path: root/spec/ruby/core/numeric
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/ruby/core/numeric')
47 files changed, 1559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/abs2_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/abs2_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1094845fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/abs2_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#abs2" do
+ before :each do
+ @numbers = [
+ 0,
+ 0.0,
+ 1,
+ 20,
+ bignum_value,
+ 278202.292871,
+ 72829,
+ 3.333333333333,
+ 0.1,
+ infinity_value
+ ].map { |n| [-n, n] }.flatten
+ end
+ it "returns the square of the absolute value of self" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ number.abs2.should eql(number.abs ** 2)
+ end
+ end
+ it "calls #* on self" do
+ number = mock_numeric('numeric')
+ number.should_receive(:*).and_return(:result)
+ number.abs2.should == :result
+ end
+ it "returns NaN when self is NaN" do
+ nan_value.abs2.nan?.should be_true
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/abs_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/abs_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4aa25359a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/abs_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require File.expand_path('../shared/abs', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#abs" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_abs, :abs)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/angle_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/angle_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7134168b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/angle_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/arg', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#angle" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_arg, :angle)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/arg_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/arg_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0729a29226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/arg_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/arg', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#arg" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_arg, :arg)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/ceil_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/ceil_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e7d8211fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/ceil_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#ceil" do
+ it "converts self to a Float (using #to_f) and returns the #ceil'ed result" do
+ o = mock_numeric("ceil")
+ o.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(1 + TOLERANCE)
+ o.ceil.should == 2
+ o2 = mock_numeric("ceil")
+ v = -1 - TOLERANCE
+ o2.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(v)
+ o2.ceil.should == -1
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/coerce_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/coerce_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b6297d5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/coerce_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#coerce" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ @obj.should_receive(:to_f).any_number_of_times.and_return(10.5)
+ end
+ it "returns [other, self] if self and other are instances of the same class" do
+ a = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ b = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ a.coerce(b).should == [b, a]
+ end
+ # I (emp) think that this behavior is actually a bug in MRI. It's here as documentation
+ # of the behavior until we find out if it's a bug.
+ quarantine! do
+ it "considers the presense of a metaclass when checking the class of the objects" do
+ a = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ b = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ # inject a metaclass on a
+ class << a; true; end
+ # watch it explode
+ lambda { a.coerce(b) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ end
+ it "calls #to_f to convert other if self responds to #to_f" do
+ # Do not use NumericSpecs::Subclass here, because coerce checks the classes of the receiver
+ # and arguments before calling #to_f.
+ other = mock("numeric")
+ lambda { @obj.coerce(other) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "returns [other.to_f, self.to_f] if self and other are instances of different classes" do
+ result = @obj.coerce(2.5)
+ result.should == [2.5, 10.5]
+ result.first.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ result.last.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ result = @obj.coerce(3)
+ result.should == [3.0, 10.5]
+ result.first.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ result.last.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ result = @obj.coerce("4.4")
+ result.should == [4.4, 10.5]
+ result.first.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ result.last.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ result = @obj.coerce(bignum_value)
+ result.should == [bignum_value.to_f, 10.5]
+ result.first.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ result.last.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError when passed nil" do
+ lambda { @obj.coerce(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError when passed a boolean" do
+ lambda { @obj.coerce(false) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError when passed a Symbol" do
+ lambda { @obj.coerce(:symbol) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when passed a String" do
+ lambda { @obj.coerce("test") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/comparison_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/comparison_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59676c01ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/comparison_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#<=>" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns 0 if self equals other" do
+ (@obj <=> @obj).should == 0
+ end
+ it "returns nil if self does not equal other" do
+ (@obj <=> NumericSpecs::Subclass.new).should == nil
+ (@obj <=> 10).should == nil
+ (@obj <=> -3.5).should == nil
+ (@obj <=> bignum_value).should == nil
+ end
+ describe "with subclasses of Numeric" do
+ before :each do
+ @a = NumericSpecs::Comparison.new
