote_spec)
+ expect(subject.methods.map(&:to_sym)).not_to include(:authors)
+ end
+ it "should send through to Gem::Specification" do
+ expect(subject.respond_to?(:authors)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/retry_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/retry_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..525f05d327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/retry_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Retry do
+ it "return successful result if no errors" do
+ attempts = 0
+ result = Bundler::Retry.new(nil, nil, 3).attempt do
+ attempts += 1
+ :success
+ end
+ expect(result).to eq(:success)
+ expect(attempts).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "returns the first valid result" do
+ jobs = [proc { raise "foo" }, proc { :bar }, proc { raise "foo" }]
+ attempts = 0
+ result = Bundler::Retry.new(nil, nil, 3).attempt do
+ attempts += 1
+ jobs.shift.call
+ end
+ expect(result).to eq(:bar)
+ expect(attempts).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it "raises the last error" do
+ errors = [StandardError, StandardError, StandardError, Bundler::GemfileNotFound]
+ attempts = 0
+ expect do
+ Bundler::Retry.new(nil, nil, 3).attempt do
+ attempts += 1
+ raise errors.shift
+ end
+ end.to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileNotFound)
+ expect(attempts).to eq(4)
+ end
+ it "raises exceptions" do
+ error = Bundler::GemfileNotFound
+ attempts = 0
+ expect do
+ Bundler::Retry.new(nil, error).attempt do
+ attempts += 1
+ raise error
+ end
+ end.to raise_error(error)
+ expect(attempts).to eq(1)
+ end
+ context "logging" do
+ let(:error) { Bundler::GemfileNotFound }
+ let(:failure_message) { "Retrying test due to error (2/2): #{error} #{error}" }
+ context "with debugging on" do
+ it "print error message with newline" do
+ allow(Bundler.ui).to receive(:debug?).and_return(true)
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to_not receive(:info)
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn).with(failure_message, true)
+ expect do
+ Bundler::Retry.new("test", [], 1).attempt do
+ raise error
+ end
+ end.to raise_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with debugging off" do
+ it "print error message with newlines" do
+ allow(Bundler.ui).to receive(:debug?).and_return(false)
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:info).with("").twice
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn).with(failure_message, false)
+ expect do
+ Bundler::Retry.new("test", [], 1).attempt do
+ raise error
+ end
+ end.to raise_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/ruby_dsl_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/ruby_dsl_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e0ec9d7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/ruby_dsl_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/ruby_dsl"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::RubyDsl do
+ class MockDSL
+ include Bundler::RubyDsl
+ attr_reader :ruby_version
+ end
+ let(:dsl) { MockDSL.new }
+ let(:ruby_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:engine) { "jruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "9000" }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "100" }
+ let(:options) do
+ { :patchlevel => patchlevel,
+ :engine => engine,
+ :engine_version => engine_version }
+ end
+ let(:invoke) do
+ proc do
+ args = Array(ruby_version) + [options]
+ dsl.ruby(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ subject do
+ invoke.call
+ dsl.ruby_version
+ end
+ describe "#ruby_version" do
+ shared_examples_for "it stores the ruby version" do
+ it "stores the version" do
+ expect(subject.versions).to eq(Array(ruby_version))
+ expect(subject.gem_version.version).to eq(version)
+ end
+ it "stores the engine details" do
+ expect(subject.engine).to eq(engine)
+ expect(subject.engine_versions).to eq(Array(engine_version))
+ end
+ it "stores the patchlevel" do
+ expect(subject.patchlevel).to eq(patchlevel)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a plain version" do
+ it_behaves_like "it stores the ruby version"
+ end
+ context "with a single requirement" do
+ let(:ruby_version) { ">= 2.0.0" }
+ it_behaves_like "it stores the ruby version"
+ end
+ context "with two requirements in the same string" do
+ let(:ruby_version) { ">= 2.0.0, < 3.0" }
+ it "raises an error" do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with two requirements" do
+ let(:ruby_version) { ["~> 2.0.0", "> 2.0.1"] }
+ it_behaves_like "it stores the ruby version"
+ end
+ context "with multiple engine versions" do
+ let(:engine_version) { ["> 200", "< 300"] }
+ it_behaves_like "it stores the ruby version"
+ end
+ context "with no options hash" do
+ let(:invoke) { proc { dsl.ruby(ruby_version) } }
+ let(:patchlevel) { nil }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { version }
+ it_behaves_like "it stores the ruby version"
+ context "and with multiple requirements" do
+ let(:ruby_version) { ["~> 2.0.0", "> 2.0.1"] }
+ let(:engine_version) { ruby_version }
+ it_behaves_like "it stores the ruby version"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/ruby_version_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/ruby_version_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f77ec606fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/ruby_version_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/ruby_version"
+RSpec.describe "Bundler::RubyVersion and its subclasses" do
+ let(:version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "645" }
+ let(:engine) { "jruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "2.0.1" }
+ describe Bundler::RubyVersion do
+ subject { Bundler::RubyVersion.new(version, patchlevel, engine, engine_version) }
+ let(:ruby_version) { subject }
+ let(:other_version) { version }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { patchlevel }
+ let(:other_engine) { engine }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { engine_version }
+ let(:other_ruby_version) { Bundler::RubyVersion.new(other_version, other_patchlevel, other_engine, other_engine_version) }
+ describe "#initialize" do
+ context "no engine is passed" do
+ let(:engine) { nil }
+ it "should set ruby as the engine" do
+ expect(subject.engine).to eq("ruby")
+ end
+ end
+ context "no engine_version is passed" do
+ let(:engine_version) { nil }
+ it "should set engine version as the passed version" do
+ expect(subject.engine_versions).to eq(["2.0.0"])
+ end
+ end
+ context "with engine in symbol" do
+ let(:engine) { :jruby }
+ it "should coerce engine to string" do
+ expect(subject.engine).to eq("jruby")
+ end
+ end
+ context "is called with multiple requirements" do
+ let(:version) { ["<= 2.0.0", "> 1.9.3"] }
+ let(:engine_version) { nil }
+ it "sets the versions" do
+ expect(subject.versions).to eq(version)
+ end
+ it "sets the engine versions" do
+ expect(subject.engine_versions).to eq(version)
+ end
+ end
+ context "is called with multiple engine requirements" do
+ let(:engine_version) { [">= 2.0", "< 2.3"] }
+ it "sets the engine versions" do
+ expect(subject.engine_versions).to eq(engine_version)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".from_string" do
+ shared_examples_for "returning" do
+ it "returns the original RubyVersion" do
+ expect(described_class.from_string(subject.to_s)).to eq(subject)
+ end
+ end
+ include_examples "returning"
+ context "no patchlevel" do
+ let(:patchlevel) { nil }
+ include_examples "returning"
+ end
+ context "engine is ruby" do
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { version }
+ include_examples "returning"
+ end
+ context "with multiple requirements" do
+ let(:engine_version) { ["> 9", "< 11"] }
+ let(:version) { ["> 8", "< 10"] }
+ let(:patchlevel) { nil }
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(described_class.from_string(subject.to_s)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#to_s" do
+ it "should return info string with the ruby version, patchlevel, engine, and engine version" do
+ expect(subject.to_s).to eq("ruby 2.0.0p645 (jruby 2.0.1)")
+ end
+ context "no patchlevel" do
+ let(:patchlevel) { nil }
+ it "should return info string with the version, engine, and engine version" do
+ expect(subject.to_s).to eq("ruby 2.0.0 (jruby 2.0.1)")
+ end
+ end
+ context "engine is ruby" do
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ it "should return info string with the ruby version and patchlevel" do
+ expect(subject.to_s).to eq("ruby 2.0.0p645")
+ end
+ end
+ context "with multiple requirements" do
+ let(:engine_version) { ["> 9", "< 11"] }
+ let(:version) { ["> 8", "< 10"] }
+ let(:patchlevel) { nil }
+ it "should return info string with all requirements" do
+ expect(subject.to_s).to eq("ruby > 8, < 10 (jruby > 9, < 11)")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#==" do
+ shared_examples_for "two ruby versions are not equal" do
+ it "should return false" do
+ expect(subject).to_not eq(other_ruby_version)
+ end
+ end
+ context "the versions, pathlevels, engines, and engine_versions match" do
+ it "should return true" do
+ expect(subject).to eq(other_ruby_version)
+ end
+ end
+ context "the versions do not match" do
+ let(:other_version) { "1.21.6" }
+ it_behaves_like "two ruby versions are not equal"
+ end
+ context "the patchlevels do not match" do
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "21" }
+ it_behaves_like "two ruby versions are not equal"
+ end
+ context "the engines do not match" do
+ let(:other_engine) { "ruby" }
+ it_behaves_like "two ruby versions are not equal"
+ end
+ context "the engine versions do not match" do
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "1.11.2" }
+ it_behaves_like "two ruby versions are not equal"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#host" do
+ before do
+ allow(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("host_cpu").and_return("x86_64")
+ allow(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("host_vendor").and_return("apple")
+ allow(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("host_os").and_return("darwin14.5.0")
+ end
+ it "should return an info string with the host cpu, vendor, and os" do
+ expect(subject.host).to eq("x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0")
+ end
+ it "memoizes the info string with the host cpu, vendor, and os" do
+ expect(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("host_cpu").once.and_call_original
+ expect(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("host_vendor").once.and_call_original
+ expect(RbConfig::CONFIG).to receive(:[]).with("host_os").once.and_call_original
+ 2.times { ruby_version.host }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#gem_version" do
+ let(:gem_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:gem_version_obj) { Gem::Version.new(gem_version) }
+ shared_examples_for "it parses the version from the requirement string" do |version|
+ let(:version) { version }
+ it "should return the underlying version" do
+ expect(ruby_version.gem_version).to eq(gem_version_obj)
+ expect(ruby_version.gem_version.version).to eq(gem_version)
+ end
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "it parses the version from the requirement string", "2.0.0"
+ it_behaves_like "it parses the version from the requirement string", ">= 2.0.0"
+ it_behaves_like "it parses the version from the requirement string", "~> 2.0.0"
+ it_behaves_like "it parses the version from the requirement string", "< 2.0.0"
+ it_behaves_like "it parses the version from the requirement string", "= 2.0.0"
+ it_behaves_like "it parses the version from the requirement string", ["> 2.0.0", "< 2.4.5"]
+ end
+ describe "#diff" do
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ shared_examples_for "there is a difference in the engines" do
+ it "should return a tuple with :engine and the two different engines" do
+ expect(ruby_version.diff(other_ruby_version)).to eq([:engine, engine, other_engine])
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "there is a difference in the versions" do
+ it "should return a tuple with :version and the two different versions" do
+ expect(ruby_version.diff(other_ruby_version)).to eq([:version, Array(version).join(", "), Array(other_version).join(", ")])
