=begin = net/protocol.rb written by Minero Aoki This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license. You can freely distribute/modify this library. =end require 'socket' module Net =begin == Net::Protocol the abstruct class for Internet protocol === Super Class Object === Class Methods : new( address = 'localhost', port = nil ) This method Creates a new protocol object. : start( address = 'localhost', port = nil, *protoargs ) : start( address = 'localhost', port = nil, *protoargs ) {|proto| .... } This method creates a new Protocol object and opens a session. equals to Net::Protocol.new( address, port ).start( *protoargs ) : Proxy( address, port ) This method creates a proxy class of its protocol. Arguments are address/port of proxy host. === Methods : address the address of connecting server (FQDN). : port connecting port number : start( *args ) : start( *args ) {|proto| .... } This method starts protocol. If protocol was already started, do nothing and returns false. '*args' are specified in subclasses. When is called as iterator, gives Protocol object to block and close session when block finished. : finish This method ends protocol. If you call this method before protocol starts, it only return false without doing anything. : active? true if session have been started =end class Protocol Version = '1.1.19' class << self def start( address = 'localhost', port = nil, *args ) instance = new( address, port ) if iterator? then instance.start( *args ) { yield instance } else instance.start *args instance end end def Proxy( p_addr, p_port ) klass = Class.new( self ) klass.module_eval %- def initialize( addr, port ) @proxyaddr = '#{p_addr}' @proxyport = '#{p_port}' super @proxyaddr, @proxyport @address = addr @port = port end def connect( addr = nil, port = nil ) super @proxyaddr, @proxyport end private :connect attr_reader :proxyaddr, :proxyport - def klass.proxy? true end klass end def proxy? false end private def protocol_param( name, val ) module_eval %- def self.#{name.id2name} #{val} end - end end # # sub-class requirements # # protocol_param command_type # protocol_param port # # private method do_start (optional) # private method do_finish (optional) # protocol_param :port, 'nil' protocol_param :command_type, 'nil' protocol_param :socket_type, '::Net::Socket' def initialize( addr = nil, port = nil ) @address = addr || 'localhost' @port = port || type.port @active = false @pipe = nil @command = nil @socket = nil end attr_reader :address, :port, :command, :socket def start( *args ) return false if active? begin connect do_start *args @active = true yield self if iterator? ensure finish if iterator? end end def finish ret = active? do_finish disconnect @active = false ret end def active? @active end def set_pipe( arg ) # un-documented @pipe = arg end private def do_start end def do_finish @command.quit end def connect( addr = @address, port = @port ) @socket = type.socket_type.open( addr, port, @pipe ) @command = type.command_type.new( @socket ) end def disconnect @command = nil if @socket and not @socket.closed? then @socket.close end @socket = nil end end Session = Protocol class Command def initialize( sock ) @socket = sock @last_reply = nil @critical = false end attr_accessor :socket attr_reader :last_reply # abstract quit private # abstract get_reply() def check_reply( *oks ) @last_reply = get_reply reply_must( @last_reply, *oks ) end def reply_must( rep, *oks ) oks.each do |i| if i === rep then return rep end end rep.error! end def getok( line, ok = SuccessCode ) @socket.writeline line check_reply ok end def critical return if @critical @critical = true r = yield @critical = false r end def critical? @critical end def begin_critical ret = @critical @critical = true not ret end def end_critical @critical = false end end class Response def initialize( ctype, cno, msg ) @code_type = ctype @code = cno @message = msg super() end attr_reader :code_type, :code, :message alias msg message def error! raise @code_type.error_type, @code + ' ' + Net.quote(@message) end end class ProtocolError < StandardError; end class ProtoSyntaxError < ProtocolError; end class ProtoFatalError < ProtocolError; end class ProtoUnknownError < ProtocolError; end class ProtoServerError < ProtocolError; end class ProtoAuthError < ProtocolError; end class ProtoCommandError < ProtocolError; end class ProtoRetriableError < ProtocolError; end ProtocRetryError = ProtoRetriableError class Code def initialize( paren, err ) @parents = paren @err = err @parents.push self end attr_reader :parents def error_type @err end def ===( response ) response.code_type.parents.reverse_each {|i| return true if i == self } false end def mkchild( err = nil ) type.new( @parents + [self], err || @err ) end end ReplyCode = Code.new( [], ProtoUnknownError ) SuccessCode = ReplyCode.mkchild( ProtoUnknownError ) ContinueCode = ReplyCode.mkchild( ProtoUnknownError ) ErrorCode = ReplyCode.mkchild( ProtocolError ) SyntaxErrorCode = ErrorCode.mkchild( ProtoSyntaxError ) FatalErrorCode = ErrorCode.mkchild( ProtoFatalError ) ServerErrorCode = ErrorCode.mkchild( ProtoServerError ) AuthErrorCode = ErrorCode.mkchild( ProtoAuthError ) RetriableCode = ReplyCode.mkchild( ProtoRetriableError ) UnknownCode = ReplyCode.mkchild( ProtoUnknownError ) class WriteAdapter def initialize( sock, mid ) @sock = sock @mid = mid end def write( str ) @sock.