path: root/time.c
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1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/time.c b/time.c
index c4ef1d4704..8749025635 100644
--- a/time.c
+++ b/time.c
@@ -66,6 +66,23 @@ time_modify(time)
rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't modify Time");
+ * call-seq:
+ * Time.new -> time
+ *
+ * Returns a <code>Time</code> object initialized to the current system
+ * time. <b>Note:</b> The object created will be created using the
+ * resolution available on your system clock, and so may include
+ * fractional seconds.
+ *
+ * a = Time.new #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * b = Time.new #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * a == b #=> false
+ * "%.6f" % a.to_f #=> "1049896563.230740"
+ * "%.6f" % b.to_f #=> "1049896563.231466"
+ *
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -210,6 +227,21 @@ rb_time_timeval(time)
return time_timeval(time, Qfalse);
+ * call-seq:
+ * Time.at( aTime ) => time
+ * Time.at( seconds [, microseconds] ) => time
+ *
+ * Creates a new time object with the value given by <i>aTime</i>, or
+ * the given number of <i>seconds</i> (and optional
+ * <i>microseconds</i>) from epoch. A non-portable feature allows the
+ * offset to be negative on some systems.
+ *
+ * Time.at(0) #=> Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969
+ * Time.at(946702800) #=> Fri Dec 31 23:00:00 CST 1999
+ * Time.at(-284061600) #=> Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 CST 1960
+ */
static VALUE
time_s_at(argc, argv, klass)
int argc;
@@ -673,6 +705,27 @@ time_utc_or_local(argc, argv, utc_p, klass)
return time_localtime(time);
+ * call-seq:
+ * Time.utc( year [, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec] ) => time
+ * Time.utc( sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, tz
+ * ) => time
+ * Time.gm( year [, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec] ) => time
+ * Time.gm( sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, tz
+ * ) => time
+ *
+ * Creates a time based on given values, interpreted as UTC (GMT). The
+ * year must be specified. Other values default to the minimum value
+ * for that field (and may be <code>nil</code> or omitted). Months may
+ * be specified by numbers from 1 to 12, or by the three-letter English
+ * month names. Hours are specified on a 24-hour clock (0..23). Raises
+ * an <code>ArgumentError</code> if any values are out of range. Will
+ * also accept ten arguments in the order output by
+ * <code>Time#to_a</code>.
+ *
+ * Time.utc(2000,"jan",1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 UTC 2000
+ * Time.gm(2000,"jan",1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 UTC 2000
+ */
static VALUE
time_s_mkutc(argc, argv, klass)
int argc;
@@ -682,6 +735,19 @@ time_s_mkutc(argc, argv, klass)
return time_utc_or_local(argc, argv, Qtrue, klass);
+ * call-seq:
+ * Time.local( year [, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec] ) => time
+ * Time.local( sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst,
+ * tz ) => time
+ * Time.mktime( year, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec ) => time
+ *
+ * Same as <code>Time::gm</code>, but interprets the values in the
+ * local time zone.
+ *
+ * Time.local(2000,"jan",1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 CST 2000
+ */
static VALUE
time_s_mktime(argc, argv, klass)
int argc;
@@ -691,6 +757,19 @@ time_s_mktime(argc, argv, klass)
return time_utc_or_local(argc, argv, Qfalse, klass);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.to_i => int
+ * time.tv_sec => int
+ *
+ * Returns the value of <i>time</i> as an integer number of seconds
+ * since epoch.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now
+ * "%10.5f" % t.to_f #=> "1049896564.17839"
+ * t.to_i #=> 1049896564
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -701,6 +780,18 @@ time_to_i(time)
return LONG2NUM(tobj->tv.tv_sec);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.to_f => float
+ *
+ * Returns the value of <i>time</i> as a floating point number of
+ * seconds since epoch.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now
+ * "%10.5f" % t.to_f #=> "1049896564.13654"
+ * t.to_i #=> 1049896564
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -711,6 +802,18 @@ time_to_f(time)
return rb_float_new((double)tobj->tv.tv_sec+(double)tobj->tv.tv_usec/1e6);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.usec => int
+ * time.tv_usec => int
+ *
+ * Returns just the number of microseconds for <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * "%10.6f" % t.to_f #=> "1049896564.259970"
+ * t.usec #=> 259970
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -721,6 +824,22 @@ time_usec(time)
return LONG2NUM(tobj->tv.tv_usec);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time <=> other_time => -1, 0, +1
+ * time <=> numeric => -1, 0, +1
+ *
+ * Comparison---Compares <i>time</i> with <i>other_time</i> or with
+ * <i>numeric</i>, which is the number of seconds (possibly
+ * fractional) since epoch.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t2 = t + 2592000 #=> Fri May 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t <=> t2 #=> -1
+ * t2 <=> t #=> 1
+ * t <=> t #=> 0
+ */
static VALUE
time_cmp(time1, time2)
VALUE time1, time2;
@@ -742,6 +861,15 @@ time_cmp(time1, time2)
return Qnil;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.eql?(other_time)
+ *
+ * Return <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> and <i>other_time</i> are
+ * both <code>Time</code> objects with the same seconds and fractional
+ * seconds.
