# NEWS for Ruby 3.2.0 This document is a list of user-visible feature changes since the **3.1.0** release, except for bug fixes. Note that each entry is kept to a minimum, see links for details. ## Language changes * Anonymous rest and keyword rest arguments can now be passed as arguments, instead of just used in method parameters. [[Feature #18351]] ```ruby def foo(*) bar(*) end def baz(**) quux(**) end ``` * A proc that accepts a single positional argument and keywords will no longer autosplat. [[Bug #18633]] ```ruby proc{|a, **k| a}.call([1, 2]) # Ruby 3.1 and before # => 1 # Ruby 3.2 and after # => [1, 2] ``` * Constant assignment evaluation order for constants set on explicit objects has been made consistent with single attribute assignment evaluation order. With this code: ```ruby foo::BAR = baz ``` `foo` is now called before `baz`. Similarly, for multiple assignments to constants, left-to-right evaluation order is used. With this code: ```ruby foo1::BAR1, foo2::BAR2 = baz1, baz2 ``` The following evaluation order is now used: 1. `foo1` 2. `foo2` 3. `baz1` 4. `baz2` [[Bug #15928]] * "Find pattern" is no longer experimental. [[Feature #18585]] * Methods taking a rest parameter (like `*args`) and wishing to delegate keyword arguments through `foo(*args)` must now be marked with `ruby2_keywords` (if not already the case). In other words, all methods wishing to delegate keyword arguments through `*args` must now be marked with `ruby2_keywords`, with no exception. This will make it easier to transition to other ways of delegation once a library can require Ruby 3+. Previously, the `ruby2_keywords` flag was kept if the receiving method took `*args`, but this was a bug and an inconsistency. A good technique to find the potentially-missing `ruby2_keywords` is to run the test suite, for where it fails find the last method which must receive keyword arguments, use `puts nil, caller, nil` there, and check each method/block on the call chain which must delegate keywords is correctly marked as `ruby2_keywords`. [[Bug #18625]] [[Bug #16466]] ```ruby def target(**kw) end # Accidentally worked without ruby2_keywords in Ruby 2.7-3.1, ruby2_keywords # needed in 3.2+. Just like (*args, **kwargs) or (...) would be needed on # both #foo and #bar when migrating away from ruby2_keywords. ruby2_keywords def bar(*args) target(*args) end ruby2_keywords def foo(*args) bar(*args) end foo(k: 1) ``` * `eval` and related methods are able to generate code coverage. Enabled using `Coverage.setup(:all)` or `Coverge.setup(eval: true)`. [[Feature #19008]] * `Coverage.supported?(mode)` enables detection of what coverage modes are supported. [[Feature #19026]] ## Command line options ## Core classes updates Note: We're only listing outstanding class updates. * Fiber * Introduce Fiber.[] and Fiber.[]= for inheritable fiber storage. Introduce Fiber#storage and Fiber#storage= (experimental) for getting and resetting the current storage. Introduce `Fiber.new(storage:)` for setting the storage when creating a fiber. [[Feature #19078]] Existing Thread and Fiber local variables can be tricky to use. Thread local variables are shared between all fibers, making it hard to isolate, while Fiber local variables can be hard to share. It is often desirable to define unit of execution ("execution context") such that some state is shared between all fibers and threads created in that context. This is what Fiber storage provides. ```ruby def log(message) puts "#{Fiber[:request_id]}: #{message}" end def handle_requests while request = read_request Fiber.schedule do Fiber[:request_id] = SecureRandom.uuid request.messages.each do |message| Fiber.schedule do log("Handling #{message}") # Log includes inherited request_id. end end end end end ``` You should generally consider Fiber storage for any state which you want to be shared implicitly between all fibers and threads created in a given context, e.g. a connection pool, a request id, a logger level, environment variables, configuration, etc. * Fiber::Scheduler * Introduce `Fiber::Scheduler#io_select` for non-blocking IO.select. [[Feature #19060]] * IO * Introduce IO#timeout= and IO#timeout which can cause IO::TimeoutError to be raised if a blocking operation exceeds the specified timeout. [[Feature #18630]] ```ruby STDIN.timeout = 1 STDIN.read # => Blocking operation timed out! (IO::TimeoutError) ``` * UNIXSocket * Add support for UNIXSocket on Windows. Emulate anonymous sockets. Add support for File.socket? and File::Stat#socket? where possible. [[Feature #19135]] * Class * Class#attached_object, which returns the object for which the receiver is the singleton class. Raises TypeError if the receiver is not a singleton class. [[Feature #12084]] ```ruby class Foo; end Foo.singleton_class.attached_object #=> Foo Foo.new.singleton_class.attached_object #=> # Foo.attached_object #=> TypeError: `Foo' is not a singleton class