path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
6 files changed, 776 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_bignum.rb b/test/ruby/test_bignum.rb
index c395e3b71a..a08519238b 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_bignum.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_bignum.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
require 'test/unit'
class TestBignum < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @verbose = $VERBOSE
+ $VERBOSE = nil
+ end
+ def teardown
+ $VERBOSE = @verbose
+ end
def fact(n)
return 1 if n == 0
f = 1
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_enum.rb b/test/ruby/test_enum.rb
index 3e8c3c678d..74f6e4e466 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_enum.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_enum.rb
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ class TestEnumerable < Test::Unit::TestCase
yield 2
+ @verbose = $VERBOSE
+ $VERBOSE = nil
+ end
+ def teardown
+ $VERBOSE = @verbose
def test_grep
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb b/test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb
index 81a091eb40..d7ec6a3396 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb
@@ -118,4 +118,128 @@ class TestFixnum < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal(0x40000000, (-0x40000000).abs)
assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, (-0x4000000000000000).abs)
+ def test_induced_from
+ assert_equal(1, Fixnum.induced_from(1))
+ assert_raise(RangeError) { Fixnum.induced_from(2**31-1) }
+ assert_equal(1, Fixnum.induced_from((2**32).coerce(1).first))
+ end
+ def test_to_s
+ assert_equal("1010", 10.to_s(2))
+ assert_equal("a", 10.to_s(36))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 10.to_s(1) }
+ end
+ def test_plus
+ assert_equal(2, 1 + 1)
+ assert_equal(4294967297, 1 + 2**32)
+ assert_equal(2.0, 1 + 1.0)
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 + nil }
+ end
+ def test_minus
+ assert_equal(0, 1 - 1)
+ assert_equal(-4294967295, 1 - 2**32)
+ assert_equal(0.0, 1 - 1.0)
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 - nil }
+ end
+ def test_mul
+ assert_equal(6, 2.send(:*, 3))
+ a = 2**30-1
+ assert_equal(1152921502459363329, a.send(:*, a))
+ assert_equal(6.0, 2 * 3.0)
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2 * nil }
+ end
+ def test_divide
+ assert_equal(2.0, 4.quo(2))
+ assert_equal(2.0, 4 / 2)
+ assert_equal(2.0, 4.div(2))
+ assert_equal(0.5**32, 1.quo(2**32))
+ assert_equal(0, 1 / (2**32))
+ assert_equal(0, 1.div(2**32))
+ assert_equal(0.5, 1.quo(2.0))
+ assert_equal(0.5, 1 / 2.0)
+ assert_equal(0, 1.div(2.0))
+ ### rational changes the behavior of Fixnum#quo
+ #assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.quo(nil) }
+ assert_raise(TypeError, NoMethodError) { 2.quo(nil) }
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2 / nil }
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.div(nil) }
+ assert_equal(0, 4.modulo(2))
+ assert_equal(1, 1.modulo(2**32))
+ assert_equal(1, 1.modulo(2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.modulo(nil) }
+ assert_equal([2, 0], 4.divmod(2))
+ assert_equal([0, 1], 1.divmod(2**32))
+ assert_equal([0, 1], 1.divmod(2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.divmod(nil) }
+ end
+ def test_pow2
+ assert_equal(65536, 2**16)
+ assert_equal(4294967296, 2**32)
+ assert_equal(0.5**16, 2**-16)
+ assert_equal(1, (-1)**4294967296)
+ assert_equal(-1, (-1)**4294967295)
+ assert_equal(4, 2**((2**32).coerce(2).first))
+ assert_equal(2, 4**0.5)
+ assert_equal(0, 0**0.5)
+ assert((0**-1.0).infinite?)
