#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: false ## ## buttons.rb ## ## demonstrates the simulation of a button array ## ## ( based on 'buttons.tcl' included source archive of tktable extension ) ## require 'tk' require 'tkextlib/tktable' # create the table tab = TkVariable.new_hash rows = 20 cols = 20 table = Tk::TkTable.new(:rows=>rows + 1, :cols=>cols + 1, :variable=>tab, :titlerows=>1, :titlecols=>1, :roworigin=>-1, :colorigin=>-1, :colwidth=>4, :width=>8, :height=>8, :cursor=>'top_left_arrow', :borderwidth=>2, :flashmode=>false, :state=>:disabled) sx = table.xscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new) sy = table.yscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new) Tk.grid(table, sy, :sticky=>:news) Tk.grid(sx, :sticky=>:ew) Tk.root.grid_columnconfig(0, :weight=>1) Tk.root.grid_rowconfig(0, :weight=>1) # set up tags for the various states of the buttons table.tag_configure('OFF', :bg=>'red', :relief=>:raised) table.tag_configure('ON', :bg=>'green', :relief=>:sunken) table.tag_configure('sel', :bg=>'gray75', :relief=>:flat) # clean up if mouse leaves the widget table.bind('Leave', proc{|w| w.selection_clear_all}, '%W') # highlight the cell under the mouse table.bind('Motion', proc{|w, x, y| Tk.callback_break if w.selection_include?(TkComm._at(x,y)) w.selection_clear_all w.selection_set(TkComm._at(x,y)) Tk.callback_break ## "break" prevents the call to tkTableCheckBorder }, '%W %x %y') # mousebutton 1 toggles the value of the cell # use of "selection includes" would work here table.bind('1', proc{|w, x, y| #rc = w.curselection[0] rc = w.index(TkComm._at(x,y)) if tab[rc] == 'ON' tab[rc] = 'OFF' w.tag_cell('OFF', rc) else tab[rc] = 'ON' w.tag_cell('ON', rc) end}, '%W %x %y') # inititialize the array, titles, and celltags 0.step(rows){|i| tab[i,-1] = i 0.step(cols){|j| if i == 0 tab[-1,j] = j end tab[i,j] = "OFF" table.tag_cell('OFF', "#{i},#{j}") } } Tk.mainloop