nil.singleton_class.attached_object #=> TypeError: `NilClass' is not a singleton class ``` * Data * New core class to represent simple immutable value object. The class is similar to Struct and partially shares an implementation, but has more lean and strict API. [[Feature #16122]] * Encoding * Encoding#replicate has been deprecated and will be removed in 3.3. [[Feature #18949]] * The dummy `Encoding::UTF_16` and `Encoding::UTF_32` encodings no longer try to dynamically guess the endian based on a byte order mark. Use `Encoding::UTF_16BE`/`UTF_16LE` and `Encoding::UTF_32BE`/`UTF_32LE` instead. This change speeds up getting the encoding of a String. [[Feature #18949]] * Enumerator * Enumerator.product has been added. Enumerator::Product is the implementation. [[Feature #18685]] * Exception * Exception#detailed_message has been added. The default error printer calls this method on the Exception object instead of #message. [[Feature #18564]] * Hash * Hash#shift now always returns nil if the hash is empty, instead of returning the default value or calling the default proc. [[Bug #16908]] * Integer * Integer#ceildiv has been added. [[Feature #18809]] * Kernel * Kernel#binding raises RuntimeError if called from a non-Ruby frame (such as a method defined in C). [[Bug #18487]] * MatchData * MatchData#byteoffset has been added. [[Feature #13110]] * MatchData#deconstruct has been added. [[Feature #18821]] * MatchData#deconstruct_keys has been added. [[Feature #18821]] * Module * Module.used_refinements has been added. [[Feature #14332]] * Module#refinements has been added. [[Feature #12737]] * Module#const_added has been added. [[Feature #17881]] * Module#undefined_instance_methods has been added. [[Feature #12655]] * Proc * Proc#dup returns an instance of subclass. [[Bug #17545]] * Proc#parameters now accepts lambda keyword. [[Feature #15357]] * Process * Added `RLIMIT_NPTS` constant to FreeBSD platform * Regexp * Regexp.new now supports passing the regexp flags not only as an Integer, but also as a String. Unknown flags raise ArgumentError. Otherwise, anything other than `true`, `false`, `nil` or Integer will be warned. [[Feature #18788]] * Regexp.timeout= has been added. Also, Regexp.new new supports timeout keyword. See [[Feature #17837]] * Refinement * Refinement#refined_class has been added. [[Feature #12737]] * RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree * Add `error_tolerant` option for `parse`, `parse_file` and `of`. [[Feature #19013]] With this option 1. SyntaxError is suppressed 2. AST is returned for invalid input 3. `end` is complemented when a parser reachs to the end of input but `end` is insufficient 4. `end` is treated as keyword based on indent ```ruby # Without error_tolerant option root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(<<~RUBY) def m a = 10 if end RUBY # => :33:in `parse': syntax error, unexpected `end' (SyntaxError) # With error_tolerant option root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(<<~RUBY, error_tolerant: true) def m a = 10 if end RUBY p root # => # # `end` is treated as keyword based on indent root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(<<~RUBY, error_tolerant: true) module Z class Foo foo. end def bar end end RUBY p root.children[-1].children[-1].children[-1].children[-2..-1] # => [#, #] ``` * Add `keep_tokens` option for `parse`, `parse_file` and `of`. Add `#tokens` and `#all_tokens` for RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node [[Feature #19070]] ```ruby root = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("x = 1 + 2", keep_tokens: true) root.tokens # => [[0, :tIDENTIFIER, "x", [1, 0, 1, 1]], [1, :tSP, " ", [1, 1, 1, 2]], ...] root.tokens.map{_1[2]}.join # => "x = 1 + 2" ``` * Set * Set is now available as a built-in class without the need for `require "set"`. [[Feature #16989]] It is currently autoloaded via the Set constant or a call to Enumerable#to_set. * Socket * Added the following constants for supported platforms. * `SO_INCOMING_CPU` * `SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID` * `SO_RTABLE` * `SO_SETFIB` * `SO_USER_COOKIE` * `TCP_KEEPALIVE` * `TCP_CONNECTION_INFO` * String * String#byteindex and String#byterindex have been added. [[Feature #13110]] * Update Unicode to Version 14.0.0 and Emoji Version 14.0. [[Feature #18037]] (also applies to Regexp) * String#bytesplice has been added. [[Feature #18598]] * Struct * A Struct class can also be initialized with keyword arguments without `keyword_init: true` on Struct.new [[Feature #16806]] * Time * Time#deconstruct_keys is added, allowing to use Time instances in pattern-matching expressions [[Feature #19071]] * SyntaxError * SyntaxError#path has been added. [[Feature #19138]] * TracePoint * TracePoint#binding now returns `nil` for `c_call`/`c_return` TracePoints. [[Bug #18487]] * TracePoint#enable `target_thread` keyword argument now defaults to the current thread