path: root/spec/rubyspec/core/string/modulo_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/rubyspec/core/string/modulo_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/rubyspec/core/string/modulo_spec.rb b/spec/rubyspec/core/string/modulo_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..249b15bf1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rubyspec/core/string/modulo_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes.rb', __FILE__)
+describe "String#%" do
+ it "formats multiple expressions" do
+ ("%b %x %d %s" % [10, 10, 10, 10]).should == "1010 a 10 10"
+ end
+ it "formats expressions mid string" do
+ ("hello %s!" % "world").should == "hello world!"
+ end
+ it "formats %% into %" do
+ ("%d%% %s" % [10, "of chickens!"]).should == "10% of chickens!"
+ end
+ it "formats single % character at the end as literal %" do
+ ("%" % []).should == "%"
+ ("foo%" % []).should == "foo%"
+ end
+ it "formats single % character before a newline as literal %" do
+ ("%\n" % []).should == "%\n"
+ ("foo%\n" % []).should == "foo%\n"
+ ("%\n.3f" % 1.2).should == "%\n.3f"
+ end
+ it "formats single % character before a NUL as literal %" do
+ ("%\0" % []).should == "%\0"
+ ("foo%\0" % []).should == "foo%\0"
+ ("%\0.3f" % 1.2).should == "%\0.3f"
+ end
+ it "raises an error if single % appears anywhere else" do
+ lambda { (" % " % []) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { ("foo%quux" % []) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an error if NULL or \\n appear anywhere else in the format string" do
+ begin
+ old_debug, $DEBUG = $DEBUG, false
+ lambda { "%.\n3f" % 1.2 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%.3\nf" % 1.2 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%.\03f" % 1.2 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%.3\0f" % 1.2 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ ensure
+ $DEBUG = old_debug
+ end
+ end
+ it "ignores unused arguments when $DEBUG is false" do
+ begin
+ old_debug = $DEBUG
+ $DEBUG = false
+ ("" % [1, 2, 3]).should == ""
+ ("%s" % [1, 2, 3]).should == "1"
+ ensure
+ $DEBUG = old_debug
+ end
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError for unused arguments when $DEBUG is true" do
+ begin
+ old_debug = $DEBUG
+ $DEBUG = true
+ s = $stderr
+ $stderr = IOStub.new
+ lambda { "" % [1, 2, 3] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%s" % [1, 2, 3] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ ensure
+ $DEBUG = old_debug
+ $stderr = s
+ end
+ end
+ it "always allows unused arguments when positional argument style is used" do
+ begin
+ old_debug = $DEBUG
+ $DEBUG = false
+ ("%2$s" % [1, 2, 3]).should == "2"
+ $DEBUG = true
+ ("%2$s" % [1, 2, 3]).should == "2"
+ ensure
+ $DEBUG = old_debug
+ end
+ end
+ it "replaces trailing absolute argument specifier without type with percent sign" do
+ ("hello %1$" % "foo").should == "hello %"
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when given invalid argument specifiers" do
+ lambda { "%1" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%+" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%-" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%#" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%0" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%*" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%." % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%_" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%0$s" % "x" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%*0$s" % [5, "x"] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%*1$.*0$1$s" % [1, 2, 3] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when multiple positional argument tokens are given for one format specifier" do