+ ### rational changes the behavior of Fixnum#**
+ #assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 ** nil }
+ assert_raise(TypeError, NoMethodError) { 1 ** nil }
+ end
+ def test_cmp
+ assert(1 != nil)
+ assert_equal(0, 1 <=> 1)
+ assert_equal(-1, 1 <=> 4294967296)
+ assert_equal(0, 1 <=> 1.0)
+ assert_nil(1 <=> nil)
+ assert(1.send(:>, 0))
+ assert(!(1.send(:>, 1)))
+ assert(!(1.send(:>, 2)))
+ assert(!(1.send(:>, 4294967296)))
+ assert(1.send(:>, 0.0))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:>, nil) }
+ assert(1.send(:>=, 0))
+ assert(1.send(:>=, 1))
+ assert(!(1.send(:>=, 2)))
+ assert(!(1.send(:>=, 4294967296)))
+ assert(1.send(:>=, 0.0))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:>=, nil) }
+ assert(!(1.send(:<, 0)))
+ assert(!(1.send(:<, 1)))
+ assert(1.send(:<, 2))
+ assert(1.send(:<, 4294967296))
+ assert(!(1.send(:<, 0.0)))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:<, nil) }
+ assert(!(1.send(:<=, 0)))
+ assert(1.send(:<=, 1))
+ assert(1.send(:<=, 2))
+ assert(1.send(:<=, 4294967296))
+ assert(!(1.send(:<=, 0.0)))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.send(:<=, nil) }
+ end
+ def test_id2name
+ assert_equal("foo", :foo.to_i.id2name)
+ assert_nil(0.id2name)
+ assert_equal(:foo, :foo.to_i.to_sym)
+ assert_nil(0.to_sym)
+ end
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_float.rb b/test/ruby/test_float.rb
index 0b06bd9d4d..5742c2d48e 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_float.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_float.rb
@@ -111,4 +111,168 @@ class TestFloat < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal(-3.5, (-11.5).remainder(4))
assert_equal(-3.5, (-11.5).remainder(-4))
+ def test_to_s
+ inf = 1.0 / 0.0
+ assert_equal("Infinity", inf.to_s)
+ assert_equal("-Infinity", (-inf).to_s)
+ assert_equal("NaN", (inf / inf).to_s)
+ assert_equal("1.0e+14", 10000_00000_00000.0.to_s)
+ end
+ def test_coerce
+ assert_equal(Float, 1.0.coerce(1).first.class)
+ end
+ def test_plus
+ assert_equal(4.0, 2.0.send(:+, 2))
+ assert_equal(4.0, 2.0.send(:+, (2**32).coerce(2).first))
+ assert_equal(4.0, 2.0.send(:+, 2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.0.send(:+, nil) }
+ end
+ def test_minus
+ assert_equal(0.0, 2.0.send(:-, 2))
+ assert_equal(0.0, 2.0.send(:-, (2**32).coerce(2).first))
+ assert_equal(0.0, 2.0.send(:-, 2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.0.send(:-, nil) }
+ end
+ def test_mul
+ assert_equal(4.0, 2.0.send(:*, 2))
+ assert_equal(4.0, 2.0.send(:*, (2**32).coerce(2).first))
+ assert_equal(4.0, 2.0.send(:*, 2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.0.send(:*, nil) }
+ end
+ def test_div2
+ assert_equal(1.0, 2.0.send(:/, 2))
+ assert_equal(1.0, 2.0.send(:/, (2**32).coerce(2).first))
+ assert_equal(1.0, 2.0.send(:/, 2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.0.send(:/, nil) }
+ end
+ def test_modulo2
+ assert_equal(0.0, 2.0.send(:%, 2))
+ assert_equal(0.0, 2.0.send(:%, (2**32).coerce(2).first))
+ assert_equal(0.0, 2.0.send(:%, 2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.0.send(:%, nil) }
+ end
+ def test_divmod2
+ assert_equal([1.0, 0.0], 2.0.divmod(2))
+ assert_equal([1.0, 0.0], 2.0.divmod((2**32).coerce(2).first))
+ assert_equal([1.0, 0.0], 2.0.divmod(2.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 2.0.divmod(nil) }
+ inf = 1.0 / 0.0
+ a, b = inf.divmod(0)
+ assert(a.infinite?)
+ assert(b.nan?)
