############################################################## # extconf.rb for tcltklib # release date: 2009-07-12 ############################################################## require 'mkmf' TkLib_Config = {} TkLib_Config['search_versions'] = %w[8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 4.2] ############################################################## # use old extconf.rb ? ############################################################## if with_config('tk-old-extconf') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'old-extconf.rb') exit end ############################################################## # check configs ############################################################## $cleanfiles << 'config_list' config_list_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'config_list') config_list_file_source = config_list_file + '.in' if !File.exist?(config_list_file) || File.ctime(config_list_file_source) > File.ctime(config_list_file) old_config_list_file = config_list_file_source else old_config_list_file = config_list_file end current_configs = {'with'=>{}, 'enable'=>{}} # setup keys by config_list.in IO.foreach(config_list_file_source){|line| line.chomp! line.lstrip! next if line.empty? || line =~ /^\#/ # mode, key, value = line.split(/\s+/, 3) value ||= "" current_configs[mode][key] = value rescue nil } # define current value of keys IO.foreach(old_config_list_file){|line| line.chomp! line.lstrip! next if line.empty? || line =~ /^\#/ # mode, key, value = line.split(/\s+/, 3) value ||= "" if current_configs[mode] && current_configs[mode].has_key?(key) current_configs[mode][key] = value end } update_flag = false current_configs['with'].each_key{|key| if (value = with_config(key).to_s) != current_configs['with'][key] update_flag = true current_configs['with'][key] = value end } current_configs['enable'].each_key{|key| if (value = enable_config(key).to_s) != current_configs['enable'][key] update_flag = true current_configs['enable'][key] = value end } # update current_configs if update_flag || !File.exist?(config_list_file) open(config_list_file, 'w'){|fobj| fobj.print("# values of current configure options (generated by extconf.rb)\n"); ['with', 'enable'].each{|mode| current_configs[mode].each_key{|key| fobj.print("#{mode} #{key} #{current_configs[mode][key]}\n") } } } end if update_flag puts "Configure options for Ruby/Tk may be updated." puts "So, delete files which depend on old configs." File.delete(*(Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "*.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}")))) File.delete(*(Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "*.#{$OBJEXT}")))) File.delete(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'Makefile')) rescue nil else makefile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'Makefile') if File.exist?(makefile) && File.ctime(config_list_file) > File.ctime(makefile) # no need to update Makefile exit end end ############################################################## # fuctions ############################################################## def is_win32? /mswin|mingw|cygwin|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM end def is_macosx? /darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM end def check_tcltk_version(version) return [nil, nil] unless version.kind_of? String version = version.strip tclver = version.dup tkver = version.dup dot = major = minor_dot = minor = plvl_dot = plvl = ext = nil if version =~ /^(\d)(\.?)(\d)(\.?)(\d*)(.*)$/ major = $1; minor_dot = $2; minor = $3; plvl_dot = $4; plvl = $5; ext = $6 dot = ! minor_dot.empty? if plvl_dot.empty? && ! plvl.empty? minor << plvl end elsif version =~ /^(\d)(\.?)(\d?)(.*)$/ major = $1; minor_dot = $2; minor = $3; ext = $4 dot = ! minor_dot.empty? else # unknown -> believe user return [tclver, tkver] end # check Tcl7.6 / Tk4.2 ? if major == "7" # Tcl7.6 ( not support Tclversion < 7.6 ) # Tk4.2 tkver = "4" + ((dot)? ".": "") + ((minor.empty)? "": "2") + ext elsif major == "4" # Tk4.2 ( not support Tkversion < 4.2 ) # Tcl7.6 tclver = "7" + ((dot)? ".": "") + ((minor.empty)? "": "6") + ext end [tclver, tkver] end def get_shlib_versions(major = 8, minor_max = 9, minor_min = 0, ext = "") if tclcfg = TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"] major = tclcfg['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION'].to_i minor_min = tclcfg['TCL_MINOR_VERSION'].to_i elsif TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"] tclver, tkver = TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"] if tclver =~ /8\.?(\d)(.*)/ minor_min = $1.to_i ext = $2 else # unsupported version return [""] end end # if disable-stubs, version is fixed. minor_max = minor_min unless TkLib_Config["tcltk-stubs"] vers = [] minor_max.downto(minor_min){|minor| vers << "#{major}.