+ lambda { "%1$1$s" % "foo" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "respects positional arguments and precision tokens given for one format specifier" do
+ ("%2$1d" % [1, 0]).should == "0"
+ ("%2$1d" % [0, 1]).should == "1"
+ ("%2$.2f" % [1, 0]).should == "0.00"
+ ("%2$.2f" % [0, 1]).should == "1.00"
+ end
+ it "allows more than one digit of position" do
+ ("%50$d" % (0..100).to_a).should == "49"
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when multiple width star tokens are given for one format specifier" do
+ lambda { "%**s" % [5, 5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when a width star token is seen after a width token" do
+ lambda { "%5*s" % [5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when multiple precision tokens are given" do
+ lambda { "%.5.5s" % 5 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%.5.*s" % [5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%.*.5s" % [5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when there are less arguments than format specifiers" do
+ ("foo" % []).should == "foo"
+ lambda { "%s" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%s %s" % [1] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when absolute and relative argument numbers are mixed" do
+ lambda { "%s %1$s" % "foo" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%1$s %s" % "foo" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%s %2$s" % ["foo", "bar"] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%2$s %s" % ["foo", "bar"] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%*2$s" % [5, 5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%*.*2$s" % [5, 5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%*2$.*2$s" % [5, 5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { "%*.*2$s" % [5, 5, 5] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "allows reuse of the one argument multiple via absolute argument numbers" do
+ ("%1$s %1$s" % "foo").should == "foo foo"
+ ("%1$s %2$s %1$s %2$s" % ["foo", "bar"]).should == "foo bar foo bar"
+ end
+ it "always interprets an array argument as a list of argument parameters" do
+ lambda { "%p" % [] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ ("%p" % [1]).should == "1"
+ ("%p %p" % [1, 2]).should == "1 2"
+ end
+ it "always interprets an array subclass argument as a list of argument parameters" do
+ lambda { "%p" % StringSpecs::MyArray[] }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ ("%p" % StringSpecs::MyArray[1]).should == "1"
+ ("%p %p" % StringSpecs::MyArray[1, 2]).should == "1 2"
+ end
+ it "allows positional arguments for width star and precision star arguments" do
+ ("%*1$.*2$3$d" % [10, 5, 1]).should == " 00001"
+ end
+ it "allows negative width to imply '-' flag" do
+ ("%*1$.*2$3$d" % [-10, 5, 1]).should == "00001 "
+ ("%-*1$.*2$3$d" % [10, 5, 1]).should == "00001 "
+ ("%-*1$.*2$3$d" % [-10, 5, 1]).should == "00001 "
+ end
+ it "ignores negative precision" do
+ ("%*1$.*2$3$d" % [10, -5, 1]).should == " 1"
+ end
+ it "allows a star to take an argument number to use as the width" do
+ ("%1$*2$s" % ["a", 8]).should == " a"
+ ("%1$*10$s" % ["a",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8]).should == " a"
+ end
+ it "calls to_int on width star and precision star tokens" do
+ w = mock('10')
+ w.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(10)
+ p = mock('5')
+ p.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(5)
+ ("%*.*f" % [w, p, 1]).should == " 1.00000"
+ w = mock('10')
+ w.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(10)
+ p = mock('5')
+ p.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(5)
+ ("%*.*d" % [w, p, 1]).should == " 00001"
+ end
+ it "does not call #to_a to convert the argument" do
