#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # # matrix.rb - # $Release Version: 1.0$ # $Revision: 1.11 $ # $Date: 1999/10/06 11:01:53 $ # Original Version from Smalltalk-80 version # on July 23, 1985 at 8:37:17 am # by Keiju ISHITSUKA # # -- # # Matrix[[1,2,3], # : # [3,4,5]] # Matrix[row0, # row1, # : # rown] # # # module ExceptionForMatrix:: # Exceptions: # ErrDimensionMismatch # number of column/row do not match # ErrNotRegular # not a regular matrix # ErrOperationNotDefined # specified operator is not defined (yet) # # class Matrix # include ExceptionForMatrix # # Methods: # class methods: # Matrix.[](*rows) # creates a matrix where `rows' indicates rows. # `rows' is an array of arrays, # e.g, Matrix[[11, 12], [21, 22]] # Matrix.rows(rows, copy = TRUE) # creates a matrix where `rows' indicates rows. # if optional argument `copy' is false, use the array as # internal structure of the metrix without copying. # Matrix.columns(columns) # creates a new matrix using `columns` as set of colums vectors. # Matrix.diagonal(*values) # creates a matrix where `columns' indicates columns. # Matrix.scalar(n, value) # creates a diagonal matrix such that the diagal compornents is # given by `values'. # Matrix.scalar(n, value) # creates an n-by-n scalar matrix such that the diagal compornent is # given by `value'. # Matrix.identity(n) # Matrix.unit(n) # Matrix.I(n) # creates an n-by-n unit matrix. # Matrix.zero(n) # creates an n-by-n zero matrix. # Matrix.row_vector(row) # creates a 1-by-n matrix such the row vector is `row'. # `row' is specifed as a Vector or an Array. # Matrix.column_vector(column) # creates a 1-by-n matrix such that column vector is `column'. # `column' is specifed as a Vector or an Array. # accessing: # [](i, j) # returns (i,j) compornent # row_size # returns the number of rows # column_size # returns the number of columns # row(i) # returns the i-th row vector. # when the block is supplied for the method, the block is iterated # over all row vectors. # column(j) # returns the jth column vector. # when the block is supplied for the method, the block is iterated # over all column vectors. # collect # map # creates a matrix which is the result of iteration of given # block over all compornents. # minor(*param) # returns sub matrix. parameter is specified as the following: # 1. from_row, row_size, from_col, size_col # 2. from_row..to_row, from_col..to_col # TESTING: # regular? # Is regular? # singular? # Is singular? i.e. Is non-regular? # square? # Is square? # ARITHMETIC: # *(m) # times # +(m) # plus # -(m) # minus # /(m) # self * m.inv # inverse # inv # inverse # ** # power # Matrix functions: # determinant # det # returns the determinant # rank # returns the rank # trace # tr # returns the trace # transpose # t # returns the transposed # CONVERTING: # coerce(other) # row_vectors # array of row vectors # column_vectors # array of column vectors # to_a # converts each element to Array # to_f # converts each element to Float # to_i # converts each element to Integer # to_r # converts each element to Rational # PRINTING: # to_s # returns string representation # inspect # # class Vector # include ExceptionForMatrix # # INSTANCE CREATION: # Vector.[](*array) # Vector.elements(array, copy = TRUE) # ACCSESSING: # [](i) # size # ENUMRATIONS: # each2(v) # collect2(v) # ARITHMETIC: # *(x) "is matrix or number" # +(v) # -(v) # VECTOR FUNCTIONS: # inner_product(v) # collect # map # map2(v) # r # CONVERTING: # covector # to_a # to_f # to_i # to_r # coerce(other) # PRINTING: # to_s # inspect require "e2mmap.rb" module ExceptionForMatrix extend Exception2MessageMapper def_e2message(TypeError, "wrong argument type %s (expected %s)") def_e2message(ArgumentError, "Wrong # of arguments(%d for %d)") def_exception("ErrDimensionMismatch", "\#{self.name} dimension mismatch") def_exception("ErrNotRegular", "Not Regular Matrix") def_exception("ErrOperationNotDefined", "This operation(%s) can\\'t defined") end class Matrix @RCS_ID='-$Id: matrix.rb,v 1.11 1999/10/06 11:01:53 keiju Exp keiju $-' # extend Exception2MessageMapper include ExceptionForMatrix # instance creations private_class_method :new def Matrix.