#{minor}#{ext}" unless ext.empty? vers << "#{major}.#{minor}" } vers << "" end def get_shlib_path_head path_head = [] path_dirs = [] if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"].kind_of?(String) # glob path path_dirs.concat Dir.glob(TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"]).sort.reverse end if is_win32? if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"] path_head.concat ["c:/ActiveTcl", "c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl"] end path_head.concat [ "c:/Tcl", "c:/Program Files/Tcl", "/Tcl", "/Program Files/Tcl" ] path_head.each{|dir| path_dirs << "#{dir}"} else [ '/opt', '/pkg', '/share', '/usr/local/opt', '/usr/local/pkg', '/usr/local/share', '/usr/local', '/usr/opt', '/usr/pkg', '/usr/share', '/usr/contrib', '/usr' ].each{|dir| next unless File.directory?(dir) path_dirs << "#{dir}/lib" path_dirs << "#{dir}" unless Dir.glob("#{dir}/lib*.*").empty? dirnames = [] if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"] dirnames.concat ["ActiveTcl","activeTcl","Activetcl","activetcl"] end dirnames.concat ["TclTk","Tcl_Tk","Tcl-Tk","tcltk","tcl_tk","tcl-tk"] dirnames.each{|name| path_dirs << "#{dir}/#{name}" if File.directory?("#{dir}/#{name}") path_head << "#{dir}/#{name}" unless Dir.glob("#{dir}/#{name}[-89_]*").empty? } } end [path_head, path_dirs] end def find_macosx_framework use_framework = is_macosx? && TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"] use_framework ||= (tcl_hdr = with_config("tcl-framework-header")) use_framework ||= (tk_hdr = with_config("tk-framework-header")) tcl_hdr = nil unless tcl_hdr.kind_of? String tk_hdr = nil unless tk_hdr.kind_of? String TkLib_Config["tcl-framework-header"] = tcl_hdr TkLib_Config["tk-framework-header"] = tk_hdr use_framework ||= (tcl_dir = with_config("tcl-framework-dir")) tcl_dir = nil unless tcl_dir.kind_of? String if !tcl_dir && tcl_hdr # e.g. /Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Headers # ==> /Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework tcl_dir = File.dirname(tcl_hdr.strip.chomp('/')) end TkLib_Config["tcl-framework-dir"] = tcl_dir use_framework ||= (tk_dir = with_config("tk-framework-dir")) tk_dir = nil unless tk_dir.kind_of? String if !tk_dir && tk_hdr # e.g. /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Headers # ==> /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework tk_dir = File.dirname(tk_hdr.strip.chomp('/')) end TkLib_Config["tk-framework-dir"] = tk_dir if tcl_dir && !tk_dir tk_dir = File.join(File.dirname(tcl_dir), 'Tk.framework') TkLib_Config["tk-framework-dir"] = tk_dir elsif !tcl_dir && tk_dir tcl_dir = File.join(File.dirname(tk_dir), 'Tcl.framework') TkLib_Config["tcl-framework-dir"] = tcl_dir end if tcl_dir && tk_dir TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"] = File.dirname(tcl_dir) unless TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"] return [tcl_dir, tk_dir] end # framework is disabled? if with_config("tcltk-framework") == false || enable_config("tcltk-framework") == false return false end use_framework ||= (framework_dir = with_config("tcltk-framework")) if framework_dir.kind_of? String TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"] = framework_dir.strip.chomp('/') return [File.join(TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"], 'Tcl.framework'), File.join(TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"], 'Tk.framework')] end unless enable_config("tcltk-framework", use_framework) || enable_config("mac-tcltk-framework", use_framework) TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"] = false return false end paths = [ #"~/Library/Frameworks", "/Library/Frameworks", "/Network/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks" ] paths.map{|dir| dir.strip.chomp('/')}.each{|dir| next unless File.directory?(tcldir = File.join(dir, "Tcl.framework")) next unless File.directory?(tkdir = File.join(dir, "Tk.framework")) TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"] = dir return [tcldir, tkdir] } nil end def collect_tcltk_defs(tcl_defs_str, tk_defs_str) conflicts = [ 'PACKAGE_NAME', 'PACKAGE_TARNAME', 'PACKAGE_VERSION', 'PACKAGE_STRING', 'PACKAGE_BUGREPORT' ] begin # Ruby 1.9.x or later arch_config_h = RbConfig.expand($arch_hdrdir + "/ruby/config.h") if File.exist?(arch_config_h) keys = [] IO.foreach(arch_config_h){|line| if line =~ /^#define +([^ ]+)/ keys << $1 end } conflicts = keys end rescue # ignore, use default end if tcl_defs_str tcl_defs = tcl_defs_str.split(/ ?-D/).map{|s| s =~ /^([^=]+)(.*)$/ [$1, $2] } else tcl_defs = [] end if tk_defs_str tk_defs = tk_defs_str.split(/ ?-D/).map{|s| s =~ /^([^=]+)(.