+ @b = NumericSpecs::Comparison.new
+ ScratchPad.clear
+ end
+ it "is called when instances are compared with #<" do
+ (@a < @b).should be_false
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == :numeric_comparison
+ end
+ it "is called when instances are compared with #<=" do
+ (@a <= @b).should be_false
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == :numeric_comparison
+ end
+ it "is called when instances are compared with #>" do
+ (@a > @b).should be_true
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == :numeric_comparison
+ end
+ it "is called when instances are compared with #>=" do
+ (@a >= @b).should be_true
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == :numeric_comparison
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/conj_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/conj_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fa0fd9457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/conj_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/conj', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#conj" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_conj, :conj)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/conjugate_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/conjugate_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7e095514e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/conjugate_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/conj', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#conjugate" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_conj, :conjugate)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/denominator_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/denominator_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ae4530c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/denominator_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#denominator" do
+ # The Numeric child classes override this method, so their behaviour is
+ # specified in the appropriate place
+ before :each do
+ @numbers = [
+ 20, # Integer
+ 99999999**99, # Bignum
+ ]
+ end
+ it "returns 1" do
+ @numbers.each {|number| number.denominator.should == 1}
+ end
+ it "works with Numeric subclasses" do
+ rational = mock_numeric('rational')
+ rational.should_receive(:denominator).and_return(:denominator)
+ numeric = mock_numeric('numeric')
+ numeric.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(rational)
+ numeric.denominator.should == :denominator
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/div_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/div_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3f82c3ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/div_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#div" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "calls self#/ with other, then returns the #floor'ed result" do
+ result = mock("Numeric#div result")
+ result.should_receive(:floor).and_return(12)
+ @obj.should_receive(:/).with(10).and_return(result)
+ @obj.div(10).should == 12
+ end
+ it "raises ZeroDivisionError for 0" do
+ lambda { @obj.div(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ lambda { @obj.div(0.0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ lambda { @obj.div(Complex(0,0)) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/divmod_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/divmod_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5de2d86c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/divmod_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#divmod" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns [quotient, modulus], with quotient being obtained as in Numeric#div then #floor and modulus being obtained by calling self#- with quotient * other" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:/).twice.with(10).and_return(13 - TOLERANCE, 13 - TOLERANCE)
+ @obj.should_receive(:-).with(120).and_return(3)
+ @obj.divmod(10).should == [12, 3]
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/eql_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/eql_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..367a298a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/eql_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#eql?" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns false if self's and other's types don't match" do
+ @obj.should_not eql(1)
+ @obj.should_not eql(-1.5)
+ @obj.should_not eql(bignum_value)
+ @obj.should_not eql(:sym)
+ end
+ it "returns the result of calling self#== with other when self's and other's types match" do
+ other = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ @obj.should_receive(:==).with(other).and_return("result", nil)
+ @obj.should eql(other)
+ @obj.should_not eql(other)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/fdiv_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/fdiv_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b27382012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/fdiv_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../shared/quo', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#fdiv" do
+ it "coerces self with #to_f" do
+ numeric = mock_numeric('numeric')
+ numeric.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(3.0)
+ numeric.fdiv(0.5).should == 6.0
+ end
+ it "coerces other with #to_f" do
+ numeric = mock_numeric('numeric')
+ numeric.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(3.0)
+ 6.fdiv(numeric).should == 2.0
+ end
+ it "performs floating-point division" do
+ 3.fdiv(2).should == 1.5
+ end
+ it "returns a Float" do
+ bignum_value.fdiv(Float::MAX).should be_an_instance_of(Float)
+ end
+ it "returns Infinity if other is 0" do
+ 8121.92821.fdiv(0).infinite?.should == 1
+ end
+ it "returns NaN if other is NaN" do
+ 3334.fdiv(nan_value).nan?.should be_true
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/fixtures/classes.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/fixtures/classes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1505584889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/fixtures/classes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module NumericSpecs
+ class Comparison < Numeric
+ # This method is used because we cannot define
+ # singleton methods on subclasses of Numeric,
+ # which is needed for a.should_receive to work.