[](*rows) new(:init_rows, rows, FALSE) end def Matrix.rows(rows, copy = TRUE) new(:init_rows, rows, copy) end def Matrix.columns(columns) rows = (0 .. columns[0].size - 1).collect { |i| (0 .. columns.size - 1).collect { |j| columns[j][i] } } Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) end def Matrix.diagonal(*values) size = values.size rows = (0 .. size - 1).collect { |j| row = Array.new(size).fill(0, 0, size) row[j] = values[j] row } self rows(rows, FALSE) end def Matrix.scalar(n, value) Matrix.diagonal(*Array.new(n).fill(value, 0, n)) end def Matrix.identity(n) Matrix.scalar(n, 1) end class << Matrix alias unit identity alias I identity end def Matrix.zero(n) Matrix.scalar(n, 0) end def Matrix.row_vector(row) case row when Vector Matrix.rows([row.to_a], FALSE) when Array Matrix.rows([row.dup], FALSE) else Matrix.row([[row]], FALSE) end end def Matrix.column_vector(column) case column when Vector Matrix.columns([column.to_a]) when Array Matrix.columns([column]) else Matrix.columns([[column]]) end end # initializing def initialize(init_method, *argv) self.send(init_method, *argv) end def init_rows(rows, copy) if copy @rows = rows.collect{|row| row.dup} else @rows = rows end self end private :init_rows #accessing def [](i, j) @rows[i][j] end def row_size @rows.size end def column_size @rows[0].size end def row(i) if block_given? for e in @rows[i] yield e end else Vector.elements(@rows[i]) end end def column(j) if block_given? 0.upto(row_size - 1) do |i| yield @rows[i][j] end else col = (0 .. row_size - 1).collect { |i| @rows[i][j] } Vector.elements(col, FALSE) end end def collect rows = @rows.collect{|row| row.collect{|e| yield e}} Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) end alias map collect # # param: (from_row, row_size, from_col, size_col) # (from_row..to_row, from_col..to_col) # def minor(*param) case param.size when 2 from_row = param[0].first size_row = param[0].size from_col = param[1].first size_col = param[1].size when 4 from_row = param[0] size_row = param[1] from_col = param[2] size_col = param[3] else Matrix.Raise ArgumentError, param.inspect end rows = @rows[from_row, size_row].collect{ |row| row[from_col, size_col] } Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) end # TESTING def regular? square? and rank == column_size end def singular? not regular? end def square? column_size == row_size end # COMPARING def ==(other) return FALSE unless Matrix === other other.compare_by_row_vectors(@rows) end alias eql? == def compare_by_row_vectors(rows) return FALSE unless @rows.size == rows.size 0.upto(@rows.size - 1) do |i| return FALSE unless @rows[i] == rows[i] end TRUE end def clone Matrix.rows(@rows) end def hash value = 0 for row in @rows for e in row value ^= e.hash end end return value end # ARITHMETIC def *(m) #is matrix or vector or number" case(m) when Numeric rows = @rows.collect { |row| row.collect { |e| e * m } } return Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) when Vector m = Matrix.column_vector(m) r = self * m return r.column(0) when Matrix Matrix.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch if column_size != m.row_size rows = (0 .. row_size - 1).collect { |i| (0 .. m.column_size - 1).collect { |j| vij = 0 0.upto(column_size - 1) do |k| vij += self[i, k] * m[k, j] end vij } } return Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) else x, y = m.coerce(self) return x * y end end def +(m) case m when Numeric Matrix.Raise ErrOperationNotDefined, "+" when Vector m = Matrix.column_vector(m) when Matrix else x, y = m.coerce(self) return x + y end Matrix.