/********************************************************************** eval.c - $Author$ created at: Thu Jun 10 14:22:17 JST 1993 Copyright (C) 1993-2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto Copyright (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan **********************************************************************/ #include "internal.h" #include "eval_intern.h" #include "iseq.h" #include "gc.h" #include "ruby/vm.h" #include "vm_core.h" #include "probes_helper.h" NORETURN(void rb_raise_jump(VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE rb_eLocalJumpError; VALUE rb_eSysStackError; ID ruby_static_id_signo, ruby_static_id_status; static ID id_cause; #define id_signo ruby_static_id_signo #define id_status ruby_static_id_status #define exception_error GET_VM()->special_exceptions[ruby_error_reenter] #include "eval_error.c" #include "eval_jump.c" #define CLASS_OR_MODULE_P(obj) \ (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj) && \ (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj) == T_CLASS || BUILTIN_TYPE(obj) == T_MODULE)) /*! * Initializes the Ruby VM and builtin libraries. * @retval 0 if succeeded. * @retval non-zero an error occurred. */ int ruby_setup(void) { enum ruby_tag_type state; if (GET_VM()) return 0; ruby_init_stack((void *)&state); Init_BareVM(); Init_heap(); Init_vm_objects(); PUSH_TAG(); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { rb_call_inits(); ruby_prog_init(); GET_VM()->running = 1; } POP_TAG(); return state; } /*! * Calls ruby_setup() and check error. * * Prints errors and calls exit(3) if an error occurred. */ void ruby_init(void) { int state = ruby_setup(); if (state) { if (RTEST(ruby_debug)) error_print(GET_THREAD()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /*! Processes command line arguments and compiles the Ruby source to execute. * * This function does: * \li Processes the given command line flags and arguments for ruby(1) * \li compiles the source code from the given argument, -e or stdin, and * \li returns the compiled source as an opaque pointer to an internal data structure * * @return an opaque pointer to the compiled source or an internal special value. * @sa ruby_executable_node(). */ void * ruby_options(int argc, char **argv) { enum ruby_tag_type state; void *volatile iseq = 0; ruby_init_stack((void *)&iseq); PUSH_TAG(); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF(GET_THREAD(), iseq = ruby_process_options(argc, argv)); } else { rb_clear_trace_func(); state = error_handle(state); iseq = (void *)INT2FIX(state); } POP_TAG(); return iseq; } static void ruby_finalize_0(void) { PUSH_TAG(); if (EXEC_TAG() == TAG_NONE) { rb_trap_exit(); } POP_TAG(); rb_exec_end_proc(); rb_clear_trace_func(); } static void ruby_finalize_1(void) { ruby_sig_finalize(); GET_THREAD()->ec->errinfo = Qnil; rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit(); } /** Runs the VM finalization processes. * * END{} and procs registered by Kernel.#at_exit are * executed here. See the Ruby language spec for more details. * * @note This function is allowed to raise an exception if an error occurred. */ void ruby_finalize(void) { ruby_finalize_0(); ruby_finalize_1(); } /** Destructs the VM. * * Runs the VM finalization processes as well as ruby_finalize(), and frees * resources used by the VM. * * @param ex Default value to the return value. * @return If an error occurred returns a non-zero. If otherwise, returns the * given ex. * @note This function does not raise any exception. */ int ruby_cleanup(volatile int ex) { int state; volatile VALUE errs[2]; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); int nerr; volatile int sysex = EXIT_SUCCESS; volatile int step = 0; rb_threadptr_interrupt(th); rb_threadptr_check_signal(th); EC_PUSH_TAG(th->ec); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF(th, { RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(th); }); step_0: step++; errs[1] = th->ec->errinfo; th->ec->safe_level = 0; ruby_init_stack(&errs[STACK_UPPER(errs, 0, 1)]); SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF(th, ruby_finalize_0()); step_1: step++; /* protect from Thread#raise */ th->status = THREAD_KILLED; errs[0] = th->ec->errinfo; SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF(th, rb_thread_terminate_all()); } else { switch (step) { case 0: goto step_0; case 1: goto step_1; } if (ex == 0) ex = state; } th->ec->errinfo = errs[1]; sysex = error_handle(ex); state = 0; for (nerr = 0; nerr < numberof(errs); ++nerr) { VALUE err = ATOMIC_VALUE_EXCHANGE(errs[nerr], Qnil); if (!RTEST(err)) continue; /* th->ec->errinfo contains a NODE while break'ing */ if (THROW_DATA_P(err)) continue; if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(err, rb_eSystemExit)) { sysex = sysexit_status(err); break; } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(err, rb_eSignal)) { VALUE sig = rb_ivar_get(err, id_signo); state = NUM2INT(sig); break; } else if (sysex == EXIT_SUCCESS) { sysex = EXIT_FAILURE; } } ruby_finalize_1(); /* unlock again if finalizer took mutexes. */ rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes(GET_THREAD()); EC_POP_TAG(); rb_thread_stop_timer_thread(); ruby_vm_destruct(GET_VM()); if (state) ruby_default_signal(state); return sysex; } static int ruby_exec_internal(void *n) { volatile int state; rb_iseq_t *iseq = (rb_iseq_t *)n; rb_thread_t * volatile th = GET_THREAD(); if (!n) return 0; EC_PUSH_TAG(th->ec); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF(th, { rb_iseq_eval_main(iseq); }); } EC_POP_TAG(); return state; } /*! Calls ruby_cleanup() and exits