# extconf.rb for tcltklib require 'mkmf' is_win32 = (/mswin32|mingw|cygwin|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) is_macosx = (/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) unless is_win32 have_library("nsl", "t_open") have_library("socket", "socket") have_library("dl", "dlopen") have_library("m", "log") end dir_config("tk") dir_config("tcl") dir_config("X11") tklib = with_config("tklib") tcllib = with_config("tcllib") stubs = enable_config("tcltk_stubs") || with_config("tcltk_stubs") def find_tcl(tcllib, stubs) paths = ["/usr/local/lib", "/usr/pkg/lib", "/usr/lib"] func = stubs ? "Tcl_InitStubs" : "Tcl_FindExecutable" if tcllib find_library(tcllib, func, *paths) elsif find_library("tcl", func, *paths) true else %w[8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.6].find { |ver| find_library("tcl#{ver}", func, *paths) or find_library("tcl#{ver.delete('.')}", func, *paths) } end end def find_tk(tklib, stubs) paths = ["/usr/local/lib", "/usr/pkg/lib", "/usr/lib"] func = stubs ? "Tk_InitStubs" : "Tk_Init" if tklib find_library(tklib, func, *paths) elsif find_library("tk", func, *paths) true else %w[8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 4.2].find { |ver| find_library("tk#{ver}", func, *paths) or find_library("tk#{ver.delete('.')}", func, *paths) } end end def pthread_check() tcl_major_ver = nil tcl_minor_ver = nil # Is tcl-thread given by user ? case enable_config("tcl-thread") when true tcl_enable_thread = true when false tcl_enable_thread = false else tcl_enable_thread = nil end if (tclConfig = with_config("tclConfig-file")) if tcl_enable_thread == true puts("Warning: --with-tclConfig-file option is ignored, because --enable-tcl-thread option is given.") elsif tcl_enable_thread == false puts("Warning: --with-tclConfig-file option is ignored, because --disable-tcl-thread option is given.") else # tcl-thread is unknown and tclConfig.sh is given begin open(tclConfig, "r") do |cfg| while line = cfg.gets() if line =~ /^\s*TCL_THREADS=(0|1)/ tcl_enable_thread = ($1 == "1") break end if line =~ /^\s*TCL_MAJOR_VERSION=("|')(\d+)\1/ tcl_major_ver = $2 if tcl_major_ver =~ /^[1-7]$/ tcl_enable_thread = false break end if tcl_major_ver == "8" && tcl_minor_ver == "0" tcl_enable_thread = false break end end if line =~ /^\s*TCL_MINOR_VERSION=("|')(\d+)\1/ tcl_minor_ver = $2 if tcl_major_ver == "8" && tcl_minor_ver == "0" tcl_enable_thread = false break end end end end if tcl_enable_thread == nil # not find definition if tcl_major_ver puts("Warning: '#{tclConfig}' doesn't include TCL_THREADS definition.") else puts("Warning: '#{tclConfig}' may not be a tclConfig file.") end tclConfig = false end rescue Exception puts("Warning: fail to read '#{tclConfig}'!! --> ignore the file") tclConfig = false end end end if tcl_enable_thread == nil && !tclConfig # tcl-thread is unknown and tclConfig is unavailable begin try_run_available = try_run("int main() { exit(0); }") rescue Exception # cannot try_run. Is CROSS-COMPILE environment? puts(%Q'\ ***************************************************************************** ** ** PTHREAD SUPPORT CHECK WARNING: ** ** We cannot check the consistency of pthread support between Ruby ** and Tcl/Tk library on your environment (do coss-compile?). If the ** consistency is not kept, some memory troubles (e.g. "Hang-up" or ** "Segmentation Fault") may bother you. We strongly you to check the ** consistency by your own hand. ** ***************************************************************************** ') return true end end if tcl_enable_thread == nil # tcl-thread is unknown if try_run(< static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey; int main() { exit((Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, 1) == dataKey)? 1: 0); } EOF tcl_enable_thread = true else tcl_enable_thread = false end end # check pthread mode if (macro_defined?('HAVE_LIBPTHREAD', '#include "ruby.h"')) # ruby -> enable unless tcl_enable_thread # ruby -> enable && tcl -> disable puts(%Q'\ ***************************************************************************** ** ** PTHREAD SUPPORT MODE WARNING: ** ** Ruby is compiled with --enable-pthread, but your Tcl/Tk libraries ** seems to be compiled without "pthread support". Although You can ** create tcltklib library, this combination may cause memory trouble ** (e.g. "Hang-up" or "Segmentation Fault"). If you have no reason you ** must have to keep current pthread support status, we recommend you ** to make both or neither libraries to support pthread. ** ** If you want change the status of pthread support, please recompile ** Ruby without "--enable-pthread" configure option or recompile Tcl/Tk ** with "--enable-threads" configure option (if your Tcl/Tk is later ** than or equal to Tcl/Tk8.1). ** ***************************************************************************** ') end # ruby -> enable && tcl -> enable/disable return true else # ruby -> disable if tcl_enable_thread # ruby -> disable && tcl -> enable puts(%Q'\ ***************************************************************************** ** ** PTHREAD SUPPORT MODE ERRROR: ** ** Ruby is not compiled with --enable-pthread, but your Tcl/Tk ** libararies seems to be compiled with "pthread support". This ** combination possibly cause "Hang-up" or "Segmentation Fault" ** frequently when Ruby/Tk is working. We NEVER recommend you to ** create the library under such combination of pthread support. ** ** Please recompile Ruby with "--enable-pthread" configure option ** or recompile Tcl/Tk with "--disable-threads" configure option. ** ***************************************************************************** ') return false else # ruby -> disable && tcl -> disable return true end end end if is_macosx || (have_header("tcl.h") && have_header("tk.h") && (is_win32 || find_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay", "/usr/X11/lib", "/usr/lib/X11", "/usr/X11R6/lib", "/usr/openwin/lib")) && find_tcl(tcllib, stubs) && find_tk(tklib, stubs)) $CPPFLAGS += ' -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -DUSE_TK_STUBS' if stubs $CPPFLAGS += ' -D_WIN32' if /cygwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM if is_macosx $CPPFLAGS += ' -I/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/headers -I/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Headers' $LDFLAGS += ' -framework Tk -framework Tcl' end create_makefile("tcltklib") if pthread_check end