+ */
static VALUE
time_eql(time1, time2)
VALUE time1, time2;
@@ -758,6 +886,25 @@ time_eql(time1, time2)
return Qfalse;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.utc? => true or false
+ * time.gmt? => true or false
+ *
+ * Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> represents a time in UTC
+ * (GMT).
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * t.utc? #=> false
+ * t = Time.gm(2000,"jan",1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 UTC 2000
+ * t.utc? #=> true
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t.gmt? #=> false
+ * t = Time.gm(2000,1,1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 UTC 2000
+ * t.gmt? #=> true
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -769,6 +916,13 @@ time_utc_p(time)
return Qfalse;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.hash => fixnum
+ *
+ * Return a hash code for this time object.
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -808,6 +962,19 @@ time_dup(time)
return dup;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.localtime => time
+ *
+ * Converts <i>time</i> to local time (using the local time zone in
+ * effect for this process) modifying the receiver.
+ *
+ * t = Time.gm(2000, "jan", 1, 20, 15, 1)
+ * t.gmt? #=> true
+ * t.localtime #=> Sat Jan 01 14:15:01 CST 2000
+ * t.gmt? #=> false
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -834,6 +1001,24 @@ time_localtime(time)
return time;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.gmtime => time
+ * time.utc => time
+ *
+ * Converts <i>time</i> to UTC (GMT), modifying the receiver.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t.gmt? #=> false
+ * t.gmtime #=> Wed Apr 09 13:56:03 UTC 2003
+ * t.gmt? #=> true
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * t.utc? #=> false
+ * t.utc #=> Wed Apr 09 13:56:04 UTC 2003
+ * t.utc? #=> true
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -860,6 +1045,20 @@ time_gmtime(time)
return time;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.getlocal => new_time
+ *
+ * Returns a new <code>new_time</code> object representing <i>time</i> in
+ * local time (using the local time zone in effect for this process).
+ *
+ * t = Time.gm(2000,1,1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 UTC 2000
+ * t.gmt? #=> true
+ * l = t.getlocal #=> Sat Jan 01 14:15:01 CST 2000
+ * l.gmt? #=> false
+ * t == l #=> true
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -867,6 +1066,21 @@ time_getlocaltime(time)
return time_localtime(time_dup(time));
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.getgm => new_time
+ * time.getutc => new_time
+ *
+ * Returns a new <code>new_time</code> object representing <i>time</i> in
+ * UTC.
+ *
+ * t = Time.local(2000,1,1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 CST 2000
+ * t.gmt? #=> false
+ * y = t.getgm #=> Sun Jan 02 02:15:01 UTC 2000
+ * y.gmt? #=> true
+ * t == y #=> true
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -883,6 +1097,16 @@ time_get_tm(time, gmt)
return time_localtime(time);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.asctime => string
+ * time.ctime => string
+ *
+ * Returns a canonical string representation of <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * Time.now.asctime #=> "Wed Apr 9 08:56:03 2003"
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -900,6 +1124,19 @@ time_asctime(time)
return rb_str_new2(s);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.inspect => string
+ * time.to_s => string
+ *
+ * Returns a string representing <i>time</i>. Equivalent to calling
+ * <code>Time#strftime</code> with a format string of ``<code>%a</code>
+ * <code>%b</code> <code>%d</code> <code>%H:%M:%S</code>
+ * <code>%Z</code> <code>%Y</code>''.