+ a, b = (2.0**32).divmod(1.0)
+ assert_equal(2**32, a)
+ assert_equal(0, b)
+ end
+ def test_pow
+ assert_equal(1.0, 1.0 ** (2**32))
+ assert_equal(1.0, 1.0 ** 1.0)
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { 1.0 ** nil }
+ end
+ def test_eql
+ inf = 1.0 / 0.0
+ nan = inf / inf
+ assert(1.0.eql?(1.0))
+ assert(inf.eql?(inf))
+ assert(!(nan.eql?(nan)))
+ assert(!(1.0.eql?(nil)))
+ assert(1.0 == 1)
+ assert(1.0 != 2**32)
+ assert(1.0 != nan)
+ assert(1.0 != nil)
+ end
+ def test_cmp
+ inf = 1.0 / 0.0
+ nan = inf / inf
+ assert_equal(0, 1.0 <=> 1.0)
+ assert_equal(1, 1.0 <=> 0.0)
+ assert_equal(-1, 1.0 <=> 2.0)
+ assert_nil(1.0 <=> nil)
+ assert_nil(1.0 <=> nan)
+ assert_nil(nan <=> 1.0)
+ assert_equal(0, 1.0 <=> 1)
+ assert_equal(1, 1.0 <=> 0)
+ assert_equal(-1, 1.0 <=> 2)
+ assert_equal(-1, 1.0 <=> 2**32)
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.0 > nil }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.0 >= nil }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.0 < nil }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.0 <= nil }
+ end
+ def test_zero_p
+ assert(0.0.zero?)
+ assert(!(1.0.zero?))
+ end
+ def test_infinite_p
+ inf = 1.0 / 0.0
+ assert(1, inf.infinite?)
+ assert(1, (-inf).infinite?)
+ assert_nil(1.0.infinite?)
+ end
+ def test_finite_p
+ inf = 1.0 / 0.0
+ assert(!(inf.finite?))
+ assert(!((-inf).finite?))
+ assert(1.0.finite?)
+ end
+ def test_floor_ceil_round_truncate
+ assert_equal(1, 1.5.floor)
+ assert_equal(2, 1.5.ceil)
+ assert_equal(2, 1.5.round)
+ assert_equal(1, 1.5.truncate)
+ assert_equal(2, 2.0.floor)
+ assert_equal(2, 2.0.ceil)
+ assert_equal(2, 2.0.round)
+ assert_equal(2, 2.0.truncate)
+ assert_equal(-2, (-1.5).floor)
+ assert_equal(-1, (-1.5).ceil)
+ assert_equal(-2, (-1.5).round)
+ assert_equal(-1, (-1.5).truncate)
+ assert_equal(-2, (-2.0).floor)
+ assert_equal(-2, (-2.0).ceil)
+ assert_equal(-2, (-2.0).round)
+ assert_equal(-2, (-2.0).truncate)
+ inf = 1.0/0.0
+ assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { inf.floor }
+ assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { inf.ceil }
+ assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { inf.round }
+ assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { inf.truncate }
+ assert_equal(1.100, 1.111.round(1))
+ assert_equal(1.110, 1.111.round(2))
+ assert_equal(11110.0, 11111.1.round(-1))
+ assert_equal(11100.0, 11111.1.round(-2))
+ end
+ def test_induced_from
+ assert_equal(1.0, Float.induced_from(1))
+ assert_equal(1.0, Float.induced_from(1.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { Float.induced_from(nil) }
+ end
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_integer.rb b/test/ruby/test_integer.rb
index 81501a61c3..c48be11adf 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_integer.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_integer.rb
@@ -675,4 +675,117 @@ class TestInteger < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_raise(ArgumentError, "[ruby-core:14139]") {Integer("0__3_7_7")}
+ def test_int_p
+ assert(!(1.0.integer?))
+ assert(1.integer?)
+ end
+ def test_odd_p_even_p
+ Fixnum.class_eval do
+ alias odd_bak odd?
+ alias even_bak even?
+ remove_method :odd?, :even?