+ x = mock("string modulo to_a")
+ x.should_not_receive(:to_a)
+ x.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("x")
+ ("%s" % x).should == "x"
+ end
+ it "calls #to_ary to convert the argument" do
+ x = mock("string modulo to_ary")
+ x.should_not_receive(:to_s)
+ x.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return(["x"])
+ ("%s" % x).should == "x"
+ end
+ it "wraps the object in an Array if #to_ary returns nil" do
+ x = mock("string modulo to_ary")
+ x.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return(nil)
+ x.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("x")
+ ("%s" % x).should == "x"
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError if #to_ary does not return an Array" do
+ x = mock("string modulo to_ary")
+ x.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return("x")
+ lambda { "%s" % x }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "tries to convert the argument to Array by calling #to_ary" do
+ obj = mock('[1,2]')
+ def obj.to_ary() [1, 2] end
+ def obj.to_s() "obj" end
+ ("%s %s" % obj).should == "1 2"
+ ("%s" % obj).should == "1"
+ end
+ it "doesn't return subclass instances when called on a subclass" do
+ universal = mock('0')
+ def universal.to_int() 0 end
+ def universal.to_str() "0" end
+ def universal.to_f() 0.0 end
+ [
+ "", "foo",
+ "%b", "%B", "%c", "%d", "%e", "%E",
+ "%f", "%g", "%G", "%i", "%o", "%p",
+ "%s", "%u", "%x", "%X"
+ ].each do |format|
+ (StringSpecs::MyString.new(format) % universal).should be_an_instance_of(String)
+ end
+ end
+ it "always taints the result when the format string is tainted" do
+ universal = mock('0')
+ def universal.to_int() 0 end
+ def universal.to_str() "0" end
+ def universal.to_f() 0.0 end
+ [
+ "", "foo",
+ "%b", "%B", "%c", "%d", "%e", "%E",
+ "%f", "%g", "%G", "%i", "%o", "%p",
+ "%s", "%u", "%x", "%X"
+ ].each do |format|
+ subcls_format = StringSpecs::MyString.new(format)
+ subcls_format.taint
+ format.taint
+ (format % universal).tainted?.should == true
+ (subcls_format % universal).tainted?.should == true
+ end
+ end
+ it "supports binary formats using %b for positive numbers" do
+ ("%b" % 10).should == "1010"
+ ("% b" % 10).should == " 1010"
+ ("%1$b" % [10, 20]).should == "1010"
+ ("%#b" % 10).should == "0b1010"
+ ("%+b" % 10).should == "+1010"
+ ("%-9b" % 10).should == "1010 "
+ ("%05b" % 10).should == "01010"
+ ("%*b" % [10, 6]).should == " 110"
+ ("%*b" % [-10, 6]).should == "110 "
+ ("%.4b" % 2).should == "0010"
+ ("%.32b" % 2147483648).should == "10000000000000000000000000000000"
+ end
+ it "supports binary formats using %b for negative numbers" do
+ ("%b" % -5).should == "..1011"
+ ("%0b" % -5).should == "..1011"
+ ("%.1b" % -5).should == "..1011"
+ ("%.7b" % -5).should == "..11011"
+ ("%.10b" % -5).should == "..11111011"
+ ("% b" % -5).should == "-101"
+ ("%+b" % -5).should == "-101"
+ not_supported_on :opal do
+ ("%b" % -(2 ** 64 + 5)).should ==
+ "..101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011"
+ end
+ end
+ it "supports binary formats using %B with same behaviour as %b except for using 0B instead of 0b for #" do
+ ("%B" % 10).should == ("%b" % 10)
+ ("% B" % 10).should == ("% b" % 10)
+ ("%1$B" % [10, 20]).should == ("%1$b" % [10, 20])
+ ("%+B" % 10).should == ("%+b" % 10)
+ ("%-9B" % 10).should == ("%-9b" % 10)
+ ("%05B" % 10).should == ("%05b" % 10)
+ ("%*B" % [10, 6]).should == ("%*b" % [10, 6])
+ ("%*B" % [-10, 6]).should == ("%*b" % [-10, 6])
+ ("%B" % -5).should == ("%b" % -5)
+ ("%0B" % -5).should == ("%0b" % -5)
+ ("%.1B" % -5).should == ("%.1b" % -5)
+ ("%.7B" % -5).should == ("%.7b" % -5)
+ ("%.10B" % -5).should == ("%.10b" % -5)
+ ("% B" % -5).should == ("% b" % -5)
+ ("%+B" % -5).should == ("%+b" % -5)
+ not_supported_on :opal do