+ *
+ * Time.now.to_s #=> "Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003"
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -921,6 +1158,17 @@ time_to_s(time)
return rb_str_new(buf, len);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time + numeric => time
+ *
+ * Addition---Adds some number of seconds (possibly fractional) to
+ * <i>time</i> and returns that value as a new time.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t + (60 * 60 * 24) #=> Thu Apr 10 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ */
static VALUE
time_plus(time1, time2)
VALUE time1, time2;
@@ -962,6 +1210,21 @@ time_plus(time1, time2)
return time2;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time - other_time => float
+ * time - numeric => time
+ *
+ * Difference---Returns a new time that represents the difference
+ * between two times, or subtracts the given number of seconds in
+ * <i>numeric</i> from <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t2 = t + 2592000 #=> Fri May 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t2 - t #=> 2592000.0
+ * t2 - 2592000 #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ */
static VALUE
time_minus(time1, time2)
VALUE time1, time2;
@@ -1009,6 +1272,13 @@ time_minus(time1, time2)
return time2;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.succ => new_time
+ *
+ * Return a new time object, one second later than <code>time</code>.
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1019,6 +1289,19 @@ time_succ(time)
return rb_time_new(tobj->tv.tv_sec + 1, tobj->tv.tv_usec);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.sec => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns the second of the minute (0..60)<em>[Yes, seconds really can
+ * range from zero to 60. This allows the system to inject leap seconds
+ * every now and then to correct for the fact that years are not really
+ * a convenient number of hours long.]</em> for <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * t.sec #=> 4
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1032,6 +1315,16 @@ time_sec(time)
return INT2FIX(tobj->tm.tm_sec);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.min => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns the minute of the hour (0..59) for <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t.min #=> 56
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1045,6 +1338,16 @@ time_min(time)
return INT2FIX(tobj->tm.tm_min);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.hour => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns the hour of the day (0..23) for <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t.hour #=> 8
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1058,6 +1361,18 @@ time_hour(time)
return INT2FIX(tobj->tm.tm_hour);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.day => fixnum
+ * time.mday => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns the day of the month (1..n) for <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t.day #=> 9
+ * t.mday #=> 9
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1071,6 +1386,18 @@ time_mday(time)
return INT2FIX(tobj->tm.tm_mday);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.mon => fixnum
+ * time.month => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns the month of the year (1..12) for <i>time</i>.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:03 CDT 2003
+ * t.mon #=> 4
+ * t.month #=> 4
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1084,6 +1411,16 @@ time_mon(time)
return INT2FIX(tobj->tm.tm_mon+1);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.year => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns the year for <i>time</i> (including the century).
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * t.year #=> 2003
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1097,6 +1434,17 @@ time_year(time)
return LONG2NUM((long)tobj->tm.tm_year+1900);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.wday => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns an integer representing the day of the week, 0..6, with
+ * Sunday == 0.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * t.wday #=> 3
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1110,6 +1458,16 @@ time_wday(time)
return INT2FIX(tobj->tm.tm_wday);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.yday => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns an integer representing the day of the year, 1..366.
+ *
+ * t = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * t.yday #=> 99
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1123,6 +1481,20 @@ time_yday(time)
return INT2FIX(tobj->tm.tm_yday+1);
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.isdst => true or false
+ * time.dst? => true or false
+ *
+ * Returns <code>true</code> if <i>time</i> occurs during Daylight
+ * Saving Time in its time zone.
+ *
+ * Time.local(2000, 7, 1).isdst #=> true
+ * Time.local(2000, 1, 1).isdst #=> false
+ * Time.local(2000, 7, 1).dst? #=> true
+ * Time.local(2000, 1, 1).dst? #=> false
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1136,6 +1508,19 @@ time_isdst(time)
return tobj->tm.tm_isdst?Qtrue:Qfalse;
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.zone => string
+ *
+ * Returns the name of the time zone used for <i>time</i>. As of Ruby
+ * 1.8, returns ``UTC'' rather than ``GMT'' for UTC times.