*)$/ [$1, $2] } else tk_defs = [] end defs = tcl_defs | tk_defs defs.delete_if{|name,value| conflicts.include?(name) || ( (vtcl = tcl_defs.assoc(name)) && (vtk = tk_defs.assoc(name)) && vtcl != vtk ) } defs.map{|ary| s = ary.join(''); (s.strip.empty?)? "": "-D" << s}.join(' ') end def parse_tclConfig(file) # check tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh tbl = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = ""} return tbl unless file IO.foreach(file){|line| line.strip! next if line !~ /^([^\#=][^=]*)=(['"]|)(.*)\2$/ key, val = $1, $3 tbl[key] = val.gsub(/\$\{([^}]+)\}/){|s| subst = $1 (tbl[subst])? tbl[subst]: s } rescue nil } tbl end def get_libpath(lib_flag, lib_spec) # get libpath fro {TCL,Tk}_LIB_FLAG and {TCL,Tk}_LIB_SPEC libpath = lib_spec.gsub(/(#{lib_flag}|-L)/, "").strip end def search_tclConfig(*paths) # list of lib-dir or [tcl-libdir, tk-libdir] TkLib_Config["tclConfig_paths"] = [] config_dir = [] paths.compact! fixed_tclConfig = ! paths.empty? paths.each{|path| if path.kind_of?(Array) config_dir << path else dirs = Dir.glob(path) config_dir.concat(dirs.zip(dirs)) end } if is_win32? if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"] dirs = [] if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"].kind_of?(String) dirs << TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"] end dirs.concat [ "c:/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Activetcl*/lib", "c:/activeTcl*/lib", "c:/activetcl*/lib", "c:/Tcl*/lib", "c:/tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/Activetcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/activeTcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/activetcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/tcl*/lib", "/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Activetcl*/lib", "/activeTcl*/lib", "/activetcl*/lib", "/Tcl*/lib", "/tcl*/lib", "/Program Files/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Program Files/Activetcl*/lib", "/Program Files/activeTcl*/lib", "/Program Files/activetcl*/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl*/lib", "/Program Files/tcl*/lib" ] else dirs = [ "c:/Tcl*/lib", "c:/tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/tcl*/lib", "/Tcl*/lib", "/tcl*/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl*/lib", "/Program Files/tcl*/lib" ] end dirs.collect{|d| Dir.glob(d)}.flatten! dirs |= dirs ENV['PATH'].split(';').each{|dir| dirs << File.expand_path(File.join(dir, '..', 'lib')) dirs << dir dirs << File.expand_path(File.join(dir, '..')) } config_dir.concat(dirs.zip(dirs)) elsif framework = find_macosx_framework() config_dir.unshift(framework) else if activeTcl = TkLib_Config['ActiveTcl'] # check latest version at first config_dir.concat(Dir.glob(activeTcl).sort.reverse) end config_dir.concat [ RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'], File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'], 'lib'), File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], 'lib'), "/usr/local/opt/lib", "/usr/local/pkg/lib", "/usr/local/share/lib", "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/opt/lib", "/usr/pkg/lib", "/usr/share/lib", "/usr/contrib/lib", "/usr/lib" ] config_dir.concat [ '/opt', '/pkg', '/share', '/usr/local/opt', '/usr/local/pkg', '/usr/local/share', '/usr/local', '/usr/opt', '/usr/pkg', '/usr/share', '/usr/contrib', '/usr' ].map{|dir| Dir.glob(dir + '/{TclTk,tcltk,Tcl,tcl,Tk,tk}[87]*/lib') Dir.glob(dir + '/{TclTk,tcltk,Tcl,tcl,Tk,tk}[87]*') Dir.glob(dir + '/{TclTk,tcltk,Tcl,tcl,Tk,tk}/lib') Dir.glob(dir + '/{TclTk,tcltk,Tcl,tcl,Tk,tk}') }.flatten! ENV['PATH'].split(':').each{|dir| config_dir << File.expand_path(File.join(dir, '..', 'lib')) } # for MacOS X #config_dir << "~/Library/Tcl" #config_dir.concat(Dir.glob("~/Library/Tcl/*").sort.reverse) config_dir << "/Library/Tcl" config_dir.concat(Dir.glob("/Library/Tcl/*").sort.reverse) config_dir << "/Network/Library/Tcl" config_dir.concat(Dir.glob("/Network/Library/Tcl/*").sort.reverse) config_dir << "/System/Library/Tcl" config_dir.concat(Dir.glob("/System/Library/Tcl/*").sort.reverse) [ #"~/Library/Frameworks", "/Library/Frameworks", "/Network/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks" ].each{|framework| config_dir << [File.expand_path(File.join(framework, 'Tcl.framework')), File.expand_path(File.join(framework, 'Tk.framework'))] } end tclver, tkver = TkLib_Config['tcltkversion'] conf = nil config_dir.map{|dir| if dir.kind_of? Array [dir[0].strip.chomp('/'), dir[1].strip.chomp('/')] else dir.strip.chomp('/') end }.each{|dir| # print("check #{dir} ==>"); if dir.kind_of? Array tcldir, tkdir = dir else tcldir = tkdir = dir end ['Config-shared.sh','config-shared.sh','Config.sh','config.sh'].each{|f| tclpath = File.join(tcldir, 'tcl' << f) tkpath = File.join(tkdir, 'tk' << f) next if !File.exist?