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch unless row_size == m.row_size and column_size == m.column_size rows = (0 .. row_size - 1).collect { |i| (0 .. column_size - 1).collect { |j| self[i, j] + m[i, j] } } Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) end def -(m) case m when Numeric Matrix.Raise ErrOperationNotDefined, "-" when Vector m = Matrix.column_vector(m) when Matrix else x, y = m.coerce(self) return x - y end Matrix.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch unless row_size == m.row_size and column_size == m.column_size rows = (0 .. row_size - 1).collect { |i| (0 .. column_size - 1).collect { |j| self[i, j] - m[i, j] } } Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) end def /(other) case other when Numeric rows = @rows.collect { |row| row.collect { |e| e / other } } return Matrix.rows(rows, FALSE) when Matrix return self * other.inverse else x, y = other.coerce(self) rerurn x / y end end def inverse Matrix.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch unless square? Matrix.I(row_size).inverse_from(self) end alias inv inverse def inverse_from(src) size = row_size - 1 a = src.to_a for k in 0..size if (akk = a[k][k]) == 0 i = k begin Matrix.Raise ErrNotRegular if (i += 1) > size end while a[i][k] == 0 a[i], a[k] = a[k], a[i] @rows[i], @rows[k] = @rows[k], @rows[i] akk = a[k][k] end for i in 0 .. size next if i == k q = a[i][k] / akk a[i][k] = 0 (k + 1).upto(size) do |j| a[i][j] -= a[k][j] * q end 0.upto(size) do |j| @rows[i][j] -= @rows[k][j] * q end end (k + 1).upto(size) do |j| a[k][j] /= akk end 0.upto(size) do |j| @rows[k][j] /= akk end end self end #alias reciprocal inverse def ** (other) if other.kind_of?(Integer) x = self if other <= 0 x = self.inverse return Matrix.identity(self.column_size) if other == 0 other = -other end z = x n = other - 1 while n != 0 while (div, mod = n.divmod(2) mod == 0) x = x * x n = div end z *= x n -= 1 end z elsif other.kind_of?(Float) || defined?(Rational) && other.kind_of?(Rational) Matrix.Raise ErrOperationNotDefined, "**" else Matrix.Raise ErrOperationNotDefined, "**" end end # Matrix functions def determinant return 0 unless square? size = row_size - 1 a = to_a det = 1 k = 0 begin if (akk = a[k][k]) == 0 i = k begin return 0 if (i += 1) > size end while a[i][k] == 0 a[i], a[k] = a[k], a[i] akk = a[k][k] det *= -1 end (k + 1).upto(size) do |i| q = a[i][k] / akk (k + 1).upto(size) do |j| a[i][j] -= a[k][j] * q end end det *= akk end while (k += 1) <= size det end alias det determinant def rank if column_size > row_size a = transpose.to_a else a = to_a end rank = 0 k = 0 begin if (akk = a[k][k]) == 0 i = k exists = true begin if (i += 1) > column_size - 1 exists = false break end end while a[i][k] == 0 if exists a[i], a[k] = a[k], a[i] akk = a[k][k] else i = k exists = true begin if (i += 1) > row_size - 1 exists = false break end end while a[k][i] == 0 if exists k.upto(column_size - 1) do |j| a[j][k], a[j][i] = a[j][i], a[j][k] end akk = a[k][k] else next end end end (k + 1).upto(row_size - 1) do |i| q = a[i][k] / akk (k + 1).upto(column_size - 1) do |j| a[i][j] -= a[k][j] * q end end rank += 1 end while (k += 1) <= column_size - 1 return rank end def trace tr = 0 0.upto(column_size - 1) do |i| tr += @rows[i][i] end tr end alias tr trace def transpose Matrix.columns(@rows) end alias t transpose # CONVERTING def coerce(other) case other when Numeric return Scalar.new(other), self else raise TypeError, "#{type} can't be coerced into #{other.type}" end end def row_vectors rows = (0 .. column_size - 1).collect { |i| row(i) } rows end def column_vectors columns = (0 .. row_size - 1).collect { |i| column(i) } columns end def to_a @rows.collect{|row| row.collect{|e| e}} end def to_f collect{|e| e.to_f} end def to_i collect{|e| e.to_i} end def to_r collect{|e| e.to_r} end # PRINTING def to_s "Matrix[" + @rows.collect{ |row| "[" + row.collect{|e| e.to_s}.join(", ") + "]" }.join(", ")+"]" end def