# frozen_string_literal: false # # The \HTTPHeader module provides access to \HTTP headers. # # The module is included in: # # - Net::HTTPGenericRequest (and therefore Net::HTTPRequest). # - Net::HTTPResponse. # # The headers are a hash-like collection of key/value pairs called _fields_. # # == Request and Response Fields # # Headers may be included in: # # - A Net::HTTPRequest object: # the object's headers will be sent with the request. # Any fields may be defined in the request; # see {Setters}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Setters]. # - A Net::HTTPResponse object: # the objects headers are usually those returned from the host. # Fields may be retrieved from the object; # see {Getters}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Getters] # and {Iterators}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Iterators]. # # Exactly which fields should be sent or expected depends on the host; # see: # # - {Request fields}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Request_fields]. # - {Response fields}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Response_fields]. # # == About the Examples # # :include: doc/net-http/examples.rdoc # # == Fields # # A header field is a key/value pair. # # === Field Keys # # A field key may be: # # - A string: Key 'Accept' is treated as if it were # 'Accept'.downcase; i.e., 'accept'. # - A symbol: Key :Accept is treated as if it were # :Accept.to_s.downcase; i.e., 'accept'. # # Examples: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req[:accept] # => "*/*" # req['Accept'] # => "*/*" # req['ACCEPT'] # => "*/*" # # req['accept'] = 'text/html' # req[:accept] = 'text/html' # req['ACCEPT'] = 'text/html' # # === Field Values # # A field value may be returned as an array of strings or as a string: # # - These methods return field values as arrays: # # - #get_fields: Returns the array value for the given key, # or +nil+ if it does not exist. # - #to_hash: Returns a hash of all header fields: # each key is a field name; its value is the array value for the field. # # - These methods return field values as string; # the string value for a field is equivalent to # self[key.downcase.to_s].join(', ')): # # - #[]: Returns the string value for the given key, # or +nil+ if it does not exist. # - #fetch: Like #[], but accepts a default value # to be returned if the key does not exist. # # The field value may be set: # # - #[]=: Sets the value for the given key; # the given value may be a string, a symbol, an array, or a hash. # - #add_field: Adds a given value to a value for the given key # (not overwriting the existing value). # - #delete: Deletes the field for the given key. # # Example field values: # # - \String: # # req['Accept'] = 'text/html' # => "text/html" # req['Accept'] # => "text/html" # req.get_fields('Accept') # => ["text/html"] # # - \Symbol: # # req['Accept'] = :text # => :text # req['Accept'] # => "text" # req.get_fields('Accept') # => ["text"] # # - Simple array: # # req[:foo] = %w[bar baz bat] # req[:foo] # => "bar, baz, bat" # req.get_fields(:foo) # => ["bar", "baz", "bat"] # # - Simple hash: # # req[:foo] = {bar: 0, baz: 1, bat: 2} # req[:foo] # => "bar, 0, baz, 1, bat, 2" # req.get_fields(:foo) # => ["bar", "0", "baz", "1", "bat", "2"] # # - Nested: # # req[:foo] = [%w[bar baz], {bat: 0, bam: 1}] # req[:foo] # => "bar, baz, bat, 0, bam, 1" # req.get_fields(:foo) # => ["bar", "baz", "bat", "0", "bam", "1"] # # req[:foo] = {bar: %w[baz bat], bam: {bah: 0, bad: 1}} # req[:foo] # => "bar, baz, bat, bam, bah, 0, bad, 1" # req.get_fields(:foo) # => ["bar", "baz", "bat", "bam", "bah", "0", "bad", "1"] # # == Convenience Methods # # Various convenience methods retrieve values, set values, query values, # set form values, or iterate over fields. # # === Setters # # \Method #[]= can set any field, but does little to validate the new value; # some of the other setter methods provide some validation: # # - #[]=: Sets the string or array value for the given key. # - #add_field: Creates or adds to the array value for the given key. # - #basic_auth: Sets the string authorization header for 'Authorization'. # - #content_length=: Sets the integer length for field 'Content-Length. # - #content_type=: Sets the string value for field 'Content-Type'. # - #proxy_basic_auth: Sets the string authorization header for 'Proxy-Authorization'. # - #set_range: Sets the value for field 'Range'. # # === Form Setters # # - #set_form: Sets an HTML form data set. # - #set_form_data: Sets header fields and a body from HTML form data. # # === Getters # # \Method #[] can retrieve the value of any field that exists, # but always as a string; # some of the other getter methods return something different # from the simple string value: # # - #[]: Returns the string field value for the given key. # - #content_length: Returns the integer value of field 'Content-Length'. # - #content_range: Returns the Range value of field 'Content-Range'. # - #content_type: Returns the string value of