(tclpath) || !File.exist?(tkpath) # parse tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh tclconf = parse_tclConfig(tclpath) next if tclver && tclver !~ /^#{tclconf['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}(\.?)#{tclconf['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}/ tkconf = parse_tclConfig(tkpath) next if tkver && tkver !~ /^#{tkconf['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}(\.?)#{tkconf['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}/ # find tclConfig.sh & tkConfig.sh conf = [tclconf, tkconf] unless conf # nativethread check unless TkLib_Config["ruby_with_thread"] tclconf['TCL_THREADS'] == '1' puts "WARNIG: find #{tclpath.inspect}, but it WITH nativethread-support under ruby WITHOUT nativethread-support. So, ignore it." TkLib_Config["tcltk-NG-path"] << File.dirname(tclpath) next end #return [tclpath, tkpath] # print(" #{[tclpath, tkpath]}"); TkLib_Config["tclConfig_paths"] << [tclpath, tkpath] } # print("\n"); } if TkLib_Config["tclConfig_paths"].empty? [nil, nil] else # find tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"], TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"] = conf TkLib_Config["tclConfig_paths"][0] end end def get_tclConfig(tclConfig_file, tclConfig_dir, tkConfig_dir) use_tclConfig = (tclConfig_file != false) && (tclConfig_dir != false) && (tkConfig_dir != false) tclConfig_file = nil unless tclConfig_file.kind_of? String tclConfig_dir = nil unless tclConfig_dir.kind_of? String tkConfig_dir = nil unless tkConfig_dir.kind_of? String unless tclConfig_dir if tclConfig_file tclConfig_dir = File.dirname(tclConfig_file) elsif tkConfig_dir tclConfig_dir = tkConfig_dir end end tkConfig_dir ||= tclConfig_dir TkLib_Config["tclConfig-file"] = tclConfig_file TkLib_Config["tclConfig-dir"] = tclConfig_dir TkLib_Config["tkConfig-dir"] = tkConfig_dir unless use_tclConfig puts("Don't use [tclConfig.sh, tkConfig.sh]") else puts("Search tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh.") if tclConfig_dir tclConfig, tkConfig = search_tclConfig([tclConfig_dir, tkConfig_dir]) else tclConfig, tkConfig = search_tclConfig() end # TclConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"] # TkConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"] if tclConfig && tkConfig puts("Use [tclConfig.sh,tkConfig.sh] == ['#{tclConfig}','#{tkConfig}']") $LIBPATH |= [File.dirname(tclConfig)] $LIBPATH |= [File.dirname(tkConfig)] #TkLib_Config["tclConfig_paths"].each{|tclcfg, tkcfg| # $LIBPATH |= [File.dirname(tclcfg)] | [File.dirname(tkcfg)] #} else puts("Fail to find [tclConfig.sh, tkConfig.sh]") end end [tclConfig, tkConfig] end def check_NG_path(path_list) path_list.find_all{|path| not TkLib_Config["tcltk-NG-path"].include?(path) } end def check_shlib_search_path(paths) if !paths || paths.empty? path_list = [] #if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"] # path_list.concat Dir.glob(TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"]).sort.reverse #end if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"].kind_of?(String) # glob path path_list.concat Dir.glob(TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"]).sort.reverse end vers = get_shlib_versions path_head, path_dirs = get_shlib_path_head path_list.concat vers.map{|ver| path_head.map{|head| if ver.empty? head + "/lib" else dirs = [] if !Dir.glob(head + "-*").empty? dirs << head + "-#{ver}/lib" if !Dir.glob(head + "-[89].*").empty? dirs << head + "-#{ver.delete('.')}/lib" if !Dir.glob(head + "-[89][0-9]*").empty? end if !Dir.glob(head + "[_-]*").empty? dirs << head + "_#{ver}/lib" if !Dir.glob(head + "_[89].*").empty? dirs << head + "-#{ver}/lib" if !Dir.glob(head + "-[89].*").empty? dirs << head + "_#{ver.delete('.')}/lib" if !Dir.glob(head + "_[89][0-9]*").empty? dirs << head + "-#{ver.delete('.')}/lib" if !Dir.glob(head + "-[89][0-9]*").empty? end dirs end } }.flatten! path_list.concat path_dirs else # paths is a string with PATH environment style path_list = paths.split((is_win32?)? ';': ':') end path_list = check_NG_path(path_list) path_list.each{|path| $LIBPATH |= [path.strip] } end def find_tcl(tcllib, stubs, version, *opt_paths) puts "Search Tcl library" default_paths = [] default_paths.concat [ RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'], File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'], 'lib'), File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], 'lib'), "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/pkg/lib", "/usr/contrib/lib", "/usr/lib" ].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)} default_paths.concat [ "c:/Tcl/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib", "/Tcl/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl/lib" ].