+ ("%B" % -(2 ** 64 + 5)).should == ("%b" % -(2 ** 64 + 5))
+ end
+ ("%#B" % 10).should == "0B1010"
+ end
+ it "supports character formats using %c" do
+ ("%c" % 10).should == "\n"
+ ("%2$c" % [10, 11, 14]).should == "\v"
+ ("%-4c" % 10).should == "\n "
+ ("%*c" % [10, 3]).should == " \003"
+ ("%c" % 42).should == "*"
+ lambda { "%c" % Object }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "supports single character strings as argument for %c" do
+ ("%c" % 'A').should == "A"
+ end
+ it "raises an exception for multiple character strings as argument for %c" do
+ lambda { "%c" % 'AA' }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "calls to_str on argument for %c formats" do
+ obj = mock('A')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return('A')
+ ("%c" % obj).should == "A"
+ end
+ it "calls #to_ary on argument for %c formats" do
+ obj = mock('65')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return([65])
+ ("%c" % obj).should == ("%c" % [65])
+ end
+ it "calls #to_int on argument for %c formats, if the argument does not respond to #to_ary" do
+ obj = mock('65')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(65)
+ ("%c" % obj).should == ("%c" % 65)
+ end
+ %w(d i).each do |f|
+ format = "%" + f
+ it "supports integer formats using #{format}" do
+ ("%#{f}" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("% #{f}" % 10).should == " 10"
+ ("%1$#{f}" % [10, 20]).should == "10"
+ ("%+#{f}" % 10).should == "+10"
+ ("%-7#{f}" % 10).should == "10 "
+ ("%04#{f}" % 10).should == "0010"
+ ("%*#{f}" % [10, 4]).should == " 4"
+ ("%6.4#{f}" % 123).should == " 0123"
+ end
+ it "supports negative integers using #{format}" do
+ ("%#{f}" % -5).should == "-5"
+ ("%3#{f}" % -5).should == " -5"
+ ("%03#{f}" % -5).should == "-05"
+ ("%+03#{f}" % -5).should == "-05"
+ ("%+.2#{f}" % -5).should == "-05"
+ ("%-3#{f}" % -5).should == "-5 "
+ ("%6.4#{f}" % -123).should == " -0123"
+ end
+ it "supports negative integers using #{format}, giving priority to `-`" do
+ ("%-03#{f}" % -5).should == "-5 "
+ ("%+-03#{f}" % -5).should == "-5 "
+ end
+ end
+ it "supports float formats using %e" do
+ ("%e" % 10).should == "1.000000e+01"
+ ("% e" % 10).should == " 1.000000e+01"
+ ("%1$e" % 10).should == "1.000000e+01"
+ ("%#e" % 10).should == "1.000000e+01"
+ ("%+e" % 10).should == "+1.000000e+01"
+ ("%-7e" % 10).should == "1.000000e+01"
+ ("%05e" % 10).should == "1.000000e+01"
+ ("%*e" % [10, 9]).should == "9.000000e+00"
+ end
+ it "supports float formats using %e, but Inf, -Inf, and NaN are not floats" do
+ ("%e" % 1e1020).should == "Inf"
+ ("%e" % -1e1020).should == "-Inf"
+ ("%e" % -Float::NAN).should == "NaN"
+ ("%e" % Float::NAN).should == "NaN"
+ end
+ it "supports float formats using %E, but Inf, -Inf, and NaN are not floats" do
+ ("%E" % 1e1020).should == "Inf"
+ ("%E" % -1e1020).should == "-Inf"
+ ("%-10E" % 1e1020).should == "Inf "
+ ("%10E" % 1e1020).should == " Inf"
+ ("%+E" % 1e1020).should == "+Inf"
+ ("% E" % 1e1020).should == " Inf"
+ ("%E" % Float::NAN).should == "NaN"
+ ("%E" % -Float::NAN).should == "NaN"
+ end
+ it "supports float formats using %E" do
+ ("%E" % 10).should == "1.000000E+01"
+ ("% E" % 10).should == " 1.000000E+01"
+ ("%1$E" % 10).should == "1.000000E+01"
+ ("%#E" % 10).should == "1.000000E+01"
+ ("%+E" % 10).should == "+1.000000E+01"
+ ("%-7E" % 10).should == "1.000000E+01"
+ ("%05E" % 10).should == "1.000000E+01"
+ ("%*E" % [10, 9]).should == "9.000000E+00"
+ end
+ it "pads with spaces for %E with Inf, -Inf, and NaN" do
+ ("%010E" % -1e1020).should == " -Inf"
+ ("%010E" % 1e1020).should == " Inf"
+ ("%010E" % Float::NAN).should == " NaN"
+ end
+ it "supports float formats using %f" do
+ ("%f" % 10).should == "10.000000"
+ ("% f" % 10).should == " 10.000000"