field 'Content-Type'. # - #fetch: Returns the string field value for the given key. # - #get_fields: Returns the array field value for the given +key+. # - #main_type: Returns first part of the string value of field 'Content-Type'. # - #sub_type: Returns second part of the string value of field 'Content-Type'. # - #range: Returns an array of Range objects of field 'Range', or +nil+. # - #range_length: Returns the integer length of the range given in field 'Content-Range'. # - #type_params: Returns the string parameters for 'Content-Type'. # # === Queries # # - #chunked?: Returns whether field 'Transfer-Encoding' is set to 'chunked'. # - #connection_close?: Returns whether field 'Connection' is set to 'close'. # - #connection_keep_alive?: Returns whether field 'Connection' is set to 'keep-alive'. # - #key?: Returns whether a given key exists. # # === Iterators # # - #each_capitalized: Passes each field capitalized-name/value pair to the block. # - #each_capitalized_name: Passes each capitalized field name to the block. # - #each_header: Passes each field name/value pair to the block. # - #each_name: Passes each field name to the block. # - #each_value: Passes each string field value to the block. # module Net::HTTPHeader def initialize_http_header(initheader) #:nodoc: @header = {} return unless initheader initheader.each do |key, value| warn "net/http: duplicated HTTP header: #{key}", uplevel: 3 if key?(key) and $VERBOSE if value.nil? warn "net/http: nil HTTP header: #{key}", uplevel: 3 if $VERBOSE else value = value.strip # raise error for invalid byte sequences if value.count("\r\n") > 0 raise ArgumentError, "header #{key} has field value #{value.inspect}, this cannot include CR/LF" end @header[key.downcase.to_s] = [value] end end end def size #:nodoc: obsolete @header.size end alias length size #:nodoc: obsolete # Returns the string field value for the case-insensitive field +key+, # or +nil+ if there is no such key; # see {Fields}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Fields]: # # res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http| # http.get('/todos/1') # end # res['Connection'] # => "keep-alive" # res['Nosuch'] # => nil # # Note that some field values may be retrieved via convenience methods; # see {Getters}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Getters]. def [](key) a = @header[key.downcase.to_s] or return nil a.join(', ') end # Sets the value for the case-insensitive +key+ to +val+, # overwriting the previous value if the field exists; # see {Fields}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Fields]: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req['Accept'] # => "*/*" # req['Accept'] = 'text/html' # req['Accept'] # => "text/html" # # Note that some field values may be set via convenience methods; # see {Setters}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Setters]. def []=(key, val) unless val @header.delete key.downcase.to_s return val end set_field(key, val) end # Adds value +val+ to the value array for field +key+ if the field exists; # creates the field with the given +key+ and +val+ if it does not exist. # see {Fields}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Fields]: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req.add_field('Foo', 'bar') # req['Foo'] # => "bar" # req.add_field('Foo', 'baz') # req['Foo'] # => "bar, baz" # req.add_field('Foo', %w[baz bam]) # req['Foo'] # => "bar, baz, baz, bam" # req.get_fields('Foo') # => ["bar", "baz", "baz", "bam"] # def add_field(key, val) stringified_downcased_key = key.downcase.to_s if @header.key?(stringified_downcased_key) append_field_value(@header[stringified_downcased_key], val) else set_field(key, val) end end private def set_field(key, val) case val when Enumerable ary = [] append_field_value(ary, val) @header[key.downcase.to_s] = ary else val = val.to_s # for compatibility use to_s instead of to_str if val.b.count("\r\n") > 0 raise ArgumentError, 'header field value cannot include CR/LF' end @header[key.downcase.to_s] = [val] end end private def append_field_value(ary, val) case val when Enumerable val.each{|x| append_field_value(ary, x)} else val = val.to_s if /[\r\n]/n.match?(val.b) raise ArgumentError, 'header field value cannot include CR/LF' end ary.push val end end # Returns the array field value for the given +key+, # or +nil+ if there is no such field; # see {Fields}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Fields]: # # res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http| # http.get('/todos/1') # end # res.get_fields('Connection') # => ["keep-alive"] # res.get_fields('Nosuch') # => nil # def get_fields(key) stringified_downcased_key = key.downcase.to_s return nil unless @header[stringified_downcased_key] @header[stringified_downcased_key].dup end # :call-seq # fetch(key, default_val = nil) {|key| ... } -> object # fetch(key, default_val = nil) -> value or default_val # # With a block, returns the string value for +key+ if it exists; # otherwise returns the value of