path: root/test/rake/test_tasks.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rake/test_tasks.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/test/rake/test_tasks.rb b/test/rake/test_tasks.rb
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index 110ee26a9e..0000000000
--- a/test/rake/test_tasks.rb
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-require 'test/unit'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'rake'
-require_relative 'filecreation'
-require_relative 'capture_stdout'
-class Rake::TestTasks < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include CaptureStdout
- include Rake
- def setup
- Task.clear
- end
- def test_create
- arg = nil
- t = task(:name) { |task| arg = task; 1234 }
- assert_equal "name", t.name
- assert_equal [], t.prerequisites
- assert t.needed?
- t.execute(0)
- assert_equal t, arg
- assert_nil t.source
- assert_equal [], t.sources
- end
- def test_inspect
- t = task(:foo, :needs => [:bar, :baz])
- assert_equal "<Rake::Task foo => [bar, baz]>", t.inspect
- end
- def test_invoke
- runlist = []
- t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2, :t3]) { |t| runlist << t.name; 3321 }
- t2 = task(:t2) { |t| runlist << t.name }
- t3 = task(:t3) { |t| runlist << t.name }
- assert_equal ["t2", "t3"], t1.prerequisites
- t1.invoke
- assert_equal ["t2", "t3", "t1"], runlist
- end
- def test_invoke_with_circular_dependencies
- runlist = []
- t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2]) { |t| runlist << t.name; 3321 }
- t2 = task(:t2 => [:t1]) { |t| runlist << t.name }
- assert_equal ["t2"], t1.prerequisites
- assert_equal ["t1"], t2.prerequisites
- ex = assert_raise RuntimeError do
- t1.invoke
- end
- assert_match(/circular dependency/i, ex.message)
- assert_match(/t1 => t2 => t1/, ex.message)
- end
- def test_dry_run_prevents_actions
- Rake.application.options.dryrun = true
- runlist = []
- t1 = task(:t1) { |t| runlist << t.name; 3321 }
- out = capture_stdout { t1.invoke }
- assert_match(/execute .*t1/i, out)
- assert_match(/dry run/i, out)
- assert_no_match(/invoke/i, out)
- assert_equal [], runlist
- ensure
- Rake.application.options.dryrun = false
- end
- def test_tasks_can_be_traced
- Rake.application.options.trace = true
- t1 = task(:t1)
- out = capture_stdout {
- t1.invoke
- }
- assert_match(/invoke t1/i, out)
- assert_match(/execute t1/i, out)
- ensure
- Rake.application.options.trace = false
- end
- def test_no_double_invoke
- runlist = []
- t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2, :t3]) { |t| runlist << t.name; 3321 }
- t2 = task(:t2 => [:t3]) { |t| runlist << t.name }
- t3 = task(:t3) { |t| runlist << t.name }
- t1.invoke
- assert_equal ["t3", "t2", "t1"], runlist
- end
- def test_can_double_invoke_with_reenable
- runlist = []
- t1 = task(:t1) { |t| runlist << t.name }
- t1.invoke
- t1.reenable
- t1.invoke
- assert_equal ["t1", "t1"], runlist
- end
- def test_clear
- t = task("t" => "a") { }
- t.clear
- assert t.prerequisites.empty?, "prerequisites should be empty"
- assert t.actions.empty?, "actions should be empty"
- end
- def test_clear_prerequisites
- t = task("t" => ["a", "b"])
- assert_equal ['a', 'b'], t.prerequisites
- t.clear_prerequisites
- assert_equal [], t.prerequisites
- end
- def test_clear_actions
- t = task("t") { }
- t.clear_actions
- assert t.actions.empty?, "actions should be empty"
- end
- def test_find
- task :tfind
- assert_equal "tfind", Task[:tfind].name
- ex = assert_raise(RuntimeError) { Task[:leaves] }
- assert_equal "Don't know how to build task 'leaves'", ex.message
- end
- def test_defined
- assert ! Task.task_defined?(:a)
- task :a
- assert Task.task_defined?(:a)
- end
- def test_multi_invocations
- runs = []
- p = proc do |t| runs << t.name end
- task({:t1=>[:t2,:t3]}, &p)
- task({:t2=>[:t3]}, &p)
- task(:t3, &p)
- Task[:t1].invoke
- assert_equal ["t1", "t2", "t3"], runs.sort
- end
- def test_task_list
- task :t2
- task :t1 => [:t2]
- assert_equal ["t1", "t2"], Task.tasks.collect {|t| t.name}
- end
- def test_task_gives_name_on_to_s
- task :abc
- assert_equal "abc", Task[:abc].to_s
- end
- def test_symbols_can_be_prerequisites
- task :a => :b
- assert_equal ["b"], Task[:a].prerequisites
- end
- def test_strings_can_be_prerequisites
- task :a => "b"
- assert_equal ["b"], Task[:a].prerequisites
- end
- def test_arrays_can_be_prerequisites
- task :a => ["b", "c"]
- assert_equal ["b", "c"], Task[:a].prerequisites
- end
- def test_filelists_can_be_prerequisites
- task :a => FileList.new.include("b", "c")
- assert_equal ["b", "c"], Task[:a].prerequisites
- end
- def test_investigation_output
- t1 = task(:t1 => [:t2, :t3]) { |t| runlist << t.name; 3321 }
- task(:t2)
- task(:t3)
- out = t1.investigation
- assert_match(/class:\s*Rake::Task/, out)
- assert_match(/needed:\s*true/, out)
- assert_match(/pre-requisites:\s*--t[23]/, out)
- end
- def test_extended_comments
- desc %{
- This is a comment.