+ def <=>(other)
+ ScratchPad.record :numeric_comparison
+ 1
+ end
+ end
+ class Subclass < Numeric
+ # Allow methods to be mocked
+ def singleton_method_added(val)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/floor_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/floor_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c68ed0423a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/floor_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#floor" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "converts self to a Float (using #to_f) and returns the #floor'ed result" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(2 - TOLERANCE, TOLERANCE - 2)
+ @obj.floor.should == 1
+ @obj.floor.should == -2
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/i_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/i_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fae4fefe3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/i_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#i" do
+ it "returns a Complex object" do
+ 34.i.should be_an_instance_of(Complex)
+ end
+ it "sets the real part to 0" do
+ 7342.i.real.should == 0
+ end
+ it "sets the imaginary part to self" do
+ 62.81.i.imag.should == 62.81
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/imag_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/imag_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a80e42d265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/imag_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/imag', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#imag" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_imag, :imag)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/imaginary_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/imaginary_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41226569b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/imaginary_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/imag', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#imaginary" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_imag, :imaginary)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/integer_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/integer_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acff8eb830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/integer_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#integer?" do
+ it "returns false" do
+ NumericSpecs::Subclass.new.integer?.should == false
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/magnitude_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/magnitude_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..947ee69730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/magnitude_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require File.expand_path('../shared/abs', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#magnitude" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_abs, :magnitude)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/modulo_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/modulo_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6ea7a8f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/modulo_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe :numeric_modulo_19, shared: true do
+ it "returns self - other * self.div(other)" do
+ s = mock_numeric('self')
+ o = mock_numeric('other')
+ n3 = mock_numeric('n3')
+ n4 = mock_numeric('n4')
+ n5 = mock_numeric('n5')
+ s.should_receive(:div).with(o).and_return(n3)
+ o.should_receive(:*).with(n3).and_return(n4)
+ s.should_receive(:-).with(n4).and_return(n5)
+ s.send(@method, o).should == n5
+ end
+describe "Numeric#modulo" do
+ it_behaves_like :numeric_modulo_19, :modulo
+describe "Numeric#%" do
+ it_behaves_like :numeric_modulo_19, :%
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/negative_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/negative_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27e5c65fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/negative_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+ruby_version_is "2.3" do
+ describe "Numeric#negative?" do
+ describe "on positive numbers" do
+ it "returns false" do
+ 1.negative?.should be_false
+ 0.1.negative?.should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "on zero" do
+ it "returns false" do
+ 0.negative?.should be_false
+ 0.0.negative?.should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "on negative numbers" do
+ it "returns true" do
+ -1.negative?.should be_true
+ -0.1.negative?.should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Numeric#negative?" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns true if self is less than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @obj.negative?.should == true
+ end
+ it "returns false if self is greater than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.negative?.should == false
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/nonzero_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/nonzero_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55b7880d0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/nonzero_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#nonzero?" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns self if self#zero? is false" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:zero?).and_return(false)
+ @obj.nonzero?.should == @obj
+ end
+ it "returns nil if self#zero? is true" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:zero?).and_return(true)
+ @obj.nonzero?.should == nil
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/numerator_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/numerator_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a20f8792a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/numerator_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#numerator" do
+ before :all do
+ @numbers = [
+ 0,
+ 29871,
+ 99999999999999**99,
+ -72628191273,
+ 29282.2827,
+ -2927.00091,
+ 0.0,
+ 12.0,
+ Float::MAX,
+ ]
+ end
+ # This isn't entirely true, as NaN.numerator works, whereas
+ # Rational(NaN) raises an exception, but we test this in Float#numerator
+ it "converts self to a Rational object then returns its numerator" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ number.numerator.should == Rational(number).numerator
+ end
+ end
+ it "works with Numeric subclasses" do
+ rational = mock_numeric('rational')
+ rational.should_receive(:numerator).and_return(:numerator)
+ numeric = mock_numeric('numeric')
+ numeric.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(rational)
+ numeric.numerator.should == :numerator
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/numeric_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/numeric_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9429ab55a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/numeric_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric" do
+ it "includes Comparable" do
+ Numeric.include?(Comparable).should == true
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/phase_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/phase_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c408db83b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/phase_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/arg', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#phase" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_arg, :phase)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/polar_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/polar_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5492483215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/polar_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/polar', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#polar" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_polar, :polar)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/positive_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/positive_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..516de7db89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/positive_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+ruby_version_is "2.3" do
+ describe "Numeric#positive?" do
+ describe "on positive numbers" do
+ it "returns true" do
+ 1.positive?.should be_true
+ 0.1.positive?.should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ describe "on zero" do
+ it "returns false" do
+ 0.positive?.should be_false
+ 0.0.positive?.should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "on negative numbers" do
+ it "returns false" do
+ -1.positive?.should be_false
+ -0.1.positive?.should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Numeric#positive?" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns true if self is greater than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:>).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @obj.positive?.should == true
+ end
+ it "returns false if self is less than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:>).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.positive?.should == false
