#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Wrapper of benchmark-driver command for `make benchmark` and `make benchmark-each`. # begin require 'optparse' rescue LoadError $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib') require 'optparse' end require 'shellwords' class BenchmarkDriver # Run benchmark-driver prepared by `make update-benchmark-driver` def self.run(*args) benchmark_driver = File.expand_path('./benchmark-driver/exe/benchmark-driver', __dir__) command = [benchmark_driver, *args] unless system(command.shelljoin) abort "Failed to execute: #{command.shelljoin}" end end def initialize(opt = {}) @dir = opt[:dir] @pattern = opt[:pattern] @exclude = opt[:exclude] end def files Dir.glob(File.join(@dir, '*.yml')).map{|file| next if @pattern && /#{@pattern}/ !~ File.basename(file) next if @exclude && /#{@exclude}/ =~ File.basename(file) file }.compact.sort end end if __FILE__ == $0 opt = { execs: [], dir: File.dirname(__FILE__), repeat: 1, verbose: 1, } parser = OptionParser.new{|o| o.on('-e', '--executables [EXECS]', "Specify benchmark one or more targets (e1::path1; e2::path2; e3::path3;...)"){|e| e.split(/;/).each{|path| opt[:execs] << path } } o.on('--rbenv [VERSIONS]', 'Specify benchmark targets with rbenv version (vX.X.X;vX.X.X;...)'){|v| v.split(/;/).each{|version| opt[:execs] << "#{version}::#{`RBENV_VERSION='#{version}' rbenv which ruby`.rstrip}" } } o.on('-d', '--directory [DIRECTORY]', "Benchmark suites directory"){|d| opt[:dir] = d } o.on('-p', '--pattern [PATTERN]', "Benchmark name pattern"){|p| opt[:pattern] = p } o.on('-x', '--exclude [PATTERN]', "Benchmark exclude pattern"){|e| opt[:exclude] = e } o.on('-r', '--repeat-count [NUM]', "Repeat count"){|n| opt[:repeat] = n.to_i } o.on('-v', '--verbose'){|v| opt[:verbose] = 2 } o.on('-q', '--quiet', "Run without notify information except result table."){|q| opt[:verbose] = 0 } } parser.parse!(ARGV) execs = opt[:execs].map { |exec| ['--executables', exec.shellsplit.join(',')] }.flatten yamls = BenchmarkDriver.new(opt).files BenchmarkDriver.run(*yamls, *execs, "--verbose=#{opt[:verbose]}", "--repeat-count=#{opt[:repeat]}") end