path: root/test/rexml/test_functions.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/rexml/test_functions.rb')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/rexml/test_functions.rb b/test/rexml/test_functions.rb
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index 0000000000..eac36d5278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rexml/test_functions.rb
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+require "test/unit/testcase"
+require "rexml/document"
+class FunctionsTester < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include REXML
+ def test_functions
+ # trivial text() test
+ # confuse-a-function
+ source = "<a>more <b id='1'/><b id='2'>dumb</b><b id='3'/><c/> text</a>"
+ doc = Document.new source
+ res = ""
+ XPath::each(doc.root, "text()") {|val| res << val.to_s}
+ assert_equal "more text", res
+ res = XPath::first(doc.root, "b[last()]")
+ assert_equal '3', res.attributes['id']
+ res = XPath::first(doc.root, "b[position()=2]")
+ assert_equal '2', res.attributes['id']
+ res = XPath::first(doc.root, "*[name()='c']")
+ assert_equal "c", res.name
+ end
+ # Contributed by Mike Stok
+ def test_starts_with
+ source = <<-EOF
+ <foo>
+ <a href="mailto:a@b.c">a@b.c</a>
+ <a href="http://www.foo.com">http://www.foo.com</a>
+ </foo>
+ doc = Document.new source
+ mailtos = doc.elements.to_a("//a[starts-with(@href, 'mailto:')]")
+ assert_equal 1, mailtos.size
+ assert_equal "mailto:a@b.c", mailtos[0].attributes['href']
+ ailtos = doc.elements.to_a("//a[starts-with(@href, 'ailto:')]")
+ assert_equal 0, ailtos.size
+ end
+ def test_string_length
+ doc = Document.new <<-EOF
+ <AAA>
+ <Q/>
+ <SSSS/>
+ <BB/>
+ <CCC/>
+ <EEEE/>
+ </AAA>
+ assert doc, "create doc"
+ set = doc.elements.to_a("//*[string-length(name()) = 3]")
+ assert_equal 2, set.size, "nodes with names length = 3"
+ set = doc.elements.to_a("//*[string-length(name()) < 3]")
+ assert_equal 2, set.size, "nodes with names length < 3"
+ set = doc.elements.to_a("//*[string-length(name()) > 3]")
+ assert_equal 3, set.size, "nodes with names length > 3"
+ end
+ # Test provided by Mike Stok
+ def test_contains
+ source = <<-EOF
+ <foo>
+ <a href="mailto:a@b.c">a@b.c</a>
+ <a href="http://www.foo.com">http://www.foo.com</a>
+ </foo>
+ doc = Document.new source
+ [['o', 2], ['foo', 1], ['bar', 0]].each { |test|
+ search, expected = test
+ set = doc.elements.to_a("//a[contains(@href, '#{search}')]")
+ assert_equal expected, set.size
+ }
+ end
+ # Mike Stok and Sean Russell
+ def test_substring
+ # examples from http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#function-substring
+ doc = Document.new('<test string="12345" />')
+ d = Document.new("<a b='1'/>")
+ #puts XPath.first(d, 'node()[0 + 1]')
+ #d = Document.new("<a b='1'/>")
+ #puts XPath.first(d, 'a[0 mod 0]')
+ [ [1.5, 2.6, '234'],
+ [0, 3, '12'],
+ [0, '0 div 0', ''],
+ [1, '0 div 0', ''],
+ ['-42', '1 div 0', '12345'],
+ ['-1 div 0', '1 div 0', '']
+ ].each { |start, length, expected|
+ set = doc.elements.to_a("//test[substring(@string, #{start}, #{length}) = '#{expected}']")
+ assert_equal 1, set.size, "#{start}, #{length}, '#{expected}'"
+ }
+ end
+ def test_substring_angrez
+ testString = REXML::Functions::substring_after("helloworld","hello")
+ assert_equal( 'world', testString )
+ end
+ def test_translate
+ source = <<-EOF
+ <doc>
