# Logger -- Logging utility. # # $Id$ # # This module is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby. # # See Logger at first. # DESCRIPTION # Logger -- Logging utility. # # How to create a logger. # 1. Create logger which logs messages to STDERR/STDOUT. # logger = Logger.new(STDERR) # logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) # # 2. Create logger for the file which has the specified name. # logger = Logger.new('logfile.log') # # 3. Create logger for the specified file. # file = open('foo.log', File::WRONLY | File::APPEND) # # To create new (and to remove old) logfile, add File::CREAT like; # # file = open('foo.log', File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT) # logger = Device::Logger.new(file) # # 4. Create logger which ages logfile automatically. Leave 10 ages and each # file is about 102400 bytes. # logger = Device::Logger.new('foo.log', 10, 102400) # # 5. Create logger which ages logfile daily/weekly/monthly automatically. # logger = Logger.new('foo.log', 'daily') # logger = Logger.new('foo.log', 'weekly') # logger = Logger.new('foo.log', 'monthly') # # How to log a message. # # 1. Message in block. # logger.fatal { "Argument 'foo' not given." } # # 2. Message as a string. # logger.error "Argument #{ @foo } mismatch." # # 3. With progname. # logger.info('initialize') { "Initializing..." } # # 4. With severity. # logger.add(Logger::FATAL) { 'Fatal error!' } # # How to close a logger. # # logger.close # # Setting severity threshold. # # 1. Original interface. # logger.level = Logger::WARN # # 2. Log4r (somewhat) compatible interface. # logger.level = Logger::INFO # # DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL < UNKNOWN # # Format. # # Log format: # SeverityID, [Date Time mSec #pid] SeverityLabel -- ProgName: message # # Log sample: # I, [Wed Mar 03 02:34:24 JST 1999 895701 #19074] INFO -- Main: info. # class Logger /: (\S+),v (\S+)/ =~ %q$Id$ ProgName = "#{$1}/#{$2}" class Error < RuntimeError; end class ShiftingError < Error; end # Logging severity. module Severity DEBUG = 0 INFO = 1 WARN = 2 ERROR = 3 FATAL = 4 UNKNOWN = 5 end include Severity # Logging severity threshold. attr_accessor :level # Logging program name. attr_accessor :progname # Logging date-time format (string passed to strftime) attr_accessor :datetime_format alias sev_threshold level alias sev_threshold= level= def debug?; @level <= DEBUG; end def info?; @level <= INFO; end def warn?; @level <= WARN; end def error?; @level <= ERROR; end def fatail?; @level <= FATAL; end # SYNOPSIS # Logger.new(name, shift_age = 7, shift_size = 1048576) # # ARGS # log String as filename of logging. # or # IO as logging device(i.e. STDERR). # shift_age An Integer Num of files you want to keep aged logs. # 'daily' Daily shifting. # 'weekly' Weekly shifting (Every monday.) # 'monthly' Monthly shifting (Every 1th day.) # shift_size Shift size threshold when shift_age is an integer. # Otherwise (like 'daily'), shift_size will be ignored. # # DESCRIPTION # Create an instance. # def initialize(logdev, shift_age = 0, shift_size = 1048576) @logdev = nil @progname = nil @level = DEBUG @datetime_format = nil @logdev = LogDevice.new(logdev, :shift_age => shift_age, :shift_size => shift_size) if logdev end # SYNOPSIS # Logger#add(severity, msg = nil, progname = nil) { ... } = nil # # ARGS # severity Severity. Constants are defined in Logger namespace. # DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or UNKNOWN. # msg Message. A string, exception, or something. Can be omitted. # progname Program name string. Can be omitted. # Logged as a msg if no msg and block are given. # block Can be omitted. # Called to get a message string if msg is nil. # # RETURN # true if succeed, false if failed. # When the given severity is not enough severe, # Log no message, and returns true. # # DESCRIPTION # Log a log if the given severity is enough severe. # # BUGS # Logfile is not locked. # Append open does not need to lock file. # But on the OS which supports multi I/O, records