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)} if (paths = opt_paths.compact).empty? if TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] # use definisions on tclConfig.sh TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC'].sub(TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_FLAG'],"").strip.sub("-L","") =~ /("|'|)([^"']+)\1/ $LIBPATH |= [$2] unless $2.empty? unless stubs #*** Probably, TCL_LIBS is a subset of TK_LIBS. *** # $LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIBS'] # $DLDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIBS'] $LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC'] return true end if TclConfig_Info['TCL_SUPPORTS_STUBS'] == '0' || TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC'].strip.empty? puts "#{TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']} tells us that your Tcl/Tk library doesn't support stub." return false else #*** Probably, TCL_LIBS is a subset of TK_LIBS. *** # $LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIBS'] # $DLDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIBS'] $LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] return true end end paths = check_NG_path(default_paths) end if stubs func = "Tcl_InitStubs" lib = "tclstub" else func = "Tcl_FindExecutable" lib = "tcl" end if version && ! version.empty? versions = [version] else versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions'] end if tcllib st = find_library(tcllib, func, *paths) else st = versions.find { |ver| find_library("#{lib}#{ver}", func, *paths) or find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}", func, *paths) or find_library("#{lib}#{ver}g", func, *paths) or find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, *paths) or find_library("tcl#{ver}", func, *paths) or find_library("tcl#{ver.delete('.')}", func, *paths) or find_library("tcl#{ver}g", func, *paths) or find_library("tcl#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, *paths) } || (!version && find_library(lib, func, *paths)) end unless st puts("Warning:: cannot find Tcl library. tcltklib will not be compiled (tcltklib is disabled on your Ruby == Ruby/Tk will not work). Please check configure options.") end st end def parse_TK_LIBS(tklibs) sfx = "lib|shlib|dll|so" re = /(("|')[^"']+\.(#{sfx})\2|[^"' ]+\.(#{sfx})|-l("|')[^"']+\5|-l[^" ]+)/#' tklibs.scan(re).map{|lib,| if lib =~ /^("|')([^"]+)\.(#{sfx})\1/ "\"-l#{$2}\"" elsif lib =~ /([^" ]+)\.(#{sfx})/ "-l#{$1}" else lib end }.join(' ') end def find_tk(tklib, stubs, version, *opt_paths) puts "Search Tk library" default_paths = [] default_paths.concat [ RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'], File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'], 'lib'), File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], 'lib'), "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/pkg/lib", "/usr/contrib/lib", "/usr/lib" ].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)} default_paths.concat [ "c:/Tcl/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib", "/Tcl/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl/lib" ].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)} if (paths = opt_paths.compact).empty? if TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] # use definisions on tkConfig.sh TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC'].sub(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_FLAG'],"").strip.sub("-L","") =~ /("|'|)([^"']+)\1/ $LIBPATH |= [$2] unless $2.empty? unless stubs $LDFLAGS << ' ' << parse_TK_LIBS(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIBS']) # $DLDFLAGS << ' ' << parse_TK_LIBS(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIBS']) $LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC'] return true end if TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC'].strip.empty? puts "#{TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']} tells us that your Tcl/Tk library doesn't support stub." return false else $LDFLAGS << ' ' << parse_TK_LIBS(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIBS']) # $DLDFLAGS << ' ' << parse_TK_LIBS(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIBS']) $LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] return true end end paths = check_NG_path(default_paths) end if stubs func = "Tk_InitStubs" lib = "tkstub" else func = "Tk_Init" lib = "tk" end if version && ! version.empty? versions = [version] else versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions'] end if tklib st = find_library(tklib, func, *paths) else st = versions.find { |ver| find_library("#{lib}#{ver}", func, *paths) or find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}", func, *paths) or find_library("#{lib}#{ver}g", func, *paths) or find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, *paths) or find_library("tk#{ver}", func, *paths) or find_library("tk#{ver.delete('.')