require 'rdoc' # \Class \RDoc::MarkupReference exists only to provide a suitable home # for a reference document for \RDoc markup. # # All objects defined in this class -- classes, modules, methods, aliases, # attributes, and constants -- are solely for illustrating \RDoc markup, # and have no other legitimate use. # # = \RDoc Markup Reference # # Notes: # # - Examples in this reference are Ruby code and comments; # certain differences from other sources # (such as C code and comments) are noted. # - An example that shows rendered HTML output # displays that output in a blockquote: # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # Some stuff # # \RDoc-generated documentation is derived from and controlled by: # # - Single-line or multi-line comments that precede certain definitions; # see {Markup in Comments}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Markup+in+Comments]. # - \RDoc directives in trailing comments (on the same line as code); # see :nodoc:, :doc:, and :notnew. # - \RDoc directives in single-line comments; # see other {Directives}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Directives]. # - The Ruby code itself; # see {Documentation Derived from Ruby Code}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Documentation+Derived+from+Ruby+Code] # # == Markup in Comments # # A single-line or multi-line comment that immediately precedes # the definition of a class, module, method, alias, constant, or attribute # becomes the documentation for that defined object. # # (\RDoc ignores other such comments that do not precede definitions.) # # === Margins # # In a multi-line comment, # \RDoc looks for the comment's natural left margin, # which becomes the base margin for the comment # and is the initial current margin for for the comment. # # The current margin can change, and does so, for example in a list. # # === Blocks # # It's convenient to think of markup input as a sequence of _blocks_, # such as: # # - {Paragraphs}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Paragraphs]. # - {Verbatim text blocks}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Verbatim+Text+Blocks]. # - {Code blocks}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Code+Blocks]. # - {Bullet lists}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Bullet+Lists]. # - {Numbered lists}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Numbered+Lists]. # - {Lettered lists}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Lettered+Lists]. # - {Labeled lists}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Labeled+Lists]. # - {Headings}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Headings]. # - {Horizontal rules}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Horizontal+Rules]. # - {Directives}[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference@Directives]. # # All of these except paragraph blocks are distinguished by indentation, # or by unusual initial or embedded characters. # # ==== Paragraphs # # A paragraph consists of one or more non-empty lines of ordinary text, # each beginning at the current margin. # # Note: Here, ordinary text means text that is not identified # by indentation, or by unusual initial or embedded characters. # See below. # # Paragraphs are separated by one or more empty lines. # # Example input: # # # \RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. # # \RDoc includes the rdoc and ri tools for generating and displaying # # documentation from the command-line. # # # # You'll love it. # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # \RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. # \RDoc includes the rdoc and ri tools for generating and displaying # documentation from the command-line. # # You'll love it. # # A paragraph may contain nested blocks, including: # # - Verbatim text blocks. # - Code blocks. # - Lists of any type. # # ==== Verbatim Text Blocks # # Text indented farther than the current margin becomes a verbatim text block # (or a code block, described next). # In the rendered HTML, such text: # # - Is indented. # - Has a contrasting background color. # # The verbatim text block ends at the first line beginning at the current margin. # # Example input: # # # This is not verbatim text. # # # # This is verbatim text. # # Whitespace is honored. # See? # # Whitespace is honored. # See? # # # # This is still the same verbatim text block. # # # # This is not verbatim text. # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # This is not verbatim text. # # This is verbatim text. # Whitespace is honored. # See? # Whitespace is honored. # See? # # This is still the same verbatim text block. # # This is not verbatim text. # # ==== Code Blocks # # A special case of verbatim text is the code block, # which is merely verbatim text that \RDoc recognizes as Ruby code: # # In the rendered HTML, the code block: # # - Is indented. # - Has a contrasting background color. # - Has syntax highlighting. # # Example input: # # Consider this method: # # def foo(name = '', value = 0) # @name = name # Whitespace is