the process */ void ruby_stop(int ex) { exit(ruby_cleanup(ex)); } /*! Checks the return value of ruby_options(). * @param n return value of ruby_options(). * @param status pointer to the exit status of this process. * * ruby_options() sometimes returns a special value to indicate this process * should immediately exit. This function checks if the case. Also stores the * exit status that the caller have to pass to exit(3) into * *status. * * @retval non-zero if the given opaque pointer is actually a compiled source. * @retval 0 if the given value is such a special value. */ int ruby_executable_node(void *n, int *status) { VALUE v = (VALUE)n; int s; switch (v) { case Qtrue: s = EXIT_SUCCESS; break; case Qfalse: s = EXIT_FAILURE; break; default: if (!FIXNUM_P(v)) return TRUE; s = FIX2INT(v); } if (status) *status = s; return FALSE; } /*! Runs the given compiled source and exits this process. * @retval 0 if successfully run the source * @retval non-zero if an error occurred. */ int ruby_run_node(void *n) { int status; if (!ruby_executable_node(n, &status)) { ruby_cleanup(0); return status; } return ruby_cleanup(ruby_exec_node(n)); } /*! Runs the given compiled source */ int ruby_exec_node(void *n) { ruby_init_stack((void *)&n); return ruby_exec_internal(n); } /* * call-seq: * Module.nesting -> array * * Returns the list of +Modules+ nested at the point of call. * * module M1 * module M2 * $a = Module.nesting * end * end * $a #=> [M1::M2, M1] * $a[0].name #=> "M1::M2" */ static VALUE rb_mod_nesting(void) { VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); const rb_cref_t *cref = rb_vm_cref(); while (cref && CREF_NEXT(cref)) { VALUE klass = CREF_CLASS(cref); if (!CREF_PUSHED_BY_EVAL(cref) && !NIL_P(klass)) { rb_ary_push(ary, klass); } cref = CREF_NEXT(cref); } return ary; } /* * call-seq: * Module.constants -> array * Module.constants(inherited) -> array * * In the first form, returns an array of the names of all * constants accessible from the point of call. * This list includes the names of all modules and classes * defined in the global scope. * * Module.constants.first(4) * # => [:ARGF, :ARGV, :ArgumentError, :Array] * * Module.constants.include?(:SEEK_SET) # => false * * class IO * Module.constants.include?(:SEEK_SET) # => true * end * * The second form calls the instance method +constants+. */ static VALUE rb_mod_s_constants(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE mod) { const rb_cref_t *cref = rb_vm_cref(); VALUE klass; VALUE cbase = 0; void *data = 0; if (argc > 0 || mod != rb_cModule) { return rb_mod_constants(argc, argv, mod); } while (cref) { klass = CREF_CLASS(cref); if (!CREF_PUSHED_BY_EVAL(cref) && !NIL_P(klass)) { data = rb_mod_const_at(CREF_CLASS(cref), data); if (!cbase) { cbase = klass; } } cref = CREF_NEXT(cref); } if (cbase) { data = rb_mod_const_of(cbase, data); } return rb_const_list(data); } /*! * Asserts that \a klass is not a frozen class. * \param[in] klass a \c Module object * \exception RuntimeError if \a klass is not a class or frozen. * \ingroup class */ void rb_frozen_class_p(VALUE klass) { if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(klass)) { noclass: Check_Type(klass, T_CLASS); } if (OBJ_FROZEN(klass)) { const char *desc; if (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON)) { desc = "object"; klass = rb_ivar_get(klass, id__attached__); if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(klass)) { switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(klass)) { case T_MODULE: case T_ICLASS: desc = "Module"; break; case T_CLASS: desc = "Class"; break; } } } else { switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(klass)) { case T_MODULE: case T_ICLASS: desc = "module"; break; case T_CLASS: desc = "class"; break; default: goto noclass; } } rb_error_frozen(desc); } } NORETURN(static void rb_longjmp(rb_thread_t *, int, volatile VALUE, VALUE)); static VALUE get_errinfo(void); static VALUE get_thread_errinfo(rb_thread_t *th); static VALUE exc_setup_cause(VALUE exc, VALUE cause) { #if SUPPORT_JOKE if (NIL_P(cause)) { ID id_true_cause; CONST_ID(id_true_cause, "true_cause"); cause = rb_attr_get(rb_eFatal, id_true_cause); if (NIL_P(cause)) { cause = rb_exc_new_cstr(rb_eFatal, "because using such Ruby"); rb_ivar_set(cause, id_cause, INT2FIX(42)); /* the answer */ OBJ_FREEZE(cause); rb_ivar_set(rb_eFatal, id_true_cause, cause); } } #endif if (!NIL_P(cause) && cause != exc) { rb_ivar_set(exc, id_cause, cause); if (!rb_ivar_defined(cause, id_cause)) { rb_ivar_set(cause, id_cause, Qnil); } } return exc; } static inline VALUE exc_setup_message(rb_thread_t *th, VALUE mesg, VALUE *cause) { int nocause = 0; if (NIL_P(mesg)) { mesg = th->ec->errinfo; if (INTERNAL_EXCEPTION_P(mesg)) EC_JUMP_TAG(th->ec, TAG_FATAL); nocause = 1; } if (NIL_P(mesg)) { mesg = rb_exc_new(rb_eRuntimeError, 0, 0); nocause = 0; } if (*cause == Qundef) { if (nocause) { *cause = Qnil; } else if (!rb_ivar_defined(mesg, id_cause)) { *cause = get_thread_errinfo(th); } } return mesg; } static void setup_exception(rb_thread_t *th, int tag, volatile VALUE mesg, VALUE cause) { VALUE e; const char *file = 0; int line; file = rb_source_loc(&line); if ((file && !NIL_P(mesg)) || (cause != Qundef)) { volatile int state = 0; EC_PUSH_TAG(th->ec); if (EXEC_TAG() == TAG_NONE && !