path: root/tool
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool')
39 files changed, 1259 insertions, 1817 deletions
diff --git a/tool/insns2vm.rb b/tool/insns2vm.rb
index e6fe64d189..ecbbb52643 100755
--- a/tool/insns2vm.rb
+++ b/tool/insns2vm.rb
@@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
# This is used by Makefile.in to generate .inc files.
# See Makefile.in for details.
-require_relative 'ruby_vm/scripts/insns2vm'
+require 'optparse'
+Version = %w$Revision: 11626 $[1..-1]
+require "#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'instruction')}"
if $0 == __FILE__
- router(ARGV).each do |(path, generator)|
- str = generator.generate path
- path.write str, mode: 'wb:utf-8'
- end
+ opts = ARGV.options
+ maker = RubyVM::SourceCodeGenerator.def_options(opts)
+ files = opts.parse!
+ generator = maker.call
+ generator.generate(files)
diff --git a/tool/instruction.rb b/tool/instruction.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..447fed5948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/instruction.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1249 @@
+# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
+# This library is used by insns2vm.rb as part of autogenerating
+# instruction files with .inc extensions like insns.inc and vm.inc.
+require 'erb'
+require 'vpath'
+class RubyVM
+ class Instruction
+ def initialize name, opes, pops, rets, comm, body, tvars, sp_inc,
+ orig = self, defopes = [], type = nil,
+ nsc = [], psc = [[], []]
+ @name = name
+ @opes = opes # [[type, name], ...]
+ @pops = pops # [[type, name], ...]
+ @rets = rets # [[type, name], ...]
+ @comm = comm # {:c => category, :e => en desc, :j => ja desc}
+ @body = body # '...'
+ @orig = orig
+ @defopes = defopes
+ @type = type
+ @tvars = tvars
+ @nextsc = nsc
+ @pushsc = psc
+ @sc = []
+ @unifs = []
+ @optimized = []
+ @is_sc = false
+ @sp_inc = sp_inc
+ @trace = trace
+ end
+ def add_sc sci
+ @sc << sci
+ sci.set_sc
+ end
+ attr_reader :name, :opes, :pops, :rets
+ attr_reader :body, :comm
+ attr_reader :nextsc, :pushsc
+ attr_reader :orig, :defopes, :type
+ attr_reader :sc
+ attr_reader :unifs, :optimized
+ attr_reader :is_sc
+ attr_reader :tvars
+ attr_reader :sp_inc
+ attr_accessor :trace
+ def set_sc
+ @is_sc = true
+ end
+ def add_unif insns
+ @unifs << insns
+ end
+ def add_optimized insn
+ @optimized << insn
+ end
+ def sp_increase_c_expr
+ if(pops.any?{|t, v| v == '...'} ||
+ rets.any?{|t, v| v == '...'})
+ # user definition
+ raise "no sp increase definition" if @sp_inc.nil?
+ ret = "int inc = 0;\n"
+ @opes.each_with_index{|(t, v), i|
+ if (t == 'rb_num_t' && ((re = /\b#{v}\b/n) =~ @sp_inc)) ||
+ (@defopes.any?{|t, val| re =~ val})
+ ret << " int #{v} = FIX2INT(opes[#{i}]);\n"
+ elsif (t == 'CALL_INFO' && ((re = /\b#{v}\b/n) =~ @sp_inc))
+ ret << " CALL_INFO #{v} = (CALL_INFO)(opes[#{i}]);\n"
+ end
+ }
+ @defopes.each_with_index{|((t, var), val), i|
+ if t == 'rb_num_t' && val != '*' && /\b#{var}\b/ =~ @sp_inc
+ ret << " #{t} #{var} = #{val};\n"
+ end
+ }
+ ret << " #{@sp_inc};\n"
+ ret << " return depth + inc;"
+ ret
+ else
+ "return depth + #{rets.size - pops.size};"
+ end
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#<Instruction:#{@name}>"
+ end
+ end
+ class InstructionsLoader
+ def initialize opts = {}
+ @insns = []
+ @insn_map = {}
+ @vpath = opts[:VPATH] || File
+ @use_const = opts[:use_const]
+ @verbose = opts[:verbose]
+ @destdir = opts[:destdir]
+ (@vm_opts = load_vm_opts).each {|k, v|
+ @vm_opts[k] = opts[k] if opts.key?(k)
+ }
+ load_insns_def opts[:"insns.def"] || 'insns.def'
+ load_opt_operand_def opts[:"opope.def"] || 'defs/opt_operand.def'
+ load_insn_unification_def opts[:"unif.def"] || 'defs/opt_insn_unif.def'
+ make_stackcaching_insns if vm_opt?('STACK_CACHING')
+ make_trace_insns
+ end
+ attr_reader :vpath
+ attr_reader :destdir
+ %w[use_const verbose].each do |attr|
+ attr_reader attr
+ alias_method "#{attr}?", attr
+ remove_method attr
+ end
+ def [](s)
+ @insn_map[s.to_s]
+ end
+ def each
+ @insns.each{|insn|
+ yield insn
+ }
+ end
+ def size
+ @insns.size
+ end
+ ###
+ private
+ def vm_opt? name
+ @vm_opts[name]
+ end
+ def load_vm_opts file = nil
+ file ||= 'vm_opts.h'
+ opts = {}
+ vpath.open(file) do |f|
+ f.grep(/^\#define\s+OPT_([A-Z_]+)\s+(\d+)/) do
+ opts[$1] = !$2.to_i.zero?
+ end
+ end
+ opts
+ end
+ SKIP_COMMENT_PATTERN = Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape('/** ##skip'))
+ include Enumerable
+ def add_insn insn
+ @insns << insn
+ @insn_map[insn.name] = insn
+ end
+ def make_insn name, opes, pops, rets, comm, body, sp_inc
+ add_insn Instruction.new(name, opes, pops, rets, comm, body, [], sp_inc)
+ end
+ # str -> [[type, var], ...]
+ def parse_vars line
+ raise unless /\((.*?)\)/ =~ line
+ vars = $1.split(',')
+ vars.map!{|v|
+ if /\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/ =~ v
+ type = $1
+ var = $2
+ elsif /\s*\.\.\.\s*/ =~ v
+ type = var = '...'
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ [type, var]
+ }
+ vars
+ end
+ def parse_comment comm
+ c = 'others'
+ j = ''
+ e = ''
+ comm.each_line{|line|
+ case line
+ when /@c (.+)/
+ c = $1
+ when /@e (.+)/
+ e = $1
+ when /@e\s*$/
+ e = ''
+ when /@j (.+)$/
+ j = $1
+ when /@j\s*$/
+ j = ''
+ end
+ }
+ { :c => c,
+ :e => e,
+ :j => j,
+ }
+ end
+ def load_insns_def file
+ body = insn = opes = pops = rets = nil
+ comment = ''
+ vpath.open(file) {|f|
+ f.instance_variable_set(:@line_no, 0)
+ class << f
+ def line_no
+ @line_no
+ end
+ def gets
+ @line_no += 1
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ while line = f.gets
+ line.chomp!
+ case line
+ while line = f.gets.chomp
+ if /\s+\*\/$/ =~ line
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ # collect instruction comment
+ when /^\/\*\*$/
+ while line = f.gets
+ if /\s+\*\/\s*$/ =~ line
+ break
+ else
+ comment << line
+ end
+ end
+ # start instruction body
+ when /^DEFINE_INSN$/
+ insn = f.gets.chomp
+ opes = parse_vars(f.gets.chomp)
+ pops = parse_vars(f.gets.chomp).reverse
+ rets_str = f.gets.chomp
+ rets = parse_vars(rets_str).reverse
+ comment = parse_comment(comment)
+ insn_in = true
+ body = ''
+ sp_inc = rets_str[%r"//\s*(.+)", 1]
+ raise unless /^\{$/ =~ f.gets.chomp
+ line_no = f.line_no
+ # end instruction body
+ when /^\}/
+ if insn_in
+ body.instance_variable_set(:@line_no, line_no)
+ body.instance_variable_set(:@file, f.path)
+ insn = make_insn(insn, opes, pops, rets, comment, body, sp_inc)
+ insn_in = false
+ comment = ''
+ end
+ else
+ if insn_in
+ body << line + "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ ## opt op
+ def load_opt_operand_def file
+ vpath.foreach(file) {|line|
+ line = line.gsub(/\#.*/, '').strip
+ next if line.length == 0
+ break if /__END__/ =~ line
+ /(\S+)\s+(.+)/ =~ line
+ insn = $1
+ opts = $2
+ add_opt_operand insn, opts.split(/,/).map{|e| e.strip}
+ } if file
+ end
+ def label_escape label
+ label.gsub(/\(/, '_O_').
+ gsub(/\)/, '_C_').
+ gsub(/\*/, '_WC_')
+ end
+ def add_opt_operand insn_name, opts
+ insn = @insn_map[insn_name]
+ opes = insn.opes
+ if opes.size != opts.size
+ raise "operand size mismatch for #{insn.name} (opes: #{opes.size}, opts: #{opts.size})"
+ end
+ ninsn = insn.name + '_OP_' + opts.map{|e| label_escape(e)}.join('_')
+ nopes = []
+ defv = []
+ opts.each_with_index{|e, i|
+ if e == '*'
+ nopes << opes[i]
+ end
+ defv << [opes[i], e]
+ }
+ make_insn_operand_optimized(insn, ninsn, nopes, defv)
+ end
+ def make_insn_operand_optimized orig_insn, name, opes, defopes
+ comm = orig_insn.comm.dup
+ comm[:c] = 'optimize'
+ add_insn insn = Instruction.new(
+ name, opes, orig_insn.pops, orig_insn.rets, comm,
+ orig_insn.body, orig_insn.tvars, orig_insn.sp_inc,
+ orig_insn, defopes)
+ orig_insn.add_optimized insn
+ end
+ ## insn unif
+ def load_insn_unification_def file
+ vpath.foreach(file) {|line|
+ line = line.gsub(/\#.*/, '').strip
+ next if line.length == 0
+ break if /__END__/ =~ line
+ make_unified_insns line.split.map{|e|
+ raise "unknown insn: #{e}" unless @insn_map[e]
+ @insn_map[e]
+ }
+ } if file
+ end
+ def all_combination sets
+ ret = sets.shift.map{|e| [e]}
+ sets.each{|set|
+ prev = ret
+ ret = []
+ prev.each{|ary|
+ set.each{|e|
+ eary = ary.dup
+ eary << e
+ ret << eary
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret
+ end
+ def make_unified_insns insns
+ insn_sets = insns.map{|insn|
+ [insn] + insn.optimized
+ }
+ all_combination(insn_sets).each{|insns_set|
+ make_unified_insn_each insns_set
+ }
+ else
+ make_unified_insn_each insns
+ end
+ end
+ def mk_private_val vals, i, redef
+ vals.dup.map{|v|
+ # v[0] : type
+ # v[1] : var name
+ v = v.dup
+ if v[0] != '...'