still honored. # @value = value # end # # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # Consider this method: # # def foo(name = '', value = 0) # @name = name # Whitespace is still honored. # @value = value # end # # Pro tip: If your indented Ruby code does not get highlighted, # it may contain a syntax error. # # ==== Lists # # Each type of list item is marked by a special beginning: # # - Bullet list item: Begins with a hyphen or asterisk. # - Numbered list item: Begins with digits and a period. # - Lettered list item: Begins with an alphabetic character and a period. # - Labeled list item: Begins with one of: # - Square-bracketed text. # - A word followed by two colons. # # A list begins with a list item and continues, even across blank lines, # as long as list items of the same type are found at the same indentation level. # # A new list resets the current margin inward. # Additional lines of text aligned at that margin # are part of the continuing list item. # # A list item may be continued on additional lines that are aligned # with the first line. See examples below. # # ===== Bullet Lists # # A bullet list item begins with a hyphen or asterisk. # # Example input: # # # - An item. # # - Another. # # - An item spanning # # multiple lines. # # # # * Yet another. # # - Last one. # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # - An item. # - Another. # - An item spanning # multiple lines. # # * Yet another. # - Last one. # # ===== Numbered Lists # # A numbered list item begins with digits and a period. # # The items are automatically re-numbered. # # Example input: # # # 100. An item. # # 10. Another. # # 1. An item spanning # # multiple lines. # # # # 1. Yet another. # # 1000. Last one. # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # 100. An item. # 10. Another. # 1. An item spanning # multiple lines. # # 1. Yet another. # 1000. Last one. # # ===== Lettered Lists # # A numbered list item begins with a letters and a period. # # The items are automatically "re-lettered." # # Example input: # # # z. An item. # # y. Another. # # x. An item spanning # # multiple lines. # # # # x. Yet another. # # a. Last one. # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # z. An item. # y. Another. # # x. Yet another. # a. Last one. # # ===== Labeled Lists # # A labeled list item begins with one of: # # - Square-bracketed text: the label and text are on two lines. # - A word followed by two colons: the label and text are on the same line. # # Example input: # # # [foo] An item. # # bat:: Another. # # [bag] An item spanning # # multiple lines. # # # # [bar baz] Yet another. # # bam:: Last one. # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # [foo] An item. # bat:: Another. # [bag] An item spanning # multiple lines. # # [bar baz] Yet another. # bam:: Last one. # # ===== Blocks Nested in Lists # # A list item may contain nested blocks, including: # # - Paragraphs. # - Verbatim text blocks. # - Code blocks. # - Other lists of any type. # # ==== Headings # # A heading begins with up to six equal-signs, followed by heading text. # Whitespace between those and the heading text is optional. # # Examples: # # # = Section 1 # # == Section 1.1 # # === Section 1.1.1 # # === Section 1.1.2 # # == Section 1.2 # # = Section 2 # # = Foo # # == Bar # # === Baz # # ==== Bam # # ===== Bat # # ====== Bad # # ============Still a Heading (Level 6) # # \== Not a Heading # # ==== Horizontal Rules # # A horizontal rule begins with three or more hyphens. # # Example input: # # # ------ # # Stuff between. # # # # \--- Not a horizontal rule. # # # # -- Also not a horizontal rule. # # # # --- # # Rendered HTML: # >>> # ------ # Stuff between. # # \--- Not a horizontal rule. # # -- Also not a horizontal rule. # # --- # # ==== Directives # # ===== Directives for Allowing or Suppressing Documentation # # - # :stopdoc:: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies that \RDoc should ignore markup # until next :startdoc: directive or end-of-file. # # - # :startdoc:: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies that \RDoc should resume parsing markup. # # - # :enddoc:: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies that \RDoc should ignore markup to end-of-file # regardless of other directives. # # - # :nodoc:: # # - Appended to a line of code # that defines a class, module, method, alias, constant, or attribute. # - Specifies that the defined object should not be documented. # # - # :nodoc: all: # # - Appended to a line of code # that defines a class or module. # - Specifies that the class or module should not be documented. # By default, however, a nested class or module _will_ be documented. # # - # :doc:: # # - Appended to a line of code # that defines a class, module, method, alias, constant, or attribute. # - Specifies the defined object should be documented, even if otherwise # would not be documented. # # - # :notnew: (aliased as :not_new: and :not-new:): # # - Appended to a line of code # that defines instance method +initialize+. # - Specifies that singleton method +new+ should not be documented. # By default, Ruby fakes a corresponding singleton method +new+, # which \RDoc includes in the documentation. # Note that instance method +initialize+ is private, and so by default # is not documented. # # For Ruby code, but not for other \RDoc sources, # there is a shorthand for :stopdoc: and :startdoc:: # # # Documented. # #-- # # Not documented. # #++ # # Documented. # # For C code, any of directives :startdoc:, :enddoc:, # and :nodoc: may appear in a stand-alone comment: # # /* :startdoc: */ # /* :stopdoc: */ # /* :enddoc: */ # # ===== Directive for Specifying \RDoc Source Format # # - # :markup: _type_: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies the format for the \RDoc input; # parameter +type+ is one of +markdown+, +rd+, +rdoc+, +tomdoc+. # # ===== Directives for HTML Output # # - # :title: _text_: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies the title for the HTML output. # # - # :main: _filename_: # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies the HTML file to be displayed first. # # ===== Directives for Method Documentation # # - # :call-seq:: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies the calling sequence to be reported in the HTML, # overriding the actual calling sequence in the code. # See method #call_seq_directive. # # Note that \RDoc can build the calling sequence for a Ruby-coded method, # but not for other languages. # You may want to override that by explicitly giving a :call-seq: # directive if you want to include: # # - A return type, which is not automatically inferred. # - Multiple calling sequences. # # For C code, the directive may appear in a stand-alone comment. # # - # :args: _arg_names_ (aliased as :arg:): # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies the arguments to be reported in the HTML, # overriding the actual arguments in the code. # See method #args_directive. # # - # :yields: _arg_names_ (aliased as :yield:): # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies the yield arguments to be reported in the HTML, # overriding the actual yield in the code. # See method #yields_directive. # # ===== Directives for Organizing Documentation # # By default, \RDoc groups: # # - Singleton methods together in alphabetical order. # - Instance methods and their aliases together in alphabetical order. # - Attributes and their aliases together in alphabetical order. # # You can use directives to modify those behaviors. # # - # :section: _section_title_: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies that following methods are to be grouped into the section # with the given section_title, # or into the default section if no title is given. # The directive remains in effect until another such directive is given, # but may be temporarily overridden by directive :category:. # See below. # # The comment block containing this directive: # # - Must be separated by a blank line from the documentation for the next item. # - May have one or more lines preceding the directive. # These will be removed, along with any trailing lines that match them. # Such lines may be visually helpful. # - Lines of text that are not so removed become the descriptive text # for the section. # # Example: # # # ---------------------------------------- # # :section: My Section # # This is the section that I wrote. # # See it glisten in the noon-day sun. # # ---------------------------------------- # # ## # # Comment for some_method # def some_method # # ... # end # # You can use directive :category: to temporarily # override the current section. # # - # :category: _section_title_: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies that just one following method is to be included # in the given section, or in the default section if no title is given. # Subsequent methods are to be grouped into the current section. # # ===== Directive for Including a File # # - # :include: _filepath_: # # - Appears on a line by itself. # - Specifies that the contents of the given file # are to be included at this point. # The file content is shifted to have the same indentation as the colon # at the start of the directive. # # The file is searched for in the directories # given with the --include command-line option, # or by default in the current directory. # # For C code, the directive may appear in a stand-alone comment # # === Text Markup # # Text in a paragraph, list item (any type), or heading # may have markup formatting. # # ==== Italic # # A single word may be italicized by prefixed and suffixed underscores. # # Examples: # # # _Word_ in paragraph. # # - _Word_ in bullet list item. # # 1. _Word_ in numbered list item. # # a. _Word_ in lettered list item. # # [_word_] _Word_ in labeled list item. # # ====== _Word_ in heading # # Any text may be italicized via HTML tag +i+ or +em+. # # Examples: # # # Two words in paragraph. # # - Two words in bullet list item. # # 1. Two words in numbered list item. # # a. Two words in lettered list item. # # [Two words] Two words in labeled list item. # # ====== Two words in heading # # ==== Bold # # A single word may be made bold by prefixed and suffixed asterisks. # # Examples: # # # *Word* in paragraph. # # - *Word* in bullet list item. # # 1. *Word* in numbered list item. # # a. *Word* in lettered list item. # # [*word*] *Word* in labeled list item. # # ====== *Word* in heading # # Any text may be made bold via HTML tag +b+. # # Examples: # # # Two words in paragraph. # # - Two words in bullet list item. # # 1. Two words in numbered list item. # # a. Two words in lettered list item. # # [Two words] Two words in labeled list item. # # ====== Two words in heading # # ==== Monofont # # A single word may be made monofont -- sometimes called "typewriter font" -- # by prefixed and suffixed plus-signs. # # Examples: # # # +Word+ in paragraph. # # - +Word+ in bullet list item. # # 1. +Word+ in numbered list item. # # a. +Word+ in lettered list item. # # [+word+] +Word+ in labeled list item. # # ====== +Word+ in heading # # Any text may be made monofont via HTML tag +tt+ or +code+. # # Examples: # # # Two words in paragraph. # # - Two words in bullet list item. # # 1. Two words in numbered list item. # # a. Two words in lettered list item. # # [Two words] Two words in labeled list item. # # ====== Two words in heading # # ==== Character Conversions # # Certain combinations of characters may be converted to special characters; # whether the conversion occurs depends on whether the special character # is available in the current encoding. # # - (c) converts to (c) (copyright character); must be lowercase. # # - (r) converts to (r) (registered trademark character); must be lowercase. # # - 'foo' converts to 'foo' (smart single-quotes). # # - "foo" converts to "foo" (smart double-quotes). # # - foo ... bar converts to foo ... bar (1-character ellipsis). # # - foo -- bar converts to foo -- bar (1-character en-dash). # # - foo --- bar converts to foo --- bar (1-character em-dash). # # ==== Links # # Certain strings in \RDoc text are converted to links. # Any such link may be suppressed by prefixing a backslash. # This section shows how to link to various # targets. # # [Class] # # - On-page: DummyClass links to DummyClass. # - Off-page: RDoc::Alias links to RDoc::Alias. # # [Module] # # - On-page: DummyModule links to DummyModule. # - Off-page: RDoc links to RDoc. # # [Constant] # # - On-page: DUMMY_CONSTANT links to DUMMY_CONSTANT. # - Off-page: RDoc::Text::MARKUP_FORMAT links to RDoc::Text::MARKUP_FORMAT. # # [Singleton Method] # # - On-page: ::dummy_singleton_method links to ::dummy_singleton_method. # - Off-pageRDoc::TokenStream::to_html links to RDoc::TokenStream::to_html. # to \RDoc::TokenStream::to_html. # # Note: Occasionally \RDoc is not linked to a method whose name # has only special characters. Check whether the links you were expecting # are actually there. If not, you'll need to put in an explicit link; # see below. # # Pro tip: The link to any method is available in the alphabetical table of contents # at the top left of the page for the class or module. # # [Instance Method] # # - On-page: #dummy_instance_method links to #dummy_instance_method. # - Off-page: RDoc::Alias#html_name links to RDoc::Alias#html_name. # # See the Note and Pro Tip immediately above. # # [Attribute] # # - On-page: #dummy_attribute links to #dummy_attribute. # - Off-page: RDoc::Alias#name links to RDoc::Alias#name. # # [Alias] # # - On-page: #dummy_instance_alias links to #dummy_instance_alias. # - Off-page: RDoc::Alias#new_name links to RDoc::Alias#new_name. # # [Protocol +http+] # # - Linked: links to # # [Protocol +https+] # # - Linked: links to # # [Protocol +www+] # # - Linked: links to # # [Protocol +ftp+] # # - Linked: links to # # [Protocol +mailto+] # # - Linked: mailto:/ links to mailto:// # # [Protocol +irc+] # # - link: irc:// links to irc:// # # [Image Filename Extensions] # # - Link: is # converted to an in-line HTML +img+ tag, which displays the image in the HTML: # # # # Also works for +bmp+, +gif+, +jpeg+, and +jpg+ files. # # Note: Works only for a fully qualified URL. # # [Heading] # # - Link: RDoc::RD@LICENSE links to RDoc::RDoc::RD@LICENSE. # # Note that spaces in the actual heading are represented by + characters # in the linkable text. # # - Link: RDoc::Options@Saved+Options # links to RDoc::Options@Saved+Options. # # Punctuation and other special characters must be escaped like CGI.escape. # # Pro tip: The link to any heading is available in the alphabetical table of contents # at the top left of the page for the class or module. # # [Section] # # See {Directives for Organizing Documentation}[#class-RDoc::MarkupReference-label-Directives+for+Organizing+Documentation]. # # - Link: RDoc::Markup::ToHtml@Visitor links to RDoc::Markup::ToHtml@Visitor. # # If a section and a heading share the same name, the link target is the section. # # [Single-Word Text Link] # # Use square brackets to create single-word text link: # # - GitHub[] links to GitHub[]. # # [Multi-Word Text Link] # # Use square brackets and curly braces to create a multi-word text link. # # - {GitHub home