the block; # ignores the +default_val+; # see {Fields}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Fields]: # # res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http| # http.get('/todos/1') # end # # # Field exists; block not called. # res.fetch('Connection') do |value| # fail 'Cannot happen' # end # => "keep-alive" # # # Field does not exist; block called. # res.fetch('Nosuch') do |value| # value.downcase # end # => "nosuch" # # With no block, returns the string value for +key+ if it exists; # otherwise, returns +default_val+ if it was given; # otherwise raises an exception: # # res.fetch('Connection', 'Foo') # => "keep-alive" # res.fetch('Nosuch', 'Foo') # => "Foo" # res.fetch('Nosuch') # Raises KeyError. # def fetch(key, *args, &block) #:yield: +key+ a = @header.fetch(key.downcase.to_s, *args, &block) a.kind_of?(Array) ? a.join(', ') : a end # Calls the block with each key/value pair: # # res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http| # http.get('/todos/1') # end # res.each_header do |key, value| # p [key, value] if key.start_with?('c') # end # # Output: # # ["content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"] # ["connection", "keep-alive"] # ["cache-control", "max-age=43200"] # ["cf-cache-status", "HIT"] # ["cf-ray", "771d17e9bc542cf5-ORD"] # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. # # Net::HTTPHeader#each is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#each_header. def each_header #:yield: +key+, +value+ block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size } @header.each do |k,va| yield k, va.join(', ') end end alias each each_header # Calls the block with each field key: # # res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http| # http.get('/todos/1') # end # res.each_key do |key| # p key if key.start_with?('c') # end # # Output: # # "content-type" # "connection" # "cache-control" # "cf-cache-status" # "cf-ray" # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. # # Net::HTTPHeader#each_name is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#each_key. def each_name(&block) #:yield: +key+ block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size } @header.each_key(&block) end alias each_key each_name # Calls the block with each capitalized field name: # # res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http| # http.get('/todos/1') # end # res.each_capitalized_name do |key| # p key if key.start_with?('C') # end # # Output: # # "Content-Type" # "Connection" # "Cache-Control" # "Cf-Cache-Status" # "Cf-Ray" # # The capitalization is system-dependent; # see {Case Mapping}[rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc]. # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. def each_capitalized_name #:yield: +key+ block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size } @header.each_key do |k| yield capitalize(k) end end # Calls the block with each string field value: # # res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http| # http.get('/todos/1') # end # res.each_value do |value| # p value if value.start_with?('c') # end # # Output: # # "chunked" # "cf-q-config;dur=6.0000002122251e-06" # "cloudflare" # # Returns an enumerator if no block is given. def each_value #:yield: +value+ block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size } @header.each_value do |va| yield va.join(', ') end end # Removes the header for the given case-insensitive +key+ # (see {Fields}[rdoc-ref:Net::HTTPHeader@Fields]); # returns the deleted value, or +nil+ if no such field exists: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req.delete('Accept') # => ["*/*"] # req.delete('Nosuch') # => nil # def delete(key) @header.delete(key.downcase.to_s) end # Returns +true+ if the field for the case-insensitive +key+ exists, +false+ otherwise: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req.key?('Accept') # => true # req.key?('Nosuch') # => false # def key?(key) @header.key?(key.downcase.to_s) end # Returns a hash of the key/value pairs: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req.to_hash # # => # {"accept-encoding"=>["gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3"], # "accept"=>["*/*"], # "user-agent"=>["Ruby"], # "host"=>["jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"]} # def to_hash @header.dup end # Like #each_header, but the keys are returned in capitalized form. # # Net::HTTPHeader#canonical_each is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#each_capitalized. def each_capitalized block_given? or return enum_for(__method__) { @header.size } @header.each do |k,v| yield capitalize(k), v.join(', ') end end alias canonical_each each_capitalized def capitalize(name) name.to_s.split(/-/).map {|s| s.capitalize }.join('-') end private :capitalize # Returns an array of Range objects that represent # the value of field 'Range', # or +nil+ if there is no such field; # see {Range request header}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#range-request-header]: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req['Range'] = 'bytes=0-99,200-299,400-499' # req.range # => [0..99, 200..299, 400..499] # req.delete('Range') # req.range # # => nil # def range return nil unless @header['range'] value = self['Range'] # byte-range-set = *( "," OWS ) ( byte-range-spec / suffix-byte-range-spec ) # *( OWS "," [ OWS ( byte-range-spec / suffix-byte-range-spec ) ] ) # corrected collected ABNF # http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p5-range-19#section-5.4.1 # http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p5-range-19#appendix-C # http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-19#section-3.2.5 unless /\Abytes=((?:,[ \t]*)*(?:\d+-\d*|-\d+)(?:[ \t]*,(?:[ \t]*\d+-\d*|-\d+)?)