+ end
+ assert(1.odd?)
+ assert(!(2.odd?))
+ assert(!(1.even?))
+ assert(2.even?)
+ ensure
+ Fixnum.class_eval do
+ alias odd? odd_bak
+ alias even? even_bak
+ remove_method :odd_bak, :even_bak
+ end
+ end
+ def test_succ
+ assert_equal(2, 1.send(:succ))
+ Fixnum.class_eval do
+ alias succ_bak succ
+ remove_method :succ
+ end
+ assert_equal(2, 1.succ)
+ assert_equal(4294967297, 4294967296.succ)
+ ensure
+ Fixnum.class_eval do
+ alias succ succ_bak
+ remove_method :succ_bak
+ end
+ end
+ def test_chr
+ assert_equal("a", "a".ord.chr)
+ assert_raise(RangeError) { (-1).chr }
+ assert_raise(RangeError) { 0x100.chr }
+ end
+ def test_induced_from
+ assert_equal(1, Integer.induced_from(1))
+ assert_equal(1, Integer.induced_from(1.0))
+ assert_raise(TypeError) { Integer.induced_from(nil) }
+ end
+ def test_upto
+ a = []
+ 1.upto(3) {|x| a << x }
+ assert_equal([1, 2, 3], a)
+ a = []
+ 1.upto(0) {|x| a << x }
+ assert_equal([], a)
+ x = 2**30 - 1
+ a = []
+ x.upto(x+2) {|x| a << x }
+ assert_equal([x, x+1, x+2], a)
+ end
+ def test_downto
+ a = []
+ -1.downto(-3) {|x| a << x }
+ assert_equal([-1, -2, -3], a)
+ a = []
+ 1.downto(2) {|x| a << x }
+ assert_equal([], a)
+ x = -(2**30)
+ a = []
+ x.downto(x-2) {|x| a << x }
+ assert_equal([x, x-1, x-2], a)
+ end
+ def test_times
+ (2**32).times do |i|
+ break if i == 2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_round
+ assert_equal(11111, 11111.round)
+ assert_equal(Fixnum, 11111.round.class)
+ assert_equal(11111, 11111.round(0))
+ assert_equal(Fixnum, 11111.round(0).class)
+ assert_equal(11111.0, 11111.round(1))
+ assert_equal(Float, 11111.round(1).class)
+ assert_equal(11111.0, 11111.round(2))
+ assert_equal(Float, 11111.round(2).class)
+ assert_equal(11110, 11111.round(-1))
+ assert_equal(Fixnum, 11111.round(-1).class)
+ assert_equal(11100, 11111.round(-2))
+ assert_equal(Fixnum, 11111.round(-2).class)
+ assert_equal(1111_1111_1111_1110, 1111_1111_1111_1111.round(-1))
+ assert_equal(Bignum, 1111_1111_1111_1111.round(-1).class)
+ assert_equal(-1111_1111_1111_1110, (-1111_1111_1111_1111).round(-1))
+ assert_equal(Bignum, (-1111_1111_1111_1111).round(-1).class)
+ end
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_pack.rb b/test/ruby/test_pack.rb
index f78c48dee6..e6e2c28a5c 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_pack.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_pack.rb
@@ -71,4 +71,364 @@ class TestPack < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal a[0], a.pack("p").unpack("p")[0]
assert_equal a, a.pack("p").freeze.unpack("p*")
+ def test_format_string_modified
+ fmt = "CC"
+ o = Object.new
+ class << o; self; end.class_eval do
+ define_method(:to_int) { fmt.clear; 0 }
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) do
+ [o, o].pack(fmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_comment
+ assert_equal("\0\1", [0,1].pack(" C #foo \n C "))
+ assert_equal([0,1], "\0\1".unpack(" C #foo \n C "))
+ end
+ def test_illegal_bang
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [].pack("a!") }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "".unpack("a!") }
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_aA
+ assert_equal("f", ["foo"].pack("A"))
+ assert_equal("f", ["foo"].pack("a"))
+ assert_equal("foo", ["foo"].pack("A*"))
+ assert_equal("foo", ["foo"].pack("a*"))
+ assert_equal("fo", ["foo"].pack("A2"))
+ assert_equal("fo", ["foo"].pack("a2"))
+ assert_equal("foo ", ["foo"].pack("A4"))
