path: root/ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eucj
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* * ext: remove trailing spaces.nobu2011-05-221-14/+14
* * ext/tk/extconf.rb: New strategy for searching Tcl/Tk libraries.nagai2009-07-121-2/+7
* * ext/tk/*: full update Ruby/Tk to support Ruby(1.9|1.8) and Tc/Tk8.5.nagai2008-03-291-0/+6
* Ruby/Tk :: provisional support on Ruby-VM and Tcl/Tk8.5.nagai2007-12-211-0/+16
* * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (tk_conv_args): forget to revertnagai2005-07-211-0/+5
* * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: bug fix on treating Unicode strings.nagai2005-07-051-5/+15
* * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: enforce thread-check and exception-handling tonagai2005-03-021-1/+10
* * ext/tk: merge tcltklib for Ruby/Tk installation controlnagai2005-01-251-0/+533