(state = rb_threadptr_set_raised(th))) { VALUE bt = rb_get_backtrace(mesg); if (!NIL_P(bt) || cause == Qundef) { if (OBJ_FROZEN(mesg)) { mesg = rb_obj_dup(mesg); } } if (cause != Qundef) { exc_setup_cause(mesg, cause); } if (NIL_P(bt)) { VALUE at = rb_threadptr_backtrace_object(th); rb_ivar_set(mesg, idBt_locations, at); set_backtrace(mesg, at); } rb_threadptr_reset_raised(th); } EC_POP_TAG(); if (state) goto fatal; } if (!NIL_P(mesg)) { th->ec->errinfo = mesg; } if (RTEST(ruby_debug) && !NIL_P(e = th->ec->errinfo) && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(e, rb_eSystemExit)) { enum ruby_tag_type state; mesg = e; EC_PUSH_TAG(th->ec); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { th->ec->errinfo = Qnil; e = rb_obj_as_string(mesg); th->ec->errinfo = mesg; if (file && line) { e = rb_sprintf("Exception `%"PRIsVALUE"' at %s:%d - %"PRIsVALUE"\n", rb_obj_class(mesg), file, line, e); } else if (file) { e = rb_sprintf("Exception `%"PRIsVALUE"' at %s - %"PRIsVALUE"\n", rb_obj_class(mesg), file, e); } else { e = rb_sprintf("Exception `%"PRIsVALUE"' - %"PRIsVALUE"\n", rb_obj_class(mesg), e); } warn_print_str(e); } EC_POP_TAG(); if (state == TAG_FATAL && th->ec->errinfo == exception_error) { th->ec->errinfo = mesg; } else if (state) { rb_threadptr_reset_raised(th); EC_JUMP_TAG(th->ec, state); } } if (rb_threadptr_set_raised(th)) { fatal: th->ec->errinfo = exception_error; rb_threadptr_reset_raised(th); EC_JUMP_TAG(th->ec, TAG_FATAL); } if (tag != TAG_FATAL) { RUBY_DTRACE_HOOK(RAISE, rb_obj_classname(th->ec->errinfo)); EXEC_EVENT_HOOK(th, RUBY_EVENT_RAISE, th->ec->cfp->self, 0, 0, 0, mesg); } } /*! \private */ void rb_threadptr_setup_exception(rb_thread_t *th, VALUE mesg, VALUE cause) { if (cause == Qundef) { cause = get_thread_errinfo(th); } if (cause != mesg) { rb_ivar_set(mesg, id_cause, cause); } } static void rb_longjmp(rb_thread_t *th, int tag, volatile VALUE mesg, VALUE cause) { mesg = exc_setup_message(th, mesg, &cause); setup_exception(th, tag, mesg, cause); rb_thread_raised_clear(th); EC_JUMP_TAG(th->ec, tag); } static VALUE make_exception(int argc, const VALUE *argv, int isstr); /*! * Raises an exception in the current thread. * \param[in] mesg an Exception class or an \c Exception object. * \exception always raises an instance of the given exception class or * the given \c Exception object. * \ingroup exception */ void rb_exc_raise(VALUE mesg) { if (!NIL_P(mesg)) { mesg = make_exception(1, &mesg, FALSE); } rb_longjmp(GET_THREAD(), TAG_RAISE, mesg, Qundef); } /*! * Raises a fatal error in the current thread. * * Same as rb_exc_raise() but raises a fatal error, which Ruby codes * cannot rescue. * \ingroup exception */ void rb_exc_fatal(VALUE mesg) { if (!NIL_P(mesg)) { mesg = make_exception(1, &mesg, FALSE); } rb_longjmp(GET_THREAD(), TAG_FATAL, mesg, Qnil); } /*! * Raises an \c Interrupt exception. * \ingroup exception */ void rb_interrupt(void) { rb_raise(rb_eInterrupt, "%s", ""); } enum {raise_opt_cause, raise_max_opt}; /*< \private */ static int extract_raise_opts(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE *opts) { int i; if (argc > 0) { VALUE opt = argv[argc-1]; if (RB_TYPE_P(opt, T_HASH)) { if (!RHASH_EMPTY_P(opt)) { ID keywords[1]; CONST_ID(keywords[0], "cause"); rb_get_kwargs(opt, keywords, 0, -1-raise_max_opt, opts); if (RHASH_EMPTY_P(opt)) --argc; return argc; } } } for (i = 0; i < raise_max_opt; ++i) { opts[i] = Qundef; } return argc; } /* * call-seq: * raise * raise(string) * raise(exception [, string [, array]]) * fail * fail(string) * fail(exception [, string [, array]]) * * With no arguments, raises the exception in $! or raises * a RuntimeError if $! is +nil+. * With a single +String+ argument, raises a * +RuntimeError+ with the string as a message. Otherwise, * the first parameter should be the name of an +Exception+ * class (or an object that returns an +Exception+ object when sent * an +exception+ message). The optional second parameter sets the * message associated with the exception, and the third parameter is an * array of callback information. Exceptions are caught by the * +rescue+ clause of begin...end blocks. * * raise "Failed to create socket" * raise ArgumentError, "No parameters", caller */ static VALUE rb_f_raise(int argc, VALUE *argv) { VALUE err; VALUE opts[raise_max_opt], *const cause = &opts[raise_opt_cause]; argc = extract_raise_opts(argc, argv, opts); if (argc == 0) { if (*cause != Qundef) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "only cause is given with no arguments"); } err = get_errinfo(); if (!NIL_P(err)) { argc = 1; argv = &err; } } rb_raise_jump(rb_make_exception(argc, argv), *cause); UNREACHABLE; } static VALUE make_exception(int argc, const VALUE *argv, int isstr) { VALUE mesg, exc; int n; mesg = Qnil; switch (argc) { case 0: break; case 1: exc = argv[0]; if (NIL_P(exc)) break; if (isstr) { mesg = rb_check_string_type(exc); if (!NIL_P(mesg)) { mesg = rb_exc_new3(rb_eRuntimeError, mesg); break; } } n = 0; goto exception_call; case 2: case 3: exc = argv[0]; n = 1; exception_call: mesg = rb_check_funcall(exc, idException, n, argv+1); if (mesg == Qundef) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "exception class/object expected"); } break; default: rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 3); break; } if (argc > 0) { if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(mesg, rb_eException)) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "exception object expected"); if (argc > 2) set_backtrace(mesg, argv[2]); } return mesg; } /*! * Make an \c Exception object from the list of arguments in a manner * similar to \c Kernel\#raise. * * \param[in] argc the number of arguments * \param[in] argv a pointer to the array of arguments. * * The first form of this function takes a \c String argument. Then * it returns a \c RuntimeError whose error message is the given value. * * The second from of