# entry3.rb -- # # This demonstration script creates several entry widgets whose # permitted input is constrained in some way. It also shows off a # password entry. # # based on Tcl/Tk8.4.4 widget demos if defined?($entry3_demo) && $entry3_demo $entry3_demo.destroy $entry3_demo = nil end $entry3_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w| title("Constrained Entry Demonstration") iconname("entry3") positionWindow(w) } TkLabel.new($entry3_demo, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'5i', :justify=>:left, :text=><:top) 以下には4種類のエントリボックスが表示されています.各エントリボックスは,\ マウスクリックで選択し文字を打ち込むことが可能ですが,それぞれがどのような\ 入力を受け付けることができるかには制約が設けられています.\ 一つめのエントリボックスは整数と見なされる文字列か入力文字がない空の状態か\ の場合だけを受け付け,問題がある場合はエントリボックスが点滅します\ (フォーカスが去る時にチェックされます).\ 二つめのエントリボックスは,入力された文字列の長さが\ 10文字未満の場合だけを受け付け,制限を越えて書き込もうとしたときには\ ベルを鳴らして知らせます.\ 三つめは米国の電話番号を受け付けるエントリボックスです.\ アルファベットは,電話機のダイヤル上で対応づけられている数字に変換されます.\ 不適切な文字が入力されたり数字以外の文字の位置に数字を入力しようとしたり\ した場合には警告のベルが鳴ります.\ 四つめのエントリボックスは,8文字までの入力を受け付ける\ パスワードフィールドです(8文字以上は特に警告を出すことなく無視されます).\ 入力された文字はアスタリスク記号に置き換えて表示されます. EOL TkFrame.new($entry3_demo){|f| pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m') TkButton.new(f, :text=>'閉じる', :width=>15, :command=>proc{ $entry3_demo.destroy $entry3_demo = nil }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true) TkButton.new(f, :text=>'コード参照', :width=>15, :command=>proc{ showCode 'entry3' }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true) } # focusAndFlash -- # Error handler for entry widgets that forces the focus onto the # widget and makes the widget flash by exchanging the foreground and # background colours at intervals of 200ms (i.e. at approximately # 2.5Hz). # # Arguments: # widget - entry widget to flash # fg - Initial foreground colour # bg - Initial background colour # count - Counter to control the number of times flashed def focusAndFlash(widget, fg, bg, count=5) return if count <= 0 TkTimer.new(200, count, proc{widget.configure(:foreground=>bg, :background=>fg)}, proc{widget.configure(:foreground=>fg, :background=>bg)} ).start widget.focus(true) end l1 = TkLabelFrame.new($entry3_demo, :text=>"整数エントリ") TkEntry.new(l1, :validate=>:focus, :vcmd=>[ proc{|s| s == '' || /^[+-]?\d+$/ =~ s }, '%P' ]) {|e| invalidcommand [proc{|w| focusAndFlash(w, e.fg, e.bg)}, '%W'] pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m') } l2 = TkLabelFrame.new($entry3_demo, :text=>"長さ制約付きエントリ") TkEntry.new(l2, :validate=>:key, :invcmd=>proc{Tk.bell}, :vcmd=>[proc{|s| s.length < 10}, '%P'] ).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m') ### PHONE NUMBER ENTRY ### # Note that the source to this is quite a bit longer as the behaviour # demonstrated is a lot more ambitious than with the others. # Initial content for the third entry widget entry3content = TkVariable.new("1-(000)-000-0000") # Mapping from alphabetic characters to numbers. $phoneNumberMap = {} Hash[*(%w(abc 2 def 3 ghi 4 jkl 5 mno 6 pqrs 7 tuv 8 wxyz 9))].each{|chars, n| chars.split('').each{|c| $phoneNumberMap[c] = n $phoneNumberMap[c.upcase] = n } } # phoneSkipLeft -- # Skip over fixed characters in a phone-number string when moving left. # # Arguments: # widget - The entry widget containing the phone-number. def phoneSkipLeft(widget) idx = widget.index('insert') if idx == 8 # Skip back two extra characters widget.cursor = idx - 2 elsif idx == 7 || idx == 12 # Skip back one extra character widget.cursor = idx - 1 elsif idx <= 3 # Can't move any further Tk.bell Tk.callback_break end end # phoneSkipRight -- # Skip over fixed characters in a phone-number string when moving right. # # Arguments: # widget - The entry widget containing the phone-number. # add - Offset to add to index before calculation (used by validation.) def phoneSkipRight(widget, add = 0) idx = widget.index('insert') if (idx + add == 5) # Skip forward two extra characters widget.cursor = idx + 2 elsif (idx + add == 6 || idx + add == 10) # Skip forward one extra character widget.cursor = idx + 1 elsif (idx + add == 15 && add == 0) # Can't move any further Tk.bell Tk.callback_break end end # validatePhoneChange -- # Checks that the replacement (mapped to a digit) of the given # character in an entry widget at the given position will leave a # valid phone number in the widget. # # widget - entry widget to validate # vmode - The widget's validation mode # idx - The index where replacement is to occur # char - The character (or string, though that will always be # refused) to be overwritten at that point. def validatePhoneChange(widget, vmode, idx, char) return true if idx == nil Tk.after_idle(proc{widget.configure(:validate=>vmode, :invcmd=>proc{Tk.bell})}) if !(idx<3 || idx==6 || idx==7 || idx==11 || idx>15) && char =~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/ widget.delete(idx) widget.insert(idx, $phoneNumberMap[char] || char) Tk.after_idle(proc{phoneSkipRight(widget, -1)}) # Tk.update(true) # Don't work 'update' inter validation callback. # It depends on Tcl/Tk side (tested on Tcl/Tk8.5a1). return true end return false end l3 = TkLabelFrame.new($entry3_demo, :text=>"米国電話番号エントリ") TkEntry.new(l3, :validate=>:key, :invcmd=>proc{Tk.bell}, :textvariable=>entry3content, :vcmd=>[ proc{|w,v,i,s| validatePhoneChange(w,v,i,s)}, "%W %v %i %S" ]){|e| # Click to focus goes to the first editable character... bind('FocusIn', proc{|d,w| if d != "NotifyAncestor" w.cursor = 3 Tk.after_idle(proc{w.selection_clear}) end }, '%d %W') bind('Left', proc{|w| phoneSkipLeft(w)}, '%W') bind('Right', proc{|w| phoneSkipRight(w)}, '%W') pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m') } l4 = TkLabelFrame.new($entry3_demo, :text=>"パスワードエントリ") TkEntry.new(l4, :validate=>:key, :show=>'*', :vcmd=>[ proc{|s| s.length <= 8}, '%P' ]).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>'1m', :pady=>'1m') TkFrame.new($entry3_demo){|f| lower TkGrid.configure(l1, l2, :in=>f, :padx=>'3m', :pady=>'1m', :sticky=>:ew) TkGrid.configure(l3, l4, :in=>f, :padx=>'3m', :pady=>'1m', :sticky=>:ew) TkGrid.columnconfigure(f, [0,1], :uniform=>1) pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true) }