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/quo_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/quo_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24c752aac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/quo_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../shared/quo', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#quo" do
+ it "returns the result of self divided by the given Integer as a Rational" do
+ 5.quo(2).should eql(Rational(5,2))
+ end
+ it "returns the result of self divided by the given Float as a Float" do
+ 2.quo(2.5).should eql(0.8)
+ end
+ it "returns the result of self divided by the given Bignum as a Float" do
+ 45.quo(bignum_value).should be_close(1.04773789668636e-08, TOLERANCE)
+ end
+ it "raises a ZeroDivisionError when the given Integer is 0" do
+ lambda { 0.quo(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ lambda { 10.quo(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ lambda { -10.quo(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ lambda { bignum_value.quo(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ lambda { -bignum_value.quo(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ end
+ it "calls #to_r to convert the object to a Rational" do
+ obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ obj.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(Rational(1))
+ obj.quo(19).should == Rational(1, 19)
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError of #to_r does not return a Rational" do
+ obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ obj.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(1)
+ lambda { obj.quo(19) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError when given a non-Integer" do
+ lambda {
+ (obj = mock('x')).should_not_receive(:to_int)
+ 13.quo(obj)
+ }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ lambda { 13.quo("10") }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ lambda { 13.quo(:symbol) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "returns the result of calling self#/ with other" do
+ obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ obj.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(19.quo(20))
+ obj.quo(19).should == 1.quo(20)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/real_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/real_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e34410155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/real_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../../shared/complex/numeric/real', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#real" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_real, :real)
+describe "Numeric#real?" do
+ it "returns true" do
+ NumericSpecs::Subclass.new.real?.should == true
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/rect_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/rect_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88d5ee3881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/rect_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../shared/rect', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#rect" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_rect, :rect)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/rectangular_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/rectangular_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b34100ca74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/rectangular_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../shared/rect', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#rectangular" do
+ it_behaves_like(:numeric_rect, :rectangular)
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/remainder_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/remainder_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d26d39669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/remainder_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#remainder" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ @result = mock("Numeric#% result")
+ @other = mock("Passed Object")
+ end
+ it "returns the result of calling self#% with other if self is 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:%).with(@other).and_return(@result)
+ @result.should_receive(:==).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @obj.remainder(@other).should equal(@result)
+ end
+ it "returns the result of calling self#% with other if self and other are greater than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:%).with(@other).and_return(@result)
+ @result.should_receive(:==).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.should_receive(:>).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @other.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.remainder(@other).should equal(@result)
+ end
+ it "returns the result of calling self#% with other if self and other are less than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:%).with(@other).and_return(@result)
+ @result.should_receive(:==).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @other.should_receive(:>).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.should_receive(:>).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.remainder(@other).should equal(@result)
+ end
+ it "returns the result of calling self#% with other - other if self is greater than 0 and other is less than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:%).with(@other).and_return(@result)
+ @result.should_receive(:==).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.should_receive(:>).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @other.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @result.should_receive(:-).with(@other).and_return(:result)
+ @obj.remainder(@other).should == :result
+ end
+ it "returns the result of calling self#% with other - other if self is less than 0 and other is greater than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:%).with(@other).and_return(@result)
+ @result.should_receive(:==).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @other.should_receive(:>).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @result.should_receive(:-).with(@other).and_return(:result)
+ @obj.remainder(@other).should == :result
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/round_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/round_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e79decfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/round_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#round" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "converts self to a Float (using #to_f) and returns the #round'ed result" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(2 - TOLERANCE, TOLERANCE - 2)
+ @obj.round.should == 2
+ @obj.round.should == -2
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/abs.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/abs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..406c9f3981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/abs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe :numeric_abs, shared: true do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns self when self is greater than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.send(@method).should == @obj
+ end
+ it "returns self\#@- when self is less than 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:<).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @obj.should_receive(:-@).and_return(:absolute_value)
+ @obj.send(@method).should == :absolute_value
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/quo.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/quo.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2392636fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/quo.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+describe :numeric_quo_18, shared: true do
+ it "returns the result of calling self#/ with other" do
+ obj = mock_numeric('numeric')
+ obj.should_receive(:/).with(19).and_return(:result)
+ obj.send(@method, 19).should == :result
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/rect.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/rect.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cda5fede7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/rect.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe :numeric_rect, shared: true do
+ before :each do
+ @numbers = [
+ 20, # Integer
+ 398.72, # Float
+ Rational(3, 4), # Rational
+ 99999999**99, # Bignum
+ infinity_value,
+ nan_value
+ ]
+ end
+ it "returns an Array" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ number.send(@method).should be_an_instance_of(Array)
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns a two-element Array" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ number.send(@method).size.should == 2
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns self as the first element" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ if Float === number and number.nan?
