path: root/tool/ruby_vm/helpers
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Diffstat (limited to 'tool/ruby_vm/helpers')
3 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/c_escape.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/c_escape.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..088df1562e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/c_escape.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
+# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
+# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
+# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
+# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
+# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
+# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
+# details.
+require 'securerandom'
+module RubyVM::CEscape
+ module_function
+ # generate comment, with escaps.
+ def commentify str
+ return "/* #{str.strip.b.gsub '*/', '*\\/'} */"
+ end
+ # Mimic gensym of CL.
+ def gensym prefix = 'gensym_'
+ return as_tr_cpp "#{prefix}#{SecureRandom.uuid}"
+ end
+ # Mimic AS_TR_CPP() of autoconf.
+ def as_tr_cpp name
+ q = name.b
+ q.gsub! %r/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/m, '_'
+ q.gsub! %r/_+/, '_'
+ return q
+ end
+ # Section 6.10.4 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999 specifies that the file name used for
+ # #line directive shall be a "character string literal". So this is needed.
+ #
+ # I'm not sure how many chars are allowed here, though. The standard
+ # specifies 4095 chars at most, after string concatenation (section
+ # But it is easy to have a path that is longer than that.
+ #
+ # Here we ignore the standard. Just create single string literal of any
+ # needed length.
+ def rstring2cstr str
+ # I believe this is the fastest implementation done in pure-ruby.
+ # Constants cached, gsub skips block evaluation, string literal optimized.
+ buf = str.b
+ buf.gsub! %r/./n, RString2CStr
+ return %'"#{buf}"'
+ end
+ RString2CStr = {
+ "\x00"=> "\\0", "\x01"=> "\\x1", "\x02"=> "\\x2", "\x03"=> "\\x3",
+ "\x04"=> "\\x4", "\x05"=> "\\x5", "\x06"=> "\\x6", "\a"=> "\\a",
+ "\b"=> "\\b", "\t"=> "\\t", "\n"=> "\\n", "\v"=> "\\v",
+ "\f"=> "\\f", "\r"=> "\\r", "\x0E"=> "\\xe", "\x0F"=> "\\xf",
+ "\x10"=>"\\x10", "\x11"=>"\\x11", "\x12"=>"\\x12", "\x13"=>"\\x13",
+ "\x14"=>"\\x14", "\x15"=>"\\x15", "\x16"=>"\\x16", "\x17"=>"\\x17",
+ "\x18"=>"\\x18", "\x19"=>"\\x19", "\x1A"=>"\\x1a", "\e"=>"\\x1b",
+ "\x1C"=>"\\x1c", "\x1D"=>"\\x1d", "\x1E"=>"\\x1e", "\x1F"=>"\\x1f",
+ " "=> " ", "!"=> "!", "\""=> "\\\"", "#"=> "#",
+ "$"=> "$", "%"=> "%", "&"=> "&", "'"=> "\\'",
+ "("=> "(", ")"=> ")", "*"=> "*", "+"=> "+",
+ ","=> ",", "-"=> "-", "."=> ".", "/"=> "/",
+ "0"=> "0", "1"=> "1", "2"=> "2", "3"=> "3",
+ "4"=> "4", "5"=> "5", "6"=> "6", "7"=> "7",
+ "8"=> "8", "9"=> "9", ":"=> ":", ";"=> ";",
+ "<"=> "<", "="=> "=", ">"=> ">", "?"=> "?",
+ "@"=> "@", "A"=> "A", "B"=> "B", "C"=> "C",
+ "D"=> "D", "E"=> "E", "F"=> "F", "G"=> "G",
+ "H"=> "H", "I"=> "I", "J"=> "J", "K"=> "K",
+ "L"=> "L", "M"=> "M", "N"=> "N", "O"=> "O",
+ "P"=> "P", "Q"=> "Q", "R"=> "R", "S"=> "S",
+ "T"=> "T", "U"=> "U", "V"=> "V", "W"=> "W",
+ "X"=> "X", "Y"=> "Y", "Z"=> "Z", "["=> "[",
+ "\\"=> "\\\\", "]"=> "]", "^"=> "^", "_"=> "_",
