prelude: | benchmark: app_pentomino: | # This program is contributed by Shin Nishiyama # modified by K.Sasada NP = 5 ROW = 8 + NP COL = 8 $p = [] $b = [] $no = 0 def piece(n, a, nb) nb.each{|x| a[n] = x if n == NP-1 $p << [a.sort] else nbc=nb.dup [-ROW, -1, 1, ROW].each{|d| if x+d > 0 and not a.include?(x+d) and not nbc.include?(x+d) nbc << x+d end } nbc.delete x piece(n+1,a[0..n],nbc) end } end def kikaku(a) a.collect {|x| x - a[0]} end def ud(a) kikaku(a.collect {|x| ((x+NP)%ROW)-ROW*((x+NP)/ROW) }.sort) end def rl(a) kikaku(a.collect {|x| ROW*((x+NP)/ROW)+ROW-((x+NP)%ROW)}.sort) end def xy(a) kikaku(a.collect {|x| ROW*((x+NP)%ROW) + (x+NP)/ROW }.sort) end def mkpieces piece(0,[],[0]) $p.each do |a| a0 = a[0] a[1] = ud(a0) a[2] = rl(a0) a[3] = ud(rl(a0)) a[4] = xy(a0) a[5] = ud(xy(a0)) a[6] = rl(xy(a0)) a[7] = ud(rl(xy(a0))) a.sort! a.uniq! end $p.uniq!.sort! {|x,y| x[0] <=> y[0] } end def mkboard (0...ROW*COL).each{|i| if i % ROW >= ROW-NP $b[i] = -2 else $b[i] = -1 end $b[3*ROW+3]=$b[3*ROW+4]=$b[4*ROW+3]=$b[4*ROW+4]=-2 } end def pboard return # skip print print "No. #$no\n" (0...COL).each{|i| print "|" (0...ROW-NP).each{|j| x = $b[i*ROW+j] if x < 0 print "..|" else printf "%2d|",x+1 end } print "\n" } print "\n" end $pnum=[] def setpiece(a,pos) if a.length == $p.length then $no += 1 pboard return end while $b[pos] != -1 pos += 1 end ($pnum - a).each do |i| $p[i].each do |x| f = 0 x.each{|s| if $b[pos+s] != -1 f=1 break end } if f == 0 then x.each{|s| $b[pos+s] = i } a << i setpiece(a.dup, pos) a.pop x.each{|s| $b[pos+s] = -1 } end end end end mkpieces mkboard $p[4] = [$p[4][0]] $pnum = (0...$p.length).to_a setpiece([],0) loop_count: 1