+ number.send(@method).first.nan?.should be_true
+ else
+ number.send(@method).first.should == number
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns 0 as the last element" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ number.send(@method).last.should == 0
+ end
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError if given any arguments" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ lambda { number.send(@method, number) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/step.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/step.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3072830534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/shared/step.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+# Describes Numeric#step shared specs between different argument styles.
+# To be able to do it, the @step_args var must contain a Proc that transforms
+# the step call arguments passed as positional arguments to the style of
+# arguments pretended to test.
+describe :numeric_step, :shared => true do
+ before :each do
+ ScratchPad.record []
+ @prc = lambda { |x| ScratchPad << x }
+ end
+ it "defaults to step = 1" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ end
+ describe "when self, stop and step are Fixnums" do
+ it "yields only Fixnums" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, 1)) { |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) }
+ end
+ describe "with a positive step" do
+ it "yields while increasing self by step until stop is reached" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self equals stop" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(1, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [1]
+ end
+ it "does not yield when self is greater than stop" do
+ 2.send(@method, *@step_args.call(1, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql []
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a negative step" do
+ it "yields while decreasing self by step until stop is reached" do
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(1, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self equals stop" do
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [5]
+ end
+ it "does not yield when self is less than stop" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when at least one of self, stop or step is a Float" do
+ it "yields Floats even if only self is a Float" do
+ 1.5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, 1)) { |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(Float) }
+ end
+ it "yields Floats even if only stop is a Float" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.0, 1)) { |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(Float) }
+ end
+ it "yields Floats even if only step is a Float" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, 1.0)) { |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(Float) }
+ end
+ describe "with a positive step" do
+ it "yields while increasing self by step while < stop" do
+ 1.5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self equals stop" do
+ 1.5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(1.5, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [1.5]
+ end
+ it "does not yield when self is greater than stop" do
+ 2.5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(1.5, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ it "is careful about not yielding a value greater than limit" do
+ # As 9*1.3+1.0 == 12.700000000000001 > 12.7, we test:
+ 1.0.send(@method, *@step_args.call(12.7, 1.3), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [1.0, 2.3, 3.6, 4.9, 6.2, 7.5, 8.8, 10.1, 11.4, 12.7]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a negative step" do
+ it "yields while decreasing self by step while self > stop" do
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(1.5, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self equals stop" do
+ 1.5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(1.5, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [1.5]
+ end
+ it "does not yield when self is less than stop" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -1.5), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ it "is careful about not yielding a value smaller than limit" do
+ # As -9*1.3-1.0 == -12.700000000000001 < -12.7, we test:
+ -1.0.send(@method, *@step_args.call(-12.7, -1.3), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [-1.0, -2.3, -3.6, -4.9, -6.2, -7.5, -8.8, -10.1, -11.4, -12.7]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a positive Infinity step" do
+ it "yields once if self < stop" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(100, infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [42.0]
+ end
+ it "yields once when stop is Infinity" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(infinity_value, infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [42.0]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self equals stop" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(42, infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [42.0]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self and stop are Infinity" do
+ (infinity_value).send(@method, *@step_args.call(infinity_value, infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == [infinity_value]
+ end
+ it "does not yield when self > stop" do
+ 100.send(@method, *@step_args.call(42, infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ it "does not yield when stop is -Infinity" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(-infinity_value, infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a negative Infinity step" do
+ it "yields once if self > stop" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(6, -infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [42.0]
+ end
+ it "yields once if stop is -Infinity" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(-infinity_value, -infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [42.0]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self equals stop" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(42, -infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should eql [42.0]
+ end
+ it "yields once when self and stop are Infinity" do
+ (infinity_value).send(@method, *@step_args.call(infinity_value, -infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == [infinity_value]
+ end
+ it "does not yield when self > stop" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(100, -infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ it "does not yield when stop is Infinity" do
+ 42.send(@method, *@step_args.call(infinity_value, -infinity_value), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a Infinity stop and a positive step" do
+ it "does not yield when self is infinity" do
+ (infinity_value).send(@method, *@step_args.call(infinity_value, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a Infinity stop and a negative step" do
+ it "does not yield when self is negative infinity" do