+ assert_equal("foo\0", ["foo"].pack("a4"))
+ assert_equal(" ", [nil].pack("A"))
+ assert_equal("\0", [nil].pack("a"))
+ assert_equal("", [nil].pack("A*"))
+ assert_equal("", [nil].pack("a*"))
+ assert_equal(" ", [nil].pack("A2"))
+ assert_equal("\0\0", [nil].pack("a2"))
+ assert_equal("foo" + "\0" * 27, ["foo"].pack("a30"))
+ assert_equal(["f"], "foo\0".unpack("A"))
+ assert_equal(["f"], "foo\0".unpack("a"))
+ assert_equal(["foo"], "foo\0".unpack("A4"))
+ assert_equal(["foo\0"], "foo\0".unpack("a4"))
+ assert_equal(["foo"], "foo ".unpack("A4"))
+ assert_equal(["foo "], "foo ".unpack("a4"))
+ assert_equal(["foo"], "foo".unpack("A4"))
+ assert_equal(["foo"], "foo".unpack("a4"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_Z
+ assert_equal("f", ["foo"].pack("Z"))
+ assert_equal("foo\0", ["foo"].pack("Z*"))
+ assert_equal("fo", ["foo"].pack("Z2"))
+ assert_equal("foo\0\0", ["foo"].pack("Z5"))
+ assert_equal("\0", [nil].pack("Z"))
+ assert_equal("\0", [nil].pack("Z*"))
+ assert_equal("\0\0", [nil].pack("Z2"))
+ assert_equal(["f"], "foo\0".unpack("Z"))
+ assert_equal(["foo"], "foo".unpack("Z*"))
+ assert_equal(["foo"], "foo\0".unpack("Z*"))
+ assert_equal(["foo"], "foo".unpack("Z5"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_bB
+ assert_equal("\xff\x00", ["1111111100000000"].pack("b*"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x02", ["1000000001000000"].pack("b*"))
+ assert_equal("", ["1"].pack("b0"))
+ assert_equal("\x01", ["1"].pack("b1"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x00", ["1"].pack("b2"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x00", ["1"].pack("b3"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x00\x00", ["1"].pack("b4"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x00\x00", ["1"].pack("b5"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x00\x00\x00", ["1"].pack("b6"))
+ assert_equal("\xff\x00", ["1111111100000000"].pack("B*"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x02", ["0000000100000010"].pack("B*"))
+ assert_equal("", ["1"].pack("B0"))
+ assert_equal("\x80", ["1"].pack("B1"))
+ assert_equal("\x80\x00", ["1"].pack("B2"))
+ assert_equal("\x80\x00", ["1"].pack("B3"))
+ assert_equal("\x80\x00\x00", ["1"].pack("B4"))
+ assert_equal("\x80\x00\x00", ["1"].pack("B5"))
+ assert_equal("\x80\x00\x00\x00", ["1"].pack("B6"))
+ assert_equal(["1111111100000000"], "\xff\x00".unpack("b*"))
+ assert_equal(["1000000001000000"], "\x01\x02".unpack("b*"))
+ assert_equal([""], "".unpack("b0"))
+ assert_equal(["1"], "\x01".unpack("b1"))
+ assert_equal(["10"], "\x01".unpack("b2"))
+ assert_equal(["100"], "\x01".unpack("b3"))
+ assert_equal(["1111111100000000"], "\xff\x00".unpack("B*"))
+ assert_equal(["0000000100000010"], "\x01\x02".unpack("B*"))
+ assert_equal([""], "".unpack("B0"))
+ assert_equal(["1"], "\x80".unpack("B1"))
+ assert_equal(["10"], "\x80".unpack("B2"))
+ assert_equal(["100"], "\x80".unpack("B3"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_hH
+ assert_equal("\x01\xfe", ["10ef"].pack("h*"))
+ assert_equal("", ["10ef"].pack("h0"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x0e", ["10ef"].pack("h3"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\xfe\x0", ["10ef"].pack("h5"))
+ assert_equal("\x10\xef", ["10ef"].pack("H*"))
+ assert_equal("", ["10ef"].pack("H0"))
+ assert_equal("\x10\xe0", ["10ef"].pack("H3"))
+ assert_equal("\x10\xef\x0", ["10ef"].pack("H5"))
+ assert_equal(["10ef"], "\x01\xfe".unpack("h*"))
