module Psych ### # If an object defines +encode_with+, then an instance of Psych::Coder will # passed to the method when the object is being serialized. The Coder # automatically assumes a Psych::Nodes::Mapping is being emitted. Other # objects like Sequence and Scalar may be emitted if +seq=+ or +scalar=+ are # called, respectively. class Coder attr_accessor :tag, :style, :implicit attr_reader :type, :map, :scalar, :seq def initialize tag @map = {} @seq = [] @implicit = false @type = :map @tag = tag @style = Psych::Nodes::Mapping::BLOCK @scalar = nil end # Emit a scalar with +value+ and +tag+ def represent_scalar tag, value self.tag = tag self.scalar = value end # Emit a sequence with +list+ and +tag+ def represent_seq tag, list @tag = tag self.seq = list end # Emit a sequence with +map+ and +tag+ def represent_map tag, map @tag = tag = map end # Emit a scalar with +value+ def scalar= value @type = :scalar @scalar = value end # Emit a map with +value+ def map= map @type = :map @map = map end def []= k, v @type = :map @map[k] = v end def [] k @type = :map @map[k] end # Emit a sequence of +list+ def seq= list @type = :seq @seq = list end end end