+ (-infinity_value).send(@method, *@step_args.call(infinity_value, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ it "does not yield when self is positive infinity" do
+ infinity_value.send(@method, *@step_args.call(infinity_value, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a negative Infinity stop and a positive step" do
+ it "does not yield when self is negative infinity" do
+ (-infinity_value).send(@method, *@step_args.call(-infinity_value, 1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a negative Infinity stop and a negative step" do
+ it "does not yield when self is negative infinity" do
+ (-infinity_value).send(@method, *@step_args.call(-infinity_value, -1), &@prc)
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == []
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when step is a String" do
+ error = nil
+ ruby_version_is ""..."2.4" do
+ error = ArgumentError
+ end
+ ruby_version_is "2.4"..."2.5" do
+ error = TypeError
+ end
+ ruby_version_is "2.5" do
+ error = ArgumentError
+ end
+ describe "with self and stop as Fixnums" do
+ it "raises an #{error} when step is a numeric representation" do
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "1")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "0.1")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "1/3")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ it "raises an #{error} with step as an alphanumeric string" do
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "foo")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with self and stop as Floats" do
+ it "raises an #{error} when step is a numeric representation" do
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "1")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "0.1")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "1/3")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ it "raises an #{error} with step as an alphanumeric string" do
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "foo")) {} }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "does not rescue ArgumentError exceptions" do
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(2)) { raise ArgumentError, "" }}.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "does not rescue TypeError exceptions" do
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(2)) { raise TypeError, "" } }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ describe "when no block is given" do
+ it "returns an Enumerator when step is 0" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(2, 0)).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ it "returns an Enumerator when not passed a block and self > stop" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(0, 2)).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ it "returns an Enumerator when not passed a block and self < stop" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(2, 3)).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ it "returns an Enumerator that uses the given step" do
+ 0.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, 2)).to_a.should eql [0, 2, 4]
+ end
+ describe "when step is a String" do
+ describe "with self and stop as Fixnums" do
+ it "returns an Enumerator" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "foo")).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with self and stop as Floats" do
+ it "returns an Enumerator" do
+ 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "foo")).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "returned Enumerator" do
+ describe "size" do
+ describe "when step is a String" do
+ error = nil
+ ruby_version_is ""..."2.4" do
+ error = ArgumentError
+ end
+ ruby_version_is "2.4"..."2.5" do
+ error = TypeError
+ end
+ ruby_version_is "2.5" do
+ error = ArgumentError
+ end
+ describe "with self and stop as Fixnums" do
+ it "raises an #{error} when step is a numeric representation" do
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "1")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "0.1")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "1/3")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ it "raises an #{error} with step as an alphanumeric string" do
+ lambda { 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, "foo")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with self and stop as Floats" do
+ it "raises an #{error} when step is a numeric representation" do
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "1")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "0.1")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "1/3")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ it "raises an #{error} with step as an alphanumeric string" do
+ lambda { 1.1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.1, "foo")).size }.should raise_error(error)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when self, stop and step are Fixnums and step is positive" do
+ it "returns the difference between self and stop divided by the number of steps" do
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 11)).size.should == 1
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 6)).size.should == 1
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 5)).size.should == 2
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 4)).size.should == 2
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 2)).size.should == 3
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 1)).size.should == 6
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10)).size.should == 6
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 1)).size.should == 1
+ end
+ it "returns 0 if value > limit" do
+ 11.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 1)).size.should == 0
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when self, stop and step are Fixnums and step is negative" do
+ it "returns the difference between self and stop divided by the number of steps" do
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -11)).size.should == 1
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -6)).size.should == 1
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -5)).size.should == 2
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -4)).size.should == 2
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -2)).size.should == 3
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -1)).size.should == 6
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, -1)).size.should == 1
+ end
+ it "returns 0 if value < limit" do
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(11, -1)).size.should == 0
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when self, stop or step is a Float" do
+ describe "and step is positive" do
+ it "returns the difference between self and stop divided by the number of steps" do
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 11.0)).size.should == 1
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 6.0)).size.should == 1
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 5.0)).size.should == 2
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 4.0)).size.should == 2