+ assert_equal([""], "\x01\xfe".unpack("h0"))
+ assert_equal(["1"], "\x01\xfe".unpack("h1"))
+ assert_equal(["10"], "\x01\xfe".unpack("h2"))
+ assert_equal(["10e"], "\x01\xfe".unpack("h3"))
+ assert_equal(["10ef"], "\x01\xfe".unpack("h4"))
+ assert_equal(["10ef"], "\x01\xfe".unpack("h5"))
+ assert_equal(["10ef"], "\x10\xef".unpack("H*"))
+ assert_equal([""], "\x10\xef".unpack("H0"))
+ assert_equal(["1"], "\x10\xef".unpack("H1"))
+ assert_equal(["10"], "\x10\xef".unpack("H2"))
+ assert_equal(["10e"], "\x10\xef".unpack("H3"))
+ assert_equal(["10ef"], "\x10\xef".unpack("H4"))
+ assert_equal(["10ef"], "\x10\xef".unpack("H5"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_cC
+ assert_equal("\0\1\xff", [0, 1, 255].pack("c*"))
+ assert_equal("\0\1\xff", [0, 1, -1].pack("c*"))
+ assert_equal("\0\1\xff", [0, 1, 255].pack("C*"))
+ assert_equal("\0\1\xff", [0, 1, -1].pack("C*"))
+ assert_equal([0, 1, -1], "\0\1\xff".unpack("c*"))
+ assert_equal([0, 1, 255], "\0\1\xff".unpack("C*"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_sS
+ s1 = [513, -514].pack("s*")
+ s2 = [513, 65022].pack("S*")
+ assert_equal(s1, s2)
+ assert_equal([513, -514], s2.unpack("s*"))
+ assert_equal([513, 65022], s1.unpack("S*"))
+ s1 = [513, -514].pack("s!*")
+ s2 = [513, 65022].pack("S!*")
+ assert_equal(s1, s2)
+ assert_equal([513, -514], s2.unpack("s!*"))
+ assert_equal([513, 65022], s1.unpack("S!*"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_iI
+ s1 = [67305985, -50462977].pack("i*")
+ s2 = [67305985, 4244504319].pack("I*")
+ assert_equal(s1, s2)
+ assert_equal([67305985, -50462977], s2.unpack("i*"))
+ assert_equal([67305985, 4244504319], s1.unpack("I*"))
+ s1 = [67305985, -50462977].pack("i!*")
+ s2 = [67305985, 4244504319].pack("I!*")
+ assert_equal(s1, s2)
+ assert_equal([67305985, -50462977], s2.unpack("i!*"))
+ assert_equal([67305985, 4244504319], s1.unpack("I!*"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_lL
+ s1 = [67305985, -50462977].pack("l*")
+ s2 = [67305985, 4244504319].pack("L*")
+ assert_equal(s1, s2)
+ assert_equal([67305985, -50462977], s2.unpack("l*"))
+ assert_equal([67305985, 4244504319], s1.unpack("L*"))
+ s1 = [67305985, -50462977].pack("l!*")
+ s2 = [67305985, 4244504319].pack("L!*")
+ assert_equal(s1, s2)
+ assert_equal([67305985, -50462977], s2.unpack("l!*"))
+ assert_equal([67305985, 4244504319], s1.unpack("L!*"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_qQ
+ s1 = [578437695752307201, -506097522914230529].pack("q*")
+ s2 = [578437695752307201, 17940646550795321087].pack("Q*")
+ assert_equal(s1, s2)
+ assert_equal([578437695752307201, -506097522914230529], s2.unpack("q*"))
+ assert_equal([578437695752307201, 17940646550795321087], s1.unpack("Q*"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_nN
+ assert_equal("\000\000\000\001\377\377\177\377\200\000\377\377", [0,1,-1,32767,-32768,65535].pack("n*"))
+ assert_equal("\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\377\377\377\377", [0,1,-1].pack("N*"))
+ assert_equal([0,1,65535,32767,32768,65535], "\000\000\000\001\377\377\177\377\200\000\377\377".unpack("n*"))
+ assert_equal([0,1,4294967295], "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\377\377\377\377".unpack("N*"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_vV
+ assert_equal("\000\000\001\000\377\377\377\177\000\200\377\377", [0,1,-1,32767,-32768,65535].pack("v*"))
+ assert_equal("\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\377\377\377\377", [0,1,-1].pack("V*"))