+ ("%1$f" % 10).should == "10.000000"
+ ("%#f" % 10).should == "10.000000"
+ ("%#0.3f" % 10).should == "10.000"
+ ("%+f" % 10).should == "+10.000000"
+ ("%-7f" % 10).should == "10.000000"
+ ("%05f" % 10).should == "10.000000"
+ ("%0.5f" % 10).should == "10.00000"
+ ("%*f" % [10, 9]).should == " 9.000000"
+ end
+ it "supports float formats using %g" do
+ ("%g" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("% g" % 10).should == " 10"
+ ("%1$g" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("%#g" % 10).should == "10.0000"
+ ("%#.3g" % 10).should == "10.0"
+ ("%+g" % 10).should == "+10"
+ ("%-7g" % 10).should == "10 "
+ ("%05g" % 10).should == "00010"
+ ("%g" % 10**10).should == "1e+10"
+ ("%*g" % [10, 9]).should == " 9"
+ end
+ it "supports float formats using %G" do
+ ("%G" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("% G" % 10).should == " 10"
+ ("%1$G" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("%#G" % 10).should == "10.0000"
+ ("%#.3G" % 10).should == "10.0"
+ ("%+G" % 10).should == "+10"
+ ("%-7G" % 10).should == "10 "
+ ("%05G" % 10).should == "00010"
+ ("%G" % 10**10).should == "1E+10"
+ ("%*G" % [10, 9]).should == " 9"
+ end
+ it "supports octal formats using %o for positive numbers" do
+ ("%o" % 10).should == "12"
+ ("% o" % 10).should == " 12"
+ ("%1$o" % [10, 20]).should == "12"
+ ("%#o" % 10).should == "012"
+ ("%+o" % 10).should == "+12"
+ ("%-9o" % 10).should == "12 "
+ ("%05o" % 10).should == "00012"
+ ("%*o" % [10, 6]).should == " 6"
+ end
+ it "supports octal formats using %o for negative numbers" do
+ # These are incredibly wrong. -05 == -5, not 7177777...whatever
+ ("%o" % -5).should == "..73"
+ ("%0o" % -5).should == "..73"
+ ("%.4o" % 20).should == "0024"
+ ("%.1o" % -5).should == "..73"
+ ("%.7o" % -5).should == "..77773"
+ ("%.10o" % -5).should == "..77777773"
+ ("% o" % -26).should == "-32"
+ ("%+o" % -26).should == "-32"
+ not_supported_on :opal do
+ ("%o" % -(2 ** 64 + 5)).should == "..75777777777777777777773"
+ end
+ end
+ it "supports inspect formats using %p" do
+ ("%p" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("%1$p" % [10, 5]).should == "10"
+ ("%-22p" % 10).should == "10 "
+ ("%*p" % [10, 10]).should == " 10"
+ ("%p" % {capture: 1}).should == "{:capture=>1}"
+ ("%p" % "str").should == "\"str\""
+ end
+ it "calls inspect on arguments for %p format" do
+ obj = mock('obj')
+ def obj.inspect() "obj" end
+ ("%p" % obj).should == "obj"
+ # undef is not working
+ # obj = mock('obj')
+ # class << obj; undef :inspect; end
+ # def obj.method_missing(*args) "obj" end
+ # ("%p" % obj).should == "obj"
+ end
+ it "taints result for %p when argument.inspect is tainted" do
+ obj = mock('x')
+ def obj.inspect() "x".taint end
+ ("%p" % obj).tainted?.should == true
+ obj = mock('x'); obj.taint
+ def obj.inspect() "x" end
+ ("%p" % obj).tainted?.should == false
+ end
+ it "supports string formats using %s" do
+ ("%s" % "hello").should == "hello"
+ ("%s" % "").should == ""
+ ("%s" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("%1$s" % [10, 8]).should == "10"
+ ("%-5s" % 10).should == "10 "
+ ("%*s" % [10, 9]).should == " 9"
+ end
+ it "respects a space padding request not as part of the width" do
+ x = "% -5s" % ["foo"]
+ x.should == "foo "
+ end
+ it "calls to_s on non-String arguments for %s format" do
+ obj = mock('obj')
+ def obj.to_s() "obj" end
+ ("%s" % obj).should == "obj"
+ # undef doesn't work
+ # obj = mock('obj')
+ # class << obj; undef :to_s; end
+ # def obj.method_missing(*args) "obj" end
+ #
+ # ("%s" % obj).should == "obj"
+ end
+ it "taints result for %s when argument is tainted" do
+ ("%s" % "x".taint).tainted?.should == true
+ ("%s" % mock('x').taint).tainted?.should == true
+ end
+ # MRI crashes on this one.