}", func, *paths) or find_library("tk#{ver}g", func, *paths) or find_library("tk#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, *paths) } || (!version && find_library(lib, func, *paths)) end unless st puts("Warning:: cannot find Tk library. tcltklib will not be compiled (tcltklib is disabled on your Ruby == Ruby/Tk will not work). Please check configure options.") end st end def find_tcltk_header(tclver, tkver) base_dir = [] base_dir.concat [ File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], 'include'), "/usr/local/include", "/usr/pkg/include", "/usr/contrib/include", "/usr/include" ].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)} base_dir.concat [ "c:/Tcl/include", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/include", "/Tcl/include", "/Program Files/Tcl/include" ].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)} if TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] && have_tcl_h = try_cpp('tcl.h', TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC']) $INCFLAGS << " " << TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] elsif have_tcl_h = have_header('tcl.h') # find else if tclver && ! tclver.empty? versions = [tclver] else versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions'] end paths = base_dir.dup versions.each{|ver| paths.concat(base_dir.map{|dir| [dir + '/tcl' + ver, dir + '/tcl' + ver.delete('.')] }.flatten) } have_tcl_h = find_header('tcl.h', *paths) end if TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] && have_tk_h = try_cpp('tk.h', TclConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC']) $INCFLAGS << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] elsif have_tk_h = have_header('tk.h') # find else if tkver && ! tkver.empty? versions = [tkver] else versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions'] end paths = base_dir.dup versions.each{|ver| paths.concat(base_dir.map{|dir| [dir + '/tk' + ver, dir + '/tk' + ver.delete('.')] }.flatten) } have_tk_h = find_header('tk.h', *paths) end have_tcl_h && have_tk_h end def setup_for_macosx_framework # search directory of header files if File.exist?(dir = File.join(TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"], 'Tcl.framework', 'Headers')) TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{dir} " TclConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{File.join(TkLib_Config['tcltk-framework'], 'Tk.framework', 'Headers')} " else dir = Dir.glob(File.join(TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"], 'Tcl.framework', '*', 'Headers')) TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{dir[0]} " unless dir.empty? TclConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{Dir.glob(File.join(TkLib_Config['tcltk-framework'], 'Tk.framework', '*', 'Headers'))[0]} " end $LDFLAGS << ' -framework Tk -framework Tcl' if TkLib_Config["tcl-framework-header"] TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{TkLib_Config["tcl-framework-header"]} " end if TkLib_Config["tk-framework-header"] TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{TkLib_Config["tk-framework-header"]} " end end def find_X11(*opt_paths) defaults = [ "/usr/X11*/lib", "/usr/lib/X11*", "/usr/local/X11*", "/usr/openwin/lib" ] paths = [] opt_paths.compact.each{|path| paths.concat(Dir.glob(path.strip.chomp('/')))} defaults.compact.each{|path| paths.concat(Dir.glob(path.strip.chomp('/')))} st = find_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay", *paths) unless st puts("Warning:: cannot find X11 library. tcltklib will not be compiled (tcltklib is disabled on your Ruby == Ruby/Tk will not work). Please check configure options. If your Tcl/Tk don't require X11, please try --without-X11.") end st end def search_X_libraries if TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] # use definitions on tkConfig.sh if TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] && TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] && !TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip.empty? && !TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'].strip.empty? use_X = true && with_config("X11", (! is_win32?)) else use_X = false || with_config("X11", false) end else # depend on configure options use_X = with_config("X11", (! is_win32?)) end if use_X puts("Use X11 libraries.") x11_idir, x11_ldir = dir_config("X11") x11_ldir2 = with_config("X11-lib") exit unless find_X11(x11_ldir2, x11_ldir) end use_X end def pthread_check() tcl_major_ver = nil