+ redef[v[1]] = v[0]
+ v[1] = "#{v[1]}_#{i}"
+ end
+ v
+ }
+ end
+ def mk_private_val2 vals, i, redef
+ vals.dup.map{|v|
+ # v[0][0] : type
+ # v[0][1] : var name
+ # v[1] : default val
+ pv = v.dup
+ v = pv[0] = pv[0].dup
+ if v[0] != '...'
+ redef[v[1]] = v[0]
+ v[1] = "#{v[1]}_#{i}"
+ end
+ pv
+ }
+ end
+ def make_unified_insn_each insns
+ names = []
+ opes = []
+ pops = []
+ rets = []
+ comm = {
+ :c => 'optimize',
+ :e => 'unified insn',
+ :j => 'unified insn',
+ }
+ body = ''
+ passed = []
+ tvars = []
+ defopes = []
+ sp_inc = ''
+ insns.each_with_index{|insn, i|
+ names << insn.name
+ redef_vars = {}
+ e_opes = mk_private_val(insn.opes, i, redef_vars)
+ e_pops = mk_private_val(insn.pops, i, redef_vars)
+ e_rets = mk_private_val(insn.rets, i, redef_vars)
+ # ToDo: fix it
+ e_defs = mk_private_val2(insn.defopes, i, redef_vars)
+ passed_vars = []
+ while pvar = e_pops.pop
+ rvar = rets.pop
+ if rvar
+ raise "unsupported unif insn: #{insns.inspect}" if rvar[0] == '...'
+ passed_vars << [pvar, rvar]
+ tvars << rvar
+ else
+ e_pops.push pvar
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ opes.concat e_opes
+ pops.concat e_pops
+ rets.concat e_rets
+ defopes.concat e_defs
+ sp_inc << "#{insn.sp_inc}"
+ body << "{ /* unif: #{i} */\n" +
+ passed_vars.map{|rpvars|
+ pv = rpvars[0]
+ rv = rpvars[1]
+ "#define #{pv[1]} #{rv[1]}"
+ }.join("\n") +
+ "\n" +
+ redef_vars.map{|v, type|
+ "#{type} #{v} = #{v}_#{i};"
+ }.join("\n") + "\n"
+ if line = insn.body.instance_variable_get(:@line_no)
+ file = insn.body.instance_variable_get(:@file)
+ body << "#line #{line+1} \"#{file}\"\n"
+ body << insn.body
+ body << "\n#line __CURRENT_LINE__ \"__CURRENT_FILE__\"\n"
+ else
+ body << insn.body
+ end
+ body << redef_vars.keys.map{|v|
+ "#{v}_#{i} = #{v};"
+ }.join("\n") +
+ "\n" +
+ passed_vars.map{|rpvars|
+ "#undef #{rpvars[0][1]}"
+ }.join("\n") +
+ "\n}\n"
+ }
+ tvars_ary = []
+ tvars.each{|tvar|
+ unless opes.any?{|var|
+ var[1] == tvar[1]
+ } || defopes.any?{|pvar|
+ pvar[0][1] == tvar[1]
+ }
+ tvars_ary << tvar
+ end
+ }
+ add_insn insn = Instruction.new("UNIFIED_" + names.join('_'),
+ opes, pops, rets.reverse, comm, body,
+ tvars_ary, sp_inc)
+ insn.defopes.replace defopes
+ insns[0].add_unif [insn, insns]
+ end
+ ## sc
+ /\Asend/ => [:a],
+ /\Aend/ => [:a],
+ /\Ayield/ => [:a],
+ /\Aclassdef/ => [:a],
+ /\Amoduledef/ => [:a],
+ }
+ FROM_SC = [[], [:a], [:b], [:a, :b], [:b, :a]]
+ def make_stackcaching_insns
+ pops = rets = nil
+ @insns.dup.each{|insn|
+ opops = insn.pops
+ orets = insn.rets
+ oopes = insn.opes
+ ocomm = insn.comm
+ oname = insn.name
+ after = SPECIAL_INSN_FOR_SC_AFTER.find {|k, v| k =~ oname}
+ insns = []
+ FROM_SC.each{|from|
+ name, pops, rets, pushs1, pushs2, nextsc =
+ *calc_stack(insn, from, after, opops, orets)
+ make_insn_sc(insn, name, oopes, pops, rets, [pushs1, pushs2], nextsc)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def make_trace_insns
+ @insns.dup.each{|insn|
+ body = <<-EOS
+ vm_trace(ec, GET_CFP(), GET_PC());
+ trace_insn = Instruction.new(name = "trace_#{insn.name}",
+ insn.opes, insn.pops, insn.rets, insn.comm,
+ body, insn.tvars, insn.sp_inc)
+ trace_insn.trace = true
+ add_insn trace_insn
+ }
+ end
+ def make_insn_sc orig_insn, name, opes, pops, rets, pushs, nextsc
+ comm = orig_insn.comm.dup
+ comm[:c] = 'optimize(sc)'
+ scinsn = Instruction.new(
+ name, opes, pops, rets, comm,
+ orig_insn.body, orig_insn.tvars, orig_insn.sp_inc,
+ orig_insn, orig_insn.defopes, :sc, nextsc, pushs)
+ add_insn scinsn
+ orig_insn.add_sc scinsn
+ end
+ def self.complement_name st
+ "#{st[0] ? st[0] : 'x'}#{st[1] ? st[1] : 'x'}"
+ end
+ def add_stack_value st
+ len = st.length
+ if len == 0
+ st[0] = :a
+ [nil, :a]
+ elsif len == 1
+ if st[0] == :a
+ st[1] = :b
+ else
+ st[1] = :a
+ end
+ [nil, st[1]]
+ else
+ st[0], st[1] = st[1], st[0]
+ [st[1], st[1]]
+ end
+ end
+ def calc_stack insn, ofrom, oafter, opops, orets
+ from = ofrom.dup
+ pops = opops.dup
+ rets = orets.dup
+ rest_scr = ofrom.dup
+ pushs_before = []
+ pushs= []
+ pops.each_with_index{|e, i|
+ if e[0] == '...'
+ pushs_before = from
+ from = []
+ end
+ r = from.pop
+ break unless r
+ pops[i] = pops[i].dup << r
+ }
+ if oafter
+ from = oafter
+ from.each_with_index{|r, i|
+ rets[i] = rets[i].dup << r if rets[i]
+ }
+ else
+ rets = rets.reverse
+ rets.each_with_index{|e, i|
+ break if e[0] == '...'
+ pushed, r = add_stack_value from
+ rets[i] = rets[i].dup << r
+ if pushed
+ if rest_scr.pop
+ pushs << pushed
+ end
+ if i - 2 >= 0
+ rets[i-2].pop
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ if false #|| insn.name =~ /test3/
+ p ofrom
+ p pops
+ p rets
+ p pushs_before
+ p pushs
+ p from
+ exit
+ end
+ ret = ["#{insn.name}_SC_#{InstructionsLoader.complement_name(ofrom)}_#{complement_name(from)}",
+ pops, rets, pushs_before, pushs, from]
+ end
+ end
+ class SourceCodeGenerator
+ def initialize insns
+ @insns = insns
+ end
+ attr_reader :insns
+ def generate
+ raise "should not reach here"
+ end
+ def vpath
+ @insns.vpath
+ end
+ def verbose?
+ @insns.verbose?
+ end
+ def use_const?
+ @insns.use_const?
+ end
+ def template(name)
+ ERB.new(vpath.read("template/#{name}"), nil, '%-')
+ end
+ def build_string
+ @lines = []
+ yield
+ @lines.join("\n")
+ end
+ EMPTY_STRING = ''.freeze
+ def commit str = EMPTY_STRING
+ @lines << str
+ end
+ def comment str
+ @lines << str if verbose?
+ end
+ def output_path(fn)
+ d = @insns.destdir
+ fn = File.join(d, fn) if d
+ fn
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # vm.inc
+ class VmBodyGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ # vm.inc
+ def generate
+ template('vm.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ def generate_from_insnname insnname
+ make_insn_def @insns[insnname.to_s]
+ end
+ #######
+ private
+ def make_header_prepare_stack insn
+ comment " /* prepare stack status */"
+ push_ba = insn.pushsc
+ raise "unsupport" if push_ba[0].size > 0 && push_ba[1].size > 0
+ n = 0
+ push_ba.each {|pushs| n += pushs.length}
+ commit " CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW_FOR_INSN(VM_REG_CFP, #{n});" if n > 0
+ push_ba.each{|pushs|
+ pushs.each{|r|
+ commit " PUSH(SCREG(#{r}));"
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def make_header_operands insn
+ comment " /* declare and get from iseq */"
+ vars = insn.opes
+ n = 0
+ ops = []
+ vars.each_with_index{|(type, var), i|
+ if type == '...'
+ break
+ end
+ # skip make operands when body has no reference to this operand
+ # TODO: really needed?
+ re = /\b#{var}\b/n
+ if re =~ insn.body or re =~ insn.sp_inc or insn.rets.any?{|t, v| re =~ v} or re =~ 'ic' or re =~ 'ci' or re =~ 'cc'
+ ops << " #{type} #{var} = (#{type})GET_OPERAND(#{i+1});"
+ end
+ n += 1
+ }
+ @opn = n
+ # reverse or not?
+ # ops.join
+ commit ops.reverse
+ end
+ def make_header_default_operands insn
+ vars = insn.defopes
+ vars.each{|e|
+ next if e[1] == '*'
+ if use_const?
+ commit " const #{e[0][0]} #{e[0][1]} = #{e[1]};"
+ else
+ commit " #define #{e[0][1]} #{e[1]}"
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def make_footer_default_operands insn
+ comment " /* declare and initialize default opes */"
+ if use_const?
+ commit
+ else
+ vars = insn.defopes
+ vars.each{|e|
+ next if e[1] == '*'
+ commit "#undef #{e[0][1]}"
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def make_header_stack_pops insn
+ comment " /* declare and pop from stack */"
+ n = 0
+ pops = []
+ vars = insn.pops
+ vars.each_with_index{|iter, i|
+ type, var, r = *iter
+ if type == '...'