page}[] links to # {GitHub home page}[]. # # [rdoc-ref Scheme] # # A link with the rdoc-ref: scheme links to the referenced item, # if that item exists. # The referenced item may be a class, module, method, file, etc. # # - Class: Alias[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Alias] links to Alias[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Alias]. # - Module: RDoc[rdoc-ref:RDoc] links to RDoc[rdoc-ref:RDoc]. # - Method: foo[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Markup::ToHtml#handle_regexp_RDOCLINK] # links to foo[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Markup::ToHtml#handle_regexp_RDOCLINK]. # - Constant: bar[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Markup::ToHtml::LIST_TYPE_TO_HTML] # links to bar[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Markup::ToHtml::LIST_TYPE_TO_HTML]. # - Attribute: baz[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Markup::ToHtml#code_object] # links to baz[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Markup::ToHtml#code_object]. # - Alias: bad[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference#dummy_instance_alias] links to # bad[rdoc-ref:RDoc::MarkupReference#dummy_instance_alias]. # # If the referenced item does not exist, no link is generated # and entire rdoc-ref: square-bracketed clause is removed # from the resulting text. # # - Nosuch[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Nosuch] is rendered as # Nosuch[rdoc-ref:RDoc::Nosuch]. # # # [rdoc-label Scheme] # # [Simple] # # You can specify a link target using this form, # where the second part cites the id of an HTML element. # # This link refers to the constant +DUMMY_CONSTANT+ on this page: # # - {DUMMY_CONSTANT}[rdoc-label:DUMMY_CONSTANT] # # Thus: # # {DUMMY_CONSTANT}[rdoc-label:DUMMY_CONSTANT] # # [With Return] # # You can specify both a link target and a local label # that can be used as the target for a return link. # These two links refer to each other: # # - {go to addressee}[rdoc-label:addressee:sender] # - {return to sender}[rdoc-label:sender:addressee] # # Thus: # # {go to addressee}[rdoc-label:addressee:sender] # # Some text. # # {return to sender}[rdoc-label:sender:addressee] # # [link: Scheme] # # - link:README_rdoc.html links to link:README_rdoc.html. # # [rdoc-image Scheme] # # Use the rdoc-image scheme to display an image that is also a link: # # # {rdoc-image:path/to/image}[link_target] # # - Link: {rdoc-image:}[] # displays image # as a link to # # {rdoc-image:}[] # # A relative path as the target also works: # # - Link: {rdoc-image:}[./Alias.html] links to ./Alias.html # # {rdoc-image:}[./Alias.html] # # == Documentation Derived from Ruby Code # # [Class] # # By default, \RDoc documents: # # - \Class name. # - Parent class. # - Singleton methods. # - Instance methods. # - Aliases. # - Constants. # - Attributes. # # [Module] # # By default, \RDoc documents: # # - \Module name. # - \Singleton methods. # - Instance methods. # - Aliases. # - Constants. # - Attributes. # # [Method] # # By default, \RDoc documents: # # - \Method name. # - Arguments. # - Yielded values. # # See #method. # # [Alias] # # By default, \RDoc documents: # # - Alias name. # - Aliased name. # # See #dummy_instance_alias and #dummy_instance_method. # # [Constant] # # By default, \RDoc documents: # # - \Constant name. # # See DUMMY_CONSTANT. # # [Attribute] # # By default, \RDoc documents: # # - Attribute name. # - Attribute type ([R], [W], or [RW]) # # See #dummy_attribute. # class RDoc::MarkupReference class DummyClass; end module DummyModule; end def self.dummy_singleton_method(foo, bar); end def dummy_instance_method(foo, bar); end; alias dummy_instance_alias dummy_instance_method attr_accessor :dummy_attribute alias dummy_attribute_alias dummy_attribute DUMMY_CONSTANT = '' # :call-seq: # call_seq_directive(foo, bar) # Can be anything -> bar # Also anything more -> baz or bat # # The :call-seq: directive overrides the actual calling sequence # found in the Ruby code. # # - It can specify anything at all. # - It can have multiple calling sequences. # # This one includes Can be anything -> foo, which is nonsense. # # Note that the "arrow" is two characters, hyphen and right angle-bracket, # which is made into a single character in the HTML. # # Click on the calling sequence to see the code. # # Here is the :call-seq: directive given for the method: # # # :call-seq: # # call_seq_directive(foo, bar) # # Can be anything -> bar # # Also anything more -> baz or bat # def call_seq_directive nil end # The :args: directive overrides the actual arguments found in the Ruby code. # # Click on the calling sequence to see the code. # def args_directive(foo, bar) # :args: baz nil end # The :yields: directive overrides the actual yield found in the Ruby code. # # Click on the calling sequence to see the code. # def yields_directive(foo, bar) # :yields: 'bat' yield 'baz' end # This method is documented only by \RDoc, except for these comments. # # Click on the calling sequence to see the code. # def method(foo, bar) yield 'baz' end end