# frozen_string_literal: false # # Tk::RbWidget::Editable_Listbox class # # When "DoubleClick-1" on a listbox item, the entry box is opend on the # item. And when hit "Return" key on the entry box after modifying the # text, the entry box is closed and the item is changed. Or when hit # "Escape" key, the entry box is closed without modification. # # by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp) # require 'tk' module Tk module RbWidget class Editable_Listbox < TkListbox end end end class Tk::RbWidget::Editable_Listbox < TkListbox #------------------------------------ BindTag = TkBindTag.new_by_name(self.to_s.gsub(/::/, '#')) BindTag.bind('FocusIn', :widget){|w| w.instance_eval{ if idx = @ebox.pos see(idx) if bbox(idx).empty? @ebox.focus(true) end } } BindTag.bind('Double-1', :widget, :y){|w, y| w.instance_eval{ _ebox_placer(nearest(y)) } } BindTag.bind('Return', :widget){|w| w.instance_eval{ if idx = index(:active) _ebox_placer(idx) end } } #------------------------------------ def configure(*args) ret = super case cget(:state) when 'normal' # do nothing when 'disabled' _ebox_erase else # unknown # do nothing end ret end def _ebox_move(idx) return nil if cget(:state) == 'disabled' x, y, w, h = bbox(idx) return nil unless y && h @ebox.place(:x => 0, :relwidth => 1.0, :y => y - selectborderwidth, :height => h + 2 * selectborderwidth) @ebox.pos = idx @ebox.focus end def _ebox_placer(idx) return nil unless _ebox_move(idx) @ebox.value = listvariable.list[idx] @ebox.xview_moveto(self.xview[0]) end def _ebox_erase @ebox.place_forget @ebox.pos = nil end private :_ebox_move, :_ebox_placer, :_ebox_erase def _setup_ebox_bindings # bindings for entry @ebox.bind('Return'){ list = listvariable.list list[@ebox.pos] = @ebox.value if @ebox.pos listvariable.value = list _ebox_erase focus } @ebox.bind('Escape'){ _ebox_erase } end def _setup_listbox_bindings # bindings for listbox tags = bindtags bindtags(tags.insert(tags.index(self) + 1, self.class::BindTag)) end private :_setup_ebox_bindings, :_setup_listbox_bindings def yview(*args) if !@ebox.pos || bbox(@ebox.pos).empty? @ebox.place_forget else _ebox_move(@ebox.pos) end super end def create_self(keys) super(keys) unless self.listvariable self.listvariable = TkVariable.new(self.get(0, :end)) end @ebox = TkEntry.new(self){ @pos = nil def self.pos; @pos; end def self.pos=(idx); @pos = idx; end } _setup_ebox_bindings _setup_listbox_bindings end end if $0 == __FILE__ #lbox0 = TkListbox.new.pack(:side=>:left) #lbox0.insert(:end, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3) scr = TkScrollbar.new.pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:y) lbox1 = Tk::RbWidget::Editable_Listbox.new.pack(:side=>:left) lbox2 = Tk::RbWidget::Editable_Listbox.new.pack(:side=>:left) scr.assign(lbox1, lbox2) lbox1.insert(:end, *%w(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n)) lbox2.insert(:end, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3) Tk.mainloop end