+ <case name='w3c one' result='BAr' /> <!-- w3c -->
+ <case name='w3c two' result='AAA' /> <!-- w3c -->
+ <case name='alchemy' result="gold" /> <!-- mike -->
+ <case name='vbxml one' result='A Space Odyssey' />
+ <case name='vbxml two' result='AbCdEf' />
+ </doc>
+ doc = Document.new(source)
+ [ ['bar', 'abc', 'ABC', 'w3c one'],
+ ['--aaa--','abc-','ABC', 'w3c two'],
+ ['lead', 'dear language', 'doll groover', 'alchemy'],
+ ['A Space Odissei', 'i', 'y', 'vbxml one'],
+ ['abcdefg', 'aceg', 'ACE', 'vbxml two'],
+ ].each { |arg1, arg2, arg3, name|
+ translate = "translate('#{arg1}', '#{arg2}', '#{arg3}')"
+ set = doc.elements.to_a("//case[@result = #{translate}]")
+ assert_equal 1, set.size, translate
+ assert_equal name, set[0].attributes['name']
+ }
+ end
+ def test_name
+ d = REXML::Document.new("<a xmlns:x='foo'><b/><x:b/></a>")
+ assert_equal 1, d.root.elements.to_a('*[name() = "b"]').size
+ assert_equal 1, d.elements.to_a('//*[name() = "x:b"]').size
+ end
+ def test_local_name
+ d = REXML::Document.new("<a xmlns:x='foo'><b/><x:b/></a>")
+ assert_equal 2, d.root.elements.to_a('*[local_name() = "b"]').size
+ assert_equal 2, d.elements.to_a('//*[local_name() = "b"]').size
+ end
+ def test_substring2
+ doc = Document.new('<test string="12345" />')
+ assert_equal(1,doc.elements.to_a("//test[substring(@string,2)='2345']").size)
+ end
+ # Submitted by Kouhei
+ def test_floor_ceiling_round
+ source = "<a><b id='1'/><b id='2'/><b id='3'/></a>"
+ doc = REXML::Document.new(source)
+ id_1 = doc.elements["/a/b[@id='1']"]
+ id_2 = doc.elements["/a/b[@id='2']"]
+ id_3 = doc.elements["/a/b[@id='3']"]
+ good = {
+ "floor" => [[], [id_1], [id_2], [id_3]],
+ "ceiling" => [[id_1], [id_2], [id_3], []],
+ "round" => [[id_1], [id_2], [id_3], []]
+ }
+ good.each do |key, value|
+ (0..3).each do |i|
+ xpath = "//b[number(@id) = #{key}(#{i+0.5})]"
+ assert_equal(value[i], REXML::XPath.match(doc, xpath))
+ end
+ end
+ good["round"] = [[], [id_1], [id_2], [id_3]]
+ good.each do |key, value|
+ (0..3).each do |i|
+ xpath = "//b[number(@id) = #{key}(#{i+0.4})]"
+ assert_equal(value[i], REXML::XPath.match(doc, xpath))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Submitted by Kou
+ def test_lang
+ d = Document.new(<<-XML)
+ <a xml:lang="en">
+ <b xml:lang="ja">
+ <c xml:lang="fr"/>
+ <d/>
+ <e xml:lang="ja-JP"/>
+ <f xml:lang="en-US"/>
+ </b>
+ </a>
+ assert_equal(1, d.elements.to_a("//*[lang('fr')]").size)
+ assert_equal(3, d.elements.to_a("//*[lang('ja')]").size)
+ assert_equal(2, d.elements.to_a("//*[lang('en')]").size)
+ assert_equal(1, d.elements.to_a("//*[lang('en-us')]").size)
+ d = Document.new(<<-XML)
+ <root>
+ <para xml:lang="en"/>
+ <div xml:lang="en"><para/></div>
+ <para xml:lang="EN"/>
+ <para xml:lang="en-us"/>
+ </root>
+ assert_equal(5, d.elements.to_a("//*[lang('en')]").size)
+ end
+ def test_ticket_60
+ document = REXML::Document.new("<a><b>A</b><b>1</b></a>")
+ assert_equal( "A", REXML::XPath.first(document, '//b[.="A"]').text )
+ assert_equal( "1", REXML::XPath.first(document, '//b[.="1"]').text )
+ end
+ def test_normalize_space
+ source = "<a><!--COMMENT A--><b><!-- COMMENT A --></b></a>"
+ doc = REXML::Document.new(source)
+ predicate = "string(.)=normalize_space('\nCOMMENT \n A \n\n ')"
+ m = REXML::XPath.match(doc, "//comment()[#{predicate}]")
+ assert_equal( [REXML::Comment.new("COMMENT A")], m )
+ end