if `target` and `target_line` keyword arguments are not passed. [[Bug #16889]] ## Stdlib updates * ERB * `-S` option is removed from `erb` command. * FileUtils * Add FileUtils.ln_sr method and `relative:` option to FileUtils.ln_s. [[Feature #18925]] * SyntaxSuggest * The feature of `syntax_suggest` formerly `dead_end` is integrated in Ruby. [[Feature #18159]] * The following default gems are updated. * RubyGems 3.4.0.dev * benchmark 0.2.1 * bigdecimal 3.1.2 * bundler 2.4.0.dev * cgi 0.3.6 * date 3.3.0 * delegate 0.3.0 * digest 3.1.1 * drb 2.1.1 * erb 4.0.2 * error_highlight 0.5.1 * etc 1.4.1 * fcntl 1.0.2 * fiddle 1.1.1 * fileutils 1.7.0 * forwardable 1.3.3 * getoptlong 0.2.0 * io-console 0.5.11 * io-nonblock 0.2.0 * io-wait 0.3.0.pre * ipaddr 1.2.5 * irb 1.5.1 * json 2.6.2 * logger 1.5.2 * mutex_m 0.1.2 * net-http 0.3.1 * net-protocol 0.2.0 * nkf 0.1.2 * open-uri 0.3.0 * openssl 3.1.0.pre * optparse 0.3.0 * ostruct 0.5.5 * psych 5.0.0.dev * racc 1.6.1 * rdoc 6.5.0 * reline 0.3.1 * securerandom 0.2.0 * set 1.0.3 * stringio 3.0.3 * syntax_suggest 1.0.1 * timeout 0.3.0 * The following bundled gems are updated. * minitest 5.16.3 * power_assert 2.0.2 * test-unit 3.5.5 * net-ftp 0.2.0 * net-imap 0.3.1 * net-pop 0.1.2 * net-smtp 0.3.3 * rbs 2.8.1 * typeprof 0.21.3 * debug 1.7.0 * The following default gems are now bundled gems. ## Compatibility issues Note: Excluding feature bug fixes. ### Removed constants The following deprecated constants are removed. * `Fixnum` and `Bignum` [[Feature #12005]] * `Random::DEFAULT` [[Feature #17351]] * `Struct::Group` * `Struct::Passwd` ### Removed methods The following deprecated methods are removed. * `Dir.exists?` [[Feature #17391]] * `File.exists?` [[Feature #17391]] * `Kernel#=~` [[Feature #15231]] * `Kernel#taint`, `Kernel#untaint`, `Kernel#tainted?` [[Feature #16131]] * `Kernel#trust`, `Kernel#untrust`, `Kernel#untrusted?` [[Feature #16131]] ### Source code incompatiblity of extension libraries [[Bug #19100]] * Extension libraries provide PRNG, subclasses of Random, need updates. See [PRNG update] below for more information. ## Stdlib compatibility issues * Psych no longer bundles libyaml sources. And also Fiddle no longer bundles libffi sources. Users need to install the libyaml/libffi library themselves via the package manager like apt, yum, brew, etc. Psych and fiddle supported the static build with specific version of libyaml and libffi sources. You can build psych with libyaml-0.2.5 like this. ```bash $ ./configure --with-libyaml-source-dir=/path/to/libyaml-0.2.5 ``` And you can build fiddle with libffi-3.4.4 like this. ```bash $ ./configure --with-libffi-source-dir=/path/to/libffi-3.4.4 ``` [[Feature #18571]] ## C API updates ### Updated C APIs The following APIs are updated. * PRNG update `rb_random_interface_t` updated and versioned. Extension libraries which use this interface and built for older versions. Also `init_int32` function needs to be defined. ### Removed C APIs The following deprecated APIs are removed. * `rb_cData` variable. * "taintedness" and "trustedness" functions. [[Feature #16131]] ## Implementation improvements * Fixed several race conditions in Kernel#autoload. [[Bug #18782]] * Cache invalidation for expressions referencing constants is now more fine-grained. `RubyVM.stat(:global_constant_state)` was removed because it was closely tied to the previous caching scheme where setting any constant invalidates all caches in the system. New keys, `:constant_cache_invalidations` and `:constant_cache_misses`, were introduced to help with use cases for `:global_constant_state`. [[Feature #18589]] ## JIT ### YJIT * YJIT now supports both x86-64 and arm64/aarch64 CPUs on Linux, MacOS, BSD and other UNIX platforms. * This release brings support for Mac M1/M2, AWS Graviton and Raspberry Pi 4 ARM64 processors. * Building YJIT requires Rust 1.58.0+. [[Feature #18481]] * In order to ensure that CRuby is built with YJIT, please install rustc >= 1.58.0 and run `./configure` with `--enable-yjit`. * Please reach out to the YJIT team should you run into any issues. * Physical memory for JIT code is lazily allocated. Unlike Ruby 3.1, the RSS of a Ruby process is minimized because virtual memory pages allocated by `--yjit-exec-mem-size` will not be mapped to physical memory pages until actually utilized by JIT code. * Introduce Code GC that frees all code pages when the memory consumption by JIT code reaches `--yjit-exec-mem-size`. * RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats returns Code GC metrics in addition to existing `inline_code_size` and `outlined_code_size` keys: `code_gc_count`, `live_page_count`, `freed_page_count`, and `freed_code_size`. * Most of the statistics produced by RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats are now available in release builds. * Simply run ruby with `--yjit-stats` to compute stats (incurs some run-time overhead). * YJIT is