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "there is a difference in the engine versions" do
+ it "should return a tuple with :engine_version and the two different engine versions" do
+ expect(ruby_version.diff(other_ruby_version)).to eq([:engine_version, Array(engine_version).join(", "), Array(other_engine_version).join(", ")])
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "there is a difference in the patchlevels" do
+ it "should return a tuple with :patchlevel and the two different patchlevels" do
+ expect(ruby_version.diff(other_ruby_version)).to eq([:patchlevel, patchlevel, other_patchlevel])
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "there are no differences" do
+ it "should return nil" do
+ expect(ruby_version.diff(other_ruby_version)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "all things match exactly" do
+ it_behaves_like "there are no differences"
+ end
+ context "detects engine discrepancies first" do
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "643" }
+ let(:other_engine) { "rbx" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the engines"
+ end
+ context "detects version discrepancies second" do
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "643" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the versions"
+ end
+ context "detects version discrepancies with multiple requirements second" do
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "643" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:version) { ["> 2.0.0", "< 1.0.0"] }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the versions"
+ end
+ context "detects engine version discrepancies third" do
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "643" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the engine versions"
+ end
+ context "detects engine version discrepancies with multiple requirements third" do
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "643" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:engine_version) { ["> 2.0.0", "< 1.0.0"] }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the engine versions"
+ end
+ context "detects patchlevel discrepancies last" do
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "643" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the patchlevels"
+ end
+ context "successfully matches gem requirements" do
+ let(:version) { ">= 2.0.0" }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "< 643" }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "~> 2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "642" }
+ let(:other_engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.5" }
+ it_behaves_like "there are no differences"
+ end
+ context "successfully matches multiple gem requirements" do
+ let(:version) { [">= 2.0.0", "< 2.4.5"] }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "< 643" }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { ["~> 2.0.1", "< 2.4.5"] }
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "642" }
+ let(:other_engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.5" }
+ it_behaves_like "there are no differences"
+ end
+ context "successfully detects bad gem requirements with versions with multiple requirements" do
+ let(:version) { ["~> 2.0.0", "< 2.0.5"] }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "< 643" }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "~> 2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.5" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "642" }
+ let(:other_engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.5" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the versions"
+ end
+ context "successfully detects bad gem requirements with versions" do
+ let(:version) { "~> 2.0.0" }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "< 643" }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "~> 2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_version) { "2.1.0" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "642" }
+ let(:other_engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.5" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the versions"
+ end
+ context "successfully detects bad gem requirements with patchlevels" do
+ let(:version) { ">= 2.0.0" }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "< 643" }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "~> 2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "645" }
+ let(:other_engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.0.5" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the patchlevels"
+ end
+ context "successfully detects bad gem requirements with engine versions" do
+ let(:version) { ">= 2.0.0" }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "< 643" }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "~> 2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_version) { "2.0.0" }
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "642" }
+ let(:other_engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { "2.1.0" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the engine versions"
+ end
+ context "with a patchlevel of -1" do
+ let(:version) { ">= 2.0.0" }
+ let(:patchlevel) { "-1" }
+ let(:engine) { "ruby" }
+ let(:engine_version) { "~> 2.0.1" }
+ let(:other_version) { version }
+ let(:other_engine) { engine }
+ let(:other_engine_version) { engine_version }
+ context "and comparing with another patchlevel of -1" do
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { patchlevel }
+ it_behaves_like "there are no differences"
+ end
+ context "and comparing with a patchlevel that is not -1" do
+ let(:other_patchlevel) { "642" }
+ it_behaves_like "there is a difference in the patchlevels"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#system" do
+ subject { Bundler::RubyVersion.system }
+ let(:bundler_system_ruby_version) { subject }
+ before do
+ Bundler::RubyVersion.instance_variable_set("@ruby_version", nil)
+ end
+ it "should return an instance of Bundler::RubyVersion" do
+ expect(subject).to be_kind_of(Bundler::RubyVersion)
+ end
+ it "memoizes the instance of Bundler::RubyVersion" do
+ expect(Bundler::RubyVersion).to receive(:new).once.and_call_original
+ 2.times { subject }
+ end
+ describe "#version" do
+ it "should return a copy of the value of RUBY_VERSION" do
+ expect(subject.versions).to eq([RUBY_VERSION])
+ expect(subject.versions.first).to_not be(RUBY_VERSION)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#engine" do
+ context "RUBY_ENGINE is defined" do
+ before { stub_const("RUBY_ENGINE", "jruby") }
+ before { stub_const("JRUBY_VERSION", "2.1.1") }
+ it "should return a copy of the value of RUBY_ENGINE" do
+ expect(subject.engine).to eq("jruby")
+ expect(subject.engine).to_not be(RUBY_ENGINE)
+ end
+ end
+ context "RUBY_ENGINE is not defined" do
+ before { stub_const("RUBY_ENGINE", nil) }
+ it "should return the string 'ruby'" do
+ expect(subject.engine).to eq("ruby")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#engine_version" do
+ context "engine is ruby" do
+ before do
+ stub_const("RUBY_VERSION", "2.2.4")
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:ruby_engine).and_return("ruby")
+ end
+ it "should return a copy of the value of RUBY_VERSION" do
+ expect(bundler_system_ruby_version.engine_versions).to eq(["2.2.4"])
+ expect(bundler_system_ruby_version.engine_versions.first).to_not be(RUBY_VERSION)
+ end
+ end
+ context "engine is rbx" do
+ before do
+ stub_const("RUBY_ENGINE", "rbx")
+ stub_const("Rubinius::VERSION", "2.0.0")
+ end
+ it "should return a copy of the value of Rubinius::VERSION" do
+ expect(bundler_system_ruby_version.engine_versions).to eq(["2.0.0"])
+ expect(bundler_system_ruby_version.engine_versions.first).to_not be(Rubinius::VERSION)
+ end
+ end
+ context "engine is jruby" do
+ before do
+ stub_const("RUBY_ENGINE", "jruby")
+ stub_const("JRUBY_VERSION", "2.1.1")
+ end
+ it "should return a copy of the value of JRUBY_VERSION" do
+ expect(subject.engine_versions).to eq(["2.1.1"])
+ expect(bundler_system_ruby_version.engine_versions.first).to_not be(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ end
+ end
+ context "engine is some other ruby engine" do
+ before do
+ stub_const("RUBY_ENGINE", "not_supported_ruby_engine")
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:ruby_engine).and_return("not_supported_ruby_engine")
+ end
+ it "should raise a BundlerError with a 'not recognized' message" do
+ expect { bundler_system_ruby_version.engine_versions }.to raise_error(Bundler::BundlerError, "RUBY_ENGINE value not_supported_ruby_engine is not recognized")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#patchlevel" do
+ it "should return a string with the value of RUBY_PATCHLEVEL" do
+ expect(subject.patchlevel).to eq(RUBY_PATCHLEVEL.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#to_gem_version_with_patchlevel" do
+ shared_examples_for "the patchlevel is omitted" do
+ it "does not include a patch level" do
+ expect(subject.to_gem_version_with_patchlevel.to_s).to eq(version)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with nil patch number" do
+ let(:patchlevel) { nil }
+ it_behaves_like "the patchlevel is omitted"
+ end
+ context "with negative patch number" do
+ let(:patchlevel) { -1 }
+ it_behaves_like "the patchlevel is omitted"
+ end
+ context "with a valid patch number" do
+ it "uses the specified patchlevel as patchlevel" do
+ expect(subject.to_gem_version_with_patchlevel.to_s).to eq("#{version}.#{patchlevel}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/rubygems_integration_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/rubygems_integration_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38ff9dae7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/rubygems_integration_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::RubygemsIntegration do
+ it "uses the same chdir lock as rubygems", :rubygems => "2.1" do
+ expect(Bundler.rubygems.ext_lock).to eq(Gem::Ext::Builder::CHDIR_MONITOR)
+ end
+ context "#validate" do
+ let(:spec) do
+ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+ s.name = "to-validate"
+ s.version = "1.0.0"
+ s.loaded_from = __FILE__
+ end
+ end
+ subject { Bundler.rubygems.validate(spec) }
+ it "skips overly-strict gemspec validation", :rubygems => "< 1.7" do
+ expect(spec).to_not receive(:validate)
+ subject
+ end
+ it "validates with packaging mode disabled", :rubygems => "1.7" do
+ expect(spec).to receive(:validate).with(false)
+ subject
+ end
+ it "should set a summary to avoid an overly-strict error", :rubygems => "~> 1.7.0" do
+ spec.summary = nil
+ expect { subject }.not_to raise_error
+ expect(spec.summary).to eq("")
+ end
+ context "with an invalid spec" do
+ before do
+ expect(spec).to receive(:validate).with(false).
+ and_raise(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException.new("TODO is not an author"))
+ end
+ it "should raise a Gem::InvalidSpecificationException and produce a helpful warning message",
+ :rubygems => "1.7" do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "The gemspec at #{__FILE__} is not valid. "\
+ "Please fix this gemspec.\nThe validation error was 'TODO is not an author'\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#configuration" do
+ it "handles Gem::SystemExitException errors" do
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:configuration) { raise Gem::SystemExitException.new(1) }
+ expect { Bundler.rubygems.configuration }.to raise_error(Gem::SystemExitException)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#download_gem", :rubygems => ">= 2.0" do
+ let(:bundler_retry) { double(Bundler::Retry) }
+ let(:retry) { double("Bundler::Retry") }
+ let(:uri) { URI.parse("https://foo.bar") }
+ let(:path) { Gem.path.first }
+ let(:spec) do
+ spec = Bundler::RemoteSpecification.new("Foo", Gem::Version.new("2.5.2"),
+ Gem::Platform::RUBY, nil)
+ spec.remote = Bundler::Source::Rubygems::Remote.new(uri.to_s)
+ spec
+ end
+ let(:fetcher) { double("gem_remote_fetcher") }
+ it "succesfully downloads gem with retries" do
+ expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:gem_remote_fetcher).and_return(fetcher)
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:headers=).with("X-Gemfile-Source" => "https://foo.bar")
+ expect(Bundler::Retry).to receive(:new).with("download gem from #{uri}/").