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 2.0)).size.should == 3
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 0.5)).size.should == 11
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 1.0)).size.should == 6
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10.5)).size.should == 6
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 1.0)).size.should == 1
+ end
+ it "returns 0 if value > limit" do
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5.5)).size.should == 0
+ 11.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 1.0)).size.should == 0
+ 11.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, 1.5)).size.should == 0
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, infinity_value)).size.should == 0
+ end
+ it "returns 1 if step is infinity_value" do
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, infinity_value)).size.should == 1
+ end
+ end
+ describe "and step is negative" do
+ it "returns the difference between self and stop divided by the number of steps" do
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -11.0)).size.should == 1
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -6.0)).size.should == 1
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -5.0)).size.should == 2
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -4.0)).size.should == 2
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -2.0)).size.should == 3
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -0.5)).size.should == 11
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -1.0)).size.should == 6
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, -1.0)).size.should == 1
+ end
+ it "returns 0 if value < limit" do
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(11, -1.0)).size.should == 0
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(11, -1.5)).size.should == 0
+ 5.send(@method, *@step_args.call(10, -infinity_value)).size.should == 0
+ end
+ it "returns 1 if step is infinity_value" do
+ 10.send(@method, *@step_args.call(5, -infinity_value)).size.should == 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when stop is not passed" do
+ it "returns infinity_value" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call()).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when stop is nil" do
+ it "returns infinity_value" do
+ 1.send(@method, *@step_args.call(nil, 5)).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/singleton_method_added_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/singleton_method_added_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a650d286f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/singleton_method_added_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#singleton_method_added" do
+ before :all do
+ class ::NumericSpecs::Subclass
+ # We want restore default Numeric behaviour for this particular test
+ remove_method :singleton_method_added
+ end
+ end
+ after :all do
+ class ::NumericSpecs::Subclass
+ # Allow mocking methods again
+ def singleton_method_added(val)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError when trying to define a singleton method on a Numeric" do
+ lambda do
+ a = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ def a.test; end
+ end.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ lambda do
+ a = 1
+ def a.test; end
+ end.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ lambda do
+ a = 1.5
+ def a.test; end
+ end.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ lambda do
+ a = bignum_value
+ def a.test; end
+ end.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/step_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/step_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..256c150d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/step_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../shared/step', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#step" do
+ describe 'with positional args' do
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when step is 0" do
+ lambda { 1.step(5, 0) {} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when step is 0.0" do
+ lambda { 1.step(2, 0.0) {} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ before :all do
+ # This lambda definition limits to return the arguments it receives.
+ # It's needed to test numeric_step behaviour with positional arguments.
+ @step_args = ->(*args) { args }
+ end
+ it_behaves_like :numeric_step, :step
+ describe "when no block is given" do
+ it "returns an Enumerator when step is 0" do
+ 1.step(5, 0).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ it "returns an Enumerator when step is 0.0" do
+ 1.step(2, 0.0).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ describe "returned Enumerator" do
+ describe "size" do
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when step is 0" do
+ enum = 1.step(5, 0)
+ lambda { enum.size }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when step is 0.0" do
+ enum = 1.step(2, 0.0)
+ lambda { enum.size }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with keyword arguments' do
+ it "doesn't raise an error when step is 0" do
+ lambda { 1.step(to: 5, by: 0) { break } }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "doesn't raise an error when step is 0.0" do
+ lambda { 1.step(to: 2, by: 0.0) { break } }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should loop over self when step is 0 or 0.0" do
+ 1.step(to: 2, by: 0.0).take(5).should eql [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ 1.step(to: 2, by: 0).take(5).should eql [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+ 1.1.step(to: 2, by: 0).take(5).should eql [1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1]
+ end
+ describe "when no block is given" do
+ describe "returned Enumerator" do
+ describe "size" do
+ it "should return infinity_value when limit is nil" do
+ 1.step(by: 42).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ it "should return infinity_value when step is 0" do
+ 1.step(to: 5, by: 0).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ it "should return infinity_value when step is 0.0" do
+ 1.step(to: 2, by: 0.0).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ it "should return infinity_value when ascending towards a limit of Float::INFINITY" do
+ 1.step(to: Float::INFINITY, by: 42).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ it "should return infinity_value when decending towards a limit of -Float::INFINITY" do
+ 1.step(to: -Float::INFINITY, by: -42).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ it "should return 1 when the both limit and step are Float::INFINITY" do
+ 1.step(to: Float::INFINITY, by: Float::INFINITY).size.should == 1
+ end
+ it "should return 1 when the both limit and step are -Float::INFINITY" do
+ 1.step(to: -Float::INFINITY, by: -Float::INFINITY).size.should == 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ before :all do
+ # This lambda transforms a positional step method args into
+ # keyword arguments.
+ # It's needed to test numeric_step behaviour with keyword arguments.