+ assert_equal([0,1,65535,32767,32768,65535], "\000\000\001\000\377\377\377\177\000\200\377\377".unpack("v*"))
+ assert_equal([0,1,4294967295], "\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\377\377\377\377".unpack("V*"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_fdeEgG
+ inf = 1.0/0.0
+ nan = inf/inf
+ [0.0, 1.0, 3.0, inf, -inf, nan].each do |x|
+ %w(f d e E g G).each do |f|
+ v = [x].pack(f).unpack(f)
+ if x.nan?
+ assert(v.first.nan?)
+ else
+ assert_equal([x], v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_x
+ assert_equal("", [].pack("x0"))
+ assert_equal("\0", [].pack("x"))
+ assert_equal("\0" * 30, [].pack("x30"))
+ assert_equal([0, 2], "\x00\x00\x02".unpack("CxC"))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "".unpack("x") }
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_X
+ assert_equal("\x00\x02", [0, 1, 2].pack("CCXC"))
+ assert_equal("\x02", [0, 1, 2].pack("CCX2C"))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [].pack("X") }
+ assert_equal([0, 2, 2], "\x00\x02".unpack("CCXC"))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "".unpack("X") }
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_atmark
+ assert_equal("\x01\x00\x00\x02", [1, 2].pack("C@3C"))
+ assert_equal("\x02", [1, 2].pack("C@0C"))
+ assert_equal("\x01\x02", [1, 2].pack("C@1C"))
+ assert_equal([1, 2], "\x01\x00\x00\x02".unpack("C@3C"))
+ assert_equal([nil], "\x00".unpack("@1C")) # is it OK?
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "\x00".unpack("@2C") }
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_percent
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [].pack("%") }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "".unpack("%") }
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_U
+ assert_equal([0], [0].pack("U").unpack("U"))
+ assert_equal([0x80], [0x80].pack("U").unpack("U"))
+ assert_equal([0x800], [0x800].pack("U").unpack("U"))
+ assert_equal([0x10000], [0x10000].pack("U").unpack("U"))
+ assert_equal([0x400000], [0x400000].pack("U").unpack("U"))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "\x80".unpack("U") }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "\xff".unpack("U") }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "\xfc\x00".unpack("U") }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "\xc0\xc0".unpack("U") }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "\xe0\x80\x80".unpack("U") }
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_u
+ assert_equal("", [""].pack("u"))
+ assert_equal("!80``\n", ["a"].pack("u"))
+ assert_equal("#86)C\n", ["abc"].pack("u"))
+ assert_equal("$86)C9```\n", ["abcd"].pack("u"))
+ assert_equal("M86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A\n", ["a"*45].pack("u"))
+ assert_equal("M86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A\n!80``\n", ["a"*46].pack("u"))
+ assert_equal("&86)C9&5F\n#9VAI\n", ["abcdefghi"].pack("u6"))
+ assert_equal([""], "".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["a"], "!80``\n".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["abc"], "#86)C\n".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["abcd"], "$86)C9```\n".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["a"*45], "M86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A\n".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["a"*46], "M86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A86%A\n!80``\n".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["abcdefghi"], "&86)C9&5F\n#9VAI\n".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["\x00"], "\"\n".unpack("u"))
