path: root/spec/ruby/core/module/fixtures/classes.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/ruby/core/module/fixtures/classes.rb')
1 files changed, 605 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/module/fixtures/classes.rb b/spec/ruby/core/module/fixtures/classes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f93c39683e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/module/fixtures/classes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+module ModuleSpecs
+ def self.without_test_modules(modules)
+ ignore = %w[MSpecRSpecAdapter PP::ObjectMixin ModuleSpecs::IncludedInObject MainSpecs::Module ConstantSpecs::ModuleA]
+ modules.reject { |k| ignore.include?(k.name) }
+ end
+ CONST = :plain_constant
+ module PrivConstModule
+ private_constant :PRIVATE_CONSTANT
+ end
+ class Subclass < Module
+ end
+ class SubclassSpec
+ end
+ class RemoveClassVariable
+ end
+ module LookupModInMod
+ INCS = :ethereal
+ end
+ module LookupMod
+ include LookupModInMod
+ MODS = :rockers
+ end
+ class Lookup
+ include LookupMod
+ LOOKIE = :lookie
+ end
+ class LookupChild < Lookup
+ end
+ class Parent
+ # For private_class_method spec
+ def self.private_method; end
+ private_class_method :private_method
+ def undefed_method() end
+ undef_method :undefed_method
+ def parent_method; end
+ def another_parent_method; end
+ # For public_class_method spec
+ private
+ def self.public_method; end
+ public_class_method :public_method
+ public
+ def public_parent() end
+ protected
+ def protected_parent() end
+ private
+ def private_parent() end
+ end
+ module Basic
+ def public_module() end
+ protected
+ def protected_module() end
+ private
+ def private_module() end
+ end
+ module Super
+ include Basic
+ def public_super_module() end
+ protected
+ def protected_super_module() end
+ private
+ def private_super_module() end
+ def super_included_method; end
+ class SuperChild
+ end
+ end
+ module Internal
+ end
+ class Child < Parent
+ include Super
+ class << self
+ include Internal
+ end
+ attr_accessor :accessor_method
+ def public_child() end
+ undef_method :parent_method
+ undef_method :another_parent_method
+ protected
+ def protected_child() end
+ private
+ def private_child() end
+ end
+ class Grandchild < Child
+ undef_method :super_included_method
+ end
+ class Child2 < Parent
+ attr_reader :foo
+ end
+ # Be careful touching the Counts* classes as there used for testing
+ # private_instance_methods, public_instance_methods, etc. So adding, removing
+ # a method will break those tests.
+ module CountsMixin
+ def public_3; end
+ public :public_3
+ def private_3; end
+ private :private_3
+ def protected_3; end
+ protected :protected_3
+ end
+ class CountsParent
+ include CountsMixin
+ def public_2; end
+ private
+ def private_2; end
+ protected
+ def protected_2; end
+ end
+ class CountsChild < CountsParent
+ def public_1; end
+ private
+ def private_1; end
+ protected
+ def protected_1; end
+ end
+ module AddConstant
+ end
+ module A
+ def ma(); :a; end
+ def self.cma(); :a; end
+ end
+ module B
+ include A
+ def mb(); :b; end
+ def self.cmb(); :b; end
+ end
+ class C
+ include B
+ end
+ module Z
+ end
+ module Alias
+ def report() :report end
+ alias publish report
+ end
+ class Allonym
+ include ModuleSpecs::Alias
+ end
+ class Aliasing
+ def self.make_alias(*a)
+ alias_method(*a)
+ end
+ def public_one; 1; end
+ def public_two(n); n * 2; end
+ private
+ def private_one; 1; end
+ protected
+ def protected_one; 1; end
+ end
+ class AliasingSubclass < Aliasing
+ end
+ module AliasingSuper
+ module Parent
+ def super_call(arg)
+ arg
+ end
+ end
+ module Child
+ include Parent
+ def super_call(arg)
+ super(arg)
+ end
+ end
+ class Target
+ include Child
+ alias_method :alias_super_call, :super_call
+ alias_method :super_call, :alias_super_call
+ end
+ class RedefineAfterAlias
+ include Parent
+ def super_call(arg)
+ super(arg)
+ end
+ alias_method :alias_super_call, :super_call
+ def super_call(arg)
+ :wrong
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ReopeningModule
+ def foo; true; end
+ module_function :foo
+ private :foo
+ end
+ # Yes, we want to re-open the module
+ module ReopeningModule
+ alias :foo2 :foo
+ module_function :foo2
+ end
+ module Nesting
+ @tests = {}
+ def self.[](name); @tests[name]; end
+ def self.[]=(name, val); @tests[name] = val; end
+ def self.meta; class << self; self; end; end
+ Nesting[:basic] = Module.nesting
+ module ::ModuleSpecs
+ Nesting[:open_first_level] = Module.nesting
+ end
+ class << self
+ Nesting[:open_meta] = Module.nesting
+ end
+ def self.called_from_module_method
+ Module.nesting
+ end
+ class NestedClass
+ Nesting[:nest_class] = Module.nesting
+ def self.called_from_class_method
+ Module.nesting
+ end
+ def called_from_inst_method
+ Module.nesting
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Nesting[:first_level] = Module.nesting
+ module InstanceMethMod
+ def bar(); :bar; end
+ end
+ class InstanceMeth