+ and_return(bundler_retry)
+ expect(bundler_retry).to receive(:attempts).and_yield
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:download).with(spec, uri, path)
+ Bundler.rubygems.download_gem(spec, uri, path)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#fetch_all_remote_specs", :rubygems => ">= 2.0" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://example.com") }
+ let(:fetcher) { double("gem_remote_fetcher") }
+ let(:specs_response) { Marshal.dump(["specs"]) }
+ let(:prerelease_specs_response) { Marshal.dump(["prerelease_specs"]) }
+ context "when a rubygems source mirror is set" do
+ let(:orig_uri) { URI("http://zombo.com") }
+ let(:remote_with_mirror) { double("remote", :uri => uri, :original_uri => orig_uri) }
+ it "sets the 'X-Gemfile-Source' header containing the original source" do
+ expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:gem_remote_fetcher).twice.and_return(fetcher)
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:headers=).with("X-Gemfile-Source" => "http://zombo.com").twice
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "specs.4.8.gz").and_return(specs_response)
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "prerelease_specs.4.8.gz").and_return(prerelease_specs_response)
+ result = Bundler.rubygems.fetch_all_remote_specs(remote_with_mirror)
+ expect(result).to eq(%w(specs prerelease_specs))
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is no rubygems source mirror set" do
+ let(:remote_no_mirror) { double("remote", :uri => uri, :original_uri => nil) }
+ it "does not set the 'X-Gemfile-Source' header" do
+ expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:gem_remote_fetcher).twice.and_return(fetcher)
+ expect(fetcher).to_not receive(:headers=)
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "specs.4.8.gz").and_return(specs_response)
+ expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "prerelease_specs.4.8.gz").and_return(prerelease_specs_response)
+ result = Bundler.rubygems.fetch_all_remote_specs(remote_no_mirror)
+ expect(result).to eq(%w(specs prerelease_specs))
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/settings_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/settings_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7302da5421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/settings_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/settings"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Settings do
+ subject(:settings) { described_class.new(bundled_app) }
+ describe "#set_local" do
+ context "when the local config file is not found" do
+ subject(:settings) { described_class.new(nil) }
+ it "raises a GemfileNotFound error with explanation" do
+ expect { subject.set_local("foo", "bar") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "load_config" do
+ let(:hash) do
+ {
+ "build.thrift" => "--with-cppflags=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0",
+ "build.libv8" => "--with-system-v8",
+ "build.therubyracer" => "--with-v8-dir",
+ "build.pg" => "--with-pg-config=/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql92/9.2.8_1/bin/pg_config",
+ "gem.coc" => "false",
+ "gem.mit" => "false",
+ "gem.test" => "minitest",
+ "thingy" => <<-EOS.tr("\n", " "),
+--asdf --fdsa --ty=oh man i hope this doesnt break bundler because
+that would suck --ehhh=oh geez it looks like i might have broken bundler somehow
+ "xyz" => "zyx",
+ }
+ end
+ before do
+ hash.each do |key, value|
+ settings[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ it "can load the config" do
+ loaded = settings.send(:load_config, bundled_app("config"))
+ expected = Hash[hash.map do |k, v|
+ [settings.send(:key_for, k), v.to_s]
+ end]
+ expect(loaded).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ context "when BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG is set" do
+ it "ignores the config" do
+ loaded = settings.send(:load_config, bundled_app("config"))
+ expect(loaded).to eq({})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#global_config_file" do
+ context "when $HOME is not accessible" do
+ context "when $TMPDIR is not writable" do
+ it "does not raise" do
+ expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).twice.and_return(nil)
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkpath).twice.with(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "bundler", "home")).and_raise(Errno::EROFS, "Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /tmp/bundler")
+ expect(subject.send(:global_config_file)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#[]" do
+ context "when the local config file is not found" do
+ subject(:settings) { described_class.new }
+ it "does not raise" do
+ expect do
+ subject["foo"]
+ end.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ context "when not set" do
+ context "when default value present" do
+ it "retrieves value" do
+ expect(settings[:retry]).to be 3
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(settings[:buttermilk]).to be nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "when is boolean" do
+ it "returns a boolean" do
+ settings[:frozen] = "true"
+ expect(settings[:frozen]).to be true
+ end
+ context "when specific gem is configured" do
+ it "returns a boolean" do
+ settings["ignore_messages.foobar"] = "true"
+ expect(settings["ignore_messages.foobar"]).to be true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when is number" do
+ it "returns a number" do
+ settings[:ssl_verify_mode] = "1"
+ expect(settings[:ssl_verify_mode]).to be 1
+ end
+ end
+ context "when it's not possible to write to the file" do
+ it "raises an PermissionError with explanation" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with(settings.send(:local_config_file).dirname).
+ and_raise(Errno::EACCES)
+ expect { settings[:frozen] = "1" }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::PermissionError, /config/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#temporary" do
+ it "reset after used" do
+ Bundler.settings[:no_install] = true
+ Bundler.settings.temporary(:no_install => false) do
+ expect(Bundler.settings[:no_install]).to eq false
+ end
+ expect(Bundler.settings[:no_install]).to eq true
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#set_global" do
+ context "when it's not possible to write to the file" do
+ it "raises an PermissionError with explanation" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with(settings.send(:global_config_file).dirname).
+ and_raise(Errno::EACCES)
+ expect { settings.set_global(:frozen, "1") }.
+ to raise_error(Bundler::PermissionError, %r{\.bundle/config})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#pretty_values_for" do
+ it "prints the converted value rather than the raw string" do
+ bool_key = described_class::BOOL_KEYS.first
+ settings[bool_key] = false
+ expect(subject.pretty_values_for(bool_key)).to eq [
+ "Set for your local app (#{bundled_app("config")}): false",
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#mirror_for" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://rubygems.org/") }
+ context "with no configured mirror" do
+ it "returns the original URI" do
+ expect(settings.mirror_for(uri)).to eq(uri)
+ end
+ it "converts a string parameter to a URI" do
+ expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org/")).to eq(uri)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a configured mirror" do
+ let(:mirror_uri) { URI("https://rubygems-mirror.org/") }
+ before { settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org/"] = mirror_uri.to_s }
+ it "returns the mirror URI" do
+ expect(settings.mirror_for(uri)).to eq(mirror_uri)
+ end
+ it "converts a string parameter to a URI" do
+ expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org/")).to eq(mirror_uri)
+ end
+ it "normalizes the URI" do
+ expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org")).to eq(mirror_uri)
+ end
+ it "is case insensitive" do
+ expect(settings.mirror_for("HTTPS://RUBYGEMS.ORG/")).to eq(mirror_uri)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#credentials_for" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://gemserver.example.org/") }
+ let(:credentials) { "username:password" }
+ context "with no configured credentials" do
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(settings.credentials_for(uri)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "with credentials configured by URL" do
+ before { settings["https://gemserver.example.org/"] = credentials }
+ it "returns the configured credentials" do
+ expect(settings.credentials_for(uri)).to eq(credentials)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with credentials configured by hostname" do
+ before { settings["gemserver.example.org"] = credentials }
+ it "returns the configured credentials" do
+ expect(settings.credentials_for(uri)).to eq(credentials)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "URI normalization" do
+ it "normalizes HTTP URIs in credentials configuration" do
+ settings["http://gemserver.example.org"] = "username:password"
+ expect(settings.all).to include("http://gemserver.example.org/")
+ end
+ it "normalizes HTTPS URIs in credentials configuration" do
+ settings["https://gemserver.example.org"] = "username:password"
+ expect(settings.all).to include("https://gemserver.example.org/")
+ end
+ it "normalizes HTTP URIs in mirror configuration" do
+ settings["mirror.http://rubygems.org"] = "http://rubygems-mirror.org"
+ expect(settings.all).to include("mirror.http://rubygems.org/")
+ end
+ it "normalizes HTTPS URIs in mirror configuration" do
+ settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org"] = "http://rubygems-mirror.org"
+ expect(settings.all).to include("mirror.https://rubygems.org/")
+ end
+ it "does not normalize other config keys that happen to contain 'http'" do
+ settings["local.httparty"] = home("httparty")
+ expect(settings.all).to include("local.httparty")
+ end
+ it "does not normalize other config keys that happen to contain 'https'" do
+ settings["local.httpsmarty"] = home("httpsmarty")
+ expect(settings.all).to include("local.httpsmarty")
+ end
+ it "reads older keys without trailing slashes" do
+ settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org"] = "http://rubygems-mirror.org"
+ expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org/")).to eq(
+ URI("http://rubygems-mirror.org/")
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ describe "BUNDLE_ keys format" do
+ let(:settings) { described_class.new(bundled_app(".bundle")) }
+ it "converts older keys without double dashes" do
+ config("BUNDLE_MY__PERSONAL.RACK" => "~/Work/git/rack")
+ expect(settings["my.personal.rack"]).to eq("~/Work/git/rack")
+ end
+ it "converts older keys without trailing slashes and double dashes" do
+ config("BUNDLE_MIRROR__HTTPS://RUBYGEMS.ORG" => "http://rubygems-mirror.org")
+ expect(settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org/"]).to eq("http://rubygems-mirror.org")
+ end
+ it "reads newer keys format properly" do
+ config("BUNDLE_MIRROR__HTTPS://RUBYGEMS__ORG/" => "http://rubygems-mirror.org")
+ expect(settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org/"]).to eq("http://rubygems-mirror.org")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3b93b56d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::SharedHelpers do
+ let(:ext_lock_double) { double(:ext_lock) }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:ext_lock).and_return(ext_lock_double)
+ allow(ext_lock_double).to receive(:synchronize) {|&block| block.call }
+ end
+ subject { Bundler::SharedHelpers }
+ describe "#default_gemfile" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "/path/Gemfile" }
+ context "Gemfile is present" do
+ let(:expected_gemfile_path) { Pathname.new("/path/Gemfile") }
+ it "returns the Gemfile path" do
+ expect(subject.default_gemfile).to eq(expected_gemfile_path)
+ end
+ end
+ context "Gemfile is not present" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = nil }
+ it "raises a GemfileNotFound error" do
+ expect { subject.default_gemfile }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#default_lockfile" do
+ context "gemfile is gems.rb" do
+ let(:gemfile_path) { Pathname.new("/path/gems.rb") }
+ let(:expected_lockfile_path) { Pathname.new("/path/gems.locked") }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:default_gemfile).and_return(gemfile_path) }
+ it "returns the gems.locked path" do
+ expect(subject.default_lockfile).to eq(expected_lockfile_path)
+ end
+ end
+ context "is a regular Gemfile" do
+ let(:gemfile_path) { Pathname.new("/path/Gemfile") }
+ let(:expected_lockfile_path) { Pathname.new("/path/Gemfile.lock") }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:default_gemfile).and_return(gemfile_path) }
+ it "returns the lock file path" do
+ expect(subject.default_lockfile).to eq(expected_lockfile_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#default_bundle_dir" do
+ context ".bundle does not exist" do
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.default_bundle_dir).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context ".bundle is global .bundle" do
+ let(:global_rubygems_dir) { Pathname.new("#{bundled_app}") }
+ before do
+ Dir.mkdir ".bundle"
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).and_return(global_rubygems_dir)
+ end
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.default_bundle_dir).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context ".bundle is not global .bundle" do
+ let(:global_rubygems_dir) { Pathname.new("/path/rubygems") }
+ let(:expected_bundle_dir_path) { Pathname.new("#{bundled_app}/.bundle") }
+ before do
+ Dir.mkdir ".bundle"
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).and_return(global_rubygems_dir)
+ end
+ it "returns the .bundle path" do
+ expect(subject.default_bundle_dir).to eq(expected_bundle_dir_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#in_bundle?" do
+ it "calls the find_gemfile method" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:find_gemfile)
+ subject.in_bundle?
