# $Id$ # NOTE: # Never use optparse in this file. # Never use test/unit in this file. # Never use Ruby extensions in this file. begin require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' rescue LoadError $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib') retry end if !Dir.respond_to?(:mktmpdir) # copied from lib/tmpdir.rb def Dir.mktmpdir(prefix="d", tmpdir=nil) tmpdir ||= Dir.tmpdir t = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d") n = nil begin path = "#{tmpdir}/#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}" path << "-#{n}" if n Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) rescue Errno::EEXIST n ||= 0 n += 1 retry end if block_given? begin yield path ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure path end else path end end end def main @ruby = File.expand_path('miniruby') @verbose = false dir = nil quiet = false tests = nil ARGV.delete_if {|arg| case arg when /\A--ruby=(.*)/ @ruby = File.expand_path($1) true when /\A--sets=(.*)/ tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_{#{$1}}*.rb") puts tests.map {|path| File.basename(path) }.inspect true when /\A--dir=(.*)/ dir = $1 true when /\A(-q|--q(uiet))\z/ quiet = true true when /\A(-v|--v(erbose))\z/ @verbose = true when /\A(-h|--h(elp)?)\z/ puts(<<-End) Usage: #{File.basename($0, '.*')} --ruby=PATH [--sets=NAME,NAME,...] --sets=NAME,NAME,... Name of test sets. --dir=DIRECTORY Working directory. default: /tmp/bootstraptest.tmpwd -v, --verbose Output test name before exec. -q, --quiet Don\'t print header message. -h, --help Print this message and quit. End exit 0 else false end } if tests and not ARGV.empty? $stderr.puts "--tests and arguments are exclusive" exit 1 end tests ||= ARGV tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_*.rb") if tests.empty? pathes = tests.map {|path| File.expand_path(path) } unless quiet puts Time.now patchlevel = defined?(RUBY_PATCHLEVEL) ? " patchlevel #{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" : '' puts "Driver is ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}#{patchlevel}) [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]" puts "Target is #{`#{@ruby} -v`}" puts $stdout.flush end in_temporary_working_directory(dir) { exec_test pathes } end def exec_test(pathes) @count = 0 @error = 0 @errbuf = [] @location = nil pathes.each do |path| $stderr.print "\n#{File.basename(path)} " load File.expand_path(path) end $stderr.puts if @error == 0 $stderr.puts "PASS #{@count} tests" exit 0 else @errbuf.each do |msg| $stderr.puts msg end $stderr.puts "FAIL #{@error}/#{@count} tests failed" exit 1 end end def assert_check(testsrc, message = '') $stderr.puts "\##{@count} #{@location}" if @verbose result = get_result_string(testsrc) check_coredump faildesc = yield(result) if !faildesc $stderr.print '.' else $stderr.print 'F' error faildesc, message end rescue Exception => err $stderr.print 'E' error err.message, message end def assert_equal(expected, testsrc, message = '') newtest assert_check(testsrc, message) {|result| if expected == result nil else desc = "#{result.inspect} (expected #{expected.inspect})" pretty(testsrc, desc, result) end } end def assert_match(expected_pattern, testsrc, message = '') newtest assert_check(testsrc, message) {|result| if expected_pattern =~ result nil else desc = "#{expected_pattern.inspect} expected to be =~\n#{result.inspect}" pretty(testsrc, desc, result) end } end def pretty(src, desc, result) (/\n/ =~ src ? "\n#{adjust_indent(src)}" : src) + " #=> #{desc}" end INDENT = 27 def adjust_indent(src) untabify(src).gsub(/^ {#{INDENT}}/o, '').gsub(/^/, ' ') end def untabify(str) str.gsub(/^\t+/) {|tabs| ' ' * (8 * tabs.size) } end def get_result_string(src) if @ruby File.open('bootstraptest.tmp.rb', 'w') {|f| f.puts "print(begin; #{src}; end)" } begin `#{@ruby} -W0 bootstraptest.tmp.rb` ensure raise CoreDumpError, "core dumped" if $? and $?.coredump? end else eval(src).to_s end end def newtest @location = File.basename(caller(2).first) @count += 1 cleanup_coredump end def error(msg, additional_message) @errbuf.push "\##{@count} #{@location}: #{msg} #{additional_message}" @error += 1 end def in_temporary_working_directory(dir) if dir FileUtils.rm_rf dir Dir.mkdir dir Dir.chdir(dir) { yield } else Dir.mktmpdir("bootstraptest.tmpwd") {|d| Dir.chdir(d) { yield } } end end def cleanup_coredump FileUtils.rm_f 'core' FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('core.*') FileUtils.rm_f @ruby+'.stackdump' if @ruby end class CoreDumpError < StandardError; end def check_coredump if File.file?('core') or not Dir.glob('core.*').empty? or (@ruby and File.exist?(@ruby+'.stackdump')) raise CoreDumpError, "core dumped" end end main