+ break
+ end
+ if r
+ pops << " #{type} #{var} = SCREG(#{r});"
+ else
+ pops << " #{type} #{var} = TOPN(#{n});"
+ n += 1
+ end
+ }
+ @popn = n
+ # reverse or not?
+ commit pops.reverse
+ end
+ def make_header_temporary_vars insn
+ comment " /* declare temporary vars */"
+ insn.tvars.each{|var|
+ commit " #{var[0]} #{var[1]};"
+ }
+ end
+ def make_header_stack_val insn
+ comment "/* declare stack push val */"
+ vars = insn.opes + insn.pops + insn.defopes.map{|e| e[0]}
+ insn.rets.each{|var|
+ if vars.all?{|e| e[1] != var[1]} && var[1] != '...'
+ commit " #{var[0]} #{var[1]};"
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def make_header_analysis insn
+ commit " COLLECT_USAGE_INSN(BIN(#{insn.name}));"
+ insn.opes.each_with_index{|op, i|
+ commit " COLLECT_USAGE_OPERAND(BIN(#{insn.name}), #{i}, #{op[1]});"
+ }
+ end
+ def make_header_pc insn
+ commit " ADD_PC(1+#{@opn});"
+ commit " PREFETCH(GET_PC());"
+ end
+ def make_header_popn insn
+ comment " /* management */"
+ commit " POPN(#{@popn});" if @popn > 0
+ end
+ def make_header_debug insn
+ comment " /* for debug */"
+ commit " DEBUG_ENTER_INSN(\"#{insn.name}\");"
+ end
+ def make_header_defines insn
+ commit " #define CURRENT_INSN_#{insn.name} 1"
+ commit " #define INSN_IS_SC() #{insn.sc ? 0 : 1}"
+ commit " #define INSN_LABEL(lab) LABEL_#{insn.name}_##lab"
+ commit " #define LABEL_IS_SC(lab) LABEL_##lab##_###{insn.sc.size == 0 ? 't' : 'f'}"
+ end
+ def each_footer_stack_val insn
+ insn.rets.reverse_each{|v|
+ break if v[1] == '...'
+ yield v
+ }
+ end
+ def make_footer_stack_val insn
+ comment " /* push stack val */"
+ n = 0
+ each_footer_stack_val(insn){|v|
+ n += 1 unless v[2]
+ }
+ commit " CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW_FOR_INSN(VM_REG_CFP, #{n});" if n > 0
+ each_footer_stack_val(insn){|v|
+ if v[2]
+ commit " SCREG(#{v[2]}) = #{v[1]};"
+ else
+ commit " PUSH(#{v[1]});"
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def make_footer_undefs insn
+ commit "#undef CURRENT_INSN_#{insn.name}"
+ commit "#undef INSN_IS_SC"
+ commit "#undef INSN_LABEL"
+ commit "#undef LABEL_IS_SC"
+ end
+ def make_header insn
+ label = insn.trace ? '' : "START_OF_ORIGINAL_INSN(#{insn.name});"
+ commit "INSN_ENTRY(#{insn.name}){#{label}"
+ make_header_prepare_stack insn
+ commit "{"
+ unless insn.trace
+ make_header_stack_val insn
+ make_header_default_operands insn
+ make_header_operands insn
+ make_header_stack_pops insn
+ make_header_temporary_vars insn
+ #
+ make_header_debug insn
+ make_header_pc insn
+ make_header_popn insn
+ make_header_defines insn
+ make_header_analysis insn
+ end
+ commit "{"
+ end
+ def make_footer insn
+ unless insn.trace
+ make_footer_stack_val insn
+ make_footer_default_operands insn
+ make_footer_undefs insn
+ end
+ commit " END_INSN(#{insn.name});}}}"
+ end
+ def make_insn_def insn
+ build_string do
+ make_header insn
+ if line = insn.body.instance_variable_get(:@line_no)
+ file = insn.body.instance_variable_get(:@file)
+ commit "#line #{line+1} \"#{file}\""
+ commit insn.body
+ commit '#line __CURRENT_LINE__ "__CURRENT_FILE__"'
+ else
+ commit insn.body
+ end
+ make_footer(insn)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # vmtc.inc
+ class VmTCIncGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ template('vmtc.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # insns_info.inc
+ class InsnsInfoIncGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ template('insns_info.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ ###
+ private
+ def op2typesig op
+ case op
+ when /^OFFSET/
+ when /^rb_num_t/
+ "TS_NUM"
+ when /^lindex_t/
+ when /^VALUE/
+ when /^ID/
+ "TS_ID"
+ when /GENTRY/
+ when /^IC/
+ "TS_IC"
+ when /^CALL_INFO/
+ when /^CALL_CACHE/
+ when /^\.\.\./
+ when /^CDHASH/
+ when /^ISEQ/
+ when /rb_insn_func_t/
+ else
+ raise "unknown op type: #{op}"
+ end
+ end
+ 'TS_OFFSET' => 'O',
+ 'TS_NUM' => 'N',
+ 'TS_LINDEX' => 'L',
+ 'TS_VALUE' => 'V',
+ 'TS_ID' => 'I',
+ 'TS_GENTRY' => 'G',
+ 'TS_IC' => 'K',
+ 'TS_CALLINFO' => 'C',
+ 'TS_CALLCACHE' => 'E',
+ 'TS_CDHASH' => 'H',
+ 'TS_ISEQ' => 'S',
+ 'TS_VARIABLE' => '.',
+ 'TS_FUNCPTR' => 'F',
+ }
+ def max_length(array)
+ max = 0
+ array.each do |i|
+ if (n = i.length) > max
+ max = n
+ end
+ end
+ max
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # insns.inc
+ class InsnsIncGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ template('insns.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # minsns.inc
+ class MInsnsIncGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ template('minsns.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # optinsn.inc
+ class OptInsnIncGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ optinsn_inc
+ end
+ ###
+ private
+ def val_as_type op
+ type = op[0][0]
+ val = op[1]
+ case type
+ when /^long/, /^rb_num_t/, /^lindex_t/
+ "INT2FIX(#{val})"
+ when /^VALUE/
+ val
+ when /^ID/
+ "INT2FIX(#{val})"
+ when /^ISEQ/, /^rb_insn_func_t/
+ val
+ when /GENTRY/
+ raise
+ when /^\.\.\./
+ raise
+ else
+ raise "type: #{type}"
+ end
+ end
+ # optinsn.inc
+ def optinsn_inc
+ opt_insns_map = Hash.new{[]}
+ @insns.each{|insn|
+ next if insn.defopes.size == 0
+ next if insn.type == :sc
+ next if /^UNIFIED/ =~ insn.name.to_s
+ originsn = insn.orig
+ opt_insns_map[originsn] <<= insn
+ }
+ opt_insns_map.each_value do |optinsns|
+ sorted = optinsns.sort_by {|opti|
+ opti.defopes.find_all{|e| e[1] == '*'}.size
+ }
+ optinsns.replace(sorted)
+ end
+ template('optinsn.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # optunifs.inc
+ class OptUnifsIncGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ template('optunifs.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # opt_sc.inc
+ class OptSCIncGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ sc_insn_info = []
+ @insns.each{|insn|
+ insns = insn.sc
+ if insns.size > 0
+ insns = ['SC_ERROR'] + insns.map{|e| " BIN(#{e.name})"}
+ else
+ insns = Array.new(6){'SC_ERROR'}
+ end
+ sc_insn_info << " {\n#{insns.join(",\n")}}"
+ }
+ sc_insn_info = sc_insn_info.join(",\n")
+ sc_insn_next = @insns.map{|insn|
+ " SCS_#{InstructionsLoader.complement_name(insn.nextsc).upcase}" +
+ (verbose? ? " /* #{insn.name} */" : '')
+ }.join(",\n")
+ template('opt_sc.inc.tmpl').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # yasmdata.rb
+ class YASMDataRbGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ insn_id2no = ''
+ @insns.each_with_index{|insn, i|
+ insn_id2no << " :#{insn.name} => #{i},\n"
+ }
+ template('yasmdata.rb').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################################################
+ # yarvarch.*
+ class YARVDocGenerator < SourceCodeGenerator
+ def generate
+ end
+ def desc lang
+ d = ''
+ i = 0
+ cat = nil
+ @insns.each{|insn|
+ seq = insn.opes.map{|t,v| v}.join(' ')
+ before = insn.pops.reverse.map{|t,v| v}.join(' ')
+ after = insn.rets.reverse.map{|t,v| v}.join(' ')
+ if cat != insn.comm[:c]
+ d << "** #{insn.comm[:c]}\n\n"
+ cat = insn.comm[:c]
+ end
+ d << "*** #{insn.name}\n"
+ d << "\n"
+ d << insn.comm[lang] << "\n\n"
+ d << ":instruction sequence: 0x%02x " % i << seq << "\n"
+ d << ":stack: #{before} => #{after}\n\n"
+ i+=1
+ }
+ d
+ end
+ def desc_ja
+ d = desc :j
+ template('yarvarch.ja').result(binding)
+ end
+ def desc_en
+ d = desc :e
+ template('yarvarch.en').result(binding)
+ end
+ end
+ class SourceCodeGenerator
+ Files = { # codes
+ 'vm.inc' => VmBodyGenerator,
+ 'vmtc.inc' => VmTCIncGenerator,
+ 'insns.inc' => InsnsIncGenerator,
+ 'insns_info.inc' => InsnsInfoIncGenerator,
+ # 'minsns.inc' => MInsnsIncGenerator,
+ 'optinsn.inc' => OptInsnIncGenerator,
+ 'optunifs.inc' => OptUnifsIncGenerator,
+ 'opt_sc.inc' => OptSCIncGenerator,
+ 'yasmdata.rb' => YASMDataRbGenerator,
+ }
+ def generate args = []
+ args = Files.keys if args.empty?