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "correctly determines whether to return a Gemfile path" do
+ context "currently in directory with a Gemfile" do
+ before { File.new("Gemfile", "w") }
+ it "returns path of the bundle gemfile" do
+ expect(subject.in_bundle?).to eq("#{bundled_app}/Gemfile")
+ end
+ end
+ context "currently in directory without a Gemfile" do
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.in_bundle?).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] set" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "/path/Gemfile" }
+ it "returns ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']" do
+ expect(subject.in_bundle?).to eq("/path/Gemfile")
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] not set" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = nil }
+ it_behaves_like "correctly determines whether to return a Gemfile path"
+ end
+ context "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] is blank" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "" }
+ it_behaves_like "correctly determines whether to return a Gemfile path"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#chdir" do
+ let(:op_block) { proc { Dir.mkdir "nested_dir" } }
+ before { Dir.mkdir "chdir_test_dir" }
+ it "executes the passed block while in the specified directory" do
+ subject.chdir("chdir_test_dir", &op_block)
+ expect(Pathname.new("chdir_test_dir/nested_dir")).to exist
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#pwd" do
+ it "returns the current absolute path" do
+ expect(subject.pwd).to eq(bundled_app)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#with_clean_git_env" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) { proc { Dir.mkdir "with_clean_git_env_test_dir" } }
+ before do
+ end
+ it "executes the passed block" do
+ subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block)
+ expect(Pathname.new("with_clean_git_env_test_dir")).to exist
+ end
+ context "when a block is passed" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) do
+ proc do
+ Dir.mkdir "git_dir_test_dir" unless ENV["GIT_DIR"].nil?
+ Dir.mkdir "git_work_tree_test_dir" unless ENV["GIT_WORK_TREE"].nil?
+ end end
+ it "uses a fresh git env for execution" do
+ subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block)
+ expect(Pathname.new("git_dir_test_dir")).to_not exist
+ expect(Pathname.new("git_work_tree_test_dir")).to_not exist
+ end
+ end
+ context "passed block does not throw errors" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) do
+ proc do
+ end end
+ it "restores the git env after" do
+ subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block)
+ expect(ENV["GIT_DIR"]).to eq("ORIGINAL_ENV_GIT_DIR")
+ end
+ end
+ context "passed block throws errors" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) do
+ proc do
+ raise RuntimeError.new
+ end end
+ it "restores the git env after" do
+ expect { subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
+ expect(ENV["GIT_DIR"]).to eq("ORIGINAL_ENV_GIT_DIR")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#set_bundle_environment" do
+ before do
+ ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "Gemfile"
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly" do
+ before { Dir.mkdir ".bundle" }
+ it "ensures bundle bin path is in ENV['PATH']" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths).to include("#{Bundler.bundle_path}/bin")
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly" do
+ it "ensures -rbundler/setup is at the beginning of ENV['RUBYOPT']" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ expect(ENV["RUBYOPT"].split(" ")).to start_with("-rbundler/setup")
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly" do
+ let(:ruby_lib_path) { "stubbed_ruby_lib_dir" }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:bundler_ruby_lib).and_return(ruby_lib_path)
+ end
+ it "ensures bundler's ruby version lib path is in ENV['RUBYLIB']" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = (ENV["RUBYLIB"]).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths).to include(ruby_lib_path)
+ end
+ end
+ it "calls the appropriate set methods" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:set_path)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:set_rubyopt)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:set_rubylib)
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ end
+ it "exits if bundle path contains the path seperator" do
+ stub_const("File::PATH_SEPARATOR", ":".freeze)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:bundle_path) { Pathname.new("so:me/dir/bin") }
+ expect { subject.send(:validate_bundle_path) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::PathError,
+ "Your bundle path contains a ':', which is the " \
+ "path separator for your system. Bundler cannot " \
+ "function correctly when the Bundle path contains the " \
+ "system's PATH separator. Please change your " \
+ "bundle path to not include ':'.\nYour current bundle " \
+ "path is '#{Bundler.bundle_path}'."
+ )
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] does not exist" do
+ before { ENV.delete("PATH") }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] is empty" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] exists" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "/some_path/bin" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] already contains the bundle bin path" do
+ let(:bundle_path) { "#{Bundler.bundle_path}/bin" }
+ before do
+ ENV["PATH"] = bundle_path
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ it "ENV['PATH'] should only contain one instance of bundle bin path" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = (ENV["PATH"]).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths.count(bundle_path)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYOPT'] does not exist" do
+ before { ENV.delete("RUBYOPT") }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYOPT'] exists without -rbundler/setup" do
+ before { ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-I/some_app_path/lib" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYOPT'] exists and contains -rbundler/setup" do
+ before { ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-rbundler/setup" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] does not exist" do
+ before { ENV.delete("RUBYLIB") }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] is empty" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] exists" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "/some_path/bin" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] already contains the bundler's ruby version lib path" do
+ let(:ruby_lib_path) { "stubbed_ruby_lib_dir" }
+ before do
+ ENV["RUBYLIB"] = ruby_lib_path
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ it "ENV['RUBYLIB'] should only contain one instance of bundler's ruby version lib path" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = (ENV["RUBYLIB"]).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths.count(ruby_lib_path)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#filesystem_access" do
+ context "system has proper permission access" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|path| FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) } }
+ it "performs the operation in the passed block" do
+ subject.filesystem_access("./test_dir", &file_op_block)
+ expect(Pathname.new("test_dir")).to exist
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::EACESS" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::EACCES } }
+ it "raises a PermissionError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::PermissionError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::EAGAIN" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::EAGAIN } }
+ it "raises a TemporaryResourceError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::TemporaryResourceError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::EPROTO" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::EPROTO } }
+ it "raises a VirtualProtocolError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::VirtualProtocolError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::ENOTSUP", :ruby => "1.9" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::ENOTSUP } }
+ it "raises a OperationNotSupportedError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::OperationNotSupportedError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::ENOSPC" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::ENOSPC } }
+ it "raises a NoSpaceOnDeviceError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::NoSpaceOnDeviceError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws an unhandled SystemCallError" do
+ let(:error) { SystemCallError.new("Shields down", 1337) }
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise error } }
+ it "raises a GenericSystemCallError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::GenericSystemCallError, /error accessing.+underlying.+Shields down/m
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#const_get_safely" do
+ module TargetNamespace
+ end
+ context "when the namespace does have the requested constant" do
+ it "returns the value of the requested constant" do
+ expect(subject.const_get_safely(:VALID_CONSTANT, TargetNamespace)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the requested constant is passed as a string" do
+ it "returns the value of the requested constant" do
+ expect(subject.const_get_safely("VALID_CONSTANT", TargetNamespace)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the namespace does not have the requested constant" do
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.const_get_safely("INVALID_CONSTANT", TargetNamespace)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/source/git/git_proxy_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/git/git_proxy_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34fe21e9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/git/git_proxy_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Source::Git::GitProxy do
+ let(:uri) { "https://github.com/bundler/bundler.git" }
+ subject { described_class.new(Pathname("path"), uri, "HEAD") }
+ context "with configured credentials" do
+ it "adds username and password to URI" do
+ Bundler.settings[uri] = "u:p"
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git_retry).with(match("https://u:p@github.com/bundler/bundler.git"))
+ subject.checkout
+ end
+ it "adds username and password to URI for host" do
+ Bundler.settings["github.com"] = "u:p"
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git_retry).with(match("https://u:p@github.com/bundler/bundler.git"))
+ subject.checkout
+ end
+ it "does not add username and password to mismatched URI" do
+ Bundler.settings["https://u:p@github.com/bundler/bundler-mismatch.git"] = "u:p"
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git_retry).with(match(uri))
+ subject.checkout
+ end
+ it "keeps original userinfo" do
+ Bundler.settings["github.com"] = "u:p"
+ original = "https://orig:info@github.com/bundler/bundler.git"
+ subject = described_class.new(Pathname("path"), original, "HEAD")
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git_retry).with(match(original))
+ subject.checkout
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#version" do
+ context "with a normal version number" do
+ before do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git).with("--version").