possibly be mixed. # def add(severity, msg = nil, progname = nil, &block) severity ||= UNKNOWN if @logdev.nil? or severity < @level return true end progname ||= @progname if msg.nil? if block_given? msg = yield else msg = progname progname = @progname end end @logdev.write( format_message( format_severity(severity), format_datetime(Time.now), msg2str(msg), progname ) ) true end alias log add # SYNOPSIS # Logger#debug(progname = nil) { ... } = nil # Logger#info(progname = nil) { ... } = nil # Logger#warn(progname = nil) { ... } = nil # Logger#error(progname = nil) { ... } = nil # Logger#fatal(progname = nil) { ... } = nil # Logger#unknown(progname = nil) { ... } = nil # # ARGS # progname Program name string. Can be omitted. # Logged as a msg if no block are given. # block Can be omitted. # Called to get a message string if msg is nil. # # RETURN # See Logger#add . # # DESCRIPTION # Log a log. # def debug(progname = nil, &block) add(DEBUG, nil, progname, &block) end def info(progname = nil, &block) add(INFO, nil, progname, &block) end def warn(progname = nil, &block) add(WARN, nil, progname, &block) end def error(progname = nil, &block) add(ERROR, nil, progname, &block) end def fatal(progname = nil, &block) add(FATAL, nil, progname, &block) end def unknown(progname = nil, &block) add(UNKNOWN, nil, progname, &block) end # SYNOPSIS # Logger#close # # DESCRIPTION # Close the logging device. # def close @logdev.close if @logdev end private # Severity label for logging. (max 5 char) SEV_LABEL = %w(DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL ANY); def format_severity(severity) SEV_LABEL[severity] || 'UNKNOWN' end def format_datetime(datetime) if @datetime_format.nil? datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.") << "%6d " % datetime.usec else datetime.strftime(@datetime_format) end end def format_message(severity, timestamp, msg, progname) line = '%s, [%s#%d] %5s -- %s: %s' << "\n" line % [severity[0..0], timestamp, $$, severity, progname, msg] end def msg2str(msg) if msg.is_a?(::String) msg elsif msg.is_a?(::Exception) "#{ msg.message } (#{ msg.class })\n" << (msg.backtrace || []).join("\n") elsif msg.respond_to?(:to_str) msg.to_str else msg.inspect end end # LogDevice -- Logging device. class LogDevice attr_reader :dev attr_reader :filename # SYNOPSIS # Logger::LogDev.new(name, opt = {}) # # ARGS # log String as filename of logging. # or # IO as logging device(i.e. STDERR). # opt Hash of options. # # DESCRIPTION # Log device class. Output and shifting of log. # When a String was given, LogDevice opens the file and set sync = true. # # OPTIONS # :shift_age # An Integer Num of files you want to keep aged logs. # 'daily' Daily shifting. # 'weekly' Weekly shifting (Shift every monday.) # 'monthly' Monthly shifting (Shift every 1th day.) # # :shift_size Shift size threshold when :shift_age is an integer. # Otherwise (like 'daily'), it is ignored. # def initialize(log = nil, opt = {}) @dev = @filename = @shift_age = @shift_size = nil if log.is_a?(IO) @dev = log elsif log.is_a?(String) @dev = open_logfile(log) @dev.sync = true @filename = log @shift_age = opt[:shift_age] || 7 @shift_size = opt[:shift_size] || 1048576 else raise ArgumentError.new("Wrong argument: #{ log } for log.") end end # SYNOPSIS # Logger::LogDev#write(message) # # ARGS # message Message to be logged. # # DESCRIPTION # Log a message. If needed, the log device is aged and the new device # is prepared. Log device is not locked. Append open does not need to # lock file but on the OS which supports multi I/O, records possibly be # mixed. # def write(message) if shift_log? begin shift_log rescue raise Logger::ShiftingError.new("Shifting failed. #{$!}") end end @dev.write(message) end # SYNOPSIS # Logger::LogDev#close # # DESCRIPTION # Close the logging device. # def close @dev.close end private def open_logfile(filename) if (FileTest.exist?