+ # See http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-core-google/t/c285c18cd94c216d
+ it "raises an ArgumentError for huge precisions for %s" do
+ block = lambda { "%.25555555555555555555555555555555555555s" % "hello world" }
+ block.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ # Note: %u has been changed to an alias for %d in 1.9.
+ it "supports unsigned formats using %u" do
+ ("%u" % 10).should == "10"
+ ("% u" % 10).should == " 10"
+ ("%1$u" % [10, 20]).should == "10"
+ ("%+u" % 10).should == "+10"
+ ("%-7u" % 10).should == "10 "
+ ("%04u" % 10).should == "0010"
+ ("%*u" % [10, 4]).should == " 4"
+ end
+ it "formats negative values with a leading sign using %u" do
+ ("% u" % -26).should == "-26"
+ ("%+u" % -26).should == "-26"
+ end
+ it "supports negative bignums with %u or %d" do
+ ("%u" % -(2 ** 64 + 5)).should == "-18446744073709551621"
+ ("%d" % -(2 ** 64 + 5)).should == "-18446744073709551621"
+ end
+ it "supports hex formats using %x for positive numbers" do
+ ("%x" % 10).should == "a"
+ ("% x" % 10).should == " a"
+ ("%1$x" % [10, 20]).should == "a"
+ ("%#x" % 10).should == "0xa"
+ ("%+x" % 10).should == "+a"
+ ("%-9x" % 10).should == "a "
+ ("%05x" % 10).should == "0000a"
+ ("%*x" % [10, 6]).should == " 6"
+ ("%.4x" % 20).should == "0014"
+ ("%x" % 0xFFFFFFFF).should == "ffffffff"
+ end
+ it "supports hex formats using %x for negative numbers" do
+ ("%x" % -5).should == "..fb"
+ ("%0x" % -5).should == "..fb"
+ ("%.1x" % -5).should == "..fb"
+ ("%.7x" % -5).should == "..ffffb"
+ ("%.10x" % -5).should == "..fffffffb"
+ ("% x" % -26).should == "-1a"
+ ("%+x" % -26).should == "-1a"
+ not_supported_on :opal do
+ ("%x" % -(2 ** 64 + 5)).should == "..fefffffffffffffffb"
+ end
+ end
+ it "supports hex formats using %X for positive numbers" do
+ ("%X" % 10).should == "A"
+ ("% X" % 10).should == " A"
+ ("%1$X" % [10, 20]).should == "A"
+ ("%#X" % 10).should == "0XA"
+ ("%+X" % 10).should == "+A"
+ ("%-9X" % 10).should == "A "
+ ("%05X" % 10).should == "0000A"
+ ("%*X" % [10, 6]).should == " 6"
+ ("%X" % 0xFFFFFFFF).should == "FFFFFFFF"
+ end
+ it "supports hex formats using %X for negative numbers" do
+ ("%X" % -5).should == "..FB"
+ ("%0X" % -5).should == "..FB"
+ ("%.1X" % -5).should == "..FB"
+ ("%.7X" % -5).should == "..FFFFB"
+ ("%.10X" % -5).should == "..FFFFFFFB"
+ ("% X" % -26).should == "-1A"
+ ("%+X" % -26).should == "-1A"
+ not_supported_on :opal do
+ ("%X" % -(2 ** 64 + 5)).should == "..FEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFB"
+ end
+ end
+ it "formats zero without prefix using %#x" do
+ ("%#x" % 0).should == "0"
+ end
+ it "formats zero without prefix using %#X" do
+ ("%#X" % 0).should == "0"
+ end
+ %w(b d i o u x X).each do |f|
+ format = "%" + f
+ it "behaves as if calling Kernel#Integer for #{format} argument, if it does not respond to #to_ary" do
+ (format % "10").should == (format % Kernel.Integer("10"))
+ (format % "0x42").should == (format % Kernel.Integer("0x42"))
+ (format % "0b1101").should == (format % Kernel.Integer("0b1101"))
+ (format % "0b1101_0000").should == (format % Kernel.Integer("0b1101_0000"))
+ (format % "0777").should == (format % Kernel.Integer("0777"))
+ lambda {
+ # see [ruby-core:14139] for more details
+ (format % "0777").should == (format % Kernel.Integer("0777"))