+ *
+ * t = Time.gm(2000, "jan", 1, 20, 15, 1)
+ * t.zone #=> "UTC"
+ * t = Time.local(2000, "jan", 1, 20, 15, 1)
+ * t.zone #=> "CST"
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1164,6 +1549,21 @@ time_zone(time)
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.gmt_offset => fixnum
+ * time.gmtoff => fixnum
+ * time.utc_offset => fixnum
+ *
+ * Returns the offset in seconds between the timezone of <i>time</i>
+ * and UTC.
+ *
+ * t = Time.gm(2000,1,1,20,15,1) #=> Sat Jan 01 20:15:01 UTC 2000
+ * t.gmt_offset #=> 0
+ * l = t.getlocal #=> Sat Jan 01 14:15:01 CST 2000
+ * l.gmt_offset #=> -21600
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1206,6 +1606,21 @@ time_utc_offset(time)
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.to_a => array
+ *
+ * Returns a ten-element <i>array</i> of values for <i>time</i>:
+ * {<code>[ sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, zone
+ * ]</code>}. See the individual methods for an explanation of the
+ * valid ranges of each value. The ten elements can be passed directly
+ * to <code>Time::utc</code> or <code>Time::local</code> to create a
+ * new <code>Time</code>.
+ *
+ * now = Time.now #=> Wed Apr 09 08:56:04 CDT 2003
+ * t = now.to_a #=> [4, 56, 8, 9, 4, 2003, 3, 99, true, "CDT"]
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE time;
@@ -1263,6 +1678,47 @@ rb_strftime(buf, format, time)
/* not reached */
+ * call-seq:
+ * time.strftime( string ) => string
+ *
+ * Formats <i>time</i> according to the directives in the given format
+ * string. Any text not listed as a directive will be passed through
+ * to the output string.
+ *
+ * Format meaning:
+ * %a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun'')
+ * %A - The full weekday name (``Sunday'')
+ * %b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan'')
+ * %B - The full month name (``January'')
+ * %c - The preferred local date and time representation
+ * %d - Day of the month (01..31)
+ * %H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)
+ * %I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12)
+ * %j - Day of the year (001..366)
+ * %m - Month of the year (01..12)
+ * %M - Minute of the hour (00..59)
+ * %p - Meridian indicator (``AM'' or ``PM'')
+ * %S - Second of the minute (00..60)
+ * %U - Week number of the current year,
+ * starting with the first Sunday as the first
+ * day of the first week (00..53)
+ * %W - Week number of the current year,
+ * starting with the first Monday as the first
+ * day of the first week (00..53)
+ * %w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)
+ * %x - Preferred representation for the date alone, no time
+ * %X - Preferred representation for the time alone, no date
+ * %y - Year without a century (00..99)
+ * %Y - Year with century
+ * %Z - Time zone name
+ * %% - Literal ``%'' character
+ *
+ * t = Time.now
+ * t.strftime("Printed on %m/%d/%Y") #=> "Printed on 04/09/2003"
+ * t.strftime("at %I:%M%p") #=> "at 08:56AM"
+ */
static VALUE
time_strftime(time, format)
VALUE time, format;
@@ -1309,6 +1765,13 @@ time_strftime(time, format)
return str;
+ * call-seq:
+ * Time.times => struct_tms
+ *
+ * Deprecated in favor of <code>Process::times</code>
+ */
static VALUE
VALUE obj;
@@ -1441,6 +1904,24 @@ time_load(klass, str)
return time;
+ * <code>Time</code> is an abstraction of dates and times. Time is
+ * stored internally as the number of seconds and microseconds since
+ * the <em>epoch</em>, January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC. On some operating
+ * systems, this offset is allowed to be negative. Also see the
+ * library modules <code>Date</code> and <code>ParseDate</code>. The
+ * <code>Time</code> class treats GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and UTC
+ * (Coordinated Universal Time)<em>[Yes, UTC really does stand for
+ * Coordinated Universal Time. There was a committee involved.]</em>
+ * as equivalent. GMT is the older way of referring to these
+ * baseline times but persists in the names of calls on Posix
+ * systems.
+ *
+ * All times are stored with some number of microseconds. Be aware of
+ * this fact when comparing times with each other---times that are
+ * apparently equal when displayed may be different when compared.
+ */