/********************************************************************** gc_hook.c - GC hook mechanism/ObjectSpace extender for MRI. $Author$ created at: Tue May 28 01:34:25 2013 NOTE: This extension library is not expected to exist except C Ruby. NOTE: This feature is an example usage of internal event tracing APIs. All the files in this distribution are covered under the Ruby's license (see the file COPYING). **********************************************************************/ #include "ruby/ruby.h" #include "ruby/debug.h" static int invoking; /* TODO: should not be global variable */ static VALUE invoke_proc_ensure(void *dmy) { invoking = 0; return Qnil; } static VALUE invoke_proc_begin(VALUE proc) { return rb_proc_call(proc, rb_ary_new()); } static void invoke_proc(void *data) { VALUE proc = (VALUE)data; invoking += 1; rb_ensure(invoke_proc_begin, proc, invoke_proc_ensure, 0); } static void gc_start_end_i(VALUE tpval, void *data) { if (0) { rb_trace_arg_t *tparg = rb_tracearg_from_tracepoint(tpval); fprintf(stderr, "trace: %s\n", rb_tracearg_event_flag(tparg) == RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_GC_START ? "gc_start" : "gc_end"); } if (invoking == 0) { rb_postponed_job_register(0, invoke_proc, data); } } static VALUE set_gc_hook(VALUE rb_mObjSpace, VALUE proc, rb_event_flag_t event, const char *tp_str, const char *proc_str) { VALUE tpval; ID tp_key = rb_intern(tp_str); ID proc_key = rb_intern(proc_str); /* disable previous keys */ if (rb_ivar_defined(rb_mObjSpace, tp_key) != 0 && RTEST(tpval = rb_ivar_get(rb_mObjSpace, tp_key))) { rb_tracepoint_disable(tpval); rb_ivar_set(rb_mObjSpace, tp_key, Qnil); rb_ivar_set(rb_mObjSpace, proc_key, Qnil); } if (RTEST(proc)) { if (!rb_obj_is_proc(proc)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "trace_func needs to be Proc"); } tpval = rb_tracepoint_new(0, event, gc_start_end_i, (void *)proc); rb_ivar_set(rb_mObjSpace, tp_key, tpval); rb_ivar_set(rb_mObjSpace, proc_key, proc); /* GC guard */ rb_tracepoint_enable(tpval); } return proc; } static VALUE set_after_gc_start(VALUE rb_mObjSpace, VALUE proc) { return set_gc_hook(rb_mObjSpace, proc, RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_GC_START, "__set_after_gc_start_tpval__", "__set_after_gc_start_proc__"); } void Init_gc_hook(VALUE rb_mObjSpace) { rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "after_gc_start_hook=", set_after_gc_start, 1); }