+ args.each{|fn|
+ s = Files[fn].new(@insns).generate
+ open(output_path(fn), 'w') {|f| f.puts(s)}
+ }
+ end
+ def self.def_options(opt)
+ opts = {
+ :"insns.def" => 'insns.def',
+ :"opope.def" => 'defs/opt_operand.def',
+ :"unif.def" => 'defs/opt_insn_unif.def',
+ }
+ opt.on("-Dname", /\AOPT_(\w+)\z/, "enable VM option") {|s, v|
+ opts[v] = true
+ }
+ opt.on("--enable=name[,name...]", Array,
+ "enable VM options (without OPT_ prefix)") {|*a|
+ a.each {|v| opts[v] = true}
+ }
+ opt.on("-Uname", /\AOPT_(\w+)\z/, "disable VM option") {|s, v|
+ opts[v] = false
+ }
+ opt.on("--disable=name[,name...]", Array,
+ "disable VM options (without OPT_ prefix)") {|*a|
+ a.each {|v| opts[v] = false}
+ }
+ opt.on("-i", "--insnsdef=FILE", "--instructions-def",
+ "instructions definition file") {|n|
+ opts[:insns_def] = n
+ }
+ opt.on("-o", "--opt-operanddef=FILE", "--opt-operand-def",
+ "vm option: operand definition file") {|n|
+ opts[:opope_def] = n
+ }
+ opt.on("-u", "--opt-insnunifdef=FILE", "--opt-insn-unif-def",
+ "vm option: instruction unification file") {|n|
+ opts[:unif_def] = n
+ }
+ opt.on("-C", "--[no-]use-const",
+ "use consts for default operands instead of macros") {|v|
+ opts[:use_const] = v
+ }
+ opt.on("-d", "--destdir", "--output-directory=DIR",
+ "make output file underneath DIR") {|v|
+ opts[:destdir] = v
+ }
+ opt.on("-V", "--[no-]verbose") {|v|
+ opts[:verbose] = v
+ }
+ vpath = VPath.new
+ vpath.def_options(opt)
+ proc {
+ opts[:VPATH] = vpath
+ build opts
+ }
+ end
+ def self.build opts, vpath = ['./']
+ opts[:VPATH] ||= VPath.new(*vpath)
+ self.new InstructionsLoader.new(opts)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/controllers/application_controller.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/controllers/application_controller.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bb86873d25..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/controllers/application_controller.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/dumper'
-require_relative '../models/instructions'
-require_relative '../models/typemap'
-require_relative '../loaders/vm_opts_h'
-class ApplicationController
- def generate i
- path = Pathname.new i
- dumper = RubyVM::Dumper.new i
- return [path, dumper]
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/c_escape.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/c_escape.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 088df1562e..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/c_escape.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require 'securerandom'
-module RubyVM::CEscape
- module_function
- # generate comment, with escaps.
- def commentify str
- return "/* #{str.strip.b.gsub '*/', '*\\/'} */"
- end
- # Mimic gensym of CL.
- def gensym prefix = 'gensym_'
- return as_tr_cpp "#{prefix}#{SecureRandom.uuid}"
- end
- # Mimic AS_TR_CPP() of autoconf.
- def as_tr_cpp name
- q = name.b
- q.gsub! %r/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/m, '_'
- q.gsub! %r/_+/, '_'
- return q
- end
- # Section 6.10.4 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999 specifies that the file name used for
- # #line directive shall be a "character string literal". So this is needed.
- #
- # I'm not sure how many chars are allowed here, though. The standard
- # specifies 4095 chars at most, after string concatenation (section
- # But it is easy to have a path that is longer than that.
- #
- # Here we ignore the standard. Just create single string literal of any
- # needed length.
- def rstring2cstr str
- # I believe this is the fastest implementation done in pure-ruby.
- # Constants cached, gsub skips block evaluation, string literal optimized.
- buf = str.b
- buf.gsub! %r/./n, RString2CStr
- return %'"#{buf}"'
- end
- RString2CStr = {
- "\x00"=> "\\0", "\x01"=> "\\x1", "\x02"=> "\\x2", "\x03"=> "\\x3",
- "\x04"=> "\\x4", "\x05"=> "\\x5", "\x06"=> "\\x6", "\a"=> "\\a",
- "\b"=> "\\b", "\t"=> "\\t", "\n"=> "\\n", "\v"=> "\\v",
- "\f"=> "\\f", "\r"=> "\\r", "\x0E"=> "\\xe", "\x0F"=> "\\xf",
- "\x10"=>"\\x10", "\x11"=>"\\x11", "\x12"=>"\\x12", "\x13"=>"\\x13",
- "\x14"=>"\\x14", "\x15"=>"\\x15", "\x16"=>"\\x16", "\x17"=>"\\x17",
- "\x18"=>"\\x18", "\x19"=>"\\x19", "\x1A"=>"\\x1a", "\e"=>"\\x1b",
- "\x1C"=>"\\x1c", "\x1D"=>"\\x1d", "\x1E"=>"\\x1e", "\x1F"=>"\\x1f",
- " "=> " ", "!"=> "!", "\""=> "\\\"", "#"=> "#",
- "$"=> "$", "%"=> "%", "&"=> "&", "'"=> "\\'",
- "("=> "(", ")"=> ")", "*"=> "*", "+"=> "+",
- ","=> ",", "-"=> "-", "."=> ".", "/"=> "/",
- "0"=> "0", "1"=> "1", "2"=> "2", "3"=> "3",
- "4"=> "4", "5"=> "5", "6"=> "6", "7"=> "7",
- "8"=> "8", "9"=> "9", ":"=> ":", ";"=> ";",
- "<"=> "<", "="=> "=", ">"=> ">", "?"=> "?",
- "@"=> "@", "A"=> "A", "B"=> "B", "C"=> "C",
- "D"=> "D", "E"=> "E", "F"=> "F", "G"=> "G",
- "H"=> "H", "I"=> "I", "J"=> "J", "K"=> "K",
- "L"=> "L", "M"=> "M", "N"=> "N", "O"=> "O",
- "P"=> "P", "Q"=> "Q", "R"=> "R", "S"=> "S",
- "T"=> "T", "U"=> "U", "V"=> "V", "W"=> "W",
- "X"=> "X", "Y"=> "Y", "Z"=> "Z", "["=> "[",
- "\\"=> "\\\\", "]"=> "]", "^"=> "^", "_"=> "_",
- "`"=> "`", "a"=> "a", "b"=> "b", "c"=> "c",
- "d"=> "d", "e"=> "e", "f"=> "f", "g"=> "g",
- "h"=> "h", "i"=> "i", "j"=> "j", "k"=> "k",
- "l"=> "l", "m"=> "m", "n"=> "n", "o"=> "o",
- "p"=> "p", "q"=> "q", "r"=> "r", "s"=> "s",
- "t"=> "t", "u"=> "u", "v"=> "v", "w"=> "w",
- "x"=> "x", "y"=> "y", "z"=> "z", "{"=> "{",
- "|"=> "|", "}"=> "}", "~"=> "~", "\x7F"=>"\\x7f",
- "\x80"=>"\\x80", "\x81"=>"\\x81", "\x82"=>"\\x82", "\x83"=>"\\x83",
- "\x84"=>"\\x84", "\x85"=>"\\x85", "\x86"=>"\\x86", "\x87"=>"\\x87",
- "\x88"=>"\\x88", "\x89"=>"\\x89", "\x8A"=>"\\x8a", "\x8B"=>"\\x8b",
- "\x8C"=>"\\x8c", "\x8D"=>"\\x8d", "\x8E"=>"\\x8e", "\x8F"=>"\\x8f",
- "\x90"=>"\\x90", "\x91"=>"\\x91", "\x92"=>"\\x92", "\x93"=>"\\x93",
- "\x94"=>"\\x94", "\x95"=>"\\x95", "\x96"=>"\\x96", "\x97"=>"\\x97",
- "\x98"=>"\\x98", "\x99"=>"\\x99", "\x9A"=>"\\x9a", "\x9B"=>"\\x9b",
- "\x9C"=>"\\x9c", "\x9D"=>"\\x9d", "\x9E"=>"\\x9e", "\x9F"=>"\\x9f",
- "\xA0"=>"\\xa0", "\xA1"=>"\\xa1", "\xA2"=>"\\xa2", "\xA3"=>"\\xa3",
- "\xA4"=>"\\xa4", "\xA5"=>"\\xa5", "\xA6"=>"\\xa6", "\xA7"=>"\\xa7",
- "\xA8"=>"\\xa8", "\xA9"=>"\\xa9", "\xAA"=>"\\xaa", "\xAB"=>"\\xab",
- "\xAC"=>"\\xac", "\xAD"=>"\\xad", "\xAE"=>"\\xae", "\xAF"=>"\\xaf",
- "\xB0"=>"\\xb0", "\xB1"=>"\\xb1", "\xB2"=>"\\xb2", "\xB3"=>"\\xb3",
- "\xB4"=>"\\xb4", "\xB5"=>"\\xb5", "\xB6"=>"\\xb6", "\xB7"=>"\\xb7",
- "\xB8"=>"\\xb8", "\xB9"=>"\\xb9", "\xBA"=>"\\xba", "\xBB"=>"\\xbb",
- "\xBC"=>"\\xbc", "\xBD"=>"\\xbd", "\xBE"=>"\\xbe", "\xBF"=>"\\xbf",
- "\xC0"=>"\\xc0", "\xC1"=>"\\xc1", "\xC2"=>"\\xc2", "\xC3"=>"\\xc3",
- "\xC4"=>"\\xc4", "\xC5"=>"\\xc5", "\xC6"=>"\\xc6", "\xC7"=>"\\xc7",
- "\xC8"=>"\\xc8", "\xC9"=>"\\xc9", "\xCA"=>"\\xca", "\xCB"=>"\\xcb",
- "\xCC"=>"\\xcc", "\xCD"=>"\\xcd", "\xCE"=>"\\xce", "\xCF"=>"\\xcf",
- "\xD0"=>"\\xd0", "\xD1"=>"\\xd1", "\xD2"=>"\\xd2", "\xD3"=>"\\xd3",
- "\xD4"=>"\\xd4", "\xD5"=>"\\xd5", "\xD6"=>"\\xd6", "\xD7"=>"\\xd7",
- "\xD8"=>"\\xd8", "\xD9"=>"\\xd9", "\xDA"=>"\\xda", "\xDB"=>"\\xdb",
- "\xDC"=>"\\xdc", "\xDD"=>"\\xdd", "\xDE"=>"\\xde", "\xDF"=>"\\xdf",
- "\xE0"=>"\\xe0", "\xE1"=>"\\xe1", "\xE2"=>"\\xe2", "\xE3"=>"\\xe3",
- "\xE4"=>"\\xe4", "\xE5"=>"\\xe5", "\xE6"=>"\\xe6", "\xE7"=>"\\xe7",
- "\xE8"=>"\\xe8", "\xE9"=>"\\xe9", "\xEA"=>"\\xea", "\xEB"=>"\\xeb",
- "\xEC"=>"\\xec", "\xED"=>"\\xed", "\xEE"=>"\\xee", "\xEF"=>"\\xef",
- "\xF0"=>"\\xf0", "\xF1"=>"\\xf1", "\xF2"=>"\\xf2", "\xF3"=>"\\xf3",
- "\xF4"=>"\\xf4", "\xF5"=>"\\xf5", "\xF6"=>"\\xf6", "\xF7"=>"\\xf7",
- "\xF8"=>"\\xf8", "\xF9"=>"\\xf9", "\xFA"=>"\\xfa", "\xFB"=>"\\xfb",
- "\xFC"=>"\\xfc", "\xFD"=>"\\xfd", "\xFE"=>"\\xfe", "\xFF"=>"\\xff",
- }.freeze
- private_constant :RString2CStr
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/dumper.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/dumper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f14d90d1f..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/dumper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require 'pathname'
-require 'erb'
-require_relative 'c_escape'
-class RubyVM::Dumper
- include RubyVM::CEscape
- # I learned this handy "super-private" maneuver from @a_matsuda
- # cf: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/27363/files
- using Module.new {
- refine RubyVM::Dumper do
- private
- def new_binding
- # This `eval 'binding'` does not return the current binding
- # but creates one on top of it.