(filename)) open(filename, (File::WRONLY | File::APPEND)) else create_logfile(filename) end end def create_logfile(filename) logdev = open(filename, (File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT)) add_log_header(logdev) logdev end def add_log_header(file) file.write( "# Logfile created on %s by %s\n" % [Time.now.to_s, Logger::ProgName] ) end SiD = 24 * 60 * 60 def shift_log? if !@shift_age or !@dev.respond_to?(:stat) return false end if (@shift_age.is_a?(Integer)) # Note: always returns false if '0'. return (@filename && (@shift_age > 0) && (@dev.stat.size > @shift_size)) else now = Time.now limit_time = case @shift_age when /^daily$/ eod(now - 1 * SiD) when /^weekly$/ eod(now - ((now.wday + 1) * SiD)) when /^monthly$/ eod(now - now.mday * SiD) else now end return (@dev.stat.mtime <= limit_time) end end def shift_log # At first, close the device if opened. if @dev @dev.close @dev = nil end if (@shift_age.is_a?(Integer)) (@shift_age-3).downto(0) do |i| if (FileTest.exist?("#{@filename}.#{i}")) File.rename("#{@filename}.#{i}", "#{@filename}.#{i+1}") end end File.rename("#{@filename}", "#{@filename}.0") else now = Time.now postfix_time = case @shift_age when /^daily$/ eod(now - 1 * SiD) when /^weekly$/ eod(now - ((now.wday + 1) * SiD)) when /^monthly$/ eod(now - now.mday * SiD) else now end postfix = postfix_time.strftime("%Y%m%d") # YYYYMMDD age_file = "#{@filename}.#{postfix}" if (FileTest.exist?(age_file)) raise RuntimeError.new("'#{ age_file }' already exists.") end File.rename("#{@filename}", age_file) end @dev = create_logfile(@filename) return true end def eod(t) Time.mktime(t.year, t.month, t.mday, 23, 59, 59) end end # DESCRIPTION # Application -- Add logging support to your application. # # USAGE # 1. Define your application class as a sub-class of this class. # 2. Override 'run' method in your class to do many things. # 3. Instanciate it and invoke 'start'. # # EXAMPLE # class FooApp < Application # def initialize(foo_app, application_specific, arguments) # super('FooApp') # Name of the application. # end # # def run # ... # log(WARN, 'warning', 'my_method1') # ... # @log.error('my_method2') { 'Error!' } # ... # end # end # # status = FooApp.new(....).start # class Application include Logger::Severity attr_reader :appname attr_reader :logdev # SYNOPSIS # Application.new(appname = '') # # ARGS # appname Name String of the application. # # DESCRIPTION # Create an instance. Log device is STDERR by default. # def initialize(appname = nil) @appname = appname @log = Logger.new(STDERR) @log.progname = @appname @level = @log.level end # SYNOPSIS # Application#start # # DESCRIPTION # Start the application. # # RETURN # Status code. # def start status = -1 begin log(INFO, "Start of #{ @appname }.") status = run rescue log(FATAL, "Detected an exception. Stopping ... #{$!} (#{$!.class})\n" << $@.join("\n")) ensure log(INFO, "End of #{ @appname }. (status: #{ status.to_s })") end status end # SYNOPSIS # Application#set_log(log, shift_age, shift_size) # # ARGS # (Args are explained in the class Logger) # # DESCRIPTION # Set the log device for this application. # def set_log(logdev, shift_age = 0, shift_size = 102400) @log = Logger.new(logdev, shift_age, shift_size) @log.progname = @appname @log.level = @level end def log=(logdev) set_log(logdev) end # SYNOPSIS # Application#level=(severity) # # ARGS # level Severity threshold. # # DESCRIPTION # Set severity threshold. # def level=(level) @level = level @log.level = @level end protected # SYNOPSIS # Application#log(severity, comment = nil) { ... } # # ARGS # severity Severity. See above to give this. # comment Message String. # block Can be omitted. Called to get a message String if # comment is nil or omitted. # # DESCRIPTION # Log a log if the given severity is enough severe. # For more detail, see Log.add. # # RETURN # true if succeed, false if failed. # When the given severity is not enough severe, # Log no message, and returns true. # def log(severity, message = nil, &block) @log.add(severity, message, @appname, &block) if @log end private def run raise RuntimeError.new('Method run must be defined in the derived class.') end end end