inspect "Matrix"+@rows.inspect end # Private CLASS class Scalar < Numeric include ExceptionForMatrix def initialize(value) @value = value end # ARITHMETIC def +(other) case other when Numeric Scalar.new(@value + other) when Vector, Matrix Scalar.Raise WrongArgType, other.type, "Numeric or Scalar" when Scalar Scalar.new(@value + other.value) else x, y = other.coerce(self) x + y end end def -(other) case other when Numeric Scalar.new(@value - other) when Vector, Matrix Scalar.Raise WrongArgType, other.type, "Numeric or Scalar" when Scalar Scalar.new(@value - other.value) else x, y = other.coerce(self) x - y end end def *(other) case other when Numeric Scalar.new(@value * other) when Vector, Matrix other.collect{|e| @value * e} else x, y = other.coerce(self) x * y end end def / (other) case other when Numeric Scalar.new(@value / other) when Vector Scalar.Raise WrongArgType, other.type, "Numeric or Scalar or Matrix" when Matrix self * _M.inverse else x, y = other.coerce(self) x / y end end def ** (other) case other when Numeric Scalar.new(@value ** other) when Vector Scalar.Raise WrongArgType, other.type, "Numeric or Scalar or Matrix" when Matrix other.powered_by(self) else x, y = other.coerce(self) x ** y end end end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # - # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Vector include ExceptionForMatrix #INSTANCE CREATION private_class_method :new def Vector.[](*array) new(:init_elements, array, copy = FALSE) end def Vector.elements(array, copy = TRUE) new(:init_elements, array, copy) end def initialize(method, array, copy) self.send(method, array, copy) end def init_elements(array, copy) if copy @elements = array.dup else @elements = array end end # ACCSESSING def [](i) @elements[i] end def size @elements.size end # ENUMRATIONS def each2(v) Vector.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch if size != v.size 0.upto(size - 1) do |i| yield @elements[i], v[i] end end def collect2(v) Vector.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch if size != v.size (0 .. size - 1).collect do |i| yield @elements[i], v[i] end end # COMPARING def ==(other) return FALSE unless Vector === other other.compare_by(@elements) end alias eqn? == def compare_by(elements) @elements == elements end def clone Vector.elements(@elements) end def hash @elements.hash end # ARITHMETIC def *(x) "is matrix or number" case x when Numeric els = @elements.collect{|e| e * x} Vector.elements(els, FALSE) when Matrix self.covector * x else s, x = X.coerce(self) s * x end end def +(v) case v when Vector Vector.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch if size != v.size els = collect2(v) { |v1, v2| v1 + v2 } Vector.elements(els, FALSE) when Matrix Matrix.column_vector(self) + v else s, x = v.coerce(self) s + x end end def -(v) case v when Vector Vector.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch if size != v.size els = collect2(v) { |v1, v2| v1 - v2 } Vector.elements(els, FALSE) when Matrix Matrix.column_vector(self) - v else s, x = v.coerce(self) s - x end end # VECTOR FUNCTIONS def inner_product(v) Vector.Raise ErrDimensionMismatch if size != v.size p = 0 each2(v) { |v1, v2| p += v1 * v2 } p end def collect els = @elements.collect { |v| yield v } Vector.elements(els, FALSE) end alias map collect def map2(v) els = collect2(v) { |v1, v2| yield v1, v2 } Vector.elements(els, FALSE) end def r v = 0 for e in @elements v += e*e end return Math.sqrt(v) end # CONVERTING def covector Matrix.row_vector(self) end def to_a @elements.dup end def to_f collect{|e| e.to_f} end def to_i collect{|e| e.to_i} end def to_r collect{|e| e.to_r} end def coerce(other) case other when Numeric return Scalar.new(other), self else raise TypeError, "#{type} can't be coerced into #{other.type}" end end # PRINTING def to_s "Vector[" + @elements.join(", ") + "]" end def inspect str = "Vector"+@elements.inspect end end