path: root/spec/ruby/language/super_spec.rb
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1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ruby/language/super_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/language/super_spec.rb
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index 0000000000..fb7e089fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/language/super_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/super', __FILE__)
+describe "The super keyword" do
+ it "calls the method on the calling class" do
+ Super::S1::A.new.foo([]).should == ["A#foo","A#bar"]
+ Super::S1::A.new.bar([]).should == ["A#bar"]
+ Super::S1::B.new.foo([]).should == ["B#foo","A#foo","B#bar","A#bar"]
+ Super::S1::B.new.bar([]).should == ["B#bar","A#bar"]
+ end
+ it "searches the full inheritence chain" do
+ Super::S2::B.new.foo([]).should == ["B#foo","A#baz"]
+ Super::S2::B.new.baz([]).should == ["A#baz"]
+ Super::S2::C.new.foo([]).should == ["B#foo","C#baz","A#baz"]
+ Super::S2::C.new.baz([]).should == ["C#baz","A#baz"]
+ end
+ it "searches class methods" do
+ Super::S3::A.new.foo([]).should == ["A#foo"]
+ Super::S3::A.foo([]).should == ["A.foo"]
+ Super::S3::A.bar([]).should == ["A.bar","A.foo"]
+ Super::S3::B.new.foo([]).should == ["A#foo"]
+ Super::S3::B.foo([]).should == ["B.foo","A.foo"]
+ Super::S3::B.bar([]).should == ["B.bar","A.bar","B.foo","A.foo"]
+ end
+ it "calls the method on the calling class including modules" do
+ Super::MS1::A.new.foo([]).should == ["ModA#foo","ModA#bar"]
+ Super::MS1::A.new.bar([]).should == ["ModA#bar"]
+ Super::MS1::B.new.foo([]).should == ["B#foo","ModA#foo","ModB#bar","ModA#bar"]
+ Super::MS1::B.new.bar([]).should == ["ModB#bar","ModA#bar"]
+ end
+ it "searches the full inheritence chain including modules" do
+ Super::MS2::B.new.foo([]).should == ["ModB#foo","A#baz"]
+ Super::MS2::B.new.baz([]).should == ["A#baz"]
+ Super::MS2::C.new.baz([]).should == ["C#baz","A#baz"]
+ Super::MS2::C.new.foo([]).should == ["ModB#foo","C#baz","A#baz"]
+ end
+ it "can resolve to different methods in an included module method" do
+ Super::MultiSuperTargets::A.new.foo.should == :BaseA
+ Super::MultiSuperTargets::B.new.foo.should == :BaseB
+ end
+ it "searches class methods including modules" do
+ Super::MS3::A.new.foo([]).should == ["A#foo"]
+ Super::MS3::A.foo([]).should == ["ModA#foo"]
+ Super::MS3::A.bar([]).should == ["ModA#bar","ModA#foo"]
+ Super::MS3::B.new.foo([]).should == ["A#foo"]
+ Super::MS3::B.foo([]).should == ["B.foo","ModA#foo"]
+ Super::MS3::B.bar([]).should == ["B.bar","ModA#bar","B.foo","ModA#foo"]
+ end
+ it "searches BasicObject from a module for methods defined there" do
+ Super::IncludesFromBasic.new.__send__(:foobar).should == 43
+ end
+ it "searches BasicObject through another module for methods defined there" do
+ Super::IncludesIntermediate.new.__send__(:foobar).should == 42
+ end
+ it "calls the correct method when the method visibility is modified" do
+ Super::MS4::A.new.example.should == 5
+ end
+ it "calls the correct method when the superclass argument list is different from the subclass" do
+ Super::S4::A.new.foo([]).should == ["A#foo"]
+ Super::S4::B.new.foo([],"test").should == ["B#foo(a,test)", "A#foo"]
+ end
+ it "raises an error error when super method does not exist" do
+ sup = Class.new
+ sub_normal = Class.new(sup) do
+ def foo
+ super()
+ end
+ end
+ sub_zsuper = Class.new(sup) do
+ def foo
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ lambda {sub_normal.new.foo}.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /super/)
+ lambda {sub_zsuper.new.foo}.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /super/)
+ end
+ it "uses given block even if arguments are passed explicitly" do
+ c1 = Class.new do
+ def m
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ c2 = Class.new(c1) do
+ def m(v)
+ super()
+ end
+ end
+ c2.new.m(:dump) { :value }.should == :value
+ end
+ it "calls the superclass method when in a block" do
+ Super::S6.new.here.should == :good
+ end
+ it "calls the superclass method when initial method is defined_method'd" do
+ Super::S7.new.here.should == :good
+ end
+ it "can call through a define_method multiple times (caching check)" do
+ obj = Super::S7.new
+ 2.times do
+ obj.here.should == :good
+ end
+ end
+ it "supers up appropriate name even if used for multiple method names" do
+ sup = Class.new do
+ def a; "a"; end
+ def b; "b"; end
+ end
+ sub = Class.new(sup) do
+ [:a, :b].each do |name|
+ define_method name do
+ super()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sub.new.a.should == "a"
+ sub.new.b.should == "b"
+ sub.new.a.should == "a"
+ end
+ it "raises a RuntimeError when called with implicit arguments from a method defined with define_method" do
+ super_class = Class.new do
+ def a(arg)
+ arg
+ end
+ end
+ klass = Class.new super_class do
+ define_method :a do |arg|