+ @step_args = ->(*args) do
+ kw_args = {to: args[0]}
+ kw_args[:by] = args[1] if args.size == 2
+ [kw_args]
+ end
+ end
+ it_behaves_like :numeric_step, :step
+ end
+ describe 'with mixed arguments' do
+ it "doesn't raise an error when step is 0" do
+ lambda { 1.step(5, by: 0) { break } }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "doesn't raise an error when step is 0.0" do
+ lambda { 1.step(2, by: 0.0) { break } }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "raises a ArgumentError when limit and to are defined" do
+ lambda { 1.step(5, 1, to: 5) { break } }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises a ArgumentError when step and by are defined" do
+ lambda { 1.step(5, 1, by: 5) { break } }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "should loop over self when step is 0 or 0.0" do
+ 1.step(2, by: 0.0).take(5).should eql [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ 1.step(2, by: 0).take(5).should eql [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+ 1.1.step(2, by: 0).take(5).should eql [1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1]
+ end
+ describe "when no block is given" do
+ describe "returned Enumerator" do
+ describe "size" do
+ it "should return infinity_value when step is 0" do
+ 1.step(5, by: 0).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ it "should return infinity_value when step is 0.0" do
+ 1.step(2, by: 0.0).size.should == infinity_value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ before :all do
+ # This lambda definition transforms a positional step method args into
+ # a mix of positional and keyword arguments.
+ # It's needed to test numeric_step behaviour with positional mixed with
+ # keyword arguments.
+ @step_args = ->(*args) do
+ if args.size == 2
+ [args[0], {by: args[1]}]
+ else
+ args
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it_behaves_like :numeric_step, :step
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/to_c_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/to_c_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38452231b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/to_c_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#to_c" do
+ before :all do
+ @numbers = [
+ 0,
+ 29871,
+ 99999999999999**99,
+ -72628191273,
+ Rational(2,3),
+ Rational(1.898),
+ Rational(-238),
+ 29282.2827,
+ -2927.00091,
+ 0.0,
+ 12.0,
+ Float::MAX,
+ infinity_value,
+ nan_value
+ ]
+ end
+ it "returns a Complex object" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ number.to_c.should be_an_instance_of(Complex)
+ end
+ end
+ it "uses self as the real component" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ real = number.to_c.real
+ if Float === number and number.nan?
+ real.nan?.should be_true
+ else
+ real.should == number
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "uses 0 as the imaginary component" do
+ @numbers.each do |number|
+ number.to_c.imag.should == 0
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/to_int_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/to_int_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f1df3e042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/to_int_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#to_int" do
+ it "returns self#to_i" do
+ obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ obj.should_receive(:to_i).and_return(:result)
+ obj.to_int.should == :result
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/truncate_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/truncate_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1a2d4de64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/truncate_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#truncate" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "converts self to a Float (using #to_f) and returns the #truncate'd result" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(2.5555, -2.3333)
+ @obj.truncate.should == 2
+ @obj.truncate.should == -2
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/uminus_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/uminus_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7385f5f599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/uminus_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#-@" do
+ it "returns the same value with opposite sign (integers)" do
+ 0.send(:-@).should == 0
+ 100.send(:-@).should == -100
+ -100.send(:-@).should == 100
+ end
+ it "returns the same value with opposite sign (floats)" do
+ 34.56.send(:-@).should == -34.56
+ -34.56.send(:-@).should == 34.56
+ end
+ it "returns the same value with opposite sign (two complement)" do
+ 2147483648.send(:-@).should == -2147483648
+ -2147483648.send(:-@).should == 2147483648
+ 9223372036854775808.send(:-@).should == -9223372036854775808
+ -9223372036854775808.send(:-@).should == 9223372036854775808
+ end
+ describe "with a Numeric subclass" do
+ it "calls #coerce(0) on self, then subtracts the second element of the result from the first" do
+ ten = mock_numeric('10')
+ zero = mock_numeric('0')
+ ten.should_receive(:coerce).with(0).and_return([zero, ten])
+ zero.should_receive(:-).with(ten).and_return(-10)
+ ten.send(:-@).should == -10
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/uplus_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/uplus_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..557142295a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/uplus_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#+@" do
+ it "returns self" do
+ obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ obj.send(:+@).should == obj
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/numeric/zero_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/zero_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d46e8807ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/numeric/zero_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
+describe "Numeric#zero?" do
+ before :each do
+ @obj = NumericSpecs::Subclass.new
+ end
+ it "returns true if self is 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:==).with(0).and_return(true)
+ @obj.zero?.should == true
+ end
+ it "returns false if self is not 0" do
+ @obj.should_receive(:==).with(0).and_return(false)
+ @obj.zero?.should == false
+ end