# You need RubyUnit and MS Excel and MSI to run this test script require 'test/unit' require 'runit/testcase' # require 'runit/cui/testrunner' require 'win32ole' require 'oleserver' module EXCEL_CONST end module CONST1 end module CONST2 end module CONST3 end class TestWin32OLE < RUNIT::TestCase include OLESERVER def setup @excel = WIN32OLE.new("Excel.Application") @excel.visible = true end def test_s_new assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, @excel) end def test_s_new_DCOM rexcel = WIN32OLE.new("Excel.Application", "localhost") assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, rexcel) rexcel.visible = true rexcel.quit end def test_s_new_from_clsid excel = WIN32OLE.new("{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, excel) excel.quit exc = assert_exception(WIN32OLERuntimeError) { WIN32OLE.new("{000}") } assert_match(/Unknown OLE server: `\{000\}'/, exc.message) end def test_s_connect excel2 = WIN32OLE.connect('Excel.Application') assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, excel2) end def test_s_const_load assert(!defined?(EXCEL_CONST::XlTop)) WIN32OLE.const_load(@excel, EXCEL_CONST) assert_equal(-4160, EXCEL_CONST::XlTop) assert(!defined?(CONST1::XlTop)) WIN32OLE.const_load(MS_EXCEL_TYPELIB, CONST1) assert_equal(-4160, CONST1::XlTop) end def test_s_codepage assert_equal(WIN32OLE::CP_ACP, WIN32OLE.codepage) end def test_s_codepage_set WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8 assert_equal(WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8, WIN32OLE.codepage) WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP end def test_const_CP_ACP assert_equal(0, WIN32OLE::CP_ACP) end def test_const_CP_OEMCP assert_equal(1, WIN32OLE::CP_OEMCP) end def test_const_CP_MACCP assert_equal(2, WIN32OLE::CP_MACCP) end def test_const_CP_THREAD_ACP assert_equal(3, WIN32OLE::CP_THREAD_ACP) end def test_const_CP_SYMBOL assert_equal(42, WIN32OLE::CP_SYMBOL) end def test_const_CP_UTF7 assert_equal(65000, WIN32OLE::CP_UTF7) end def test_const_CP_UTF8 assert_equal(65001, WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8) end def test_get_win32ole_object workbooks = @excel.Workbooks; assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, workbooks) end def test_each workbooks = @excel.Workbooks assert_no_exception { i = 0; workbooks.each do |workbook| print i += 1 end } workbooks.add workbooks.add i = 0 workbooks.each do |workbook| i+=1 end assert_equal(2, i) workbooks.each do |workbook| workbook.saved = true end end def test_setproperty_bracket book = @excel.workbooks.add sheet = book.worksheets(1) begin sheet.range("A1")['Value'] = 10 assert_equal(10, sheet.range("A1").value) sheet['Cells', 1, 2] = 10 assert_equal(10, sheet.range("B1").value) ensure book.saved = true end end def test_convert_bignum book = @excel.workbooks.add sheet = book.worksheets(1) begin sheet.range("A1").value = 999999999 sheet.range("A2").value = 9999999999 sheet.range("A3").value = "=A1*10 + 9" assert_equal(9999999999, sheet.range("A2").value) assert_equal(9999999999, sheet.range("A3").value) ensure book.saved = true end end def test_ole_invoke_with_named_arg book = @excel.workbooks.add sheets = book.worksheets sheet = book.worksheets(1) num = sheets.count begin sheets.add({'count' => 2, 'after'=>sheet}) assert_equal(2, sheets.count - num); ensure book.saved = true end end def test_ole_invoke_with_named_arg_last book = @excel.workbooks.add sheets = book.worksheets sheet = book.worksheets(1) num = sheets.count begin sheets.add(sheet, {'count' => 2}) assert_equal(2, sheets.count - num); ensure book.saved = true end end def test_setproperty @excel.setproperty('Visible', false) assert_equal(false, @excel.Visible) @excel.setproperty('Visible', true) assert_equal(true, @excel.Visible) book = @excel.workbooks.add sheet = book.worksheets(1) begin sheet.setproperty('Cells', 1, 2, 10) assert_equal(10, sheet.range("B1").value) ensure book.saved = true end end def test_no_exist_property isok = false begin @excel.unknown_prop = 1 rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError isok = true end assert(isok) isok = false begin @excel['unknown_prop'] = 2 rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError isok = true end assert(isok) end def test_setproperty_with_equal book = @excel.workbooks.add sheet = book.worksheets(1) begin sheet.range("B1").value = 10 assert_equal(10, sheet.range("B1").value) sheet.range("C1:D1").value = [11, 12] assert_equal(11, sheet.range("C1").value) assert_equal(12, sheet.range("D1").value) ensure book.saved = true end end def test_invoke workbooks = @excel.invoke( 'workbooks' ) assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, workbooks) book = workbooks.invoke( 'add' ) assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, book) end def test_ole_methods methods = @excel.ole_methods method_names = methods.collect{|m| m.name} assert(method_names.include?("Quit")) end def test_ole_func_methods methods = @excel.ole_func_methods assert(methods.size > 0) method_names = methods.collect{|m| m.name} assert(method_names.include?("Quit")) end def test_ole_put_methods methods = @excel.ole_put_methods assert(methods.size > 0) method_names = methods.collect{|m| m.name} assert(method_names.include?("Visible")) end def test_ole_get_methods methods = @excel.ole_get_methods assert(methods.size > 0) method_names = methods.collect{|m| m.name} assert(method_names.include?("Visible")) end def test_ole_method_help quit_info = @excel.ole_method_help("Quit") assert_equal(0, quit_info.size_params) assert_equal(0, quit_info.size_opt_params) workbooks = @excel.Workbooks add_info = workbooks.ole_method_help("Add") assert_equal(1, add_info.size_params) assert_equal(1, add_info.size_opt_params) assert(add_info.params[0].input?) assert(add_info.params[0].optional?) assert_equal('VARIANT', add_info.params[0].ole_type) end def test_ole_typelib tlib = @excel.ole_typelib assert_equal(tlib.name, MS_EXCEL_TYPELIB); end def teardown @excel.quit @excel = nil GC.start end end # class TestWin32OLE_WITH_MSI < RUNIT::TestCase class TestWin32OLE_WITH_MSI < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer") @record = installer.CreateRecord(2) end # Sorry, this test fails. # Win32OLE does not support this style to set property. # Use Win32OLE#setproperty or Win32OLE#[]= . # def test_invoke # @record.invoke("StringData", 1, 'cccc') # assert_equal('cccc', @record.StringData(1)) # end def test_setproperty @record.setproperty( "StringData", 1, 'dddd') assert_equal('dddd', @record.StringData(1)) end def test_bracket_equal_with_arg @record[ "StringData", 1 ] = 'ffff' assert_equal('ffff', @record.StringData(1)) end end # --------------------- # # a subclass of Win32OLE # override new() and connect() class MyExcel