*)\z/ =~ value raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "invalid syntax for byte-ranges-specifier: '#{value}'" end byte_range_set = $1 result = byte_range_set.split(/,/).map {|spec| m = /(\d+)?\s*-\s*(\d+)?/i.match(spec) or raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "invalid byte-range-spec: '#{spec}'" d1 = m[1].to_i d2 = m[2].to_i if m[1] and m[2] if d1 > d2 raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "last-byte-pos MUST greater than or equal to first-byte-pos but '#{spec}'" end d1..d2 elsif m[1] d1..-1 elsif m[2] -d2..-1 else raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range is not specified' end } # if result.empty? # byte-range-set must include at least one byte-range-spec or suffix-byte-range-spec # but above regexp already denies it. if result.size == 1 && result[0].begin == 0 && result[0].end == -1 raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'only one suffix-byte-range-spec with zero suffix-length' end result end # :call-seq: # set_range(length) -> length # set_range(offset, length) -> range # set_range(begin..length) -> range # # Sets the value for field 'Range'; # see {Range request header}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#range-request-header]: # # With argument +length+: # # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) # req.set_range(100) # => 100 # req['Range'] # => "bytes=0-99" # # With arguments +offset+ and +length+: # # req.set_range(100, 100) # => 100...200 # req['Range'] # => "bytes=100-199" # # With argument +range+: # # req.set_range(100..199) # => 100..199 # req['Range'] # => "bytes=100-199" # # Net::HTTPHeader#range= is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#set_range. def set_range(r, e = nil) unless r @header.delete 'range' return r end r = (r...r+e) if e case r when Numeric n = r.to_i rangestr = (n > 0 ? "0-#{n-1}" : "-#{-n}") when Range first = r.first last = r.end last -= 1 if r.exclude_end? if last == -1 rangestr = (first > 0 ? "#{first}-" : "-#{-first}") else raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.first is negative' if first < 0 raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.last is negative' if last < 0 raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'must be .first < .last' if first > last rangestr = "#{first}-#{last}" end else raise TypeError, 'Range/Integer is required' end @header['range'] = ["bytes=#{rangestr}"] r end alias range= set_range # Returns an Integer object which represents the HTTP Content-Length: # header field, or +nil+ if that field was not provided. def content_length return nil unless key?('Content-Length') len = self['Content-Length'].slice(/\d+/) or raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Length format' len.to_i end def content_length=(len) unless len @header.delete 'content-length' return nil end @header['content-length'] = [len.to_i.to_s] end # Returns "true" if the "transfer-encoding" header is present and # set to "chunked". This is an HTTP/1.1 feature, allowing # the content to be sent in "chunks" without at the outset # stating the entire content length. def chunked? return false unless @header['transfer-encoding'] field = self['Transfer-Encoding'] (/(?:\A|[^\-\w])chunked(?![\-\w])/i =~ field) ? true : false end # Returns a Range object which represents the value of the Content-Range: # header field. # For a partial entity body, this indicates where this fragment # fits inside the full entity body, as range of byte offsets. def content_range return nil unless @header['content-range'] m = %r<\A\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)-(\d+)/(\d+|\*)>.match(self['Content-Range']) or raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Range format' return unless m[1] == 'bytes' m[2].to_i .. m[3].to_i end # The length of the range represented in Content-Range: header. def range_length r = content_range() or return nil r.end - r.begin + 1 end # Returns a content type string such as "text/html". # This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist. def content_type return nil unless main_type() if sub_type() then "#{main_type()}/#{sub_type()}" else main_type() end end # Returns a content type string such as "text". # This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist. def