+ "`"=> "`", "a"=> "a", "b"=> "b", "c"=> "c",
+ "d"=> "d", "e"=> "e", "f"=> "f", "g"=> "g",
+ "h"=> "h", "i"=> "i", "j"=> "j", "k"=> "k",
+ "l"=> "l", "m"=> "m", "n"=> "n", "o"=> "o",
+ "p"=> "p", "q"=> "q", "r"=> "r", "s"=> "s",
+ "t"=> "t", "u"=> "u", "v"=> "v", "w"=> "w",
+ "x"=> "x", "y"=> "y", "z"=> "z", "{"=> "{",
+ "|"=> "|", "}"=> "}", "~"=> "~", "\x7F"=>"\\x7f",
+ "\x80"=>"\\x80", "\x81"=>"\\x81", "\x82"=>"\\x82", "\x83"=>"\\x83",
+ "\x84"=>"\\x84", "\x85"=>"\\x85", "\x86"=>"\\x86", "\x87"=>"\\x87",
+ "\x88"=>"\\x88", "\x89"=>"\\x89", "\x8A"=>"\\x8a", "\x8B"=>"\\x8b",
+ "\x8C"=>"\\x8c", "\x8D"=>"\\x8d", "\x8E"=>"\\x8e", "\x8F"=>"\\x8f",
+ "\x90"=>"\\x90", "\x91"=>"\\x91", "\x92"=>"\\x92", "\x93"=>"\\x93",
+ "\x94"=>"\\x94", "\x95"=>"\\x95", "\x96"=>"\\x96", "\x97"=>"\\x97",
+ "\x98"=>"\\x98", "\x99"=>"\\x99", "\x9A"=>"\\x9a", "\x9B"=>"\\x9b",
+ "\x9C"=>"\\x9c", "\x9D"=>"\\x9d", "\x9E"=>"\\x9e", "\x9F"=>"\\x9f",
+ "\xA0"=>"\\xa0", "\xA1"=>"\\xa1", "\xA2"=>"\\xa2", "\xA3"=>"\\xa3",
+ "\xA4"=>"\\xa4", "\xA5"=>"\\xa5", "\xA6"=>"\\xa6", "\xA7"=>"\\xa7",
+ "\xA8"=>"\\xa8", "\xA9"=>"\\xa9", "\xAA"=>"\\xaa", "\xAB"=>"\\xab",
+ "\xAC"=>"\\xac", "\xAD"=>"\\xad", "\xAE"=>"\\xae", "\xAF"=>"\\xaf",
+ "\xB0"=>"\\xb0", "\xB1"=>"\\xb1", "\xB2"=>"\\xb2", "\xB3"=>"\\xb3",
+ "\xB4"=>"\\xb4", "\xB5"=>"\\xb5", "\xB6"=>"\\xb6", "\xB7"=>"\\xb7",
+ "\xB8"=>"\\xb8", "\xB9"=>"\\xb9", "\xBA"=>"\\xba", "\xBB"=>"\\xbb",
+ "\xBC"=>"\\xbc", "\xBD"=>"\\xbd", "\xBE"=>"\\xbe", "\xBF"=>"\\xbf",
+ "\xC0"=>"\\xc0", "\xC1"=>"\\xc1", "\xC2"=>"\\xc2", "\xC3"=>"\\xc3",
+ "\xC4"=>"\\xc4", "\xC5"=>"\\xc5", "\xC6"=>"\\xc6", "\xC7"=>"\\xc7",
+ "\xC8"=>"\\xc8", "\xC9"=>"\\xc9", "\xCA"=>"\\xca", "\xCB"=>"\\xcb",
+ "\xCC"=>"\\xcc", "\xCD"=>"\\xcd", "\xCE"=>"\\xce", "\xCF"=>"\\xcf",
+ "\xD0"=>"\\xd0", "\xD1"=>"\\xd1", "\xD2"=>"\\xd2", "\xD3"=>"\\xd3",
+ "\xD4"=>"\\xd4", "\xD5"=>"\\xd5", "\xD6"=>"\\xd6", "\xD7"=>"\\xd7",
+ "\xD8"=>"\\xd8", "\xD9"=>"\\xd9", "\xDA"=>"\\xda", "\xDB"=>"\\xdb",
+ "\xDC"=>"\\xdc", "\xDD"=>"\\xdd", "\xDE"=>"\\xde", "\xDF"=>"\\xdf",
+ "\xE0"=>"\\xe0", "\xE1"=>"\\xe1", "\xE2"=>"\\xe2", "\xE3"=>"\\xe3",
+ "\xE4"=>"\\xe4", "\xE5"=>"\\xe5", "\xE6"=>"\\xe6", "\xE7"=>"\\xe7",
+ "\xE8"=>"\\xe8", "\xE9"=>"\\xe9", "\xEA"=>"\\xea", "\xEB"=>"\\xeb",
+ "\xEC"=>"\\xec", "\xED"=>"\\xed", "\xEE"=>"\\xee", "\xEF"=>"\\xef",
+ "\xF0"=>"\\xf0", "\xF1"=>"\\xf1", "\xF2"=>"\\xf2", "\xF3"=>"\\xf3",
+ "\xF4"=>"\\xf4", "\xF5"=>"\\xf5", "\xF6"=>"\\xf6", "\xF7"=>"\\xf7",
+ "\xF8"=>"\\xf8", "\xF9"=>"\\xf9", "\xFA"=>"\\xfa", "\xFB"=>"\\xfb",
+ "\xFC"=>"\\xfc", "\xFD"=>"\\xfd", "\xFE"=>"\\xfe", "\xFF"=>"\\xff",
+ }.freeze
+ private_constant :RString2CStr
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/dumper.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/dumper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f14d90d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/dumper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
+# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
+# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
+# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
+# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
+# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
+# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
+# details.