+ include InstanceMethMod
+ def foo(); :foo; end
+ end
+ class InstanceMethChild < InstanceMeth
+ end
+ module ClassVars
+ class A
+ @@a_cvar = :a_cvar
+ end
+ module M
+ @@m_cvar = :m_cvar
+ end
+ class B < A
+ include M
+ @@b_cvar = :b_cvar
+ end
+ end
+ class CVars
+ @@cls = :class
+ # Singleton class lexical scopes are ignored for class variables
+ class << self
+ def cls
+ # This looks in the parent lexical scope, class CVars
+ @@cls
+ end
+ # This actually adds it to the parent lexical scope, class CVars
+ @@meta = :metainfo
+ end
+ def self.meta
+ @@meta
+ end
+ def meta
+ @@meta
+ end
+ end
+ module MVars
+ @@mvar = :mvar
+ end
+ class SubModule < Module
+ attr_reader :special
+ def initialize
+ @special = 10
+ end
+ end
+ module MA; end
+ module MB
+ include MA
+ end
+ module MC; end
+ class MultipleIncludes
+ include MB
+ end
+ # empty modules
+ module M1; end
+ module M2; end
+ module Autoload
+ def self.use_ex1
+ begin
+ begin
+ raise "test exception"
+ rescue ModuleSpecs::Autoload::EX1
+ end
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ return :good
+ end
+ end
+ module FromThread
+ module A
+ autoload :B, fixture(__FILE__, "autoload_empty.rb")
+ class B
+ autoload :C, fixture(__FILE__, "autoload_abc.rb")
+ def self.foo
+ C.foo
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class D < A::B; end
+ end
+ end
+ # This class isn't inherited from or included in anywhere.
+ # It exists to test the constant scoping rules.
+ class Detached
+ end
+ class ParentPrivateMethodRedef
+ private
+ def private_method_redefined
+ :before_redefinition
+ end
+ end
+ class ChildPrivateMethodMadePublic < ParentPrivateMethodRedef
+ public :private_method_redefined
+ end
+ class ParentPrivateMethodRedef
+ def private_method_redefined
+ :after_redefinition
+ end
+ end
+ module CyclicAppendA
+ end
+ module CyclicAppendB
+ include CyclicAppendA
+ end
+ module CyclicPrepend
+ end
+ module ExtendObject
+ C = :test
+ def test_method
+ "hello test"
+ end
+ end
+ module ExtendObjectPrivate
+ class << self
+ def extend_object(obj)
+ ScratchPad.record :extended
+ end
+ private :extend_object
+ end
+ end
+ class CyclicBarrier
+ def initialize(count = 1)
+ @count = count
+ @state = 0
+ @mutex = Mutex.new
+ @cond = ConditionVariable.new
+ end
+ def await
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @state += 1
+ if @state >= @count
+ @state = 0
+ @cond.broadcast
+ true
+ else
+ @cond.wait @mutex
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def enabled?
+ @mutex.synchronize { @count != -1 }
+ end
+ def disable!
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @count = -1
+ @cond.broadcast
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class ThreadSafeCounter
+ def initialize(value = 0)
+ @value = 0
+ @mutex = Mutex.new
+ end
+ def get
+ @mutex.synchronize { @value }
+ end
+ def increment_and_get
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ prev_value = @value
+ @value += 1
+ prev_value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ShadowingOuter
+ module M
+ SHADOW = 123
+ end
+ module N
+ SHADOW = 456
+ end
+ end
+ module UnboundMethodTest
+ def foo
+ 'bar'
+ end
+ end
+ module ClassEvalTest
+ def self.get_constant_from_scope
+ module_eval("Lookup")
+ end
+ def self.get_constant_from_scope_with_send(method)
+ send(method, "Lookup")
+ end
+ end
+ class RecordIncludedModules
+ def self.inherited(base)
+ ScratchPad.record base
+ end
+ end
+ module SingletonOnModuleCase
+ module Foo
+ class << Foo
+ def included(base)
+ base.included_called
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Bar
+ @included_called = false
+ class << self
+ def included_called
+ @included_called = true
+ end
+ def included_called?
+ @included_called
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module CaseCompareOnSingleton
+ def self.===(*)
+ raise 'method contents are irrelevant to test'
+ end
+ end
+ m = Module.new do
+ def foo
+ end
+ private :foo
+ end
+ EmptyFooMethod = m.instance_method(:foo)
+class Object
+ def module_specs_public_method_on_object; end
+ def module_specs_private_method_on_object; end
+ private :module_specs_private_method_on_object
+ def module_specs_protected_method_on_object; end
+ protected :module_specs_private_method_on_object
+ def module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public; end
+ private :module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public
+ def module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected; end
+ def module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private; end
+module Kernel
+ def module_specs_public_method_on_kernel; end
+ alias_method :module_specs_alias_on_kernel, :module_specs_public_method_on_object
+ public :module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public
+ protected :module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected
+ private :module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private
+ModuleSpecs::Nesting[:root_level] = Module.nesting