+ and_return("git version 1.2.3")
+ end
+ it "returns the git version number" do
+ expect(subject.version).to eq("1.2.3")
+ end
+ it "does not raise an error when passed into Gem::Version.create" do
+ expect { Gem::Version.create subject.version }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a OSX version number" do
+ before do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git).with("--version").
+ and_return("git version 1.2.3 (Apple Git-BS)")
+ end
+ it "strips out OSX specific additions in the version string" do
+ expect(subject.version).to eq("1.2.3")
+ end
+ it "does not raise an error when passed into Gem::Version.create" do
+ expect { Gem::Version.create subject.version }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a msysgit version number" do
+ before do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git).with("--version").
+ and_return("git version 1.2.3.msysgit.0")
+ end
+ it "strips out msysgit specific additions in the version string" do
+ expect(subject.version).to eq("1.2.3")
+ end
+ it "does not raise an error when passed into Gem::Version.create" do
+ expect { Gem::Version.create subject.version }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#full_version" do
+ context "with a normal version number" do
+ before do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git).with("--version").
+ and_return("git version 1.2.3")
+ end
+ it "returns the git version number" do
+ expect(subject.full_version).to eq("1.2.3")
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a OSX version number" do
+ before do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git).with("--version").
+ and_return("git version 1.2.3 (Apple Git-BS)")
+ end
+ it "does not strip out OSX specific additions in the version string" do
+ expect(subject.full_version).to eq("1.2.3 (Apple Git-BS)")
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a msysgit version number" do
+ before do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:git).with("--version").
+ and_return("git version 1.2.3.msysgit.0")
+ end
+ it "does not strip out msysgit specific additions in the version string" do
+ expect(subject.full_version).to eq("1.2.3.msysgit.0")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/source/path_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/path_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d13e03ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/path_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Source::Path do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:root) { Pathname.new("root") }
+ end
+ describe "#eql?" do
+ subject { described_class.new("path" => "gems/a") }
+ context "with two equivalent relative paths from different roots" do
+ let(:a_gem_opts) { { "path" => "../gems/a", "root_path" => Bundler.root.join("nested") } }
+ let(:a_gem) { described_class.new a_gem_opts }
+ it "returns true" do
+ expect(subject).to eq a_gem
+ end
+ end
+ context "with the same (but not equivalent) relative path from different roots" do
+ subject { described_class.new("path" => "gems/a") }
+ let(:a_gem_opts) { { "path" => "gems/a", "root_path" => Bundler.root.join("nested") } }
+ let(:a_gem) { described_class.new a_gem_opts }
+ it "returns false" do
+ expect(subject).to_not eq a_gem
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/source/rubygems/remote_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/rubygems/remote_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54394fc0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/rubygems/remote_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/source/rubygems/remote"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Source::Rubygems::Remote do
+ def remote(uri)
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems::Remote.new(uri)
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(Digest::MD5).to receive(:hexdigest).with(duck_type(:to_s)) {|string| "MD5HEX(#{string})" }
+ end
+ let(:uri_no_auth) { URI("https://gems.example.com") }
+ let(:uri_with_auth) { URI("https://#{credentials}@gems.example.com") }
+ let(:credentials) { "username:password" }
+ context "when the original URI has no credentials" do
+ describe "#uri" do
+ it "returns the original URI" do
+ expect(remote(uri_no_auth).uri).to eq(uri_no_auth)
+ end
+ it "applies configured credentials" do
+ Bundler.settings[uri_no_auth.to_s] = credentials
+ expect(remote(uri_no_auth).uri).to eq(uri_with_auth)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#anonymized_uri" do
+ it "returns the original URI" do
+ expect(remote(uri_no_auth).anonymized_uri).to eq(uri_no_auth)
+ end
+ it "does not apply given credentials" do
+ Bundler.settings[uri_no_auth.to_s] = credentials
+ expect(remote(uri_no_auth).anonymized_uri).to eq(uri_no_auth)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#cache_slug" do
+ it "returns the correct slug" do
+ expect(remote(uri_no_auth).cache_slug).to eq("gems.example.com.443.MD5HEX(gems.example.com.443./)")
+ end
+ it "only applies the given user" do
+ Bundler.settings[uri_no_auth.to_s] = credentials
+ expect(remote(uri_no_auth).cache_slug).to eq("gems.example.com.username.443.MD5HEX(gems.example.com.username.443./)")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the original URI has a username and password" do
+ describe "#uri" do
+ it "returns the original URI" do
+ expect(remote(uri_with_auth).uri).to eq(uri_with_auth)
+ end
+ it "does not apply configured credentials" do
+ Bundler.settings[uri_no_auth.to_s] = "other:stuff"
+ expect(remote(uri_with_auth).uri).to eq(uri_with_auth)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#anonymized_uri" do
+ it "returns the URI without username and password" do
+ expect(remote(uri_with_auth).anonymized_uri).to eq(uri_no_auth)
+ end
+ it "does not apply given credentials" do
+ Bundler.settings[uri_no_auth.to_s] = "other:stuff"
+ expect(remote(uri_with_auth).anonymized_uri).to eq(uri_no_auth)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#cache_slug" do
+ it "returns the correct slug" do
+ expect(remote(uri_with_auth).cache_slug).to eq("gems.example.com.username.443.MD5HEX(gems.example.com.username.443./)")
+ end
+ it "does not apply given credentials" do
+ Bundler.settings[uri_with_auth.to_s] = credentials
+ expect(remote(uri_with_auth).cache_slug).to eq("gems.example.com.username.443.MD5HEX(gems.example.com.username.443./)")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the original URI has only a username" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://SeCrEt-ToKeN@gem.fury.io/me/") }
+ describe "#anonymized_uri" do
+ it "returns the URI without username and password" do
+ expect(remote(uri).anonymized_uri).to eq(URI("https://gem.fury.io/me/"))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#cache_slug" do
+ it "returns the correct slug" do
+ expect(remote(uri).cache_slug).to eq("gem.fury.io.SeCrEt-ToKeN.443.MD5HEX(gem.fury.io.SeCrEt-ToKeN.443./me/)")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a mirror with inline credentials is configured for the URI" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://rubygems.org/") }
+ let(:mirror_uri_with_auth) { URI("https://username:password@rubygems-mirror.org/") }
+ let(:mirror_uri_no_auth) { URI("https://rubygems-mirror.org/") }
+ before { Bundler.settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org/"] = mirror_uri_with_auth.to_s }
+ specify "#uri returns the mirror URI with credentials" do
+ expect(remote(uri).uri).to eq(mirror_uri_with_auth)
+ end
+ specify "#anonymized_uri returns the mirror URI without credentials" do
+ expect(remote(uri).anonymized_uri).to eq(mirror_uri_no_auth)
+ end
+ specify "#original_uri returns the original source" do
+ expect(remote(uri).original_uri).to eq(uri)
+ end
+ specify "#cache_slug returns the correct slug" do
+ expect(remote(uri).cache_slug).to eq("rubygems.org.443.MD5HEX(rubygems.org.443./)")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a mirror with configured credentials is configured for the URI" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://rubygems.org/") }
+ let(:mirror_uri_with_auth) { URI("https://#{credentials}@rubygems-mirror.org/") }
+ let(:mirror_uri_no_auth) { URI("https://rubygems-mirror.org/") }
+ before do
+ Bundler.settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org/"] = mirror_uri_no_auth.to_s
+ Bundler.settings[mirror_uri_no_auth.to_s] = credentials
+ end
+ specify "#uri returns the mirror URI with credentials" do
+ expect(remote(uri).uri).to eq(mirror_uri_with_auth)
+ end
+ specify "#anonymized_uri returns the mirror URI without credentials" do
+ expect(remote(uri).anonymized_uri).to eq(mirror_uri_no_auth)
+ end
+ specify "#original_uri returns the original source" do
+ expect(remote(uri).original_uri).to eq(uri)
+ end
+ specify "#cache_slug returns the original source" do
+ expect(remote(uri).cache_slug).to eq("rubygems.org.443.MD5HEX(rubygems.org.443./)")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is no mirror set" do
+ describe "#original_uri" do
+ it "is not set" do
+ expect(remote(uri_no_auth).original_uri).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/source/rubygems_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/rubygems_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8f9f09c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/source/rubygems_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Source::Rubygems do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:root) { Pathname.new("root") }
+ end
+ describe "caches" do
+ it "includes Bundler.app_cache" do
+ expect(subject.caches).to include(Bundler.app_cache)
+ end
+ it "includes GEM_PATH entries" do
+ Gem.path.each do |path|
+ expect(subject.caches).to include(File.expand_path("#{path}/cache"))
+ end
+ end
+ it "is an array of strings or pathnames" do
+ subject.caches.each do |cache|
+ expect([String, Pathname]).to include(cache.class)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#add_remote" do
+ context "when the source is an HTTP(s) URI with no host" do
+ it "raises error" do
+ expect { subject.add_remote("https:rubygems.org") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/source_list_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/source_list_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a23c8bcbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/source_list_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::SourceList do
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:root) { Pathname.new "./tmp/bundled_app" }
+ stub_const "ASourcePlugin", Class.new(Bundler::Plugin::API)
+ ASourcePlugin.source "new_source"
+ allow(Bundler::Plugin).to receive(:source?).with("new_source").and_return(true)
+ end
+ subject(:source_list) { Bundler::SourceList.new }
+ let(:rubygems_aggregate) { Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new }
+ describe "adding sources" do
+ before do
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/existing/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://existing-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://existing-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://some.url/a")
+ end
+ describe "#add_path_source" do
+ before do
+ @duplicate = source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ @new_source = source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ end
+ it "returns the new path source" do
+ expect(@new_source).to be_instance_of(Bundler::Source::Path)
+ end
+ it "passes the provided options to the new source" do
+ expect(@new_source.options).to eq("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ end
+ it "adds the source to the beginning of path_sources" do
+ expect(source_list.path_sources.first).to equal(@new_source)
+ end
+ it "removes existing duplicates" do
+ expect(source_list.path_sources).not_to include equal(@duplicate)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#add_git_source" do
+ before do
+ @duplicate = source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ @new_source = source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ end
+ it "returns the new git source" do
+ expect(@new_source).to be_instance_of(Bundler::Source::Git)
+ end
+ it "passes the provided options to the new source" do
+ @new_source = source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ expect(@new_source.options).to eq("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ end
+ it "adds the source to the beginning of git_sources" do
+ @new_source = source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.git_sources.first).to equal(@new_source)
+ end
+ it "removes existing duplicates" do
+ @duplicate = source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ @new_source = source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.git_sources).not_to include equal(@duplicate)
+ end
+ context "with the git: protocol" do
+ let(:msg) do
+ "The git source `git://existing-git.org/path.git` " \
+ "uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. " \
+ "Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, " \
+ "or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure."