__send__ @mid, str end alias << write end class ReadAdapter def initialize( block ) @block = block end def <<( str ) @block.call str end end class Socket def initialize( addr, port, pipe = nil ) @addr = addr @port = port @pipe = pipe @prepipe = nil @closed = true @ipaddr = '' @sending = '' @buffer = '' @socket = TCPsocket.new( addr, port ) @closed = false @ipaddr = @socket.addr[3] end attr :pipe, true class << self alias open new end def reopen unless closed? then @socket.close @buffer = '' end @socket = TCPsocket.new( @addr, @port ) end attr :socket, true def close @socket.close @closed = true end def closed? @closed end def address @addr.dup end alias addr address attr_reader :port def ip_address @ipaddr.dup end alias ipaddr ip_address attr_reader :sending CRLF = "\r\n" D_CRLF = ".\r\n" TERMEXP = /\n|\r\n|\r/o def read( len, dest = '' ) @pipe << "reading #{len} bytes...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff rsize = 0 while rsize + @buffer.size < len do rsize += writeinto( dest, @buffer.size ) fill_rbuf end writeinto( dest, len - rsize ) @pipe << "read #{len} bytes\n" if pipeon dest end def read_all( dest = '' ) @pipe << "reading all...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff rsize = 0 begin while true do rsize += writeinto( dest, @buffer.size ) fill_rbuf end rescue EOFError ; end @pipe << "read #{rsize} bytes\n" if pipeon dest end def readuntil( target ) while true do idx = @buffer.index( target ) break if idx fill_rbuf end dest = '' writeinto( dest, idx + target.size ) dest end def readline ret = readuntil( CRLF ) ret.chop! ret end def read_pendstr( dest ) @pipe << "reading text...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff rsize = 0 while (str = readuntil( CRLF )) != D_CRLF do rsize += str.size str.gsub!( /\A\./o, '' ) dest << str end @pipe << "read #{rsize} bytes\n" if pipeon dest end def read_pendlist @pipe << "reading list...\n" if @pipe; pipeoff arr = [] str = nil while (str = readuntil( CRLF )) != D_CRLF do str.chop! arr.push str yield str if iterator? end @pipe << "read #{arr.size} lines\n" if pipeon arr end private READ_BLOCK = 1024 * 8 def fill_rbuf @buffer << @socket.sysread( READ_BLOCK ) end def writeinto( dest, len ) bsi = @buffer.size dest << @buffer[ 0, len ] @buffer = @buffer[ len, bsi - len ] @pipe << %{read "#{Net.quote dest}"\n} if @pipe len end public def write( str ) do_write_beg do_write_do str do_write_fin end def writeline( str ) do_write_beg do_write_do str do_write_do CRLF do_write_fin end def write_bin( src, block ) do_write_beg if block then block.call WriteAdapter.new( self, :do_write_do ) else src.each do |bin| do_write_do bin end end do_write_fin end def write_pendstr( src, block ) @pipe << "writing text from #{src.type}\n" if @pipe; pipeoff do_write_beg if block then block.call WriteAdapter.new( self, :write_pendstr_inner ) else write_pendstr_inner src end each_crlf_line2( :i_w_pend ) do_write_do D_CRLF wsize = do_write_fin @pipe << "wrote #{wsize} bytes text\n" if pipeon wsize end private def write_inner( src ) each_crlf_line( src, :do_write_do ) end def write_pendstr_inner( src ) each_crlf_line src, :i_w_pend end def i_w_pend( line ) do_write_do '.' if line[0] == ?. do_write_do line end def each_crlf_line( src, mid ) beg = 0 buf = pos = s = bin = nil adding( src ) do beg = 0 buf = @wbuf while true do pos = buf.index( TERMEXP, beg ) break unless pos s = $&.size break if pos + s == buf.size - 1 and buf[-1] == ?\r __send__ mid, buf[ beg, pos - beg ] << CRLF beg = pos + s end @wbuf = buf[ beg, buf.size - beg ] if beg != 0 end end def adding( src ) i = nil case src when String 0.step( src.size, 512 ) do |i| @wbuf << src[ i, 512 ] yield end when File while true do i = src.read( 512 ) break unless i @wbuf << i yield end else src.each do |bin| @wbuf << bin yield if @wbuf.size > 512 end end end def each_crlf_line2( mid ) buf = @wbuf beg = pos = nil buf << "\n" unless /\n|\r/o === buf[-1,1] beg = 0 while true do pos = buf.index( TERMEXP, beg ) break unless pos __send__ mid, buf[ beg, pos - beg ] << CRLF beg = pos + $&.size end end def do_write_beg @writtensize = 0 @sending = '' @wbuf = '' end def do_write_do( arg ) if @pipe or @sending.size < 128 then @sending << Net.quote( arg ) else @sending << '...' unless @sending[-1] == ?. end s = @socket.write( arg ) @writtensize += s s end def do_write_fin if @pipe then @pipe << 'write "' @pipe << @sending @pipe << "\"\n" end @socket.flush @writtensize end def pipeoff @prepipe = @pipe @pipe = nil @prepipe end def pipeon @pipe = @prepipe @prepipe = nil @pipe end end def Net.quote( str ) str = str.gsub( "\n", '\\n' ) str.gsub!( "\r", '\\r' ) str.gsub!( "\t", '\\t' ) str end end # module Net