= Fiber Fiber is a flow-control primitive which enable cooperative scheduling. This is in contrast to threads which can be preemptively scheduled at any time. While having a similar memory profiles, the cost of context switching fibers can be significantly less than threads as it does not involve a system call. == Design === Scheduler The per-thread fiber scheduler interface is used to intercept blocking operations. A typical implementation would be a wrapper for a gem like EventMachine or Async. This design provides separation of concerns between the event loop implementation and application code. It also allows for layered schedulers which can perform instrumentation. class Scheduler # Wait for the given file descriptor to become readable. def wait_readable(io) end # Wait for the given file descriptor to become writable. def wait_writable(io) end # Wait for the given file descriptor to match the specified events within # the specified timeout. # @param event [Integer] a bit mask of +IO::WAIT_READABLE+, # `IO::WAIT_WRITABLE` and `IO::WAIT_PRIORITY`. # @param timeout [#to_f] the amount of time to wait for the event. def wait_any(io, events, timeout) end # Sleep the current task for the specified duration, or forever if not # specified. # @param duration [#to_f] the amount of time to sleep. def wait_sleep(duration = nil) end # The Ruby virtual machine is going to enter a system level blocking # operation. def enter_blocking_region end # The Ruby virtual machine has completed the system level blocking # operation. def exit_blocking_region end # Intercept the creation of a non-blocking fiber. def fiber(&block) Fiber.new(blocking: false, &block) end # Invoked when the thread exits. def run # Implement event loop here. end end On CRuby, the following extra methods need to be implemented to handle the public C interface: class Scheduler # Wrapper for rb_wait_readable(int) C function. def wait_readable_fd(fd) wait_readable(::IO.from_fd(fd, autoclose: false)) end # Wrapper for rb_wait_readable(int) C function. def wait_writable_fd(fd) wait_writable(::IO.from_fd(fd, autoclose: false)) end # Wrapper for rb_wait_for_single_fd(int) C function. def wait_for_single_fd(fd, events, duration) wait_any(::IO.from_fd(fd, autoclose: false), events, duration) end end === Non-blocking Fibers By default fibers are blocking. Non-blocking fibers may invoke specific scheduler hooks when a blocking operation occurs, and these hooks may introduce context switching points. Fiber.new(blocking: false) do puts Fiber.current.blocking? # false # May invoke `Thread.current.scheduler&.wait_readable`. io.read(...) # May invoke `Thread.current.scheduler&.wait_writable`. io.write(...) # Will invoke `Thread.current.scheduler&.wait_sleep`. sleep(n) end.resume We also introduce a new method which simplifes the creation of these non-blocking fibers: Fiber do puts Fiber.current.blocking? # false end The purpose of this method is to allow the scheduler to internally decide the policy for when to start the fiber, and whether to use symmetric or asymmetric fibers. === Mutex Locking a mutex causes the +Thread#scheduler+ to not be used while the mutex is held by that thread. On +Mutex#lock+, fiber switching via the scheduler is disabled and operations become blocking for all fibers of the same +Thread+. On +Mutex#unlock+, the scheduler is enabled again. mutex = Mutex.new puts Thread.current.blocking? # 1 (true) Fiber.new(blocking: false) do puts Thread.current.blocking? # false mutex.synchronize do puts Thread.current.blocking? # (1) true end puts Thread.current.blocking? # false end.resume === Non-blocking I/O By default, I/O is non-blocking. Not all operating systems support non-blocking I/O. Windows is a notable example where socket I/O can be non-blocking but pipe I/O is blocking. Provided that there *is* a scheduler and the current thread *is non-blocking*, the operation will invoke the scheduler.