- return eval 'binding'
- end
- def new_erb spec
- path = Pathname.new __dir__
- path += '../views'
- path += spec
- src = path.read mode: 'rt:utf-8:utf-8'
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- raise "don't know how to generate #{path}"
- else
- erb = ERB.new src, nil, '%-'
- erb.filename = path.realpath.to_path
- return erb
- end
- def finderb spec
- return @erb.fetch spec do |k|
- erb = new_erb k
- @erb[k] = erb
- end
- end
- def replace_pragma_line str, lineno
- if str == "#pragma RubyVM reset source\n" then
- return "#line #{lineno + 2} #{@file}\n"
- else
- return str
- end
- end
- public
- def do_render source, locals
- erb = finderb source
- bnd = @empty.dup
- locals.each_pair do |k, v|
- bnd.local_variable_set k, v
- end
- return erb.result bnd
- end
- def replace_pragma str
- return str \
- . each_line \
- . with_index \
- . map {|i, j| replace_pragma_line i, j } \
- . join
- end
- end
- }
- def initialize path
- @erb = {}
- @empty = new_binding
- dst = Pathname.new Dir.getwd
- dst += path
- @file = cstr dst.realdirpath.to_path
- end
- def render partial, locals: {}
- return do_render "_#{partial}.erb", locals
- end
- def generate template
- str = do_render "#{template}.erb", {}
- return replace_pragma str
- end
- private
- # view helpers
- alias cstr rstring2cstr
- alias comm commentify
- def render_c_expr expr
- render 'c_expr', locals: { expr: expr, }
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/scanner.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/scanner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dce6ffdfe..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/helpers/scanner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require 'pathname'
-require 'strscan'
-class RubyVM::Scanner
- attr_reader :__FILE__
- attr_reader :__LINE__
- def initialize path
- src = Pathname.new __dir__
- src += path
- @__LINE__ = 1
- @__FILE__ = src.realpath.to_path
- str = src.read mode: 'rt:utf-8:utf-8'
- @scanner = StringScanner.new str
- end
- def eos?
- @scanner.eos?
- end
- def scan re
- ret = @__LINE__
- match = @scanner.scan re
- return unless match
- @__LINE__ += match.count "\n"
- return ret
- end
- def scan! re
- scan re or raise sprintf "parse error at %s:%d near:\n %s...", \
- @__FILE__, @__LINE__, @scanner.peek(32)
- end
- def [] key
- return @scanner[key]
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/insns_def.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/insns_def.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 58748c3ca6..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/insns_def.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/scanner'
-json = []
-scanner = RubyVM::Scanner.new '../../../insns.def'
-path = scanner.__FILE__
-grammar = %r'
- (?<comment> /[*] [^*]* [*]+ (?: [^*/] [^*]* [*]+ )* / ){0}
- (?<keyword> typedef | extern | static | auto | register |
- struct | union | enum ){0}
- (?<C> (?: \g<block> | [^{}]+ )* ){0}
- (?<block> \{ \g<ws>* ^ \g<C> $ \g<ws>* \} ){0}
- (?<ws> \g<comment> | \s ){0}
- (?<ident> [_a-zA-Z] [0-9_a-zA-Z]* ){0}
- (?<type> (?: \g<keyword> \g<ws>+ )* \g<ident> ){0}
- (?<arg> \g<type> \g<ws>+ \g<ident> | \.\.\. ){0}
- (?<argv> (?# empty ) |
- void |
- \g<arg> (?: \g<ws>* , \g<ws>* \g<arg> \g<ws>* )* ){0}
- (?<pragma> \g<ws>* // \s* attr \g<ws>+
- (?<pragma:type> \g<type> ) \g<ws>+
- (?<pragma:name> \g<ident> ) \g<ws>*
- = \g<ws>*
- (?<pragma:expr> .+?; ) \g<ws>* ){0}
- (?<insn> DEFINE_INSN \g<ws>+
- (?<insn:name> \g<ident> ) \g<ws>*
- [(] \g<ws>* (?<insn:opes> \g<argv> ) \g<ws>* [)] \g<ws>*
- [(] \g<ws>* (?<insn:pops> \g<argv> ) \g<ws>* [)] \g<ws>*
- [(] \g<ws>* (?<insn:rets> \g<argv> ) \g<ws>* [)] \g<ws>* ){0}
-until scanner.eos? do
- next if scanner.scan(/#{grammar}\g<ws>+/o)
- split = -> (v) {
- case v when /\Avoid\z/ then
- []
- else
- v.split(/, */)
- end
- }
- l1 = scanner.scan!(/#{grammar}\g<insn>/o)
- name = scanner["insn:name"]
- ope = split.(scanner["insn:opes"])
- pop = split.(scanner["insn:pops"])
- ret = split.(scanner["insn:rets"])
- attrs = []
- while l2 = scanner.scan(/#{grammar}\g<pragma>/o) do
- attrs << {
- location: [path, l2],
- name: scanner["pragma:name"],
- type: scanner["pragma:type"],
- expr: scanner["pragma:expr"],
- }
- end
- l3 = scanner.scan!(/#{grammar}\g<block>/o)
- json << {
- name: name,
- location: [path, l1],
- signature: {
- name: name,
- ope: ope,
- pop: pop,
- ret: ret,
- },
- attributes: attrs,
- expr: {
- location: [path, l3],
- expr: scanner["block"],
- },
- }
-RubyVM::InsnsDef = json
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- require 'json'
- JSON.dump RubyVM::InsnsDef, STDOUT
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/opt_insn_unif_def.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/opt_insn_unif_def.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a5af409e71..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/opt_insn_unif_def.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/scanner'
-json = []
-scanner = RubyVM::Scanner.new '../../../defs/opt_insn_unif.def'
-path = scanner.__FILE__
-until scanner.eos? do
- next if scanner.scan(/ ^ (?: \#.* )? \n /x)
- break if scanner.scan(/ ^ __END__ $ /x)
- pos = scanner.scan!(/(?<series> (?: [\ \t]* \w+ )+ ) \n /mx)
- json << {
- location: [path, pos],
- signature: scanner["series"].strip.split
- }
-RubyVM::OptInsnUnifDef = json
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- require 'json'
- JSON.dump RubyVM::OptInsnUnifDef, STDOUT
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/opt_operand_def.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/opt_operand_def.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c94b4bced..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/opt_operand_def.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/scanner'
-json = []
-scanner = RubyVM::Scanner.new '../../../defs/opt_operand.def'
-path = scanner.__FILE__
-grammar = %r/
- (?<comment> \# .+? \n ){0}
- (?<ws> \g<comment> | \s ){0}
- (?<insn> \w+ ){0}
- (?<paren> \( (?: \g<paren> | [^()]+)* \) ){0}
- (?<expr> (?: \g<paren> | [^(),\ \n] )+ ){0}
- (?<remain> \g<expr> ){0}
- (?<arg> \g<expr> ){0}
- (?<extra> , \g<ws>* \g<remain> ){0}
- (?<args> \g<arg> \g<extra>* ){0}
- (?<decl> \g<insn> \g<ws>+ \g<args> \n ){0}
-until scanner.eos? do
- break if scanner.scan(/ ^ __END__ $ /x)
- next if scanner.scan(/#{grammar} \g<ws>+ /ox)
- line = scanner.scan!(/#{grammar} \g<decl> /mox)
- insn = scanner["insn"]
- args = scanner["args"]
- ary = []
- until args.strip.empty? do
- tmp = StringScanner.new args
- tmp.scan(/#{grammar} \g<args> /mox)
- ary << tmp["arg"]
- args = tmp["remain"]
- break unless args
- end
- json << {
- location: [path, line],
- signature: [insn, ary]
- }
-RubyVM::OptOperandDef = json
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- require 'json'
- JSON.dump RubyVM::OptOperandDef, STDOUT
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/vm_opts_h.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/vm_opts_h.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f898fb36a4..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/loaders/vm_opts_h.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/scanner'
-json = {}
-scanner = RubyVM::Scanner.new '../../../vm_opts.h'
-grammar = %r/
- (?<ws> \u0020 ){0}
- (?<key> \w+ ){0}
- (?<value> 0|1 ){0}
- (?<define> \#define \g<ws>+ OPT_\g<key> \g<ws>+ \g<value> \g<ws>*\n )
-until scanner.eos? do
- if scanner.scan grammar then
- json[scanner['key']] = ! scanner['value'].to_i.zero? # not nonzero?