+ assert_equal(["\x00"], "! \r \n".unpack("u"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_m
+ assert_equal("", [""].pack("m"))
+ assert_equal("AA==\n", ["\0"].pack("m"))
+ assert_equal("AAA=\n", ["\0\0"].pack("m"))
+ assert_equal("AAAA\n", ["\0\0\0"].pack("m"))
+ assert_equal("/w==\n", ["\377"].pack("m"))
+ assert_equal("//8=\n", ["\377\377"].pack("m"))
+ assert_equal("////\n", ["\377\377\377"].pack("m"))
+ assert_equal([""], "".unpack("m"))
+ assert_equal(["\0"], "AA==\n".unpack("m"))
+ assert_equal(["\0\0"], "AAA=\n".unpack("m"))
+ assert_equal(["\0\0\0"], "AAAA\n".unpack("m"))
+ assert_equal(["\377"], "/w==\n".unpack("m"))
+ assert_equal(["\377\377"], "//8=\n".unpack("m"))
+ assert_equal(["\377\377\377"], "////\n".unpack("m"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_M
+ assert_equal("a b c\td =\n\ne=\n", ["a b c\td \ne"].pack("M"))
+ assert_equal(["a b c\td \ne"], "a b c\td =\n\ne=\n".unpack("M"))
+ assert_equal("=00=\n", ["\0"].pack("M"))
+ assert_equal("a"*73+"=\na=\n", ["a"*74].pack("M"))
+ assert_equal(("a"*73+"=\n")*14+"a=\n", ["a"*1023].pack("M"))
+ assert_equal(["\0"], "=00=\n".unpack("M"))
+ assert_equal(["a"*74], ("a"*73+"=\na=\n").unpack("M"))
+ assert_equal(["a"*1023], (("a"*73+"=\n")*14+"a=\n").unpack("M"))
+ assert_equal(["\x0a"], "=0a=\n".unpack("M"))
+ assert_equal(["\x0a"], "=0A=\n".unpack("M"))
+ assert_equal([""], "=0Z=\n".unpack("M"))
+ assert_equal([""], "=\r\n".unpack("M"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_P2
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { ["abc"].pack("P4") }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [""].pack("P") }
+ assert_equal([], ".".unpack("P"))
+ assert_equal([], ".".unpack("p"))
+ assert_equal([nil], ("\0" * 1024).unpack("P"))
+ end
+ def test_pack_p2
+ assert([nil].pack("p") =~ /\A\0*\Z/)
+ end
+ def test_pack_unpack_w
+ assert_equal("\000", [0].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\001", [1].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\177", [127].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\201\000", [128].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\377\177", [0x3fff].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\201\200\000", [0x4000].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\203\377\377\377\177", [0x3fffffff].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\204\200\200\200\000", [0x40000000].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\217\377\377\377\177", [0xffffffff].pack("w"))
+ assert_equal("\220\200\200\200\000", [0x100000000].pack("w"))
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [-1].pack("w") }
+ assert_equal([0], "\000".unpack("w"))
+ assert_equal([1], "\001".unpack("w"), [1])
+ assert_equal([127], "\177".unpack("w"), [127])
+ assert_equal([128], "\201\000".unpack("w"), [128])
+ assert_equal([0x3fff], "\377\177".unpack("w"), [0x3fff])
+ assert_equal([0x4000], "\201\200\000".unpack("w"), [0x4000])
+ assert_equal([0x3fffffff], "\203\377\377\377\177".unpack("w"), [0x3fffffff])
+ assert_equal([0x40000000], "\204\200\200\200\000".unpack("w"), [0x40000000])
+ assert_equal([0xffffffff], "\217\377\377\377\177".unpack("w"), [0xffffffff])
+ assert_equal([0x100000000], "\220\200\200\200\000".unpack("w"), [0x100000000])
+ end