+require 'pathname'
+require 'erb'
+require_relative 'c_escape'
+class RubyVM::Dumper
+ include RubyVM::CEscape
+ # I learned this handy "super-private" maneuver from @a_matsuda
+ # cf: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/27363/files
+ using Module.new {
+ refine RubyVM::Dumper do
+ private
+ def new_binding
+ # This `eval 'binding'` does not return the current binding
+ # but creates one on top of it.
+ return eval 'binding'
+ end
+ def new_erb spec
+ path = Pathname.new __dir__
+ path += '../views'
+ path += spec
+ src = path.read mode: 'rt:utf-8:utf-8'
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ raise "don't know how to generate #{path}"
+ else
+ erb = ERB.new src, nil, '%-'
+ erb.filename = path.realpath.to_path
+ return erb
+ end
+ def finderb spec
+ return @erb.fetch spec do |k|
+ erb = new_erb k
+ @erb[k] = erb
+ end
+ end
+ def replace_pragma_line str, lineno
+ if str == "#pragma RubyVM reset source\n" then
+ return "#line #{lineno + 2} #{@file}\n"
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+ public
+ def do_render source, locals
+ erb = finderb source
+ bnd = @empty.dup
+ locals.each_pair do |k, v|
+ bnd.local_variable_set k, v
+ end
+ return erb.result bnd
+ end
+ def replace_pragma str
+ return str \
+ . each_line \
+ . with_index \
+ . map {|i, j| replace_pragma_line i, j } \
+ . join
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ def initialize path
+ @erb = {}
+ @empty = new_binding
+ dst = Pathname.new Dir.getwd
+ dst += path
+ @file = cstr dst.realdirpath.to_path
+ end
+ def render partial, locals: {}
+ return do_render "_#{partial}.erb", locals
+ end
+ def generate template
+ str = do_render "#{template}.erb", {}
+ return replace_pragma str
+ end
+ private
+ # view helpers
+ alias cstr rstring2cstr
+ alias comm commentify
+ def render_c_expr expr
+ render 'c_expr', locals: { expr: expr, }
+ end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/scanner.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/scanner.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dce6ffdfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/scanner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
+# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
+# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
+# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
+# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
+# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
+# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
+# details.
+require 'pathname'
+require 'strscan'
+class RubyVM::Scanner
+ attr_reader :__FILE__
+ attr_reader :__LINE__
+ def initialize path
+ src = Pathname.new __dir__
+ src += path
+ @__LINE__ = 1
+ @__FILE__ = src.realpath.to_path
+ str = src.read mode: 'rt:utf-8:utf-8'
+ @scanner = StringScanner.new str
+ end
+ def eos?
+ @scanner.eos?
+ end
+ def scan re
+ ret = @__LINE__
+ match = @scanner.scan re
+ return unless match
+ @__LINE__ += match.count "\n"
+ return ret
+ end
+ def scan! re
+ scan re or raise sprintf "parse error at %s:%d near:\n %s...", \
+ @__FILE__, @__LINE__, @scanner.peek(32)
+ end
+ def [] key
+ return @scanner[key]
+ end