main_type return nil unless @header['content-type'] self['Content-Type'].split(';').first.to_s.split('/')[0].to_s.strip end # Returns a content type string such as "html". # This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist # or sub-type is not given (e.g. "Content-Type: text"). def sub_type return nil unless @header['content-type'] _, sub = *self['Content-Type'].split(';').first.to_s.split('/') return nil unless sub sub.strip end # Any parameters specified for the content type, returned as a Hash. # For example, a header of Content-Type: text/html; charset=EUC-JP # would result in type_params returning {'charset' => 'EUC-JP'} def type_params result = {} list = self['Content-Type'].to_s.split(';') list.shift list.each do |param| k, v = *param.split('=', 2) result[k.strip] = v.strip end result end # Sets the content type in an HTTP header. # The +type+ should be a full HTTP content type, e.g. "text/html". # The +params+ are an optional Hash of parameters to add after the # content type, e.g. {'charset' => 'iso-8859-1'}. # # Net::HTTPHeader#content_type= is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#set_content_type. def set_content_type(type, params = {}) @header['content-type'] = [type + params.map{|k,v|"; #{k}=#{v}"}.join('')] end alias content_type= set_content_type # Set header fields and a body from HTML form data. # +params+ should be an Array of Arrays or # a Hash containing HTML form data. # Optional argument +sep+ means data record separator. # # Values are URL encoded as necessary and the content-type is set to # application/x-www-form-urlencoded # # Example: # http.form_data = {"q" => "ruby", "lang" => "en"} # http.form_data = {"q" => ["ruby", "perl"], "lang" => "en"} # http.set_form_data({"q" => "ruby", "lang" => "en"}, ';') # # Net::HTTPHeader#form_data= is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#set_form_data. def set_form_data(params, sep = '&') query = URI.encode_www_form(params) query.gsub!(/&/, sep) if sep != '&' self.body = query self.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' end alias form_data= set_form_data # Set an HTML form data set. # +params+ :: The form data to set, which should be an enumerable. # See below for more details. # +enctype+ :: The content type to use to encode the form submission, # which should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded or # multipart/form-data. # +formopt+ :: An options hash, supporting the following options: # :boundary :: The boundary of the multipart message. If # not given, a random boundary will be used. # :charset :: The charset of the form submission. All # field names and values of non-file fields # should be encoded with this charset. # # Each item of params should respond to +each+ and yield 2-3 arguments, # or an array of 2-3 elements. The arguments yielded should be: # * The name of the field. # * The value of the field, it should be a String or a File or IO-like. # * An options hash, supporting the following options, only # used for file uploads: # :filename :: The name of the file to use. # :content_type :: The content type of the uploaded file. # # Each item is a file field or a normal field. # If +value+ is a File object or the +opt+ hash has a :filename key, # the item is treated as a file field. # # If Transfer-Encoding is set as chunked, this sends the request using # chunked encoding. Because chunked encoding is HTTP/1.1 feature, # you should confirm that the server supports HTTP/1.1 before using # chunked encoding. # # Example: # req.set_form([["q", "ruby"], ["lang", "en"]]) # # req.set_form({"f"=>File.open('/path/to/filename')}, # "multipart/form-data", # charset: "UTF-8", # ) # # req.set_form([["f", # File.open('/path/to/filename.bar'), # {filename: "other-filename.foo"} # ]], # "multipart/form-data", # ) # # See also RFC 2388, RFC 2616, HTML 4.01, and HTML5 # def set_form(params, enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded', formopt={}) @body_data = params @body = nil @body_stream = nil @form_option = formopt case enctype when /\Aapplication\/x-www-form-urlencoded\z/i, /\Amultipart\/form-data\z/i self.content_type = enctype else raise ArgumentError, "invalid enctype: #{enctype}" end end # Set the Authorization: header for "Basic" authorization. def basic_auth(account, password) @header['authorization'] = [basic_encode(account, password)] end # Set Proxy-Authorization: header for "Basic" authorization. def proxy_basic_auth(account, password) @header['proxy-authorization'] = [basic_encode(account, password)] end def basic_encode(account, password) 'Basic ' + ["#{account}:#{password}"].pack('m0') end private :basic_encode def connection_close? token = /(?:\A|,)\s*close\s*(?:\z|,)/i @header['connection']&.grep(token) {return true} @header['proxy-connection']&.grep(token) {return true} false end def connection_keep_alive? token = /(?:\A|,)\s*keep-alive\s*(?:\z|,)/i @header['connection']&.grep(token) {return true} @header['proxy-connection']&.grep(token) {return true} false end end