- else
- scanner.scan(/.*\n/)
- end
-RubyVM::VmOptsH = json
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- require 'json'
- JSON.dump RubyVM::VmOptsH, STDOUT
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/attribute.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/attribute.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6d6e09b2..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/attribute.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative 'c_expr'
-class RubyVM::Attribute
- include RubyVM::CEscape
- attr_reader :insn, :key, :type, :expr
- def initialize insn:, name:, type:, location:, expr:
- @insn = insn
- @key = name
- @expr = RubyVM::CExpr.new location: location, expr: expr
- @type = type
- end
- def name
- as_tr_cpp "attr #{@key} @ #{@insn.name}"
- end
- def pretty_name
- "attr #{type} #{key} @ #{insn.pretty_name}"
- end
- def declaration
- argv = @insn.opes.map {|o| o[:decl] }.join(', ')
- sprintf '%s %s(%s)', @type, name, argv
- end
- def definition
- argv = @insn.opes.map {|o| "MAYBE_UNUSED(#{o[:decl]})" }.join(",\n ")
- argv = "\n #{argv}\n" if @insn.opes.size > 1
- sprintf "%s\n%s(%s)", @type, name, argv
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/bare_instructions.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/bare_instructions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c3a96b8f08..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/bare_instructions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../loaders/insns_def'
-require_relative 'c_expr'
-require_relative 'typemap'
-require_relative 'attribute'
-class RubyVM::BareInstructions
- attr_reader :template, :name, :opes, :pops, :rets, :decls, :expr
- def initialize template:, name:, location:, signature:, attributes:, expr:
- @template = template
- @name = name
- @loc = location
- @sig = signature
- @expr = RubyVM::CExpr.new expr
- @opes = typesplit @sig[:ope]
- @pops = typesplit @sig[:pop].reject {|i| i == '...' }
- @rets = typesplit @sig[:ret].reject {|i| i == '...' }
- @attrs = attributes.map {|i|
- RubyVM::Attribute.new insn: self, **i
- }.each_with_object({}) {|a, h|
- h[a.key] = a
- }
- @attrs_orig = @attrs.dup
- end
- def pretty_name
- n = @sig[:name]
- o = @sig[:ope].map{|i| i[/\S+$/] }.join ', '
- p = @sig[:pop].map{|i| i[/\S+$/] }.join ', '
- r = @sig[:ret].map{|i| i[/\S+$/] }.join ', '
- return sprintf "%s(%s)(%s)(%s)", n, o, p, r
- end
- def bin
- return "BIN(#{name})"
- end
- def call_attribute name
- return sprintf 'CALL_ATTRIBUTE(%s)', [
- name, @name, @opes.map {|i| i[:name] }
- ].flatten.compact.join(', ')
- end
- def sp_inc
- return @attrs.fetch "sp_inc" do |k|
- return generate_attribute k, 'rb_snum_t', rets.size - pops.size
- end
- end
- def has_attribute? k
- @attrs_orig.has_key? k
- end
- def attributes
- # need to generate predefined attribute defaults
- sp_inc
- # other_attribute
- # ...
- return @attrs.values
- end
- def width
- return 1 + opes.size
- end
- def declarations
- return @variables \
- . values \
- . group_by {|h| h[:type] } \
- . map {|t, v| [t, v.map {|i| i[:name] }.sort ] } \
- . map {|t, v| sprintf("%s %s", t, v.join(', ')) } \
- . sort
- end
- def preamble
- # preamble makes sense for operand unifications
- return []
- end
- def sc?
- # sc stands for stack caching.
- return false
- end
- def cast_to_VALUE var, expr = var[:name]
- RubyVM::Typemap.typecast_to_VALUE var[:type], expr
- end
- def cast_from_VALUE var, expr = var[:name]
- RubyVM::Typemap.typecast_from_VALUE var[:type], expr
- end
- def operands_info
- opes.map {|o|
- c, _ = RubyVM::Typemap.fetch o[:type]
- next c
- }.join
- end
- def pushs_frame?
- opes.any? {|o| /CALL_INFO/ =~ o[:type] }
- end
- def inspect
- sprintf "#<%s@%s:%d>", @name, @loc[0], @loc[1]
- end
- private
- def generate_attribute k, t, v
- attr = RubyVM::Attribute.new \
- insn: self, \
- name: k, \
- type: t, \
- location: [], \
- expr: v.to_s + ';'
- return @attrs[k] = attr
- end
- def typesplit a
- @variables ||= {}
- a.map do |decl|
- md = %r'
- (?<comment> /[*] [^*]* [*]+ (?: [^*/] [^*]* [*]+ )* / ){0}
- (?<ws> \g<comment> | \s ){0}
- (?<ident> [_a-zA-Z] [0-9_a-zA-Z]* ){0}
- (?<type> (?: \g<ident> \g<ws>+ )* \g<ident> ){0}
- (?<var> \g<ident> ){0}
- \G \g<ws>* \g<type> \g<ws>+ \g<var>
- 'x.match(decl)
- @variables[md['var']] ||= {
- decl: decl,
- type: md['type'],
- name: md['var'],
- }
- end
- end
- @instances = RubyVM::InsnsDef.map {|h| new template: h, **h }
- def self.fetch name
- @instances.find do |insn|
- insn.name == name
- end or raise IndexError, "instruction not found: #{name}"
- end
- def self.to_a
- @instances
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/c_expr.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/c_expr.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b19dd8bb48..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/c_expr.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/c_escape.rb'
-class RubyVM::CExpr
- include RubyVM::CEscape
- attr_reader :__FILE__, :__LINE__, :expr
- def initialize location:, expr:
- @__FILE__ = location[0]
- @__LINE__ = location[1]
- @expr = expr
- end
- # blank, in sense of C program.
- RE = %r'\A{\g<s>*}\z|\A(?<s>\s|/[*][^*]*[*]+([^*/][^*]*[*]+)*/)*\z'
- if RUBY_VERSION > '2.4' then
- def blank?
- RE.match? @expr
- end
- else
- def blank?
- RE =~ @expr
- end
- end
- def inspect
- sprintf "#<%s:%d %s>", @__FILE__, @__LINE__, @expr
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/instructions.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/instructions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a04190a19..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/instructions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative 'bare_instructions'
-require_relative 'operands_unifications'
-require_relative 'instructions_unifications'
-RubyVM::Instructions = RubyVM::BareInstructions.to_a + \
- RubyVM::OperandsUnifications.to_a + \
- RubyVM::InstructionsUnifications.to_a
-require_relative 'trace_instructions'
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/instructions_unifications.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/instructions_unifications.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 346cebd709..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/instructions_unifications.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/c_escape'
-require_relative '../loaders/opt_insn_unif_def'
-require_relative 'bare_instructions'
-class RubyVM::InstructionsUnifications
- include RubyVM::CEscape
- attr_reader :name
- def initialize location:, signature:
- @location = location
- @name = namegen signature
- @series = signature.map do |i|
- RubyVM::BareInstructions.fetch i # Misshit is fatal
- end
- end
- private
- def namegen signature
- as_tr_cpp ['UNIFIED', *signature].join('_')
- end
- @instances = RubyVM::OptInsnUnifDef.map do |h|
- new(**h)
- end
- def self.to_a
- @instances
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/operands_unifications.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/operands_unifications.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c0ae0ece45..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/operands_unifications.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/c_escape'
-require_relative '../loaders/opt_operand_def'
-require_relative 'bare_instructions'
-class RubyVM::OperandsUnifications < RubyVM::BareInstructions
- include RubyVM::CEscape
- attr_reader :preamble, :original, :spec
- def initialize location:, signature:
- name = signature[0]
- @original = RubyVM::BareInstructions.fetch name
- template = @original.template
- parts = compose location, signature, template[:signature]
- json = template.dup
- json[:location] = location
- json[:signature] = parts[:signature]
- json[:name] = parts[:name]
- @preamble = parts[:preamble]
- @spec = parts[:spec]
- super template: template, **json
- parts[:vars].each do |v|
- @variables[v[:name]] ||= v
- end
- end
- def operand_shift_of var
- before = @original.opes.find_index var
- after = @opes.find_index var
- raise "no #{var} for #{@name}" unless before and after
- return before - after
- end
- def condition ptr
- # :FIXME: I'm not sure if this method should be in model?
- exprs = @spec.each_with_index.map do |(var, val), i|
- case val when '*' then
- next nil
- else
- type = @original.opes[i][:type]
- expr = RubyVM::Typemap.typecast_to_VALUE type, val
- next "#{ptr}[#{i}] == #{expr}"
- end
- end
- exprs.compact!
- if exprs.size == 1 then
- return exprs[0]
- else
- exprs.map! {|i| "(#{i})" }
- return exprs.join ' && '
- end
- end
- private
- def namegen signature
- insn, argv = *signature
- wcary = argv.map do |i|
- case i when '*' then
- 'WC'
- else
- i
- end
- end
- as_tr_cpp [insn, *wcary].join(', ')
- end
- def compose location, spec, template
- name = namegen spec
- *, argv = *spec
- opes = @original.opes
- if opes.size != argv.size
- raise sprintf("operand size mismatch for %s (%s's: %d, given: %d)",
- name, template[:name], opes.size, argv.size)
- else
- src = []
- mod = []
- spec = []
- vars = []
- argv.each_index do |i|
- j = argv[i]
- k = opes[i]
- spec[i] = [k, j]
- case j when '*' then
- # operand is from iseq
- mod << k[:decl]
- else
- # operand is inside C
- vars << k
- src << {
- location: location,
- expr: " #{k[:name]} = #{j};"
- }
- end
- end
- src.map! {|i| RubyVM::CExpr.new i }
- return {
- name: name,
- signature: {
- name: name,
- ope: mod,
- pop: template[:pop],
- ret: template[:ret],
- },
- preamble: src,
- vars: vars,
- spec: spec
- }
- end
- end
- @instances = RubyVM::OptOperandDef.map do |h|
- new(**h)
- end
- def self.to_a
- @instances
- end
- def self.each_group
- to_a.group_by(&:original).each_pair do |k, v|
- yield k, v
- end
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/trace_instructions.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/trace_instructions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a99a933ac7..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/trace_instructions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require_relative '../helpers/c_escape'
-require_relative 'bare_instructions'
-class RubyVM::TraceInstructions
- include RubyVM::CEscape
- attr_reader :name
- def initialize orig:
- @orig = orig
- @name = as_tr_cpp "trace @ #{@orig.name}"
- end
- def pretty_name
- return sprintf "%s(...)(...)(...)", @name
- end
- def jump_destination
- return @orig.name
- end
- def bin
- return sprintf "BIN(%s)", @name
- end
- def width
- return @orig.width
- end
- def operands_info
- return @orig.operands_info
- end
- def rets
- return ['...']
- end
- def pops
- return ['...']
