# # Demo: Outlook Express folder list # def demoOutlookFolders(t) init_pics('outlook-*') height = t.font.metrics(:linespace) + 2 height = 18 if height < 18 t.configure(:itemheight=>height, :selectmode=>:browse, :showlines=>true, :showroot=>true, :showrootbutton=>false, :showbuttons=>true) if $HasColumnCreate t.column_create(:text=>'Folders') else t.column_configure(0, :text=>'Folders') end t.element_create('e1', :image) t.element_create('e2', :text, :lines=>1, :fill=>[@SystemHighlightText, ['selected', 'focus']]) t.element_create('e3', :text, :lines=>1, :font=>t.font.dup.weight(:bold), :fill=>[@SystemHighlightText, ['selected', 'focus']]) t.element_create('e4', :text, :fill=>'blue') t.element_create('e5', :image, :image=>@images['outlook-folder']) t.element_create('e6', :rect, :showfocus=>true, :fill=>[ @SystemHighlight, ['selected', 'focus'], 'gray', ['selected', '!focus'] ]) # image + text s = t.style_create('s1') t.style_elements(s, ['e6', 'e1', 'e2']) t.style_layout(s, 'e1', :expand=>:ns) t.style_layout(s, 'e2', :padx=>[4,0], :expand=>:ns, :squeeze=>:x) t.style_layout(s, 'e6', :union=>['e2'], :iexpand=>:ns, :ipadx=>2) # image + text + text s = t.style_create('s2') t.style_elements(s, ['e6', 'e1', 'e3', 'e4']) t.style_layout(s, 'e1', :expand=>:ns) t.style_layout(s, 'e3', :padx=>4, :expand=>:ns, :squeeze=>:x) t.style_layout(s, 'e4', :expand=>:ns) t.style_layout(s, 'e6', :union=>['e3'], :iexpand=>:ns, :ipadx=>2) # folder + text s = t.style_create('s3') t.style_elements(s, ['e6', 'e5', 'e2']) t.style_layout(s, 'e5', :expand=>:ns) t.style_layout(s, 'e2', :padx=>[4,0], :expand=>:ns, :squeeze=>:x) t.style_layout(s, 'e6', :union=>['e2'], :iexpand=>:ns, :ipadx=>2) # folder + text + text s = t.style_create('s4') t.style_elements(s, ['e6', 'e5', 'e3', 'e4']) t.style_layout(s, 'e5', :expand=>:ns) t.style_layout(s, 'e3', :padx=>4, :expand=>:ns, :squeeze=>:x) t.style_layout(s, 'e4', :expand=>:ns) t.style_layout(s, 'e6', :union=>['e3'], :iexpand=>:ns, :ipadx=>2) t.item_style_set(:root, 0, 's1') t.item_complex(:root, [ ['e1', {:image=>@images['outlook-main']}], ['e2', {:text=>'Outlook Express'}] ]) parentList = [:root, '', '', '', '', '', ''] parent = :root [ [0, :local, "Local Folders", true, 0], [1, :inbox, 'Inbox', false, 5], [1, :outbox, 'Outbox', false, 0], [1, :sent, "Sent Items", false, 0], [1, :deleted, "Deleted Items", false, 50], [1, :draft, 'Drafts', false, 0], [1, :folder, "Messages to Dad", false, 0], [1, :folder, "Messages to Sis", false, 0], [1, :folder, "Messages to Me", false, 0], [2, :folder, "2001", false, 0], [2, :folder, "2000", false, 0], [2, :folder, "1999", false, 0], [0, :server, "news.gmane.org", true, 0], [1, :group, "gmane.comp.lang.lua.general", false, 498] ].each{|depth, img, text, button, unread| if (TkPackage.vcompare(Tk::TreeCtrl.package_version, '1.1') >= 0) item = t.item_create(:button=>button) else item = t.item_create t.item_hasbutton(item, button) end if img == :folder if unread != 0 t.item_style_set(item, 0, 's4') t.item_complex(item, [['e3', {:text=>text}], ['e4', {:text=>"(#{unread})"}]]) else t.item_style_set(item, 0, 's3') t.item_complex(item, [['e2', {:text=>text}]]) end else if unread != 0 t.item_style_set(item, 0, 's2') t.item_complex(item, [ ['e1', {:image=>@images["outlook-#{img}"]}], ['e3', {:text=>text}], ['e4', {:text=>"(#{unread})"}] ]) else t.item_style_set(item, 0, 's1') t.item_complex(item, [ ['e1', {:image=>@images["outlook-#{img}"]}], ['e2', {:text=>text}] ]) end end t.item_lastchild(parentList[depth], item) depth += 1 parentList[depth] = item } end