+ end
+ it "warns about git protocols" do
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:warn).with(msg)
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://existing-git.org/path.git")
+ end
+ it "ignores git protocols on request" do
+ Bundler.settings["git.allow_insecure"] = true
+ expect(Bundler.ui).to_not receive(:warn).with(msg)
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://existing-git.org/path.git")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#add_rubygems_source" do
+ before do
+ @duplicate = source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://rubygems.org/"])
+ @new_source = source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://rubygems.org/"])
+ end
+ it "returns the new rubygems source" do
+ expect(@new_source).to be_instance_of(Bundler::Source::Rubygems)
+ end
+ it "passes the provided options to the new source" do
+ expect(@new_source.options).to eq("remotes" => ["https://rubygems.org/"])
+ end
+ it "adds the source to the beginning of rubygems_sources" do
+ expect(source_list.rubygems_sources.first).to equal(@new_source)
+ end
+ it "removes duplicates" do
+ expect(source_list.rubygems_sources).not_to include equal(@duplicate)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#add_rubygems_remote" do
+ before do
+ @returned_source = source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://rubygems.org/")
+ end
+ it "returns the aggregate rubygems source" do
+ expect(@returned_source).to be_instance_of(Bundler::Source::Rubygems)
+ end
+ it "adds the provided remote to the beginning of the aggregate source" do
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://othersource.org")
+ expect(@returned_source.remotes.first).to eq(URI("https://othersource.org/"))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#add_plugin_source" do
+ before do
+ @duplicate = source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "http://host/path.")
+ @new_source = source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "http://host/path.")
+ end
+ it "returns the new plugin source" do
+ expect(@new_source).to be_a(Bundler::Plugin::API::Source)
+ end
+ it "passes the provided options to the new source" do
+ expect(@new_source.options).to eq("uri" => "http://host/path.")
+ end
+ it "adds the source to the beginning of git_sources" do
+ expect(source_list.plugin_sources.first).to equal(@new_source)
+ end
+ it "removes existing duplicates" do
+ expect(source_list.plugin_sources).not_to include equal(@duplicate)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#all_sources" do
+ it "includes the aggregate rubygems source when rubygems sources have been added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://some.url/a")
+ expect(source_list.all_sources).to include rubygems_aggregate
+ end
+ it "includes the aggregate rubygems source when no rubygems sources have been added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://some.url/a")
+ expect(source_list.all_sources).to include rubygems_aggregate
+ end
+ it "returns sources of the same type in the reverse order that they were added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://fifth-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/third/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://some.url/b")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://fourth-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/second/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://third-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://some.o.url/")
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://second-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/first/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://some.url/c")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://first-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.all_sources).to eq [
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/first/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/second/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/third/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git"),
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git"),
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git"),
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "https://some.url/c"),
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "https://some.o.url/"),
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "https://some.url/b"),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://first-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://second-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://third-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://fourth-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://fifth-rubygems.org"]),
+ rubygems_aggregate,
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#path_sources" do
+ it "returns an empty array when no path sources have been added" do
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.path_sources).to be_empty
+ end
+ it "returns path sources in the reverse order that they were added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://fifth-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/third/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://fourth-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/second/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://third-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://second-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/first/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://first-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.path_sources).to eq [
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/first/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/second/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/third/path/to/gem"),
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#git_sources" do
+ it "returns an empty array when no git sources have been added" do
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ expect(source_list.git_sources).to be_empty
+ end
+ it "returns git sources in the reverse order that they were added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://fifth-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/third/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://fourth-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/second/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://third-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://second-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/first/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://first-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.git_sources).to eq [
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git"),
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git"),
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git"),
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#plugin_sources" do
+ it "returns an empty array when no plugin sources have been added" do
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ expect(source_list.plugin_sources).to be_empty
+ end
+ it "returns plugin sources in the reverse order that they were added" do
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://third-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_git_source("https://new-git.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/third/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://fourth-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/second/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://third-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://second-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/first/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://first-rubygems.org")
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.plugin_sources).to eq [
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git"),
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git"),
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "https://third-git.org/path.git"),
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#rubygems_sources" do
+ it "includes the aggregate rubygems source when rubygems sources have been added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ expect(source_list.rubygems_sources).to include rubygems_aggregate
+ end
+ it "returns only the aggregate rubygems source when no rubygems sources have been added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem")
+ expect(source_list.rubygems_sources).to eq [rubygems_aggregate]
+ end
+ it "returns rubygems sources in the reverse order that they were added" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://fifth-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/third/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://fourth-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/second/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://third-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://second-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/first/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://first-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.rubygems_sources).to eq [
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://first-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://second-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://third-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://fourth-rubygems.org"]),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://fifth-rubygems.org"]),
+ rubygems_aggregate,
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#get" do
+ context "when it includes an equal source" do
+ let(:rubygems_source) { Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => ["https://rubygems.org"]) }
+ before { @equal_source = source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://rubygems.org") }
+ it "returns the equal source" do
+ expect(source_list.get(rubygems_source)).to be @equal_source
+ end
+ end
+ context "when it does not include an equal source" do
+ let(:path_source) { Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/path/to/gem") }
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(source_list.get(path_source)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#lock_sources" do
+ it "combines the rubygems sources into a single instance, removing duplicate remotes from the end" do
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://duplicate-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://third-bar.org/foo")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/third/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://third-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/second/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://second-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://first-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_plugin_source("new_source", "uri" => "https://second-plugin.org/random")
+ source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/first/path/to/gem")
+ source_list.add_rubygems_source("remotes" => ["https://duplicate-rubygems.org"])
+ source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git")
+ expect(source_list.lock_sources).to eq [
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://first-git.org/path.git"),
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://second-git.org/path.git"),
+ Bundler::Source::Git.new("uri" => "git://third-git.org/path.git"),
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "https://second-plugin.org/random"),
+ ASourcePlugin.new("uri" => "https://third-bar.org/foo"),
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/first/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/second/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/third/path/to/gem"),
+ Bundler::Source::Rubygems.new("remotes" => [
+ "https://duplicate-rubygems.org",
+ "https://first-rubygems.org",
+ "https://second-rubygems.org",
+ "https://third-rubygems.org",
+ ]),
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "replace_sources!" do
+ let(:existing_locked_source) { Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/existing/path") }
+ let(:removed_locked_source) { Bundler::Source::Path.new("path" => "/removed/path") }
+ let(:locked_sources) { [existing_locked_source, removed_locked_source] }
+ before do
+ @existing_source = source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/existing/path")
+ @new_source = source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/new/path")
+ source_list.replace_sources!(locked_sources)
+ end
+ it "maintains the order and number of sources" do
+ expect(source_list.path_sources).to eq [@new_source, @existing_source]
+ end
+ it "retains the same instance of the new source" do
+ expect(source_list.path_sources[0]).to be @new_source
+ end
+ it "replaces the instance of the existing source" do
+ expect(source_list.path_sources[1]).to be existing_locked_source
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#cached!" do
+ let(:rubygems_source) { source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://rubygems.org") }
+ let(:git_source) { source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git") }
+ let(:path_source) { source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem") }
+ it "calls #cached! on all the sources" do
+ expect(rubygems_source).to receive(:cached!)
+ expect(git_source).to receive(:cached!)
+ expect(path_source).to receive(:cached!)
+ source_list.cached!
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#remote!" do
+ let(:rubygems_source) { source_list.add_rubygems_remote("https://rubygems.org") }
+ let(:git_source) { source_list.add_git_source("uri" => "git://host/path.git") }
+ let(:path_source) { source_list.add_path_source("path" => "/path/to/gem") }
+ it "calls #remote! on all the sources" do
+ expect(rubygems_source).to receive(:remote!)
+ expect(git_source).to receive(:remote!)
+ expect(path_source).to receive(:remote!)
+ source_list.remote!