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ lambda { klass.new.a(:a_called) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError)
+ end
+ # Rubinius ticket github#157
+ it "calls method_missing when a superclass method is not found" do
+ Super::MM_B.new.is_a?(Hash).should == false
+ end
+ # Rubinius ticket github#180
+ it "respects the original module a method is aliased from" do
+ Super::Alias3.new.name3.should == [:alias2, :alias1]
+ end
+ it "sees the included version of a module a method is alias from" do
+ Super::AliasWithSuper::Trigger.foo.should == [:b, :a]
+ end
+ it "find super from a singleton class" do
+ obj = Super::SingletonCase::Foo.new
+ def obj.foobar(array)
+ array << :singleton
+ super
+ end
+ obj.foobar([]).should == [:singleton, :foo, :base]
+ end
+ it "finds super on other objects if a singleton class aliased the method" do
+ orig_obj = Super::SingletonAliasCase::Foo.new
+ orig_obj.alias_on_singleton
+ orig_obj.new_foobar([]).should == [:foo, :base]
+ Super::SingletonAliasCase::Foo.new.foobar([]).should == [:foo, :base]
+ end
+ it "passes along modified rest args when they weren't originally empty" do
+ Super::RestArgsWithSuper::B.new.a("bar").should == ["bar", "foo"]
+ end
+ it "passes along modified rest args when they were originally empty" do
+ Super::RestArgsWithSuper::B.new.a.should == ["foo"]
+ end
+ it "invokes methods from a chain of anonymous modules" do
+ Super::AnonymousModuleIncludedTwice.new.a([]).should == ["anon", "anon", "non-anon"]
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments can accept a block but still pass the original arguments" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithBlock::B.new.a.should == 14
+ end
+ it "passes along block via reference to method expecting a reference" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithBlock::B.new.b.should == [14, 15]
+ end
+ it "passes along a block via reference to a method that yields" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithBlock::B.new.c.should == 16
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes optional arguments that have a default value" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithOptional::B.new.m(1, 2).should == 14
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes optional arguments that have a non-default value" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithOptional::B.new.m(1, 2, 3).should == 3
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes optional arguments that have a default value but were modified" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithOptional::C.new.m(1, 2).should == 100
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes optional arguments that have a non-default value but were modified" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithOptional::C.new.m(1, 2, 3).should == 100
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes rest arguments" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithRest::B.new.m(1, 2, 3).should == [1, 2, 3]
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes rest arguments including any modifications" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithRest::B.new.m_modified(1, 2, 3).should == [1, 14, 3]
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes arguments and rest arguments" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithRestAndOthers::B.new.m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).should == [3, 4, 5]
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments passes arguments and rest arguments including any modifications" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithRestAndOthers::B.new.m_modified(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).should == [3, 14, 5]
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments that are '_'" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithUnderscores::B.new.m(1, 2).should == [1, 2]
+ end
+ it "without explicit arguments that are '_' including any modifications" do
+ Super::ZSuperWithUnderscores::B.new.m_modified(1, 2).should == [14, 2]
+ end
+ describe 'when using keyword arguments' do
+ it 'passes any given keyword arguments to the parent' do
+ b = Super::KeywordArguments::B.new
+ b.foo(:number => 10).should == {:number => 10}
+ end
+ it "passes any given keyword arguments including optional and required ones to the parent" do
+ class Super::KeywordArguments::C
+ eval <<-RUBY
+ def foo(a:, b: 'b', **)
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ c = Super::KeywordArguments::C.new
+ c.foo(a: 'a', c: 'c').should == {a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c'}
+ end
+ it 'does not pass any keyword arguments to the parent when none are given' do
+ b = Super::KeywordArguments::B.new
+ b.foo.should == {}
+ end
+ describe 'when using splat arguments' do
+ it 'passes splat arguments and keyword arguments to the parent' do
+ b = Super::SplatAndKeyword::B.new
+ b.foo('bar', baz: true).should == [['bar'], {baz: true}]
+ end
+ end
+ end