now optimized to take advantage of object shapes. [[Feature #18776]] * Take advantage of finer-grained constant invalidation to invalidate less code when defining new constants. [[Feature #18589]] * The default `--yjit-exec-mem-size` is changed to 128 (MiB). * The default `--yjit-call-threshold` is changed to 30. ### MJIT * The MJIT compiler is re-implemented in Ruby as a standard library `mjit`. * MJIT compiler is executed under a forked Ruby process instead of doing it in a native thread called MJIT worker. [[Feature #18968]] * As a result, Microsoft Visual Studio (MSWIN) is no longer supported. * MinGW is no longer supported. [[Feature #18824]] * Rename `--mjit-min-calls` to `--mjit-call-threshold`. * Change default `--mjit-max-cache` back from 10000 to 100. ## Static analysis ### RBS ### TypeProf ## Debugger ## error_highlight ## IRB Autocomplete and Document Display ## Miscellaneous changes [Feature #12005]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12005 [Feature #12084]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12084 [Feature #12655]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12655 [Feature #12737]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12737 [Feature #13110]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13110 [Feature #14332]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/14332 [Feature #15231]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/15231 [Feature #15357]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/15357 [Bug #15928]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/15928 [Feature #16122]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16122 [Feature #16131]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16131 [Bug #16466]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16466 [Feature #16806]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16806 [Bug #16889]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16889 [Bug #16908]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16908 [Feature #16989]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16989 [Feature #17351]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17351 [Feature #17391]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17391 [Bug #17545]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17545 [Feature #17837]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17837 [Feature #17881]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17881 [Feature #18037]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18037 [Feature #18159]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18159 [Feature #18351]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18351 [Feature #18481]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18481 [Bug #18487]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18487 [Feature #18564]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18564 [Feature #18571]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18571 [Feature #18585]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18585 [Feature #18589]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18589 [Feature #18598]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18598 [Bug #18625]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18625 [Feature #18630]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18630 [Bug #18633]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18633 [Feature #18685]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18685 [Feature #18776]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18776 [Bug #18782]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18782 [Feature #18788]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18788 [Feature #18809]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18809 [Feature #18821]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18821 [Feature #18824]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18824 [Feature #18925]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18925 [Feature #18949]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18949 [Feature #18968]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18968 [Feature #19008]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19008 [Feature #19013]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19013 [Feature #19026]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19026 [Feature #19060]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19060 [Feature #19070]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19070 [Feature #19071]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19071 [Feature #19078]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19078 [Bug #19100]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19100 [Feature #19135]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19135 [Feature #19138]: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19138