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/source_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/source_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08d1698fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/source_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Source do
+ class ExampleSource < Bundler::Source
+ end
+ subject { ExampleSource.new }
+ describe "#unmet_deps" do
+ let(:specs) { double(:specs) }
+ let(:unmet_dependency_names) { double(:unmet_dependency_names) }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:specs).and_return(specs)
+ allow(specs).to receive(:unmet_dependency_names).and_return(unmet_dependency_names)
+ end
+ it "should return the names of unmet dependencies" do
+ expect(subject.unmet_deps).to eq(unmet_dependency_names)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#version_message" do
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec, :name => "nokogiri", :version => ">= 1.6", :platform => rb) }
+ shared_examples_for "the lockfile specs are not relevant" do
+ it "should return a string with the spec name and version" do
+ expect(subject.version_message(spec)).to eq("nokogiri >= 1.6")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are locked gems" do
+ let(:locked_gems) { double(:locked_gems) }
+ before { allow(Bundler).to receive(:locked_gems).and_return(locked_gems) }
+ context "that contain the relevant gem spec" do
+ before do
+ specs = double(:specs)
+ allow(locked_gems).to receive(:specs).and_return(specs)
+ allow(specs).to receive(:find).and_return(locked_gem)
+ end
+ context "without a version" do
+ let(:locked_gem) { double(:locked_gem, :name => "nokogiri", :version => nil) }
+ it_behaves_like "the lockfile specs are not relevant"
+ end
+ context "with the same version" do
+ let(:locked_gem) { double(:locked_gem, :name => "nokogiri", :version => ">= 1.6") }
+ it_behaves_like "the lockfile specs are not relevant"
+ end
+ context "with a different version" do
+ let(:locked_gem) { double(:locked_gem, :name => "nokogiri", :version => "< 1.5") }
+ context "with color" do
+ before { Bundler.ui = Bundler::UI::Shell.new }
+ it "should return a string with the spec name and version and locked spec version" do
+ expect(subject.version_message(spec)).to eq("nokogiri >= 1.6\e[32m (was < 1.5)\e[0m")
+ end
+ end
+ context "without color" do
+ it "should return a string with the spec name and version and locked spec version" do
+ expect(subject.version_message(spec)).to eq("nokogiri >= 1.6 (was < 1.5)")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a more recent version" do
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec, :name => "nokogiri", :version => "1.6.1", :platform => rb) }
+ let(:locked_gem) { double(:locked_gem, :name => "nokogiri", :version => "1.7.0") }
+ context "with color" do
+ before { Bundler.ui = Bundler::UI::Shell.new }
+ it "should return a string with the locked spec version in yellow" do
+ expect(subject.version_message(spec)).to eq("nokogiri 1.6.1\e[33m (was 1.7.0)\e[0m")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "with an older version" do
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec, :name => "nokogiri", :version => "1.7.1", :platform => rb) }
+ let(:locked_gem) { double(:locked_gem, :name => "nokogiri", :version => "1.7.0") }
+ context "with color" do
+ before { Bundler.ui = Bundler::UI::Shell.new }
+ it "should return a string with the locked spec version in green" do
+ expect(subject.version_message(spec)).to eq("nokogiri 1.7.1\e[32m (was 1.7.0)\e[0m")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "that do not contain the relevant gem spec" do
+ before do
+ specs = double(:specs)
+ allow(locked_gems).to receive(:specs).and_return(specs)
+ allow(specs).to receive(:find).and_return(nil)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "the lockfile specs are not relevant"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are no locked gems" do
+ before { allow(Bundler).to receive(:locked_gems).and_return(nil) }
+ it_behaves_like "the lockfile specs are not relevant"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#can_lock?" do
+ context "when the passed spec's source is equivalent" do
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec, :source => subject) }
+ it "should return true" do
+ expect(subject.can_lock?(spec)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the passed spec's source is not equivalent" do
+ let(:spec) { double(:spec, :source => double(:other_source)) }
+ it "should return false" do
+ expect(subject.can_lock?(spec)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#include?" do
+ context "when the passed source is equivalent" do
+ let(:source) { subject }
+ it "should return true" do
+ expect(subject).to include(source)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the passed source is not equivalent" do
+ let(:source) { double(:source) }
+ it "should return false" do
+ expect(subject).to_not include(source)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/spec_set_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/spec_set_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f7c27f065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/spec_set_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::SpecSet do
+ let(:specs) do
+ [
+ build_spec("a", "1.0"),
+ build_spec("b", "1.0"),
+ build_spec("c", "1.1") do |s|
+ s.dep "a", "< 2.0"
+ s.dep "e", "> 0"
+ end,
+ build_spec("d", "2.0") do |s|
+ s.dep "a", "1.0"
+ s.dep "c", "~> 1.0"
+ end,
+ build_spec("e", "1.0.0.pre.1"),
+ ].flatten
+ end
+ subject { described_class.new(specs) }
+ context "enumerable methods" do
+ it "has a length" do
+ expect(subject.length).to eq(5)
+ end
+ it "has a size" do
+ expect(subject.size).to eq(5)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#to_a" do
+ it "returns the specs in order" do
+ expect(subject.to_a.map(&:full_name)).to eq %w(
+ a-1.0
+ b-1.0
+ e-1.0.0.pre.1
+ c-1.1
+ d-2.0
+ )
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/ssl_certs/certificate_manager_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/ssl_certs/certificate_manager_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66853a6815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/ssl_certs/certificate_manager_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/ssl_certs/certificate_manager"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::SSLCerts::CertificateManager do
+ let(:rubygems_path) { root }
+ let(:stub_cert) { File.join(root.to_s, "lib", "rubygems", "ssl_certs", "rubygems.org", "ssl-cert.pem") }
+ let(:rubygems_certs_dir) { File.join(root.to_s, "lib", "rubygems", "ssl_certs", "rubygems.org") }
+ subject { described_class.new(rubygems_path) }
+ # Pretend bundler root is rubygems root
+ before do
+ # Backing up rubygems ceriticates
+ FileUtils.mv(rubygems_certs_dir, rubygems_certs_dir + ".back") if !!(ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] && ENV["BUNDLE_GEM"])
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(rubygems_certs_dir)
+ FileUtils.touch(stub_cert)
+ end
+ after do
+ rubygems_dir = File.join(root.to_s, "lib", "rubygems")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(rubygems_certs_dir)
+ # Restore rubygems certificates
+ FileUtils.mv(rubygems_certs_dir + ".back", rubygems_certs_dir) if !!(ENV["BUNDLE_RUBY"] && ENV["BUNDLE_GEM"])
+ end
+ describe "#update_from" do
+ let(:cert_manager) { double(:cert_manager) }
+ before { allow(described_class).to receive(:new).with(rubygems_path).and_return(cert_manager) }
+ it "should update the certs through a new certificate manager" do
+ allow(cert_manager).to receive(:update!)
+ expect(described_class.update_from!(rubygems_path)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#initialize" do
+ it "should set bundler_cert_path as path of the subdir with bundler ssl certs" do
+ expect(subject.bundler_cert_path).to eq(File.join(root, "lib/bundler/ssl_certs"))
+ end
+ it "should set bundler_certs as the paths of the bundler ssl certs" do
+ expect(subject.bundler_certs).to include(File.join(root, "lib/bundler/ssl_certs/rubygems.global.ssl.fastly.net/DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.pem"))
+ expect(subject.bundler_certs).to include(File.join(root, "lib/bundler/ssl_certs/index.rubygems.org/GlobalSignRootCA.pem"))
+ end
+ context "when rubygems_path is not nil" do
+ it "should set rubygems_certs" do
+ expect(subject.rubygems_certs).to include(File.join(root, "lib", "rubygems", "ssl_certs", "rubygems.org", "ssl-cert.pem"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#up_to_date?" do
+ context "when bundler certs and rubygems certs are the same" do
+ before do
+ bundler_certs = Dir[File.join(root.to_s, "lib", "bundler", "ssl_certs", "**", "*.pem")]
+ FileUtils.rm(stub_cert)
+ FileUtils.cp(bundler_certs, rubygems_certs_dir)
+ end
+ it "should return true" do
+ expect(subject).to be_up_to_date
+ end
+ end
+ context "when bundler certs and rubygems certs are not the same" do
+ it "should return false" do
+ expect(subject).to_not be_up_to_date
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#update!" do
+ context "when certificate manager is not up to date" do
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:up_to_date?).and_return(false)
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:rm)
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:cp)
+ end
+ it "should remove the current bundler certs" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm).with(subject.bundler_certs)
+ subject.update!
+ end
+ it "should copy the rubygems certs into bundler certs" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:cp).with(subject.rubygems_certs, subject.bundler_cert_path)
+ subject.update!