tcl_minor_ver = nil # Is tcl-thread given by user ? case enable_config("tcl-thread") when true tcl_enable_thread = true when false tcl_enable_thread = false else tcl_enable_thread = nil end if TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] if tcl_enable_thread == true puts("Warning: definiton of tclConfig.sh is ignored, because --enable-tcl-thread option is given.") elsif tcl_enable_thread == false puts("Warning: definition of tclConfig.sh is ignored, because --disable-tcl-thread option is given.") else # tcl-thread is unknown and tclConfig.sh is given if TclConfig_Info['TCL_THREADS'] tcl_enable_thread = (TclConfig_Info['TCL_THREADS'] == "1") else tcl_major_ver = TclConfig_Info['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION'].to_i tcl_minor_ver = TclConfig_Info['TCL_MINOR_VERSION'].to_i if tcl_major_ver < 8 || (tcl_major_ver == 8 && tcl_minor_ver == 0) tcl_enable_thread = false end end if tcl_enable_thread == nil # cannot find definition if tcl_major_ver puts("Warning: '#{TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']}' doesn't include TCL_THREADS definition.") else puts("Warning: '#{TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']}' may not be a tclConfig file.") end tclConfig = false end end end if tcl_enable_thread == nil && !TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] # tcl-thread is unknown and tclConfig is unavailable begin try_run_available = try_run("int main() { exit(0); }") rescue Exception # cannot try_run. Is CROSS-COMPILE environment? puts(%Q'\ ***************************************************************************** ** ** NATIVETHREAD SUPPORT CHECK WARNING: ** ** We cannot check the consistency of nativethread support between ** Ruby and the Tcl/Tk library in your environment (are you perhaps ** cross-compiling?). If nativethread support for these 2 packages ** is inconsistent you may find you get errors when running Ruby/Tk ** (e.g. hangs or segmentation faults). We strongly recommend ** you to check the consistency manually. ** ***************************************************************************** ') return true end end if tcl_enable_thread == nil # tcl-thread is unknown if try_run(< int main() { Tcl_Interp *ip; ip = Tcl_CreateInterp(); exit((Tcl_Eval(ip, "set tcl_platform(threaded)") == TCL_OK)? 0: 1); } EOF tcl_enable_thread = true elsif try_run(< static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey; int main() { exit((Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, 1) == dataKey)? 1: 0); } EOF tcl_enable_thread = true else tcl_enable_thread = false end end # check pthread mode if (TkLib_Config["ruby_with_thread"]) # ruby -> enable unless tcl_enable_thread # ruby -> enable && tcl -> disable puts(%Q'\ ***************************************************************************** ** ** NATIVETHREAD SUPPORT MODE WARNING: ** ** Ruby is compiled with --enable-pthread, but your Tcl/Tk library ** seems to be compiled without nativethread support. Although you can ** create the tcltklib library, this combination may cause errors (e.g. ** hangs or segmentation faults). If you have no reason to keep the ** current nativethread support status, we recommend you reconfigure and ** recompile the libraries so that both or neither support nativethreads. ** ** If you want change the status of nativethread support, please recompile ** Ruby without "--enable-pthread" configure option (If you use Ruby 1.9.x ** or later, you cannot remove this option, because it requires native- ** thread support.) or recompile Tcl/Tk with "--enable-threads" configure ** option (if your Tcl/Tk is later than or equal to Tcl/Tk 8.1). ** ***************************************************************************** ') end # ruby -> enable && tcl -> enable/disable if tcl_enable_thread $CPPFLAGS += ' -DWITH_TCL_ENABLE_THREAD=1' else $CPPFLAGS += ' -DWITH_TCL_ENABLE_THREAD=0' end return true else # ruby -> disable if tcl_enable_thread # ruby -> disable && tcl -> enable puts(%Q'\ ***************************************************************************** ** ** NATIVETHREAD SUPPORT MODE ERROR: ** ** Ruby is not compiled with --enable-pthread, but your Tcl/Tk ** library seems to be compiled with nativethread support. This ** combination may cause frequent hang or segmentation fault ** errors when Ruby/Tk is working. We recommend that you NEVER ** create the library with such a combination of nativethread support. ** ** Please recompile Ruby with the "--enable-pthread" configure option ** or recompile Tcl/Tk with the "--disable-threads" configure option. ** ***************************************************************************** ') $CPPFLAGS += ' -DWITH_TCL_ENABLE_THREAD=1' return false else # ruby -> disable && tcl -> disable $CPPFLAGS += ' -DWITH_TCL_ENABLE_THREAD=0' return true end end end ############################################################## # main ############################################################## # check header files have_func("ruby_native_thread_p", "ruby.h") have_func("rb_errinfo", "ruby.h") have_func("rb_safe_level", "ruby.h") have_func("rb_hash_lookup", "ruby.h") have_func("rb_proc_new", "ruby.h") have_func("rb_obj_untrust", "ruby.h") have_func("rb_obj_taint", "ruby.h") have_func("rb_set_safe_level_force", "ruby.h") have_struct_member("struct RArray", "ptr", "ruby.h") have_struct_member("struct RArray", "len", "ruby.h") # check libraries unless is_win32? have_library("nsl", "t_open") have_library("socket", "socket") have_library("dl", "dlopen") have_library("m", "log") end $CPPFLAGS += ' -D_WIN32' if /cygwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # Does ruby have nativethread ? TkLib_Config["ruby_with_thread"] = macro_defined?('HAVE_NATIVETHREAD', '#include "ruby.h"') #--------------------------------------------------- # check requirement of Tcl/tk version tcltk_version = with_config("tcltkversion") tclver, tkver = TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"] = check_tcltk_version(tcltk_version) puts("Specified Tcl/Tk version is #{[tclver, tkver]}") if tclver && tkver # use ActiveTcl ? #if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl") if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl", true) puts("Use ActiveTcl libraries (if available).") activeTcl = '/opt/ActiveTcl*/lib' unless activeTcl.kind_of? String end TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"] = activeTcl # enable Tcl/Tk stubs? =begin if TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] && TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] && !TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC'].strip.empty? && !TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC'].strip.empty? stubs = true unless (st = enable_config("tcltk-stubs")).nil? stubs &&= st end unless (st = with_config("tcltk-stubs")).nil? stubs &&= st end else stubs = enable_config("tcltk-stubs") || with_config("tcltk-stubs") end =end stubs = enable_config("tcltk-stubs") || with_config("tcltk-stubs") if (TkLib_Config["tcltk-stubs"] = stubs) puts("Compile with Tcl/Tk stubs.") $CPPFLAGS += ' -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -DUSE_TK_STUBS' end # get tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh TkLib_Config["tcltk-NG-path"] = [] tclcfg, tkcfg = get_tclConfig(with_config("tclConfig-file", true), with_config("tclConfig-dir", true), with_config("tkConfig-dir", true)) TclConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"] || {} TkConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"] || {} TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = tclcfg TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = tkcfg # check tk_shlib_search_path check_shlib_search_path(with_config('tk-shlib-search-path')) # search X libraries use_X = search_X_libraries # set TCL_DEFS and TK_DEFS # $CPPFLAGS += " #{TclConfig_Info['TCL_DEFS']}" # $CPPFLAGS += " #{TkConfig_Info['TK_DEFS']}" $CPPFLAGS += collect_tcltk_defs(TclConfig_Info['TCL_DEFS'], TkConfig_Info['TK_DEFS']) # MacOS X Frameworks? if TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"] puts("Use MacOS X Frameworks.") setup_for_macosx_framework end # search Tcl/Tk libraries tk_idir, tk_ldir = dir_config("tk") if with_config('tk') tcl_idir, tcl_ldir = dir_config("tcl") if with_config('tcl') tk_ldir2 = with_config("tk-lib") tcl_ldir2 = with_config("tcl-lib") tk_ldir_list = [tk_ldir2, tk_ldir] tcl_ldir_list = [tcl_ldir2, tcl_ldir] tklib = with_config("tklib") tcllib = with_config("tcllib") TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{tcl_idir.quote}" if tcl_idir TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{tk_idir.quote}" if tk_idir #--------------------------------------------------- if (TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"] || ( find_tcltk_header(tclver, tkver) && find_tcl(tcllib, stubs, tclver, *tcl_ldir_list) && find_tk(tklib, stubs, tkver, *tk_ldir_list) ) ) && (stubs || pthread_check()) # create Makefile # for SUPPORT_STATUS $INSTALLFILES ||= [] $INSTALLFILES << ["lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS", "$(RUBYLIBDIR)", "lib"] # create $defs << %[-DRUBY_VERSION=\\"#{RUBY_VERSION}\\"] $defs << %[-DRUBY_RELEASE_DATE=\\"#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}\\"] create_makefile("tcltklib") puts "Find Tcl/Tk libraries. Make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk." else puts "Can't find proper Tcl/Tk libraries. So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk." end