this function takes an \c Exception object. Then * it just returns the given value. * * The last form takes an exception class, an optional error message and * an optional array of backtrace. Then it passes the optional arguments * to \c #exception method of the exception class. * * \return the exception object, or \c Qnil if \c argc is 0. * \ingroup exception */ VALUE rb_make_exception(int argc, const VALUE *argv) { return make_exception(argc, argv, TRUE); } /*! \private * \todo can be static? */ void rb_raise_jump(VALUE mesg, VALUE cause) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); const rb_control_frame_t *cfp = th->ec->cfp; const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(cfp); VALUE klass = me->owner; VALUE self = cfp->self; ID mid = me->called_id; rb_vm_pop_frame(th->ec); EXEC_EVENT_HOOK(th, RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN, self, me->def->original_id, mid, klass, Qnil); rb_longjmp(th, TAG_RAISE, mesg, cause); } /*! * Continues the exception caught by rb_protect() and rb_eval_string_protect(). * * This function never return to the caller. * \param[in] the value of \c *state which the protect function has set to the * their last parameter. * \ingroup exception */ void rb_jump_tag(int tag) { if (UNLIKELY(tag < TAG_RETURN || tag > TAG_FATAL)) { unknown_longjmp_status(tag); } JUMP_TAG(tag); } /*! Determines if the current method is given a block. * \retval zero if not given * \retval non-zero if given * \ingroup defmethod */ int rb_block_given_p(void) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); if (rb_vm_frame_block_handler(th->ec->cfp) == VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /*! Determines if the current method is an interator. * * An alias of rb_block_given_p(). * \ingroup defmethod */ int rb_iterator_p(void) { return rb_block_given_p(); } VALUE rb_eThreadError; /*! Declares that the current method needs a block. * * Raises a \c LocalJumpError if not given a block. * \ingroup defmethod */ void rb_need_block(void) { if (!rb_block_given_p()) { rb_vm_localjump_error("no block given", Qnil, 0); } } /*! An equivalent of \c rescue clause. * * Equivalent to begin .. rescue err_type .. end * * \param[in] b_proc a function which potentially raises an exception. * \param[in] data1 the argument of \a b_proc * \param[in] r_proc a function which rescues an exception in \a b_proc. * \param[in] data2 the first argument of \a r_proc * \param[in] ... 1 or more exception classes. Must be terminated by \c (VALUE)0. * * First it calls the function \a b_proc, with \a data1 as the argument. * When \a b_proc raises an exception, it calls \a r_proc with \a data2 and * the exception object if the exception is a kind of one of the given * exception classes. * * \return the return value of \a b_proc if no exception occurs, * or the return value of \a r_proc if otherwise. * \sa rb_rescue * \sa rb_ensure * \sa rb_protect * \ingroup exception */ VALUE rb_rescue2(VALUE (* b_proc) (ANYARGS), VALUE data1, VALUE (* r_proc) (ANYARGS), VALUE data2, ...) { enum ruby_tag_type state; rb_thread_t * volatile th = GET_THREAD(); rb_control_frame_t *volatile cfp = th->ec->cfp; volatile VALUE result = Qfalse; volatile VALUE e_info = th->ec->errinfo; va_list args; EC_PUSH_TAG(th->ec); if ((state = EC_EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { retry_entry: result = (*b_proc) (data1); } else if (result) { /* escape from r_proc */ if (state == TAG_RETRY) { state = 0; th->ec->errinfo = Qnil; result = Qfalse; goto retry_entry; } } else { rb_vm_rewind_cfp(th, cfp); if (state == TAG_RAISE) { int handle = FALSE; VALUE eclass; va_init_list(args, data2); while ((eclass = va_arg(args, VALUE)) != 0) { if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(th->ec->errinfo, eclass)) { handle = TRUE; break; } } va_end(args); if (handle) { result = Qnil; state = 0; if (r_proc) { result = (*r_proc) (data2, th->ec->errinfo); } th->ec->errinfo = e_info; } } } EC_POP_TAG(); if (state) EC_JUMP_TAG(th->ec, state); return result; } /*! An equivalent of \c rescue clause. * * Equivalent to begin .. rescue .. end. * * It is same as * \code{cpp} * rb_rescue2(b_proc, data1, r_proc, data2, rb_eStandardError, (VALUE)0); * \endcode * * \sa rb_rescue2 * \sa rb_ensure * \sa rb_protect * \ingroup exception */ VALUE rb_rescue(VALUE (* b_proc)(ANYARGS), VALUE data1, VALUE (* r_proc)(ANYARGS), VALUE data2) { return rb_rescue2(b_proc, data1, r_proc, data2, rb_eStandardError, (VALUE)0); } /*! Protects a function call from potential global escapes from the function. * * Such global escapes include exceptions, \c Kernel\#throw, \c break in * an iterator, for example. * It first calls the function func with arg as the argument. * If no exception occurred during func, it returns the result of func and * *state is zero. * Otherwise, it returns Qnil and sets *state to nonzero. * If state is NULL, it is not set in both cases. * * You have to clear the error info with rb_set_errinfo(Qnil) when * ignoring the caught exception. * \ingroup exception * \sa rb_rescue * \sa rb_rescue2 * \sa rb_ensure */ VALUE rb_protect(VALUE (* proc) (VALUE), VALUE data, int *pstate) { volatile VALUE result = Qnil; volatile enum ruby_tag_type state; rb_thread_t * volatile th = GET_THREAD(); rb_control_frame_t *volatile cfp = th->ec->cfp; struct rb_vm_protect_tag protect_tag; rb_jmpbuf_t org_jmpbuf; protect_tag.prev = th->ec->protect_tag; EC_PUSH_TAG(th->ec); th->ec->protect_tag = &protect_tag; MEMCPY(&org_jmpbuf, &(th)->root_jmpbuf, rb_jmpbuf_t, 1); if ((state = EC_EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF(th, result = (*proc) (data)); } else { rb_vm_rewind_cfp(th, cfp); } MEMCPY(&(th)->root_jmpbuf, &org_jmpbuf, rb_jmpbuf_t, 1); th->ec->protect_tag = protect_tag.prev; EC_POP_TAG(); if (pstate != NULL) *pstate = state; return result; } /*! * An equivalent to \c ensure clause. * * Equivalent to begin .. ensure .. end. * * Calls the function \a b_proc with \a data1 as the argument, * then calls \a e_proc with \a data2 when execution terminated. * \return The return value of \a b_proc if no exception occurred, * or \c Qnil if otherwise. * \sa rb_rescue * \sa rb_rescue2 * \sa rb_protect * \ingroup exception */ VALUE rb_ensure(VALUE (*b_proc)(ANYARGS), VALUE data1, VALUE (*e_proc)(ANYARGS), VALUE data2) { int state; volatile VALUE result = Qnil; VALUE errinfo; rb_thread_t *const volatile th = GET_THREAD(); rb_ensure_list_t ensure_list; ensure_list.entry.marker = 0; ensure_list.entry.e_proc = e_proc; ensure_list.entry.data2 = data2; ensure_list.next = th->ec->ensure_list; th->ec->ensure_list = &ensure_list; EC_PUSH_TAG(th->ec); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == TAG_NONE) { result = (*b_proc) (data1); } EC_POP_TAG(); errinfo = th->ec->errinfo; if (!NIL_P(errinfo) && !RB_TYPE_P(errinfo, T_OBJECT)) { th->ec->errinfo = Qnil; } th->ec->ensure_list=ensure_list.next; (*ensure_list.entry.e_proc)(ensure_list.entry.data2); th->ec->errinfo = errinfo; if (state) EC_JUMP_TAG(th->ec, state); return result; } static ID frame_func_id(const rb_control_frame_t *cfp) { const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(cfp); if (me) { return me->def->original_id; } else { return 0; } } static ID frame_called_id(rb_control_frame_t *cfp) { const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(cfp); if (me) { return me->called_id; } else { return 0; } } /*! * The original name of the current method. * * The function returns the original name of the method even if * an alias of the method is called. * The function can also return 0 if it is not in a method. This * case can happen in a toplevel of a source file, for example. * * \returns the ID of the name or 0 * \sa rb_frame_callee * \ingroup defmethod */ ID rb_frame_this_func(void) { return frame_func_id(GET_THREAD()->ec->cfp); } /*! * The name of the current method. * * The function returns the alias if an alias of the method is called. * The function can also return 0 if it is not in a method. This * case can happen in a toplevel of a source file, for example. * * \returns the ID of the name or 0. * \sa rb_frame_this_func * \ingroup defmethod */ ID rb_frame_callee(void) { return frame_called_id(GET_THREAD()->ec->cfp); } static rb_control_frame_t * previous_frame(rb_thread_t *th) { rb_control_frame_t *prev_cfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(th->ec->cfp); /* check if prev_cfp can be accessible */ if ((void *)(th->ec->vm_stack + th->ec->vm_stack_size) == (void *)(prev_cfp)) { return 0; } return prev_cfp; } static ID prev_frame_callee(void) { rb_control_frame_t *prev_cfp = previous_frame(GET_THREAD()); if (!prev_cfp) return 0; return frame_called_id(prev_cfp); } static ID prev_frame_func(void) { rb_control_frame_t *prev_cfp = previous_frame(GET_THREAD()); if (!prev_cfp) return 0; return frame_func_id(prev_cfp); } /*! * \private * Returns the ID of the last method in the call stack. * \sa rb_frame_this_func * \ingroup defmethod */ ID rb_frame_last_func(void) { const rb_execution_context_t *ec = GET_EC(); const rb_control_frame_t *cfp = ec->cfp; ID mid; while (!(mid = frame_func_id(cfp)) && (cfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(cfp), !RUBY_VM_CONTROL_FRAME_STACK_OVERFLOW_P(ec, cfp))); return mid; } /* * call-seq: * append_features(mod) -> mod * * When this module is included in another, Ruby calls * append_features in this module, passing it the * receiving module in _mod_. Ruby's default implementation is * to add the constants, methods, and module variables of this module * to _mod_ if this module has not already been added to * _mod_ or one of its ancestors. See also Module#include. */ static VALUE rb_mod_append_features(VALUE module, VALUE include) { if (!CLASS_OR_MODULE_P(include)) { Check_Type(include, T_CLASS); } rb_include_module(include, module); return module; } /* * call-seq: * include(module, ...) -> self * * Invokes Module.append_features on each parameter in reverse order. */ static VALUE rb_mod_include(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE module) { int i; ID id_append_features, id_included; CONST_ID(id_append_features, "append_features"); CONST_ID(id_included, "included"); rb_check_arity(argc, 1, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) Check_Type(argv[i], T_MODULE); while (argc--) { rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_append_features, 1, module); rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_included, 1, module); } return module; } /* * call-seq: * prepend_features(mod) -> mod * * When this module is prepended in another, Ruby calls * prepend_features in this module, passing it the * receiving module in _mod_. Ruby's default implementation is * to overlay the constants, methods, and module variables of this module * to _mod_ if this module has not already been added to * _mod_ or one of its ancestors. See also Module#prepend. */ static VALUE rb_mod_prepend_features(VALUE module, VALUE prepend) { if (!CLASS_OR_MODULE_P(prepend)) { Check_Type(prepend, T_CLASS); } rb_prepend_module(prepend, module); return module; } /* * call-seq: * prepend(module, ...) -> self * * Invokes Module.prepend_features on each parameter in reverse order. */ static