+ end
+ it "should return nil" do
+ expect(subject.update!).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "when certificate manager is up to date" do
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:up_to_date?).and_return(true) }
+ it "should return nil" do
+ expect(subject.update!).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#connect_to" do
+ let(:host) { "http://www.host.com" }
+ let(:http) { Net::HTTP.new(host, 443) }
+ let(:cert_store) { OpenSSL::X509::Store.new }
+ let(:http_header_response) { double(:http_header_response) }
+ before do
+ allow(Net::HTTP).to receive(:new).with(host, 443).and_return(http)
+ allow(OpenSSL::X509::Store).to receive(:new).and_return(cert_store)
+ allow(http).to receive(:head).with("/").and_return(http_header_response)
+ end
+ it "should use ssl for the http request" do
+ expect(http).to receive(:use_ssl=).with(true)
+ subject.connect_to(host)
+ end
+ it "use verify peer mode" do
+ expect(http).to receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER)
+ subject.connect_to(host)
+ end
+ it "set its cert store as a OpenSSL::X509::Store populated with bundler certs" do
+ expect(cert_store).to receive(:add_file).at_least(:once)
+ expect(http).to receive(:cert_store=).with(cert_store)
+ subject.connect_to(host)
+ end
+ it "return the headers of the request response" do
+ expect(subject.connect_to(host)).to eq(http_header_response)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/stub_specification_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/stub_specification_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1ddf43bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/stub_specification_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::StubSpecification do
+ let(:gemspec) do
+ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+ s.name = "gemname"
+ s.version = "1.0.0"
+ s.loaded_from = __FILE__
+ end
+ end
+ let(:with_bundler_stub_spec) do
+ described_class.from_stub(gemspec)
+ end
+ if Bundler.rubygems.provides?(">= 2.1")
+ describe "#from_stub" do
+ it "returns the same stub if already a Bundler::StubSpecification" do
+ stub = described_class.from_stub(with_bundler_stub_spec)
+ expect(stub).to be(with_bundler_stub_spec)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/ui_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/ui_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc76eb1ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/ui_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::UI do
+ describe Bundler::UI::Silent do
+ it "has the same instance methods as Shell", :ruby => ">= 1.9" do
+ shell = Bundler::UI::Shell
+ methods = proc do |cls|
+ cls.instance_methods.map do |i|
+ m = shell.instance_method(i)
+ [i, m.parameters]
+ end.sort_by(&:first)
+ end
+ expect(methods.call(described_class)).to eq(methods.call(shell))
+ end
+ it "has the same instance class as Shell", :ruby => ">= 1.9" do
+ shell = Bundler::UI::Shell
+ methods = proc do |cls|
+ cls.methods.map do |i|
+ m = shell.method(i)
+ [i, m.parameters]
+ end.sort_by(&:first)
+ end
+ expect(methods.call(described_class)).to eq(methods.call(shell))
+ end
+ end
+ describe Bundler::UI::Shell do
+ let(:options) { {} }
+ subject { described_class.new(options) }
+ describe "debug?" do
+ it "returns a boolean" do
+ subject.level = :debug
+ expect(subject.debug?).to eq(true)
+ subject.level = :error
+ expect(subject.debug?).to eq(false)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/uri_credentials_filter_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/uri_credentials_filter_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dd01b4be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/uri_credentials_filter_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::URICredentialsFilter do
+ subject { described_class }
+ describe "#credential_filtered_uri" do
+ shared_examples_for "original type of uri is maintained" do
+ it "maintains same type for return value as uri input type" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_uri(uri)).to be_kind_of(uri.class)
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "sensitive credentials in uri are filtered out" do
+ context "authentication using oauth credentials" do
+ context "specified via 'x-oauth-basic'" do
+ let(:credentials) { "oauth_token:x-oauth-basic@" }
+ it "returns the uri without the oauth token" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_uri(uri).to_s).to eq(URI("https://x-oauth-basic@github.com/company/private-repo").to_s)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "original type of uri is maintained"
+ end
+ context "specified via 'x'" do
+ let(:credentials) { "oauth_token:x@" }
+ it "returns the uri without the oauth token" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_uri(uri).to_s).to eq(URI("https://x@github.com/company/private-repo").to_s)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "original type of uri is maintained"
+ end
+ end
+ context "authentication using login credentials" do
+ let(:credentials) { "username1:hunter3@" }
+ it "returns the uri without the password" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_uri(uri).to_s).to eq(URI("https://username1@github.com/company/private-repo").to_s)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "original type of uri is maintained"
+ end
+ context "authentication without credentials" do
+ let(:credentials) { "" }
+ it "returns the same uri" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_uri(uri).to_s).to eq(uri.to_s)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "original type of uri is maintained"
+ end
+ end
+ context "uri is a uri object" do
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://#{credentials}github.com/company/private-repo") }
+ it_behaves_like "sensitive credentials in uri are filtered out"
+ end
+ context "uri is a uri string" do
+ let(:uri) { "https://#{credentials}github.com/company/private-repo" }
+ it_behaves_like "sensitive credentials in uri are filtered out"
+ end
+ context "uri is a non-uri format string (ex. path)" do
+ let(:uri) { "/path/to/repo" }
+ it "returns the same uri" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_uri(uri).to_s).to eq(uri.to_s)
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "original type of uri is maintained"
+ end
+ context "uri is nil" do
+ let(:uri) { nil }
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_uri(uri)).to be_nil
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "original type of uri is maintained"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#credential_filtered_string" do
+ let(:str_to_filter) { "This is a git message containing a uri #{uri}!" }
+ let(:credentials) { "" }
+ let(:uri) { URI("https://#{credentials}github.com/company/private-repo") }
+ context "with a uri that contains credentials" do
+ let(:credentials) { "oauth_token:x-oauth-basic@" }
+ it "returns the string without the sensitive credentials" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_string(str_to_filter, uri)).to eq(
+ "This is a git message containing a uri https://x-oauth-basic@github.com/company/private-repo!"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "that does not contains credentials" do
+ it "returns the same string" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_string(str_to_filter, uri)).to eq(str_to_filter)
+ end
+ end
+ context "string to filter is nil" do
+ let(:str_to_filter) { nil }
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_string(str_to_filter, uri)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "uri to filter out is nil" do
+ let(:uri) { nil }
+ it "returns the same string" do
+ expect(subject.credential_filtered_string(str_to_filter, uri)).to eq(str_to_filter)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/version_ranges_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/version_ranges_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f746aa88ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/version_ranges_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/version_ranges"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::VersionRanges do
+ describe ".empty?" do
+ shared_examples_for "empty?" do |exp, *req|
+ it "returns #{exp} for #{req}" do
+ r = Gem::Requirement.new(*req)
+ ranges = described_class.for(r)
+ expect(described_class.empty?(*ranges)).to eq(exp), "expected `#{r}` #{exp ? "" : "not "}to be empty"
+ end
+ end
+ include_examples "empty?", false
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "!= 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "!= 1", "= 2"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "!= 1", "> 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "!= 1", ">= 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "= 1", ">= 0.1", "<= 1.1"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "= 1", ">= 1", "<= 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "= 1", "~> 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, ">= 0.z", "= 0"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, ">= 0"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, ">= 1.0.0", "< 2.0.0"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "~> 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", false, "~> 2.0", "~> 2.1"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, "!= 1", "< 2", "> 2"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, "!= 1", "<= 1", ">= 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, "< 2", "> 2"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, "= 1", "!= 1"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, "= 1", "= 2"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, "= 1", "~> 2"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, ">= 0", "<= 0.a"
+ include_examples "empty?", true, "~> 2.0", "~> 3"
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/worker_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/worker_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbfe6ddab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/worker_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/worker"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::Worker do
+ let(:size) { 5 }
+ let(:name) { "Spec Worker" }
+ let(:function) { proc {|object, worker_number| [object, worker_number] } }
+ subject { described_class.new(size, name, function) }
+ after { subject.stop }
+ describe "#initialize" do
+ context "when Thread.start raises ThreadError" do
+ it "raises when no threads can be created" do
+ allow(Thread).to receive(:start).and_raise(ThreadError, "error creating thread")
+ expect { subject.enq "a" }.to raise_error(Bundler::ThreadCreationError, "Failed to create threads for the Spec Worker worker: error creating thread")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/yaml_serializer_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/yaml_serializer_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c28db59223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/yaml_serializer_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "bundler/yaml_serializer"
+RSpec.describe Bundler::YAMLSerializer do
+ subject(:serializer) { Bundler::YAMLSerializer }
+ describe "#dump" do
+ it "works for simple hash" do
+ hash = { "Q" => "Where does Thursday come before Wednesday? In the dictionary. :P" }
+ expected = strip_whitespace <<-YAML
+ ---
+ Q: "Where does Thursday come before Wednesday? In the dictionary. :P"
+ expect(serializer.dump(hash)).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ it "handles nested hash" do
+ hash = {
+ "nice-one" => {
+ "read_ahead" => "All generalizations are false, including this one",
+ },
+ }
+ expected = strip_whitespace <<-YAML
+ ---
+ nice-one:
+ read_ahead: "All generalizations are false, including this one"
+ expect(serializer.dump(hash)).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ it "array inside an hash" do
+ hash = {
+ "nested_hash" => {
+ "contains_array" => [
+ "Jack and Jill went up the hill",
+ "To fetch a pail of water.",
+ "Jack fell down and broke his crown,",
+ "And Jill came tumbling after.",
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ expected = strip_whitespace <<-YAML
+ ---
+ nested_hash:
+ contains_array:
+ - "Jack and Jill went up the hill"
+ - "To fetch a pail of water."
+ - "Jack fell down and broke his crown,"
+ - "And Jill came tumbling after."
+ expect(serializer.dump(hash)).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#load" do
+ it "works for simple hash" do
+ yaml = strip_whitespace <<-YAML
+ ---
+ Jon: "Air is free dude!"
+ Jack: "Yes.. until you buy a bag of chips!"
+ hash = {
+ "Jon" => "Air is free dude!",
+ "Jack" => "Yes.. until you buy a bag of chips!",
+ }
+ expect(serializer.load(yaml)).to eq(hash)
+ end
+ it "works for nested hash" do
+ yaml = strip_whitespace <<-YAML
+ ---
+ baa:
+ baa: "black sheep"
+ have: "you any wool?"
+ yes: "merry have I"
+ three: "bags full"
+ hash = {
+ "baa" => {
+ "baa" => "black sheep",
+ "have" => "you any wool?",
+ "yes" => "merry have I",
+ },
+ "three" => "bags full",
+ }
+ expect(serializer.load(yaml)).to eq(hash)
+ end
+ it "handles colon in key/value" do
+ yaml = strip_whitespace <<-YAML
+ BUNDLE_MIRROR__HTTPS://RUBYGEMS__ORG/: http://rubygems-mirror.org
+ expect(serializer.load(yaml)).to eq("BUNDLE_MIRROR__HTTPS://RUBYGEMS__ORG/" => "http://rubygems-mirror.org")
+ end
+ it "handles arrays inside hashes" do
+ yaml = strip_whitespace <<-YAML
+ ---
+ nested_hash:
+ contains_array:
+ - "Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil?"
+ - "Because it's pointless!"
+ hash = {
+ "nested_hash" => {
+ "contains_array" => [
+ "Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil?",
+ "Because it's pointless!",
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ expect(serializer.load(yaml)).to eq(hash)
+ end
+ it "handles windows-style CRLF line endings" do
+ yaml = strip_whitespace(<<-YAML).gsub("\n", "\r\n")
+ ---
+ nested_hash:
+ contains_array:
+ - "Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil?"
+ - "Because it's pointless!"
+ - oh so silly
+ hash = {
+ "nested_hash" => {
+ "contains_array" => [
+ "Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil?",
+ "Because it's pointless!",
+ "oh so silly",
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ expect(serializer.load(yaml)).to eq(hash)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "against yaml lib" do
+ let(:hash) do
+ {
+ "a_joke" => {
+ "my-stand" => "I can totally keep secrets",
+ "but" => "The people I tell them to can't :P",
+ },
+ "more" => {
+ "first" => [
+ "Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?",
+ "Of course, a house doesn't jump at all.",
+ ],
+ "second" => [
+ "What did the sea say to the sand?",
+ "Nothing, it simply waved.",
+ ],
+ "array with empty string" => [""],
+ },
+ "sales" => {
+ "item" => "A Parachute",
+ "description" => "Only used once, never opened.",
+ },
+ "one-more" => "I'd tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction.",
+ }
+ end
+ context "#load" do
+ it "retrieves the original hash" do
+ require "yaml"
+ expect(serializer.load(YAML.dump(hash))).to eq(hash)
+ end
+ end
+ context "#dump" do
+ it "retrieves the original hash" do
+ require "yaml"
+ expect(YAML.load(serializer.dump(hash))).to eq(hash)
+ end
+ end
+ end