- And this is the extended comment.
- name -- Name of task to execute.
- rev -- Software revision to use.
- }
- t = task(:t, :name, :rev)
- assert_equal "[name,rev]", t.arg_description
- assert_equal "This is a comment.", t.comment
- assert_match(/^\s*name -- Name/, t.full_comment)
- assert_match(/^\s*rev -- Software/, t.full_comment)
- assert_match(/\A\s*This is a comment\.$/, t.full_comment)
- end
- def test_multiple_comments
- desc "line one"
- t = task(:t)
- desc "line two"
- task(:t)
- assert_equal "line one / line two", t.comment
- end
- def test_settable_comments
- t = task(:t)
- t.comment = "HI"
- assert_equal "HI", t.comment
- end
-class Rake::TestTaskWithArguments < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include CaptureStdout
- include Rake
- def setup
- Task.clear
- end
- def test_no_args_given
- t = task :t
- assert_equal [], t.arg_names
- end
- def test_args_given
- t = task :t, :a, :b
- assert_equal [:a, :b], t.arg_names
- end
- def test_name_and_needs
- t = task(:t => [:pre])
- assert_equal "t", t.name
- assert_equal [], t.arg_names
- assert_equal ["pre"], t.prerequisites
- end
- def test_name_and_explicit_needs
- t = task(:t, :needs => [:pre])
- assert_equal "t", t.name
- assert_equal [], t.arg_names
- assert_equal ["pre"], t.prerequisites
- end
- def test_name_args_and_explicit_needs
- t = task(:t, :x, :y, :needs => [:pre])
- assert_equal "t", t.name
- assert_equal [:x, :y], t.arg_names
- assert_equal ["pre"], t.prerequisites
- end
- def test_illegal_keys_in_task_name_hash
- assert_raise RuntimeError do
- t = task(:t, :x, :y => 1, :needs => [:pre])
- end
- end
- def test_arg_list_is_empty_if_no_args_given
- t = task(:t) { |tt, args| assert_equal({}, args.to_hash) }
- t.invoke(1, 2, 3)
- end
- def test_tasks_can_access_arguments_as_hash
- t = task :t, :a, :b, :c do |tt, args|
- assert_equal({:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}, args.to_hash)
- assert_equal 1, args[:a]
- assert_equal 2, args[:b]
- assert_equal 3, args[:c]
- assert_equal 1, args.a
- assert_equal 2, args.b
- assert_equal 3, args.c
- end
- t.invoke(1, 2, 3)
- end
- def test_actions_of_various_arity_are_ok_with_args
- notes = []
- t = task(:t, :x) do
- notes << :a
- end
- t.enhance do | |
- notes << :b
- end
- t.enhance do |task|
- notes << :c
- assert_kind_of Task, task
- end
- t.enhance do |t2, args|
- notes << :d
- assert_equal t, t2
- assert_equal({:x => 1}, args.to_hash)
- end
- assert_nothing_raised do t.invoke(1) end
- assert_equal [:a, :b, :c, :d], notes
- end
- def test_arguments_are_passed_to_block
- t = task(:t, :a, :b) { |tt, args|
- assert_equal( { :a => 1, :b => 2 }, args.to_hash )
- }
- t.invoke(1, 2)
- end
- def test_extra_parameters_are_ignored
- ENV['b'] = nil
- t = task(:t, :a) { |tt, args|
- assert_equal 1, args.a
- assert_nil args.b
- }
- t.invoke(1, 2)
- end
- def test_arguments_are_passed_to_all_blocks
- counter = 0
- t = task :t, :a
- task :t do |tt, args|
- assert_equal 1, args.a
- counter += 1
- end
- task :t do |tt, args|
- assert_equal 1, args.a
- counter += 1
- end
- t.invoke(1)
- assert_equal 2, counter
- end
- def test_block_with_no_parameters_is_ok
- t = task(:t) { }
- t.invoke(1, 2)
- end
- def test_name_with_args
- desc "T"
- t = task(:tt, :a, :b)
- assert_equal "tt", t.name
- assert_equal "T", t.comment
- assert_equal "[a,b]", t.arg_description
- assert_equal "tt[a,b]", t.name_with_args
- assert_equal [:a, :b],t.arg_names
- end
- def test_named_args_are_passed_to_prereqs
- value = nil
- pre = task(:pre, :rev) { |t, args| value = args.rev }
- t = task(:t, :name, :rev, :needs => [:pre])
- t.invoke("bill", "1.2")
- assert_equal "1.2", value
- end
- def test_args_not_passed_if_no_prereq_names
- pre = task(:pre) { |t, args|
- assert_equal({}, args.to_hash)
- assert_equal "bill", args.name
- }
- t = task(:t, :name, :rev, :needs => [:pre])
- t.invoke("bill", "1.2")
- end
- def test_args_not_passed_if_no_arg_names
- pre = task(:pre, :rev) { |t, args|
- assert_equal({}, args.to_hash)
- }
- t = task(:t, :needs => [:pre])
- t.invoke("bill", "1.2")
- end