VALUE rb_mod_prepend(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE module) { int i; ID id_prepend_features, id_prepended; CONST_ID(id_prepend_features, "prepend_features"); CONST_ID(id_prepended, "prepended"); rb_check_arity(argc, 1, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) Check_Type(argv[i], T_MODULE); while (argc--) { rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_prepend_features, 1, module); rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_prepended, 1, module); } return module; } static void ensure_class_or_module(VALUE obj) { if (!RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_CLASS) && !RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_MODULE)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %"PRIsVALUE" (expected Class or Module)", rb_obj_class(obj)); } } static VALUE hidden_identity_hash_new(void) { VALUE hash = rb_ident_hash_new(); RBASIC_CLEAR_CLASS(hash); /* hide from ObjectSpace */ return hash; } /*! * \private * \todo can be static? */ void rb_using_refinement(rb_cref_t *cref, VALUE klass, VALUE module) { VALUE iclass, c, superclass = klass; ensure_class_or_module(klass); Check_Type(module, T_MODULE); if (NIL_P(CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref))) { CREF_REFINEMENTS_SET(cref, hidden_identity_hash_new()); } else { if (CREF_OMOD_SHARED(cref)) { CREF_REFINEMENTS_SET(cref, rb_hash_dup(CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref))); CREF_OMOD_SHARED_UNSET(cref); } if (!NIL_P(c = rb_hash_lookup(CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref), klass))) { superclass = c; while (c && RB_TYPE_P(c, T_ICLASS)) { if (RBASIC(c)->klass == module) { /* already used refinement */ return; } c = RCLASS_SUPER(c); } } } FL_SET(module, RMODULE_IS_OVERLAID); c = iclass = rb_include_class_new(module, superclass); RCLASS_REFINED_CLASS(c) = klass; RCLASS_M_TBL(OBJ_WB_UNPROTECT(c)) = RCLASS_M_TBL(OBJ_WB_UNPROTECT(module)); /* TODO: check unprotecting */ module = RCLASS_SUPER(module); while (module && module != klass) { FL_SET(module, RMODULE_IS_OVERLAID); c = RCLASS_SET_SUPER(c, rb_include_class_new(module, RCLASS_SUPER(c))); RCLASS_REFINED_CLASS(c) = klass; module = RCLASS_SUPER(module); } rb_hash_aset(CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref), klass, iclass); } static int using_refinement(VALUE klass, VALUE module, VALUE arg) { rb_cref_t *cref = (rb_cref_t *) arg; rb_using_refinement(cref, klass, module); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void using_module_recursive(const rb_cref_t *cref, VALUE klass) { ID id_refinements; VALUE super, module, refinements; super = RCLASS_SUPER(klass); if (super) { using_module_recursive(cref, super); } switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(klass)) { case T_MODULE: module = klass; break; case T_ICLASS: module = RBASIC(klass)->klass; break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (expected Module)", rb_obj_classname(klass)); break; } CONST_ID(id_refinements, "__refinements__"); refinements = rb_attr_get(module, id_refinements); if (NIL_P(refinements)) return; rb_hash_foreach(refinements, using_refinement, (VALUE) cref); } /*! * \private * \todo can be static? */ void rb_using_module(const rb_cref_t *cref, VALUE module) { Check_Type(module, T_MODULE); using_module_recursive(cref, module); rb_clear_method_cache_by_class(rb_cObject); } /*! \private */ VALUE rb_refinement_module_get_refined_class(VALUE module) { ID id_refined_class; CONST_ID(id_refined_class, "__refined_class__"); return rb_attr_get(module, id_refined_class); } static void add_activated_refinement(VALUE activated_refinements, VALUE klass, VALUE refinement) { VALUE iclass, c, superclass = klass; if (!NIL_P(c = rb_hash_lookup(activated_refinements, klass))) { superclass = c; while (c && RB_TYPE_P(c, T_ICLASS)) { if (RBASIC(c)->klass == refinement) { /* already used refinement */ return; } c = RCLASS_SUPER(c); } } FL_SET(refinement, RMODULE_IS_OVERLAID); c = iclass = rb_include_class_new(refinement, superclass); RCLASS_REFINED_CLASS(c) = klass; refinement = RCLASS_SUPER(refinement); while (refinement && refinement != klass) { FL_SET(refinement, RMODULE_IS_OVERLAID); c = RCLASS_SET_SUPER(c, rb_include_class_new(refinement, RCLASS_SUPER(c))); RCLASS_REFINED_CLASS(c) = klass; refinement = RCLASS_SUPER(refinement); } rb_hash_aset(activated_refinements, klass, iclass); } /* * call-seq: * refine(mod) { block } -> module * * Refine mod in the receiver. * * Returns a module, where refined methods are defined. */ static VALUE rb_mod_refine(VALUE module, VALUE klass) { VALUE refinement; ID id_refinements, id_activated_refinements, id_refined_class, id_defined_at; VALUE refinements, activated_refinements; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); VALUE block_handler = rb_vm_frame_block_handler(th->ec->cfp); if (block_handler == VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no block given"); } if (vm_block_handler_type(block_handler) != block_handler_type_iseq) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "can't pass a Proc as a block to Module#refine"); } ensure_class_or_module(klass); CONST_ID(id_refinements, "__refinements__"); refinements = rb_attr_get(module, id_refinements); if (NIL_P(refinements)) { refinements = hidden_identity_hash_new(); rb_ivar_set(module, id_refinements, refinements); } CONST_ID(id_activated_refinements, "__activated_refinements__"); activated_refinements = rb_attr_get(module, id_activated_refinements); if (NIL_P(activated_refinements)) { activated_refinements = hidden_identity_hash_new(); rb_ivar_set(module, id_activated_refinements, activated_refinements); } refinement = rb_hash_lookup(refinements, klass); if (NIL_P(refinement)) { refinement = rb_module_new(); RCLASS_SET_SUPER(refinement, klass); FL_SET(refinement, RMODULE_IS_REFINEMENT); CONST_ID(id_refined_class, "__refined_class__"); rb_ivar_set(refinement, id_refined_class, klass); CONST_ID(id_defined_at, "__defined_at__"); rb_ivar_set(refinement, id_defined_at, module); rb_hash_aset(refinements, klass, refinement); add_activated_refinement(activated_refinements, klass, refinement); } rb_yield_refine_block(refinement, activated_refinements); return refinement; } static void ignored_block(VALUE module, const char *klass) { const char *anon = ""; Check_Type(module, T_MODULE); if (!RTEST(rb_search_class_path(module))) { anon = ", maybe for Module.new"; } rb_warn("%s""using doesn't call the given block""%s.", klass, anon); } /* * call-seq: * using(module) -> self * * Import class refinements from module into the current class or * module definition. */ static VALUE mod_using(VALUE self, VALUE module) { rb_control_frame_t *prev_cfp = previous_frame(GET_THREAD()); if (prev_frame_func()) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Module#using is not permitted in methods"); } if (prev_cfp && prev_cfp->self != self) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Module#using is not called on self"); } if (rb_block_given_p()) { ignored_block(module, "Module#"); } rb_using_module(rb_vm_cref_replace_with_duplicated_cref(), module); return self; } static int used_modules_i(VALUE _, VALUE mod, VALUE ary) { ID id_defined_at; CONST_ID(id_defined_at, "__defined_at__"); while (FL_TEST(rb_class_of(mod), RMODULE_IS_REFINEMENT)) { rb_ary_push(ary, rb_attr_get(rb_class_of(mod), id_defined_at)); mod = RCLASS_SUPER(mod); } return ST_CONTINUE; } /* * call-seq: * used_modules -> array * * Returns an array of all modules used in the current scope. The ordering * of modules in the resulting array is not defined. * * module A * refine Object do * end * end * * module B * refine Object do * end * end * * using A * using B * p Module.used_modules * * produces: * * [B, A] */ static VALUE rb_mod_s_used_modules(void) { const rb_cref_t *cref = rb_vm_cref(); VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); while(cref) { if(!NIL_P(CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref))) { rb_hash_foreach(CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref), used_modules_i, ary); } cref = CREF_NEXT(cref); } return rb_funcall(ary, rb_intern("uniq"), 0); } /*! * Calls \c #initialize method of \a obj with the given arguments. * * It also forwards the given block to \c #initialize if given. * * \param[in] obj the receiver object * \param[in] argc the number of arguments * \param[in] argv a pointer to the array of arguments * \ingroup object */ void rb_obj_call_init(VALUE obj, int argc, const VALUE *argv) { PASS_PASSED_BLOCK_HANDLER(); rb_funcallv(obj, idInitialize, argc, argv); } /*! * Extend the object with the module. * * Same as \c Module\#extend_object. * \ingroup class */ void rb_extend_object(VALUE obj, VALUE module) { rb_include_module(rb_singleton_class(obj), module); } /* * call-seq: * extend_object(obj) -> obj * * Extends the specified object by adding this module's constants and * methods (which are added as singleton methods). This is the callback * method used by Object#extend. * * module Picky * def Picky.extend_object(o) * if String === o * puts "Can't add Picky to a String" * else * puts "Picky added to #{o.class}" * super * end * end * end * (s = Array.new).extend Picky # Call Object.extend * (s = "quick brown fox").extend Picky * * produces: * * Picky added to Array * Can't add Picky to a String */ static VALUE rb_mod_extend_object(VALUE mod, VALUE obj) { rb_extend_object(obj, mod); return obj; } /* * call-seq: * obj.extend(module, ...) -> obj * * Adds to _obj_ the instance methods from each module given as a * parameter. * * module Mod * def hello * "Hello from Mod.\n" * end * end * * class Klass * def hello * "Hello from Klass.\n" * end * end * * k = Klass.new * k.hello #=> "Hello from Klass.\n" * k.extend(Mod) #=> # * k.hello #=> "Hello from Mod.\n" */ static VALUE rb_obj_extend(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { int i; ID id_extend_object, id_extended; CONST_ID(id_extend_object, "extend_object"); CONST_ID(id_extended, "extended"); rb_check_arity(argc, 1, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) Check_Type(argv[i], T_MODULE); while (argc--) { rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_extend_object, 1, obj); rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_extended, 1, obj); } return obj; } /* * call-seq: * include(module, ...) -> self * * Invokes Module.append_features * on each parameter in turn. Effectively adds the methods and constants * in each module to the receiver. */ static VALUE top_include(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); if (th->top_wrapper) { rb_warning("main.include in the wrapped load is effective only in wrapper module"); return rb_mod_include(argc, argv, th->top_wrapper); } return rb_mod_include(argc, argv, rb_cObject); } /* * call-seq: * using(module) -> self * * Import class refinements from module into the scope where * using is called. */ static VALUE top_using(VALUE self, VALUE module) { const rb_cref_t *cref = rb_vm_cref(); rb_control_frame_t *prev_cfp = previous_frame(GET_THREAD()); if (CREF_NEXT(cref) || (prev_cfp && rb_vm_frame_method_entry(prev_cfp))) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "main.using is permitted only at