+ }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "0__7_7_7" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "x" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "5x" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "08" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "0b2" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "123__456" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ obj = mock('5')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_i).and_return(5)
+ (format % obj).should == (format % 5)
+ obj = mock('6')
+ obj.stub!(:to_i).and_return(5)
+ obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(6)
+ (format % obj).should == (format % 6)
+ end
+ end
+ %w(e E f g G).each do |f|
+ format = "%" + f
+ it "tries to convert the passed argument to an Array using #to_ary" do
+ obj = mock('3.14')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return([3.14])
+ (format % obj).should == (format % [3.14])
+ end
+ it "behaves as if calling Kernel#Float for #{format} arguments, when the passed argument does not respond to #to_ary" do
+ (format % 10).should == (format % 10.0)
+ (format % "-10.4e-20").should == (format % -10.4e-20)
+ (format % ".5").should == (format % 0.5)
+ (format % "-.5").should == (format % -0.5)
+ # Something's strange with this spec:
+ # it works just fine in individual mode, but not when run as part of a group
+ (format % "10_1_0.5_5_5").should == (format % 1010.555)
+ (format % "0777").should == (format % 777)
+ lambda { format % "" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "x" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "." }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "10." }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "5x" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "0b1" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "10e10.5" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "10__10" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ lambda { format % "10.10__10" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ obj = mock('5.0')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(5.0)
+ (format % obj).should == (format % 5.0)
+ end
+ it "behaves as if calling Kernel#Float for #{format} arguments, when the passed argument is hexadecimal string" do
+ (format % "0xA").should == (format % 0xA)
+ end
+ it "doesn't taint the result for #{format} when argument is tainted" do
+ (format % "5".taint).tainted?.should == false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when format string contains %{} sections" do
+ it "replaces %{} sections with values from passed-in hash" do
+ ("%{foo}bar" % {foo: 'oof'}).should == "oofbar"
+ end
+ it "raises KeyError if key is missing from passed-in hash" do
+ lambda {"%{foo}" % {}}.should raise_error(KeyError)
+ end
+ it "should raise ArgumentError if no hash given" do
+ lambda {"%{foo}" % []}.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when format string contains %<> formats" do
+ it "uses the named argument for the format's value" do
+ ("%<foo>d" % {foo: 1}).should == "1"
+ end
+ it "raises KeyError if key is missing from passed-in hash" do
+ lambda {"%<foo>d" % {}}.should raise_error(KeyError)
+ end
+ it "should raise ArgumentError if no hash given" do
+ lambda {"%<foo>" % []}.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end