- end
- def attributes
- return []
- end
- def has_attribute? *;
- return false
- end
- private
- @instances = RubyVM::Instructions.map {|i| new orig: i }
- def self.to_a
- @instances
- end
- RubyVM::Instructions.push(*to_a)
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/models/typemap.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/models/typemap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d818ce9878..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/models/typemap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-RubyVM::Typemap = {
- "..." => %w[. TS_VARIABLE],
- "CDHASH" => %w[H TS_CDHASH],
- "GENTRY" => %w[G TS_GENTRY],
- "IC" => %w[K TS_IC],
- "ID" => %w[I TS_ID],
- "ISEQ" => %w[S TS_ISEQ],
- "OFFSET" => %w[O TS_OFFSET],
- "VALUE" => %w[V TS_VALUE],
- "lindex_t" => %w[L TS_LINDEX],
- "rb_insn_func_t" => %w[F TS_FUNCPTR],
- "rb_num_t" => %w[N TS_NUM],
-# :FIXME: should this method be here?
-class << RubyVM::Typemap
- def typecast_from_VALUE type, val
- # see also iseq_set_sequence()
- case type
- when '...'
- raise "cast not possible: #{val}"
- when 'VALUE' then
- return val
- when 'rb_num_t', 'lindex_t' then
- return "NUM2LONG(#{val})"
- when 'ID' then
- return "SYM2ID(#{val})"
- else
- return "(#{type})(#{val})"
- end
- end
- def typecast_to_VALUE type, val
- case type
- when 'VALUE' then
- return val
- when 'ISEQ', 'rb_insn_func_t' then
- return "(VALUE)(#{val})"
- when 'rb_num_t', 'lindex_t'
- "LONG2NUM(#{val})"
- when 'ID' then
- return "ID2SYM(#{val})"
- else
- raise ":FIXME: TBW for #{type}"
- end
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/scripts/converter.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/scripts/converter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e7c28d67b..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/scripts/converter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# This script was needed only once when I converted the old insns.def.
-# Consider historical.
-# ruby converter.rb insns.def | sponge insns.def
-BEGIN { $str = ARGF.read }
-END { puts $str }
-# deal with spaces
-$str.gsub! %r/\r\n|\r|\n|\z/, "\n"
-$str.gsub! %r/([^\t\n]*)\t/ do
- x = $1
- y = 8 - x.length % 8
- next x + ' ' * y
-$str.gsub! %r/\s+$/, "\n"
-# deal with comments
-$str.gsub! %r/@c.*?@e/m, ''
-$str.gsub! %r/@j.*?\*\//m, '*/'
-$str.gsub! %r/\n(\s*\n)+/, "\n\n"
-$str.gsub! %r/\/\*\*?\s*\n\s*/, "/* "
-$str.gsub! %r/\n\s+\*\//, " */"
-$str.gsub! %r/^(?!.*\/\*.+\*\/$)(.+?)\s*\*\//, "\\1\n */"
-# deal with sp_inc
-$str.gsub! %r/ \/\/ inc -= (.*)/, ' // inc += -\\1'
-$str.gsub! %r/\s+\/\/ inc \+= (.*)/, "\n// attr rb_snum_t sp_inc = \\1;"
-$str.gsub! %r/;;$/, ";"
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/scripts/insns2vm.rb b/tool/ruby_vm/scripts/insns2vm.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1083e42b8e..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/scripts/insns2vm.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby
-# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*-
-# -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*-
-# -*- warn_indent: true; -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-# details.
-require 'optparse'
-require_relative '../controllers/application_controller.rb'
-def router argv
- targets = generate_parser.parse argv
- return targets.map do |i|
- next ApplicationController.new.generate i
- end
-def generate_parser
- OptionParser.new do |this|
- this.on "-I", "--srcdir=DIR", <<'end'
- Historically this option has been passed to the script. This is
- supposedly because at the beginning the script was placed outside
- of the ruby source tree. Decades passed since the merge of
- YARV, now I can safely assume this feature is obsolescent. Just
- ignore the passed value here.
- this.on "-L", "--vpath=SPEC", <<'end'
- Likewise, this option is no longer supported.
- this.on "--path-separator=SEP", /\A(?:\W\z|\.(\W).+)/, <<'end'
- Old script says this option is a "separator for vpath". I am
- confident we no longer need this option.
- this.on "-Dname", "--enable=name[,name...]", Array, <<'end'
- This option used to override VM option that is defined in
- vm_opts.h. Now it is officially unsupported because vm_opts.h to
- remain mismatched with this option must break things. Just edit
- vm_opts.h directly.
- this.on "-Uname", "--disable=name[,name...]", Array, <<'end'
- This option used to override VM option that is defined in
- vm_opts.h. Now it is officially unsupported because vm_opts.h to
- remain mismatched with this option must break things. Just edit
- vm_opts.h directly.
- this.on "-i", "--insnsdef=FILE", "--instructions-def", <<'end'
- This option used to specify alternative path to insns.def. For
- the same reason to ignore -I, we no longer support this.
- this.on "-o", "--opt-operanddef=FILE", "--opt-operand-def", <<'end'
- This option used to specify alternative path to opt_operand.def.
- For the same reason to ignore -I, we no longer support this.
- this.on "-u", "--opt-insnunifdef=FILE", "--opt-insn-unif-def", <<'end'
- This option used to specify alternative path to
- opt_insn_unif.def. For the same reason to ignore -I, we no
- longer support this.
- this.on "-C", "--[no-]use-const", <<'end'
- We use const whenever possible now so this option is ignored.
- The author believes that C compilers can constant-fold.
- this.on "-d", "--destdir", "--output-directory=DIR", <<'begin' do |dir|
- THIS IS THE ONLY OPTION THAT WORKS today. Change destination
- directory from the current working directory to the given path.
- Dir.chdir dir
- end
- this.on "-V", "--[no-]verbose", <<'end'
- Please let us ignore this and be modest.
- end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/tests/.gitkeep b/tool/ruby_vm/tests/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789179..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/tests/.gitkeep
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_attributes.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_attributes.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 258bf02906..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_attributes.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-typedef long OFFSET;
-typedef unsigned long lindex_t;
-typedef VALUE GENTRY;
-typedef rb_iseq_t *ISEQ;
-#define CALL_ATTRIBUTE(name, insn, ...) attr_ ## name ## _ ## insn(__VA_ARGS__)
-% attrs = RubyVM::Instructions.map(&:attributes).flatten
-% attrs.each do |a|
-PUREFUNC(MAYBE_UNUSED(static <%= a.declaration %>));
-% end
-% attrs.each do |a|
-/* <%= a.pretty_name %> */
-<%= a.definition %>
-% str = render_c_expr a.expr
-% case str when /\A#/ then
- return
-<%= str -%>
-% else
- return <%= str -%>
-% end
-% end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_c_expr.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_c_expr.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index cebe4d7a5d..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_c_expr.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-% if expr.blank?
-% # empty
-% elsif ! expr.__LINE__
-<%= expr.expr %>
-% else
-#line <%= expr.__LINE__ %> <%=cstr expr.__FILE__ %>
-<%= expr.expr %>
-#pragma RubyVM reset source
-% end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_copyright.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_copyright.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index a449b0b735..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_copyright.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode: c; style: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-%# Below is the licensing term for the generated output, not this erb file.
-/* This is an auto-generated file and is a part of the programming language
- * Ruby. The person who created a program to generate this file (``I''
- * hereafter) would like to refrain from defining licensing of this generated
- * source code.
- *
- * This file consist of many small parts of codes copyrighted by each authors,
- * not only the ``I'' person. Those original authors agree with some
- * open-source license. I believe that the license we agree is the condition
- * mentioned in the file COPYING. It states "4. You may modify and include
- * the part of the software into any other software ...". But the problem is,
- * the license never makes it clear if such modified parts still remain in the
- * same license, or not. The fact that we agree with the source code's
- * licensing terms do not automatically define that of generated ones. This is
- * the reason why this file is under unclear situation. All that I know is
- * that above provision guarantees this file to exist.
- *
- * Please let me hesitate to declare something about this nuanced contract. I
- * am not in the position to take over other authors' license to merge into my
- * one. Changing them to (say) GPLv3 is not doable by myself. Perhaps someday
- * it might turn out to be okay to say this file is under a license. I wish the
- * situation would become more clear in the future. */
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_entry.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_entry.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index cebca8b8d0..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_entry.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-/* insn <%= insn.pretty_name %> */
-#define NAME_OF_CURRENT_INSN <%= insn.name %>
-INSN_ENTRY(<%= insn.name %>)
-% unless insn.declarations.empty?
- <%= insn.declarations.join(";\n ") %>;
-% end
- START_OF_ORIGINAL_INSN(<%= insn.name %>);
-% insn.preamble.each do |konst|
-<%= render_c_expr konst -%>
-% end
-% insn.opes.each_with_index do |ope, i|
- <%= ope[:name] %> = (<%= ope[:type] %>)GET_OPERAND(<%= i + 1 %>);
-% end
-% insn.pops.reverse_each.with_index.reverse_each do |pop, i|
- <%= pop[:name] %> = <%= insn.cast_from_VALUE pop, "TOPN(#{i})"%>;
-% end
- DEBUG_ENTER_INSN(<%=cstr insn.name %>);
- ADD_PC(<%= insn.width %>);
-% unless insn.pops.empty?
- POPN(<%= insn.pops.size %>);
-% end
- COLLECT_USAGE_INSN(<%= insn.bin %>);
-% insn.opes.each_with_index do |ope, i|
- COLLECT_USAGE_OPERAND(<%= insn.bin %>, <%= i %>, <%= ope[:name] %>);
-% end
-<%= render_c_expr insn.expr -%>
-% unless insn.rets.empty?
- CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW_FOR_INSN(VM_REG_CFP, <%= insn.rets.size %>);
-% insn.rets.each_with_index do |ret, i|
- PUSH(<%= insn.cast_to_VALUE ret %>);
-% end
-% end
- END_INSN(<%= insn.name %>);
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_len_info.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_len_info.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index abbdb2e92c..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_len_info.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-CONSTFUNC(MAYBE_UNUSED(static int insn_len(VALUE insn)));
-extern const char rb_vm_insn_len_info[];
-const char rb_vm_insn_len_info[] = {
-% RubyVM::Instructions.each_slice 25 do |a|
- <%= a.map(&:width).join(', ') -%>,
-% end
-insn_len(VALUE i)
- return rb_vm_insn_len_info[i];
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_name_info.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_name_info.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a48cd9cb..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_name_info.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-% a = RubyVM::Instructions.map {|i| i.name }
-% b = (0...a.size)
-% c = a.inject([0]) {|r, i| r << (r[-1] + i.length + 1) }
-% c.pop
-CONSTFUNC(MAYBE_UNUSED(static const char *insn_name(VALUE insn)));
-extern const char *rb_vm_insn_name_info;
-extern const unsigned short rb_vm_insn_name_offset[];
-const unsigned short rb_vm_insn_name_offset[] = {
-% c.each_slice 12 do |d|
- <%= d.map {|i| sprintf("%4d", i) }.join(', ') %>,
-% end
-PACKED_STRUCT(struct rb_vm_insn_name_info_tag {
-% b.each_slice 3 do |d|
- <%= d.map {|i|
- sprintf("const char L%03d[%2d]", i, a[i].length + 1)
- }.join('; ') %>;
-% end
-static const struct rb_vm_insn_name_info_tag rb_vm_insn_name_base = {
-% a.each_slice 2 do |d|
- <%= d.map {|i| sprintf("%-30s", cstr(i)) }.join(', ') %>,
-% end
-const char *rb_vm_insn_name_info = (const char *)&rb_vm_insn_name_base;
-const char *
-insn_name(VALUE i)
- return &rb_vm_insn_name_info[rb_vm_insn_name_offset[i]];
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_operand_info.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_operand_info.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index f6b6565d59..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_operand_info.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-% a = RubyVM::Instructions.map {|i| i.operands_info }
-% b = (0...a.size)
-% c = a.inject([0]) {|r, i| r << (r[-1] + i.length + 1) }
-% c.pop
-CONSTFUNC(MAYBE_UNUSED(static const char *insn_op_types(VALUE insn)));
-CONSTFUNC(MAYBE_UNUSED(static int insn_op_type(VALUE insn, long pos)));
-extern const char *rb_vm_insn_op_info;
-extern const unsigned short rb_vm_insn_op_offset[];
-const unsigned short rb_vm_insn_op_offset[] = {
-% c.each_slice 14 do |d|
- <%= d.map {|i| sprintf("%3d", i) }.join(', ') %>,
-% end
-PACKED_STRUCT(struct rb_vm_insn_op_info_tag {
-% b.each_slice 3 do |d|
- <%= d.map {|i|
- sprintf("const char L%03d[%2d]", i, a[i].length + 1)
- }.join('; ') %>;
-% end
-static const struct rb_vm_insn_op_info_tag rb_vm_insn_op_base = {
-% a.each_slice 8 do |d|
- <%= d.map {|i| sprintf("%-6s", cstr(i)) }.join(', ') %>,
-% end
-const char *rb_vm_insn_op_info = (const char *)&rb_vm_insn_op_base;
-const char *
-insn_op_types(VALUE i)
- return &rb_vm_insn_op_info[rb_vm_insn_op_offset[i]];
-insn_op_type(VALUE i, long j)
- if (j >= insn_len(i)) {
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- return insn_op_types(i)[j];
- }
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_stack_increase.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_stack_increase.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index bfe0a3dc6b..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_stack_increase.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-PUREFUNC(MAYBE_UNUSED(static int insn_stack_increase(int depth, int insn, const VALUE *opes)));
-PUREFUNC(static rb_snum_t insn_stack_increase_dispatch(enum ruby_vminsn_type insn, const VALUE *opes));
-insn_stack_increase_dispatch(enum ruby_vminsn_type insn, const VALUE *opes)
- static const signed char t[] = {
-% RubyVM::Instructions.each_slice 8 do |a|
- <%= a.map { |i|
- if i.has_attribute?('sp_inc')
- '-127'
- else
- sprintf("%4d", i.rets.size - i.pops.size)
- end
- }.join(', ') -%>,
-% end
- };
- signed char c = t[insn];
- if (c != -127) {
- return c;
- }
- else switch(insn) {
- default:
-% RubyVM::Instructions.each do |i|
-% next unless i.has_attribute?('sp_inc')
- case <%= i.bin %>:
- return CALL_ATTRIBUTE(sp_inc, <%= i.name %><%=
- i.opes.map.with_index do |v, j|
- k = i.cast_from_VALUE v, "opes[#{j}]"
- next ", #{k}"
- end.join
- %>);
-% end
- }
-insn_stack_increase(int depth, int insn, const VALUE *opes)
- enum ruby_vminsn_type itype = (enum ruby_vminsn_type)insn;
- return depth + (int)insn_stack_increase_dispatch(itype, opes);
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_type_chars.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_type_chars.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index b3eff5624f..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_type_chars.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-% map = RubyVM::Typemap.each_pair.map {|k, (c, t)| sprintf "%s = '%s'", t, c }
-enum ruby_insn_type_chars {
- <%= map.join(",\n ") %>
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_notice.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_notice.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c6cdaf533..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_notice.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode: c; style: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
- This file <%= this_file %>.
- ----
- This file is auto generated by insns2vm.rb
- If you want to fix something, you must edit <%= cstr edit %>
- or tool/insns2vm.rb
- */
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_trace_instruction.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/_trace_instruction.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 30933a6f5a..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/_trace_instruction.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-/* insn <%= insn.pretty_name %> */
-INSN_ENTRY(<%= insn.name %>)
- vm_trace(ec, GET_CFP(), GET_PC());
- DISPATCH_ORIGINAL_INSN(<%= insn.jump_destination %>);
- END_INSN(<%= insn.name %>);
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/insns.inc.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/insns.inc.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 78dddd69d1..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/insns.inc.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-<%= render 'copyright' %>
-<%= render 'notice', locals: {
- this_file: 'contains YARV instruction list',
- edit: __FILE__,
-} -%>
-/* BIN : Basic Instruction Name */
-#define BIN(n) YARVINSN_##n
-enum ruby_vminsn_type {
-% RubyVM::Instructions.each do |i|
- <%= i.bin %>,
-% end
- STATIC_ASSERT(numberof_##array, numberof(array) == VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE)
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/insns_info.inc.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/insns_info.inc.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index e08a15e5ef..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/insns_info.inc.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-<%= render 'copyright' %>
-<%= render 'notice', locals: {
- this_file: 'contains instruction information for yarv instruction sequence.',
- edit: __FILE__,
-} %>
-<%= render 'insn_type_chars' %>
-<%= render 'insn_name_info' %>
-<%= render 'insn_len_info' %>
-<%= render 'insn_operand_info' %>
-<%= render 'attributes' %>
-<%= render 'insn_stack_increase' %>
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/opt_sc.inc.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/opt_sc.inc.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc9ee3d08..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/opt_sc.inc.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-% raise ':FIXME:TBW' if RubyVM::VmOptsH['STACK_CACHING']
-<%= render 'copyright' %>
-<%= render 'notice', locals: {
- this_file: 'is for threaded code',
- edit: __FILE__,
-} -%>
-#define SC_STATE_SIZE 6
-#define SCS_XX 1
-#define SCS_AX 2
-#define SCS_BX 3
-#define SCS_AB 4
-#define SCS_BA 5
-#define SC_ERROR 0xffffffff
-static const VALUE sc_insn_info[][SC_STATE_SIZE] = {
-% RubyVM::Instructions.each_slice 8 do |a|
- <%= a.map{|i| 'NO_SC' }.join(', ') %>,
-% end
-#undef NO_SC
-static const VALUE sc_insn_next[] = {
-% RubyVM::Instructions.each_slice 8 do |a|
- <%= a.map{|i| 'SCS_XX' }.join(', ') %>,
-% end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/optinsn.inc.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/optinsn.inc.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb09d4809..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/optinsn.inc.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-<%= render 'copyright' -%>
-<%= render 'notice', locals: {
- this_file: 'is for threaded code',
- edit: __FILE__,
-} -%>
-static INSN *
-insn_operands_unification(INSN *iobj)
- VALUE *op = iobj->operands;
- switch (iobj->insn_id) {
- default:
- /* do nothing */;
- break;
-% RubyVM::OperandsUnifications.each_group do |orig, unifs|
- case <%= orig.bin %>:
-% unifs.each do |insn|
- /* <%= insn.pretty_name %> */
- if ( <%= insn.condition('op') %> ) {
-% insn.opes.each_with_index do |o, x|
-% n = insn.operand_shift_of(o)
-% if n != 0 then
- op[<%= x %>] = op[<%= x + n %>];
-% end
-% end
- iobj->insn_id = <%= insn.bin %>;
- iobj->operand_size = <%= insn.opes.size %>;
- break;
- }
-% end
- break;
-% end
- }
- return iobj;
-rb_insn_unified_local_var_level(VALUE insn)
- /* optimize rule */
- switch (insn) {
- default:
- return -1; /* do nothing */;
-% RubyVM::OperandsUnifications.each_group do |orig, unifs|
-% unifs.each do|insn|
- case <%= insn.bin %>:
-% insn.spec.map{|(var,val)|val}.reject{|i| i == '*' }.each do |val|
- return <%= val %>;
-% break
-% end
-% end
-% end
- }
- return -1;
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/optunifs.inc.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/optunifs.inc.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d8ca2855..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/optunifs.inc.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-% n = RubyVM::Instructions.size
-<%= render 'copyright' %>
-<%= render 'notice', locals: {
- this_file: 'is for threaded code',
- edit: __FILE__,
-} -%>
-/* Let .bss section automatically initialize this variable */
-/* cf. Section 6.7.8 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999 */
-static const int *const *const unified_insns_data[<%= n %>];
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/vm.inc.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/vm.inc.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 24181fab95..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/vm.inc.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-<%= render 'copyright' %>
-<%= render 'notice', locals: {
- this_file: 'is VM main loop',
- edit: __FILE__,
-} -%>
-#include "vm_insnhelper.h"
-% RubyVM::BareInstructions.to_a.each do |insn|
-<%= render 'insn_entry', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
-% end
-% RubyVM::OperandsUnifications.to_a.each do |insn|
-<%= render 'insn_entry', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
-% end
-% RubyVM::InstructionsUnifications.to_a.each do |insn|
-<%= render 'insn_entry', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
-% end
-% RubyVM::TraceInstructions.to_a.each do |insn|
-<%= render 'trace_instruction', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
-% end
diff --git a/tool/ruby_vm/views/vmtc.inc.erb b/tool/ruby_vm/views/vmtc.inc.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 16886a1ea6..0000000000
--- a/tool/ruby_vm/views/vmtc.inc.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved.
-%# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby
-%# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the
-%# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for
-%# details.
-<%= render 'copyright' -%>
-<%= render 'notice', locals: {
- this_file: 'is for threaded code',
- edit: __FILE__,
-} -%>
-static const void *const insns_address_table[] = {
-% RubyVM::Instructions.each do |i|
- LABEL_PTR(<%= i.name %>),
-% end