toplevel"); } if (rb_block_given_p()) { ignored_block(module, "main."); } rb_using_module(rb_vm_cref_replace_with_duplicated_cref(), module); return self; } static const VALUE * errinfo_place(const rb_thread_t *th) { const rb_control_frame_t *cfp = th->ec->cfp; const rb_control_frame_t *end_cfp = RUBY_VM_END_CONTROL_FRAME(th->ec); while (RUBY_VM_VALID_CONTROL_FRAME_P(cfp, end_cfp)) { if (VM_FRAME_RUBYFRAME_P(cfp)) { if (cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_RESCUE) { return &cfp->ep[VM_ENV_INDEX_LAST_LVAR]; } else if (cfp->iseq->body->type == ISEQ_TYPE_ENSURE && !THROW_DATA_P(cfp->ep[VM_ENV_INDEX_LAST_LVAR]) && !FIXNUM_P(cfp->ep[VM_ENV_INDEX_LAST_LVAR])) { return &cfp->ep[VM_ENV_INDEX_LAST_LVAR]; } } cfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(cfp); } return 0; } static VALUE get_thread_errinfo(rb_thread_t *th) { const VALUE *ptr = errinfo_place(th); if (ptr) { return *ptr; } else { return th->ec->errinfo; } } static VALUE get_errinfo(void) { return get_thread_errinfo(GET_THREAD()); } static VALUE errinfo_getter(ID id) { return get_errinfo(); } /*! The current exception in the current thread. * * Same as \c $! in Ruby. * \return the current exception or \c Qnil * \ingroup exception */ VALUE rb_errinfo(void) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); return th->ec->errinfo; } /*! Sets the current exception (\c $!) to the given value * * \param[in] err an \c Exception object or \c Qnil. * \exception TypeError if \a err is neither an exception nor \c nil. * \note this function does not raise the exception. * Use \c rb_raise() when you want to raise. * \ingroup exception */ void rb_set_errinfo(VALUE err) { if (!NIL_P(err) && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(err, rb_eException)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "assigning non-exception to $!"); } GET_THREAD()->ec->errinfo = err; } static VALUE errat_getter(ID id) { VALUE err = get_errinfo(); if (!NIL_P(err)) { return rb_get_backtrace(err); } else { return Qnil; } } static void errat_setter(VALUE val, ID id, VALUE *var) { VALUE err = get_errinfo(); if (NIL_P(err)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "$! not set"); } set_backtrace(err, val); } /* * call-seq: * __method__ -> symbol * * Returns the name at the definition of the current method as a * Symbol. * If called outside of a method, it returns nil. * */ static VALUE rb_f_method_name(void) { ID fname = prev_frame_func(); /* need *method* ID */ if (fname) { return ID2SYM(fname); } else { return Qnil; } } /* * call-seq: * __callee__ -> symbol * * Returns the called name of the current method as a Symbol. * If called outside of a method, it returns nil. * */ static VALUE rb_f_callee_name(void) { ID fname = prev_frame_callee(); /* need *callee* ID */ if (fname) { return ID2SYM(fname); } else { return Qnil; } } /* * call-seq: * __dir__ -> string * * Returns the canonicalized absolute path of the directory of the file from * which this method is called. It means symlinks in the path is resolved. * If __FILE__ is nil, it returns nil. * The return value equals to File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)). * */ static VALUE f_current_dirname(void) { VALUE base = rb_current_realfilepath(); if (NIL_P(base)) { return Qnil; } base = rb_file_dirname(base); return base; } void Init_eval(void) { rb_define_virtual_variable("$@", errat_getter, errat_setter); rb_define_virtual_variable("$!", errinfo_getter, 0); rb_define_global_function("raise", rb_f_raise, -1); rb_define_global_function("fail", rb_f_raise, -1); rb_define_global_function("global_variables", rb_f_global_variables, 0); /* in variable.c */ rb_define_global_function("__method__", rb_f_method_name, 0); rb_define_global_function("__callee__", rb_f_callee_name, 0); rb_define_global_function("__dir__", f_current_dirname, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "include", rb_mod_include, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cModule, "prepend", rb_mod_prepend, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "append_features", rb_mod_append_features, 1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "extend_object", rb_mod_extend_object, 1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "prepend_features", rb_mod_prepend_features, 1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "refine", rb_mod_refine, 1); rb_define_private_method(rb_cModule, "using", mod_using, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cModule, "used_modules", rb_mod_s_used_modules, 0); rb_undef_method(rb_cClass, "refine"); rb_undef_method(rb_cClass, "module_function"); Init_vm_eval(); Init_eval_method(); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cModule, "nesting", rb_mod_nesting, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cModule, "constants", rb_mod_s_constants, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_singleton_class(rb_vm_top_self()), "include", top_include, -1); rb_define_private_method(rb_singleton_class(rb_vm_top_self()), "using", top_using, 1); rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "extend", rb_obj_extend, -1); rb_define_global_function("trace_var", rb_f_trace_var, -1); /* in variable.c */ rb_define_global_function("untrace_var", rb_f_untrace_var, -1); /* in variable.c */ rb_vm_register_special_exception(ruby_error_reenter, rb_eFatal, "exception reentered"); rb_vm_register_special_exception(ruby_error_stackfatal, rb_eFatal, "machine stack overflow in critical region"); id_signo = rb_intern_const("signo"); id_status = rb_intern_const("status"); id_cause = rb_intern_const("cause"); }