path: root/spec/ruby/core/random/rand_spec.rb
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diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/random/rand_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/core/random/rand_spec.rb
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index 0000000000..e0cb133abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/random/rand_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+describe "Random.rand" do
+ it "returns a Float if no max argument is passed" do
+ Random.rand.should be_kind_of(Float)
+ end
+ it "returns a Float >= 0 if no max argument is passed" do
+ floats = 200.times.map { Random.rand }
+ floats.min.should >= 0
+ end
+ it "returns a Float < 1 if no max argument is passed" do
+ floats = 200.times.map { Random.rand }
+ floats.max.should < 1
+ end
+ it "returns the same sequence for a given seed if no max argument is passed" do
+ Random.srand 33
+ floats_a = 20.times.map { Random.rand }
+ Random.srand 33
+ floats_b = 20.times.map { Random.rand }
+ floats_a.should == floats_b
+ end
+ it "returns an Integer if an Integer argument is passed" do
+ Random.rand(20).should be_kind_of(Integer)
+ end
+ it "returns an Integer >= 0 if an Integer argument is passed" do
+ ints = 200.times.map { Random.rand(34) }
+ ints.min.should >= 0
+ end
+ it "returns an Integer < the max argument if an Integer argument is passed" do
+ ints = 200.times.map { Random.rand(55) }
+ ints.max.should < 55
+ end
+ it "returns the same sequence for a given seed if an Integer argument is passed" do
+ Random.srand 33
+ floats_a = 20.times.map { Random.rand(90) }
+ Random.srand 33
+ floats_b = 20.times.map { Random.rand(90) }
+ floats_a.should == floats_b
+ end
+ it "coerces arguments to Integers with #to_int" do
+ obj = mock_numeric('int')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(99)
+ Random.rand(obj).should be_kind_of(Integer)
+ end
+describe "Random#rand with Fixnum" do
+ it "returns an Integer" do
+ Random.new.rand(20).should be_an_instance_of(Fixnum)
+ end
+ it "returns a Fixnum greater than or equal to 0" do
+ prng = Random.new
+ ints = 20.times.map { prng.rand(5) }
+ ints.min.should >= 0
+ end
+ it "returns a Fixnum less than the argument" do
+ prng = Random.new
+ ints = 20.times.map { prng.rand(5) }
+ ints.max.should <= 4
+ end
+ it "returns the same sequence for a given seed" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ a = 20.times.map { prng.rand(90) }
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ b = 20.times.map { prng.rand(90) }
+ a.should == b
+ end
+ it "eventually returns all possible values" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ 100.times.map{ prng.rand(10) }.uniq.sort.should == (0...10).to_a
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when the argument is 0" do
+ lambda do
+ Random.new.rand(0)
+ end.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when the argument is negative" do
+ lambda do
+ Random.new.rand(-12)
+ end.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+describe "Random#rand with Bignum" do
+ it "typically returns a Bignum" do
+ rnd = Random.new(1)
+ 10.times.map{ rnd.rand(bignum_value*2) }.max.should be_an_instance_of(Bignum)
+ end
+ it "returns a Bignum greater than or equal to 0" do
+ prng = Random.new
+ bigs = 20.times.map { prng.rand(bignum_value) }
+ bigs.min.should >= 0
+ end
+ it "returns a Bignum less than the argument" do
+ prng = Random.new
+ bigs = 20.times.map { prng.rand(bignum_value) }
+ bigs.max.should < bignum_value
+ end
+ it "returns the same sequence for a given seed" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ a = 20.times.map { prng.rand(bignum_value) }
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ b = 20.times.map { prng.rand(bignum_value) }
+ a.should == b
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when the argument is negative" do
+ lambda do
+ Random.new.rand(-bignum_value)
+ end.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+describe "Random#rand with Float" do
+ it "returns a Float" do
+ Random.new.rand(20.43).should be_an_instance_of(Float)
+ end
+ it "returns a Float greater than or equal to 0.0" do
+ prng = Random.new
+ floats = 20.times.map { prng.rand(5.2) }
+ floats.min.should >= 0.0
+ end
+ it "returns a Float less than the argument" do
+ prng = Random.new
+ floats = 20.times.map { prng.rand(4.30) }
+ floats.max.should < 4.30
+ end
+ it "returns the same sequence for a given seed" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ a = 20.times.map { prng.rand(89.2928) }
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ b = 20.times.map { prng.rand(89.2928) }
+ a.should == b
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when the argument is negative" do
+ lambda do
+ Random.new.rand(-1.234567)
+ end.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+describe "Random#rand with Range" do
+ it "returns an element from the Range" do
+ Random.new.rand(20..43).should be_an_instance_of(Fixnum)
+ end
+ it "returns an object that is a member of the Range" do
+ prng = Random.new
+ r = 20..30
+ 20.times { r.member?(prng.rand(r)).should be_true }
+ end
+ it "works with inclusive ranges" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ r = 3..5
+ 40.times.map { prng.rand(r) }.uniq.sort.should == [3,4,5]
+ end
+ it "works with exclusive ranges" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ r = 3...5
+ 20.times.map { prng.rand(r) }.uniq.sort.should == [3,4]
+ end
+ it "returns the same sequence for a given seed" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ a = 20.times.map { prng.rand(76890.028..800000.00) }
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ b = 20.times.map { prng.rand(76890.028..800000.00) }
+ a.should == b
+ end
+ it "eventually returns all possible values" do
+ prng = Random.new 33
+ 100.times.map{ prng.rand(10..20) }.uniq.sort.should == (10..20).to_a
+ 100.times.map{ prng.rand(10...20) }.uniq.sort.should == (10...20).to_a
+ end
+ it "considers Integers as Floats if one end point is a float" do
+ Random.new(42).rand(0.0..1).should be_kind_of(Float)
+ Random.new(42).rand(0..1.0).should be_kind_of(Float)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when the startpoint lacks #+ and #- methods" do
+ lambda do
+ Random.new.rand(Object.new..67)
+ end.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when the endpoint lacks #+ and #- methods" do
+ lambda do
+ Random.new.rand(68..Object.new)
+ end.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end